San Bernardino Sun
August 20, 2015
Time to turn our government around
Re: “Can California cut gasoline usage in half in 15 years? Probably not” (Aug. 12)
California government punishing the populace
Look what’s happening to Californians: The California political elite in Sacramento and elsewhere are leading activists, and indoctrinated voters to punishing businesses and the populace with insane laws, which will surely result in a self-imposed collapse of our economy, our security and our society.
Highlighted by the costly miseducation of our students, strangling our energy resources, electricity, transportation, personal and business income with onerous regulations -- deceitful voter-approved Propositions, including a stupid bullet train – Californians are literally under siege by a destructive ideology.
Alas, taken together, Assembly Bill 32 cap and trade, Proposition 30, extreme taxation and now Senate Bill 350 cutting gas use by 50 percent, coupled with AB 109 and Prop. 47 criminal releases and sanctuary cities, and opening prison and jail gates, releasing criminals to prey on the people in the middle of an unjust war against the police, our first line of defense, is bad government that needs to be replaced by limited government and real democracy….
Indeed, at a time when California’s authoritarian government is trying to eliminate voters’ constitutional rights to initiative, referendum and recall, it’s time to turn government around.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Riverside Press Enterprise
July 13, 2015
Greece betrayed Democracy
Since the birth of Democracy in 5th Century BC, Athens by Pericles, Greece has betrayed democracy by using it to establish a self-destructive society strangled by self-imposed socialism. Indeed, the Greek people became too reliant on government providing them with all the benefits of living without responsibility, and rejecting government austerity.
Clearly, in the centuries since the success of Pericles direct democracy, it has been demonized as being the tyranny of the majority and the people voting themselves largess. However, a socialist-style society is vulnerable to be consumed by Communism, wherein a dictatorship government owns everything, including the people, who have no rights, no property, and become slaves of the state.
Alas, the world knows that through many years of tyrannical monarchies, the dictatorial socialism/fascism such as Germany and Italy -- and the scourge of Communist Russia, China, North Korea and Cuba -- are the mortal enemies of freedom.
Indeed, America became the hope of the world by separating from a monarchy with a revolutionary war and establishing a unique constitutional republic of representative democracy and all the freedoms that came with it -- for as long as we could hold on to it. And we have, against and all enemies, foreign and domestic. Yet, even here, the tyranny of the minority and the evils of socialism have grown and persist with indoctrination, government growth and the abuse of power.
Surely, with the additional threat of terrorism against us, we have reached critical crossroads and must recover and survive. The only way to do that is to truthfully inform the people and establish a direct representative democracy, wherein professional government managers – not politicians – are elected. They must be confirmed each year, and must truthfully inform the voters. Voters would decide all matters of taxation and public policy. We can do that with a 28th Amendment to the Constitution.
Greece lost its roots of democracy and failed. America cannot to the same.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
June 28, 2013
Re: It's a sad day for democracy - by Brian S. Brown.
I agree. Voters lose, gay federal judge and tyranny of the minority win
The Chief Justice Roberts and the Supreme Court majority betrayed democracy and the Constitution by saying the sponsors of Proposition 8 did not have legal standing to appeal after the ballot measure was struck down by Vaughn Walker, a gay a federal judge in San Francisco. Both decisions against the majority of California voters were unconstitutional and unconscionable.
It didn't matter that former Attorney General, now Governor Jerry Brown and Attorney General Kamala Harris violated their oaths of office by refusing to defend Proposition 8 simply because they were against the will of the people, who passed the state constitutional amendment by a 52 percent vote, prohibiting gay marriage.
Alas, the tyranny of San Francisco and the gay minority by social intimidation and legal extortion have dealt fatal blows to our legal system and the traditional institution of marriage, confirming the dangers of what is becoming a superficial society of moral decay, social aggression, political terrorism, selfish interests and extremes.
Wall Street Journal
January 21, 2013
Time to re-examine ourselves
At a time when our society has reached an all-time divisive high stemming from the cultural revolution, it is surely time to stop and re-examine ourselves. Particularly, when -- over the last few decades -- we have become a high tech superficial society of social aggression, political terrorism, economic repression, selfish interests and extremes.
Indeed, when our unique democratic constitutional republic has been distorted, circumvented and compromised by liberal indoctrination, dumbed-down education, relentlessly destructive government growth, laws, regulations and dependency -- replete with litigious predators and parasites, the unnecessary expansion of the psychology industry, intensely revolutionized technology and communications, and the corrosive nothingness of the entertainment industry -- the absolute necessity of personal responsibility and freedom is losing.
Clearly, we are living in an anxiety society exacerbated by visceral, self-destructive politics and a world mortally damaged and threatened by unrelenting Islamic terrorism. Too many of us escape into the cyber space fantasyland in the denial of reality and consequences, while being enveloped by the undue influence of meddlers, peddlers, self-serving pitches, and government abuse of power.
