Un-Published Letters





Washington Post

February 27, 2011


Qaddafi, Gaddafi, Kadafi, or Kadafy?


With all the media coverage of the Libyan revolt against the terrorist/despot, Qadaffi, they can't seem to agree on the spelling of his name. Webster's dictionary and Wikipedia list his name as, Muammar al-Gaddafi. The New York Times has listed his name as el-Qaddafi, the Associated Press as Moammar Gadhafi, and the Los Angeles Times as Moammar Kadafi to cite a few, while others name him as Kadhafi, Kaddafi. Momar Kadafy and my spell check, as Khadafy. Maybe he should just be Also Known As: QGKdaffy.


Indeed, credibility seems to be lacking if journalists can't get a major figure's name correctly. Particularly, when the person is responsible for the murders of so many innocent people. Iraq's murderous dictator, Saddam Hussein notwithstanding, there are also been reported differences in al-Qaeda's terrorist leader's name: Osama & Usama bin Laden. The FBI's most wanted lists him a Usama bin Laden, while a dictionary lists his full name: Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden.


Regardless, they all represent brutal evils against humanity and should be identified by their correct names as such.




Los Angeles Times

February 25, 2011


Re: Brown: $25 billion in cuts if tax effort fails

Re: Green energy bill advances


Governor Brown's threat to cut $25 billion in state services if the tax increases are not extended is a challenge that ought to be called. Indeed, it's doubtful that California voters can be intimidated to extend the taxes when so many people are under worsening economic stress. Republicans seem ready to give in if Gov. Brown and the Democrats agree to curb and cut state pension costs.


Adding insult to injury, Californians will be facing large increases in the cost of electricity if the recently passed Senate bill nearly doubling the use of green energy is passed by the Assembly and signed by the governor. California is a great place to live, but not at any cost. Particularly, when gas prices are on the rise again, and government won't budge on producing more domestic oil.    


On the other hand, with voters foolishly supporting AB32 by voting down Proposition 23, it seems that environmental zealotry has unduly frightened people into believing in the global warming hoax enough to be self-destructive by driving more business out of the state, driving up the cost of living, and driving our economy into the ground. Indeed, it's simply a stupid dilemma, absent common sense.




New York Times

February 19, 2011


"Watson" for president


I nominate IBM's "Watson" for President in 2012. Watson could link registered voters with our elected representatives, give us informed answers, and let us decide. DD (Direct Democracy) Watson may be the only way voters can get the truth and a balanced budget from Washington, state and local governments.




February 18, 2011

Re: In Wis., pitched battle by unions

USA TODAY front page Feb. 18, 2011


Wisconsin's public employer woes


Wisconsin Democrat legislators walking out of state in defiance of the governor, the intrusion of President Obama's political machine -- Organizing for America -- and the Democrat National Committee's interference in state employee matters are unconscionable actions against Wisconsin's state sovereignty, taxpayers and voters, there and across the nation.


Indeed, there was a time when public employees were paid equal to or less than the private sector and not unionized. Now, they are unionized and paid much more for being far less efficient. Particularly, failed public school teachers who frequently go on strike somewhere in the nation without justification.


Our economic crunch is making it painfully clear that public employees should never have been unionized, nor be allowed to strike or conduct job actions against taxpayer/public employers.


Unfortunately, in a past life as California governor, Jerry Brown approved state employee unions, including the teachers' union, which have become the selfish interest monsters raising the cost of government far beyond reason. Question is, are lemming voters still foolish enough to keep Gov, Brown and the Democrat Legislature in power long enough to lead the state and Californians over the economic cliff?


What public employees fail to understand is that -- along with their salaries and benefits -- their union dues are paid with taxpayer funds, which are used by untouchable unions against public interests and the public good. Wag the dog? NO! That is unacceptable and must be stopped. 




Los Angeles Times

February 11, 2011


Re: No-nonsense budgeting



The Los Angeles Times 'No-nonsense budgeting' editorial praising Governor Brown for putting the state's long-term interests first is premature. Indeed, putting a halt to the sale of state-owned buildings is little more than window dressing for the governor's campaign efforts around the state to have the Legislature and voters keep the tax increases in place for 5 years.


State government's liberal ideology, size and inefficiency, coupled with over-reaching regulations are responsible for California's worse than national economic distress. If Governor Brown were to lead our state out of the social, political and economic wilderness, he would have to compromise by sacrificing partisan power to stabilize the decline, and turn it around.


He could lead the Legislature to doing that by allowing the tax increases to expire, lowering corporate taxes, stopping the implementation of the economy busting AB 32 cap-and-tax act, repealing over-bearing environmental laws, rules and regulations strangling the economy, and taking the state's hands out of local government pockets.


Governor Brown should put the state's and the people's long-term interests first by opening up all of our substantial oil and natural gas resources on and off shore.




The Washington Examiner

January 31, 2011


Re: Winning the future means getting out of the way

By Bill O'Reilly

January 31, 2011


Government is creating a green monster energy crisis


As Bill O'Reilly aptly indicated, winning the future indeed means government getting out of the way, particularly regarding energy. Between T. Boone Pickens admitting that he made a big mistake investing in wind power, the complexity and inconsistency of wind and solar, the fiasco of ethanol, and shutting down domestic energy resources, government is creating a costly green monster and a crushing energy crisis.


To avoid pushing our economy completely over the edge, government must get out of the tax-eating interference and intrusive program business, significantly reduce or eliminate the Energy Department, the EPA, and the Departments of the Interior and Agriculture. And all federal (public-owned) lands should be opened to energy exploration, production, and implementation by private energy companies.


Considering the probable meltdown in the Middle East, the United States must increase domestic oil, gas and coal energy resources now. Pushing for unreliable, expensive green energy at the expense of vast known resources simply won't do it. Hopefully, even if government steps up to dealing with the energy crisis, it won't be too little, too late.


Hopefully, Mr. O'Reilly will do us well by confronting President Obama with this dilemma when he interviews the president on Super Bowl weekend.




The Washington Post

January 30, 2011



What happened to America?

The Ten Commandments of the consolidation of government power in Washington might give us a clue:

1. I am the Government, thy God. Thou shalt have no other power before me.

2. Thou shalt not be a parent, a smoker, a gun owner, overweight, or have independent thoughts.

3. Thou shalt not vote without undue influence or take the name of Government in vain.

4. Remember April 15th and every tax day, to keep them holy.

5. Dishonor thy father and thy mother because they have no power over thee.

6. Thou shalt not commit democracy.

7. Thou shalt be dependent on Government, attend public schools and be ignorant.

8. Thou shalt have thy life and property completely regulated.

9. Thou shalt file many lawsuits and bear false witness against thy neighbor.

10. Thou shalt covet anything thee wants, entertain thyself and worship celebrities.

Notice: These commandments shall be posted on every refrigerator door in America.



The Wall Street journal

January 28, 2011


Re: Culprits From Beltway Casting - Editorial

The Wall Street Journal

January 28, 2011


The Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission was a costly exercise in futility. Panel member, Peter J. Wallison is correct in his analysis of the cause of the crisis, which cannot be diluted by those who bear the brunt of irresponsibility. It was the intrusive ideology of affordable housing imposed by government, and those responsible should own-up to it.


Lest we forget, it was former president Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) which was used by government to create the affordable housing boom. Indeed, the Clinton administration used the CRA to have HUD Director, Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Janet Reno intimidate banks and mortgage lenders to lower standards and approve mortgages to those who could not afford them.


The affordable housing mania was expanded by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under pressure from the likes of congressional finance committee members, Rep. Barney Frank, Sen. Chris Dodd and Sen. Charles Schumer, along with Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines -- until government held or guaranteed more than two-thirds of the risky loans, entangled and corrupted financial institutions -- and brought the whole house of cards down.





January 24, 2011


Re: 'My fellow Americans … '

(the speech we' like to hear)

Editorial - USA TODAY, Jan. 24


The real state of the union


USA TODAY's suggestions for President Obama's state of the union speech are commendable. However, the speech most Americans would like to hear and be adhered to, would be an admission by President Obama that he has been out of touch with the real social, political and economic problems in America, and that he would wipe the slate clean of unconstitutional government intrusion and back off the ideology undermining the country.


Indeed, two years of President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress have so seriously exacerbated a history of tyrannical government intrusion, over-reaching legislation, punishing taxation and regulations, deficit spending and insurmountable debt -- which have become so painfully entrenched in government and America -- that it is threatening to suffocate our lives, liberty, freedom, property, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness.


We simply cannot survive in a superficial entitlement society replete with social aggression, indoctrination education, party-divided government, political chaos, environmental repression, litigious insanity, economic suppression, selfish interests and extremes. 


Instead of Democrats trying to elevate the memory of John F. Kennedy and the 50th anniversary of his inaugural speech to political sainthood, President Barack Obama should reverse the destructive course and say to Congress and the American people, "Ask not what you government can do for you. Ask yourselves what you can do for self-reliance, the restoration of our Constitution, our republic and democracy.


Victor Valley Daily Press

December 29, 2010


Decade of domain, decline and decay


As the first decade of the 21st Century passes into 2011, America suffers from two years of escalated assaults by the triple "D's" -- political eminent DOMAIN, the DECLINE of freedom, and social-economic DECAY. All things considered, it appears that we are in for a not so happy new year, or two, and a likewise second decade.


Those responsible for the triple "D's" comprise about 20 percent of our population who are statist-driven, liberal/progressive/socialists -- or however they describe and redefine themselves. They control politics, government, education and the media, which intimidates and jerks around the majority to dominate our society.


However, they are now being put on notice that this is not a 20% democracy. It is a constitutional -- majority rule -- democratic republic, which seems to be in the process of a restoration. As Americans have done time and time again, a spontaneous Tea Party movement is manifesting an awakening to reduce and limit government.


If we are to survive the long day's journey into night, and grab the light of liberty at the end of the tunnel, we must break the chains of authoritarian government. We must revive the founding of our unique freedom and self-reliance. And we must cure the infections of political predators, economic parasites, social maggots, and cultural rot. Only then, will each year become a renewal to the pursuit of happiness.



San Bernardino Sun

December 26, 2010


Re: Obama's masterful chess game

By Renford Reese


Political Science Professor Renford Reese's analysis of President Obama playing a masterful chess game against Republicans fails ideology smell test, but passes the expected college indoctrination exam for liberal/progressive/socialist thought. Indeed, in making the tax deal the president was playing his usual game of chump checkers by extending tax rates for two years, when they should have been made permanent.


Lashing out at voters -- who removed many Democrats from Congress -- as merely the simple-minded responding to conservative poison, grossly underestimates the power of common sense and the truthfully informed. The real deal is not nearly as complicated as Professor Reese suggests.


Alas, unlike the self-inflicted pain of government dependency and unsustainable expectations, when informed voters feel the pain of confiscatory taxation -- national health care, skyrocketing energy costs -- loss of property, freedom and liberty, and insurmountable public debt -- they know where the venomous bites come from.


Certainly, the enemy is not us. It is the highly infected education establishment spreading propaganda and ignorance at the expense of core academics. The enemy is the political elite and ever-expanding government culture. And the superficial culture of selfish interests, social aggression, political terrorism, and extremes.


Fortunately, the majority of the electorate are immune to chump checkers, government termites and mind bogglers. We are not playing games, and we have a message for violators of the public trust: "We are the owners of this country, not the renters. Restore the rights usurped from the states and the people, or be evicted."




The Washington Examiner

December 26, 2010


Re: Closing the books on the worst Congress - editorial


The Washington Examiner's 'worst Congress' editorial is on the mark, and should include the out-of-tune, out-of-touch bandleader in the White House, who is largely responsible for the over-reaching Congress. By circumventing the Constitution and the will of the people, President Obama is using administrative regulatory strong-arm tactics to do what he can't get done with legislation.


President Obama is bulldozing constitutional limits placed on government with an edict to have the FCC impose dictatorial intrusion on the Internet in the name of net neutrality, which is simply a ruse to control use and speech on a vast medium that has given the people more freedom and participatory democracy than ever before.


Coupled with ordering the EPA to impose carbon emission cap and tax measures on power plants, refineries and manufacturing -- and legislation taking over health care, finance, energy and industry in America -- President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress are imposing leftist, confiscatory, economy-busting policies that will surely plunge the nation deeper in recession, to depression, to repression.


Adding insurmountable public debt to our dire circumstances makes Democrat a dirty name -- indeed, "Demoncrat." Hopefully, Republicans will turn it around, and not become "Repugnacan." We the voters have issued our own edict to government: "Do it right, leave it alone, or be gone."




San Francisco Chronicle

December 25, 2010


Re: Christmas 2050 - letters

By Richard Bailey


Richard Bailey's letter, Christmas 2050, 'Twas the summer before Christmas.." mocking the traditional poem is a sad commentary of another dupe who will stoop to anything to further indoctrination by extreme environmentalists and the hoax of global warming alarmists. If there are any toxins worse than air pollution, they are constantly being spewed by the Green agenda. Indeed, if over-reaching government doesn't finish off our economy and our liberties, the Green Grinch movement certainly will.





December 23, 2010


Re: Amid doom and gloom, reasons for Christmas cheer - editorial


Amid the Christmas cheer, there is always reason to celebrate the birth of Christ, and the goodness and giving that comes with it. However, we may not escape the darkness coming the day after New Year's day.


For instance, the notion that corporate-corrupt green energy will satisfy the nation's need to increase energy output by at least 15 percent to meet demand over the next 30 years is absurd. Our needs will be further complicated by the negative effects of the EPA's January 2, 2011 marching orders from President Obama and his fanatic global warming zealots to curb energy from coal-fired power plants.


EPA carbon cap and tax emission regulations will affect all power plants, refineries and manufacturing factories -- and close 20 percent of coal-fired power plants -- which would subject 70 million homes to blackouts, and substantially increase the nation's electric bills with hidden taxes.  


In addition, the people will face much more than hidden EPA carbon taxes in their electric bills. We can expect less income, less national security and a heavy dose of inflation in our Christmas stockings courtesy of our not-so-secret Santas in Washington.


Now that the Senate has ratified the nuclear START (Stop) Treaty, we can expect our missile defenses to diminish, our allies defenses to diminish -- the EPA, the FCC, the HHS, and the not-so-Happy New Year to bring in higher gas and energy prices, restriction of free speech on the Internet -- and much higher health care costs from intrusive government disguised as old St. Nick and Father Time.


As if a mountain of public debt, an out-of-control Federal Reserve, finance regulations and a second round of economic pain is not going to inflict enough damage -- the unrepentant Washington Grinches are doing everything in their power to bring America and Americans to their knees. Problem is, we don't bend that easily to unbridled power and tyranny. We expect our elected representatives to act and react accordingly, or be removed from office and replaced by those who will.


Alas, in California, we are getting a double dose of environmental tyranny against all businesses with AB 32, and foolishly electing Jerry Brown and re-electing Sacramento's economic terminators. Problem is, Californians need to wake up, get off their knees and stand up for survival. With California crashing, it could happen.





December 21, 2010


Stop the START Treaty


Concerns that the START nuclear weapons treaty disarms our missile defense is alarming. Indeed, it comes as no surprise that President Obama and Senate Democrats are playing fast and loose with our national security.


To limit our missile defense systems, particularly in this era of expanding terrorism, is simply irresponsible and dangerous. Doing it to gain favor with powers of Russia -- who make no secret of their vengeful, underlying contempt for America -- is blatantly reckless and unconscionable.


Failing to face the realities of Russia's record of selling arms to our enemies, directly and indirectly assisting Iran's nuclear ambitions, and arming Venezuela's Hugo Chavez's dangerous ambitions in South America doesn't seem to effect President Obama's ambitions.


Alas, it's about as much of a concern as the President and Congress display by crippling our domestic oil, coal and energy resources, while continuing $6 billion in corn ethanol subsidies for a costly, mandated dud that increases grain prices, corrodes engines, reduces miles per gallon, and has an atrocious environmental pollution record that even environmental zealots such as "Friends of the Earth" and Al Gore admit was a mistake.


Not to worry? Not if we don't care about the unrestrained, insidious powers from within, blindly and purposely undermining our health, safety, security and our future. An abundance of strength, character, wisdom and caution is what we need, and should demand, from our leaders and our government.



Los Angeles Times

December 18, 2010


Re: Fox's unbalancing act - editorial        


Frankly, as a Times subscriber, I was stunned by how desperate the editorial board must be to stoop to the level of George Soros-funded, Media Matters, as a credible source for attacking Fox News.


Indeed, nit-picking Fox News for accurately reporting on the costly government-run healthcare mandate for what it really is -- and questioning the reliability of economy-busting global warming nonsense -- is in fact, not only objective news, but absolutely necessary to an informed electorate.


The Times might as well face it. This era is not the liberal news business as usual, which have contributed to many of the the root problems caused by government in America. If it were not for Fox News' honest reporting, our people would less able to apply the brakes or make a U-turn on the road to serfdom.




Los Angeles Times

December 17, 2010


Re: Tax-cut strategy may not hold up


Call tax deal like it is: Obama/Democrats damage control


How far does the lame-duck Congress and the lame-stream media think they can go by insulting the intelligence of the American people? Apparently, for as long as they can get away with it. Indeed, the empty suits in Washington insist on calling an essential "no change" in the tax rates, "tax cuts," when none exist.


Instead, the so-called, "tax-cut deal," is merely the prolonged uncertainty of raising a decade of previous tax cuts in two years, which is little more than President Obama re-election damage control for the empty-suit-in-chief and other tenuous Democrats. However, it does little to nothing for a nation steeped in recession, regulation, insurmountable public debt, job loss and uncertainty.


Alas, innocent as it may seem, what we have here is playing insidious politics at any cost. Further economic pain delayed is likely to become twice as painful at the hands of selfish interests, and the injustice of social justice. Call it like it is: "Government Madoffonomics," AKA: Fraud. The cure: Shake off the predators and parasites, and turn it around at the ballot box.




The Wall Street Journal

December 11, 2010


Re: Clinton and Obama for Bush - editorial


Former presidents Clinton and Bush will be no help to the former leader of the Pelosi - Reid House and Senate wild bunch.


President Obama made a deal with Republicans to extend current tax rates for two years with a $120 billion unemployment benefits extension attached. House and Senate Democrats attached $billions in subsidy and tax break amendments for ethanol, Hollywood and other political pork, raising the so-called $700 tax deficit to a $trillion. Yet the lame duck the socialists among them, such as Speaker Pelosi and filibustering Sen. Sanders (S) Vermont, are being spiteful and vindictive in resisting any compromise.


That's the way our government embezzles taxes and debt in Washington's business as usual -- for the last two years on steroids -- to pass the $800 billion stimulus bill, and the $trillion(s)? national health careless law. And that's why voters are replacing Democrats with committed Republicans in the House and Senate, and in state houses across the country. The American people don't want tax increases now, two years from now or ever, and neither does our beleaguered economy. We want tax cuts and downsized government.


Lest tenuous tax and spend office holders forget -- and fail to follow the voters' marching orders -- they and President Obama will be removed from office in 2012. The only deal the people want is responsible, constitutional and honest government, limited to what we need, not what we don't need or want. Clean, single purpose legislation written in plain unfettered language is a start. Legislation filled with legalese, bulk fine print, and dirtied with add-ons and costly clutter is unacceptable.




Los Angeles Times

December 9, 2010


Re: Tax-cut plan digs deeper deficit hole


Bad tax and deficit spending math


Washington Democrats seem to be suffering from the failed education system, particularly in tax revenue and deficit spending math. The notion that continuing 2001 Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, known the "Bush tax cuts," will add $700 billion the deficit over the next two years is absurd.


How could there be a $700 billion deficit unless the Democrats are basing it on anticipated tax revenue as already in place? Indeed, naysayers are doing just that, even though the economy is steeped in government-caused uncertainty and there is no way to calculate tax revenues which don't exist.


Continuing the tax rates will force government to account correctly. If there is to be a $700 billion deficit, it will be because government continues to borrow and spend beyond its means. Bad tax and spending math has already plunged the American people into insurmountable debt. Government must either get its act together, or voters will do it for them.


Alas, California is the perfect storm example of diving into debt based on the false assumption of continued tax revenues during high economic times. That's irresponsible government at its worst. Pay as you go or suffer the consequences. California crashing is the result.





Washington Post

December 8. 2010


Daffy-duck Congress


This is not a lame-duck Congress. It's a daffy-duck Congress with a president that laid rotten eggs for two years. Fortunately, there's a people-friendly House  ready to spread the American Eagle's wings. Question is, will it fly?





December 7, 2010


What compromise? Who's holding who hostage?            


President Obama, congressional democrats and the liberal media say congressional Republicans are holding the unemployed and the middle class hostage for the sake of extending tax cuts for the rich.


Contrary to misinformed belief, the irresponsibility of President Obama and the Democrat Congress have compromised our future and held the American people hostage to their agenda for two years.


Unfortunately, they will continued to hold us and the economy hostage until the Bush tax rates are made permanent, a moratorium is place on the debt, Obamacare is repealed, the grip on energy is released, and government is reduced -- if and when they are voted out of office in 2012.




The Wall Street Journal

December 6, 2010


Re: Julian Assange, Information Anarchist


Julian Assange is more that an anarchist


President Obama and his attorney general, Holder should have indicted WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange for espionage immediately after the first release of classified documents -- and our historical ally, Australia should take action against its treacherous citizen. PFC Bradley Manning is definitely a traitor. Sneaking those documents to Assange was treason against the United States for ".adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."


Instilling fear in potential violators of our national security and world security is an appropriate deterrent, as long as there are consequences -- including Sweden for allowing WikiLeaks to get away with it. Denouncing any of it is not enough when lives are at stake, if not lost already. No one can opt-out of a world steeped in terrorism and insecurity as if it were merely a computer game.


Traitors such as Major Hasan, the Time Square and Portland bombers should be indicted for treason. Indeed, ungrateful and treasonous Americans such as Jane Fonda, Harry Belafonte, Sean Penn and Danny Glover should suffer the consequences of their blatant betrayals -- loss of citizenship and banishment at least. Fierce faith and loyalty to country -- defending America and patriotism -- means everything to our freedom, liberty and survival. 





The Washington Times

December 5, 2010


Re: Senate blocks Obama's tax plan


Phony tax debate


Republicans in Congress should hold fast to making the Bush tax buts permanent. All of them. Lest we forget, in order to get those cuts in the first place, President Bush had to compromise with the Congressional Democrats by allowing them to expire on December 31st, 2010. Those cuts were good for the American people and the overall economy then, and they are even more important in this recession.


Now, at the eleventh hour, President Obama and the short-lived Democrat-controlled Congress are playing spiteful games with political posturing and class warfare by bringing bills to a vote under the guise of making the middle class tax cuts permanent, and allowing the tax cuts for the rich expire. The problem is taxpayers making over $200,000 or $250 000 or a $million are considered rich by Democrats, when in fact they are the backbone of jobs and job creation.


Extending the tax cuts for a year or two is unacceptable. President Obama and Congress have been playing fast and loose with health care, the deficit and national debt for two years, with no results for jobs or the economy, which is unconscionable.




Time Magazine

December 4, 2010


Re: The war on secrecy - cover story

Denouncing leaks is not enough


Time Magazine's cover story rationalizing WikiLeaks comes as no surprise.


President Obama and his attorney general, Holder should have indicted WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange for espionage immediately after the first release of classified documents. Indeed, PFC Bradley Manning is surely a traitor. Sneaking those documents to Assange was treason against the United States for ".adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."


Liberals are soft on terrorism and see nothing wrong with PFC Manning, WikiLeaks founder Assange or the New York Times exposing classified documents. Their ideology of moral relativism is that 'there is no truth' stands in the way of passing judgment on what is good or bad -- right or wrong -- unless their "Simon says" it is or is not. In other words, don't bother them with facts or morals unless it fits their philosophical agenda.




The Washington Examiner

December 3, 2010


Re: Wave goodbye to Internet Freedom - Editorial


There is much more to the FCC's intentions than meets the eye. Indeed, FCC Commissioner Michael Copps recently complained that American media is 'not producing the body of news and information that democracy needs ... we have to reverse that trend.' Commissioner Copps is tipping the federal hand into what smacks of state-run media.


Coupled with pushing for the fairness doctrine and net neutrality, the Obama administration wants to control communications and information. That's scary and unconstitutional. The people must have access to unfettered  freedom of speech, freedom of information and freedom of the press from any and all sources -- as long as it's legal. Otherwise we could be ruled by authoritarian government.


Unfortunately, that's where we're headed. As Edmund Burke profoundly said, "The only thing necessary for evil to exist, is for good people to remain silent and do nothing." (paraphrased).




The Washington Post

November 26, 2010


Lame-duck, lame brain Congress


The so-called Democrat-controlled lame-duck Congress has in fact proven to be a lame-brain Congress -- still bent on raising taxes, raising health care costs, raising the deficit, raising the cost of living, destroying jobs and plunging taxpayers into insurmountable debt.


Fortunately, reasonable voters felt enough economic pain to put born-again Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives, narrow the Democrat margin in the Senate, and show gains among the several states. Hopefully, this will help stem the tide of big government insanity sweeping the nation.


And it might, if it were not for the uncertainty dwelling in the White House. Indeed, President Obama and his administration would be well-advised to heed the warning votes of 2010 if he is have any hope of extending his executive position for another term.


If the president doesn't remarkably change his ways, there won't be another term for him or any other Democrat, including the majority in the Senate. of course, the entire matter rests solely on the performance and results achieved by the Republicans. The American people won't stand for any more nonsense, loss of freedom, liberty, security or jobs.


Too many Californians don't get it yet, but they will -- the hard way. Jerry Brown & Co. will certainly drive the social, political and economic points home to the lame-brain voters among us.




Time Magazine

November 27, 2010


Re: Time frames: What really happened?

Cover story


Frankly, I'm disappointed, but not surprised, by Time's slanted view of the first decade of 2000. What really happened to America since the turn of the century began much earlier in the 20th Century.


Our history, misinterpreted and distorted by the left, hardly defines or describes what really happened. Simply put, the progressive, liberal, socialist, left -- or whatever the next name for the insidious ideology becomes -- undermined our history, our Constitution, our education, our society, our government and our freedom.


Fortunately, there have been brief periods in time when there was an awakening to what America really means, such as the Reagan era and the short-lived Ross Perot false prophet betrayal. Now, there is an awakening born out of economic failure and over-reaching government that may very well turn into a time of reckoning for the soul of our nation. That's what is really happening (California not included).





November 30, 2010


Re: Clinton blast leaks as 'an attack'


Blasting leaks is not enough


President Obama and his attorney general, Holder should have indicted WikiLeaks founder, Assange for espionage immediately after the first release of classified documents -- and our historical ally, Australia should take action against its treacherous citizen. PFC Manning is definitely a traitor. Sneaking those documents to Assange was treason against the United States for ".adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."


Instilling fear in potential violators of our national security and world security is an appropriate deterrent, as long as there are consequences -- including Sweden for allowing WikiLeaks to get away with it. Denouncing any of it is not enough when lives are at stake, if not lost already. No one can opt-out of a world steeped in terrorism and insecurity as if it were merely a computer game.


Indeed, ungrateful and treasonous Americans such as Jane Fonda, Harry Belafonte, Sean Penn and Danny Glover should suffer the consequences of their blatant betrayals -- loss of citizenship and banishment at least. Fierce faith and loyalty to country -- defending America and patriotism -- means everything to our freedom, and our liberty. 




Los Angeles Times

November 26, 2010


California crashing


The results of the 2010 election makes it painfully clear that California is unduly influenced by a superficial society of socialist aggression, political chaos, selfish interests and extremes. Indeed, coupled with over-reaching government, punishing taxes, rules and regulations -- and a failed miseducation system of factories of ignorance and warehouses of indoctrination -- the once Golden State is sinking into the depths of deception replete with fools' gold and tarnished ideals.


All of which was corroborated by the elections of the liberal cabal headed by Governor Jerry Brown, Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, and Attorney General Kamala Harris -- along with the re-election of U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer -- and the passage of the wrong Propositions and the defeat of the right Propositions.


Hopefully, as California goes, the nation will not follow into the clutches of a one-party totalitarian state. Hopefully, the Tea Party-influenced majority in the House of Representatives, with gains in the Senate, and an imploding Obama presidency will preclude a total collapse of America before the 2012 election. Meanwhile, we must hold on to our liberty and keep a tight grip on our freedom.




The Washington Post

November 24, 2010


North Korea and al-Qaeda


North Korea's saber-rattling against South Korea signals the looming collapse of the Communist regime, similar to what happened to the Soviet Union. Both consumed their country's wealth with over-reaching communism, arms and armies -- starving their people.


Hopefully, North Korea won't go down by launching nuclear attacks. Hopefully, China will prevent that from happening. But hope is not enough.


Meanwhile, al-Qaeda and a nuclear Iran pose a greater threat to us, Israel, the Middle-East and the world. Al-Qaeda's obsession with crashing aircraft in America has been an over-reaction distraction for the United States. However, the terrorists are bound to attack us in other ways, by other means, with greater damage, soon and often.


We must have the best intelligence, deterrents and strong wisdom in leadership to prevent the worst from happening. Indeed, we have serious problems.




The Wall Street Journal

November 21, 2010


Re: Private Medicare plans are retrenching

By Avery Johnson


Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage plan is a model for Republicans


President Obama's health care reform laws intended cut of $140 billion from Medicare Advantage Plans will displace many if not most of the 11 million seniors enrolled in a Medicare program that works. Indeed, it's bad enough that the monstrous health care law has already caused insurance premiums to rise across the board. Add to that, employers dropping health care coverage for employees, or laying off employees because they can't afford government-forced coverage -- it's a net loss of more jobs across the board.


Congressional Republicans have indicated that they want to scrap the health care law fiasco and replace it with reasonable reforms. Of course, that should be done, and while they're at it, they should use the Kaiser Permanente Medicare (Senior) Advantage program as a model to save Advantage. My wife and I have been insured with Kaiser for many years, and we've experienced their growth and continued improvement in service.


Kaiser spent $5 billion over 5 years to completely computerize their medical files and information, making it immediately accessible to all their doctors and staff. For the past few years, we have been enrolled in the Kaiser Medicare Senior Advantage Program, which is very efficient and effective at reasonable costs. Instead of squeezing seniors out of Medicare Advantage, government should keep and improve it, and focus on Medicare waste, fraud and abuse.


Surely, 11 million seniors and many millions more can't be wrong about mishandling health care. We threw out a strong warning in the 2010 elections. Congress and President Obama have two years to do the right thing. If they don't, they'll pay the political price in 2012.




San Francisco Chronicle

November 18, 2010


Shame on Governor Schwarzenegger


When Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor in the Governor Gray Davis recall election, it was because Davis mishandled the California energy crisis and raised taxes, all of which was a devastating blow to California's economy and its people.


Since being re-elected Schwarzenegger betrayed the voters with tax increases and a potentially worse blow to the economy with the passage of AB-32 Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. Then -- in the face of an already mortally wounded economy -- he was instrumental in defeating Proposition 23, which would have delayed implementation of the Act until unemployment was reduced to at least 5.5% for a year.


Adding insult to injury, the governor is still crusading for highly questionable claims of global warming, with his "Governors' Global Climate Summit 3," which was held this week at UC Davis.


Like most environmental zealots, Schwarzenegger's shameless push for costly carbon regulation and unreasonable green energy requirements will only serve to devastate California's economy further. Still, the irony is that it didn't deter the hapless majority of voters from electing Jerry Brown to lead his newly elected wrecking crew in knocking down the state, and grinding the people into the ground of economic ruin.


Alas, the only thing worth looking forward to is not having to spell Arnold's last name anymore, and letting him be known as just another political jerk. In this case, a RINO Republican with a lot of liberal baggage at home, and the audacity to suggest amending the Constitution so he can run for president. Amend the Constitution? Yes. With a series of amendments restoring the strict constitutional limitations on the federal government, power to the states and to the people.




The Washington Examiner

November 14, 2010


Overcoming the liberal revolution after the 2010 elections


The liberal/progressive/socialist revolution -- by whatever definition -- began early in the 20th Century, descended on American government and our society like a thief in the night, kicked in the door during the 1960s', and has been overwhelming our country ever since.


It is now up to the voters to overcome that insidious revolution and restore what was stolen from us: Our Constitution -- life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- with freedom, and strictly limited government by the instructive consent of the governed.


The democracy of the spontaneous Tea Party movement -- and gains made in the 2010 elections -- is a start. The insanity running rampant in California is a more difficult matter. However -- after adding the Jerry Brown & Co. insult to injury, and once our inhabitants have suffered enough -- this too will change.







Los Angeles Times

November 17, 2010


Re: Charles Rangel


Too much personal power corrupts. That's what happened to Rep. Charles Rangel -- and too many people holding public office -- simply because government is too big and over-reaching at nearly every level.


Each house of Congress is supposed to police itself. It hasn't worked because they have become the political elite in the most exclusive clubs.


Rep. Rangel should be expelled from the House, but that won't happen. Government is supposed to police itself, but it seldom happens.


The American people and the states are the only safeguard, however, we are too limited by the corrupted institutions which have compromised our Constitution and usurped power from the states: Congress, the presidency, and the federal judiciary.


We must look out for ourselves, which will take a few serious amendments to restore the Constitution. Congress won't do it.  Only the states can make that happen. It's a matter of survival, liberty and freedom. We need a Tea Party of the states and a constitutional convention.





The Washington Examiner

November 14, 2010


Overcoming the liberal revolution after the 2010 elections


The liberal/progressive/socialist revolution -- by whatever definition -- began early in the 20th Century, descended on American government and our society like a thief in the night, kicked in the door during the 1960s', and has been overwhelming our country ever since.


It is now up to the voters to overcome that insidious revolution and restore what was stolen from us: Our Constitution -- life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- with freedom, and strictly limited government by the instructive consent of the governed.


The democracy of the spontaneous Tea Party movement -- and gains made in the 2010 elections -- is a start. The insanity running rampant in California is a more difficult matter. However -- after adding the Jerry Brown & Co. insult to injury, and once our inhabitants have suffered enough -- this too will change.



Victor Valley Daily Press

November 12, 2010


Re: Wait 'til next year - Letters


Arguing ideology


Arguing the ideology with the political left is little more than an exercise in futility. Particularly, when the left is steeped in the insidious sauce of anxiety and uncertainty of liberal/progressive propaganda and indoctrination, which has permeated the education establishment, the news media establishment, the arts and entertainment industry and, consequently, government.


The socialist infection spread surreptitiously over the past 100 years to where it affected generations without really being noticed until the 1930's depression, WW II, and now -- in these dire economic times of terrorism. Nevertheless, the condescending entitlement culture remains clueless, expecting the most from the least, building over-reaching government and demonizing anyone or anything that gets in its way.


America's history of freedom has grown with the strength of a unique oak tree, spreading its branches and thriving, regardless of the abuses -- weathering all storms. However, lest we forget, tree borers can eat through the bark and feed on the life sap of our tree of freedom without being noticed, girdling the limbs and trunk until it slowly dies from the treetop down to the ground.


The question remains, the outer branches are bare -- and though our roots of liberty are deep -- are we strong enough to fight off the boring disease? The bottom line is, talk is cheap. Nonsense comes at great social, political and economic expense. We need something to overcome a superficial society of social aggression, political indoctrination, government expansion, selfish interests and extremes. Common sense is the cure, and it's free. Keep the tea party going.





Victor Valley Daily Press

November 7, 2010


Re: Trouble in the neighborhood (front page)


It's bad enough that the federal government intruded on the financing and private ownership of homes by intimidating banks and mortgage lenders to lower qualification standards in the name of affordable housing -- then influenced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase their acceptance of risky loans -- which caused the housing market collapse and the financial crisis, recession, job losses and home foreclosures that followed.


Government intrusion on private property has depressed neighborhoods and property values to such an extent that has affected the way of life of nearly everyone. Indeed, the long arms of federal and state intrusion -- particularly in California -- have been surreptitiously condemning private property with HUD homes and state-licensed group homes, by injecting gang elements and criminals into our neighborhoods.


That has been made painfully clear in our local area, wherein an elderly couple was killed by a group home walk-away, and two sex offenders who recently removed their ankle bracelets and escaped. One of them was killed by officers in Lucerne Valley when he pulled a gun on them, and the other who had been living in an adult residential care facility for mentally disabled men in Apple Valley before his escape and capture.


I live in the Apple Valley neighborhood where the adult residential care home is located, and it was news to me. I was aware of several other group homes in our area, including two juvenile offender homes and one other residential care home for the mentally disabled. Even more troubling was information about 26 residential care homes located in Apple Valley, which is far more than other communities in Victor Valley.


Surely, none of these homes or other government invasions should exist in private single family residential neighborhoods because of the threat to our safety and security -- along with suppressing our property values -- which is tantamount to unconstitutional government condemnation of private property. Then again, our Constitution is something local, state and federal government violate every day -- which is unconscionable, unacceptable, illegal and must be stopped.  





