It is obvious that Osama Bin Laden has developed warped hatred toward
America and the ruling family of Saudi Arabia for what he believes are
defiling threats to his homeland and his malignant version of Islam.
Undoubtedly, Bin Laden is using attacks on America and the war in
Afghanistan as springboards to enrage militant-leaning Muslims, overthrow
the Saudi government, get the U.S. military out and return as the country's
leader, just as the Ayatollah Khomeini did in Iran. However, his ultimate
aspirations are more likely hegemonic control over the Middle East from a
centralized Al-Qaeda, rather than setting up an Islamic Republic.
Saudi Arabia produces two-thirds of the oil from the Mideast and it has
even larger oil reserves. Surely, it should be assumed that if Osama Bin
Laden accomplishes his ambitions, he would cut off the United States, Great
Britain and other countries who are out to destroy him. Thus, he could
bring America and his other enemies to their economic knees.
But then, there are the bonfires of insanities between Israel and the
Palestinians and, of course, Saddam Hussein's Hitlerism to deal with.
Coupled with inconsistent U.S. foreign and Mideast policy, Osama Bin
Laden's thinking and the world crisis over terrorism are about as clear as
crude oil.
Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center