Unfortunately, an overall recovery of American life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and exceptionalism will not happen without -- painful social, political and economic experiences -- the restoration of family stability, work ethic, honesty and integrity. Fortunately, there is time to re-examine ourselves. And we must, before it's too late.
Fortunately -- in terms of overcoming our greatest threat of overwhelming government -- advances in technology could provide us direct representative democracy by means of voting networks wherein we elect well-compensated nonpartisan professional government managers -- subject to annual confirmation -- instead of professional politicians. All elections would be held over the voting networks. Voters would be truthfully informed and could communicate with their representatives. All matters of taxation, spending and public policy would be decided by the voters. A 28th Amendment to the Constitution establishing the system of direct democracy voting networks for all states would do nicely.
San Francisco Examiner
December 15, 2011
Call for direct democracy
Campaign financing is the root of all political quid pro quo evil, which puts special and moneyed interests ahead of the people’s interests. There should be no state or federal campaign financing. It is self-corrupting, self-serving and promotes the pursuit of personal power by elected officials. Surely, if there were to be a constitutional amendment, it should establish nonpartisan direct democracy by secure voting networks connected to voters’ homes.
The amendment should require representatives to be highly qualified, well-compensated professional government managers — rather than partisan professional politicians — subject to annual confirmation by voters to remain in office. Voters would decide all matters of taxation and public policy. And existing constitutional rights and protections could not be removed.
Daniel B. Jeffs, Apple Valley
Read more at the San Francisco Examiner:
(Original letter)
The political campaign and finance conundrum
Campaign financing is the root of all political quid-pro-quo evil, which puts special and moneyed interests ahead of the people's interests. Lest we forget, Article II, Section 1 of the California Constitution rightly states that, "All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their protection, security and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require."
Indeed, there should be no state or federal campaign financing or legislative aisles divided by partisan D's and R's. It is self-corrupting, self-serving, and promotes the pursuit of personal power by elected representatives and officials. Surely, if there were to be a constitutional amendment, it should be an amendment establishing nonpartisan direct representative democracy by means of secure voting networks connected to voters' homes.
The amendment should require representatives to be highly qualified, well compensated nonpartisan professional government managers, rather than partisan professional politicians, subject to annual confirmation by voters to remain in office. All elections would be conducted over the voting networks, and voters would be able to communicate with each other and their representative. Voters would decide all matters of taxation and public policy. And existing constitutional rights and protections could not be removed.
With the advances in communications technology, secure voting networks could certainly be established. The amendment would take campaign finance and the worst out of politics, give us the best in representation, and control of government.
Americans Elect Pick a President, not a party
Take part in America's first direct presidential nomination
Americans Elect is the first nonpartisan presidential nomination.
Enter the Specitocracy
by Dave Schere
I believe that it is now possible to create a system of government that will provide to all of us, a greater degree of representation, competence and integrity than has ever existed before. Most of us now have concluded that not only are our values not being properly represented by our government, but it's function at all levels is being interfered with by a growing oligarchy of unelected, unaccountable entities. Many have looked to a leader, a political party, or an ideology to solve the growing problems at hand. But few have considered that an even more fundamental problem exists; a problem that eclipses all others. They have not considered that the political structure itself may in fact be the source of thier frustration; the process of how ideas transition into laws and/or aganecies, is now broken. Thus, regardless of your beliefs, there is no effective way to implement anything you believe in.
I have nothing but the greatest admiration for the founders of our modern Democratic systems, many paid with their lives for us to enjoy the system that we have taken for granted for too long. What they accomplished in their time was truly a stunning, quantum leap forward over the feudal monarchies and despotic regimes that they replaced, those long centuries ago. But now, mother necessity has once again reared her head. We can no longer survive in a political system were voting for strangers once every few years and then pretending that these people actually represent us can be considered representation. We need to build upon the great principles that created our union in order to fashion a political engine that we can be proud of. That is the goal of this web site, to create a blueprint for a new form of government called a Specitocracy.
The highlights of a Specitocracy are:
I. 1. An objective, concise legislative process that empowers citizens with specific knowledge to provide direct influence over the life cycle of a Bill using a weighted voting system.
II. 2. A system for allocating target budgets that provide a majority viewpoint as to what the governments priorities and responsibilities are on a continous basis.
III. 3. A limited citizen veto power to provide instant negative feedback to purge legislation that is viewed by the vast majority as egregious.
A Specitocracy is NOT a solution unto itself. It is not an ideology. It is an attempt to create an environment were problems can be objectively explained, analyzed and then dispatched. This is very much a work in progress and I need your criticism and ideas in order to improve it. Thus, while the Specitocracy may be my idea originally it belongs to you. I offer no guarantee that this system will work, however, I am certain that the path we now on is truly a path to ruin.