The Washington Post

October 31, 2010


Voter remorse won't help when you're broken


The 2010 campaigns and elections will undoubtedly be the nastiest in recent history -- replete with lies, deception, personal attacks, abuse of power and voter fraud.


For all those who blindly voted for a Congress that put Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid in charge, then elected Barack Obama as President: Voter remorse won't help when you're broken.


Indeed, if you haven't wised-up to the dirty deeds passed by the Congress and signed by the President -- and you vote for them again in this election and in the 2012 presidential election -- you might as well step up on a chair, put the economic noose around your neck, and step off.


Alas, beating your head against the symbolic social, political and economic walls leaves your ideals bruised, your freedoms bleeding, your liberty legs wobbling and your wallet empty.


Tea Party people know what's at stake, and that means the vast majority of Americans are determined to survive and prosper. And that's why it's so important to have truthfully informed voters in charge of government by consent of the governed.



Los Angeles Times

October 28, 2010


Voter-assisted economic suicide


As if voters aren't suffering enough from the economic crash -- and the Washington-aggravated aftermath -- the worst case scenario for California will be the election of Jerry Brown and the slate of Democrats for the executive branch, the retention of a large Democrat majority in the Legislature, and the passage of Propositions 19, 21, 24, 25 and 27.


Indeed, driving the national economy into a ditch is mild compared to our state government and political zealots driving California's economy over a 2010-foot cliff, in a union-driven green machine. If voters don't at least pass Proposition 23 and defeat Proposition 25, that would certainly result in voter-assisted economic suicide.  





San Bernardino Sun

October 26, 2010


California's worst case scenario


Though there is hope on the horizon for congressional elections, hopefully, California's worst case scenario won't materialize as a result of the people's vote November 2, 2010. Indeed, as it is often said, as California goes, so goes the nation. However, since the national social, political and economic meltdown jerked most people to their senses, California government has played its usual suspects role of Mad Magazine's Alfred E. Neuman's, "What? Me worry?


Unfortunately, California has a long decaying history of progressive political ideology, more so than most of the country. Alas, if it were not for a few bright spots such as Governor Ronald Reagan, the Proposition 13 backlash, and the energy crisis recall of Governor Gray Davis -- California would be even further along to becoming a socialist state under the indoctrination of bureaucrats, public education's factories of ignorance, extreme environmentalists, and the entitlement culture. In effect, under the benevolent dictatorship of the ruling elite.


As if voters aren't suffering enough from the economic crash, the worst case scenario for California will be the election of Jerry Brown and the slate of Democrats for the executive branch, the retention of a large Democrat majority in the Legislature, and the passage of Propositions 19, 21, 24, 25 and 27. That would certainly amount to voter-assisted state suicide, and ensure the demise of the California economy. Surely, the worst scenario would not be complete without remembering the gross mistake of electing RINO, Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor instead of Tom McClintock.


On the other hand, there is a better case scenario of electing Meg Whitman and the Republican slate, plus passing only Propositions 20, 22, 23, and 26 as a matter of survival. Clearly, the best case scenario would be to break the progressive stranglehold on Sacramento, including the public miseducation money-pit, with a voter initiative repealing Proposition 98's grip on half of the state budget. As always, it's up to we the people to be self-sufficient and responsible, and limiting government to only that which is necessary to ensure our security, liberty and freedoms. I, for one, have already voted to survive.    




The Washington Examiner

October 25, 2010


Re: No more bailouts for Fannie and Freddie


Indeed, the horror story leading to our economic meltdown is deeply rooted in circumventing the Constitution with government intrusion and manipulation of free enterprise for the sake of affordable housing. The condensed chronology leading to the crash is not a pretty picture:


1977 - President Jimmy Carter signed the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) for affordable housing in all areas.

1995 - President Clinton's administration -- HUD Director Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Janet Reno -- used the CRA to intimidate banks and mortgage lenders to lower qualification standards for homebuyers.

2000 - Banks and mortgage lenders began sub-prime lending to offset affordable housing pressure. Risky housing investment escalated.

2004 - Rep. Barney Frank, Sen. Chris Dodd and Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines pushed affordable housing lending by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, even though the housing market bubble was growing out of control.

2006 - Risky government-backed mortgage securities were bundled with secure mortgages and marketed heavily.

2008 - The housing bubble finally exploded -- banks were long on risk exposure, short on capital and the economy crashed.


2009 - 2010 - Coupled with the bank, finance and auto industry bailouts, the continuous bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the so-called stimulus package, financial regulation, energy regulation, and the nationalization of health care, government is overwhelming the economy and the nation with job and business losses, home foreclosures, over-reaching regulations and $trillions in debt.


Surely, if this continues unabated, President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress will have gone a long way in breaking our economic backs and making the American people dependent on government. On the other hand, that's the socialist ideology, isn't it?




The Victor Valley Daily Press

October 20, 2010


Re: Today's Editorial and Letters to the Editor

It's getting worse

Jerry Brown's record is available to voters


A perfect storm brewing in California


Today's Daily Press Opinion Page reflects cautious optimism about a change in the control of Congress and a warning against electing Jerry Brown as the governor of California. With the angry wave of Tea Party-inspired voters poised to put Republicans back in control of the House and possibly the Senate, there is hope that a political moratorium will be placed on the reckless legislation, debt and spending coming out of Washington against the nation.


There is, however, ample reason for skepticism considering the fact that since the 1994 Newt Gingrich-led Contract with America controlled spending and balanced the budget, Republicans lost power in Congress and went along to get along, allowing the housing market crash that crushed the economy. Of course, all of us are painfully aware of what congressional and presidential abuse of power have done to make it worse -- if not checked -- probably terminal.


California, on the other hand -- replete with saturation political ads -- is facing a reckoning with what promises to become a social, political and economic perfect storm descending after election day, November 2, 2010. Indeed, our already critically battered, wounded and grossly unprepared state is now suffering from coerced compromise making us vulnerable to voter-assisted suicide.


If the Democrat cabal of Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris and Dave Jones are elected governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general and insurance commissioner -- respectively. And Propositions 19, 21, 24,25 and 27 are passed. The perfect storm will surely fall upon us with a vengeance, and most of us -- including those who voted for helping develop the storm -- will not survive the onslaught of damages.


Alas, even if Republican Meg Whitman & Co. are elected -- and our self-defense Propositions 20, 22, 23 and 26 pass -- it is highly unlikely that we can survive the strangleholds of the Democrat-controlled legislature, debt-ridden government, the liberal state news media, the tyranny of extreme environmentalist machines, and the teacher union/unions cartel. Sadly, it doesn't seem to matter that we are saddled with economy and freedom-inhibiting taxes, fees, laws, rules and regulations -- a costly and dismal public miseducation system -- overwhelming entitlement programs, and facing imminent bankruptcy.


It is often said, and how true it is, that as California goes, so goes the nation. In this dilemma, however, California is a runaway train on a dead-end track.





The Wall Street Journal

October 18, 2010


Re: California's cap-and-trade war

Editorial - WSJ

October 18, 2010


Thank you for the editorial regarding California's cap-and-trade war over Proposition 23. We are indeed defending ourselves against environmental zealots and the green machine that has already damaged our state's economy beyond recognition, not to mention the economy of the nation.


It is painfully clear that California's liberal Legislature and government are poised to do more damage to our economy by implementing an even harsher blow by global warming advocates' manipulated studies and junk science, with their carbon emission legislation AB 32 -- which is being challenged from the trenches of democracy with Proposition 23. If passed, the ballot measure would not repeal, but would suspend the implementation of AB 32 until unemployment fell to 5.5% or less for one year. However, even if Proposition 23 passes, the Legislature has S. 722 ready to bring it back in another form.


Governor Schwarzenegger has certainly betrayed Californians by turning into the "Terminator" of the economy with higher fees and taxes -- touting AB 32 as his crowning achievement, when in fact it will be a job-killing cost of living booster. Indeed, a liberal lemming election of Jerry Brown as governor would surely lead to economic suicide.


The angry wave of voters generating across the country against over-reaching government comes from a social, political and economic aftershock caused by President Obama and the political party in power shaking the foundations of our nation at the worst possible time. Indeed, in the absence of a cap-and-trade energy tax bill being passed by Congress, Obama's Environmental Protection (global warming) Agency is poised to cast a wide net of heavy-handed rules and regulations controlling carbon emissions at the expense of what is left of our nation's economy.


Coupled with Obama's EPA striking out against Texas and all states by pre-empting the permit process -- in favor of illegal carbon rules that will stall or prohibit energy exploration and production to force costly/unreliable green energy upon the land -- the blatant abuse of political power will certainly drive the cost of energy and the cost of living to unbearable levels.





The Washington Examiner

October 17, 2010


Re: Dems target conservative speech

By Michelle Malkin

The Washington Examiner

October 17, 2010

Michelle Malkin is on the mark as usual with her insightful political analysis. In self defense, Karl Rove should be commended for pushing back against the blatant, mudslinging lies thrown at him by the Democratic National Committee with a TV ad falsely accusing him, former GOP National Chairman, Ed Gillespie, and the groups they advise and raise funds for of taking secret foreign money to influence our elections. Surely, the stakes of damaging our democracy are raised when the DNC falsely accuses opponents of crimes. 

Indeed, the president's scurrilous attacks against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce -- coupled with Senate Finance Committee Chairman, Max Baucus sending the IRS out against tax exempt 501c political opponents -- is clear and convincing evidence that President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress are anti-free enterprise and anti-free political speech by any and all opposition.


As if that wasn't bad enough, the far left Move-On organization -- which so strongly supported Obama's election as his left money arm -- pulled a sneak attack against the Target retail corporation in a Minnesota election campaign. Lest we forget, Move-on was established during the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal to defend him against, "The politics of personal destruction," and move-on. And they did -- to a heightened brand of social, political and economic destruction of their enemies (with the help of the destroyer himself, George Soros). Lies and deceit means nothing to them, even to wrongly exploit volatile gay rights activists as attack dogs against one of the finest retail institutions, Target.


Considering a rapid and hostile record of seizing control of health care, industry, finance, housing and energy -- if anyone is a threat to free speech, free enterprise, freedom, liberty and our democracy, it is President Obama, the DNC & Co.  





The Washington Times

October 15, 2010


Re: Obama shafts the economy - editorial

The Washington Times

October 14, 2010


President Obama & Co. are doing much more to us than shafting the economy.


Indeed, the spontaneous, angry waves of voters being generated across the country against over-reaching government comes from social, political and economic aftershocks caused by President Obama's abuse of power, which is shaking the very foundations of our nation at the worst possible time.


The most disturbing realization for voters is the fact that Obama's presidency is becoming dictatorial, with monarchial declarations, edicts and executive orders disregarding the economic consequences of bureaucratic inefficiency, waste, fraud and abuse inherent in most government programs.


Coupled with the legislative mania of the Democrat-controlled Congress, and the Supreme Court hanging by a thread, White House power grabs over health care, the auto industry, finance, housing and energy leaves our failing economy and our country steeped in fear, anxiety and uncertainty.


Surely, the diagnosis points to President Obama & Co. as an ideological malignant cancer metastasizing throughout America  -- which would likely become terminal with a second term….




The Wall Street Journal

October 14, 2010


Re: I am no threat to democracy

By Karl Rove

WSJ - October 14, 2010


Obama & Co. are a threat to democracy


Karl Rove should be commended for pushing back against the blatant, mudslinging lies thrown at him by the Democratic National Committee with a TV ad falsely accusing him, former GOP National Chairman, Ed Gillespie, and the groups they advise and raise funds for of taking secret foreign money to influence our elections. Surely, the stakes of damaging our democracy are raised when the DNC falsely accuses opponents of crimes. 


Indeed, the president's scurrilous attacks against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce -- coupled with Senate Finance Committee Chairman, Max Baucus sending the IRS out against tax exempt 501c political opponents -- is clear and convincing evidence that President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress are anti-free enterprise and anti-free political speech by any and all opposition.


As if that wasn't bad enough, the far left Move-On organization -- which so strongly supported Obama's election as his left money arm -- pulled a sneak attack against the Target retail corporation in a Minnesota election campaign. Lest we forget, Move-on was established during the Clinton/Lewinsky scandal to defend him against, "The politics of personal destruction," and move-on. And they did -- to a heightened brand of social, political and economic destruction of their enemies (with the help of the destroyer himself, George Soros). Lies and deceit means nothing to them, even to wrongly exploit volatile gay rights activists as attack dogs against one of the finest retail institutions, Target.


Considering a rapid and hostile record of seizing control of health care, industry, finance, housing and energy -- if anyone is a threat to free speech, free enterprise, freedom, liberty and our democracy, it is President Obama, the DNC & Co.  





The Washington Examiner

October 14, 2010


Re: Salazar's sleight of hand in Gulf drilling - editorial


The Washington Examiner is correct in its skepticism over lifting the drilling ban in the Gulf. The political caveats against actual drilling and production are overwhelming. Indeed, the measured lift on the ban that was scheduled to be lifted shortly after the November elections is simply a deceitful campaign gesture by the Obama administration to help fellow Democrats, primarily threatened incumbents.


Surely, new offshore drilling regulations are so onerous that it will inhibit most of not all offshore oil drilling and production, even in shallow waters. The marching orders for Interior Secretary Salazar and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management are painfully clear. Halt and/or endlessly delay permits for exploration, drilling and production of oil -- on or offshore -- natural gas, and coal. And march ahead with any and all green energy at any cost. 


Regardless, the impact on the economy, jobs and the people's cost of living will be severe during these worst of economic times. As if extreme environmentalists -- over-reaching, reactionary government -- and the serial abuse of political power would even notice. Alas, it is indeed, time for serious change.





The San Bernardino Sun

October 12, 2010


Re: Don’t let state grab local money

SB Sun - editorial

October 10, 2010


Inept California government keeps digging one budget hole to fill another


Once again, California government has proven inept in handling the state budget, leaving at least a $10 billion deficit for the next administration. Indeed, more borrowing, diverting, and banking on a $4 billion handout from the feds makes it highly probable that the deficit will grow even more -- much more.


Playing fast and loose with the real estate boom, while spending and depending on that as a tax base to satisfy heavy-handed selfish interests, was grossly irresponsible at best. Then raising taxes and more taxes disguised as fees, along with stealing from local governments was and is blatant abuses of power.


Hopefully, the appropriate ballot measures -- such as Propositions 20, 22, 23 and 26 -- will pass to help restrain out-of-control government until long overdue social, political and economic sanity is restored in Sacramento.


Surely, a bold move by the next governor should be to eliminate the $10 billion deficit by eliminating the $10 billion in entitlements to illegal aliens. If not, an activist-court-proof ballot initiative should be passed to resolve the matter once and for all.





The Wall Street Journal

October 11, 2010


Re: Shutting up business & Shootout at the EPA Corral - editorials


Tyranny by any definition


As if indenturing taxpayers with insurmountable debt without results in the worst of economic times wasn't over-reaching government's abuse of power enough, the WSJ's, Shutting up business & Shootout at the EPA Corral editorials make it painfully clear that the President Obama and his designated hitters are abusing their powers by strong-arming election campaign opponents, and states that are not falling into line with the EPA's green energy marching orders.


Indeed, the president's attacks against the U.S. Chamber of Commerce -- and Senate Finance Committee Chairman, Max Baucus sending the IRS out against tax exempt 501c political opponents -- is clear and convincing evidence that President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress are anti-free enterprise and anti-free political speech by any and all opposition.


Coupled with Obama's EPA striking out against Texas and all states with illegal clean air laws -- pre-empting the permit process in favor of illegal carbon rules that will stall or prohibit energy exploration and production to force costly/unreliable green energy upon the land -- is a blatant abuse of power that will certainly drive the cost of energy and the cost of living to unbearable levels.


Surely, it's been harmful enough that -- no matter how they try to mask it -- Democrats (Clinton/Reno/Cuomo, Frank/Dodd/Schumer) are responsible for the irresponsible housing boom that crashed the economy in the name of forced affordable housing. Finishing off the economy by seizing control of health care, housing, finance, industry and energy at any cost is tyranny by any definition -- particularly when the Obama regime shuts down the opposition by any means necessary. Voter revolts on November 2nd and 2012 are the only hope, if we are to survive the political onslaught -- impeachment before 2012, if necessary.





The Washington Examiner

October 9, 2010


Re: Signs of waste and fraud in Obama's stimulus program

The Washington Examiner - editorial

October 7, 2010


President Obama & Co. are a malignant cancer metastasizing in America


President Obama and his administration glossing over the waste, fraud and abuse with rave reports on the success of his stimulus program comes as no surprise. Indeed, the so-called $814 billion stimulus package is little more than a political power slush fund of national debt that was never intended to stimulate anything more than one-time government projects, political favors and obligations.


Shoveling over $500 billion in stimulus funds out the federal door has done little to nothing for unemployment, private sector jobs or the economic crisis. Rather, it's been like dropping uncontrolled tax dollars from government airplanes to special projects and state coffers to delay the inevitable pain of going under for the first, second or third time. California, for example, passed a shaky budget based upon risky revenue speculation, including $4 billion in stimulus funds.


The most disturbing realization is the underlying fact that Obama's presidency is becoming more monarchial with declarations, edicts and executive orders disregarding the endemic bureaucratic inefficiency, waste and fraud inherent in most government programs. Coupled with the Democrat-controlled Congress and White House power grabs over health care, auto industry, finance and energy -- leaves the economy and the country steeped in fear, anxiety and uncertainty.


Surely, the diagnosis points to President Obama & Co. as a malignant cancer metastasizing throughout America  -- which would certainly become terminal with a second term….





The Washington Times

October 9, 2010


Re: EPA global warmer's power grab:

Feeble U.S. economy can't handle a huge regulatory shock

By Mackubin Thomas Owens


President Obama & Co. are a malignant cancer metastasizing in America


The angry wave of voters generating across the country against over-reaching government comes from a social, political and economic aftershock caused by President Obama and the political party in power shaking the foundations of our nation at the worst possible time. Indeed, in the absence of a cap-and-trade energy tax bill being passed by Congress, Obama's Environmental Protection (global warming) Agency is poised to cast a wide net of heavy-handed rules and regulations controlling carbon emissions at the expense of what is left of our economy.


Meanwhile, in California, government is poised to do even more damage to its economy by implementing an even harsher blow by global warming zealots with their carbon emission legislation AB32, which is being challenged by Proposition 23, which would suspend the implementation of AB32 until unemployment fell to 5.5% for one year. However, even if Proposition 23 passes, the Legislature has S. 722 ready to bring it back in another form.


The most disturbing realization is the underlying fact that Obama's presidency is becoming more monarchial with declarations, edicts and executive orders disregarding the economic consequences, bureaucratic inefficiency, waste and fraud inherent in most government programs. Coupled with the Democrat-controlled Congress, White House power grabs over health care, the auto industry, finance and energy leaves the economy and the country steeped in fear, anxiety and uncertainty.


Surely, the diagnosis points to President Obama & Co. as a malignant cancer metastasizing throughout America  -- which would likely become terminal with a second term….





The Wall Street Journal

October 7, 2010


Re: Buffalo native makes it a street fight -- Democrats and 'Poisoned' Politics

Wall Street Journal


Taken together,  Buffalo native makes it a street fight & Karl Rove's, Democrats and 'Poisoned' Politics make the points of aggressive, rancorous politics -- yet both fail to grasp the disastrous consequences of past acts and questionable intentions of the political class.


The nasty politics of smears, accusations, and counter attacks notwithstanding, in the New York governor race between Andrew Cuomo and Carl Paladino, voters should not overlook Cuomo's critical participation in causing the nation's economic collapse. During the Clinton administration -- in the name of affordable housing -- then HUD Director, Andrew Cuomo, along with Attorney General Janet Reno intimidated banks and mortgage lenders into making home loans to people who could not qualify or afford them. Which, of course was perpetuated by the likes of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Chuck Schumer and Fannie Mae CEO, Franklin Raines -- causing the housing and economic crash.


Indeed, 'mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore' businessman Carl Paladino is just what beleaguered New Yorkers need to kick butt and take names in Albany. Just as we unindoctrinated Californians need to do in electing two tough businesswomen, Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina as governor and U.S. Senator to shake up the liberal status quo of irresponsible over-reaching government and environmental laws, fees and regulations strangling our economy over and above the national crash. Surely, New Yorkers ought to shed themselves of Cuomo and Sen. Schumer for the same reasons.





The new York Post

October 5, 2010


Re: Cuomo: Paladino smear hit my kids

By Fredric Dicker


The nasty politics of smears, accusations, and counter attacks notwithstanding, in the New York governor race between Andrew Cuomo and Carl Paladino, voters should not overlook Cuomo's critical participation in causing the nation's economic collapse. During the Clinton administration, then HUD Director, Andrew Cuomo, along with Attorney General Janet Reno intimidated banks and mortgage lenders into making home loans to people who could not qualify or afford them -- in the name of affordable housing. Which, of course was perpetuated by the likes of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Chuck Schumer and Fannie Mae CEO, Franklin Raines -- causing the housing and economic crash.


Indeed, 'mad as hell and not gonna take it anymore' businessman Carl Paladino is just what beleaguered New Yorkers need to kick butt and take names in Albany. Just as we unindoctrinated Californians need to do in electing two tough businesswomen, Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorino as governor and U.S. Senator to shake up the liberal status quo of irresponsible over-reaching government and environmental laws, fees and regulations strangling our economy over and above the national crash. Surely, New Yorkers ought to shed themselves of Cuomo and Sen. Schumer for the same reasons.





October 2, 2010


Cybersecurity or cybertyranny?


Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid and Senator John D. Rockefeller IV plan to pass Senator Joe Lieberman's S. 3480, which grants a newly appointed White house cyberczar powers over private companies deemed to be connected to the nation's "critical infrastructure." Banks, information technology companies, power plants and others would be directed to comply with any emergency measure or action developed by the (cyberczar) Director pursuant to a declaration by the President.


Ordinarily, in these times of terrorism and economic distress, I would welcome greater federal control over the Internet in the name of cybersecurity. However, not under the control of this president and a Democrat-controlled Congress. Particularly, when Congress and the President have already exercised excessive federal authority over health care, industry, finance and energy -- tantamount to federal tyranny. The next step would likely be control over free speech, democracy and the news media.





The Washington Examiner

September 7, 2010


Re: Sinking with Obama: Democrats plan political triage

By Michael Barone

Washington Examiner, September 7, 2010


Michael Barone is correct. Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi will certainly be wearing the royal robes of the 'Queen of Hearts' as she and her court go about triaging "Off with their heads" to expendable Democrats in order to maintain power in Congress. However, what voters need is to deal a blow to Washington that will not only clean the House and Senate of Democrats and RINO Republicans, but send a message that clearly says, "We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore!" Indeed, we are America -- not you!





The Washington Times

September 5, 2010


Re: Public unions seek national monopoly

By Mark Mix

Washington Times

September 3, 2010


The news that -- if passed -- H.R. 413 and S 3194 legislation would federalize public safety union monopoly bargaining power throughout the country is troubling to say the least. Indeed, frightening when -- in effect -- it would be tantamount to nationalizing police and fire employees.


As a former employee in the California criminal justice system for 41 years -- it simply scares me -- considering the possibility of nationalized unions beholding to the federal government -- particularly police and fire unions.


Indeed, the State of California, the federal government, and the education establishment have already been seduced by socialist ideology. I recall my first years in law enforcement with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department during the 1960's when there were no public safety unions, no paid overtime and we were encouraged to vote for Barry Goldwater for president.


As I continued my career with the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department, I just missed the paid overtime over the years, yet I was included in a public safety union. Now, it is well known and understood why the unions, including public safety unions, endorse Democrats for public office -- as teacher unions do -- for selfish interest power and benefits.


Dedication to duty notwithstanding, it's sad to realize the compromise is telling when my former union endorses Jerry Brown for Governor of the sad state of California. Alas, back in the day, dedication to the job was enough -- including the thousands of unpaid overtime hours -- because it was for public safety and security -- and the first line of defense for us. With nationalized police, the tables could easily turn bad.





The New York Post         

August 30, 2010


The senseless 62nd Emmy Awards


Jimmy Fallon's futile comedy hosting the 62nd Emmy Awards kept things rolling through a meaningless rapid-fire -- often painful -- experience of reminders of just how dramatically television entertainment has fallen. Indeed, after suffering the shallow samples of everything on television from Glee to Breaking Bad, and The Big Bang Theory to Modern Family, plus most of other genre's of programming, there was little if anything of quality -- other than House, Dexter, Jesse Stone, and other movies such as, You Don't Know Jack -- left to celebrate in what has become the hollow culture. Surely, when TV is replete with unrealistic reality bombs and tedious series, the future of entertainment looks senseless at best. Alas, the only class acts appearing on award night were limited to Tom Selleck, Al Pacino, Tom Hanks and Edie Falco. It's simply sad -- longing for the old days of original thought, immagination and common sense, in a -- Kathy Griffin -- obnoxious world.





Los Angeles Times

August 28, 2010


What's ailing the West?


Senator John McCain secured his Republican primary election, however, he should seriously consider hanging up his spurs. Along with president Bush, his soft on illegal alien history is largely responsible for the breakdown of Arizona border security, yet he can't seem to make up his fenced-hopping mind between liberal give-ins and conservative betrayals.


California continues to lose its government mind as Sacramento ponders outlawing plastic grocery and shopping bags in the face of a $19 billion budget deficit, insane legislative habits, tyrannical environmental laws and regulations, a hostile business environment, and a failed education system held hostage by teacher unions.


Still, Los Angeles floats a growing $587 million bond debt to finish an obscenely lavish K-12 education monument for school administrators and fortunate teachers, not students. All, while the state water crisis grows favoring a little smelt fish over 25 million Southern California water users, and a -- too late -- $11 billion bond fix goes on the November ballot.


Then, there are Oregon, Washington, and New Mexico -- long lost to liberal infections -- facing bleak and hollow futures. Time to run-off the social, political and economic rustlers and bring back the liberty, prosperity and freedom of what made the West the best.





The Wall Street Journal

August 25, 2010


Transforming America -- completely -- President Obama's mission to complete FDR's second Bill of Rights

After his policies prolonged the crisis of the Great Depression by nearly a decade, President Franklin D. Roosevelt set America on a course to dependence on government. Using the Declaration of Independence, and a call for a second Bill of Rights toward the end of the crisis of World War II, he began the march to socialism, which was enhanced by President Lyndon B. Johnson and President Jimmy Carter. Now, it is painfully clear that President Barack Obama considers it his personal mission to use our government-caused economic crisis to disregard our Constitution, complete FDR's Second Bill of RIghts -- and more -- to establish the Socialist States of America. The American people simply cannot let that happen. Indeed, it would be social, political and economic suicide.

Below is an excerpt from President Roosevelt's January 11, 1944 message to the Congress of the United States on the State of the Union. It is prophetically frightening:

It is our duty now to begin to lay the plans and determine the strategy for the winning of a lasting peace and the establishment of an American standard of living higher than ever before known. We cannot be content, no matter how high that general standard of living may be, if some fraction of our people—whether it be one-third or one-fifth or one-tenth—is ill-fed, ill-clothed, ill-housed, and insecure.

This Republic had its beginning, and grew to its present strength, under the protection of certain inalienable political rights—among them the right of free speech, free press, free worship, trial by jury, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. They were our rights to life and liberty.

As our nation has grown in size and stature, however—as our industrial economy expanded—these political rights proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness.

We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. “Necessitous men are not free men.”  People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.

In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all—regardless of station, race, or creed.

Among these are:

The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the nation;

The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;

The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;

The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;

The right of every family to a decent home;

The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;

The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;

The right to a good education.

All of these rights spell security. And after this war is won we must be prepared to move forward, in the implementation of these rights, to new goals of human happiness and well-being.

For unless there is security here at home there cannot be lasting peace in the world.




Time Magazine

August 21, 2010


Re: Is America Islamophobic?

Islam in America, by Bobby Ghosh/Dearborn


The Bobby Ghosh analysis of Islamophobia in America is somewhat naïve, preachy and condescending. Indeed, most Americans do not have a problem with Muslims or any other religion. We do, however, have a problem with radical Islamic terrorism against us, the Islamic barbarism against women, and the deadly intolerance of Christians -- particularly by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Unfortunately, America's politically correct culture is replete with sacred cows, complete with secular hypocrisy, environmental zealotry, and the deafening silence of cherry-picking feminists in the face of Islamic honor murders and tyranny. Nevertheless, we have good reason to fear Muslims who believe that America is "The Great Satan," -- and intend to annihilate us as they would the State of Israel -- so we must defend ourselves by any means necessary. That is not a phobia, it's a natural instinct to survive, by gosh….     




Washington Times

August 19, 2010


Re: We can't afford this government - editorial


Indeed, we certainly cannot afford this overwhelming government, and we can't afford what's intentionally causing it. Some people seem to be baffled by President Obama, continually saying they can't understand why he does what he does under whatever circumstances. The answer seems to be simple. He, like us, is a product of his life environment. It worked for most of us, not for him. He's been contaminated by his parents, his miseducation, his socialist associations, and the underbelly of political corruption in Chicago and Washington. Not good for America. Fortunately, the polished veneer is wearing thin. Unfortunately, the damage he's inflicting on our homeland could be irreversible. Hopefully, America has roots deep enough to rise to the challenge and recover.





August 19, 2010


Baffled by Obama


Some people seem to be baffled by President Obama, continually saying they can't understand why he does what he does under whatever circumstances. The answer seems to be simple. He, like us, is a product of his life environment. It worked for most of us, not for him. He's been contaminated by his parents, his miseducation, his socialist associations, and the underbelly of political corruption in Chicago and Washington. Not good for America.




New York Times

August 18, 2010


Solution for mosque debate at Ground Zero


Instead of tearing down the old Burlington Coat Factory structure, and building a mosque, New York should restore the building and the Burlington Coat Factory should re-open the landmark store. Burlington is a great American tradition, good for business, and with respect for Ground Zero. Problem solved.




Los Angeles Times

August 17, 2010


Re: Obama raises a quick $1 million - and some L.A. commuter ire


Even before being sworn-in, President Obama and his political Obamarama propaganda machine have seldom skipped a beat in selling the snake oil of the stimulus package, green energy, taking over GM, health care, finance reform and, immigration.


And it's all been so easy spreading that Obamarama around the country in Air Force One with all the presidential weight behind it -- at taxpayers' expense.


However, when he fails to produce jobs or improve the economy -- and uses that same Obamarama machine to raise campaign funds for the Democrat Party and congressional Democrats on the taxpayers' dime -- it's simply unconscionable and unacceptable. Particularly, when it causes so much havoc for local people trying to go about their already difficult business, such as the mess in Los Angeles and all the stops before.


Surely, whether he is re-elected or not, President Obama will certainly have driven the American lemmings to the economic cliff -- but while we are falling off, he will ultimately sprout the wings of former president and glide away safely with his family to the lap of lavish security for the rest of his life. Not bad, except generations of citizens will be paying for it with long-term misery.




San Francisco Chronicle

August 16, 2010


Proposition 23 should repeal AB 32, not simply delay it


Environmentalists against Prop. 23 supporters wreaks with obstreperous intimidation, which is contrary to the law of the California Constitution, Article II, Section 1. "All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it, when the public good may require."


Proposition 23 is an exercise of that right against the implementation of AB 32, which would raise the cost of living and be the final push of Californians over the economic cliff. Indeed, as if the costy infection of environmental zealotry was not entrenched deep enough in the state -- coupled with federal environmental aggression -- Proposition 23 should have been written to repeal AB 32 rather than to delay it.


California's government has abdicated its responsibilty to protect, secure and benefit the people -- as evidenced by the overwhelming growth of government debt, taxation, rules and regulations. The Democrat-controlled Legislature is responsible for our state's economy, education and unemployment ranking among the worst in the country. It's simply insane to make it even worse by escalating the cost of gas and energy.


A constitutional convention to alter and reform California government by raking it over the coals should be the first priority. Our survival may very well depend on it.




Wall Street Journal

August 15, 2010


Re: Obama defends plan for mosque near Ground Zero


"As a citizen and president….," President Obama's support and defense of the plan to build a mosque next to Ground Zero based upon the Founders' First Amendment religious freedom intent -- is indefensible. Lest we forget, it was radical Islam's al-Qaeda that viciously attacked our homeland, a symbol of free market capitalism at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, flight 93 and American democracy with a great loss of innocent life and property. Indeed, it was a blatant act of war by terrorism, as was repeated and continues throughout the world.


Selective use of the Constitution and the Founders' intent by President Obama and the secular socialist left cannot mask their malignant obsession to undermine our Constitution, our country's history, and our traditions of liberty and freedom from centralized power and over-reaching government. Indeed, government's tinkering -- turned aggressive -- pitting unqualified affordable housing against our financial industry, was the root cause of our economic collapse.


Surely, the parallel with radical Islamic terrorists striking the World Trade Center is obvious -- as that is exactly how they intend to bring down our nation -- with the loss of economic power. Alas, once our military forces withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan, Iran and the Taliban will take over those countries, leaving al-Qaeda and radical Islamic terrorists free to mount sustained attacks against the West. Building a mosque next to Ground Zero will certainly be an arrogant poke in the eye of America, which is nothing compared to our eventual loss of national security.




San Francisco Chronicle

August 13, 2010


Same-sex marriage is not an option

Federal Judge Vaughn Walker's judicial arrogance in overturning California's Proposition 8, then allowing same-sex marriages to commence on August 18th is indefensible and impeachable bad behavior. Marriage is defined as the legal union of a man and a woman as husband and wife. Indeed, that definition is steeped in law and tradition. It does not include same-sex unions of any description, nor should it -- ever!

Judicial legislation of that right under the guise of equal rights and discrimination is simply unconstitutional. Proposition 8 is a constitutional re-affirmation of traditional marriage defined by a majority vote of the people. Governor Schwarzenegger and Attorney General Brown asking the court to allow same-sex marriage is blatant malfeasance, and their failure to defend Proposition 8 is nonfeasance and a betrayal of democracy.

Contrary to over-reaching government and the ruling elite's belief, the 14th amendment's equal protection clause, and the First Amendment right of free speech, the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances is not exclusive to  entitlement activists, PC enforcers, and the political left.


Regardless, same-sex marriage is certainly not a right. It's an obstreperous wrong that only serves to demean and diminish the institution of marriage.




Washington Post

August 10, 2010


President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama have embraced the arrogance of monarchial elitism from high on the out-of-touch mountain top. And they shamelessly display it. Lest they forget, The United States of America is a constitutional republic, not a kingdom.




New York Times

Re: For politicians, a marriage of convenience

By Lou Cannon

August 7, 2010


California crashing


Contrary to Lou Cannon's assessment, California candidate for governor, Meg Whitman will have an edge issue with her support of marriage between a man and a woman. The ultimate question on same-sex marriage, of course, will be decided by the Supreme Court, which should overturn any lower court decisions 5-4. That is, if the Court is not affected by newly-sworn-in associate justice Elena Kagan, and associate justice Anthony Kennedy remembers Reagan and doesn't have a lapse in judgment and common sense, severely diminishing traditional marriage.


Alas, this unseemly debate would not be an issue in California if it were not for the state's incredible history of open-season liberal activism and intimidation, environmental extremes, tyrannical regulations and punishing taxation. Indeed, when hapless outgoing governor Schwarzenegger and candidate for governor, attorney general Jerry Brown both request judge Walker to allow same-sex marriages to go forward until the case is settled is yet another slap in the faces of 52 percent of California voters who approved Proposition 8. Surely, justice in irony would be administered if 52 percent of California voters reject Jerry Brown for governor in November.


Hopefully, the saying, "As California goes, so goes the nation" will not apply in these dire social, political and economic times. California is bankrupt in nearly every respect and it's crashing. The state's good looks and good weather won't save it this time, unless voters wake up from California dreaming, realize it's a nightmare, and elect a legislature, governor and federal representatives who will cut over-reaching government down to size and remove the heavy chains of regulations and taxation. Only then can we hopefully say, "…. so goes the nation."




The Washington Examiner

August 7, 2010


Justice Elena Kagan's first Monday in October


Supreme Court Associate Justice Elena Kagan will step up to her first judicial batter's plate on the first Monday in October. How will she play the legal season?


Liberal extremists and judicial activists have been jerking around the majority will of the people with the tyranny of the minority far too long. Indeed, openly gay Judge Vaughn Walker's personal conflict and arrogance of power, siding with hateful and hostile gay/lesbian activists in finding California's Proposition 8 unconstitutional was tantamount to impeachable bad behavior.


Similarly -- the arrogance of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals notwithstanding -- another federal judge in California relented to aggressive conservationists by severely restricting vital Northern California water supplies to 25 million people in Southern California -- simply to preserve the Delta Smelt, a tiny fish.


The ultimate question of same-sex marriage undermining the sanctity and tradition of marriage being between a man and a woman in America and throughout the world will undoubtedly be decided by the Supreme Court. How will the Court decide the issue with newly sworn-in Associate Justice Elena Kagan unleashed?


Surely, it's time to remind the abusers that their constitutional life appointments are based upon good behavior.




The Washington Post

August 5, 2010


Enough is enough!


