Here we are, two weeks from tax day and are you, like many other Americans, dreading April 15th? Are you worried that you won't have enough funds to cover that tax bill coming due?

Are you having to take off work or spend less time with your family to get all of your taxes in order? Are you concerned you might make a mistake on your tax forms and incur the wrath of a disgruntled IRS agent?

Sadly, this is the world that we live in -- but there is a way out! Work with us at, to get rid of April 15th and the income tax, once and for all. And Social Security payroll taxes, too!

And here's what you can do today . . . Before you write that check to the IRS, visit this link: and support hundreds of thousands of fellow Americans in their efforts to get rid of the IRS, and to replace the income tax with a federal retail sales tax.

The FairTax will:

Your support is needed today. The last month has seen a whirlwind of activity amongst the grassroots. People are calling, faxing, and even visiting their congressman's tax legislative aide on this issue like never before. Candidates in multiple states are running on the FairTax issue, while volunteers nationwide are meeting and greeting new possible supporters. Media is being contacted on a daily basis. Our last press release went out to over 16,000 media outlets, thanks to your contributions!

In order to keep up this effort, we need your support today Join us in our efforts to make April 15th just another day.

Very best regards,
Thomas A. Wright
Executive Director
tom @