San Diego Union-Tribune
November 19, 2011
Obama machine sent 'Occupy' protestors
Anyone but the indoctrinated and fools can plainly see that the Obama machine sent the first -- Occupy Wall Street student protesters from colleges to falsely represent the 99 percent. Of course they were joined by the unions and all manner of socialists to stretch the movement across the nation.
Why? To advance the president's mandates, taxation, spread the wealth and government jobs agenda for re-election -- and to bash Fox News whenever Fox reporters show up, shouting "Fox News lies!" Now, the Occupy movement has been reduced to aggression, thugs, misfits, anti-Semites and racism.
Long live the spontaneous tea party movement and the real majority of Americans devoted to taking back our country in the 2012 elections and beyond.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Bernardino Sun
November 13, 2011
Re: Occupy groups may join forces
Compromised movement
The Occupy movement expanded with displaced, disgruntled, disaffected and disoriented people who are joining what began as miseducated college students -- who were taught activism and demonstrations by the academia of the left, and want taxpayer-funded free college education for all -- claiming they are the 99 percent representing the Occupy Wall Street movement protesting against the top one percent and demanding a re-distribution of wealth.
Then, the Occupy movement was compromised by the SEIU, labor and teacher unions, '60s counterculture revolutionaries, Hollywood celebrities, and radical organizations such as George Soros', to escalate the intensity of demonstrations against Capitalism spreading nation-wide.
Indeed, the anti-American far-left and's motives are to overwhelm our unique constitutional republic with a welfare state, to destroy free-market Capitalism, and replace it with socialist-controlled capitalism, a government-run economy, which would result in near-poverty for nearly all the people.
Sadly, it doesn't seem to matter to the phony 99-percentors that the top 10 percent pay over 70 percent of taxes, that the top 20 percent are the job creators -- or that insidious SEIU and ACORN extortion -- and irresponsible government affordable housing actions taken over a span of three decades by Carter, Clinton, Cuomo, Reno, Frank, Dodd and Raines -- are largely responsible for the housing, financial and economic meltdown, and the loss of jobs and homes.
The tragedy is that the news media, our representative government, administration and society are turning a blind-eye to treasonous behavior and the enemy within. The blight of foreclosure-creep throughout our neighborhoods and communities are clear and convincing evidence of who and what are to blame: The politics of the left, and the expansion of government control -- not Capitalism, the banks, lenders or corporations.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Our broken election system needs a full overhaul and more
November 11, 2011
Those who promote a national primary day, implementing a "top two" primary, eliminating the Electoral College, and eliminating gerrymandering are laudable recommendations. Particularly, when it's an effort to alleviate some of the built-in conflicts of partisanship and perpetual political campaigns. Indeed, all political power is supposed to be inherent in the people.
Eliminating the Electoral College in favor of a direct election for the office of president of the United States, of course, would take a constitutional amendment, which should be done, as should a balanced budget amendment with teeth. However, considering the badly broken state of our union in Washington, and among the several states, we need a constitutional amendment that will eliminate quid-pro-quo campaign financing, and the self-destructive factions of political party-divided aisles in Congress and state Legislatures, which Madison warned us about and our founders never intended.
In other words, we need a complete overhaul of what has become an over-sized, grossly dysfunctional, Constitution-violating government. That overhaul should consist of a constitutional amendment establishing unique, nonpartisan direct-representative democracy, wherein secure electronic voting networks are established to conduct all local, state and federal elections. Rather than professional party politicians, elected representatives would be highly qualified, well-compensated nonpartisan professional government managers -- subject to annual confirmation to remain in office.
The voting networks would also serve as communications between voters, and between voters and their representatives. Voters would approve all matters of taxation and public policy -- foreign and domestic. Voters would also be able to amend the constitution, have the powers of initiative, referendum and recall, and to repeal bad and/or unnecessary laws, rules and regulations. Details regarding a proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution establishing a direct-representative democracy can be found at:
Daniel B. Jeffs
Founder, DDC
San Francisco Examiner
October 30, 2011
Is it socialism you want?
Recent polls indicating that most Americans believe wealth distribution is unfair are biased to the left. There is already too much distribution of wealth for welfare, entitlements, and over-reaching government programs.
The Occupy Wall Street bunch thinks that they want socialism over capitalism. They don't realize that Socialism would include them in creating a giant underclass under the guns of authoritarian government.
Daniel B. Jeffs, Apple Valley
Original letter:
Occupy movement wants equal distribution of poverty for all
Recent polls indicating most Americans believe wealth distribution is unfair are biased to the left. There is already too much distribution of wealth for welfare, entitlements, and over-reaching government programs.
The Occupy Wall Street bunch think they want Socialism over Capitalism. However, most are simply too ignorant or indoctrinated to realize that Socialism would include them in creating a giant underclass under the guns of authoritarian government.
There is nothing more insidious and unfair than the confiscation of wealth, equal distribution of poverty for all, and freedom lost.