We are being force-fed by arrogant over-reaching government, subjected to environmental tyranny and liberal extremists, undermined by traitors and the ACLU, the building of an in-your-face mosque at Ground Zero in New York, an unabated hostile invasion from the South of the border -- and state rights and the will of the people being struck down by federal judges behaving badly in Arizona and California. Coupled with everything else that's weighing against us, it's simply becoming too much for the American people to swallow.




The Wall Street Journal

August 4, 2010


Re: Rewriting Fannie Mae History - editorial


Defunct former Chairman and CEO of Fannie Mae, Franklin Raines is selectively correct about poor credit judgments sinking Fannie and Freddie, however the big picture must be observed, including Mr. Raines' culpability in the accounting scheme to dishonestly report assets and chase Wall Street's credit standards lower.


The Democrats' push for affordable housing at any cost began with President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act. Using the CRA, President Clinton's HUD director, Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Janet Reno threatened banks and mortgage lenders to make them lower income and credit standards for affordable housing. Blindly backed by Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd -- against President Bush's attempts to reign-in the mortgage madness -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac substantially increased the purchase of risky mortgages and it all collapsed.


Now, instead of government breaking up Fannie and Freddie, and getting out of the mortgage business, the Franks and Dodds political class want to increase government backed mortgages to nationalize housing and destroy private home ownership under the unbearable weight of government control and taxes. To that, the people should reply, "Nuts!"




The Wall Street Journal

August 2, 2010


Re: There's legal and illegal but not informal immigration

By Frances Fukuyama


Contrary to Frances Fukuyama's definition, President Obama's definition and the politically correct, there is no such thing as illegal or informal immigrants.  Immigrants are legal. Illegals are illegal aliens. And the answer to the problem is to militarize the southern Border.


President Obama is talking about keeping his campaign promise to reduce our military presence in Iraq, while at the same time he is delaying the promised 1200 National Guard for the southern border. Indeed, the 1200 troops are only being sent as window dressing to assist the Border Patrol with technical operations, and the numbers of troops will do very little if anything to prevent illegal alien crossings.


Instead of abdicating his duty to protect our southern border from the illegal alien invasion, drug and human trafficking and vicious crimes, President Obama should stop intimidating Arizona's attempt at self defense, militarize the entire border, slam the border door and keep it shut. It's a serious matter of national security.


In addition, for the economic sake of the states and federal debt, all federal aid, healthcare and education for illegal aliens should be stopped. It's simply overwhelming federal and state budgets in these dire economic times. The American citizens message to President Obama should be, "Do your job, or abdicate your position as president."




The New York Times

July 31, 2010


Re: White House urges halt to spilling of war secrets


Marine Pvt. Bradley Manning is a traitor for releasing war intelligence and secrets. Army Major Nidal Hasan is a traitor for assassinating soldiers destined for the battlefield. Is the New York Times culpable?


However, the White House urging a halt to spilling war secrets, and dragging their feet in prosecuting Major Hasan is tantamount to cowardice by maintaining a posture of, "None dare call it treason."


Unlike the participatory New York Times, most Americans are more concerned about national security, and undoubtedly differ from the dangerously casual approach.


Our troops are at war in Iraq and Afghanistan, many of whom are paying the ultimate price for their country. Traitors such as Manning and Hasan, certainly ought to pay the ultimate price for betraying their country and fellow soldiers. It is, indeed, called treason.




The Washington Times

July 30, 2010


Re: Rangel hit with 13 ethics charges

By Sean Lengell


Charging 20-term U.S Representative, Charles Rangel with 13 ethics violations after essentially ignoring his wrongdoing for many years is clear and convincing evidence that political corruption is casually acceptable in the House of Representatives. Unfortunately, the Constitution allows the House and Senate to make their own rules, which was originally based upon honesty, integrity, and character in Congress -- along with an expectation of responsibility and accountability in public service. However, those times have long since past.


Indeed, the self-corrupting two-party system of elite congressional clubs and campaign funding have turned our government into a superficial growth-industry of selfish interests, personal power and ruthless extremes -- which have slowly and continuously eroded our freedoms, liberties, property and pursuit of happiness -- now thrown into high gear by an aggressive Congress and imperial president.


When a once credible voice in Congress turns shamelessly coarse, corrupt, openly defiant and contemptuous of the public good -- and who will not be turned away by his bought and paid for voters, nor removed from Congress because of a corrupt system -- the rules controlling representative government must be changed, by constitutional amendment if necessary. Contrary to popular political belief, election to the House or Senate was never supposed to be a tenured position.




Newsmax Magazine

July 25, 2010


Re: We need Gingrich as President in 2012

By Dick Morris


Dick Morris is on the mark. We need Gingrich now more than ever. From the time he was elected Speaker of the House in a contract with America -- Newt Gingrich has been the increasingly most qualified to be president of these United States, and the one to lead us out of the modern wilderness into a liberated, prosperous future. Let it be written. Let it be done.





Washington Post

July 24, 2010


Re: Ezra Klein - Journolist


It is well known and understood that the liberal media was largely responsible for the election of Barack Obama, and for promoting his aggressive liberal agenda since the election, regardless of the negative impact on the economy, jobs, housing, the deficit and national debt. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that Journo-lists were organized by reporters to spread fear and smears against Sarah Palin, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Republicans and the Tea Party movement.


Washington Post economic and domestic policy columnist, Ezra Klein is taking down the Journolist he started in 2007, not because it was wrong, but because journo-lists were exposed for what they are. The less good, more bad and ugly of the internet, reflective of the more activist and insidious liberal journalism, which is tantamount to the tactics of Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda in Nazi Germany.




New York Post

July 24, 2010


Re: Charlie's fading friends (revised)

Editorial - July 24, 2010


Charlie's fading friends comes as no surprise. Once a credible liberal voice, Rep. Charles Rangel has become a prime example of self-corrupting politics in Congress, which, along with the Senate, has turned the people's house into an exclusive club replete with personal power, selfish interests and arrogance. Indeed, rather than policing themselves in the people's interest, Congress is overly protective of its members, if not pressured by the media.





Washington Post

July 20, 2010


Re: Senate votes, 60-40, to advance jobless benefits


Federal government intrusion on unemployment compensation, health care, welfare, education and social security are all beyond the limits placed on Congress by the Constitution. The general welfare and commerce clauses do not extend those powers to Congress, nor the power to lay and collect taxes to fund them. Period. James Madison said as much, and a lot more as to the intent of the Constitution when it was conceived and ratified.




New York Times

July 18, 2010


Re: Congress passes financial reform

NYT Editorial


The country is already steeped in anxiety, uncertainty and confusion. Yet, the financial reform fiasco does little for consumers or economic confidence. Rather, it lays the groundwork for federal meddlers to increase the ranks of regulators and corrosive bureaucracies -- not so different from the implementation of the looming health care plan.


As if the economy wasn't bleeding enough from job losses and mortgage foreclosures, Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid is pushing for a climate-carbon tax energy bill, while Congress dithers on what to do with the 8000 lb gorillas in the room -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- which own or guarantee half the nation's $10 trillion in mortgages and 70 percent of home mortgages -- and along with FHA own or guarantee more than nine in 10 new loans.


Surely, considering the fact that the reckless affordable housing agenda was the root cause of the housing and economic collapse -- along with the fact that Fannie and Freddie are so ineptly in debt with government-backed losses and near worthless -- it is unlikely that reassuring privatization can take place. Particularly, if Rep. Barney Frank, Sen. Chris Dodd, and the usual suspects play significant roles in a housing crisis that is likely to rear its ugly head, again.


With the takeover of energy and housing -- coupled with government growth, the soaring cost of illegal aliens, over-regulation and punishing taxation  -- there won't be much left in our shrinking arena of individual liberties and economic security if we the voting-people let the president and Congress get away with it. Indeed, as English Statesman Edmund Burke aptly said when our unique republic was conceived, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."





Wall Street Journal

July 11, 2010


Re: Signs of Stimulus - editorial


Government needs a voter enema


California Rep. Darrell Issa did well in exposing President Obama's and 305 Members of Congress political campaign signs posing as funding signs for 190,000 projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment act, which are required for funding grants and paid for by taxpayer debt.


It has become painfully clear that the federal government is "full of it" -- bloated with regulations, constipated with a lack responsibility and accountability, and rife with legislative diarrhea and debt. Indeed, Congress and the White House are in serious need of a series of voter-administered enemas scheduled for November 2010 and 2012. And, beginning with California, the same voter-induced flushing remedy is needed in many state houses and governor's mansions.




Washington Post

July 10, 2010


Government needs a voter enema


It has become painfully clear that the federal government is "full of it" -- bloated with regulations, constipated with a lack responsibility and accountability, and rife with legislative diarrhea and debt. Indeed, Congress and the White House are in serious need of a series of voter-administered enemas scheduled for November 2010 and 2012. And, beginning with California, the same voter-induced flushing remedy is needed in many state houses and governor's mansions.





July 9, 2010


Re: Some may see jump in tax paperwork, business costs

Money - Thursday, July 8, 2010


President Obama's appointment of Dr. Donald Berwick to manage Medicare and Medicaid is clear and convincing evidence that there is nothing unintended about the consequences of the new healthcare laws, which is the redistribution of health care wealth and rationing. Those who pay for health care will pay much more for less care.


And it gets worse…


Adding insidious to injury against small businesses, the healthcare reform law contains a little known provision that -- starting in 2012  -- requires self-employed and small businesses to issue 1099 forms to every vendor from which they purchase more than $600 in goods during the year. Obama and the Congress did this to offset some of the healthcare reform costs by collecting $billions in so-called unreported income from small businesses.  





July 7, 2010


Re: TODAY's debate: Immigration

Suing Arizona hurts chances for immigration overhaul


USA TODAY'S editorial is well intentioned, however, the federal government's decades of enforcement misfeasance with immigration laws and illegal border crossings cannot be rationalized. Indeed, the underlying opposing view of the president and CEO of the National Council of La Raza is little more than irrational as expected.


Simply put, government misfeasance cannot be tolerated any further. President Reagan's well intentioned amnesty of 2.6 million illegal aliens accelerated illegal border crossings because government failed to enforce the laws as promised. Hence, the number of illegal aliens increased to 12 or as many as 20 million, nearly unabated.


Arizona's law enforcing identical federal law is a matter of self defense because of federal misfeasance. The federal lawsuit against Arizona simply adds insult to injury. The president has already manifested his intentions to circumvent Congress and grant amnesty to millions of aliens, which would increase the misfeasance to malfeasance. Alas, one can only wonder what mischief and machinations are being dealt into the 2010 census.  


President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress are passing as much of their agenda as they can before the November elections, hoping it will stick. Unfortunately, what they are practicing is tantamount to fast-track totalitarian government, against the majority will of the people, which is Also Known As the tyranny of the minority.






July 4, 2010


Little to celebrate this 4th of July Independence Day


Many people are steeped in anxiety and uncertainty on this 4th of July Independence Day, particularly in light of our current dilemma and doubts about our future in America. As the recession deepens, we must consider our over-reaching government and what is going on in Washington that affects us. Unabated spending, enormous unsustainable national debt, intrusions into the free market and healthcare, failed bailouts and stimulus bills are bad enough.


However,  the proposed Dodd-Frank financial reform bill is a fiasco that will cost us even more, while ignoring the two 8000 lb gorillas in the room -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- which are the giant federal clearing houses that generated the build-up to the massive housing and mortgage collapse, and which are still the root cause of this economic disaster.


Rep. Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd saying Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will be handled separately can only mean they will make it worse. Indeed, their toxic role in the mortgage industry has already been increased, approaching nationalization. And it is being said that they need well over $200 billion more, even in the face of near worthless stock, and being removed from the NY Stock Exchange.


Sadly, there is less to celebrate on this Independence Day, especially when the only growth industry is government -- the presidency is becoming too monarchial -- and we are rapidly moving from an independent nation to a regulatory nation of dependents, with a commensurate the loss of liberty. Cliché as it may be, it is clearly time for a change.





The Wall Street Journal

July 2, 2010


Re: Re-confirming John Roberts - Editorial


It's little more than pathetic to witness senator impersonator Al Franken joining the Senate nit-picking crew of Leahy, Whitehouse, Cardin and Shumer against Chief Justice John Roberts -- in lame campaign attempts to deflect scrutiny in the Kagan confirmation hearings. Indeed, as it was with the recent confirmation of Justice Sonia Sotomayor, the ho-hum hearings for Solicitor General Elena Kagan's nomination to the Supreme Court sets a dangerous precedent when the Court's margin of one is in peril -- which is the only thing keeping our Constitution from being compromised even further from its fundamental safeguards against government growth and abuse of power.


Case in point: In a May 2008 congressional inquisition of oil executives -- in response to Shell Oil President, John Hofmeister's warning about the $5 dollar gasoline cost of restricting domestic oil resources -- Rep. Maxine Waters threatened, “…. and guess what this liberal would be all about? This liberal would be all about socializing -- uh, uh, would be about basically taking over and the government running all of your companies.”


Indeed, Rep. Waters should have been removed from the House of Representatives for the unconstitutional threat. However, the threat was painfully prophetic, which is precisely what the Democrat-controlled Congress and President Obama are doing with the health care industry, the financial industry, and the housing industry -- and intend to do with the entire energy industry,  and Internet free speech -- in the rush and relentless march toward Marxist-style, repressive government.


It's simply frightening to realize that after decades of democratic decay, our republic is at a chaotic, terror-ridden social, political and economic tipping point between freedom and tyranny -- with little more than a constitutionally-thinned Supreme Court standing in the way of total collapse.




New York Times

June 29, 2010


Re: Afghan lessons, beyond McChrystal



Frank Rich's "36 hours…" deserves at least one more view in reponse.


Clearly, Rich appeared to be a little too self-consumed by his professional paragraphs of condescending contempt for General McCrystal, yet too soothed by Rolling Stone reporter, Hastings' expose' of arrogance against the man and the military, to realize that the report was tantamount to treasonous.


Indeed, President Obama's bold and brilliant decision to replace the best warrior America has with another one was not that of a capable commander-in-chief.


Rather, it was little more than a tacit admission that the president's overly restrictive rules of engagement were not working, at the expense of his soldiers' lives and General McChrystal's mission. Alas, Mr. Rich and the 'me-too press' are the dangerously naïve and apathetic ones here. Not the public.




Los Angeles Times

June 25, 2010


Re: Suspected freeway shooter arrested by CHP


I was dismayed to see that there was no story about the freeway sniper in the print or E-edition of the Los Angeles Times -- only addressed by the KTLA News 5 TV coverage -- which indicates the Times gives little attention to the Inland Empire area, particularly something this vital to our security while driving on the freeways.    


Nevertheless, the red-handed capture of freeway sniper suspect, William Frye, was excellent work by the CHP. Since the shooter has been terrorizing motorists with 70 back windows shot out, especially those driving SUV's, I've shuddered to think that one of those could have been me, a family member or a friend.


Worse, what if he had been using a firearm targeting the drivers or passengers? Indeed, if and when Frye is found guilty and convicted of these unconscionable crimes, he ought to receive consecutive prison sentences for each and every felony count. In other words, life without parole.



Washington Post

June 23, 2010


Obama Fires General McChrystal


Though he was summarily dismissed by President Obama and replaced by General Patraeus today, we must remember that General Stanley McChrystal has been the best weapon we've had for the war in Iraq and the nearly impossible War in Afghanistan.


McChrystal's lapse in judgment for allowing Rolling Stone reporters around him and his staff notwithstanding, the magazine is a treasonous rag for publishing anything that gives aid and comfort the enemy, which it did with a condescending profile of McChrystal, "The Runaway General …. seized control of the war by never taking his eye off the real enemy: The wimps in the White House." Unfortunately, the Commander-in-Chief only exacerbated the problem.


Lest we forget, it was then Senator Obama who condemned General Patraeus for the surge in Iraq that he claimed was not working. Indeed, Obama's premature snap judgment was wrong then, and he is wrong now. Even though he replaced General Chrystal with Patraeus, President Obama is tacitly admitting his lack of grasping serious military judgment and common sense.


President Obama's plan to pull out Afghanistan next year is another plan he can't carry out simply because his determination to fundamentally change the country with nation-building-diplomacy is simply impossible. Afghanistan is unique in that it will always go back to its ancient tribal ways regardless of what any foreign power does.


Remaining at war in a hopelessly barbarian country is a monumental waste of American lives and defense funds. The president should cut our losses, get out now, send the 90,000 troops to our Southern border, build a wall, slam the door and keep it shut.





Re: Taking stock in Afghanistan

New York Times - editorial

June 13, 2010


Time to get out of Afghanistan

June 19, 2010


Afghanistan is unique in that it will always go back to its ancient tribal ways regardless of what any foreign power does. Remaining at war in a hopelessly barbarian country is a monumental waste of American lives and defense funds.


We should spray all their opium poppy fields with herbicides, get out of the country, use predator drones to police terrorist training camps with missiles -- and use smart herbicide bombs above the poppy fields each time they plant again. 


That's cutting the heads off the terrorist snakes and the poppies off the drugs that fund them -- from a safe distance. Case closed.





New York Times

June 14, 2010


Calling all clean-up boats and equipment?


The nation's news media has been saturated with non-stop disastrous coverage of the massive uncontrolled BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, yet the mainstream media has yet to ask a crucial question or make a strong suggestion for President Obama to make a major decision to lessen the damages.


Why didn't President Obama waive the Jones Act within days of the BP explosion and request all available oil spill clean-up boats and equipment from around the world? President Bush waved the Jones Act immediately after Hurricane Katrina hit. Why has President Obama not done so, and why has the media not pressed him to do so? Why isn't Congress pressing him for it?


I have asked this question in several letters to the editors of major newspapers.  No response. Smaller conservative newspapers are asking why. Could it be that the Obama administration, congressional Democrats and complicit media want to take advantage of this crisis, to play itself out against oil drilling and big oil, to advance their green energy climate change legislation? It's on the way. The clean-up boats and equipment are not. How about a brainstorm to plug the hole?





Wall Street Journal

June 13, 2010 - editorial


Re: Farewell, Medicare Advantage - editorial


President Obama is keeping one health care campaign promise. He, and the Democrat-controlled Congress are going to euthanize cost-effective Medicare Advantage for 40 million senior citizens to advance cost-prohibitive universal healthcare regardless of the intended or unintended consequences.


Indeed, this will not simply be a failure of good intentions, it will most certainly be the result of deliberate lies, deceit and gross malfeasance against the economy, health and freedom of all Americans.


My wife and I are enrolled in Kaiser Permanente's Senior Advantage system, which should be the model for Medicare. It is the best cost-care-effective quality healthcare program in the country, which is verified by California patients' preventative care and the 30 percent fewer days spent in the hospital than fee-for-service. Big government ideologues don't care about that. It doesn't matter that we will pay much more for less care.


President Obama and congressional Democrats are simply delusional if they think the American people will sit still for enormous federal debt, takeovers of health care, finance and industry -- and energy legislation that will cause electricity costs and the cost of living to "skyrocket," along with the price of gas.


The 64 trillion dollar question is, how many political enemies can they afford make? Most, if not all, 40 Medicare Advantage voters and many millions more will make that painfully clear in the November and 2012 elections. Alas, they should have heeded Milton Friedman's "Free to Choose." Hopefully, it's not too late to reverse course and get it right. Meanwhile…. Tea, anyone?




Washington Post

June 12, 2010


Helen Thomas ought to go home to Lebanon


Elderly White House Press Corps' diva Helen Thomas candidly opened up her bigoted heart by revealing her true feelings about Jewish people and Israel without realizing it was a career-ending deathbed confession.


Sadly, Thomas suggesting that Israelis go home to Germany, Poland and America is tantamount to saying they should do so from their graves in Israel, along with Holocaust survivors. Other than that, the people in Israel are home.


Alas, what may be lines of hate deeply etched in her face, indicate Helen Thomas might be happier by going home to Lebanon -- her country of origin -- from where her Lebanese parents immigrated to America before she was born.




Time Magazine

June 11, 2010


Re: Cover story - The Gulf disaster: Who's asses need kicking?


Can President Obama kick himself for an energy disaster in the making?


The Merchant Marine (Jones Act) of 1920 prohibits foreign ships from working in U.S. waters. That's why foreign oil spill cleanup ships are waiting to help with the BP Gulf disaster. Saudi Arabia used all available cleanup ships and equipment available world-wide to deal an oil spill from the 1991 Gulf War.


The Jones Act was waived for Katrina. Why isn't President Obama waiving the act for all the help we can get? Could it be that he is bending to union pressure and wants this disaster to linger to advance his green energy program at big oil's expense, while cutting off Gulf drilling, Gulf states' economies whither, and gasoline prices rise?


Meanwhile, the Democrat-controlled Senate just authorized the EPA to enforce global warming regulatory tyranny of carbon emissions and other environmental administrative laws against the U.S. economy and the American people. Taken together, it is an energy disaster in the making -- one which could boomerang on Congressional Democrats in November and President Obama in 2012.





June 11, 2010


Abby Sunderland -- Jordan Romero -- Reckless parents


As boats race to rescue 16-year-old Abby Sunderland -- shipwrecked from a storm in the middle of the Indian Ocean -- from her quest to surpass her 17-year-old brother as the youngest to sail around the world alone, how can anyone not condemn her their parents for reckless child endangerment?


There is no excuse for putting children such as the Sunderland sailers in physical danger, including 13-year-old Jordan Romero -- who just climbed Mt. Everest in his efforts to climb the world's tallest mountains -- and recklessly went "road surfing" atop a car at over 50 mph down the Pacific Coast Hwy.


Indeed, society has become replete with irresponsible people being seduced by fleeting fame and celebrity at any cost -- often at the expense of others -- and nearly always for the profit of reprehensible exploiters.


However, it is unconscionable for anyone -- particularly self-absorbed parents such as "Octomom" and Kate and Jon Gosselin -- to selfishly subject innocent children to their parental madness. 


Sadly, reckless parents and child endangerment has become a casually accepted social illness, which does not excuse government child protective services for abdicating their responsibility to act.





Los Angeles Times

June 6, 2010


Re: One size fits all just won't work - letters

Los Angeles Times - June 6, 2010


Re: No magic bullet - editorial

Los Angeles Times - May 30, 2010


Why no challenge to Times editorial?


How can Americans have a helpful tendency to see meaningful education reform when public education has been made meaningless by government and the no-fail miseducation of the education establishment? Indeed, as a former community college and sheriff's academy instructor, I have witnessed nearly a half century of irresponsible "unschooling," failed experimentation and the miseducation of teachers to create factories of indoctrination and warehouses of ignorance.


The result, of course, has been several generations of under-educated parents and teachers, and functionally illiterate children -- who are taught all about environmentalism, social justice, activism, and feeling good about themselves, and little else. The government monopoly of education and the selfish interests of teacher unions, coupled with growing costs and throwing taxes instead of academics at the problem, is the problem -- tantamount to being a crime against our society.


Privatized education -- competing for quality -- creates twice the education at half the cost, subsidized where needed, is the solution.





Washington Post

June 5, 2010


Paul McCartney insults Bush


It was profoundly ignorant and condescending for Paul McCartney to say that former president Bush does not know what a library is. George W. Bush has a B.A. from Yale. He Has an MBA from Harvard. And he is married to a former librarian with a masters degree in library science.


Indeed, Bush may not be well-spoken, but he is honest, forthright, well-educated and well-read.


Furthermore, it was arrogant and rude of McCartney to insult the presidency, in the White House, in front of the current president, whether or not the current president agreed. Clearly, Mr. McCartney is very talented at making music. However, he is certainly no intellectual giant.





New York Times

June 4, 2010


President Obama's offshore drilling moratorium


President's Obama's 6-month offshore drilling moratorium in the Gulf is little more than a "Do something" knee-jerk reaction to the BP oil leak disaster, that will hurt, not help the overall situation. Indeed, the moratorium will likely become permanent to advance the president's agenda for green energy, even though we are facing a government-caused energy crisis of monumental proportions.


President Nixon was the first to call for independence from oil imports when we were importing 30 percent of our oil. Now, 40 years later, we are importing 65 percent of our oil because the layers of regulations and government policy have essentially stopped the development and production of new domestic oil resources, refineries, natural gas, coal, and nuclear energy.


What we have here is tantamount to environmental regulatory tyranny, which coupled with massive debt and entitlement growth in a disabled economy, will destine us to free fall decline.






June 1, 2010


Re: World of troubles for U.S.

Front page, USA TODAY

June 1, 2010


USA TODAY is correctly sounding the alarm that President 'Obama returns to the White House facing crises on three fronts,' the day after Memorial Day. Indeed, all Americans ought to be deeply concerned about the uncontrolled BP oil leak in the Gulf, the provocative naval attack by North Korea against South Korea, and the Hamas(Iranian)-backed Palestinian protest conflict with Israeli troops.


Coupled with a United States/World economic crisis and the increasing anxiety, tension and violence around the globe -- the restrictions on our domestic energy resources, our military forces/defenses being thinned by the conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and the war against terrorism -- America is becoming more vulnerable by the day.


Clearly, the most glaring and disturbing questions are, what if the instabilities and provocations turn into an all-out attack against Israel by Iran & Co., and/or against South Korea by North Korea? How will the United States react? What will Russia and China do? And what if al-Qaeda steps up attacks on America? Worse, what if any of the attacks go nuclear? President Obama's weak stance on U.S. responses to attacks with weapons of mass destruction is certainly not reassuring….




Los Angeles Times

May 31, 2010


Re: No magic bullet - editorial

Los Angeles Times - May 30, 2010


How can Americans have a helpful tendency to see meaningful education reform when public education has been made meaningless by government and the no-fail miseducation of the education establishment? Indeed, it has taken nearly a half century of irresponsible "unschooling," failed experimentation and the miseducation of teachers to create factories of indoctrination and warehouses of ignorance.


The result, of course, has been several generations of under-educated parents and teachers, and functionally illiterate children -- who are taught all about extreme environmentalism, social justice and feeling good about themselves, and little else. The government monopoly of education and the selfish interests of teacher unions, coupled with growing costs and throwing taxes instead of academics at the problem is the problem.


Privatized education -- competing for quality -- creates twice the education at half the cost -- subsidized where needed -- is the solution.




Daily Press

May 30, 2010


Re: Center pushes for new Mojave Cross


Somehow, the Supreme Court ruling allowing the Mojave Cross to remain did not finalize the problem. The court injunction remains and the National Park Service refused to allow a replica cross to replace the stolen cross in the Mojave National Preserve, which leaves it to the Justice Department to decide. Indeed, it is simply unconscionable for the federal government to double cross the memory of those who gave their lives for their country and insult military veterans who are to be honored, particularly on this Memorial Day.


Sadly, it is understandable that the vexatious, anti-Christian, un-American ACLU got involved in this case. However, the fact remains that Frank Buono, a former assistant superintendent of the preserve filed the lawsuit demanding the National Park Service remove the cross, which is a prime example of the institutional arrogance of many park service employees, and most other federal departments, agencies and institutions who believe they, not the public, are the owners of public lands, and the overseers of the public in general.


I have added my name to the American Center for Law & Justice petition to the Justice Department to allow the replacement of the Mojave Cross, and I encourage others to do the same @ aclj.org.





Wall Street Journal

May 29, 2010


Re: Entitlements are forever - editorial

Wall Street Journal - May 29, 2010


Restore the Constitution


The California Legislature and Governor have no one to blame but themselves and the like-minded Congress and President for the over-reaching budget crisis gripping the state because of binding state and federal entitlements, particularly Medicaid/MediCal -- welfare and education notwithstanding -- plus $10 billion per year to support illegal immigrants.


California government and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals are certainly the wellspring of General Welfare clause entitlement bondage littering the history of the embattled state struggling to survive its self-induced decline. It has often been said that as California goes, so goes the nation. Indeed, our state seems destined to be known as California crashing, foretelling what is clearly ahead for the nation driven by the reckless legislation, spending and massive debt incurred by the Obama administration and Democrat-controlled Congress.


As George Washington said in his farewell address, "Let there be no change [in the Constitution] by usurpation. For though this, in one instance may be the instrument of good, it is the necessary weapon by which free governments are destroyed." The Constitution's Welfare Clause change by usurpation happened in 1937, perpetrated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt with a compliant Congress and Supreme Court in carrying out the New Deal, which was finalized in 1965 by Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society war on poverty with welfare, Medicare and Medicaid. And it is now the instrument of overwhelming the country and economy with the collapse of government sponsored affordable housing, and President Obama's health care programs passed by a compliant Congress, with finance reform, energy reform, and immigration reform (amnesty) to follow. 


Our only hope is to either vote change of control in California, the Congress and the White House, and/or be saved by a courageous Supreme Court willing to overturn a judicial history of abusing and upholding the unconstitutional usurpation and expansion of the General Welfare and Commerce clauses subverting the express limitations placed on Congress by the Constitution.


Alas, it's already gone too far. If we don't vote for survival, it's our fault, and there won't be any hope. We must believe in ourselves and the collective wisdom of our fellow citizens. After all, we put the Proposition 13 revolt on the ballot in California and passed it, didn't we? Now it's time for the people of the states to amend and restore the Constitution.




Wall Street Journal

May 28, 2010


Re: Obama plan raises hopes and concerns along border

Re: Arizona law cuts two ways in GOP races

Wall Street Journal - May 27, 2010


President Obama's gesture to send 1,200 National Guard troops and $500 million to support border security is all but empty political tactics to temporarily relieve public criticism of federal border and immigration enforcement failures, and veiled support for Arizona's stand against the flow of illegal aliens, drugs and violence. It is surely not a long term commitment, but an opening for immigration reform legislation and amnesty.


There is only one way to stem the tide of illegal immigration -- 90 percent of which is from Mexico -- and that is to stop it by any means necessary. First, a secure wall must be built along the entire border, coupled with electrified walls in high volume areas, security technology, intelligence, surveillance and monitoring. Second, substantial increases in ICE and Border Patrol personnel and equipment, supplemented with trained National Guard troops as needed. And last, but not least, increased enforcement against employers of illegals, increased deportations, stopping legal immigration until the wall is built, then lowering legal immigration from 1 million per year to 100 thousand per year until the economy is fully recovered.


Significant federal and state action is necessary to resolve the problem by cutting off all benefits to illegals. Only then -- including the elimination of intentional 'anchor baby' citizenship -- should reasonable immigration reform be considered -- carefully. Indeed, California can hardly sustain $10 billion per year or more in benefits to illegal immigrants, while cutting services to resident/citizens as our budget crisis continues. Certainly, what we need more than anything else in the coming elections is to replace liberal Democrat nonsense with Republican fiscal common sense.




San Diego Union-Tribune

May 27, 2010


Re: National Guard set to deploy to border

By Leslie Berestein

San Diego Union-Tribune - May 26, 2010


President Obama's gesture to send 1,200 National Guard troops and $500 million to support border security is all but empty political tactics to temporarily relieve public criticism of federal border and immigration enforcement failures, and support for Arizona's stand against the flow of illegal aliens, drugs and violence.


There is only one way to stem the tide of illegal immigration -- 90 percent of which is from Mexico -- and that is to stop it by any means necessary. First, a secure wall must be built along the entire border, coupled with electrified walls in high volume areas, security technology, intelligence, surveillance and monitoring.


Second, substantial increases in ICE and Border Patrol personnel and equipment, supplemented with trained National Guard troops as needed. And last, but not least, increased enforcement against employers of illegals, increased deportations, stopping legal immigration until the wall is built, then lowering legal immigration from 1 million per year to 100 thousand per year.


Significant federal and state action is necessary to resolve the problem by cutting off all benefits to illegals. Only then -- including the elimination of intentional 'anchor baby' citizenship -- should reasonable immigration reform be considered -- carefully.




Miami Herald

May 26, 2010


Re: FDR had troubles too - letter


Comparing President Obama's problems with President Franklin Roosevelt's is deeply troubling, particularly in terms of turning a deep recession into a deep, extended depression, which is exactly what FDR caused with New Deal government growth.  World War II was the only thing that pulled us out of the depression.


However, we are already a decade into a war against terrorism, coupled with a recession, being exacerbated by President Obama's administration and a Democrat-out-of-control Congress plunging us into deeper and deeper in debt with government growth, and increased centralized power -- which will finish off the economy.


It is clearly not treasonous, as Mr. Garr suggests, for Republicans to work against government tyranny. Rather, it is patriotic to stop the bleeding with a change in control of Congress in 2010, and the presidency in 2012. Only then can we recover.




Washington Post

May 26, 2010


SEIU aka: SIEU (Simply Indoctrinated Employees Union) thugs assault Bank of America executive's home


Between 500 and 700 SIEU union thugs recently assaulted a Bank of America executive's Maryland home, which was solely occupied by the executive's frightened 14-year-old son, and they did it with impunity. As if that wasn't bad enough, they did the same thing to a JP Morgan Chase executive's home that day. They used bull horns from the front porch, yelling that they were working for and demanding democracy.


What is clearly missing in these unconscionable mob attacks that they are well known for, is a demonstration at former Fannie Mae's CEO, Franklin Raines' home. Indeed, the SIEU outrage and democracy is highly selective, even though Franklin Raines contributed to the housing collapse, and overstated Fannie Mae's assets by $90 billion to obtain a $90 million bonus for himself.


The answer is obvious. Government-backed unions don't attack government-sponsored enterprises. However, they do attack concerned citizens from the Tea Party movement for exercising their First Amendment rights to peaceably assemble and petition the government for a redress of grievances. Sadly, that's the glaring difference between the gangster side and the patriot side of America.




Daily Press

May 25, 2010


Re: American civilians are to 'Blame'

Yemeni cleric advocates killing U.S. civilians

Daily Press front page, May 24, 2010



Traitors should be indicted for treason


American terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki is a well-known American-born citizen terrorist of Yemeni descent and a traitor of the worst kind, yet he was allowed to move in, out and about our country, detected and undetected, doing his murderous business of radical Islamic Jihad against his own country and the West.


Fox News Reporting aired an in-depth investigative report on al-Awlaki, 'An American Terrorist,' this weekend, which was revealing and troubling. President Obama has authorized a capture or kill order against al-Awlaki. But disturbing questions of national security remain unanswered. There is simply no excuse for playing political games in these dire times of terrorism.


Awlaki was connected to the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen, Osama bin Laden, the 9/11 mastermind, two 9/11 hijackers, London bombers, Major Nadal Hasan (who murdered 13 soldiers at Fort Hood), the Nigerian terrorist who attempted to bomb an airliner over Detroit on Christmas Day, and he continues to recruit terrorists to murder American civilians.


American terrorist, Adam Pearlman, AKA, Adam Yahite Gadahn, has been indicted for treason. However, 'American Taliban' enemy combatant, John Walker Lindh, who was convicted and imprisoned, was not indicted for treason. Major Nadal Hasan has not been indicted for treason. Indeed, Times Square bomber, Faisal Shazahd, and all of the American terrorists still retain their American citizenship.


Nearly, if not all Americans value our citizenship above anything in our lives. It is the privilege of all privileges, which comes with equal duty to country. Treason is 'levying war against' the United States, 'or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort,' and should be taken more seriously. Those who violate the privilege by treason should be stripped of their citizenship and banished from America forever…





Washington Examiner

May 25, 2010


Re: The Left's 'Blueprint' for perpetual power

By Matthew Vadum - May 20, 2010


Progressive movement to regressive movement


2012 will mark the end of President Barack Obama's term and the 100th anniversary of President Woodrow Wilson's election, which was when the blueprint for perpetual power was first conceived by Wilson's progressive movement of government growth and centralized power. Wilson's policies and 74 percent tax rate caused the 1920s depression. Presidents Harding and Coolidge cut government in half and the tax rate by two-thirds, which quickly ended the depression and brought on the economic 'roaring twenties.'


President Hoover over-reacted to the 1929 stock market crash and raised taxes, which caused a deep recession.  And when President Roosevelt took over in 1933, his progressive government-building New Deal turned the recession into an extended depression, which was ended by the economic growth of World War II. President Lyndon Johnson increased government growth again with his progressive Great Society programs, which turned America into a false entitlement society.


All of which was exacerbated by President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act for affordable housing, which was exacerbated by the Clinton administration's intimidation of mortgage lenders to lower lending standards, which was exacerbated by the lower lending standards and massive mortgage holdings of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which cause the economic crash of 2008. Now, President Obama and his minions have embarked on a crisis-oriented, power-building, debt-ridden regressive movement blueprint to 'fundamentally change America' into a socialist society ruled by the progressive/liberal/Marxist elite.


And like it or not, as Walter Cronkite would say in signing of, "And that's the way it is." However, that's not the way it's going to be. The American people are going to save themselves with the greatest gift ever given to 'we the people' by our founders. The limited government and individual liberties of our constitutional republic, and the vote.




Washington Times

May 24, 2010


Re: Rand Paul and racism - editorial


False accusations of racism has become little more than hackneyed political dagger-throwing from the desperate left, yet it is often a useful sign that the target is exactly what is needed in government. In this case, it is conservative constitutionalist, Rand Paul.


