The six-month anniversary of the attack on America will likely be remembered
as much by the bungling, whining, litigious greed and disparity of terrorism
victim compensation than the unspeakable horror and meaning of what actually
happened on September 11th.
It doesn't seem to matter that hundreds of millions of dollars in charitable
contributions from generous Americans and tens of billions of taxpayer
dollars from government cannot satisfy victim losses, simply because they're
considered political, heroic or celebrity as opposed to victims of prior
terrorism, or soldiers losing their lives in Afghanistan.
What is most disturbing about all this is the fact that our society has
become victimized by epidemics of unreasonable blame-games and
fingerpointing, the selfish interests of liberal litigation and government
nannyism, which, in the end, exacts social aggression and economic chaos on
our population.
Nevertheless, if this what America is, victimization adjustments are long
overdue. For example, class-action lawsuits should be filed against
radical feminists and feminist organizations, the public education
establishment, corporate advertisers and the entertainment industry for
demonizing, demeaning, defaming, and disenfranchising at least 100 million
men and boys.
Another suit should be filed on behalf of 50 million beleaguered smokers
against anti-smoking organizations, opportunistic political zealots, and
state governments for punishing taxation, casting out and holding smokers up
to public hatred and humiliation.
And, of course, a suit should be filed against government and corporate
energy interests and all the radical environmentalists who contributed
heavily to the attack on America by failing to reduce and eliminate our
dependence on Middle East oil.
Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center