The 'Silent Majority' will decide
by Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
October 18, 2011
The Tea Party movement notwithstanding, most of the news media and mania-polling have yet to get the real pulse of the 'Silent Majority' of American voters.
Indeed, that majority are primarily a growing number of conservative-leaning independent voters -- leaving the ranks of disoriented party politics -- who decide most elections, and will surely turn out heavily in 2012.
What is being made painfully clear to the majority is that we are not being represented by the misdirected 'Occupy Wall Street' protest movement, who claim they are 'what democracy looks like' and that they are 'the 99 percent.'
In reality, they are not the 53 percent of us -- and the top 1 percent -- who pay the support for too much non-essential federal, state and local government -- and the 46 percent who pay no taxes.
Any doubt about the government-induced, destructive path of the nation's economy can easily be removed by looking at California crashing. What we must prevent in these dire times is, 'as California goes, so goes the nation.'
'Occupy' movement vs. the tea party movement
by Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
October 7, 2011
The Occupy Wall Street protests began with anti-capitalism students demonstrating about the rich not paying enough taxes, and lack of jobs, which describes President Obama's Jobs Bill. As the movement spread across the country, it was joined by unions and Move-on.
Sounds familiar, like when Obama said he was going to every corner of the country campaigning for his bill. He has not done that, but his zealot supporters are. No comparison with the Tea Party movement, which does represent most of the American people. It's simply socialist thugs vs. Capitalism and concerned citizens.
Re: Obama-style democracy: Bureaucrats know best
The Washington Examiner - Editorial
September 29, 2011
Indeed, President Obama's administration of establishing commissions and positions of 'bureaucrats know best' -- and his constant campaign for aggressive government growth -- is turning up the fire and stirring the pot until it boils over, diminishing democracy and scalding his opponents.
Surely, Obama-style democracy is being practiced by Governors -- such as North Carolina's Bev Perdue, and California's Jerry Brown -- who are intent on elected officials and representatives ignoring the Constitution, and the collective judgment of the people.
Liberal activism has turned America's unique constitutional limited government and free-market republic from a melting pot of assimilation to a boiling pot of multiculturalism, harsh political factions, class warfare and large government socialism.
Hopefully, those who practice over-bearing government against representative democracy, will be reminded otherwise by voters. Clearly, we are in the constitutional and fundamental position to decide what is best for us.
Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
The Washington Examiner
September 19, 2011
Americans need to get nation back on track
Instead of listening to bloviating about the meaningless madness of today's petty and vile politics, voters ought to be thinking about how to return to the pride they had in America two or three generations ago -- before socialism sank its teeth into our public education system, our government and our liberty.
The only way to recover our heritage is to privatize education and restore moral self-reliance in the people. To revitalize capitalism, reform taxation, eliminate all anti-economic regulations, and reduce the size, scope and power of government.
Tea Party-minded Republicans and independents can do that. Democrats won't.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
Read more at the Washington Examiner:
Original letter:
We need a cleansing of Washington
Instead of listening to those bloviating in the deepening, meaningless madness of today's petty-vile politics, voters ought to think about how to return to the pride in America of two or three generations ago -- before socialism sunk its teeth into our public education system, our government and our liberty.
There is only one way to recover our heritage: Privatize education. Reform taxation. Eliminate all anti-economic regulations. Reduce the size, scope and power of government. Revitalize Capitalism. And restore moral self reliance in the people. Tea-Party-minded Republicans and independents can do that. Democrats won't.
Indeed, the only program voters need is to engage in a social, political and economic cleansing of Washington, with a new declaration of independence, a restoration of our Constitution, our unique republic and real democracy.
San Bernardin Sun
September 13, 2011
Gov. Brown and the Democrat Legislature's push to limit ballot initiatives comes as no surprise. Coupled with legislation limiting the fundamental operations of county grand juries, it is simply another government power move against the California Constitution, Article II, Section 1, and what is supposed to be the inherent power of the people to alter or reform government.
The only legislation that is needed regarding ballot initiatives is to limit selfish/special/moneyed interest initiatives by allowing the people to obtain signatures for ballot initiatives, and to vote, by means of a secured voting network on the Internet.
Big, over-reaching socialist California government is driving our state into bankruptcy with over-regulation, over-spending, punishing taxation, failed money-pit miseducation, businesses leaving the state, rising cost of living, and the loss of jobs and our liberties.
We need less tyrannical government and more self-governing democracy to recover California and survive.
Former Grand Jury member
Apple Valley
Riverside Press Enterprise
September 8, 2011
Let initiatives work
The Democrat's proposal to limit ballot initiatives comes as no surprise ("Ballot gambit," Our Views, Aug. 31).
Coupled with legislation limiting the fundamental operations of county grand juries, it is simply another government power move against the California Constitution, Article II, Section 1, and what is supposed to be the inherent power of the people to alter or reform government.