I agree with Kentucky Republican senate candidate Rand Paul's intention that, if elected, one of his first demands will be that Congress print the constitutional justification on any law it passes. Paul is correct in his research of history tracing unconstitutional government back through Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society," and Franklin D. Roosevelt's "New Deal." Indeed, he could have gone further back to where it all began with Woodrow Wilson's progressive government growth movement.


We need a president and Congress that will subject every piece of legislation to the constitutional test through the Supreme Court. If proposed bills go beyond limits placed upon Congress by the Constitution, the legislation could not become law. Plus, a fail-safe measure should be in place that if any justice of the Supreme Court votes to allow unconstitutional legislation to pass the test, it should be considered impeachable bad behavior.


President Obama, Congress and the Supreme Court must be held to a strict government-limiting understanding about the Constitution being the supreme law of the land. The constitutional test should begin with strict Supreme Court reviews of all legislation and executive administrative law and regulations related to the 2008 economic collapse, including the massive debt and a constitutional review of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.




Washington Post

May 23, 2010


Passing financial reform legislation -- without reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- is simply another political fraud against the American people, to secure permanent power in government, supported by the indoctrinated lemmings of the left.


Indeed, the idea is to exacerbate crisis and outrage, frustrate, confuse divide and distract the nation while government continues with sweeping legislation that will put the people in a bind from which they cannot resist or escape.


Anyone who doubts this insidious process need only read their political pocket guide, Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."  





Daily Press

May 22, 2010


Re: What the nation wants - letters


"What the nation wants" letters regarding illegal immigration make it painfully clear that it doesn't matter. There is no question that liberal Democrats' only reason to whip up racial profiling against Arizona's law is to get the steady stream of votes and support of illegals after they are given amnesty. That is President Obama's agenda, the Democrat-controlled Congress agenda, and the only reason Mexico's President Calderon was invited to a White House state dinner and to address his grievances to Congress.


It is simply another political fraud against the American people, to secure permanent power in government, supported by the indoctrinated lemmings of the left. Indeed, the idea is to exacerbate crisis and outrage, frustrate, confuse divide and distract the nation while government continues with sweeping legislation that will put the people in a bind from which they cannot resist or escape. Anyone who doubts this insidious process need only read their political pocket guide, Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals."  





San Diego Union-Tribune

May 21, 2010


Profiling for amnesty


There is no question that liberal Democrats' only reason to whip up racial profiling against Arizona's law is to get the steady stream of votes and support of illegals after they are given amnesty. That is President Obama's agenda, the Democrat-controlled Congress agenda, and the only reason Mexico's President Calderon was invited to a White House state dinner and to address his grievances to Congress. It is simply a political fraud against the American people, to secure permanent power in government, supported by the indoctrinated lemmings of the left.





Chicago Sun-Times

May 19, 2010


What does the president, Congress and the Supreme Court not understand about the Constitution being the supreme law of the land? The Constitution does not support judicial empathy, activism, philosophy or anything else but what is written in our founding document.

Rather than 'restraint,' President Obama's 'trailblazing' Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan represents what is wrong with the Court and the federal judiciary, which have gone far beyond the limits of the Constitution, usurped power from the states and allowed the legislative and executive branches to do the same. Indeed, that's why limited government has been turned into a growth industry,


We need a president and Congress that will subject every piece of legislation to the constitutional test through the Supreme Court. If proposed bills go beyond limits placed upon Congress by the Constitution, they cannot become law. If any justice of the Supreme Court votes to allow unconstitutional legislation to pass the test, that's bad behavior, and the justice should be impeached.





May 17, 2010


Re: Today's Debate: Energy

USA TODAY editorial - Wednesday, May 12, 2010


'Don't use oil spill as excuse to deep-six domestic drilling'


Finally, an editorial about oil drilling and energy that make sense. Over-reaction to the Gulf oil leak in terms of stopping off-shore drilling, particularly during the recession, would be foolish indeed. The extreme environmental lobby has damaged our economy enough with high gas and electricity prices.


If the United States had dealt with increasing domestic production instead of increasing dependence on oil imports nearly 100 percent over the past 25 years, we would have been able to balance increased demand for energy with alternative and renewable sources, without enormous increases gas and electricity costs.


Now we are at an impasse -- between the need for dramatic increases in coal energy and domestic oil production -- and blindly pushing politically correct green energy until our economy crashes.




Los Angeles Times

May 16, 2010


AB 1906 - Second Grand Juries - Extended Terms


As a former grand jury member, I am in complete agreement with, and support Assemblyman Paul Cook's AB 1906. A second grand jury to examine city governments would go a long way in improving the overall effectiveness of both grand juries. Plus, the ability of the presiding judge to extend a grand jury term beyond the year of service to complete major and/or complicated investigations would be most helpful.


Indeed, having at least one of the grand juries serve an 18 month term on a regular basis would offset the weeks and months necessary to train and familiarize new jury members with the process. It is also helpful when former grand jury members volunteer and are accepted for another term, which assists in giving guidance to new jurors.


Assemblyman Cook should be commended for proposing long-needed support legislation for grand juries and the people of California. There is no higher civic duty performed by our local citizens than to serve on a grand jury. The legislature should pass AB 1906 and the governor should sign it into law without delay.





Washington Post

May 11, 2010


Re: In Kagan, Obama picks a nominee, not a fight


The 'tenacity' of a 'trailblazing lady' or 'restraint'?


President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan -- like himself -- clearly exercised moderation and 'restraint' of convenience on her ambitious road to the Court.


However, once confirmed by the Senate, the 'tenacity' of the 'trailblazing lady' will undoubtedly be on the hunt for new constitutional ground in her ideological quest for socialism, such as President Obama has been doing in his quest to expand the size and power of government since his election.


Alas, it is highly disturbing that for a hundred years or more, both liberal and conservative ideologies of Supreme Court justices have usurped power from the states, and strayed dangerously from their sworn duty to support the Constitution and the laws pursuant to the Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land.


Indeed, the make-up of the Court may be politically correct, but our Constitution was never supposed to be subjected to the injustice of being a 'living document' to be circumvented, manipulated, altered or ignored by the Supreme Court, the federal and state judiciary, or other branches of government.





New York Times

May 9, 2010


Re: Trying to outrun race

By Charles M. Blow

New York Times - May 8, 2010


New York TImes columnist Charles M. Blow has taken his racism a step too far, and The New York Times is remiss for publishing a failed attempt to disguise smug, elite and condescending racial hatred as sophisticated commentary. Indeed, Mr. Blow's unrelenting assault against middle class white people cannot be blown-off as anything but racist.


Blow says Tea Party people hate what Obama is doing because he is black, yet fails to recognize that Obama is half white, which he and apparently President Obama simply dismiss. However, one thing is painfully clear. Tea Party people represent an American awakening to constitutional roots and a resistance to being further transformed into a socialist nation. Race has nothing to do with it…




New York Post

May 8, 2010


Re: The anti-conspiracy theorists

By Rich Lowry

New York Post - May 8, 2010


Rich Lowry's analysis of those playing down the Times Square bombing attempt is on the mark. Indeed, loose talk condemning Senator Lieberman for his firm stance on terrorism against the United States is shallow-minded and a little dangerous to security of the American people. Particularly, when the horrifically insidious war against us is like no other in our history, and could be permanent, as it is in Israel.


Senator Lieberman is correct in proposing legislation that would strip Times Square terrorist car bomb suspect, faisal Shahzad of his American citizenship. Shahzad should be charged with treason and handled as an enemy combatant by our specialized military authorities. Indeed, Fort Hood terrorist, U.S. Army Major Hasan should charged with treason and stripped of his American citizenship. Indeed, duty to country is the foundation of American citizenship.


It is unconscionable that CBS, MSNBC and much of the left-stream news media have exhibited casual, reckless behavior by giving apologetic sympathy, aid and comfort to an American traitor and Islamic Jihadist terrorist. This is no time for politically correct caution or measured words. This is war of the worst kind, and should be declared as such by Congress.




Los Angeles Times

May 7, 2010


California Crashing


The word "incompetence" is too kind in describing Governor Schwarzenegger's reign of malfeasance in supporting the economy-busting AB32 global warming hoax-emissions control law, in concert with the Democrat-controlled Legislature's misfeasance.  Indeed, it has been the unconscionable tyranny of tax and spend socialists and environmental extremists that knocked the state of California to its economic knees long before the national economy collapsed.


It is encouraging to learn of the voter petition drive qualifying a ballot measure for the November election that will freeze the implementation of AB32 until state unemployment drops to 5.5 percent for one year, which is less than half the current 12.6 percent level, and highly unlikely in the foreseeable future.


Even if it passes, the state Air Resources Control Board will have ample time to prepare regulations to curb greenhouse gas emissions that would cause California's crash to be fatal. And that could certainly happen if unemployment numbers were cooked for a year, then doubled from the previous level to 25 percent or more.


It would have been better to qualify a ballot measure repealing AB32. However, repealing the tyrannical law might not make much difference when President Obama's Environmental Protection Agency has marching orders to over-regulate national carbon emissions with fatal economic results as bad or worse than AB32. Alas, the only way to stop the insanity is to vote all the tyrants out of office and replace them with small government representatives and officials.




New York Times

May 6, 2010


Congress should declare war against the al-Qaeda regime, et al


Senator Lieberman is correct in proposing legislation that would strip Times Square terrorist car bomb suspect, Shahzad of his American citizenship. Shahzad should be charged with treason and handled as an enemy combatant by our specialized military authorities. Indeed, Fort Hood terrorist, U.S. Army Major Hasan should charged with treason and stripped of his American citizenship.


Meanwhile, Congress should prepare a declaration of war against the al-Qaeda regime, et al, including any and all radical Islamic Jihadist regimes, worldwide -- and those who aid and abet them -- dedicated to eliminating the United States and our people. They have declared war on us, continually attack us, and it must be answered by a declaration of war.


Those who would argue that we can only declare war on a nation are mistaken. We would be declaring war on Islamic Jihadist terrorist regimes, not Muslims. When we declared war on Germany and Japan, it was war against their regimes of aggression, not their people.




New York Times

May 4, 2010


Re: Arrest made in Times Square bomb case      


I was concerned about the detailed information reported in the news media about the Times Square bomb suspect, Shahzad in that it might compromise the investigation and aid in his escape.


If government officials were overzealous in furnishing an account of details, and the media was irresponsible in reporting the information, it was a reckless disregard for our national security.


It appears as though Shahzad gained citizenship to operate under the radar. Regardless of the circumstances, he should be charged with treason.





Los Angeles Times

May 2, 2010


Re: The fatal hole in anti-malaria mosquito nets

By Sonia Shah - Op-Ed May 2, 2010


Anti-malaria mosquito nets are not the answer to preventing the deaths of millions of African people, mostly children, particularly when nearly half refuse to use them. DDT is the answer. Indeed, if were not for the decades of single-minded environmentalist actions, the 1972 ban on DDT would not have killed more than 30 million people including 20 million children.


A new book, "The Excellent Powder: DDT's Political and Scientific History," authored by Donald Roberts, professor of tropical medicine, and Richard Tren, head of the group, Africa Fighting Malaria, adds to the mounting evidence that DDT not harmful to people, plants or the environment -- that it was not responsible for thinning bird egg shells -- and is the only effective weapon against the deadly mosquito-borne parasite.


Still, some activists and researchers continue to undermine the use of DDT for malaria control on highly questionable grounds, even though malaria infects 300 million people per year, killing nearly 1 million. It is simply unconscionable that so few environmental zealots intimidate politicians and frighten populations of people with unfounded propaganda, with such deadly results.


Alas, the similar shallow-minded and irresponsible junk science of global warming alarmists is already causing harm to world economies, particularly in the United States, with no end to the insanity in sight. It's time for people to wise-up to the unwise.





May 1, 2010


Expect high gas and electric prices


President Obama and progressive congressional Democrats will undoubtedly use the coal mine deaths and Gulf of Mexico oil spill to permanently eliminate all new natural gas and oil exploration and drilling -- and increase the big squeeze against coal energy.


With that -- and the high cost of green energy being imposed -- we can surely expect an escalation the prices of gas and electric power, which translates to inflation, an overall increase in the cost of living, and the loss of more jobs.


If the progressive political and corporate elite are indeed able to finish their insidious cultural, political and economic transformation -- which began at the turn of the 20th Century -- most of the American people will be transformed into a giant underclass.




Los Angeles Times

April 28, 2010


Re: Calls to boycott Arizona grow over new immigration law


Calls to boycott Arizona over the state's newly passed immigration law are absurd reactionary moves by pandering politicians and open border/amnesty  extremists. Arizona did the right thing. Indeed, the only form of federal immigration reform should first be focused on vigorously stepping up border enforcement and security, illegal immigration enforcement, and empowering border states and all states to enforce immigration laws.


Voters are much more aware of what is going on, and undoubtedly know that any form of amnesty for 12 million illegal immigrants -- without increased border and illegal immigration enforcement -- will deepen the recession, and inflate the already high cost of living for all American citizens.


Worse, after President Reagan made the mistake of granting amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants -- without increased enforcement -- the numbers of illegals increased to the current 12 million. If President Obama and Congress do the same, the numbers of illegals will undoubtedly swell and overwhelm taxpayers and the system --not to mention border security -- with a proportional escalation in drugs, crime and incarceration costs.




New York Times

April 27, 2010


The Obama - Goldman hoax


President Obama and the congressional Senate committee holding a phony inquisition of Goldman Sachs is merely a pre-arranged hoax of feigned outrage to temporarily distract public anger -- and neutralizing Republican resistance -- while pushing through the finance reform bill -- similar to the insidious political tactics used to thrust the health careless reform package upon the American people.


Indeed, it should be widely known and understood that Goldman Sachs has had a long and incestuous relationship with funding Democrat candidates for public office, the political left, and their activist organizations. It should further be known that the Obama administration and prior presidential administrations have been replete with former Goldman Sachs executives at the highest levels.


Instead of being dishonest, over-regulating the American people's lives, and encumbering us with enormous debt and taxes, President Obama and the Congress should be investigating and holding hearings on how the Clinton administration and congressional operatives used affordable housing intimidators, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to unconscionably and fraudulently create the monstrous housing market bubble that burst and collapsed the economy.





Washington Post          

April 26, 2010


Immigration reform bill


The flap over Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid pushing the Immigration bill ahead of climate-energy bill, is little more than political machinations to save Senator Reid's Nevada re-election bid, and to distract voter anger from health care legislation and the finance reform bill. However, voters are more aware of what is going on and undoubtedly know that any form of amnesty for 12 million illegal immigrants will exacerbate the cost of health care for all.


Worse, after President Reagan made the mistake of granting amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants, the numbers of illegals ballooned to the current 12 million. When President Obama and Congress do the same with so-called immigration reform, the numbers of illegals will undoubtedly swell and overwhelm taxpayers and the system --not to mention border security -- with a proportional escalation in drugs, crime and incarceration costs.


President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress must know that the economic crisis will be deepened by the combination of health care, finance, immigration -- and energy costs, which will increase the cost of everything. Surely, if the value-added-tax (VAT) on all goods and services is enacted to pay for it, most Americans would be left penniless and dependent on government. But that's the ideology, isn't it?




San Francisco Chronicle

April 25, 2010


Re: Medicare cuts have more in California on edge

By Victoria Colliver, April 17, 2010


Obama's health careless plan


President Obama's healthcare legislation will certainly raise medical costs and health care insurance premiums much more than expected, particularly in California, wherein enormous increases in Medicaid costs will hit the state at the worst possible time.


Cuts in Medicare to help pay for the uninsured will certainly impact seniors. Indeed, according Chronicle report, there would be a disproportionate impact in California because 34 percent of seniors on Medicare choose Medicare Advantage compared to the national average of 23 percent, consistent with the state's long history and familiarity with HMOs, like Kaiser Permanente.


The new law calls for $475 billion in overall Medicare cuts. This year, the government will freeze payments to Medicare Advantage plans for 2011 at 2010 rates. Then reductions of about $136 billion to the programs will be phased-in over the next 10 years, which will cause drastic increases in costs and premiums, and/or many HMOs to drop their plans.


There are over 10 million seniors with Medicare Advantage plans, which are managed far better than regular government Medicare. It is simply unconscionable for 10 million senior citizens to either subsidize or lose their plans to fund Medicaid increases for the uninsured, many of whom are among the 12 million illegal immigrants, with the highest concentration of illegals in California, where 1.5 million seniors are enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans.


Worse, after President Reagan made the mistake of granting amnesty to 3 million illegal immigrants, the numbers of illegals ballooned to the current 12 million. When President Obama and Congress do the same with so-called immigration reform, the numbers illegals will undoubtedly swell and overwhelm taxpayers and the system --not to mention border security -- with a proportional escalation of drugs, crime and incarceration costs.




Los Angeles Times

April 24, 2010


Re: Brown avoiding Goldman as issue


Who wants to govern California?


Who in their right mind would want to be governor of the social, political and economic mess in California? The usual suspects, motives and quality of candidates thus far answers the question. Meg Whitman, Steve Poizner, and Jerry Brown are contaminated corporate and political elites who seek the office for personal power and fame. They will spend enormous amounts of money and play dirty politics to get it. And one of them will be the next governor.


However, none of them will be able to do much of anything to resolve our problems in government unless there is a complete turnaround in the Sacramento Legislature. And even then, not until the seduction and corruption of political power is somehow replaced by honest representative democracy.


California's checkered history is replete with liberal damages done by the likes of former governor Jerry Brown, who after taking office with a budget surplus from Ronald Reagan in 1975, proceeded to lead our state toward the road to ruin. After two more inept governors stumbled around the California carnival, Brown's former chief of staff, Gray Davis became governor, and mishandled the state's self-induced energy crisis. Davis was recalled and replaced by the two-faced novelty of Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2003, which was the next big mistake by voters, who should have elected state senator, Tom McClintock.


Indeed, the only thing that will give California a chance at recovery would be to truthfully inform and educate misinformed voters, elect someone genuine character and public integrity like Tom McClintock as governor, and replace the liberal-controlled Legislature with honest conservatives, less government and more democracy -- just as needs to be done in Congress and the White House -- if we are to have any hope of survival.





April 23, 2010


Re: Obama tells Wall Street to join in

Money section- Friday


Forcing protection - fast and furious


President Obama's push for a financial overhaul of America is yet another goal of his government empire-building, anti-free market agenda to take over the lives of the people under his protection.


Indeed, this, along with healthcare, welfare, housing, EPA control of energy, water and the environment is simply a fast and furious scheme to force protection upon us, like it or not.


And to pay for it, what amounts to a godfather president and his gangster Congress will undoubtedly pass a value added tax (VAT) on all goods and services, which will cause hyper-inflation and reduce us to a giant underclass.


As if America was not steeped in enough fear, anxiety and uncertainty, this is a real and present danger -- using the economic crisis for an unconscionable abuse of power, taking on enormous debt, exacerbating the crisis, risking a total collapse, reducing our defenses, and making us vulnerable to terrorist attacks.


Surely, it's time to replace out of control government with honest, limited government by consent of the governed.




San Diego Union-Tribune

April 22, 2010


Re: Egregious example of capitalism gone wrong - letter - April 22, 2010


Who's defrauding who?


President Obama knew he needed to redirect voter anger to get finance regulation passed. The timing was right on target. The SEC fraud case against Goldman Sachs tied to troubled mortgages will give President Obama leverage for tighter finance reform regulation, simply because it was intended to do so. Before this timely event, Goldman Sachs was the 'sacred cow' in the mortgage-financial meltdown because of the institution's long and deep ties to power in Washington. Indeed, it's deeper with the Obama administration than ever before. Therefore, there is a strong smell emanating from the rancid deal-making. As Rahm Emanuel said, 'never let a crisis go to waste' -- even if it's staged to accomplish a higher purpose. In this case, government's over-reaching control of finance in America.


Condescending commentary about the tea party movement is typical of the dismissive arrogance of liberals when dealing with honest dissent of those who speak out against intrusive government growth, entitlements, regulation, taxes, social engineering and other public controls on the socialist menu. Indeed, demonizing the right is the favorite pastime of the left, particularly when the liberal establishment feels threatened by the loss of power.


However, it is simply unconscionable to dishonestly to say that the tea party is wholly owned and operated by Republican corporate lobbyists -- when the movement was and is a purely spontaneous reaction to over-reaching, over-bearing government -- all of which pales in comparison to former president Bill Clinton using fear mongering to compare what's behind the tea party with the Oklahoma City bombing.


President Obama might be amused by tea party protests. Tea party people are certainly not amused by 'gangster government.'




The Washington Examiner

April 20, 2010


Re: Losing faith in government


Re: Gangster government becomes a long-running series

By Michael Barone


Who do you trust?


The recent Pew poll indicating that four of five Americans don't trust the federal government, and have little faith it can solve America's ills, comes as no surprise. Indeed, the people's trust in the two-party system has been steadily eroding since the 1992 elections, with increases in voters cutting ties with Democratic Party and the Republican Party, and a surge registering as 'unaffiliated' since the 2008 elections. The only questionable spot is a new poll indicating 47 percent of the people are satisfied with the IRS. However, 47 percent of the people pay no income tax.  


The Tea Party movement is undoubtedly responsible for both the decline in trust and voters leaving the parties. Independent voters now outnumber registered Democrats and Republicans, and nearly four of ten voters identify themselves as independents. Independent voters have decided most elections over the past decade or more. These political changes will surely have an even more significant impact in the 2010 elections. And for good reasons.


Considering the health care takeover -- the proposed finance takeover, cap and tax, an insidious (VAT) value added tax, immigration reform -- and choking off domestic energy resources, Rep. Michele Bachmann was correct when she said the Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress is a "Gangster government." Indeed, we can clearly conclude that the Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress are running a public protection racket.


As if the economic collapse isn't bad enough, the cost of the cure in the expanding federal bureaucratic bubble is almost inconceivable. And if it continues, unabated, the big burst will make the recession feel like a bump in the road ruin. I trust the collective wisdom of my fellow citizens. That's why I am an independent voter and tea party supporter trying to do my part to recover our country from the gangsters' abuse of power before it's too late.






Washington Post

April 19, 2010


Re: The Tea Party: Populism of the privileged

By E. J. Dionne Jr.


E. J. Dionne's condescending commentary about the tea party movement is typical of the dismissive arrogance of liberal journalism when dealing with a spontaneous movement of the honest dissent of those who speak out against intrusive government growth, entitlements, regulation, taxes, social engineering and other public controls on the socialist menu.


Indeed, demonizing the right is well known as the favorite pastime of the left, particularly when the liberal establishment feels threatened by the loss of power. However, it is simply unconscionable to dishonestly label the tea party as "Populism of the privileged," when Dionne is actually condemning the middle class.


Coupled with Dana Milbank accusing tea party people of being "faux populists" and more of the "angry affluent than oppressed commoners," and Los Angeles Times columnist Tim Rutten's "angry white males" insult, it is painfully clear that the liberal press has little more than contempt for middle America.


Mr. Dionne and other journalists ganging up on the tea party movement are wrong about having little influence on the 2010 elections. Other than the good fortune of living in America, we in the middle class are neither privileged nor affluent. We are hardworking self-reliant people who are trying to keep government from reducing us to a giant underclass.  Don't underestimate our resolve to survive by deciding the issues and elections that matter.





Daily Press

April 18, 2010


Re: Tea Party determination - letters     


I agree with the letters from Gloria Denny, Bob Harriman and Richard E. Behmer criticizing James Ferguson's fear mongering and depicting Tea Party people as unpatriotic. Condescending commentary about the tea party movement is typical of the dismissive arrogance of the left when dealing with honest dissent of those who speak out against intrusive government growth, entitlements, regulation, taxes, social engineering and other public controls on the socialist menu. Indeed, demonizing the right is the favorite pastime of the left, particularly when the liberal establishment feels threatened by the loss of power.


The growth of Tea Party dissenters demonstrating on this April 15, 2010 tax filing deadline day in Boston, Washington and across the country is clear and convincing evidence that the patriotic American people are not going to sit quietly by while the size and power of government grows, unabated. Several million people were out there protesting, and tens of millions of us are joining them in spirit. Certainly, when President Obama said that he was merely amused by the demonstrations, the contempt from 'Gangster Government' applies.


It is painfully clear that no matter how long and deep the recession goes -- and no matter how much the people suffer from government malfeasance, public crimes and misdemeanors -- our elected officials and government bureaucrats are bound and determined to tax and control us by any means necessary to ensure their survival, not ours. The glaring question is, who works for who? The grass-roots action of the people's 'rising discontent' with California government and the federal government demands answers, action and solutions.


When the people's liberty is threatened, and our freedoms are diminished by the tyranny of government intrusions, we are swiftly coming to the point where what was supposed to be constitutionally limited government is becoming as over-reaching and over-bearing as the government from which we separated in 1776. And that is why there was a Boston Tea Party unfair tax revolt.

Note: Edmund Burke (1729-1797) - English statesman profoundly said, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." Burke also said: "Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little." "The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion" and "The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts." Finally, Burke on politics: "Those who have been once intoxicated with power, and have derived any kind of emolument (compensation) from it, even though but for one year, can never willingly abandon it."





Wall Street Journal

April 17, 2010


Re: U.S. Charges Goldman Sachs With Fraud


Something smells rancid between Washington and Wall Street


The SEC fraud case against Goldman Sachs tied to troubled mortgages will give President Obama leverage for tighter finance reform regulation, simply because it was obviously intended to do so.  Heretofore, Goldman Sachs was the 'sacred cow' in the mortgage-financial meltdown because of the institution's long and deep ties to power in Washington. Indeed, it's deeper with the Obama administration than ever before. Therefore, there is a strong smell emanating from the rancid deal-making. As Rahm Emanuel said, 'never let a crisis go to waste' -- even if it's staged to accomplish a higher purpose. In this case, government's over-reaching control of finance in America.


Still, we must not lose sight of the bad guys at the core of this mess: CRA government intimidators for affordable housing, and the fraud of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In order to recover from the recession and prevent a worse meltdown, bold steps must be taken. Rep. Jeb Hensarling's proposed legislation to repeal the 1977 Community Reinvestment Act of 1977, which will stop left-wing activist groups like ACORN and the Greenlining Institute from blackmailing banks is a good start -- along with more legislation divesting government's interest in the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, breaking them up, and getting taxpayers' money back.





Washington Post

April 16, 2010


Gangster government


I was pleased to see coverage of the Tea Party Tax Day protest at both the state and federal Capitols at the top of the front page of our Daily Press newspaper today -- unlike major newspapers across the country who criticized, marginalized or simply ignored the Tea Party dissenters.


For example, the Los Angeles times labeled it 'Tea Party tempests' in the AA LATEXTRA, page AA4. The San Francisco Chronicle diminished it to an AP blurb on page A-12. USA TODAY relegated it to page A9. The Washington Post had it on page A2. The Boston Globe gave it a spot in the Political Notebook with a Brief AP story and photo. And the New York Times had no coverage, but they did publish 5 letters to the editor -- all negative -- under the title, 'A portrait of Tea Party supporters.


The growth of Tea Party dissenters demonstrating on this April 15, 2010 tax filing deadline day in Boston, Washington and across the country is clear and convincing evidence that the American people are not going to sit quietly by while the size and power of government grows, unabated. Several million people were out there protesting, and tens of millions of us are joining them in spirit. Certainly, the title, 'Gangster Government' applies.


Indeed, it is painfully clear that no matter how long and deep the recession goes -- and no matter how much the people suffer from government malfeasance, public crimes and misdemeanors -- our elected officials and government bureaucrats are bound and determined to tax and control us by any means necessary to ensure their survival, not ours. The glaring question is, who works for who? The grass-roots action of the people's 'rising discontent' with California government and the federal government demands answers, action and solutions.


When the people's liberty is threatened, and our freedoms are diminished by the tyranny of government intrusions, we are swiftly coming to the point where what was supposed to be constitutionally limited government is becoming as over-reaching and over-bearing as the government from which we separated in 1776. And that is why there was a Boston Tea Party tax revolt.





Washington Examiner

April 10, 2010


Re: World more dangerous with Obama nuke policy

By Linda Chavez


President Obama disarming America


President Obama's signed nuclear arms treaty with Russia, along with his 47-nation Nuclear Security Summit, is clear and convincing evidence that he is posturing compromise and nuclear naïve. Indeed, it is disturbingly obvious that by pledging that the United States will become impotent on nuclear defense by not advancing weapons technology, the president is handing Russia and China superiority in nuclear arms.


Even though the president promised not to use nuclear arms against nations that comply with nonproliferation -- exempting North Korea and Iran -- the Obama administration has clearly gone soft on the nuclear threat of those rogue states. Still, Russia and China cannot be trusted now or ever. When the security door is left ajar for Russia and China to take the lead in technology -- play dirty and secret games -- and advance the nuclear threat from North Korea, Iran, Venezuela and other nations with underlying hostile intentions against us, there will certainly be a rush to critical mass.


At a time when terrorism against the West could explode beyond control -- such as nuclear Pakistan falling to the Taliban and al-Qaida, Iran committing nuclear genocide against Israel, and combinations of chemical, nuclear or biological attacks against us and the free world -- the president's push for a nuclear arms free world by disarming America first, is a recklessly dangerous pipe-dream of painless socialism -- a utopia which cannot exist.     






Daily Press

April 9, 2010


Re: Keeping 'em on the plantation - commentary

and Letters "Patriots and nationalists - False claims"


Star Parker is replete with common sense in her analysis of government mandates and controls creating a government plantation of constant growth and loss of freedom. It doesn't get much simpler than that. The solution is what has become increasingly difficult with the rise of socialism. It's simply sad that so many people have been suckered and indoctrinated into believing that our good 'ole government is there for them no matter what happens. All they have to do is follow the rules. Hopefully, it won't take too much pain and suffering to make them realize it has all been a scam to make them dependent and lose their souls.


Debates between liberals and conservatives are as much an exercise in futility as it is when factions rule. The architect of our Constitution, James Madison, feared the rule of factions, which is why political parties are not included in our founding document. Yet we are saddled with a dysfunctional two-party system, and for now, the Democrats rule. Meanwhile, the collective wisdom of rest of us know what's best for us and we are going work at cleaning up the mess by cleaning out the corruption and socialist decay in government, reigning in the abuse of power, and defunding what keeps it alive. Indeed, April 15th is a vivid reminder of what feeds the beast. TAXES! 


In addition to voting out the tax and spender tyrannical lawmakers, what we need, and must have, if we are to survive this social, political and economic mess is to slash and simplify taxes across the board. It's called the KISS method. Keep It Simple Stupid. The best way to wean and lean-out government is to throw out the tax code and have a one page flat tax for everyone, personal and business. That could be accomplished with a less than 20 percent flat tax. Indeed, if done correctly, it could be narrowed to a 12.5 percent flat tax. Government game over! Let freedom thrive!






April 8, 2010


Re: Tax code grows like kudzu as another April 15 approaches

USA TODAY editorial - Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Toss the tax code and have a one page flat tax


The United States Tax code instructions will continue to grow as the tax code grows, neither of which will be simplified by a patently dysfunctional growing government. What we need, and must have, if we are to survive this social, political and economic mess is the KISS method. Keep It Simple Stupid. The best way to wean and lean-out government is to throw out the tax code and have a one page flat tax for everyone, personal and business. That could be accomplished with a less than 20 percent flat tax. Indeed, if done correctly, it could be narrowed to a 12.5 percent flat tax. Government game over!





Daily Press

April 7, 2010


Re: Comcast wins 'net neutrality' case against FCC


On April 6, 2010, the DC Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Comcast and against the FCC in a case wherein the FCC attempted to regulate the Internet.


The FCC is making sweeping moves on the Internet with 'Net Neutrality' efforts and its National Broadband Access Plan, which was just presented to Congress.


Instead of tampering with the Internet and free speech, the Obama administration, the FCC and Congress should use broadband to establish national secure voting networks in every state. Every registered voter should have access, and all elections should be conducted over the networks.


There is no excuse not to have such a system to enhance democracy and voter participation.





Time Magazine

April 6, 2010


Re: Why Britain is Feeling Bleak

By Catherine Mayer/London

April 12, 2010 issue


It comes as no surprise that the British are fed up with both of their major political parties, liberal and conservative because of the economic meltdown and social issues. We in America have the same problem, which brings up the age-old issue of political parties in government.


Indeed, the American colonies separated from Britain because of the monarchy and a hardliner parliament controlled by the Whig and Tory parties. Thus, our founders purposely excluded any mention of political parties in our new Constitution because they were opposed to the power of factions.


However, time and faction politics saddled us with a two-party system of Democrats and Republicans that has done more harm than good to the people and the Constitution. The simple solution for both democracies would to make them specifically and constitutionally nonpartisan.





New York Times

April 2, 2010


Re: Church abuse scandals - letters


Place the blame where it belongs


The Catholic religion will always have some difficulties because of the celibacy rule. However, the lack of screening potential priests is what undoubtedly resulted most of the molestations in the church. Beginning in the 1980's gay men flocked to Catholic seminaries for one reason only. Political correctness seems to be the only thing keeping that discussion of blame under the radar. What a shame for such a great and worthy religion of the world.





Los Angeles Times

Op-Ed submission

March 30, 2010


Our leaders are us – The direct democracy solution


I knew this would happen over 10 years ago when I wrote America's Crisis and I would like to offer a strong suggestion for the solution to the crisis over the ongoing growth of centralized government power. Fortunately, the amazing advances in communications technology have made it possible for the American people to be connected to secure voting networks, which is something we sorely need in our badly broken and corrupted two-party system. That system has become so seriously entrenched, that in effect, it adds a requirement to be either a Democrat or a Republican to qualify to run for state or federal elective office, which is blatantly unconstitutional. I petitioned the Supreme Court regarding the problem, which can be found at: http://www.realdemocracy.com/no2party.htm 


In 1992, Ross Perot ran for president as an independent with a spontaneous outpouring of support from millions of citizens. He said we were the owners of this country and we ought to have a direct say on how it is governed. I was a long time registered Republican, but I had lost confidence in both parties, so I re-registered as an unaffiliated independent and supported Perot. Unfortunately, Perot really wanted to be King of America, He betrayed his followers and handed the election to Bill Clinton out of spite for George H.W. Bush. And, unfortunately, the next two 8-year presidencies and the Congress did nothing to alleviate government growth and irresponsibility, or the inherent destructive battles of the self-corrupting two-party system.


In these dire times of social, economic and political chaos -- coupled with our national security uncertainty in the war against terrorism -- the matters of survival are falling back on the people. The so-called Tea Party is a purely spontaneous grass roots movement of independents, Democrats and Republicans responding to the crisis-oriented rapid advance and expansion of government power by President Obama’s administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress, which came to power, backed by the Democrat dominant media.  We are a natural coalition of concerned citizens who -- like nearly all citizens -- are more politically sophisticated and better informed than ever before because of broadband information technology and the internet. And we are telling the elected officials in control of government that what government is doing is not by consent of the vast majority of the governed. We have no single leader. Our leaders are us.


All political power is supposed to be inherent in the people, the way it was intended by the founders and our Constitution, which has since been manipulated, misinterpreted, circumvented and/or simply ignored by a systematic abuse of personal and party power. In effect, the voters have become disenfranchised. Indeed in 1788, we the people of the United States of America ratified the Constitution, the Bill of Rights in 1791, and established a limited government by consent of the governed. That's what it meant then, and that's what it means now. However, due to factions and power-seeking circumstances beyond our control, government has simply become too large, intrusive and overwhelming regardless of our consent. The presidency has become too monarchial. The legislative branch has become a kangaroo Congress. And the federal judiciary has become more like a Star Chamber. Alas, is painfully clear that our government is simply dishonest, over-reaching and out of control, too much like the government from which we separated in 1776.  


Therefore, the Constitution should be amended to establish voting networks connected to all registered voters in a nonpartisan republic of direct and representative democracy, wherein we would elect well-compensated, highly qualified, nonpartisan professional government managers as our business representatives, instead of the best professional party politicians selfish interest money can buy. There would be no campaign financing involved. The voting networks would provide communications between voters and elected representatives and between elected representatives. Voters would be truthfully informed to make informed decisions. All elections would be conducted over the voting networks, and representatives would be subject to annual voter confirmation.


All matters of taxation and public policy would be decided by the voters. The executive branch office of president would also be nonpartisan, elected via the voting networks and subject to annual confirmation. The judicial branch -- Supreme Court justices and all federal judges would be elective offices, subject to annual confirmation. The voters would have the right of initiative and referendum, and the right to amend the Constitution with a two-thirds majority vote. No existing rights, protections, privileges or immunities of the people provided for by the Constitution could be altered or removed.


The foundation of America is based upon common sense, life, liberty, property, a free market, the pursuit of happiness, and the freedom of a large, prosperous middle class. Our leaders are us. We know what is best for us as individuals, and we can trust the collective wisdom of our fellow citizens to decide what is best for all of us. We must get it done, while we still can. A proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution establishing direct representative democracy can be found at: http://www.realdemocracy.com/28web.htm . The proposed amendment includes the establishment of direct education networks, and privatizing education, which is an equally important component of liberty, freedom and democracy. 


