Our nation's major television and print news media are long overdue for
doses of constructive scrutiny and criticism from the viewing and reading
public, particularly when the American people's health, safety and survival
are virtually at stake. Indeed, local news media fed by networks, the
Associated Press and government are inextricable parts of the problem.
Simply put, since the terrorist attacks stunned the country, the news media
reacted in the only way they knew how: saturation coverage with emphasis
added to heighten dramatic effects, overly repetitive prints and replays of
devastation, parades of pundits and unprecedented competition between cable
and broadcast news networks, each asking viewers to stay with or depend on
them for covering the attack on America and the war against terrorism.
Then, of course, it went from bad to worse when anthrax terrorism hit the
media and government in the mail. But, instead of handling the situations
with restraint and common sense, reactionary government and the
purveyors of questionable information spread their own fear and anxiety
throughout the country, day after day, week after week.
Over the past decade, government and the news media were very adept at
promoting confusion and uncertainty about nearly everything in our lives.
They have become experts at putting on mass political shows and public
spectacles, foreign and domestic, to further their ratings and political
agendas. However, this is not business as usual and it's no time for
This is not O.J. Simpson, Princess Diana, JFK Jr., Elian, Monica or
impeachment. It's not the Gulf War, or media-driven wars in Haiti, Somalia,
Bosnia and Kosovo. And it's certainly not a time for self-serving political
posturing. Rather, this is absolutely unique to the most serious foreign and
domestic policy matters that have been festering for as long the United
States has been dependent on Middle East Oil.
This is brooding hate, bitterness and discontent that has turned even more
personal, religious and very deadly for the long term, simply because our
leaders and our news media have established a shameful record of placing
selfish interests, partisan politics and shallow reporting ahead of common
sense, compelling wisdom and America's future.
Witness what is happening and we can already see childish impatience, nit
picking and mixed messages about the war on terrorism, switching gears to
Afghan victims, and continued leads and headlines hawking anthrax scares and
every conceivable terrorist threat. Clearly, life in government and media
cultures amount to chattering classes of superficial anxiety societies, but
that's not the way it's supposed to be out here in the homeland, and it's
certainly not the way most of us want to live.
We need a responsible press and a highly efficient democratic government
with the public's interest at heart. The people's interest, not blatantly
hyped commercialism and unbridled partisan politics. It's surreal and
grossly disturbing to see that the news media and government bureaucracy
seem almost clueless about how to handle the new world of terrorism and
counterterrorism. Indeed, years ago something like the Boy Scout motto
should have been adopted. "Be prepared," meaning: be always ready, keep
strong, meet problems and never be taken by surprise.
Alas, the way things are shaping up, the economy and jobs are waning faster,
knee-jerk government spending is escalating, and our casualties of terrorism
are becoming double victims at the unwitting hands of inept media and
government. We are ordinary people living in extraordinary times. Surely,
we must get our acts together soon, or we might not survive act two or
three. President Bush and company have bigger knots to untie and at least
they are trying to do the right thing. Congress and the national media are
Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center