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Visit the 2000 News and Commentary Archives
Unyielding tough guys leading the United States and Israel was all that
Osama bin Laden needed to push the button that could set off World War III. | |
12/20/01 | ENRON: THIEVES, INC. |
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12/19/01 | THE TOBACCO TAX TALIBAN | ![]() | |
12/18/01 | CASUAL ATROCITIES | What was most disturbing about watching Osama bin Laden's taped confession released by the Pentagon December 13th was the casual, satisfying manner in which he discussed his atrocities against America with several of his co-conspirators. | |
12/8/01 | AN AMERICAN TRAGEDY | Published in USA TODAY - December 12, 2001 John Phillip Walker Lindh, the 20-year-old American, turned bin Laden-Al-Qaeda-trained Taliban fighter, is more likely a "made in the U.S.A" poster boy for an American tragedy than he is a traitor. | |
12/7/01 | HOPE BUSH REALLY MEANT IT | In response to the horrible events of September 11th, President George W. Bush went before Congress, declared war on terrorism and promised harsh punishment for any nation or government that sponsored or gave safe refuge to terrorist organizations. | |
12/7/01 | STEVE BRILL - SEPTEMBER 11TH EXPLOITER | From Authorlink News: Simon & Schuster to Pay Brill Six Figures for Book About Sept. 11
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11/30/01 | UNCONSCIONABLE PARTISAN POLITICS | When I read the article on the front page of my issue of USA TODAY, I was aghast, indeed outraged, by the casual slide back to partisan politics as usual.. | |
11/30/01 | CHATTERING CLASSES | Re: John Leo's "Our shattered chatterers" - December 3rd issue U.S. News & World Report
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11/28/01 | FEMINISTS HIJACK WAR AGAINST TERRORISM | Violations of women's rights notwithstanding, it is nonetheless troubling to realize that major support for the war in Afghanistan comes from feminists because of the Taliban's brutal history of repression against women... | |
11/26/01 | FROM JUDICIAL WATCH: CHINAGATE | Judicial Watch victory: Federal court rules Commerce Department must turn
over attorney documents in landmark Chinagate case. LATE RELEASE Criminal Phase Likely Next for Commerce FOIA Case | |
11/09/01 | WHAT HAPPENED TO ELECTION REFORM? | The 2000 election debacle anniversary is at hand and little, if any, progress has been made on election reform throughout the nation. | |
11/08/01 | CHARITY BUREAUCRACY, GOVERNMENT HYPOCRISY | Their good works notwithstanding, the Red Cross, other charities and funds established to aid the victims of September 11th have committed unconscionable fraud against compassionate donors by converting funds to artificial administrative costs and unrelated programs. | |
11/04/01 | MEDIA AND GOVERNMENT SHAMED, NOT PREPARED | Our nation's major television and print news media are long overdue for doses of constructive scrutiny and criticism from the viewing and reading public, particularly when the American people's health, safety and survival are virtually at stake. Indeed, local news media fed by networks, the Associated Press and government are inextricable parts of the problem. | |
10/30/01 | RED CROSS CHARITY BUREAUCRACY | Any large organization is replete with costly, cumbersome and incompetent bureaucracy. The Red Cross is proving to be no different, particularly in the gross mishandling of over $500 million donated by compassionate Americans to assist victims of the terrorist attacks. | |
10/29/01 | COULD THIS BE AMERICA'S FINAL TEST? | America's freedom has been tested many times since the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776. Indeed, our country and our form of government endured a second war with the powerful monarchy from which we separated in 1812, a brutal Civil War and two world wars... | |
10/28/01 | ANTHRAX PROBABLY DOMESTIC TERRORISM | Soon after the suicide skyjacker terrorist attacks on America's symbols of economic and military power at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, another kind of terrorism was mailed to the nation's symbols of tabloid and news media outlets,... | |
10/24/01 | DON'T OVERLOOK GOOD NEWS | Less than two months after horrendous terrorist attacks took thousands of innocent lives, our nation is replete with bad news. The United States and our allies are at war with terrorism at home and around the world. | |
