Judicial Watch victory: Federal court rules Commerce Department must turn over attorney documents in landmark Chinagate case.
Criminal Phase Likely Next for Commerce FOIA Case
Court Ruled Clinton Commerce Department Improperly Withheld Documents -
Ex-Clinton Officials Will Be Deposed
(Washington, DC) Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that
investigates and prosecutes government corruption, today announced that a
federal court ordered that the Commerce Department must turn over attorney
documents to Judicial Watch in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit
concerning the sale of Clinton Commerce Department trade mission seats in
exchange for campaign contributions. It was this FOIA case which first
exposed accused spy John Huang to public scrutiny and, according to Fox
News, "got the ball rolling" on the Chinagate scandal.
In a November 16, 2001 order, The Honorable Royce C. Lamberth, citing
"egregious misconduct by DOC [Department of Commerce] officials in an
attempt to withhold certain [FOIA] documents from production," ruled that
the Commerce Department must produce certain documents created by its
attorneys concerning the FOIA search. (Through its investigation, Judicial
Watch uncovered evidence that the Commerce Department attorneys, working in
concert with officials at the Clinton White House, illegally withheld
documents concerning the illegal sale of Commerce trade mission seats.
Nolanda Hill, late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown's business partner and
paramour, also testified before Judge Lamberth that the scheme to sell the
Commerce trade mission seats for political contributions was conceived of by
Hillary Clinton and implemented by Bill Clinton and Al Gore.)
In another ruling last week, Judge Lamberth ruled that discovery in the
seven year old case will come to a close in 90 days. Other witnesses to be
deposed, per the Court's order, include ex-Clinton White House lawyers Bruce
Lindsey and Cheryl Mills. Following the close of discovery, Judicial Watch
will ask the Court that Clinton White House and Commerce Department
officials who obstructed the court's orders to produce documents be held in
criminal contempt of court. Judge Lamberth has already said that he would
entertain such motions.