A good beginning to establishing direct representative democracy in America would be to establish it in California -- the state which needs it most -- with a ballot initiative amending the California Constitution as follows: See the proposed ballot initiative at: http://www.realdemocracy.com/amendcal.htm






Time Magazine

March 26, 2010


Re: What health care means for you - cover

Time Magazine - April 5, 2010 issue

Can Obama keep delivering on his promise

By Joe Klein


Joe Klein would undoubtedly agree that major, concerted public reforms are once again possible. How convenient it is that Democrat-controlled Congress and President Obama's health care reform laws are back loaded to throw out a few benefits, to avoid the reaction to the cost and pain of taxpayers until after the 2010 mid-term elections, and long after the 2012 presidential election. Undoubtedly, the same will happen with the takeover of finance, energy and education. 


Indeed, how nice it will be for the president to ruin America and retire to the fully paid taxpayer-provided luxury, security and lifestyle of a former president for the rest of his life -- which stimulates a public reform suggestion. Other than Secret Service protection, cut the taxpayer funded support for all former presidents -- and cut support for all former members of Congress -- to help offset the cuts in Medicare Advantage for 10 million senior citizens.



Los Angeles Times

March 25, 2010


The U.S. Constitution has been circumvented and violated by the federal government enough


Attorneys general from 14 states have filed constitutional challenges to the federal health care legislation requiring people to have health insurance, which violates the Constitution's limitations on federal power. Many states are passing legislation to protect them from this federal intrusion, including unfunded mandates, primarily the 50 percent increases to expand Medicaid.


The Constitution is simple and clear about limitations on Congress as enumerated in Article I, Section 8, and in the 10th Amendment protecting the rights of the states and the people. The California Legislature and Attorney General Jerry Brown should do the same on behalf of the State of California.


The federal courts and the Congress have progressively abused their power by usurping power from the states and the people for 100 years, which is why so-called constitutional scholars say the states have no chance in fighting the health care legislation or any other federal law. Indeed, the Commerce Clause and the 9th, 10th and 14th Amendments manipulated, misinterpreted, circumvented or ignored by federal machinations to such an extent, that they are hardly recognizable.


If the federal courts deny the sovereignty and rights of the states and the people, and/or rule against protective state legislation regarding the over-reaching health care law -- hopefully -- two-thirds or more of state legislatures will exercise their application rights  under Article 5 of the Constitution and initiate a constitutional convention to amend the Constitution to restore and protect states' rights and the rights of the people as originally intended by the founders.




March 21, 2010


Intentional consequences


I just observed the Congress pass national healthcare legislation 219 to 212 that is blatantly unconstitutional. That was not an unintended consequences. It was intentional.


President Obama and the Democrats don't care about the unintended consequences of their actions. They care about increasing government power and control of everything in the nation, for our own good, because they know what is best for us.


The unintended consequences of the failures of good intentions is a political cliché. That's what national healthcare and the intentions of big government are all about.


There is nothing unintended about the consequences of President Obama's health care edict.


King Obama and the kangaroo Congress have spoken.


Obey or suffer the consequences.




The Washington Post

March 21, 2010


Our vote: Use it or lose it


President Obama's giant ego is obsessed with making history again by passing his national health care program at any cost, over the objections of the majority of the states, against the will of the majority of the American people -- even though the legislation is unconstitutional -- even though it will increase the cost of living -- and even though it will increase the loss of jobs and deepen the recession.


Why? Because the president's progressive political ideology knows what is best for the people, and those of his political ilk in the kangaroo Congress are little more than bobbleheads for his agenda. Indeed, President Obama appears  to be a legend in his own mind, and he is bound and determined to make history throughout his presidency, regardless of the consequences, intended or not.


The social, political and economic problem is, our government has been infected by a liberal/progressive poison that has turned cancerous. Our freedom, our liberty, our Constitution and our backs are up against a rising wall of tyranny. And we have only one thing left to fight it off and find a cure. Our vote. Use it or lose it. 




Los Angeles Times

March 18, 2010


Exclusive Club on the Hill


The exclusive political club on Washington's Capitol Hill is certainly self-insulated from the American people they serve, when their arrogance is about to 'Deem and Pass' an unconstitutional health care bill to the tune of $940 billion, which will surely amount to $2 trillion or more in the endgame, against the will of the people. What we have here is a monarchial presidency and a kangaroo Congress. Indeed, it was clearly appropriate for a courageous Republican House member to introduce a measure accusing Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi of malfeasance for her actions in forcing the health bill to an illegal vote on Sunday, March 21, 2010, which of course, was promptly tabled by the Democrat majority.


The irony of government insanity is not lost when legislation is forced on the people costing $500 billion in new taxes, half of which will come from cutting the benefits of 10 million senior citizens on Medicare Advantage, raising their insurance premiums and all insurance premiums, to provide health insurance to those without including illegal immigrants. Then there are increased Medicaid costs to states that cannot afford it, increased taxes on all health insurance, small businesses forced to provide health insurance or pay penalties, and the list goes on.


Yet the benefits from President Obama's magnificent deception of so-called healthcare reform forced on the people won't be realized until after 2013 or 2014.  How convenient is that? Particularly, when this health careless fiasco is thrust upon society in the worst possible economic times, making healthcare cost more and limiting healthcare service, while we are under constant and rising threats from terrorism. Worse, in California (Caliphonia) we have double government trouble with more tax increases, and the moronic AB32 carbon emission tax tyranny that will increase the overall cost of living for the beleaguered people of this sorry state.




The Washington Post

March 14, 2010


Re: Why don't honest journalists take on Roger Ailes and Fox News?

By Howell Raines, former (corrupted) executive editor of the New York Times

Because the dishonest journalists of the mainstream media, like Howell Raines, are consumed by supporting President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress in fundamentally transforming America into a socialist/capitalist state and ruining our free society. And that's why the people don't trust the media or government. Fortunately, Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes and Fox News are the people's traditional government watchdog with a nose for political corruption and corrosive progressive nonsense. We the people appreciate that.


Instead of attacking Fox News for doing their duty, Howell Raines should be honest and consider this: Coupled with the TARP bill and the failed stimulus bill, the health bill is little more than a larger selfish-interest-laden legislative monster pushed by President Obama and his minions in Congress, against the will of the American people. Then consider our Constitution. It has been seriously betrayed by the media and our government for decades. And our democratic republic is hardly recognizable.


The health bill, along with the president's push for funding college education indoctrination for service, and the cap and trade energy buster, is simply a shameless, unconstitutional, unbridled national-debt-ridden abuse of party and personal power with incalculable consequences. It's worse than reckless. It's intentional. Other than Fox News, the rest of the news media not only letting them get away with it, they are supporting it.


Indeed, pure political arrogance has taken a recoverable economic crisis and turned it into what will surely become a national disaster -- and a clear and present danger to the survival of America -- in midst of the age of terrorism against us. The big question may be, which aggression is worse? A bigger question for Howell Raines is, why don't journalists throughout the media do their duty to the American people and take this seriously -- not just Fox News?



Los Angeles Times

March 8, 2010


Academy agony - awards ecstasy


The ecstasy of winning and the agony of defeat was replete, as the film entertainment crowd gathered again at the annual Academy Awards to celebrate themselves. Sean Penn's incoherent presentation to Sandra Bullock for Best Actress, and Best Supporting Actress Monique's political disclaimer were not surprising.


Unfortunately, neither was handing  journalist Mark Boal, director Kathryn Bigelow, and Hurt Locker the top nods for Best Screenplay, Best Director and Best Picture -- even though the film was a dud bomb with little more than distortions of the truth and a warped view of our troops, who were insulted with under hands, and hypocritically praised with the other hands while tightly gripping the Oscars.


Fortunately, the greatest snow job on earth was not a total wash. It was a pleasure to see Jeff Bridges finally rewarded for playing out a crazy heartfelt story with a winner song, original thought, imagination and class -- that which is sorely missing in the badly broken realm of Hollywood, where a constant stream of social and political junk flows as bitter excuses for entertainment.   




Daily Press

March 7, 2010


Re: Entitlements and the future of California


Student protests in Berkley and Los Angeles California, and across the country over cuts in education funding come as no surprise when it is understood that the education establishment and teacher unions have taught students how to protest and organized them to carry it out. What clueless parents fail to understand is that their children have been indoctrinated to believe that free or subsidized education is a constitutional right, and that they have been indoctrinated in social justice and a distorted view of our history. All of which has been at the expense of core education, leaving graduated high school students functionally illiterate.


What is reprehensible is the fact that the education establishment has recklessly conducted mass failed experiments in education, such as grade inflation, social promotion and outcome-based education, while fiercely attacking charter schools, vouchers and quality privatized education with one hand, and defending the unconscionable permanent retention of incompetent educators with tenure, with the other.


Indeed, protests over public education funding is misdirected. There is certainly a need for protest, however, it should be directed at breaking the costly chokehold of the education establishment and restoring education back to the way it was intended. Real education with core academics and meaningful results for the future of students' lives, at half the cost.


In 1988, the California teachers' union coalition put Proposition 98 on the ballot, which barely passed with 189,234 votes of over 9 million cast, and amended the constitution with the Classroom Instructional Improvement and Accountability Act. Voters should keep that in mind in the coming elections, and should seriously consider an initiative to repeal Proposition 98's lock on education receiving the lion's share of the state budget, and another to privatize union-free education. When it comes national indoctrination and miseducation, the future of California, our country and our survival is at stake.





Daily Press


March 6, 2010


Valley Voices submission:


James Madison on the General Welfare clause: Health care not included


Before passing more sweeping legislative powers on health care, energy,

finance and education, Congress and the president ought to consider the

original constitutional limitations placed on them by the people of the

United States of America.


When James Madison and others wrote the Constitution, specifically Article

I, Section 8, assigning Congress the "power to lay and collect taxes ... to

pay the debts and provide for the ... general welfare of the United States,"

he and the founders were determined that it not be distorted into assuming

powers not delegated to Congress.


Madison said, "With respect to the words general welfare, I have always

regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To

take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the

Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not

contemplated by its creators."


"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are

the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care

of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State,

county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take

into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner

schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor;

they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in

short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the

most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of

Congress.... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude

contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very

nature of the limited Government established by the people of America."


The Founders also ratified the Constitution's 10th Amendment, affirming,

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor

prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or

to the people." Thus, the general welfare cannot reasonably be stretched to

allow the national level of government to perform functions and exercise

powers beyond those specifically and explicitly listed in the Constitution.


As James Madison described the limitations on interpretation of the general

welfare clause, "If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done

by money, and will promote the general welfare, the government is no longer

a limited one...."the general welfare of the nation as a whole.


Now, look what Congress has done in violation of the Constitution since

FDR's New Deal and LBJ's Great Society. They have usurped nearly all power

from the states, nationalized aid to the poor, education, elements of health

care, roads, police power, and repressed religion. Then look at what they

are doing to undermine the Constitution today. It hurts us all, one way or

another, with the combined abuse of the welfare clause and commerce clause

of our founding document.


The question is, how much longer will we allow our elected representatives,

president and judges to violate their oaths of office to support, protect

and defend the Constitution of the United States as the founders intended?

Without the power of our strictly interpreted Constitution to protect us, we

the people are powerless, as we are experiencing more and more as time and

political tyrants continue to erode our liberty.


Contrary to popular belief, the political elite don't know what is best for

us. Only we as individual Americans know what is best for ourselves, and

only the collective wisdom and judgment of the people should decide what is

best for all of us.




Los Angeles Times

March 5, 2010


Re: Thousands protest state cuts to public schooling


Education cuts: Misdirected protests


Student protests in California and across the country over cuts in education funding come as no surprise when it is understood that the education establishment and teacher unions have taught students how to protest and organized them to carry it out. What clueless parents fail to understand is that their children have been indoctrinated to believe that free or subsidized education is a constitutional right, and that they have been indoctrinated in social justice and a distorted view of our history. All of which has been at the expense of core education, leaving graduated high school students functionally illiterate.


What is reprehensible is the fact that the education establishment has recklessly conducted mass failed experiments in education, such as grade inflation, social promotion and outcome-based education, while fiercely attacking charter schools, vouchers and quality privatized education with one hand, and defending the unconscionable permanent retention of incompetent educators with tenure with the other.


Indeed, protests over public education funding is misdirected. There is certainly a need for protest, however, it should be directed at breaking the costly chokehold of the education establishment and restoring education back to the way it was intended. Real education with core academics and meaningful results for the future of students' lives, at half the cost. Voters should keep that in mind in the coming elections. The future of our country and our survival is at stake.





The Washington Post

March 4, 2010


Re: White House ratchets up pressure to pass reform


Asking for more uncontrollable government waste, fraud and abuse


I agree that healthcare reform is desperately needed, but not by President Obama and congressional Democrats pushing through a bill. Taxpayers do not need another giant healthcare program adding more waste, fraud and abuse to the years of incalculable losses and inefficiency from the costly programs and duplications we have already been saddled with.


Yesterday on C-Span, I happened to watch a Senate Government Affairs Subcommittee on Federal Services hearing on Medicare, Medicaid and Prescription Drugs oversight, wherein the Inspector General of Health and Human Services, an official from the Government Accountability Office, and the Director of the Centers for Medicare, Medicaid and Prescription Drugs testified regarding the control of waste, fraud and abuse. The result of the hearing, which focused on Part D Prescription Drugs, was that after the programs existence for 5 years, there was no control, and no real effort to do so.


The reasons were obvious and troubling. The witnesses clearly demonstrated an inept over-layered government culture incapable of controlling anything. It was indicated that of the overall waste, fraud and abuse that was reported, 87 percent was reported by honest citizens, and only 13 percent was discovered by government.


President Obama's healthcare reform plan calls for $500 billion in Medicare cuts including a reduction of Medicare Advantage for 10 million seniors, the control of waste, fraud and abuse, which is an empty promise, and $500 billion in new taxes, which is redundant. Taken together, if passed, the endgame would eventually perpetrate a $6 trillion fraud against the American people by a government so large, it is inherently dysfunctional.


Sadly, it is disturbing to realize how casual and supporting the mainstream news media is regarding this enormous problem, when the freedom of the press mission is supposed to highlight looking out for the people. I guess we voters are going to look out for ourselves in the coming elections. Letters to the editor is my effort to speak out, but it's difficult to restrict this complicated subject to 200 words or less.





Los Angeles Times

March 3, 2010


Re: Obama calls for 'up-or-down-vote' on healthcare


Why is President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress obsessed with passing a costly healthcare bill, pushing for costly green energy, and enacting costly carbon regulations based upon highly questionable global warming speculation, all of which will exacerbate the real crisis affecting beleaguered Americans, which is the economy, housing, and job losses? And why do they continue to bury us with insurmountable debt? Why? Because it's their philosophy and they can. That is where the real change must be made. In the November 2010 elections, and in the 2010 presidential elections telling them that's not our philosophy, they can't, and showing them the door. 





San Francisco Chronicle

March 2, 2010


As if the governor hasn't done enough tax damage with $12.5 billion tax increases on our income, sales taxes and vehicle taxes, now he wants to tax our property insurance and call it a fee. Not only would that circumvent Proposition 13 restrictions, it would add another blow to the hits we have already taken on property values and a failing economy.


California has a long history of choking individual taxpayers and businesses with the fingers of extreme environmental laws, fees, rules and regulations while refusing to open up revenue sources such as expanding off-shore and other oil and natural gas production. Add the fraud, waste and abuse of government programs to the enormous cost of the failed public education establishment -- which does little more than graduate students from high school who are functionally illiterate -- and it removes all doubt as to why the state is on the verge of bankruptcy at our expense.


If we are to survive a failed state drowning in a sea of big government and needles bureaucracies, we must initiate another tax revolt coupled with a revolt against the failure of costly education, and the tyranny of unreasonable laws, rules and regulations. Government simply needs to be trimmed down to a manageable size of no more than we absolutely need. Indeed, we must do the same with overreaching federal government, which is going far beyond California's lead in herding the nation to the cliff of the economic abyss.




Daily Press

March 1, 2010


Re: Water allowance triples

(High Desert area of San Bernardino County, California - California State Water Project)


The Mojave Water Agency's nominal increase to 15 percent from the 5 percent allotment from the State Water Project, which translates to just 12,420 acre feet of the 82,800 acre feet annual allotment is a painful reminder of the reckless arrogance of conservation extremist organizations and the abuse of power of a federal judge.


Indeed, when Federal District Court Judge Wanger ordered massive cuts in water allotted to 27 State Water Project Contractors throughout Central and Southern California to save some tiny Delta Smelt, there was no question that federal value placed on the life of small fish superseded the value of millions of human lives and well being. That abuse of power amounts to cutting water supplies to 25 million Californians and 5 million acres of Central Valley cropland


That is simply reprehensible and unconstitutional federal government interference with contracts. What is incomprehensible, is why the water contractors have not filed suit to have the order reversed and set aside. After all, the entire construction and maintenance of the State Water Project is paid for by us, the property owners who are provided with the vital water.


Worse, all this has been done while the governor, legislature and attorney general have done little or nothing to defend us or to alleviate the problem. Central Valley farms were shut down for lack of water, exacerbated by another move by conservation extremists over salmon runs, which has affected the price and supply of nuts, fruits and vegetables for Californians and the nation. Judge Wanger turned down an appeal from the farmers to restore their water supplies in early February 2010.



The Washington Times

February 28, 2010


Re: White House calls for 'simple up-or-down' health-care vote


As a middle-income retired independent voter on a Medicare Advantage insurance plan, I am of course concerned about the broad-brush government proposals to reform health care. I watched and listened to most of President Obama's bipartisan health care summit, and did so again today on C-Span to make sure that I observed the entire conference.


I was particularly disturbed by President Obama's persistence on cutting Medicare Advantage for 10 million seniors. During the many years of my employment, I was enrolled in a Kaiser group plan. When I retired I enrolled in Kaiser's Senior Advantage program, which has provided me with quality health care, just as provided by the previous Kaiser plan. Kaiser does a better job managing my Medicare Advantage health care than Medicare would provide, with reasonable premiums. Kaiser should be the model for Medicare management.


There is no reason for President Obama or the Congress to cut our cost-effective Medicare Advantage program to provide health coverage for the uninsured including 10 million illegal immigrants. Particularly, when 800,000 Medicare Advantage seniors in the state of Florida are to be unfairly exempt from the cuts, as pointed out by Senator John McCain.


$500 billion in new taxes and $500 billion in Medicare cuts to fund Government health care reform is unacceptable. Cuts in Medicare fraud, waste and abuse should be done immediately, as it should have been since Medicare was enacted. That's where government programs fail every time. They are simply licenses to steal. California is the best example of the worst. Health care reform proposals submitted by Republicans at the summit meeting made sense. Texas did it and it worked. That's all that needs to be done at this time.




Time Magazine

February 26, 2010


Re: Why the Tea Party Movement Matters

By David Von Drehle

March 1, 2010 issue


It was encouraging to read "Why the Tea Party Movement Matters" in the current issue of Time Magazine, when most other news media either ignore or condemn it. As an independent voter who is deeply concerned about our dire circumstances, I agree with the concerns of the spontaneous grassroots Tea Party movement. Though I have not attended any town hall or Tea Party meetings, I do write letters to the editor about my observations and concerns.


My greatest concerns are what the Obama administration and Democrat-controlled Congress are doing to further their agenda at our expense during the worst possible times of economic collapse and uncertainty. The housing market, financial meltdown, and the loss of jobs are the immediate problems that must be resolved. Healthcare, global warming, green energy and education are not. They were and are Obama/Democrat campaign issues that will certainly bury us with more government, more taxes and insurmountable debt.


Surely, it's time to end the abuses of personal and party power. Indeed, it's time remove the violators and empire builders from our government houses with the power of our votes, and to replace them with honest elected officials who will follow the Constitution, represent us, and reduce and limit government to no more than we need.



February 23, 2010

Re: Today's Debate: Medical overhaul


I find it deeply troubling to read USA TODAY'S support of any sweeping health care plan that will undoubtedly lead to more federal power. As if the federal government hasn't unconstitutionally usurped enough power from the states, President Obama's unveiling of a near $950 billion restart on a health care bill is merely the tip of another federal iceberg poised to strike deeply into our ship of freedom and individual liberties, already sinking from federal power intrusions.


Indeed, government's intrusion in the housing market caused the economic collapse -- and increased control over housing is making it worse -- which has been exacerbated by intrusions in the financial and auto industries, and the mismanagement of debt and spending throughout the so-called $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (stimulus plan). All of it has proved almost incomprehensible and mostly fruitless, leaving us saddled with incredible debt.


A federal takeover of healthcare? No. Open health insurance to out of state competition and control of junk lawsuits that increase costs? Yes. A federal takeover of energy and the cost of living? Hell no. Contrary to popular belief among the intellectual elite, voters are not stupid. The threat and pain of overbearing government makes things very clear to us. Government will know this in the coming elections when we clear the decks of mutineers and replace them with a crew who understands who they work for. And that includes the captain. America is not the Titanic.


Los Angeles Times

February 22, 2010


Throw the bums out!

Either the Legislature and the governor do their jobs on the budget, or out they go.

By Abraham D. Sofaer - February 19, 2010


Throw the bums out? Yes. Clipping the edges of bloated state government does nothing to resolve the legislative cancers responsible for California crashing. It is the people and businesses of this state who have suffered the years of unrelenting tax tyrannies -- smothered by costly laws, rules, regulations and environmental insanity -- and choked by the hands of failed education and government intrusions.


Voters have been betrayed by the governor, the legislature and selfish interests who exacerbated the national economic collapse long before it happened, and we are gasping for relief from the politics of state and federal abuse of power. Surely, the collective wisdom and common sense of the people will prevail, and we will gain that relief with a voter revolt in the coming elections.




Daily Press

February 21, 2010


Vote or be bound to socialism


Misguided views of socialism is the result of using the positive term "social" in so many ways for so many years. Social Security, government social services, social programs, the social need for protecting the environment, and the social justice taught in education. It may seem harmless, but socialist is as socialist does, which is intrusive and destructive of freedom and personal liberties.


Those who think President Obama and the Democrat Congress are not socialists, are either naïve or duped. What is most worrisome is that the people have been marginalized and/or ignored by dumbed-down education, intellectual indoctrination, the liberal media, and big government. Our freedoms are being eroded, and the power of our votes is at risk. We must use it, or lose it.


The socialist style progressive/liberal movement began in earnest with Woodrow WIlson, the intellectual president. Wilson is responsible for the progressive income tax and the Federal Reserve. The progressive movement toward socialism was continued by FDR's New Deal, and LBJ's Great Society, which is now being escalated by President Obama and his intellectual minions.  


For a better understanding of intellectuals, Thomas Sowell's new book, Intellectuals and Society is an introduction to the thinkers of our society, many of them unknown to the general public, who mold our society and make an impact on people in every walk of life, both for the better and for the worse -- but usually for the worse. Sowell's vision, as expansive as ever, ranges over economics, politics, the media, academia, the law, and even war as he shows the momentous ways in which this small group of people wields a baneful influence upon our nation and Western civilization as a whole.

These intellectuals, Sowell says, are surrounded by a huge array of people and groups who disseminate their ideas: journalists, teachers, staffers to legislators, law clerks, and other members of the intelligentsia. Thus their influence on the course of society can be considerable, or even crucial. He shows how intellectuals have -- on issues ranging across the spectrum from housing policies to laws governing organ transplants -- sought to have decision- making discretion taken from those directly involved, who have personal knowledge and a personal stake, and transferred to third parties who have neither, and who pay no price for being wrong.




Time Magazine

February 20, 2010


Re: Why the Tea Party Movement Matters

By David Von Drehle


It was encouraging to read "Why the Tea Party Movement Matters" in the current issue of Time Magazine, when most other news media either ignore or condemn it. As an independent voter who is deeply concerned about our dire circumstances, I agree with the concerns of the spontaneous grassroots Tea Party movement. Though I have not attended any town hall meetings or Tea Party meetings, I do write letters to the editor about my observations and concerns.


My greatest concerns are what the Obama administration and Democrat-controlled Congress are doing to further their agenda at our expense during the worst possible times of economic collapse and uncertainty, which was caused by government intrusion in the housing market.


By pursuing control of the financial industry, they caused increases in credit card interest rates even for the most credit worthy. The rising cost of health care insurance is being caused the fear of government takeover, which will increase health care costs, while reducing access and the quality of health care. The $787 billion stimulus plan is working in reverse by grossly misrepresenting the saving of jobs and job creation, and directing funds to further their political agenda, while over 3.5 million jobs were lost this past year.


Even more troubling is reckless government control over emissions, energy and energy resources to further the deceit of the global warming agenda, which will increase the cost of energy and the overall cost of living for all of us. Indeed, the enormous push by government for control over our lives and livelihoods is a destructive denial of liberty, and must be stopped if we are to survive.


Surely, it's time to end the abuse of personal and party power, to remove the violators from our government houses with the power of our votes, and to replace them with honest elected officials who will follow the Constitution, and reduce and limit government to no more than we need.





Washington Post

February 19, 2010


The anniversary of President Obama's $787 billion 'stimulus plan' ought to remind us of at least two undeniable truths:


First, the housing bubble and economic collapse was caused by government's manipulation of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the intimidation of banks and mortgage lenders to make home loans to those who could not afford them -- in the name of affordable housing.


And by no means second, President Obama's stimulus and recovery plan was intended for, and has been primarily used to fund and further his political agenda.


Indeed, the president's announcement of creating or saving over 2 million jobs during a year that was battered by the loss of over 3.5 million jobs is deceiving at best. His numbers are manipulated and grossly overstated, leaving little more than saving and creating his agenda jobs and providing only temporary work in other areas at great expense.


A third and even more troubling truth is the fact that our government has perpetrated what could become a debt-ridden, everlasting fraud against the American people in the name of progressive reform. That is, unless and until we turn it all around and reform government.





February 14, 2010


28th Amendment: Self-governing solution for our survival


The two-party system of government in the United States and throughout the states has a worsening history of being controlled by power factions and party crashers, which have circumvented the Constitution against the best interests of the people. Most Americans have lost faith in government because they have been betrayed by the reckless and inept expansion of federal power, the loss of liberty and a future steeped in social, political and economic uncertainty and insecurity.


Following is a proposed 28th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States:


All political power is inherent in the people. Government may be altered or reformed by the people when the public good requires.


All elective offices of the United States federal government, and the elective offices in governments throughout the several states, shall be nonpartisan. Candidates for elective office shall not be endorsed by, or receive any funds from, any political party. All matters of taxation and public policy shall be approved by the people by two-thirds majority vote, by means of secure electronic voting networks connected to voters' homes or public voting stations, enabling voters to communicate with each other and their elected representatives.


All elections shall be conducted by means of the voting networks. Any holder of elective office may recalled from office by majority vote. The people shall have the right of electronic petition signatures, voter initiative and referendum. The Constitution of the United States, and the constitutions of the several states, may amended by a two-thirds majority vote.


The voting networks shall be established within five years of the ratification of this amendment.




Los Angeles Times

February 14, 2010


Re: No ink - but a big deal

by Joe Mathews - February 14, 2010


Electronic petition signatures could become a self-governing solution for our survival.


The two-party system of government in California has a worsening history of being controlled by power factions and party crashers, which have circumvented the Constitution against the best interests of the people. Most Californians have lost faith in government because they have been betrayed by the reckless and inept expansion of state power, the loss of liberty and a future steeped in social, political and economic uncertainty and insecurity.


Following is a proposed amendment to the California Constitution:


All political power is inherent in the people. Government may be altered or reformed by the people when the public good requires.


All elective offices in state, county and local governments shall be nonpartisan. Candidates for elective office shall not be endorsed by, or receive any funds from, any political party. All matters of taxation and public policy shall be approved by the people by two-thirds majority vote, by means of secure electronic voting networks connected to voters' homes or public voting stations, enabling voters to communicate with each other and their elected representatives.


All elections shall be conducted by means of the voting networks. Any holder of elective office may recalled from office by majority vote. The people shall have the right of electronic petition signatures, voter initiative and referendum. The Constitution of California, may amended by a two-thirds majority vote.


The voting networks shall be established within five years of the enactment of this amendment.





February 9, 2010


America's junk society crashed


America's culture has become an anxiety society replete with junk government, junk politics, junk laws, junk justice, junk public policy, junk foreign policy, junk history, junk education, junk science, junk business, junk journalism, junk activism, junk celebrities, junk entertainment, junk art, junk music, junk movies, junk books, junk literature, junk poetry, junk advertising, junk food, junk relationships, junk morals, junk talk, junk clothing, junk medicine, junk sports, junk television, junk internet, junk styles, junk grooming, junk architecture, and junk people who think they are in charge and in control of the rest of us.


Alas, America has been taken on lengthy E-Ride by the dishonest social, political, economic and academic elite. Then it crashed, and most of the misguided and indoctrinated are being jolted back to reality and common sense with the rest of us. Indeed, it's time to clean our national house, throw out the junk and renew our lives in the spirit of freedom, responsibility, and the pursuit of happiness, with liberty and justice for all. That's what Americans have always done.       




Daily Press February 7, 2010


Re: Rise of the independents

Letter by James L. Fox


I agree with James Fox in that the two-party system is self-corrupting and that our elected representatives are more interested in party, personal power and being professional politicians than honestly representing the people. Why else would incumbents and candidates spend so much money on getting elected, staying in power and selling their political souls to do so?


It is well known that many voters are leaving political parties and registering as independents (non-affiliated), and that independent voters decide most elections. Independent voters now outnumber Democrat and Republican voters and their numbers are increasing. After being a Republican for many years, I re-registered as an independent when Ross Perot ran for president. That was a spontaneous movement of people unhappy with non-responsive government and the two-party system.


 The current and growing Tea Party movement is purely spontaneous dissent against runaway government growth and power grabs over our lives. However, if the movement becomes a third party it will likely be self-defeating. Ross Perot handed the election to Bill Clinton, and Ralph Nader inadvertently helped George W. Bush win the presidential election. Indeed, the only way to win will be to have an independent voting majority of at least 50 percent, plus one vote, in electing our representatives and the president -- the electoral college notwithstanding.


As for Stan Brown's ludicrous letter from the indoctrinated left, the Bush administration did not do enough stop government growth or the economy collapse. But make no mistake. The housing, financial and economy crash was caused by the Carter and Clinton administrations and their push for affordable housing by any means, exacerbated by the corrupt politics of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, and Franklin Raines breaking the backs of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, thus co-opting mortgage lenders, banks and bundlers with risky loans to people who could not afford them. It was irresponsible congressional Democrats, the Federal Reserve, political power and greed that did it. Not Bush. And it certainly continues with President Obama and his irresponsible government growth and regulation administration.


Surely, if voters let it happen, government takeover of healthcare, energy, finance, and education -- along with unabated borrowing and spending -- will bankrupt America, the people and our future. The only way to prevent it is to leave the party system and vote independent. Until now, only about half of eligible voters, vote. And about half of registered voters, vote. Which means that most elections are decided by 25 percent of those who vote. We must vote to survive and send a strong message to government: Cut taxes, cut spending, cut unreasonable regulations, and cut the size and scope of government.




San Bernardino Sun

February 6, 2010


Re: Heed sobering economy report - editorial (revised)


The Sun's editorial overlooks the underlying cause of the housing bust and economy collapse, which was government monopoly players, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the affordable housing fiasco. Indeed, Washington should not only heed the sobering inspector general's TARP report, they should recognize that government irresponsibility is still going on with the same players, and a further bust seems inevitable.


President Obama blamed the previous administration for irresponsible spending when he said, “In the long run we can’t continue to spend as if deficits don’t have consequences, as if waste doesn’t matter, as if the hard earned tax dollars of the American people can be treated like monopoly money." The president also criticizes financial institutions for paying bonuses, even as they pay back bailout money with interest. But he and the Congress are now even more irresponsible. Indeed, they have borrowed and used public TARP and Stimulus funds as though it were Monopoly money, with little or nothing to show for it.


The danger lies in exacerbating the recession, while attempting to build more government monopolies with money that really doesn't exist. It's all debt. Yet, the president wants a $3.8 trillion budget and more $billions disguised as a jobs bill to help the middle class and small businesses with credit and tax incentives that will do little or nothing to create jobs. When referring to tax dollars being treated like Monopoly money, President Obama should look in the mirror and hear the voices of the American people saying, "No more playing the board game and recklessly gambling with our money, our economy, and our future. Cut taxes, cut spending, and cut the size and scope of government."




Washington Post

January 30, 2010


President Obama's spending freeze


President Obama's three year spending freeze beginning in 2011 is a melting gesture. Spending in the 2009 federal budget was raised by an average of 20 percent for all departments, with a 36 percent increase going to the EPA.


Considering past annual budget increases averaged about 5 percent, the president's spending freeze will result in a net increase of at least 5 percent in the three year period.


Probably much more considering the enormous 2010 budget. Indeed, the EPA budget increase and the president's marching orders will undoubtedly result in unreasonable, economy-busting environmental regulations and enforcement, which will exacerbate the recession, and, we the people, lose.




Los Angeles Times

January 28, 2010


President Obama's state of the union speech


President Obama's state of the union speech was replete with deceit. He started by blaming the economic crash on the Bush administration, when it was caused by President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act, which was abused by President Clinton, his HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo, and Attorney General Janet Reno who, along with ACORN, intimidated banks to lower their standards for affordable home loans.


The problem was exacerbated by Rep. Barney Frank, Sen. Chris Dodd, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines who opened Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to assuming a mass of bad mortgage loans in the name of affordable housing, causing Wall Street to go haywire and the inflation of the housing bubble. As if that wasn't enough, in the middle of the economic collapse, Rep. Frank told Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to lower standards for buying condos.


Now, Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank wants to scrap Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and replace them with something worse, stating, " The committee will be recommending abolishing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in their current form and coming up with a whole new system of housing finance." The irony is overwhelming. It has grown into runaway government with absolutely no accountability to the people.




San Francisco Chronicle

January 25, 2010


Pirate politicians from the Bay


As an independent voter, and life-indentured taxpayer from Southern California, I have come to the painful conclusion that pirate politicians are highly concentrated in the San Francisco Bay area, and they are out to destroy the state. Indeed, blinded by personal power and the tyranny of socialist ideology, along with their cohorts and Sacramento and Washington, they haven't a clue about what they have wrought upon beleaguered Californians.


Senator Boxer is doing her best to do the worst thing to our economy with cap-and-trade legislation. Senator Feinstein is trying to gobble up another million or so acres of the Mojave Desert for government protection. And, San Francisco state Senator Leno is trying to break our backs with a single-payer healthcare system that would cost taxpayers $210 billion in its first year, which is twice the amount of the state budget.


Coupled with the pirate fleet in the Democrat-controlled Legislature, they have run-up the "Jolly Roger" skull and cross bones flag on the ship of state identifying themselves as the taxmaster-regulator bandits who are crushing the economy and the people, putting California out of business and into bankruptcy. Worse, naïve, misguided voters are committing sovereign suicide by letting it happen.




Daily Press

January 23, 2010


Democrats' pirate ship of state


Chaos among Democrats over the anti-healthcare bill election of Scott Brown won't stop President Obama and the House and Senate leadership from formulating and passing a much smaller bill laying a foundation to finish it after the 2010 mid-term elections. Meanwhile they will be turning more termites loose in the wood of the economy by raising the national debt ceiling by $1.9 trillion, eating away at the free market with regulations, undermining jobs, and running up the cost of living with much higher energy costs until the economy implodes.


What has transpired with the healthcare bills in the Democrat-controlled Congress can't be taken back. Regardless of political about faces in the 2010 mid-term elections, the arrogance of sneaky machinations behind closed doors has made it painfully clear that Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid have hoisted the "Jolly Rogers" on their pirate ships of state with the intent of taking over healthcare, energy, finance, hijacking the American people, and fleecing our fleet.


Captain Obama and the congressional pirate ships have already made life-indentured taxpayers out of the American people, and they are going to raise the national debt ceiling to over 14 trillion dollars and keep the piracy alive. No matter what the pirate captain says or does to soften the blow, it's simply not going to happen. Our flagship is the Freedom, our guns are the Tea Party and our defense is the independent voting crew.






January 20, 2010


Re: Massachusetts fires shot heard 'round the political world - editorial


Irony is certainly not lost with Republican Scott Brown taking Ted Kennedy's Healthcare Lion of the Senate seat. Could it be because most Massachusetts voters don't like the state's healthcare program, and they don't like President Obama's national healthcare program? Coupled with losses in Copenhagen, Virginia and New Jersey, this, indeed, is the beginning of a national a referendum against ("we know what's best for you") President Obama and congressional Democrats….


California Senators Boxer and Feinstein should heed the warning, as should candidates for governor and the Democrat majority in the Legislature. Voters will only take so much of being lied to, deceived and abused before they strike back.


Meanwhile, we can be assured that, by losing the 60 vote super majority, the machinations of Sen. Harry Reid and Senate Democrats will continue by making it difficult for Senator Brown to be seated, while conspiring behind closed doors with Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats to dump the monster healthcare bill on the American people, like it or not…. Bring on the 2010 mid-term elections!