The only legislation that is needed regarding ballot initiatives is to limit selfish/special/moneyed interest initiatives by allowing the people to obtain signatures for ballot initiatives, and to vote, by means of a secured voting network on the Internet.
Big, over-reaching socialist California government is driving our state into bankruptcy with over-regulation, over-spending, punishing taxation, failed money-pit miseducation, businesses leaving the state, rising cost of living, and the loss of jobs and our liberties.
We need less tyrannical government and more self-governing democracy to recover California and survive.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
Stop Democrat's push to limit ballot initiatives
Governor Brown and the Democrat legislature's push to limit ballot initiatives comes as no surprise. Coupled with legislation limiting the fundamental operations of county grand juries, it is simply another government power move against the California Constitution, Article II, Section 1, and what is supposed to be the inherent power of the people to alter or reform government.
The only legislation that is needed regarding ballot initiatives is to limit selfish/special/moneyed interest initiatives by allowing the people to obtain signatures for ballot initiatives, and to vote, by means of a secured voting network on the Internet.
Big, over-reaching socialist California government is driving our state into bankruptcy with over-regulation, over-spending, punishing taxation, failed money-pit miseducation, businesses leaving the state, rising cost of living, and the loss of jobs and our liberties.
We need less tyrannical government and more self-governing democracy to recover California and survive.
Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
September 6, 2011
The San Francisco Examiner
August 8, 2011
Tea party is not terrorism
Calling the tea party movement “terrorists” is grossly misplaced. Indeed, the real domestic terrorism going on in our country is our government’s confiscatory taxation, public education indoctrination and economy-crushing regulations raising the cost of living.
The tea party was a spontaneous reaction to the way most American voters feel about big, intrusive, out-of-control government. Demonizing the movement will only help it grow to be heard loud and clear in the 2012 elections and beyond, until the people and the states take America back.
The application of two-thirds of the states for a constitutional convention to propose amendments is long overdue. A balanced-budget amendment with teeth should be first on the agenda.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
The Boston Globe
August 5, 2011
Demonizing Tea Partiers will only fuel this vital movement
Calling the Tea Party movement "terrorists" is grossly misplaced. Indeed, the real domestic terrorism going on in our country is our socialist government's confiscatory taxation, public education indoctrination, economy crushing regulations, and the extreme environmental movement raising the cost of living.
The spontaneous Tea Party movement is a reaction to the way most American voters feel about big, intrusive, out of control government. Demonizing the movement will only make it grow to be heard loud and clear in the 2012 elections, and beyond, until the people and the states take America back.
A push from two-thirds of the states for a constitutional convention to propose amendments is long overdue. A balanced budget amendment with teeth should be first on the agenda.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
The Washington Examiner
January 2, 2011
Goodbye to decade of domain, decline and decay
After the first decade of the 21st century, America suffers from the triple "D's" -- the decline of freedom, eminent domain, and social-economic decay. All things considered, it appears that we are in for a not-so-happy new year.
The 20 percent of our population responsible for the triple "D's" are the statist-driven, liberal/progressive/socialists who control and dominate politics, government, education and the media.
But they are being put on notice that this is not a 20 percent democracy. It is a constitutional republic in the process of restoration.
As Americans have done time and time again, the spontaneous Tea Party movement is awakening to revive American's unique history of freedom and self-reliance.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
How the Tea Party Movement Is Fundamentally Remaking Our Two-Party System
By Scott Rasmussen, Doug Schoen
Pub. Date: September 2010
Publisher: Harper Collins Publishers
Today's raucous revolt against Washington and Wall Street is a classic populist uprising. In Mad As Hell, two respected political pollsters show what it means for the future of American politics.
The riotous tea parties and angry town hall meetings of last summer seemingly took everyone by surprise. They shouldn t have: populist movements have always arisen in times of economic hardship and uncertainty. In Mad As Hell, pollsters Scott Rasmussen and Doug Schoen use extensive and original research to explore the mind and heart of the populist uprising that has suddenly thrown American politics into turmoil.
In the past, populist movements have taken root either on the right or on the left. Today s populist revolt is unusually broad and has two wings: a left wing that wants universal health care and redistributive economic policies, and a right wing that wants to reduce the power of government to interfere in our lives. Both are hostile to the Washington political class, Wall Street, and the mainstream media all of which they consider out of touch with the concerns of real Americans. The key difference is that left populists are effectively represented by Barack Obama and congressional Democrats who are pursuing their agenda, while right populists are chiefly represented by Fox News and Rush Limbaugh an angrier and potentially more powerful political force.
So-called professionals in politics, business, and media have completely failed to comprehend the new populism and have dismissed it as marginal and extreme. The authors explore the broad-based nature of the new populist movement and explain how it is reshaping American politics whether politicians and elite journalists like it or not.
