California's energy crisis is the result of environmental extremists,
manipulative corporate greed, posturing politicians and legislative chaos.
Indeed, the state is facing economic collapse and it's time for the people
to take action with ballot initiatives.
The California initiative process was established in 1911 because
the Legislature could not or would not represent the people's interests
against abusive railroad companies and corporations so the people had to
decide important matters to protect themselves.
Though ballot initiatives were supposed to be for the people, it wasn't long
before they were dominated by powerful moneyed interests rather than the
people's interests. Other than initiatives like the 1978 Proposition tax
revolt, the initiative process has become too restrictive for ordinary
citizens and too often compromised by the courts.
Clearly, California's energy crisis demands two constitutional initiatives:
First, to put public utility decisions in the hands the people with
professional energy managers accountable directly to the people. And
second, to take the initiative process out of the hands of moneyed interests
and blind crusaders, and return it to the direct democracy of voters.
Government should face two choices: Instead of standing in the way, the
governor and the Legislature could do the right thing and put on a special
election for the initiatives. Or continue their failing ways and face
defeat or recall while the economy collapses.
Daniel B . Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center