10/23/01 | WHAT'S WRONG WITH EDUCATION? | Here are some test questions. Question 1: Which of the following is equal to a quarter of a million? (a) 40,000 (b) 250,000 (c) 2,500,000 (d) 1/4,000,000 or (e) 4/1,000,000? Question 2: Martin Luther King Jr. (insert the correct choice) for the poor of all races. (a) spoke out passionately (b) spoke out passionate (c) did spoke out passionately (d) has spoke out passionately or (e) had spoken out passionate. Question 3: What would you do if your student sprained an ankle? (a) Put a Band-Aid on it (b) Ice it (c) Rinse it with water. | |
10/22/01 | AMERICA DISARMED | On September 11, 2001, the forces of barbarism declared war on civilization. The targets of this act of war-the World Trade Center and the Pentagon-were carefully chosen. They represent the central values of American civilization: | |
10/20/01 | 40 DAYS OF TERROR - America vs the United States | On September 10, 2001, America was a superficial society assaulted by selfish interests and battered by the failures of good intentions. | |
10/18/01 | OSAMA BIN LADEN COULD BRING AMERICA TO ITS KNEES | It is obvious that Osama Bin Laden has developed warped hatred toward America and the ruling family of Saudi Arabia for what he believes are defiling threats to his homeland and his malignant version of Islam. | |
10/14/01 | BEWARE CHINA'S TIES> TO THE TALIBAN | The deadly attacks on the United States in New York and Washington prompted some suggestions that the U.S. must work with Communist China to combat international terrorism... | |
10/11/01 | IS THE NEWS MEDIA SPREADING TERROR? | ![]() | |
10/11/01 | INTERNATIONAL MCcARTHYISM | By James Fox Columnist
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When assigning blame for the failure of U.S. foreign and domestic
intelligence, the adverse effects of partisan politics should not be
overlooked | |
10/09/01 | 'JIHAD': Unmasking America's new enemy | "To kill Americans and their allies, civilians, and military is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it." -- Osama bin Laden, Feb. 23, 1998 | |
10/09/01 | UNGRATEFUL OSAMA BIN LADEN | Osama Bin Laden should be grateful that he cut his teeth on the family fortune and prospered through capitalism brought on by the related riches of selling Saudi Arabian oil to America,... | |
10/08/01 | LEARNING TO LOVE TERRORISTS | ![]() | |
10/04/01 | AMERICA'S PAIN COMES FROM WITHIN | ![]() | |
10/01/01 | AMERICA NEEDS AN ALTERNATIVE | ![]() to fighting Osama Bin Laden's Al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein in a winless war against terrorism... | |
10/01/01 | ANXIETY SOCIETY | The horrific events of September 11, 2001 turned America into a nation steeped in fear and uncertainty, however, our culture developed into an anxiety society long before the day of terrorist carnage. | |
09/15/01 | DID LACK OF INTELLIGENCE LET IT HAPPEN? | Words at a time like this are difficult and often misunderstood, but in the aftermath of the heinous attack on America, and while our government is planning to avenge... | |
09/14/01 | WHAT DOES BEING AN AMERICAN MEAN | Being an American means enjoying more security, freedom and liberty than any other nation in the world.... | |
09/11/01 | MIDDLE EAST OIL AND TERRORISM | While we are struggling with the reasons for the horrific attacks against the United States and Americans in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania... | |
07/22/01 | PASS THE FAIR TAX ACT OF 2001 | The FairTax Act of 2001 has been reintroduced to the 107th Congress and
assigned bill number H.R. 2525. Detailed information can be found at: Americans for Fair Taxation
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07/22/01 | SARA | SARA - Scholarly Articles Research Alerting, is a special email service designed to deliver tables of contents, for any Taylor & Francis, Carfax, Routledge, Spon Press, Martin Dunitz or Psychology Press journal, to anyone who has requested the information. This service is completely free of charge. | |
07/17/01 | SOLVE ENERGY CRISIS WITH ELECTRONIC DEMOCRACY | Energy shortfalls and inadequacies cannot be addressed without realizing that the exponential demand for electricity was brought on by population growth... | |
07/17/01 | THE ELECTRIC CITY SOCIETY ENERGY CRISIS PROPOSAL | (To Governor Davis' Office on Technology)
Subject: Outline - Internet assistance in solving energy crisis
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07/17/01 | ABOUT DEMOCRACY | Is the United States of America the premier democracy in the world?... | |
06/07/01 | A JEWEL IN THE CROWN OF AMERICAN SELF-GOVERNMENT | IN THE TWO-year political cycle that culminated on Election Day 2000, some 350 initiative petitions were submitted to election officials in the 24 states... | |