The Tea Party movement is not a flash in the pan, as many have assumed. Nor is it a movement of racist rednecks and ignorant boobs, as its detractors have crudely suggested. To the contrary, it is an authentic grassroots movement of concerned American citizens demanding to be heard by an out-of-touch political establishment. Their concerns are real and their issues are legitimate, the authors maintain; moreover, the new populism is here to stay, and it has already changed our politics for the better.
In Mad As Hell, Rasmussen and Schoen have produced an authoritative guide to the new populism, featuring a combination of proprietary polling data, political analysis, results from online focus groups, and interviews with on-the-ground players. It is must-reading for anyone interested in American electoral politics for the remainder of the decade.
April 13, 2010
Re: "Don't let the cable guys decide what you see on the Web." Our View, 'Net neutrality' debate, Friday)
Instead of tampering with the Internet and free speech, the Obama administration, the Federal Communications Commission and Congress should use broadband to establish secure voting networks in every state.
Every registered voter should have access, and elections should be conducted over the networks. There is no excuse not to have such a system to enhance democracy and voter participation.
Daily Press February 7, 2010 Rise of the Independents I am impelled to tell anyone who will listen a shocking fact. I am an 82-year-old American citizen who has never voted. I served my country in World War II and paid my taxes faithfully. The reason I have never voted is when I went to school, I was taught history, civics and government, and by the time I was old enough to vote I realized that the government in Washington didn’t even resemble what a representative form of government should be like. The two-party system restricts our representatives from representing their constituents and can’t be found in our Constitution. The whole system is corrupt and power mad. I could never be a party to such corruption, so I vowed to never be guilty for sustaining it by voting. But now it is destroying my country and the lives of my neighbors, so I am registering to vote as an Independent. If we can expand the growing number of Independents and get the folks in each congressional district to bombard their representatives with demands to reregister as an Independent or be voted out of office, I think we have a good chance to save our country. If the media will cooperate and concentrate their attentions on making this happen, we will soon have our representatives sitting home in their Congressional Districts and conducting the business of the people on a Virtual Congress where their activities are monitored 24/7 and deals with special interests will be impossible without the consent of the people. I am voting with the confidence that America is waking up and big changes will happen. James L. Fox Phelan, CA
Los Angeles Times Opinion L.A. January 25, 2010 Re: Just spell it "$upreme Court of the United $tate$ of America" by Patt Morrison - January 22, 2010 Correct decision by Supreme Court - outrage misplaced The outraged expressed by those opposed to the Supreme Court's decision to lift the limitations on corporation spending on political ads for elections is misplaced and naïve. Indeed, irony is not lost when liberal activism by the courts is lauded, but condemned when viewed as conservative. Unions were included in the decision, without objection from the left, even though most unions are government unions, anti-business and corrupt. Of course President Obama's reaction to the decision was that it's a blow to democracy, and that he will work with the Congress to reinstate the limitations on corporate spending. And, of course, union spending was not mentioned in the reaction of the president or Democrat congressional leaders. Nevertheless, the Court's decision was correctly decided as free speech and the timing couldn't be better. Particularly, when the president and the Congress are in the process of doing their utmost to dismantle free enterprise, and exact unreasonable laws and regulations against business, health care, energy and finance, which will certainly deepen the recession and raise the cost of living for all the people.
Two Parties
By Joseph Hammer
September 26, 2009
First of all, I love what you are doing. I have the greatest respect for
those whose vocation is the improvement of the condition of mankind. There
is no greater opportunity for improvement than in government, so I salute
I seek truth. I believe that many things act as barriers to truth, so I have
consulted the masters for tips. There is a rule that Socrates taught me when
proposing something new.
Do not write back and disagree with what I am about to type. If you
disagree, play Devil's advocate, so you do not attach your ego to the
disagreement. Turn the idea over in your head if you have not thought about
it in depth. This research is more important to me than my shabby life, and
part of my study is in why people make bad decisions. My studies indicate
that once you say you are for or against something in a debate, you will
stick to that position in the face of a landslide of evidence. For that
reason, if a point is important, think for a day. If it is really important,
then think for a week... then take an informed position.
And so, the position for which there is a landslide of evidence...
The primary root cause of political parties is the simple majority rule. The
most important secondary cause is the representative system.
Political parties are vote pooling mechanisms. To complicate that fact is to
be lead astray. The situation that provides vote pooling the most impact is
a low bar for approval... 50%... even 66%. By far the more damaging is 50%.
It not only allows propositions with small minority support to become
binding in an individual case, it allows long term voting alliances...
With or without representation, you can see this to be the case. Referendums
in the states that allow them are often promoted or started by political
parties. Let's not dress up a vote pool any more than we need to, because
that is what parties are. They allow environmentalists, teachers and seniors
to pool votes on one side (among others), and Christians, businessmen and
small government types to pool their votes in opposition.
This destroys our morality, because to feel any degree of control over one's
country, one must gang up with those who wouldn't naturally be allies.
