I subscribed to President Obama's White House information emails and just received an email from Obama's senior advisor, David Axelrod regarding a "Reality Check" about the president's health care reform. The White House propaganda machine is being cranked up to spread the deceit from a new online resource at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/realitycheck
Describing spontaneous citizen dissent against reckless health care proposals as GOP orchestrated mob disruptions and partisan misinformation is absurd. Indeed, the real absurdities of the debate are promoting symbolism instead of substance, and the broad strokes of stifling dissent unless it is deemed politically correct Obama policy.
The free speech suppression tactics of the Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress are in blatant violation of the First Amendment and an indictment of one-party abuse of power in a two-party system that has failed miserably. Particularly, when the party in power manipulates the Constitution, moves to nationalize health care, and refuses to hold their congressional members accountable.
Contrary to popular political belief, our republic, indeed, our democracy is not for sale at any price. Alas, our freedom cannot survive when our government is divided and conquered by faction, with far more government than our Constitution ever intended, which was and is nonpartisan limited government. Pushing back against tyranny is democracy, not mob action.
For samples of content in the actual proposed health care reform bill, see
the review at: Rightsoup.com Political News, Conservative Views
Twittering ObamaCare: Horrors In The Bill