05/28/01 | FOOTDRAGGING ON VOTING SYSTEMS | Alas, Florida notwithstanding, it seems that the states will accomplish little or nothing to reform and upgrade archaic voting systems... | |
05/28/01 | SENATOR JEFFORDS AND THE TWO-PARTY SYSTEM | Senator Jeffords' bolt from the Republican Party should act as a call for centrists from both parties to shed their party bondage... | |
05/28/01 | LACK OF ENERGY IN ENERGY POLICY | The energy crisis facing California is the result of partisan cancers that threaten to spread.... | |
05/19/01 | NO QUICK FIX SHORT OF NATIONALIZED ENERGY | Instead of pursuing the usual rancor of partisan politics over the energy crisis, solutions should be focused on the welfare of the American people... | |
05/12/01 | CHENEY TALKS ENERGY POLICY SENSE | After decades of little or no national energy policy to keep America ahead of the supply and demand game,... | |
05/12/01 | | This fall, tens of thousands of bright-eyed and malleable young men and women will descend on American campuses to begin their academic careers in earnest.... | |
Tax-reform drive building up steam Nonprofit group champions legislation to mothball IRS By Julie Foster - | |
04/13/01 | THE VIRTUAL CLASSROOM | ![]() | |
04/13/01 | NEW YORK OBSERVER Editorial | We Won't Forget Some day soon, public interest in the Clinton administration's final disgrace will fade,... | |
04/13/01 | GEORGE WASHINGTON'S FAREWELL ADDRESS | (Includes a spirited attack on political parties, warnings against the consolidation of government, foreign entanglements, and support for the sovereignty of the people) | |
04/8/01 | ENERGY CRISIS AND THE INITIATIVE PROCESS | California's energy crisis is the result of environmental extremists,... | |
03/29/01 | 2000 ELECTION DIVIDES NATIONAWAKENS DEMOCRACY | We have just gone through a bitterly divided presidential election. The votes were razor thin and hotly contested in the courts... | |
02/28/01 | C-SPAN taped Founder's political science class lecture | on direct democracy and his book, AMERICA'S CRISIS, which will air in about 3 weeks on C-SPAN 2 BOOK TV. Air date and time will be posted as soon as it is confirmed. | |
02/16/01 | NO MORE CLINTON BASHING | Effective immediately, the DDC will cease criticizing the Clintons... | |
02/6/01 | CLINTON'S PARDONS UNPARDONABLE | Anyone who thinks Bill Clinton's 11th hour pardons weren't a product of carefully crafted, self-serving abuse of power must live on Naive Road... | 02/6/01 | THE ENERGY CRISIS: HOW DID IT HAPPEN? | Californians, including elected officials and policy-makers, are frustrated by the energy crisis... |
02/2/01 | US NEWS & World Report | The Democrats are intent on racializing every issue... | |
02/2/01 | CLINTON'S TITLE OF NOBILITY | Article I, Section 9 (8) of the Constitution says that, "No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States... | |
02/2/01 | FIRST CONGRESSIONALLY MANDATED INTERNET VOTE POINTS THE WAY TO TECHNOLOGY OF THE YEAR | WITH THE PACE of PC sales slowing, a technology that took its first wobbly steps... | |
02/2/01 | AMERICA NEEDS STANDARDIZED VOTING NETWORKS | The contentious, razor-thin 2000 presidential election, coupled with Florida's electoral debacle and a questionable Supreme Court decision handing the election... | |
02/2/01 | US NEWS & WORLD REPORT: JOHN LEO TELLS IT LIKE IT IS | US News & World Report's John Leo wrote another courageous article, as he always does, telling truths seldom seen in print or any of the dominant news media. | |
01/29/01 | FINALLY, EDUCATION IS ON THE NATIONAL TABLE | By putting his education agenda on the national table can President Bush ease the strangle hold of the teacher unions... | |
01/24/01 | IS BUSH BEING VINDICTIVE WITH CALIFORNIA? | When President Bush said that California's energy crisis was the state's problem, not a federal problem,... | |
01/24/01 | CLINTON'S BURNING BRIDGE EXIT | Those who say Clinton made a fitting exit hit the mark... | |
01/20/01 | PRESIDENT CLINTON: ARROGANT TO THE END | President Clinton's, first ever, presidential farewell speech to the nation,... | |
01/17/01 | CALIFORNIA'S GOVERNMENT BY CRISIS | The measure of government -- especially in a republic of representative democracy -- is how government looks after the interests and common good of the people... | |
01/06/01 | DISENFRANCHISED VOTERS SPEAK OUT | Disenfranchised voters from Florida and around the country sounded the alarm over unequal, archaic and inadequate voting systems... |
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