Rather than acknowledging the purpose of the party (vote pooling), we modify
our value systems to judge favorably, the actions of those we find ourselves
bound to in party loyalty.
This warps our values. Like the tree that Eddie looked to in Atlas Shrugged
for support, it is rotten inside.
A 50% majority fosters vote pooling. It's just SOOO easy to do. If you don't
do it, others will, and you will be left powerless.
A 66% majority makes short term vote pooling possible, but it works against
long term political parties... but they are still influential at this point.
A bar at 75%+ for passage of new laws effectively eliminates the advantages
of vote pooling.
Treating 50% as sacred is intellectually bankrupt. It says, "We do not value
restraint in government." This 50% rule was canonized by politicians who
believed the government should have power... authority. These are the same
root causes that offer every nation representation rather than direct
control of the government. Representatives always vote for there to be
power, and they always vote that it should fall only into their hands.
Two examples of direct democracy... both of them staggering successes... and
yet, governments never try this approach. It is systemic deception that
history will vanquish... eventually =P
This is an aspect of democracy we never question, but it is one of the two
most important questions we could trouble ourselves with. The other is
Direct vs. Representative democracy. I am FULLY on board with the direct
Parrhesia first.
Attention Deficit Democracy
Author: James Bovard
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
June 2007
Is American democracy in a death spiral? Why do Americans ignore political frauds and swallow pervasive lies from president after president, in campaign after campaign? In Attention Deficit Democracy, James Bovard diagnoses a national malady whose symptoms include a citizenry indifferent to facts and unable to judge when their rights are under attack. He exposes the frightening national reality of absolute presidential power and argues that our current myopia has dire consequences for America's future. His is an authentic voice urging citizens to return to the principles of the Founding Fathers and to once again become the most important check against the abuse of power.
James Bovard is the author of the classic Lost Rights and, most recently,
The Bush Betrayal. He has written for The Wall Street Journal, American
Spectator, New York Times, New Republic, Washington Post, and Newsweek, in
addition to maintaining an active blog ( He is also the
author of Terrorism and Tyranny, Freedom in Chains, Feeling Your Pain, and
The Fair Trade Fraud (all Palgrave Macmillan).
Pushing back against tyranny is democracy, not mob action
By Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
August 10, 2009
I subscribed to President Obama's White House information emails and just received an email from Obama's senior advisor, David Axelrod regarding a "Reality Check" about the president's health care reform. The White House propaganda machine is being cranked up to spread the deceit from a new online resource at:
Saving Freedom: We Can Stop America's Slide into Socialism
Author: Jim DeMint
Publisher: B&H Publishing Group
July 2009
U.S. Senator Jim DeMint calls out socialist tendencies in Congress and shows Americans how to effectively reinstate the principles of freedom upon which their country was built.
The United States-the world's great bastion of freedom-is sliding toward socialism. Recent high-profile bailouts show the walls between government and the private sector are getting thinner each day. Federal control now extends in various ways to education, healthcare, financial markets, real estate, businesses, and religion. And as out-of-control government spending and debt increase accordingly, America is drained of the economic and political strength its people fought and worked so hard to achieve. But it isn't too late to save the land of the free.
Saving Freedom is Senator Jim DeMint's firsthand account of the unsettling socialist shift-behind-the-scenes actions in Congress that are changing the character of our nation. He illuminates key principles of freedom and how they are being compromised by big government. More important, DeMint lays out a complete action plan to reclaim America's freedom based on legislation that would reduce debt, fix Social Security, and provide a tax credit for every family to buy health insurance. The plan also emphasizes reversing America's cultural decline by restoring a strong spirit of God and country.
Saving Freedom is a new Declaration of Independence, a call for the American people to reclaim America. Jim DeMint's passion for the cause of individual liberty and person"Saving Freedom is a new Declaration of Independence, a call for the American people to reclaim America. Jim DeMint's passion for the cause of individual liberty and personal responsibility is evident in this manifesto. It needs to be read-and acted upon-by every citizen of this republic."
- Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives
"Jim DeMint has delivered a 'how to' plan for avoiding a future that we neither want nor deserve. For those of us who want to keep America the 'land of the free and the home of the brave,' Saving Freedom is a must read!"
- Oliver North, USMC (Ret.), author of New York Times best seller American Heroes
"Once again, as we did in 1776, Americans must choose between freedom and oppression. In Saving Freedom, Jim DeMint describes the clear and present danger posed by big government - and what we must do to preserve individual liberty and personal responsibility. Every American needs to read this book."
- Sean Hannity, host of the Sean Hannity Radio Show and Hannity's America on FOX News Channel
"It's comforting to know that someone like Jim DeMint is standing in the gap as we see so many of our nation's founding principles eroding. I view Saving Freedom as a blueprint for the effort that all concerned Americans must join to restore and protect the freedoms we depend on."