January 11, 2010


Re: Today's debate: Alternative power

and: Today's Letters


Taken together, the liberal/progressive bent manifested in Today's op-ed page is highly disturbing. Beginning with Teddy Roosevelt's progressive era New Nationalism, then Woodrow Wilson's intellectual New Freedom progressive movement, wherein his first term, he persuaded a Democratic Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act, the Federal Trade Commission, and America's first-ever federal progressive income tax in the Revenue Act of 1913.


Add FDR's New Deal and LBJ's Great Society to the ever-expanding progressive/regressive movement -- over the last 100 years -- our country and our Constitution have been compromised by the creeping growth of government-dependant programs, which is now coming to a reckoning with the Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress.


Simply put, the people cannot bear the burden of a fraudulent political agenda that takes advantage of economic crisis to break our backs with enormous public debt, and expanding government by the leaps and bounds with nationalizing healthcare, taking over our financial and auto industries, and our country's energy. Indeed, if the insanity of this freedom-consuming movement is allowed to continue unabated, the self-corrupting tyranny of big government, environmental extremism, regulation and deceit will bring our society to a final, grinding social and economic halt.




The Washington Examiner

 January 10, 2010


Re: Obama turns off homegrown energy

January 8, 2010 editorial


California is a prime example of how government stifles economic growth with environmental regulations that restrict domestic energy resources and overtax businesses, which raises the cost of living for all the people. Indeed, California government refuses to allow off-shore drilling and recently turned down a deal that would have created $billions in oil and natural gas revenue, even though there was agreement with environmental interests. It doesn't matter that the state economy collapsed under the weight of taxing, spending and borrowing, worse than most other states in the face of the nation's economic downfall.


But California's problems pale in comparison to economic damage the Obama administration is inflicting on the entire country by turning off homegrown energy resources. The enormous public debt, taking over the finance and auto industries, and costly healthcare reform is bad enough. However, when President Obama goes back on his promise to reduce our dependency on foreign oil by increasing U.S. production of domestic resources, including America's rich deposits of fossil fuels, he is piling on costs that will break our backs. Worse, Obama is reducing oil, gas and coal leases and increasing unnecessary bureaucratic red tape to the leasing process.


Increasing our dependence on foreign oil has exacerbated our risk with unfriendly regions of the work, and the risk of terrorism against our homeland. Lest we forget, our presence in the oil producing regions is primarily why it all began, fanatical terrorism leading to the 9/11 attack and since. Playing agenda politics in the face of terrorism is unacceptable and unconscionable.




The Washington Times

January 9, 2010


If the buck stops with President Obama, he should resign


President Obama is so obsessed with transforming America that he is tap dancing around terrorism. He said the buck stops with him, therefore, he should resign.


By transforming America, I mean he is transforming our free enterprise, healthcare, energy, environmental laws, national security, immigration and leaving our borders vulnerable.


Indeed, the buck stops with President Obama only after he takes most of our freedoms and all the bucks from us. Therefore, he should resign now, as should all those in Congress who are pushing his agenda. 2012 may be too late.




Los Angeles Times

January 6, 2010


Re: Obama gives his team earful over foiled plot


President Obama's feigned outrage at intelligence failures comes as empty words from an empty suit, discouraging vigilance in the war on terror. The airliner homicide bomber should have been immediately put on the "no-fly" list with his father's warning. Al-Qaeda terrorists should not be prosecuted in civilian courts. And the Guantanamo Bay enemy combatant facility should not be closed.


Lowering the bar in the war against terrorism only serves the cause of terrorists, not the security of America. The best offense is an aggressive defense. And, needless to say -- when our lives are at stake -- no holds barred.


The source of the "systemic failure" on counter-terrorism is the Obama administration's feckless philosophy and reckless disregard for the magnitude of the terrorist threat against our country. Result: al-Qaeda wins.





December 28, 2009


Regulating the financial industry


The notions that unqualified homeowners contributed to the rash of bad loans of recent years, and that by waiving requirements and encouraging risky transactions, the financial industry reeled them in, and that the financial industry bears primary responsibility for the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression, and that the financial industry needs a strong government watchdog to look out for the interests of the American people from now on is simply absurd.


It was government intrusion, namely HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Janet Reno from the Clinton administration who initially intimidated the financial industry into making home loans to unqualified homebuyers to provide affordable housing at any cost. The intimidation was increased and perpetuated by the likes of affordable housing extremists, ACORN, Rep. Barney Frank, Sen. Chris Dodd, and Fannie Mae CEO, Franklin Raines.


Indeed it was government-driven chaos that forced the financial industry to take a tank of helium, attach it to a balloon and turn it on. Government would not allow the industry to turn it off, so it reacted with creative financing, bundling and insuring toxic mortgages, which of course exacerbated the problem and the balloon burst. Alas, not so different from so many government programs that have proven unsustainable, but the balloon is still growing.


Now, government wants to over regulate the financial industry, and continue to put taxpayers into unsustainable debt with healthcare, energy, environmental and education programs using many helium tanks and balloons to inflate the size of government. What goes UP, must come DOWN. And the bigger it is, the harder it will fall. Unfortunately, if government is not put under control, it will burst the economy all over on our heads.




Los Angeles Times

December 24, 2009


Replace the imposters and put government on a crash diet


The Senate health care takeover bill, when reconciled with the House bill, will impose 18 new taxes primarily on the middle class to the tune of $400 billion. The arrogance of the Senate Democrats establishes a permanent government panel to control Medicare, which cannot be amended or repealed, thus establishing a new rule in the Senate, which is blatantly unconstitutional. But that's nothing new in government, which along with activist courts have compromised and seriously circumvented our Constitution.


The Senate bill will impose taxes immediately, however, the so-called cost and debt-reduction benefits of this health care reform will conveniently not take place until 2013, after the 2010 and 2012 elections. Meanwhile, among other taxes,  we in the middle class will pay with a 40 percent premium tax on well-performing health insurance plans, face deep cuts in Medicare Advantage health care coverage and increased premiums for 10 million senior citizens, and 25 percent less tax deductions for out-of-pocket medical care costs.


However, it's good news for the friends and biggest contributors to Democrats. Unions and the trial lawyers. Even though only 7 percent of the workforce are unionized, their healthcare premiums will be exempt from the 40 percent premium tax. And defensive medicine will continue the high cost of healthcare, unabated. Indeed, there is nothing fair when it comes down to tyranny politics. And it's good news for Nebraska and other states whose senators sold their votes to the party plan. Indeed, an already morbidly obese government will gain even more weight in the Democrat's reckless $1 trillion healthcare experiment. 


What our inept government needs is to go on a crash diet and to stay out of our business and personal lives. But first, we must reform the alien political establishment by replacing the imposters who occupy most of the seats of government in Congress and the White House.




Victor Valley Daily Press

December 23, 2009


Re: Feinstein's Desert


As if Senator Feinstein hasn't intruded enough on our desert -- finishing up former Senator Alan Cranston's land grab -- with her 1994 California Desert Protection Act encompassing 1000 square miles of the Mojave Desert, her federal appetite won't be satisfied until a million or so more acres of public land are under government protection.


The annoyance of performing a balancing act between the conservation and environmental elite, and the plans for large scale solar and wind energy developments, these congressional land gobbling actions are nevertheless feeding an overweight, overreaching government eating disorder that will cost taxpayers and energy consumers far more than is necessary.


Instead of making morbidly obese, inept, tyrannical government regulation worse, our elected representatives ought to put Congress on a crash diet to reduce regulations and the size of government. Shedding the weight of billions and trillions of dollars of debt and controlling spending habits should include selling and/or deeding over public lands for practical private enterprise development, which will stimulate the economy and create real permanent jobs, instead of temporary patchwork and permanent government growth.


While on the subject of Mojave Desert intruders, the Mojave Cross issue is now before the U.S. Supreme Court, which will hear the Salazar v. Buono case involving a constitutional challenge to the presence of the eight-foot Christian cross in the Mojave National Preserve. The case arose when Frank Buono, a former assistant superintendant of the preserve filed a lawsuit demanding the National Park Service remove the cross. And, of course, the vexatious, anti-Christian, un-American ACLU got involved. Indeed, Buono is a prime example of the institutional arrogance of many park service employees, and most other government departments, agencies and institutions who believe they, not the public, are the owners of public lands, and the overseers of the public in general.  



Los Angeles Times

December 20, 2009


Re: Democrats unite for vote on healthcare by Christmas


Mockery of democracy and the tyranny of the minority over health care


The Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate wolves, dressed in Santa Claus clothing, are poised to pass healthcare legislation as a Christmas gift to the country, which in fact -- when reconciled with the House bill -- will be the groundwork for the government takeover of health care in America. Next, of course, will be the "Happy New Year" of nationalizing our energy to comply with the climate change hoax and bullying by EPA regulators.


Indeed, as if the demolition of the housing market, and the damages to the financial and auto industries wasn't enough government tampering with the economy, capitalism and the lives of the people, the "we know what is best for you and, like or not, you will take it" gang, the president and the Congress are embarking upon ideological missions that will surely destroy our society and bankrupt our nation.


Those of us who object, such as the so-called "Tea Party" people are not so-called "Astro Turf" or a political party. We comprise a spontaneous movement of grievances by concerned citizens against overreaching government. That's what America was founded upon, and that's what the vast majority of the American people are all about.


Those who demonize and ridicule the people who want to prevent the dismemberment of the Constitution and the United States of America, stand as the tyranny of the minority in power over the majority, who repudiate our republic with a mockery of democracy. Ultimately, we are not going to let that happen.




New York Times

December 16, 2009


Uncivil war


There is nothing civil about war between Democrats, Republicans, or between Democrats and Republicans. The founders of our Constitution, as ratified, intended our elected representatives and president conduct the people's business of limited government without political parties or factions of any description. If that wisdom had been followed, we would not have an unconstitutional, self-corrupting two-party system, relentless government growth and malfeasance, and we wouldn't be in this tax and regulation, debt-ridden mess. As Chester A. Riley said in situations like this, "What a revolting development this is." And as has been wisely observed, "The only thing necessary for evil to exist, is for good people to remain silent and do nothing." Surely, as many of us are doing, it's time for we the people to speak out and do something before our country is completely taken over by the tyranny of extreme minority interests and lost to us.




Press Enterprise - Riverside

December 13, 2009


Re: Deficit Dud - editorial, Dec. 10


The Deficit Dud editorial is on target. Robbing the public to pay partisan politics


When government intimidated banks and the home mortgage industry to make loans to those who could not afford them, the intrusion set up a series dynamite dominos. Then, when the last domino was tipped backward by the finger of foreclosure, the banks, mortgage lenders, and financial bundlers began to fail and the economy began to implode in slow motion.


Instead of admitting to the unconscionable mistakes and doing the right thing -- which would have been nothing to make things worse -- government shredded the Constitution with unrelated health care and climate crisis and embarked on a series of lawmaking, borrowing and spending sprees that are exacerbating the failing economy and job losses. Simply put, robbing the public and the free market to pay partisan politics, while the social, political and economic extremists demonize and suppress the opposition. 


Worse, the tyranny of taxation and regulation have been turned loose, supported by the complicit political and corporate elite, labor union bosses, the miseducation establishment, the entertainment industry, junk climate science, and -- as Bernard Goldberg aptly put it -- the"Lamestream Media" elite. 





Time Magazine

December 7, 2009


Re: The Decade From Hell - cover story

By Andy Serwer

December 7, 2009 issue


Andy Serwer covered a lot of ground in The Decade From Hell, however, he missed the roots of what got us here.


We were thrown into the Hell fires by the hands of government neglect and intrusion from the previous decade. If it were not for the neglect of the Clinton administration, terrorist attacks leading up to and including 9/11 -- rendering the first blow to our economy -- would not have happened.


The collapse of the economy would not have happened if it were not for the Clinton administration's intrusion into the mortgage lending market, poisoning financial institutions, and causing the implosion of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, exacerbated by the likes of Rep. Frank and Sen. Dodd of the House and Senate finance committees.


Contrary to what Mr. Serwer asserts, the decade of reckoning is not nearly over. The Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress are piling on the debt and government intrusion at record levels with fire and brimstone, cooking the books and the American goose….  




Los Angeles Times

December 6, 2009


Calabasas middle school disgraced by "Kick a Ginger Day" - They reap what they have sowed


The fast-talking district superintendant, and former principal of the A.E Wright Middle School in Calabasas, rationalized the "Kick a Ginger Day" incident, which is disturbingly common behavior among children and adults betrayed by liberal seeds sowed three generations ago. The socialist crop -- infected by moral relativism -- grew and re-seeded itself into the indoctrinated fields of a miseducated, superficial society replete with the noxious weeds of social aggression, political tyranny, selfish interests and extremes.


Those responsible for -- and contributing to -- the juvenile delinquency of our nation know who you are. It's past time to look in the mirror and seriously think about it, if you still can. The signs of social, economic and political famine are everywhere, and it's ugly. Fortunately, most of us have worked hard, endured and survived it. But for how much longer? Lest we forget, the only thing necessary for evil to exist is for good people to remain silent and do nothing….





December 3, 3009


Re: Today's debate: Medical reform


USA TODAY'S view on medical reform, specifically supporting cuts in Medicare Advantage, is casual and misguided, particularly when it means throwing 11 million enrolled seniors out with health care reform bathwater.


Senator McCain's studied response is on target because he understands the folly of simply cutting Medicare benefits rather than focusing on making Medicare more efficient, reducing rampant fraud, waste and abuse, and eliminating preventable errors -- things government programs continually fail to do.


Medicare Advantage is a good program for seniors, especially lower income seniors, and it is administered better than government-run Medicare, especially by Kaiser Permanente's Senior Advantage program. Kaiser recently completed a 5 year, $5 billion medical record computer system that works remarkably well, along with their remarkable record as a health care provider. My wife and I are enrolled and we would be seriously affected by cuts in benefits, services, and/or increased premiums. Kaiser ought to be the model for Medicare Advantage.




Washington Post

December 1, 2009


President Obama has no plan for the war in Afghanistan and he is not a wartime president. He is a self-identified philosopher. He has a philosophy about Afghanistan and every other issue based upon moral relativism. And it's neither presidential nor responsible. He's a transnationalist and the titular leader of the free world. Our country is already steeped in social, political and economic uncertainly. President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress are making things worse, including our national security. We need Gingrich and Romney/Huckabee in 2012, backed by a Republican Congress….




San Diego Union-Tribune

November 28, 2009


Re: Life's tough, UC students, get used to it. Brats at the gates, by Ruben Navarrette Jr.


Ruben Navarrette Jr. hit the mark with "Brats at the gates" demonstrating over UC tuition hikes, but it goes much deeper than that. Most college students, and their parents, are clueless to what has happened to them over many decades of miseducation. If they knew the truth, they would be demanding real education instead of the costly factories of indoctrination and ignorance, which they and taxpayers are funding. Particularly, when they graduate from college, get jobs and homes, and begin paying the high taxes to support inferior public education and functionally illiterate high school graduates.


Indeed, the public education establishment in California, and throughout the country, is a fraud that extends back to the middle of the last century when the social and educational experimentation began. I witnessed much of it as a student, a parent and as a community college instructor. The worst of it was the ideology of outcome based education, social promotion, and inflated grading. It's simply a disgrace to know that core academics were sacrificed in favor of feel good teaching, the re-construction of history, extreme environmentalism, junk science, moral relativism and the entire socialist package from the left.


Sadly, the shameless social justice crowd could care less that a high school diploma from 1935 is the equivalent of a college degree today. The elite few are well educated, propaganda protagonists, out to dumb down and control the population. Fortunately, there is the communications revolution and the Internet, which can save us and our posterity with more information, more democracy and the truth.





November 22, 2009


Cooking the climate books


According the Wall Street Journal, and other news media, a climate change conspiracy was exposed by hackers who discovered that the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, England, and other climate scientists cooked the books by raising global temperatures from declining to rising since 1981. "More than 3,000 emails and documents made public includes years of correspondence among leading climate researchers, most of whom participate in the preparation of climate-change reports for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the authoritative summaries of global climate science that influence policy makers around the world" (WSJ),  making Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" a bold face lie. A compilation of reports are listed at climatedepot.com.


Just as the climate cooling alarmists of the 1970's caused false fears and costly reactionary environmental laws, global warming zealots are causing irreparable harm, by indoctrinating school children, and creating unconscionable rules, regulations and laws adversely affecting energy resources, the economy and the cost of living. California is certainly a leading cause of the environmental blind leading the blind, exacerbated by the shallow news media and entertainment industry, extremist lawmakers, and authorities caving-in to climate change hysteria perpetuated by dishonest scientists and opportunists such as Al Gore. It's clearly time to put a stop to the madness, repeal the laws and get on with recovering from the economic wounds inflicted by overreaching government.


Indeed, anyone who thinks they haven't been affected by the global warming alarmists, just wait until the health care alarmists pass universal health care laws that cost them and all of us dearly, in health and wealth, not to mention another severe blow to the economy.




Washington Post

November 21, 2009


Liberal media out to crush Sarah Palin


According to James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal Online, the Associated Press assigned 11 reporters to fact check her 432 page book, while the AP assigned only 2 reporters to fact check 4,064 the Democrat-controlled Congress' health care bills, which equates to one reporter to check 39.3 pages of Palin's book, and one reporter to check 2,032 pages of the health care bills. Coupled with all the Bush-like belittling, ridicule and demonizing being spewed by the liberal press and political operatives, it is blatantly obvious that they are out to crush former governor Palin.


The only outcome of all the mudslinging and ridicule will splash back and guarantee Palin's book to be a bestseller for quite some time, not to mention the likelihood that she will stir a middle class populist movement in 2012 that could rival or surpass the Ross Perot phenomenon of 1992. The difference being that unlike Ross Perot -- who wanted to be king of America, betrayed his following and spitefully handed the 1992 election to Bill Clinton -- Sarah Palin's record of public service demonstrates that she is genuinely in it for her fellow citizens -- real people, the majority of us.


Shamefully, the lame stream press have forsaken their watchdog role over government and turned into lap dogs for those who would have big government oversee and run our lives at the expense of our liberties. The grand ideology seems to be the demise of free markets and the middle class to create a giant underclass under the rule of government and the socialist elite.





November 14, 2009


Re: Thankful American submission


Many of our soldiers and defenders of our freedom were recently killed and wounded at Fort Hood. Fortunately, many more would have fallen it were not for our first line of defense, particularly, police Sgt. Kimberly Munley, the SWAT-team markswoman nicknamed Mighty Mouse, who bravely put her life on the line in taking down the terrorist traitor. Indeed, we should gives thanks to all those in law enforcement throughout our country on Thanksgiving Day. I'm thankful for all my fellow cops, our first line of defense.




Los Angeles Times

November 14, 2009


Re: 9/11 justice - editorial 10/14/09


Bringing the 9/11 mastermind and four other terrorists to trial in a New York federal court will highlight the perversions of the Islamic religion, our criminal justice system, and the United States Constitution by anti-American lawyers and the moral relativism of President Obama, which will incite more terrorism and unnecessarily put our national security at extreme risk.


How many more American lives must we lose before the fools among us wake up to the reality that liberal socialism is dangerous to our health, our economy, our lives, our freedoms and our future? Deceitful political stunts in the name of political correctness are little more than seeking personal power by playing with fires of terrorism and violating the oath of office. Indeed, the war with Fascist Islamic terrorists cannot be one-sided if we are to survive.


It is deeply troubling to see how the Los Angeles Times editorial board is so casual and careless in supporting the Obama administration and the Democrat majority in Congress in their relentless efforts to blame what is loosely called the excesses of the Bush administration for damaging the image of the United States. The Bush administration kept us safe by any means necessary, rather than what is being done now. Damaging America by any means, regardless of the cost….




Time Magazine

November 13, 2009


Re: Terrorist? cover story on Major Hasan


It is encouraging to see that at least one of the so-called main(lame)stream media has stepped up to the plate and called the unconscionable, murderous acts of U.S. Army Major Hasan at Fort Hood what all evidence points to. An act of "Terrorism." While all the other icons of journalism cower to political correctness with casual over-analysis, Time Magazine's cover story depicting Major Hasan wearing a "Terrorist?" mask takes on this question of terrorism head-on. Indeed, Nancy Gibbs' article, "The Fort Hood Killer: Terrified … or Terrorist?" comes  clearly to that terrifying conclusion without question, as it should. It was a blatant act of terrorism and much more…


Major Hasan has rightly been charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder, however, why have none dared to call it what it is. In Major Hasan's case it was certainly a blatant act of Treason. Any American citizen who commits an act to overthrow our government is a traitor. The urgent need to replace the current socialist grip on our government with a traditional constitutional government notwithstanding, there is simply no place for moral relativism in governing this country. Indeed, we the vast majority of the people of the United States want to limit government and restore our freedoms from the tyranny of taxation, regulation and big government.


Many of our soldiers and defenders of our freedom were unnecessarily killed or wounded by a treasonous, militant, radical Muslim monster who could have and should have been stopped long before it was too late. Political correctness and a lack of diligence in national security was directly responsible for that. Fortunately, many more would have fallen it were not for our first line of defense, particularly, police Sgt. Kimberly Munley, the SWAT-team markswoman nicknamed Mighty Mouse, who bravely put her life on the line in taking down the terrorist traitor. Indeed, we should all gives thanks to those in law enforcement throughout the country on Thanksgiving Day. Cops, our first line of defense.





November 11, 2009


While the politically correct ignore or stumble over Major Hasan waiving his terrorist red flags throughout his time in the military, the responsibility buck stops with the boss. The Commanders-in-Chief, President Bush and President Obama. What don't the PC'ers understand about Muslim extremist terrorist attacks, and in this blatant case, high treason against America?




Costco Connection Magazine

November 3, 2009


I was deeply troubled by Costco seemingly endorsing Al Gore's vision on climate change and energy with an exclusive cover story in the Costco Connection lifestyle magazine for Costco members. I have enjoyed the economic benefits of being a Costco member for  many years, and I have high regard for the environmentally conscious, economic savings operation and convenience of Costco stores.


However, Al Gore and the extremists promoting this "Green Thing" climate change hysteria hoax have simply gone too far with the alarmist business. If there was ever a time for "Rethinking ideas for the future" on energy it is now in these dire economic times, but Al Gore's rethinking will drive America into economic ruin. Indeed, the rethinking should be directed to resolving our energy crisis by developing our own energy resources of oil, natural gas, clean coal and particularly, nuclear energy.


Most, if not all of us have enough common sense and clear thinking on the environment and conserving energy. However, when government cap and trade taxers like California Senator Barbara Boxer and her cohort, Senator John Kerry join the alarmists to pass legislation that will raise the cost of everything, we can't just sit idly by on a sinking ship.


Al Gore went from being a political joke to a global warming guru honored by a complicit Hollywood with an academy award and by the biased Nobel Prize Peace Committee for spreading a pack of lies to the unassuming public and the world. He is simply a charlotan gaining wealth and fame from playing the climate change game, backed by a train of crooked scientists leading lemmings to the edge of the economic cliff.


Lest we forget, it was the same kind of charlatans, who in 1970 announced that the planet was diving into the next ice age because of global cooling.

For common sense to prevail, we ought to listen to Professor Richard S.

Lindzen, the foremost authority on atmospheric and climate science who recently called global warming alarmists, "Silly," at a congressional hearing. Professor Lindzen is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology, and chair of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the author of "Deconstructing Global Warming," which is the result of 30 years of teaching and researching atmospheric and climate science. Another truth worth reading is the "Skeptic's Guide to Debunking Global Warming Alarmism," presented by Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma), the outgoing Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee, December 20, 2007.




Los Angeles Times

Opinion L.A.

November 1, 2009


California crashing


California is not unlike the inexcusable shame of a jumbo jet airplane with a careless record of little if any maintenance, which has been recklessly overloaded by costly government programs and extreme environmental regulations. Coupled with the taxing cost of faulty wiring, burdensome politics, malfunctioning public education, and an incompetent flight crew falling asleep at the controls, this airship of state has been crashing in slow motion for decades. Indeed, if California doesn't lighten its load in 2010 and come in for a complete overhaul in 2012, it will surely end up in a heap of smoke and debris at taxpayers expense.


First on the repair list is the office of governor, followed by replacing most of the liberals in the legislature. A good start would be to elect co-founder of eBay, Meg Whitman as governor. She is common sense business executive with 30 years of experience helping large and small businesses, and a free market talent with a keen understanding of what needs to be done to save California from oblivion by government. The alternative, former governor Attorney General Jerry (Moonbeam) Brown, has a solid record of taking California for a nose dive, and who -- like his former Chief of Staff, energy crisis governor Gray Davis -- is an unacceptable environmentalist extremist and big government suicide pilot.


The next items on the repair list would be to qualify voter initiatives to beef up Proposition 13 style tax limitations, tax reductions and requirements for voter approval of all taxes and fees of any description; privatize public education to eliminate miseducation and misappropriation of public funds; remove all unreasonable environmental regulations; fix the water system; import coal energy, utilize all the state's energy resources of natural gas and oil, and focus on nuclear energy.


Finally, replace the state's two liberal U.S. Senators and the block of liberal U.S. Representatives in the House to help burst the enormous federal government blimps being inflated and launched over the states to spread national social, political and economic chaos from the reckless liberty-eating insanity running rampant in Washington D.C....


Or, do nothing, remain silent, commit sovereign suicide and let democracy die with it.




Time Magazine

October 22, 2009




President Obama is proving that he is incompetent as a commander-in-chief.


If he "dithers" around with Afghanistan and our national security like Bill Clinton did, another attack on American soil is certain. We should get out of Afghanistan and help Pakistan knock the Taliban and Al-Qaeda out of their country and away from their nuclear weapons.




Daily Press

October 21, 2009


Re: Can we fix it? - editorial

Daily Press - October 21, 2009


A constitutional convention is probably needed to overhaul state government, but not in the unstable State of California, and not the way the Repair California group or the L.A. Times have in mind. The insidious thinking there wants to change the Constitution to undermine the power of the people and the purpose of Proposition 13 by keeping us out of the process. Indeed, we need to defend ourselves by using the voter initiative to overhaul government without a convention.


California state government misappropriated all the increased tax revenues from the economic business and housing boom, and left us with a $42 billion budget deficit. $14 billion in tax increases and borrowing wasn't enough to resolve the problem. Facing a $23 billion deficit by July, our inept partisan government called a special election to extend tax increases for another $16 billion, $9 billion for education, and to borrow and rob $billions more. And they did so under threats to release prisoners, cut education, fire and police protection, and to take $billions from local governments.


Still, the voters defeated the propositions, sending a message to state government to tighten its belt, not the tax noose around the peoples neck.

Government fear tactics and teacher union intimidation have been going on since the voter tax revolt passed Proposition 13 in 1978. Now is the time to revolt again for our own survival, beginning with a voter initiative to allow the collection of voter signatures via the Internet. The power of voter initiative and referendum was meant for us, not special, selfish or moneyed interests.


Lest we forget, our California Constitution, Article II, Section 1. (Purpose of Government) states: "All political power is inherent in the people.

Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require."


Since our government has failed to comply with its constitutional responsibility for our protection, security and benefit, the public good requires us to alter and reform it with voter initiatives to reduce it to core provisions: A criminal and civil justice system, fire protection and disaster services, highway and water infrastructure, and basic human services. Public education under a government monopoly has failed.

Therefore, Proposition 98's grip on 40 percent of the budget should be repealed. Education should be privatized and subsidized as needed. And all matters of taxation and public policy should be approved by the voters.


Elected representatives should be well-compensated nonpartisan professional government managers, not professional partisan politicians. Decision making on all matters of taxation, spending and public policy should devolve back to counties and cities, and subject to the approval of voters.




New York Times

October 20, 2009


Balloon boy hoax - typical of phony reality shows


Entertainment media celebrity obsession is bad enough, however when the explosion of the lowest forms of cheap entertainment reality shows exploits young people and children, it's simply unconscionable programming behavior on the part of major television networks and cable.


Indeed, it's bad enough that reality shows such as Wife Swap, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race are not reality, but staged with phony acting. However, when children and young people are used and mentally abused by producers, directors and their parents, it's borderline if not criminal child endangerment, which could result in permanent damage.


The celebrity seduction mentality of the self-absorbed is responsible for creating the Balloon Boy flying saucer hoax, the Octo-Mom insanity, and reality show wrecks such as the Jon and Kate Plus 8. It all started with "Survivor" series on CBS, which ultimately spread to the Internet and the reckless stupidity of You Tube actors. Surely, it's time to enforce social responsibility and crimes against children...




Daily Press

October 18, 2009


Re: The deficit has already gone over the cliff - editorial


It is not only alarming that Barack Obama and the Democrats are piling on and selling out our country with astounding federal deficit and national debt based on government by agenda-driven crisis, President Obama and his left-wing political cartel have created an atmosphere of intimidation that is tantamount to re-enacting the tyranny of Sedition laws against criticizing the president. What is most disturbing are the attacks against the Fox News Channel and the political commentary programming of Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly -- plus the most recent attacks against leading conservative talk-radio commentator, Rush Limbaugh.


If it were not for the free speech - free press constitutional protections of the First Amendment, government power plays of President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress would certainly go unfettered with the liberal backing of the so-called mainstream press. Fox News and other news media who maintain their watchdog role over government, along with informed citizen dissent are the only things standing between runaway government abuse of power -- which is largely responsible for our social, political and economic problems -- and maintaining our liberties.


Those who have not been hurt by the failing economy enough to realize how much more hurt they will experience, will surely feel the economic pain with the implementation of national health care, which will pale in comparison to the economic pain from government-controlled energy. Indeed, our free market is in peril of even more government intrusion, which coupled with enormous government debt and spending, will certainly break our economic back.


Hopefully, voters will know that our survival depends on cleaning our government houses in the 2010 and 2012 elections. Certainly, the same goes for the state houses of California, which is clearly the most dysfunctional state in the union. Failure to defend ourselves would be the same as giving-in to despotism and committing sovereign suicide.




Daily Press

October 16, 2009


Re: BNRT is an awful idea - Sen. George Runner letter


California tax plan worse than the disease


I agree with Senator Runner's support of eliminating the personal income tax and corporate tax in favor of a (reasonable) consumption tax, which is similar to what has been proposed by the "Fair Tax" bill in Congress. The Fair Tax would replace all income and payroll taxes with a fair consumption tax, essentially eliminating the need for the IRS.


Meanwhile, taxing net receipts without the deduction of labor costs, which are the highest costs, and taxing services not currently taxed will surely go far in running even more business and jobs out of California. Worse, the cost of living would rise because of the cost increase in goods and services and, as Senator Runners warns, the Legislature could increase the insidious tax by majority vote instead of the two-thirds majority requirement -- which is the only thing holding back the Democrat tax machine, barely.


Simply put, if anything close to what is being proposed by the so-called Commission on 21st Century Economy is passed into law, it would finish off the economy by increasing taxes on the middle class, resulting in a giant underclass.


As if California hadn't crashed enough, the new proposal to change the tax system would continue the state's wrecking crew until California turns into the land of the poor and dispossessed. Indeed, it is clear that Governor Switchenegger has gone over to the dark side with his wife and the idiot left-wing Democrats running roughshod over the Legislature, businesses and the defenseless population.


On the other hand, that's exactly what the liberal wing-nuts and environmental zealots want. A pristine, utopian California with no people but themselves dancing around in Greek robes and sandals, drinking wine and eating fruit.


Instead of giving in to big government and the abuse of power, the first stages for curing the socialist disease are voter initiatives cleaning house, cutting government, taxes and environmental regulations, and putting all of our natural resources to work for us.




Los Angeles Times

October 14, 2009


Senate Health Care bill


I looked at the Senate Bill on health care reform and was overwhelmed. No wonder nobody understands it. We can't let our country be governed that way.


It appears that the Democrat-controlled Congress is running bicameral Star Chambers for the King of America in the health care debacle. Health care and all bills should be written on 3 or 4 pages. And we should limit lawyers in the Congress and the health care business.




Washington Times

October 13, 2009


Government meddlers


Government meddlers and dependency peddlers don't miss a beat, even in the worst of times, when it comes to pushing their power agenda of health care and energy takeovers on the American people, like it or not... while relaxing our national security. What ever happened to the original law and meaning of our Constitution?


Indeed, over the past century, social, political and legal power brokers have circumvented, manipulated and compromised our federal state constitutions and our freedoms, expanded the power of government executive, legislative and judicial branches far beyond the intent of limited government -- with hundreds of thousands of laws, rules, regulations and court decisions -- establishing the tyrannies of minority selfish interests over the best interests of the majority of our people with layers upon layers bureaucratic walls, gates barriers and chains.


Simply put, the hearts have been carved out of our social, economic, political, legal and moral centers by self-corrupting intrusive, invasive and repressive government -- which is growing a dependant society of insidious opportunists, and morally regressive predators and parasites -- bound to the service of the ruling elite.


Certainly, it is time for the collective judgment of the people to wise-up, free ourselves, and turn it all around with common sense and a real and unique democratic republic, the way it was intended by our founders. The American way of limited government, freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness....





October 8, 2009


Re: Obama's 'defining moment' on Afghanistan


Suggestion: Give Afghanistan back to the Taliban


Considering the long and ridged tribal and fundamentalist Islamic history of Afghanistan and their hostile ability to defeat foreign invaders of every description, it would be wise to leave the country to the Taliban. As brutal as their hard-line religion can be, they did maintain order, and they did away with the opium poppy fields, which supply most of the world's heroin.


We can neutralize Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda with smart bomb technology.

Meanwhile, we can send Bill Maher to Afghanistan as our anti-American, anti-religion ambassador. He thinks he's smart and clever enough to convert everyone to atheism. Let's see how well he does with the one-eyed Omar.





October 6, 2009


Re: In defense of Glenn Beck

By Jonah Goldberg

The Forum, Tuesday


Jonah Goldberg's capable and interesting defense of Glenn Beck should have included Bill Maher in the anti-Beck backlash from the left. Indeed, the left crowd that let's Michael Moore and Janeane Garofalo speak for them, goes even further by encouraging Maher to turn loose his vicious personal attacks against Beck, such as his vile comment on Joy Behar's new show saying, "Beck's a bimbo and he's a crazy one. I'm telling you - it is not that long before we're going to find Glenn Beck dressed as a woman or playing with his feces or something." Behar laughed in response said she hoped he would melt down on air, adding "that would be so much fun to watch."


On second thought, maybe leaving Maher out was a slap on his wrist.

Certainly, Bill Maher is the chief elitist and condescending purveyor of ridicule, hate and contempt for conservatives, people of faith, and the "stupid" American people who lack the intelligence to make decisions. And surely, Bill Maher is convinced he is a mental giant, "The Decider" and the leader of the liberal gang on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher, where he throws around foul language in front of his guest sheep and audience. Alas, that kind of audacity is a portrait of the ugly American who hates patriots and his country.


Antics aside, for many of us, Glenn Beck is refreshingly honest and a fountain of common sense and useful information most of us need to defend ourselves against big government's march of socialism, economic collapse and being disenfranchised from democracy.




Los Angeles Times

October 3, 2009


Re: Before the fire, a budget memo

Front page, Los Angles Times

October 2, 2009


Forest Service mismanagement


The Times' investigation revealing an internal U.S. Forest Service memo that may have allowed the Station Fire to rage out of control because of a lack of response and reduced use of Los Angeles County Fire fighting forces raises more than questions of federal mismanagement.


As a former fire dispatcher watching the fire on television, I remember wondering why the fire fighting response was so minimal when the fire could have been held at 15 or 20 acres, and put out shortly thereafter, particularly when the fire started near a Forest Service station. The answer is obvious. Forest Service malfeasance caused the loss of 2 firefighters'

lives, 90 homes and other structures, and blackened 160,500 acres of land.


Worse, I've seen similar disasters happen time and time again with fires allowed to get out of control in California and throughout the country, included so-called controlled burns, which have been re-named "Prescribed Burns" because so many go out of control. Exacerbating the problem on Forest Service lands, are the insane environmentalist and conservationist-driven policies against forest thinning, using insect controls, which kill trees adding fire spreading danger, and clearing undergrowth and dead vegetation out of forests.


Federal land mismanagement is typical of the mismanagement of most government programs, which has been unconscionably costly in tax dollars, loss of lives and property, and private property depreciation. The glaring question is why, and when does it end?





October 2, 2009


Audacity fails to secure Olympics for Chicago


It is gratifying to learn that South America's Rio De Janeiro was selected by the International Olympic Committee to host the 2016 Olympics instead of Chicago. Indeed, the audacity of the Obama's and Oprah -- along with Chicago's culture of political corruption is -- certainly not representative of the United States of America.




San Francisco Chronicle

September 30, 2009


California tax plan worse than the disease


As if California hadn't crashed enough, the new proposal to change the tax system would continue the state's wrecking crew until California turns into the land of the poor and dispossessed. Indeed, it is clear that Governor Switchenegger has gone completely over to the dark side with his wife and the idiot left-wing Democrats running roughshod over the Legislature, businesses and the defenseless population.


