It has become brutally clear that little or nothing was learned from a
decade of attacks on Americans before the 1991 Gulf War, the 1993 World
Trade Center bombing, and all the other acts of terrorism against the United
States leading to the horrific September 11th attack on America -- least of
all by the news media, now reporting all terror all the time.
Rather than practicing deliberative journalism, the news media used the Gulf
war to thrust themselves into obsessive/compulsive reporting of events
deemed major by the their culture. Certainly, the list is well known, from
the O.J. Simpson case to the Columbine High School massacre, from Somalia to
Bosnia and Kosovo, and from the death of Princess Diana to the death of JFK
Jr. Each resulted in extended, saturation coverage that was simply overdone
with negative results.
However, these horrible, unconscionable, acts of terrorist war are entirely
different. Knee jerk reactions and feeding frenzy business as usual have no
place in this deadly arena. Yet the news media have kicked their action
into overdrive competition for the latest scare, throwing fuel on the fires
with mixed messages, and leaving people vastly more afraid and insecure than
The anthrax scare is clearly a case in point, not to mention pointing out
all the nation's vulnerabilities for all the world and terrorists to see or
get ideas they might not otherwise have.
Indeed, the message most people, whose lives are rapidly changing, might
have for the news media could very well be, "We should have trust and faith
in the press, but we don't. It's time to come down from your lofty perches
and get your acts together with caution and common sense for the good of the
country, our survival and our future."
Surely, we want to have faith in our news media. But we need to be
truthfully informed about important things to help us understand what's
going on, rather than being incapacitated by fear or
steeped in uncertainty by overblown terrorist scenarios or biological,
chemical and nuclear threats which could easily turn into panic attacks.
Now, more than ever, we need free speech and the free press protect us from
the often blurred lines between liberty and tyranny. Now, more than ever,
we need a responsible press to hold those lines. And now, more than
ever, we need the press to distinguish between the real deal and rumors, and
not to yell "fire" in a crowded theater unless there is a fire.
Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center