- Steve Forbes, president and chief executive officer of Forbes and editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine
About the Author
Jim DeMint was elected senator of South Carolina in 2004 and then chairman of the Senate Steering Committee in 2006. For standing up against wasteful spending in Congress and saving Americans about $17 billion, Wall Street Journal editor Steve Moore called DeMint the "taxpayers' greatest ally." DeMint was also recently ranked as the Senate's most conservative member by National Journal and as the No. 1 senator voting for responsible tax and spending policies by the National Taxpayers Union. The senator and his wife, Debbie, have four grown children, are doting new grandparents, and live in Greenville, South Carolina.
The Wisdom of Crowds:
Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes
Business, Economies, Societies and Nations
Author: James Surowiecki
Publisher: Random House Inc
August 2005
In this fascinating book, New Yorker business columnist James Surowiecki explores a deceptively simple idea: Large groups of people are smarter than an elite few, no matter how brilliant-better at solving problems, fostering innovation, coming to wise decisions, even predicting the future.
With boundless erudition and in delightfully clear prose, Surowiecki ranges across fields as diverse as popular culture, psychology, ant biology, behavioral economics, artificial intelligence, military history, and politics to show how this simple idea offers important lessons for how we live our lives, select our leaders, run our companies, and think about our world.
The Washington Post - Eric Klinenberg . Surowiecki, who has fashioned a fascinating financial column in the New Yorker by using cutting-edge social science research to interpret market life, finds ample evidence to support his argument. He writes with command and flair, weaving together entertaining anecdotes from popular culture and business history and accessible summaries of arcane theoretical debates in behavioral economics, sociology and psychology. The Wisdom of Crowds is both intellectually challenging and a pleasure to read.
James Surowiecki is a staff writer at The New Yorker, where he writes the popular business column, "The Financial Page." His work has appeared in a wide range of publications, including the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Artforum, Wired, and Slate. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.
Shut Up, America!
The end of free speech
Author: Brad O'Leary
Publisher: WND Books
March 2009
Can you be trusted with free speech? Many politicians in Washington don't think so. They see your right to free speech as a threat to their seat in power. In this hard-hitting book, bestselling author Brad O'Leary exposes the frightening movement afoot that would eviscerate the First Amendment.
With his trademark, take-no-prisoners approach, O'Leary shows you how censorship is on the march. From the Orwellian "Fairness Doctrine" to so-called "campaign finance reform," you will learn the real threats, who the enemies of Ben Franklin and Thomas Paine are (including names of senators, congressmen, and Obama administration officials), what they're up to, and how you can fight back and save your freedom.
Over two decades ago, Ronald Reagan gave birth to a flourishing, free exchange of ideas when his Federal Communications Commission removed the shackles of the misnamed "Fairness Doctrine" and restored the First Amendment. However, what was a boon to honest debate has proven to be a nightmare for left-wing politicians. Now these censorship proponents have the upper hand and the First Amendment in their sights.
Press Enterprise
December 14, 2008
(edited for space)
Slugging democracy
Poking democracy in the eye has risen to punching the electorate and the
Constitution in the face.
Indeed, the mafia tactics of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich and his ilk
clearly demonstrate how deeply corrupt Chicago politics are.
Barack Obama and his crew took a more sophisticated approach and were belched out of the belly of the beast.
Blatant betrayal of democracy does not bode well for the survival of our society.
Apple Valley
(Original letter - sent December 11, 2008)
Poking democracy in the eye has risen to punching the electorate and the Constitution in the face. Indeed, the mafia tactics of Illinois governor Blagojevich and his ilk clearly demonstrates how deeply corrupt Chicago politics have long been aligned with gangland style operations.
Barack Obama and his crew took a more sophisticated approach to the new politics of superficial propaganda for the masses, nevertheless, they were belched out of the belly of the beast. Blatant betrayal of democracy does not bode well for the survival of our society and our country, particularly in these dire economic and perilous times.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, CA
We need national and state grand juries
By Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
November 23, 2008
We need national and state grand juries
Considering how democracy in America has been betrayed by government complicity in our economic meltdown, the power-seeking selfish interests of politicians, and empire-building bureaucrats, the people need their own watch dogs to examine deeply entrenched government bureaucracies. We need national and state grand juries, similar to county grand juries who review local government performance and operations, but with enforceable teeth.
We should have national grand jury panels of qualified citizens to review the federal government, and 50 state grand juries to review state governments. Each grand jury's term should be long enough to examine government's performance and efficiency, and to recommend needed corrections. The grand juries should have the power of indictment for crimes discovered during investigations.
Over time, all laws, regulations, and the offices and operations of all elected officials, government departments, agencies and programs should be investigated. The mission of the grand juries should be to make federal and state government accountable to the people through investigations based upon reducing government to no more than we need. Recommendations by the grand juries which are not complied with should be put to a vote of the people.