Simply put, if anything close to what is being proposed by the so-called Commission on 21st Century Economy is passed into law, it would finish off the economy by increasing taxes on the working poor, doubling the income taxes on the middle class, and doubling or tripling the taxes on small businesses and large corporations. Taxing net receipts without the deduction of labor costs, which are the highest costs, and taxing services not currently taxed will surely go far in running even more business and jobs out of California.


On the other hand, that's exactly what the liberal wing-nuts and environmental zealots want. A pristine, utopian California with no people but themselves dancing around in Greek robes, drinking wine and eating fruit. Instead, the first stage cure for the disease is voter initiatives cutting government, regulations and taxes in half, and putting all of our natural resources to work for us.




San Bernardino Sun

September 29, 2009


Hands off Medicare Advantage


It is troubling to know that most of the press is ignoring the potential plight of seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage, most of whom are low income, while President Obama throws us under the bus. Medicare Advantage is a program wherein private health insurance companies contract to manage Medicare patients' healthcare, allowing us to obtain complete health insurance at lower insurance premium rates.


President Obama accuses the insurance companies of unjustly profiting from the programs, which is not true. Most insurance companies, particularly the Kaiser Senior Advantage program, manage Medicare better than Medicare does, at a lower cost with better care. Kaiser has also spend $5 billion over 5 years to computerize all their medical records for their entire system of health care. Kaiser is the model for good health care system.


President Obama lied when he promised that there will be absolutely no change for all of us who have health insurance. My personal concern is that, in the name of waste, fraud and abuse, Obama intends to eliminate Medicare Advantage for 10 million seniors, which will double or triple our premiums.


If the congressional committees working on health care legislation propose to reduce or eliminate the Medicare Advantage program, they should reconsider their actions or suffer the consequences.




Daily Press

September 29, 2009

(Valley Voices submission)


Madison on "The General Welfare"


Before passing more sweeping legislative powers on health care, energy, finance and education, Congress and the president ought to consider the original constitutional limitations placed on them by the people of the United States of America.


When James Madison and others wrote the Constitution, specifically Article I, Section 8, assigning Congress the "power to lay and collect taxes ... to pay the debts and provide for the ... general welfare of the United States,"

he and the founders were determined that it not be distorted into assuming powers not delegated to Congress.


"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State, county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor; they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of Congress.... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very nature of the limited Government established by the people of America."


The Founders also ratified the Constitution's 10th Amendment, affirming, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." Thus, the general welfare cannot reasonably be stretched to allow the national level of government to perform functions and exercise powers beyond those specifically and explicitly listed in the Constitution.


As James Madison described the limitations on interpretation of the general welfare clause, "If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done by money, and will promote the general welfare, the government is no longer a limited one...."the general welfare of the nation as a whole.


Now, look what Congress has done in violation of the Constitution since FDR's New Deal and LBJ's Great Society. They have usurped nearly all power from the states, nationalized aid to the poor, education, elements of health care, roads, police power, and repressed religion. Then look at what they are doing to undermine the Constitution today. It hurts us all, one way or another, with the combined abuse of the welfare clause and commerce clause of our founding document.


The question is, how much longer will we allow our elected representatives, president and judges to violate their oaths of office to support, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States as the founders intended?

Without the power of our strictly interpreted Constitution to protect us, we the people are powerless, as we are experiencing more and more as time and political tyrants continue to erode our liberty.


Contrary to popular belief, the political elite don't know what is best for us. Only we as individual Americans know what is best for ourselves, and only the collective wisdom and judgment of the people should decide what is best for all of us.




Daily Press

September 28, 2009


Moammar Gaddafi is Jabba the Hutt


When I saw Lybian dictator, Muammar Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi walking into the United Nations, I was struck by the appearance of his head and neck and the strong resemblance to Star Wars bad guy, Jabba Desilijic Tiure, the Hutt.


It's chilling to know there are real tyrannical slugs like Jabba the Hutt out there, though Gaddafi is not the worst among them, namely the slugs of Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, and the extra slimy one hiding somewhere around the Afghan-Pakistan border. It's time to fire-up the Death Star.






September 27, 2009


Ibama is not too big to fail


It is troubling to realize that, considering his economic recovery failures and his obsessions with economy-busting, strong-arm government programs, President Obama seems destined to give away the American farm rather than guarding it and helping it prosper by any means necessary. Delusions of omniscience and playing his world-view games in a world replete with dangerous serial cheaters is naive, self-involved and foolish. As the hurt wises up the American people, they will realize that President Obama is not too big to fail, that voters made a big mistake, and that the White House cabal and the gang of liberal Democrats controlling Congress are wrong for us.




Los Angeles Times

September 13, 2009


California solutions - Education and oil


When it comes to governing California, Forest Gump's "Stupid is as stupid does," certainly applies. As our state often leads the nation in positive things, it clearly leads the nation with inept government, bending and giving in to selfish interests that have decimated what should have been solid social, political and economic foundations.


Chief among the stupid things to California's discredit are the miserable failings of our public education system in the unyielding grip of costly socialist indoctrination, years of nanny re-education, the exclusion of parents at the expense of core academics, and selfish, militant teacher unions. Yet, the public stupidly does nothing to correct what amounts to the educational crime of the past and current century. The solution would be to privatize education and increase core academic standards at half the cost.


Second among the stupid things has been to allow environmental zealots ruin our economy while stupidly doing nothing to overcome the stranglehold of stupid environmental regulations that have driven up the cost of living beyond reason, and refusing to use and derive more revenue from our natural resources of oil and natural gas to lower the cost of energy. As we have done in the past, it's simply up to we the people to throw off environmental tyranny, and throw out big government tyrants and the culture of corruption in Sacramento.


It's simply too late to stand idly by and do nothing because the result will clearly be social, political, economic and sovereign suicide.




New York Times

September 12, 2009


Obama's "Fire it up" will misfire


President Obama introduced his "Fire it up. Ready to go" pep talk story at the AFL-CIO union gathering to sell his health care plans, then again at the Minnesota rally to counter the tax and spend insurgency in Washington. The problem for Obama is, his health care plan will undoubtedly misfire when the rubber meets the road and reality sets in. Indeed, his claim that he pulled us back from the brink, is in fact pushing us to the brink and over the edge to social, political and economic oblivion.


President Obama and the liberal Congress simply don't get it. They can't push their agenda on the American people because only they, the political elite, know what's good or bad for us. The collective wisdom and judgment of we the people know what is in our best interests, or not. The federal government needs to be reformed and cleansed of corruption. And we the people are "fired up" to make that happen. After all, this is our country, warts and all. And it's time for common sense and the best of us to represent the rest of us, as it was in the beginning of our unique nation of liberty, freedom and justice for all.





September 11, 2009


Are we headed toward a POLICE STATE?


President Obama compromised the true meaning of the horror of the 9/11/2001 attack on America by signing an order declaring September 11th a National Day of (community and state) Service. Obama supports ACORN which has used $57 million tax dollars to misorganize communities, to intimidate housing lenders, to commit voter fraud, to commit housing and business loan fraud, and is eligible for $8.5 billion in Recovery funds to grow. Congress won't investigate. FOX News did. Obama's a little worried because the Census Bureau just cut all ties with ACORN to participate in the 2010 Census...


Obama intends to establish "a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong and just as well-funded" as the military. Obama is increasing Americorps from 75,000 to 250,000. And Blair Holt's Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009 HR 45 is the Congressional Plan to disarm Americans.


We know President Obama and his cabal of White House advisors and czars, supported by the liberal majority in the Congress, intends to complete his crisis-oriented agenda of controlling finance, housing, corporate America, energy and health care. He is driving our country deeper in debt with spending and empire-building government growth. And he has activated his 13 million activist campaign supporters to get it done. Considering Obama's commitment to increasing the indoctrination of our nation's schools I, for one citizen, am deeply concerned and worried. Taken together, this could certainly mean, POLICE STATE.




Los Angeles Times

September 10, 2009


Re: GOP lawmaker apologizes for outburst during speech


No apology necessary for the truth


When the Republican Representative from South Carolina, Joe Wilson shouted, "You lie!" to President Obama during his speech to Congress and the American people, he spoke the truth and no apology was necessary. His statement was spontaneous, not unlike the many dissenters attending town hall meetings across the country. Wilson's challenge was in response to Obama's remark that health insurance would not be extended to illegal immigrants, which is not true.


Indeed, President Obama told an even bigger lie when he promised that there will be absolutely no change for all of us who have health insurance. My personal concern is that, in the name of waste, fraud and abuse, Obama intends to eliminate Medicare Advantage for 10 million seniors, which will double or triple our premiums to cover 10 million flakes and illegal immigrants. As if that's not bad enough, Obama's plan will increase the states' Medicaid burdens for the uninsured, which will raise state residents' taxes to satisfy unfunded federal mandates.


Alas, my reaction to President Obama's speech was as if I was watching the mesmerizing King Cobra addressing the government empire-building Congressional snake pit, the majority of whom are venomous, and bound to make most of us sicker and poorer to satisfy the appetite of their slithering agenda.





September 9, 2009


Reaction to President Obama's speech


My reaction to President Obama's speech was as if I was watching the King Cobra addressing the government empire-building Congressional snake pit, the majority of whom are venomous. My personal concern is that, in the name of waste, fraud and abuse, Obama intends to eliminate Medicare Advantage for 10 million seniors to cover 10 million flakes and illegal immigrants.




Daily Press

September 8, 2009


Re: Obama: Time to end health care debate AFL-CIO union speech - September 7, 2009


President Obama took off his tie and rolled up his sleeves in a union organizing-style, "Fire it up," campaign speech at an AFL-CIO union picnic in Cincinnati, Ohio to support his health care proposals. Indeed, the president demonstrated his abilities at being the great pretender. However, his fiery rhetoric gives cause for pause when his so-called promises to build the middle class are in reality plans for much greater government power, which is more likely to create a giant underclass in America.


That's not the change we want, which is to control and reduce government wildfires, rather than adding fuel to burning our economy to the ground...

Next the arsonist will put on his congressional disguise to fire it up with, "ready to go" on government option health care. When president Obama asks all us middle class liars, "What are you going to do? What's your answer?


What's your solution?" Our solution is to vote out big government from Congress and the White House in the next two elections and demand a real American recovery government.




Los Angeles Times

September 5, 2009


Re: Tortured by Cheney - letters


Attacking Cheney and America's security


The Los Angeles Times is remiss by publishing 5 letters demonizing former vice president Cheney, and none supporting a man who was instrumental in keeping us safe from terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001.


It is highly disturbing to know that so many ignorant people -- unduly influenced by careless media and anti-American zealots -- are suckered into believing that compromising the CIA and other intelligence services is something noble rather than making us woefully less safe.


Lest we forget, is was 8 years of the Clinton administration's incompetence in handling the first terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, and the limp responses in Somalia, and to the attacks on our embassies in Africa, the USS Cole and others, which led to the vicious 9/11 attacks. The CIA and our national security were compromised then, and they are being blatantly compromised again by the Obama administration.




Washington Post

August 30, 2009


A scary thought


President Obama and the Democrat Congress will undoubtedly rename the health care bill for Senator Kennedy, who was so arrogant as to add health care to the Bill of Rights as a right, not a privilege. As if national health care, national green energy legislation, nationalized corporations and sneaky gun control are not disturbing enough, imagine this: If, God forbid, something were to happen to the president, vice president and the speaker of the House at the same time, the 91-year-old president-pro-tem of the Senate, Robert Byrd would become president of the United States. A scary thought in these trying times.




Boston Globe

August 30, 2009


Democracy in Massachusetts?


Why is there a rush to change the law in Massachusetts so that the Democrat governor can appoint a Democrat Senator to replace Ted Kennedy rather than to follow the law and allow the voters to elect a Senator in January 2010?


The answer is purely political power in order to maintain the Democrat super majority of 60 in the U.S. Senate so they can ram through their costly agenda before January, and to give the appointee the elective edge. And that is purely undemocratic, un-American and unconstitutional -- disenfranchising the voters at the request of Senator Kennedy prior to his death.



Daily Press

August 29, 2009


The perversion of liberal government


The perversion of liberal/socialist government has been eating away our freedoms, the American dream of the pursuit of happiness, and killing capitalism in California and the nation. Anyone who doubts that a takeover is happening need only review the insidious creep of left-wing radicals, their infection of the Democrat Party, the crushing demise of California, and the Obama cabal disease running rampant in Washington and throughout the country.


California is the prime example of the failed government policy, costly disabled public education, environmental strangulation by regulation, unreasonable government growth by entitlement and dependence, which raises the cost of living with socialist-style intrusions that consume wages and free enterprise by taxation and sends residents and businesses running out of state. Yet in the face of economic collapse, California government refuses potential revenue from oil, natural gas and other natural resources, cuts off vital water resources and continues to raise fees, taxes and penalties.


The United States government, now controlled by socialist Democrats in Congress and President Obama's Marxist cabal in the White House, have taken our mortally wounded economy and exacerbated the bursted housing and Wall Street bubbles with a grand scheme to take over finance, big business, energy, health care and the media by default, with lies, deceit and intimidation, enormous abuse of power and insurmountable public debt.


The irony is, it was political philanthropists like Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Charles Schumer who set the economic disaster in irreversible motion regardless of the unintended consequences. Barack Obama seized the moment and the crises to win the election at any cost, and to schmooze the frightened American people into a state of euphoric vulnerability to abide by his massive transformation of government, the economy and society. Only now are folks feeling the hurt and realizing that this is a very very bad deal, and they are not buying it.



August 28, 2009


Sen. Kennedy is not eligible for Arlington burial


According to Arlington National Cemetery burial rules, only those in the military who served on active duty, not training, are eligible for ground burial at Arlington. Honor guard service and vacationing in Europe is hardly considered active duty. Ted Kennedy's military service was questionable, minimal, and privileged as follows...


Kennedy enlisted in the United States Army in June 1951. Following basic training at Fort Dix, he requested assignment to Fort Holabird for Army Intelligence training, but was dropped after a few weeks without explanation. He went to Camp Gordon for training in the Military Police Corps. In June 1952, he was assigned to the honor guard at SHAPE headquarters in Paris. His father's political connections ensured he was not deployed to the ongoing Korean War. While stationed in Europe he travelled extensively on weekends and climbed the Matterhorn. He was discharged in March 1953 as a private first class.





August 27, 2009


No time for immortalizing Ted Kennedy


Lest we forget, other than supporting President Bush's No Child Left Behind education reform, Ted Kennedy's legacy consists primarily of being a career-long advocate for special entitlement programs, including immigration and children's health insurance. He was also an opponent of the Gulf War, viciously attacked the confirmation of Judge Bork and any conservative nomination to the Supreme Court. More than anything, he worked tirelessly for universal health care.


Unfortunately, supported by celebrity-obsessed biased media, the Obama administration and the Democrat Congress will undoubtedly immortalize Kennedy to pass their health care dreams, which would become a socialized medicine nightmare for the American people. Indeed, his burial at Arlington will be an unacceptable slap in the face of our heroic war dead. It is simply un-American and no place for the fraudulent nobility elite.


The tragic death by cancer of any human being notwithstanding, Sen. Ted Kennedy was little more than a member of the most corrupt political family in America's history. The long-term senator's legacy is a prime example of how too many of our elected representatives stand for representing themselves in gaining personal power and self-aggrandizement far more than representing the people. Of course the reason is, our failed two-party political system continues to be as self-corrupting as ever...




Daily Press

August 25, 2009


Health care and national security


It would be correct to say that government imposing health care insurance on the nation is unconstitutional. Article I, (Powers granted to Congress - Commerce Clause) Section 8 (3) states that Congress shall have the power to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes. Congress does not have the power to create or enforce commerce among the several states, such as government-run health care. Come to think of it, that makes Medicare, Medicaid, and intrusions on education, and the cash for clunkers program unconstitutional...


The national security consequences of A.G. Holder leaning on the CIA is not unintended. The far left and the ACLU have been trying to eliminate the CIA for decades. Holder's stupid stunt, of course endorsed by Obama, is intended to both cripple the CIA and create a diversion from the growing health care resistance. That's insidious.





August 24, 2009


Abuse of power running rampant in Washington


The First Amendment right to "... freedom of speech...peaceably assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." is exactly what deeply concerned American citizens are doing when they object to their government's intent to recklessly pass sweeping health care legislation against their best interests. Indeed, the town hall meeting dissidents are speaking for me and the vast majority of Americans.


Surely our Constitution has been betrayed, torn and tattered enough by those we elected to abide by, protect and defend it against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Now, under the worst possible social, political and economic circumstances, the political party in power is determined to shred the Constitution and centralize all power in Washington to satisfy their political ideology and agenda. And for resisting that move to seize power, we the people are called mobs of un-Americans by American imposters.


Contrary to popular media belief, the majority of us do not subscribe to the Obama, Pelosi, Reid progressive/regressive snake oil sales pitch for the New American Order of Socialism. Our liberty is priceless, and we are not about to give it up to those who would limit our freedom. We are for saving our Constitution.




Los Angeles Times

August 23, 2009


Jim Newton, Editor of the editorial pages


Re: The California fix - A convention for all Los Angeles Times editorial, August 23, 2009


Opinion submission - Convention suggestion


Mr. Newton,


After reading the editorial, previous editorials and listening to your interview on the NBC Channel 4 News Conference today, I wish to applaud the Times and your efforts to fix California with a constitutional convention for all. Over the past decade, the California energy crisis, the attack of September 11, 2001, and the ongoing economic crisis have impacted California more than enough for us to re-evaluate our state government and our constitution, both of which are in dire need of reform and repair.


I would like to participate in your efforts by submitting a proposal that was originally drafted as a ballot initiative to establish direct representative democracy in California by means of secure voting networks connected to voters' homes. This is essentially what I would submit as a suggestion in a constitutional convention. We the people of California are receiving a painful education in pitfalls of too little democracy and too much inept government that are leading us on a road to self-destruction.


Indeed, it's time for a change.




Boston Globe

August 20, 2009


Democrats' replete with deceit


When we have a political party in power over government that has become replete with deceit, and that government grows at the expense of small businesses and the middle class, we have nothing more than big government creating a giant underclass. That's un-American -- socialism by any definition.




San Diego Union-Tribune

August 17, 2009


President Obama's mouthpiece


Under pressure, President Obama thinks and speaks poorly on his feet, so he relies on his mouthpiece, the all liberal all the time news media, to wit:

(GE) NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NPR, PBS, AP, most newspapers and news magazines, most of the new Internet media, the film and entertainment industry; and of course, fair weather Democrats, the president's Chicago political gang and all the secular progressive appointees who are now running the country.


Lest we forget, General Electric (GE) has a big money stake in Obama's green energy and health care push. GE has advertised it openly in terms of advanced health care record keeping technology and communications, and the engines of green energy, which will land GE $billions in government contracts.


The people's mouthpiece: Keeping informed and communicating with sources of truth, speaking out and voting in every election. The things of freedom that keep liberty alive.





August 16, 2009


Health care reform is tort reform


Frivolous lawsuits and unlimited jury awards in medical cases account for the high cost of health care in America, primarily because it requires doctors and hospitals to buy very expensive malpractice insurance, which must be passed along to the cost of health care and health insurance. Along with the high cost of developing drugs, it's the main reason health care costs more here than anywhere else in the world.


The only reform that needs to be done other than improving the administration of cost-effective Medicare, Medicaid, and private health insurance, is the reform of health care lawsuits, or tort reform. That alone would bring down the cost of health care for everyone. Indeed, the only thing standing in the way of tort reform is the trial lawyer lobby, which has a powerful moneyed, selfish interest hold on elected officials, including the president.


If Congress, the president, state legislatures and governors represented the best interests of the people as they have sworn to do, they would pass the health care reform we need. In addition, if they would reform frivolous product liability and class action lawsuits, and reform the stranglehold of unreasonable environmental regulation and lawsuits, the cost of living would be greatly reduced and the recession would go away.




Los Angeles Times

August 15, 2009


Save Medicare Advantage


My wife and I are enrolled in the Medicare Advantage program, and President Obama wants to cut our health care coverage


Of the 45 million senior citizens covered by Medicare, 10 million seniors have selected Medicare Advantage health insurance plans wherein Medicare partners with private health insurance companies and HMOs by subsidizing coverage, which results in better coverage and health care with lower health insurance premiums. It's a system that works very well.


In January 2009, president-elect Barack Obama appeared on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopolous" and proposed eliminating the entire Medicare Advantage program. Since that time, President Obama has repeatedly said that he want to eliminate the program, which would amount to a savings of $177 billion over 10 years to help pay for covering the 47 million people who are uninsured, 10 million of whom are illegal immigrants.


On August 14, 2009, President Obama said it again at a town hall meeting in Belgrade, Montana. The problem is, if Medicare Advantage was eliminated, 10 million senior citizens would have to either enroll in regular Medicare with much more out-of-pocket health care expenses, or pay much more to keep their health care insurance plan. Either way, it amounts to substantially cutting healthcare coverage for 10 million senior citizens to pay for the health care of 10 million illegal immigrants.




Daily Press

August 14, 2009


Re: Brian Baker's letter - Pelosi's over the line


Insidious as Brian Baker's "inhuman" definition of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's description of the vigorous dissent of those attending town hall meetings as "Astroturf" is. In addition, what the condescending liberal elitist meant was that those people are to be dismissed as artificial "Astroturf"

grass, rather than a genuine "grass roots" movement against massive health care legislation being forced upon the American people.


For Nancy Pelosi's information, the vast majority of people she also called "un-American" in a USA TODAY commentary August 10, 2009, were and are spontaneously aggrieved senior citizens -- very American -- who are outraged by the tyranny of Speaker Pelosi and the Democrat-controlled Congress.

Indeed, what Pelosi described as an "ugly campaign" against health care reform is simply a demand by seniors who not only know abuse of power and political deceit when they see and read it, they know how much damage it would do to them in terms of health care and the cost of it.


My wife and I are retired senior citizens covered by a group health care plan with Kaiser Permanente. That plan is a Senior Advantage health care plan that combines regular health insurance with Medicare at reasonable premiums. I am concerned, yes outraged, by the $150 billion health care reform proposal to cut the Medicare coverage of Senior Advantage health care insurance plans, which in many cases would cause health insurance companies to eliminate the combined plans at great cost and reduced health care for me, my wife and millions of senior Americans. This is a prime example of the contempt Speaker Pelosi, President Obama and the Congress have for us.


Most of us have news for them. We are not going to let it happen without a fight. Lest Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer and President Obama forget, it was founding father -- and founder of the Democratic Party -- Thomas Jefferson who said, "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fear the people, there is liberty." And, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for the people of good conscience to remain silent."




Daily Press

August 13, 2009


Unintended consequences or reckless disregard?


Big government advocates and those who have passed legislation for sweeping government programs don't seem to be bothered by the failures of good intentions. Large government programs such as welfare, Medicare, Medicaid and national education programs are replete with those failures, which are simply marked up to the unintended consequences of good intentions, regardless of the cost to the American people, particularly taxpayers.


Now that Congress is on the verge of passing a massive government program for health care, the center of which is a government health care insurance program as a choice or alternative to private health insurance. Of course, the danger of such a program would be the collapse of private health insurance companies, which would leave us with a single payer program of national government health care for everyone. And that amounts to Congress and the president practicing a reckeless disregard for the consequences, which seems to be the real intent of establishing universal health care or socialized medicine. Bad medicine for us on top of the enormous public debt being piled up to bail out the economy, which is bad business for America.




Los Angeles Times

August 12, 2009


Re: Obama's ground level supporters put to the test - 8/11/09


Pushing back against tyranny is democracy, not mob action


I subscribed to President Obama's White House information emails and just received an email from Obama's senior advisor, David Axelrod regarding a "Reality Check" about the president's health care reform. The White House propaganda machine is being cranked up to spread the deceit.


Describing spontaneous citizen dissent against reckless health care proposals as GOP orchestrated mob disruptions and partisan misinformation is absurd. Indeed, the real absurdities of the debate are promoting symbolism instead of substance, and the broad strokes of stifling dissent unless it is deemed politically correct Obama policy.


The free speech suppression tactics of the Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress are in blatant violation of the First Amendment and an indictment of one-party abuse of power in a two-party system that has failed miserably. Particularly, when the party in power manipulates the Constitution, moves to nationalize health care, and refuses to hold their congressional members accountable.


Contrary to popular political belief, our republic, indeed, our democracy is not for sale at any price. Alas, our freedom cannot survive when our government is divided and conquered by faction, with far more government than our Constitution ever intended, which was and is nonpartisan limited government. Pushing back against tyranny is democracy, not mob action.





August 11, 2009


Re: 'Un-American' attacks can't derail health care debate By Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer USA TODAY, Monday, August 10, 2009


Democrat Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi's, and Democrat Party House Majority Leader, Steny Hoyer's assertion that the dissent voiced by those representing the deep concerns of the majority of Americans regarding government action on national health care is, "simply un-American," is simply absurd.


Indeed, the only thing "un-American" going on here is the tyranny of the majority party in Congress, fomented by the majority party President of the United States, intent on forcing ideological health care regulation upon the American people whether we want it or not -- at any cost.


Lest Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer and President Obama forget, it was founding father, and founder of the Democratic Party, Thomas Jefferson who said, "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fear the people, there is liberty." And, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for the people of good conscience to remain silent."



Los Angeles Times

August 9, 2009


Re: Make the case -- now


Describing spontaneous citizen dissent against reckless health care proposals as partisan GOP orchestrated disruptions is absurd. Indeed, the real absurdities of the debate are promoting symbolism instead of substance, and the broad strokes of stifling dissent unless it is deemed politically correct.


The free speech suppression tactics of the Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress are in blatant violation of the First Amendment and an indictment of one-party abuse of power in a two-party system that has failed miserably. Particularly, when the party in power manipulates the Constitution, moves to nationalize health care, and refuses to hold their congressional members accountable.


Contrary to popular political belief, our republic, indeed, our democracy is not for sale at any price. Alas, our freedom cannot survive when our government is divided and conquered by faction, with far more government than our Constitution ever intended, which was and is nonpartisan limited government.




San Bernardino Sun

July 29, 2009


Obama health care no cure


Only in the face of dwindling support for the Obama administration's government health care proposals has there been any real effort to enforce Medicare fraud. It's merely another gimmick and a gesture. Throughout our history, any and all government social programs -- particularly massive programs -- have been wrought with fraud, waste and abuse at the expense of taxpayers.


Indeed, there is absolutely no reason to believe President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress can accomplish anything but extended social pain, economic disaster and political misery by growing government programs.


Nationalizing health care, energy and finance will surely be the end of liberty, prosperity and the pursuit of happiness in America. All the things we have always expected, fought for and defended in this unique land of the free and home of the brave.


It's time to stop the madness and power grabs, and to reverse our losses before it's too late.




Boston Globe

July 29, 2009


Charge Gates


If the arrest and booking of Henry Louis Gates Jr. was legal and justified, why is he not being charged? Is he a sacred cow? If so, that is why race relations have not progressed further. If anything, race relations have been regressing because racism and profiling are assumed without question, along with imbedded hostility and the entitlement of sacred cow superiority, which results in one-sided racism and growing resentment.


Professor Gates and President Obama fed and nationalized the resentment by acting stupidly. Racial justice cannot be served by the antithesis of equality and tolerance.




San Francisco Chronicle

July 29, 2009


The cost of gas, energy, living


By turning down $100 million per year in oil revenues from one off-shore drilling source, California leads the country in acting stupidly in the face of bankruptcy. We need to wise up, and get on the side of oil companies' development of domestic oil and natural gas, refineries, clean coal and nuclear power. It's the only way to control and reduce the cost of gas, electric power and the cost of living. Nationalized green energy and carbon taxes will finish off the economy. That's what we need to fight against.




San Diego Union-Tribune

July 28, 2009


Alaska Governor Sarah Palin formally stepped down yesterday, but not before taking her parting shots at the biased media for practicing the politics of personal destruction, which was a well-deserved scolding. Of course the media's usual suspects are maintaining their unrelenting assaults on Palin.


Among them were journalist Carl Bernstein who joined MSNBC's "Morning Joe"

panel to hurl insults at Sarah Palin, calling her an ignorant demagogue, manifestly unqualified to hold high office, which is nothing new for MSNBC.

Chris Matthews manifested his contempt for President Bush, and called Governor Palin "illiterate," simply because they don't act or speak the liberal language of the "political elite," implying that they are unqualified to even be Americans.


The bottom line here is more likely a media diversion from the heat of the moment, Henry Louis Gates Jr.'s racial outbursts, and President Obama's "stuck on stupid" comments.




Los Angeles Times

July 25, 2009


Re: Legislature finally OKs budget deal


Passing a so-called budget may relieve legislators for the moment, but it certainly does not relieve beleaguered taxpayers from California's legislative and bureaucratic plague, exacerbated by selfish interests.


Stealing $1 billion from local government property taxes is no deal. Worse, refusing to approve the first off-shore drilling in 40 years with $100 million per year in oil revenue is combined evidence of California's inept government's history of reckless overspending and yielding to unreasonable environmental interests at the expense of the people's best interests.




New York Times

July 24, 2009


Re: Obama scolds Cambridge police


Harvard race scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr. trumped the police by playing his sacred cow and racial profiling cards. Admitting he was biased and that Gates was a friend, President Obama didn't hesitate to back him up saying the "police acted stupidly," knowing only Gates' side of the incident.

Which, under the circumstances, was a stupid thing to say.


As a retired sheriff's sergeant with 41 years of law enforcement and criminal justice system experience, the more obvious problem here seems to be Gates' outrage at the police sergeant for not knowing who he was and how important he is. Racism and profiling are not the issue. Superiority is.


Taken together, Professor Gates' and President Obama's superiority complex have set back race relations at the expense of a dedicated police officer performing his difficult duties in the people's first line of defense of life and property.





July 24, 2009


Obama's health careless bitter pill


President Obama's health care explanation was a magnificent deception.

However, I did get his partisan symbolism of the RED pill, BLUE pill choice. If the same ingredients blue (Democrat) pill cost half as much as the red (Republican) pill, you would choose the blue (Democrat) pill, of course -- even if it's a bitter pill to swallow.


Nevertheless, the health care con is health careless, almost as bad as the energy con. Together, they will surely sink the economy all the way to the bottom. President Obama's media-driven obsession, Speaker Pelosi's deceit and Barney Frank's dishonesty will ensure the collapse. Sadly, the American people will suffer needlessly until the truth and the rude awakening takes hold among the naive and deceived.



San Bernardino Sun

July 21, 2009


Budget deal, no deal


Our elected incompetents in Sacramento say they have now reached a $26 billion deficit budget deal that is no deal when it involves stealing local government funding including gas and property taxes.


Taxpayers are hurting enough with the national recession compounded by California's $12.9 billion political malpractice leaving us with paying more income tax, more sales tax and -- according to the vehicle registration renewal notice I just received -- license fees that have nearly doubled.


The voters' message to paying $16 billion more in the May Propositions was "NO!" The message should now be, "Stop the bleeding or get out -- or be recalled."




Time Magazine

July 15, 2009


Perfect socialist storm


19th Century British libertarian philosopher Herbert Spencer warned about the "unintended consequences" of collectivist social reforms. He wisely observed that all socialism has elements of slavery. And that, "The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools." (1891)


There is a perfect socialist storm forming in Washington as the center of all power, creating the Climate and Change of a malevolent ideological wind blowing across America. How did we let this happen? What kind of fools are we? And what are we going to do about it?




Washington Post

July 14, 2009


I recently subscribed to receiving information from directly from President Barack Obama via email. I received the following email this morning, July 14, 2009 7:16 AM: (excerpts)





"Good Morning,


Yesterday, Judge Sonia Sotomayor made her opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee and moved another step closer to taking a seat on the United States Supreme Court.


As President, there are few responsibilities more serious or consequential than the naming of a Supreme Court Justice, so I want to take this opportunity to tell you about the qualifications and character that informed my decision to nominate Judge Sotomayor....


Judge Sotomayor's brilliant legal mind is complemented by the practical lessons that can only be learned by applying the law to real world situations....


In Judge Sotomayor, our nation will have a Justice who will never forget her humble beginnings, will always apply the rule of law, and will be a protector of the Constitution that made her American dream and the dreams of millions of others possible. As she said so clearly yesterday, Judge Sotomayor's decisions on the bench "have been made not to serve the interests of any one litigant, but always to serve the larger interest of impartial justice."


In anticipation of today's first round of questioning, I hope you'll share this email widely, because Judge Sotomayor's confirmation is something that affects every American. It's important for these hearings to be about Judge Sotomayor's own record and her capacity for the job - not any political back and forth that some in Washington may use to distract you. What members of the Judiciary Committee, and the American people, will see today is a sharp and fearless jurist who does not let powerful interests bully her into breaking from the rule of law.


Thank you,

Barack Obama"


The president of pre-emptive moves strikes again.... However, I am concerned with the language, "In anticipation of today's first round of questioning, I hope you'll share this email widely, because Judge Sotomayor's confirmation is something that AFFECTS every American."


The definition of AFFECT is, (1.) "to have an influence on, bring about change, ( 2.) to touch or move emotions of, (3.) to attack or infect, as a disease, (a.) a feeling or emotion as distinguished from cognition thought or action, (b.) a strong feeling having active consequences, disposition, feeling or tendency."


President Obama is obviously wishing that Judge Sotomayor will use empathy and what's in her heart when deciding cases on the Supreme Court. He is a constitutional lawyer who would certainly do just that if it were him.

However, Supreme Court justices serve a life tenure. Many have strayed from strict constitutional principles and simply do what they want when they are given omnipotent power. The American people have benefited, but have more often suffered from AFFECTS of such power, contrary to constitutional limitations and judicial restraint.


Judge Sotomayor has answered all of her confirmation hearing critics on the Senate Judiciary Committee by denying any judicial or personal impropriety.

But anyone seeking such a powerful position would say anything to fulfill that ambition. Nevertheless, the Democrat Senate house of lords will confirm her in furtherance of their ideological ambitions, and those of their monarchial president.


Isn't that why Judge Sotomayor should not be confirmed?





July 13, 2009


Welcome to the Supreme Court


Senate Democrats and Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg have rolled out the red carpet and the welcome mat for Judge Sonia Sotomayor to join the Court, without objection?


President Obama is the commander-in-chief of symbolism, regardless of objection, which is deeply troubling. Particularly, when he nominates someone to the Supreme Court based upon empathetic personal life experiences, race and gender rather than judicial objectivity. It was a purely political power move.


Worse, when Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor believes that minority race and female gender must not only receive equal rights and treatment, but special rights and treatment, along with the notion that they are superior to others, it is the antithesis of constitutional principles, unacceptable and wrong.


Nevertheless, coupled with Sotomayor's belief that the courts are policy and lawmakers, the Democrat-Senate-Left will surely confirm her in furtherance of the Left's use and abuse of activist courts to advance their ideology and agenda.  The Constitution be damned, manipulated, circumvented or simply ignored.




Los Angeles Times

July 12, 2009


Re: EPA erred in figuring Cerritos' cancer risk Los Angeles Times - A-3 July 11, 2009


The EPA's careless mistake in tagging California's City of Cerritos with the highest cancer risk in the nation is inexcusable. Indeed, when the EPA used

1989 data from the Heraeus Metal Processing Plant, which it said was spewing 1,250 pounds of the cancer-chemical hydrazine, when it is now emitting less than two pounds per year, and the plant is located in Santa Fe Springs, not Cerritos, is simply reckless and unconscionable.


The EPA would have known that if they had bothered to check with the South Coast Air Quality Management District, which indicated that the cancer risk from the emission was 1 in 2 million rather than the EPA calculation of 1,200 in 1 million, which according to the South Coast AQMD, is cancer risk for all of Southern California, primarily from diesel exhaust.


The damage and cost to the City of Cerritos was bad enough. But when the EPA record is replete with mistakes and intentionally ignoring studies like the flawed secondhand smoke study, which caused an EPA declaration to be overturned by a federal court. And the EPA declaration was still used by Rob Reiner in the Proposition 10 tax fraud on smokers to establish a $billion per year private empire in California, it is cause for great overall concern.


Worse, President Obama has given the EPA full authority over the cap and trade (cap and tax) assault on the nation's energy producers, industry, small businesses and all energy rate payers, which essentially means the American economy. And that's a frightening thought.




Los Angeles Times

July 11, 2009


Los Angeles Times front page, July 10, 2009

Re: Illegal immigrants again in the budget spotlight and Page A-10: Ad attacks Prop. 98 proposal


Together with endless irresponsible spending as fast as the revenues come in, there are three main elements to California government crashing:

Failed public education, illegal immigrant costs, unreasonable taxation, and unreasonable regulations.


The reckoning for California's reckless government should start with the passage of voter initiatives to repeal Proposition 98 and the 40 percent miseducation drain on the budget, break the public education monopoly and union control, and establish quality privatized education.


Then re-establish a Proposition 187 constitutional voter initiative to cut off all state welfare, healthcare and education to illegal immigrants and their children.


