IN THE TWO-year political cycle that culminated on Election Day 2000, some
350 initiative petitions were submitted to election officials in the 24
states that permit laws to be passed at the ballot box. Of those 350, only
76 made it onto the ballot. And of those 76, only 36 were adopted. Of all
the initiatives proposed for the 2000 election, in other words, 90 percent
ended in failure.
In the same 24 states, meanwhile, more than 10,000 laws were enacted by
state legislators. Totals for the 2000 cycle aren't yet available, but
according to the Council of State Governments, lawmakers in the 24
direct-democracy states passed 11,000 laws in the 1998 cycle, and a whopping
17,000 in the two years before that.
It's hard to imagine that anyone could look at those numbers - 36 laws
created by ballot initiative versus 10,000 or more created by state
legislatures - and conclude that initiatives are out of control. But there
are such people. Especially in the state legislatures.
Initiatives are the last resort of desperate citizens, a way to check the
power of remote or arrogant lawmakers. When politicians refuse to heed the
public, when special interests block reform, when the governor is
disdainful, when the courts offer no relief, voters in 24 states still have
some leverage: They can bypass the Legislature and change the statute-book
As the numbers make clear, this doesn't happen very often, but even a little
citizen lawmaking seems to drive politicians crazy. It offends them that
ordinary voters have the chutzpah to demand a say, once in a while, on an
issue of public policy.
To stem this plague of democratic decision-making, they have taken to
sabotaging it with onerous rules: They hike the number of signatures needed
to qualify a measure for the ballot. They ban payments to signature
collectors. They require petition circulators to be registered voters. They
only permit initiatives that deal with a ''single subject'' - a term then
construed to invalidate even narrowly drawn ballot questions. They demand
that signatures be gathered from far-flung corners of the state - a high
barrier in huge but sparsely populated Western states.
If they are completely without shame - if they are, say, the Massachusetts
General Court - they openly flout the law. In 1992, 75,000 Bay State
citizens signed a petition to put a term-limits amendment on the ballot.
Under the state constitution, the Legislature was required - not allowed,
required - to take a vote; if 25 percent of the members backed the measure,
it would have moved to the ballot. But the Legislature, manipulated by
then-Senate President William Bulger, refused to vote, and the amendment
It is bad enough that lawmakers go to such lengths to undermine the
initiative process. Even worse is when they do so to defend the
The Oklahoma Legislature, to take the most egregious current example, has
just approved an amendment doubling the number of signatures required for
any ballot measure involving animals. The reason for this double standard?
To block an initiative outlawing the grotesque bloodsport of cockfighting.
Incredibly, it is still legal in Oklahoma to attach razors to the legs of
roosters and then goad them into slashing each other while spectators bet on
which one will bleed to death first. Even more incredibly, Oklahoma's
elected representatives are willing to erode Oklahoma's democratic system to
protect this barbaric entertainment.
Travesties like these make it easy to understand the disesteem in which the
average voter holds the average state legislator. ''Most Americans believe
their elected officials look out first for themselves, then for their
contributors, and put serving the public well down on their list of
priorities,'' writes David Broder. ''To tell American voters today that a
politician is better motivated, more civic minded, and a better custodian of
the commonweal than the voters themselves might be an insult to their
Nicely balancing the voters' low opinion of legislators is their high
opinion of the initiative process. In a new Rasmussen poll, 68 percent of
respondents nationwide support the right of citizens to bring proposed laws
to the ballot; only 13 percent oppose it. By a similarly lopsided 65-20,
they say a law adopted by the voters is more likely to be in the public
interest than a bill passed by the legislature. And they are under no
illusion about the reason legislators keep finding new way to regulate
ballot questions: It is to preserve their power (67 percent), not to protect
the public (16 percent).
Citizen initiatives are good for democracy and a jewel of self-government.
More often than not, they bear out Holmes's dictum that the best test of
truth is the power of an idea to get itself accepted in the competition of
the market. A ballot measure that wins the electorate's approval is likely
to have been broadly publicized, vigorously debated, carefully analyzed, and
widely discussed. If only the same could be said about all our laws.
This story ran on page A18 of the Boston Globe on 6/7/2001.
© Copyright 2001 Globe Newspaper Company.
Related book to read: STEALING THE INITIATIVE:
How State Government Responds to Direct Democracy
Authors: Elizabeth Gerber, D. Roderick Kiewiet,
Arthur Lupia and Matthew D. McDubbins
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR - August 2000
>From The Publisher:
This book uses eleven recent California initiatives and referendums to
provide readers with a set of analytical tools and examples that will help
them better understand real politics. It clarifies the public consequences,
and studies the great variations of what happens to initiatives that win on
Election Day and withstand judicial review. Research is presented in an
effective and efficient manner, along with key factors that lead policy
actors to implement and enforce initiatives and referendums fully,
partially, and not at all-a social phenomenon that affects our lives in
fundamental ways. A wide range of policy areas cover tobacco tax,
transportation, legislative spending provision, term limits provision, open
primaries, and bilingual education. This book also includes varied
conclusions about how to reform the initiative process to improve direct
democracy. For citizens who want to understand and/or increase their role in
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.
2. Background on California's Initiative Process.
3. The Politics of Initiative Compliance.
4. Methodology.
5. Proposition 63 of 1986, English Only.
6. Proposition 97 of 1988, Cal/OSHA.
7. Proposition 99 of 1988, Tobacco Tax.
8. Proposition 116 of 1990, Transportation.
9. Proposition 140 of 1990, Legislative Spending Provision.
10. Proposition 140 of 1990, Term Limits Provision.
11. Proposition 184 of 1994, Three Strikes.
12. Proposition 198 of 1996, Open Primaries.
13. Proposition 227 of 1998, Bilingual Education.
14. Proposition 4 of 1979, Gann Limit.
15. Public School Finance and the Limited Legacy of Proposition 13.
16. Conclusion.