And Pass voter initiatives to remove the economic stranglehold of unreasonable personal and commercial taxation, then repeal all unreasonable environmental fees, rules and regulations restricting economic growth, offshore drilling, lower cost energy and water resources.


The alternatives are inevitable and inescapable. Bankruptcy, or worse, being bailed out with federally-back loans, which surrenders what is left of our state sovereignty. Barney Frank is already working on that.




San Francisco Chronicle

July 10, 2009


Misuse of political language


I am concerned about the use and misuse of political language. Indeed, I am skeptical of the overused political term, "Moving forward." It seems as though politicians use it to sell us on something they are doing to us or taking away from us. Like progressive taxes or regressive freedom.


Speaking of moving, the "Move On" organization was established to promote moving on from the attacks on President Clinton. Then, they moved on to attacking President Bush, and continued even though he is out of office.

Seems like a redundant outfit, moving forward, on the attack against anything conservative that moves.


As a beleaguered overtaxed citizen facing overwhelming change, government growth, and the expansion of socialism, I would like to see voters moving forward to moving those who refuse to support and defend the Constitution out of office.




San Diego Union-Tribune

July 9, 2009


Bernie Madoff is a piker compared to President Obama and congressional Democrats who have formed the largest Ponzi scheme of all time. Piling on reckless public debt to takeover private industries, create unworkable healthcare, and punitive energy costs is little more than forced taxpayer investment that will yield nothing but more taxes, much more economic pain, and much less freedom.


Indeed, it is an insidious scheme to undermine democracy, all for the sake of an ungrateful, anti-American socialistic agenda, blind ambition, and the ravenous political appetite for power and control of a nation. The ultimate fraud is upon us.


Problem is, the greatest nation in history cannot withstand the progressive cancer eating away at its unique constitution much longer. And we, its fortunate citizens, must not allow it to metastasize and become terminal. As Edmund Burke wisely observed, the only thing necessary for evil exist, is for good people to remain silent and do nothing. Wise-up, speak out, and vote out the cancer. Doing nothing would surely become sovereign suicide.




Daily Press

July 7, 2009


Bernie Madoff is a piker compared to President Obama and congressional Democrats who have formed the largest hedge fund Ponzi scheme of all time.

Forced investment by taxpayers will ultimately yield nothing but more taxes, more economic pain and less freedom -- all for the sake of blind, ungrateful ideological ambition and the ravenous political appetite for power and control of a nation. Problem is, the greatest nation in history cannot withstand the progressive cancer eating away at its unique constitution much longer. And we, its fortunate citizens cannot allow it to metastasize and become terminal.





July 7, 2009


Palin vs. Jackson


Irony is not lost on the fact that Governor Palin is a genuine Alaskan hero, yet driven from office by visceral attacks from the left for daring to accept an invitation into the national political ring, while deeply troubled Michael Jackson is deified as a holy African American and the greatest entertainer of all time. The shame of it all belongs to extreme media and the regressive political elite.




C-Span Washington Journal

July 1, 2009


What the nation needs to remember about itself this Independence Day


Considering the unbridled growth and power of centralized government in Washington, the nation needs to be reminded about Thomas Jefferson's fears when the author of the Declaration of Independence wrote, "I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that 'all powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are preserved to the states or to the people.' ... To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition."


Jefferson's fears were prophetic when he also wrote. "It has long been my opinion, and I have never shrunk from that expression... that the germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal judiciary; an irresponsible body... advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the states and the government of all be consolidated into one. To this I am opposed; because when all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another, and will be come as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated."


This is not the United States of America our founders gave us. Far from it, our Constitution has been circumvented and compromised by factions and the courts to such an extent that federal government has nearly become the center of all power. We as citizens of this country must recognize the daily doses of deception being fed to us by the overly ambitious Obama administration and Congress taking advantage of our dire economic times to seize even more control.


Indeed, national control of our financial and industrial complex, energy and healthcare means enormous losses of freedom, and increased taxes, rates, fees, regulations that will escalate the cost of living and control of our lives at the worst possible time of economic instability and national insecurity. Our history seems to be repeating itself to the extent that it may be necessary to declare our independence again.




June 29, 2009


Pvt. Long - Forgotten soldier, ignored terrorist


As the media continues its obsession with celebrity deaths, there has been no follow-up to the brief coverage of the revenge murder of Pvt. William Long by an American Islamic terrorist convert. It seems as though Pvt. Long's death while defending his country is almost meaningless, as is the treasonous action of his killer.



Los Angeles Times

June 26, 2009


Re: Reap what we sow - editorial

Los Angeles Times - June 26, 2009


Californians are already reaping what was recklessly sowed by the lies and deceit of Global Warming zealots (now called Climate Change). The Times'

editorial either forgets or neglects to mention the costly history of California's AB-32 "Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006" that accelerated job losses and increased the cost of business and living in California before the economy collapsed, leaving us in double trouble.


Now that 1500 page H.R. 2454 passed the House (sponsored by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) and pushed to a vote by Speaker Pelosi). The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 imposes a massive, across-the-board business and household energy tax at the worst possible time for California and the country, which will certainly extend and deepen the recession.


California Senator Barbara Boxer, Rep. Henry Waxman, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Californians in Congress are tantamount to enemies of the state. They are adding taxation insult to injury to California, which is already the leader in economic destruction by government. Indeed, Californians are reaping the costs sown by electing inept socialists and environmental zealots to government ever since the movement began in 1970. Unfortunately, as California goes, so goes the nation.




San Diego Union-Tribune

June 25, 2009


Reckless, inept government


Add the insanity of Washington recklessly passing energy tax legislation and a healthcare grab to the inept wild bunch in Sacramento running California to ruin, and what to we have? Not... at the worst possible time, thanks to Democrats, Waxman and Pelosi. Time to do something about this mess, and come to the aid of ourselves with voter initiatives.




Los Angeles Times

June 19, 2009


Re: Brain Dead, by Marc Cooper

Los Angeles Times OP-ED

June 14, 2009

Re: What to make of Newt

Letters - June 18, 2009


Last word on Newt? Hopefully not (Not one pro-Gingrich letter published)


Marc Cooper's revival of vile character assassination and personal attacks against former Speaker Newt Gingrich is a promising indicator that political journalists -- Left fear a Republican revival led by the one most qualified to be president since Ronald Reagan.


Indeed, it won't be long before the unjustly maligned co-author of the 1994 Contract with America will be a welcome relief from the Democrats' economic back-breaking "Contract on America."


Alas, Cooper's shameless tirade simply adds to the disturbing proof of how, thanks to him and others of his ilk, the infected schools of journalism have turned so much of the press from public watchdog to public enemy.




San Bernardino Sun

June 17, 2009


Re: Online high school offered as alternative San Bernardino Sun - June 17, 2009


Direct education is the solution


The 2-year-old charter Insight School of California -- based in the Antelope Valley Union High School District, serves 500 students in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange, Ventura and Kern counties -- providing tuition-free and high school diploma-granting online schools is an example of the way of the future. The evolution of education into online classes and schools is the most positive solution to the failed public education system, particularly in terms of cost and quality.


Now that budget collapses have cast a more glaring light on the seemingly irresolvable problem caused by the education monopoly establishment and the selfish interests of teacher unions, direct education is the solution to breaking the stranglehold of never ending cost increases for what are little more than factories of ignorance and warehouses of violence.


Indeed, when the system graduates students who are functionally illiterate with limited possibilities to compete in the workplace, it is unconscionable and should have been unacceptable years ago.


Digital textbooks and privatized direct online education is taking hold and is the future that can save education, which has become over-politicized into little more than dumbed-down ideological indoctrination at the expense of core academics. Now is the time for all good parents to come to the aid of their children by giving them real quality education at a fraction of the cost. Now is the time for voter initiatives to break the education monopoly and get it done.




Orange County Register

June 16, 2009


So-called Laker fans celebrating victory by rioting, looting and destroying property acted like those who do the same over injustice and civil rights violations. Violent thugs and thieves don't seem to need a reason to be that way. They just are. Shame on society, those who made it this way, and those who let it happen.




Los Angeles Times

June 15, 2009


California budget suggestion

Re: the letter below my letter

from Professor Lynda Rush

June 15, 2009


Professor Rush's suggestion falls short of resolving California's failed education system. Along with the failed social institutions, a money pit that she is undoubtedly part of.


The budget solutions for California's reckless government should start with the passage of voter initiatives to repeal Proposition 98 and the 40 percent miseducation drain on the budget, break the public education monopoly and union control, and establish quality privatized education. Re-establish a Proposition 187-style voter initiative to cut off all state welfare, healthcare and education to illegal immigrants and their children. And pass voter initiatives to remove the economic stranglehold of unreasonable taxation, along with repealing all unreasonable environmental fees, rules and regulations restricting economic growth, offshore drilling, lower cost energy and water resources. In other words, restore the Golden State.




Los Angleles Times

June 14, 2009


Re: Brain Dead, by Marc Cooper

Los Angeles Times OP-ED

June 14, 2009


Marc Cooper's revival of vile character assassination and personal attacks against former Speaker Newt Gingrich is a promising indicator that the political journalist left fears a Republican revival led by the one most qualified to be president since Ronald Reagan.


Indeed, it won't be long before the unjustly maligned co-author of the 1994 Contract with America will be a welcome relief from the Democrats' economic back-breaking "Contract on America."


Alas, Cooper's shameless tirade simply adds to the disturbing proof of how, thanks to him and others of his ilk, the infected schools of journalism have turned so much of the press from public watchdog to public enemy.





June 12, 2009 (Independence Day submission)


What the nation needs to remember about itself this Independence Day


Considering the unbridled growth and power of centralized government in Washington, the nation needs to be reminded about Thomas Jefferson's fears when the author of the Declaration of Independence wrote, "I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that 'all powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are preserved to the states or to the people.' ... To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition."


Jefferson's fears were prophetic when he wrote. "It has long been my opinion, and I have never shrunk from that expression... that the germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal judiciary; an irresponsible body... advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the states and the government of all be consolidated into one. To this I am opposed; because when all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another, and will be come as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated."




Los Angeles Times

June 12, 2009


California budget solutions


The budget solutions for California's reckless government should start with the passage of voter initiatives to repeal Proposition 98 and the 40 percent miseducation drain on the budget, break the public education monopoly and union control, and establish quality privatized education. Re-establish a Proposition 187-style voter initiative to cut off all state welfare, healthcare and education to illegal immigrants and their children. And pass voter initiatives to remove the economic stranglehold of unreasonable taxation, along with repealing all unreasonable environmental fees, rules and regulations restricting economic growth, offshore drilling, lower cost energy and water resources. In other words, restore the Golden State.




Washington Post

June 10, 2009


Associated Press writer, Kelly P. Kissel is doing her job reporting news vital to our national security against terrorism at home. The Washington Post is remiss in their responsibility to do the same.


What happened to the terrorist war inside America? President Obama and the liberal news media are either ignoring or giving casual coverage to the June 1, 2009 terrorist attack on a U.S. Army recruiting station in Little Rock, Arkansas, killing one soldier and wounding another. There is simply no room for moral relativism in these perilous times, especially with the internal spread of terrorism and treason.


The treasonous murder of Pvt. William Long by a U.S. citizen convert to a radical Islamic terrorist faction says it all. Particularly when the traitor admits it. It's time to prosecute traitors for who and what they are, and to take away their citizenship.




Los Angeles Times

June 9, 2009


Education funding protests


Lack of funding is not the problem. The unionized education monopoly is the problem. Fundamental education has been replaced by social justice programs and political ideologies, which have nothing to do with the necessary skills students must have to function in society. Therefore, most students who graduate from high school are functionally illiterate. Replacing social and political indoctrination with functional education is what our students need.


We simply cannot tolerate the enourmous Proposition 98 cost of an inept educational system consisting of factories of ignorance and warehouses of violence. Like any other monopoly, education monopolies are illegal, unconstitutional and wrong. Now is the time for all concerned voters to come to the aid of our children. The education monopoly must be broken and opened to private competition for quality education at a fraction of the cost.




New York Times

June 8, 2009


The murder of Pvt. William Long


The attack by a U.S. citizen -- convert to a radical Islamic terrorist faction at war with America -- on a U.S. Army recruiting station killing one U.S. soldier and wounding another was treason. It's time to prosecute traitors for who and what they are, and to take away their citizenship.




Los Angeles Times

June 3, 2009


Re: Governor pushes lawmakers for quick action on budget cuts


The days of reckoning for California are certainly upon us. However, Governor Schwarzenegger's desperate posturing to make government more efficient won't go nearly far enough to correct what is so deeply wrong with our state, burdened by too much government, high taxes, self-destructive regulations, partisan power and special interest influence.


Gestures to reduce costs for corrections and prisons, increase local government and school district controls, reduce state boards and commissions, and selling state property are superficial at best.


The only reform worthy of consideration is making school text books available in digital formats to save hundreds of millions of dollars. But to use the savings to hire more teachers and reduce class sizes would be redundant in a failed education system. Real reform to improve the quality of education and reduce costs would be to go all the way with privatized education and online classes for twice the education at a fraction of the cost.


Indeed, the reckoning for habitual reckless government should be to crank up voter initiatives to repeal Proposition 98 and the 40 percent miseducation drain on the budget, break the public education monopoly and union control, and establish quality privatized education. Re-establish a Proposition 187-style voter initiative to cut off all state aid, healthcare and education to illegal immigrants and their children. And pass voter initiatives to remove the economic stranglehold of unreasonable personal and commercial taxation, and repeal all unreasonable environmental fees, rules and regulations restricting economic growth, offshore drilling, lower cost energy and water resources. The alternative is inevitable and inescapable.





Los Angeles Times

May 27, 2009


Re: Sotomayor's record sets off few ideological alarm bells


I disagree.


Judge Sotomayor's sexist and racist statement, and her support of reverse discrimination were bad enough, but when she said the court of appeals is where policy is made, that was unconstitutional judicial activism per se.

She should not be sitting on any court.


Justice Clarence Thomas, on the other hand, is from humble beginnings and a symbol of African American's success. However, he is a conservative and a strict constitutionalist rule of law judge, unacceptable to the activist judiciary and vehemently opposed by liberal ideology. Judges like him should be sitting on every court.




Washington Post

May 26, 2009


If the Republican party is looking for real leaders in Congress, they should give serious consideration to the newly elected Representative from California, Rep. Tom McClintock. A proven conservative leader in the state assembly and senate, if he had been elected governor in the recall election of Democrat Governor Davis instead of Arnold Schwarzenegger, California wouldn't be mired in a budgetless morass.


Unlike the rancorous partisan insanity infecting Congress and state houses with those seeking personal power and socialist empire-building, Tom McClintock is a rare example of political sanity and integrity. One of the few who have worked tirelessly for the best interests of the people in the true spirit of representative democracy, and devoted to upholding our unique constitutional protections and limitations of government.





May 25, 2009


Re: Today's debate: Obama, Cheney speeches May 22, 2009


Smooth talk will not absolve President Obama or any of the presidents before him from violating their oath of office by failing to support, protect and defend the Constitution and America. Lest we forget the final lesson of 9/11, America must be defended by any means necessary...


There are four things most important to what America is and has been until now. Our Constitution, our freedoms, our education, and our unique culture.

All four have been severely diminished by corrosive political ideology, social aggression, superficial selfish interests and extremes. Hopefully, we can turn it around and get our act together before it's too late.




Los Angeles Times

May 24, 2009


Re: A state trapped by fiscal inertia

How would you close the gap?


California's dilemma


The problems we face, most of which have been self-induced by government, taxes and the courts over the last half-century, are seemingly insurmountable, yet we let it happen time and time again. Extreme environmental laws strangle businesses and raise the cost of living. We have an ongoing energy crisis for the same reasons.


We have one of the worst, most costly public education systems that goes on sucking the budget dry. And we continue to pay increased $billions to support the flow of illegal immigrants into the state like an invasion of economic termites.


If it were not for the climate, landscape and long coastline, California would be a wasteland. Needless to say, we won't survive much longer if we don't drain the liberal swamp in Sacramento and Washington, and drive out the big government alligators. Only then can we restore our Constitution and our liberty, and reduce government to necessary services on much lower taxes and a balanced budget.




May 22, 2009


Re: Letters on school vouchers

May 22, 2009


Re: Despite success, school choice runs into new barriers Today's debate, May 19, 2009


I agree with USA TODAY'S conclusion that, regardless of whether or not teacher unions are happy, 20 million low-income students need and chance to succeed, and that school choice is the most effective way to give it to them. Indeed, the Washington, D.C., Opportunity Scholarship Program works.

It is more than obvious that, even though there are small voucher programs sprinkled throughout nation, the monopoly lock on public education is as strong as ever, backed by powerful teacher unions and the education establishment's political power and campaign funding.


Break the public education monopoly for the sake of students. We simply cannot tolerate an inept educational system consisting of factories of ignorance and warehouses of violence. Like any other monopoly, the public education monopolies are unconstitutional and wrong. Now is the time for all concerned voters to come to the aid of our children. The education monopoly must be broken and opened to private competition for quality education at half the cost.





May 21, 2009


Re: Despite success, school choice runs into new barriers Today's dabate, May 19, 2009


Break the public education monopoly for the sake of students


President Obama has remained silent, while Democrats in Congress inserted a provision in the $410 billion 2009 omnibus spending bill that would threaten the future of the Washington, D.C., Opportunity Scholarship Program, a voucher program that provides for low-income families to send 1,700 of their children to the private schools of their choice. Because of the sorry state of the D.C. public schools, some Democrats were willing to allow it in 2003 when a Republican-led Congress created the voucher program. Even though scholarship students are performing much better, and the parents want it to continue, the program will only be continued one more year.


The OSP voucher program is the only federal voucher program in the country.

Other cities have very successful voucher programs in Milwaukee, Cleveland, Florida, Utah, Arizona and Georgia, but they funded are with state and local taxes. It is more than obvious that, even though there are small voucher programs sprinkled throughout nation, the monopoly lock on public education is as strong as ever, backed by powerful teacher union and education establishment political power and campaign funding.


President Obama said that he is against using public money for private school vouchers. He also said that we need to focus on fixing and improving our public schools, not throwing our hands up and walking away from them. And he said schools need reform, not throwing more money at them. However, the president's $787 billion 2009 rescue bill included pumping $90.9 billion into public education, with little or nothing going toward education reform.


The state of public education in America is a national disgrace. Indeed, little or no progress has been made in the quality of education in our entire country since the scathing 1983 report, "A Nation at Risk." Yet, calls for real reform are ignored, while students continue to be robbed of their education at relentlessly higher costs to taxpayers. Still, the latest study says it will take $1.5 trillion per year, 25 times current extortion costs, to make it better.


Lack of funding is not the problem. The education monopoly is the problem.

Fundamental education has been replaced by social and political ideologies, which have nothing to do with the necessary skills students must have function in society. Therefore, most students who graduate from high school are functionally illiterate. Replacing social and political indoctrination with functional education is what our students need. Instead of marching around wearing pink shirts protesting teacher layoffs, as they are doing here in California, teachers should be walking with their heads hung low in shame wearing white shirts bearing the word "Failure."


We simply cannot tolerate an inept educational system consisting of factories of ignorance and warehouses of bullies. State and federal education monopolies are illegal, unconstitutional and wrong. Now is the time for all concerned voters to come to the aid of our children. The education monopoly must be busted and opened to private competition for quality education at half the cost.




Los Angeles Times

May 21, 2009



Re: 'The big fix' editorial

Los Angeles Times

May 21, 2009


I agree with the Times' suggestion to 'reboot' state government, 'starting with a constitutional convention,' which should begin with a voter initiative to create secure voting networks that would also allow the collection of voter signatures via the Internet. The power of voter initiative and referendum was meant for the people, not special, selfish or moneyed interests.


Lest we forget, our California Constitution, Article II, Section 1. (Purpose of Government) states: "All political power is inherent in the people.

Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require."


Since our government has failed to comply with its constitutional responsibilities, the public good requires us to alter and reform it with voter initiatives to reduce it to core provisions. Public education under a government/union monopoly has failed. Therefore, Proposition 98's grip on 40 percent of the budget should be repealed. Education should be privatized and subsidized as needed.


Elected representatives should be well-compensated nonpartisan professional government managers, not professional partisan politicians. Decision making on all matters of taxation, spending and public policy should devolve back to counties and cities, and subject to the approval of voters.




San Francisco Chronicle

May 20, 2009


California state bullies - stealing local governments' lunch money


California state government misappropriated all the increased tax revenues from the economic business and housing boom, and left us with a $42 billion budget deficit. $14 billion in tax increases and borrowing wasn't enough to resolve the problem. Facing a $23 billion deficit by July, our inept partisan government called a special election to extend tax increases for another $16 billion, $9 billion for education, and to borrow and rob $billions more. And they did so under threats to release prisoners, cut education, fire and police protection, and to take $billions from local governments.


Still, the voters defeated the propositions, sending a message to state government to tighten its belt, not the tax noose around the peoples neck.

Government fear tactics and teacher union intimidation have been going on since the voter tax revolt passed Proposition 13 in 1978. Now is the time to revolt again for our own survival, beginning with a voter initiative to allow the collection of voter signatures via the Internet. The power of voter initiative and referendum was meant for us, not special, selfish or moneyed interests.


Lest we forget, our California Constitution, Article II, Section 1. (Purpose of Government) states: "All political power is inherent in the people.

Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require."


Since our government has failed to comply with its constitutional responsibility for our protection, security and benefit, the public good requires us to alter and reform it with voter initiatives to reduce it to core provisions: A criminal and civil justice system, fire protection and disaster services, highway and water infrastructure, and basic human services. Public education under a government monopoly has failed.

Therefore, Proposition 98's grip on 40 percent of the budget should be repealed. Education should be privatized and subsidized as needed. And all matters of taxation and public policy should be approved by the voters.




Daily Press

May 13, 2009


Something to talk about


Kathleen Parker's clever take on hot-button issues notwithstanding, her casual reaction to Wanda Sykes' hateful diatribe against the previous administration in general, and Rush Limbaugh in particular, missed the point of the White House Correspondents' Dinner. Indeed, she overlooked Sykes'darting eyes scanning the audience for the glory of their approval, knowing that she was earning the media's scathing gossip award of the week.


Hardly something to ignore in a ideologically-challenged, celebrity-obsessed freak show combo of Washington, media and Hollywood. Which is painfully partisan as evidenced by putting us at risk with the casual release of national security information. And on the other hand, stoking the fires of culture clashes between Miss California and Perez Hilton, which is now smelling like something master opportunist Donald Trump had up his sleeve all along.


Outside the special people's bubble of social, political and economic sickness, of course, is the real world where it's not just something more outrageous to talk about. The insanity is rapidly brewing a perfect storm that is already affecting our security, our freedom, our society and our lives in what could very well become insurmountable ways. Dangerous distractions, public indoctrination, devious deceptions and the lawmaking gold rush, defended by condescending arrogance and dismissal of opposition is certainly something to worry about...




Los Angeles Times

May 12, 2009


Re: Pageant rocked on its high heels

Front page - May 12, 2009


There she is, still Miss California. Donald Trump, owner of Miss USA has spoken. Though I don't agree with much of what Trump does, his backing of Carrie Prejean and settling the disagreement between her and Miss California co-executive directors, Shanna Moakler and Keith Lewis is commendable.


What is still disturbing, however, are the mean-spirited attacks by Miss USA judge Perez Hilton (Mario Armando Lavandeira), and anti-freedom of expression terrorists of the anti-Proposition 8 gay/lesbian movement against traditional marriage. Indeed, the burning question is, why was a viciously biased gutter-gossip like Perez even selected as a judge?


The hostile reaction of Moakler and Lewis made the answer painfully clear by condemning the National Association for Marriage, with in Lewis' words, "Shame, shame, shame. Shame for taking this young woman and exploiting her to further your own agenda." Not unlike Sean Penn's shameful "Shame on you"

attack against all those who voted for Proposition 8, while accepting his Best Actor Academy Award for "Milk."


The ACLU won't defend Miss California because they are a fraud. They only defend the civil liberties of the left and prosecute traditional Americans, just as feminist and gay activists do. It doesn't matter that Miss California also represents the majority of California voters who voted for Proposition 8. According to the tyranny of the minority, democracy doesn't matter, and she has no right to freedom of expression.





May 11, 2009


Re: Obama, Congress go AWOL on fiscal responsibility Monday, May 11, 2009


It is encouraging to see the USA TODAY is injecting some cautionary fiscal sanity into the federal budget debate on Capitol Hill.  Driving America's ship of state while under the influence of economic crisis is not the time to go on a progressive fiscal binder destined to hit bottom regardless of the consequences.  Indeed, basking in political power is a dangerous business, particularly when it seems as though President Obama and Congress are on a thrill-seeking adventure of instant gratification tantamount to the social, political and economic irrational exuberance and irresponsibility that got us into this mess. Leading lemmings to the national debt cliff is simply not the answer.




Daily Press

May 10, 2009


Re: Barney Frank's new capitalism

by Star Parker

May 4, 2009


Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass), chairman of the House Financial Services Committee is on track to compounding his crimes against the American people, it appears with impunity. First, he was a major player in causing the collapse of the mortgage and housing industry, which put the economy in a tailspin. No one from his own party called him to account for it, and there were few, if any, complaints from congressional Republicans. And, of course, the biased news media violated the people's trust by sitting on their hands.


Now, as Star Parker has so aptly pointed out in her column, "Welcome to the new capitalism," the unrepentant Rep. Frank is leading an effort to making it worse, with what he calls the "new capitalism," which is government meddling and intimidation. In what he calls, "diminution of foreclosures by voluntary efforts" Frank intends to manipulate banks into taxpayer-subsidized mortgage re-financing, leaving mortgage-back security investors, such as pension funds and 401Ks holding the bag and violating their contracts. Barney Frank and company are conducting commercial tyranny, exacerbating the seriously wounded economy, and grossly violating the Constitution. If the federal judiciary sits this out, justice is lost...





May 9, 2009


Re: Letters - Party's message turns off would-be Republicans


Our government has been corrupted by partisan payola politics and personal power, and infected by terminal misrepresentation, constitutional betrayal, and the implausible denial of the malignant press. Yes, we do have metastasized cancers killing our culture, which is locked in a winless dissing contest.


America's survival goes much deeper than the wars of party ideologies and the shallow thinking that is driving this social, political and economic meltdown. Government ravaging the people is simply unconscionable, unacceptable and unconstitutional. It's up to us to turn common nonsense into traditional American common sense.




Riverside Press Enterprise

May 8, 2009


Re: Ballot Doom - editorial


$14 billion in tax increases and borrowing wasn't enough to resolve California's budget $42 billion budget deficit. Facing a $23 billion deficit by July, California's inept partisan government called a special election for the Proposition 1A and 1B extortion package to extend tax increases for another $16 billion, and $9 billion for education. And they are doing so under threats to release prisoners, cut fire and police protection, and education, which is unconscionable and unconstitutional.


Government fear tactics and teacher union intimidation have been going on since the voter tax revolt passed Proposition 13 in 1978. Even though the drastic losses in government services did not materialize, the lies and deceit continued, wearing voters down with endless bond and tax measures for education, clean air, clean water, children services and public safety. Not to mention constant pressure to reduce the two-thirds majority vote required to raise taxes.


Lest we forget, our California Constitution, Article II, Section 1. (Purpose of Government) states: "All political power is inherent in the people.

Government is instituted for their protection, security, and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require."


Since our government has failed to comply with its constitutional responsibility for our protection, security and benefit, the public good requires us to alter and reform it with voter initiatives to reduce our government to the core duties: Law Enforcement, criminal justice system, fire protection and disaster services, basic human services, and public education, privatized.




Los Angeles Times

May 4, 2009


Re: An original pillar in Republican 'big tent' - 5-3-09


Sadly, when Jack Kemp passed away, a genuine original All American man of the people died with him. Indeed, the nine-term Congressman's legacy to us was being the architect of the Economic Recovery Act of 1981, known as the Kemp-Roth tax cut, Ronald Reagan's low tax supply-side economics, and a tireless proponent of reforming and simplifying the tax code.


In stark contrast, Senator Arlen Specter left the Republican Party for the Democratic Party to survive another election. As usual, the opportunistic lawyer-politician is working the system to retain his personal power regardless of his responsibility to country and the people who elected him.


Then there is Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, David Souter, who is prematurely stepping down from the bench because he is haunted by the highly partisan Bush v Gore decision appointing a president, and the nagging frustration over what the Court has become. However, it does smack of a disgruntled judge spitefully handing over the first Supreme Court nomination to the newly elected progressive-reformer, lawyer-President Barack Obama who will be delighted to stack the Court in his ideological direction, if he has the time and opportunity.


Alas, what is most disturbing to this member of We the People of the United States of America is the fact that our Constitution has been used, abused and ignored by the legal-political profession. With the exception of the criminal justice system, our society has been undermined by legal anarchy and overwhelmed by too many complicated laws, rules and regulations.


Surely, this is the underlying crisis we face, wherein the insidious power, greed, ambition and litigious tyranny of the few rule the many by fear, indoctrination and ignorance. Our freedom and democracy simply cannot continue to survive the rising tide of political party power struggles, reactionary government growth, judicial legislators, a chaos economy, insecurity and common nonsense. Common sense tells us it simply doesn't have to be that way.




San Diego Union-Tribune

April 29, 2009


Obama's first 100 days


While analyzing President Obama's 100 day press conference, remember that he is taking a perfect storm of political and economic chaos, injecting his government wrecking crew, and creating a regressive pandemic seeded by President Woodrow Wilson in the Progressive Era 100 years ago. Obama's first 100 days is well on its way to laying waste our free market economy and our future. It's as sad and simple as that...




Daily Press

April 22, 2009

(Too lengthy to publish)


Let us make Earth Day, the day the earth stood still long enough for us to consider the madness going on, in and around our lives. If we don't, our freedom may not stand at all. If nothing else, consider this:


In the 1951 film, "The Day the Earth Stood Still," Klaatu and his super-robot, Gort, landed in Washington D.C. and warned earth's scientists about the consequences of any aggression against other planets in the galaxy because of our newly discovered use of nuclear power. In the 2008 re-make of the film, a sphere from outer space landed in Central Park, Manhattan.

Klaatu announced that people were bad, and that humans and all traces of what they built on earth would be eradicated by Gort's metal termites. And, like Noah's Ark, other spheres would remove pairs of all other living species until after the cleansing.


This is what "Al Gort's" Global Warming warning is all about, along with what all the human-hating radical environmentalist and conservationist tyrants and terrorists wish would happen.


If you don't believe that, then think about the saturation of scare indoctrination going on in our education system, and in the media and entertainment establishments. For example, on April 19, A&E's History Channel aired the program, "Last Days on Earth," which focused on Al Gore's Global Warming facts, supported by the scientific consensus that the debate was over on the matter, and the end of the world would come if we didn't stop the apocalyptic climate change. The only naysayers were "devils" from the Fox News Channel, but they were dismissed out of hand, as if saying, "Get thee behind me, Satan."


On the day before Earth Day, A&E's History Channel began their 10-part series, "Life after People: Welcome to Earth. Population Zero." The series depicts the step by step restoration of the Earth to the way it was before contaminated by human beings. The only question is, who is filming all this after the end of days?


Then there are the prophecies of the End of Days, the Apocalypse, Armageddon and/or an asteroid colliding with earth, from the Bible, Nostradamus, the Mayan calendar and other predictions, as the year 2012. More precisely, December 21, 2012. If that isn't frightening enough, the year 2012 is the last year of President Barack Obama's first, maybe last, term in office....


Will it be the transformation of a magnificent obsession, or will the realization of a malignant deception be too late?


The only climate change we need to fear is the hostile climate of culture change we have been going through since the 20th Century turned foul. While we still can, it's time to clear our heads, re-examine ourselves, and apply heavy doses of votes and democracy to replace deceit with truth, and senselessness with common sense.




Boston Globe

April 20, 2009


On this Earth Day, April 22, 2009, Americans ought to consider this

parallel: While our Constitution still exists, and the sovereignty of this nation is still vested in its people, our government should be reminded that this is a republic, not a monarchy such as the one from which we separated in 1776. Lest we forget, we lose a bit of our freedom with every law passed against us, and a bit of our future and that of our posterity, with every dollar of tax levied and debt incurred against the public trust. Indeed, scorching our liberty is no less final than scorching our Earth.




April 14, 2009

Re: Los Angeles Times

Homes for the needy profit others

Front page - April 12, 2009


The Times investigation into the costly lack of accountability with the HUD

$1 housing plan to help the poor in San Bernardino is indeed a cautionary tale, which is deeply rooted in government's repeated failures of good intentions and the unintended consequences thereof.


One need only review the progressive history of HUD from its creation by the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965. Then President Johnson's Great Society push for the war on poverty, and the Civil Rights Act of 1968, which included the Fair Housing Act administered by HUD, and exacerbated by the blind expansion of congressional social engineering that followed, all of which led to recessions and the tax-consuming, economy-eating cancers that have metastasized.


President Obama aptly characterized this recession as "different" in his speech at Georgetown University on April 14, 2009. "This recession was not caused by a normal downturn in the business cycle. It was caused by a perfect storm of irresponsibility and poor decision-making that stretched from Wall Street to Washington to Main Street."


However, we must remember one thing: the Obama phenomenon is brewing a more perfect storm, in which the magnificent obsession with government expansion is in fact a malignant deception, which will surely promote so much government fraud, waste and abuse that -- if we let it -- could exact more social, political and economic devastation upon us than we can handle.

Still, this runaway anxiety society may be exactly what is needed for a reckoning from the sleep of ignorance and dependent bliss, to the stark reality of a depression, the self-imposed lost of liberty and the pain of tyranny. An American awakening.





April 2, 2009


Thank you for publishing my letters


Democracy at its best is all about the freedom of participating in government and society, speaking out and being heard. Letters to the editor of newspapers have been the traditional way people express themselves publicly in response to issues in the news or Op-Ed pages. One of the purest forms of free speech, and gratifying to the few who are fortunate enough to have their letters published.


Sadly, it seems the days of letters to the editor are numbered as are those of print newspapers and other print news media -- slowly but surely being replaced by the rapid growth of the new media of the Internet information and communications technology revolution. Now it's instant news with 24 hour coverage and updates from television news, newspaper websites, Internet information sites, bloggers, instant text messaging and twitters. Anyone can post a comment on a news article, editorial, commentary or issue, or email their elected representative and officials, and that's a tremendous boost to democracy.


But it's simply not the same as holding your newspaper while you read it, and once in a while, feeling the gratification of seeing your letter in print. Indeed, since 1994 I have been fortunate enough to have 227 letters published in my local and regional newspapers, and major newspapers such as USA TODAY, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, The Los Angeles Times, Time, U.S. News & World Report and Newsweek magazines.


Sixty two of my letters have been published since my book, Letters to the

Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy, was published in 2005 containing 165 letters, commentary and tips for writing letters.




Los Angeles Times

April 1, 2009


Save the budget - cut education - April fool's day


The loss of jobs during these tough economic times notwithstanding, outcries from the public education establishment and teacher unions protesting teacher layoffs and lamenting overcrowded classrooms simply doesn't hold water.


Between 1960 and 1995, average student-teacher ratios in U.S. schools fell by one-third. Yet student achievement trends in both the SAT and the National Assessment of Educational Programs (NAEP) showed a general decline in test scores and achievement even as class-size fell during that period.


If it were not for California's 1996 Class Size Reduction Act (SB 1777), reducing K-3 class sizes from roughly 30 students to 20 or fewer, and subsequent K-12 class size reductions, taxpayers would not have wasted billions of dollars on substantial increases in teachers, administration, facility and classroom additions.


The results of a 2004 RAND examination over five years of standardized test scores of 2,892 California schools across the state clearly indicated that the class-size reduction program was generally ineffective. The RAND study was confirmed by a British study of the effects of class size on 21,000 students' achievement, released in December 2004 by the University of London. As far back as 1935, it was determined that class size reductions made little or no difference in teaching and education results. Wisely, the experiments were quickly abandoned.


It's time for educators, legislators and taxpayers to wise-up and stop the bleeding. Tough decisions have to be made, particularly in tough times. President Obama's Huge stimulus plan to inject over $90 billion into public education won't change the education system's status quo of failure in the nation, particularly in California. Indeed, if California voters made the necessary cuts in unnecessary teachers, staff, administration and classrooms -- along with repealing the 40 percent grip on the state budget general fund -- property taxes could be significantly reduced and the hope for balanced budgets increased.




San Francisco Chronicle

March 28, 2008


April Fools Day - Sales tax increase


April 1st is Fools Day. But when it's the day California sales tax increases one percent, it's no joke to beleaguered taxpayers. It's just the first in a new series of tax crimes enacted by government against the people, adding insult to injury on April 15th. And it's proof there are few better political career criminals around than Benedict Arnold, and the tax and spend wild bunch of Democrats holed-up in Sacramento.


How did it come to this in California? And on a national scale, the federal Democrat mob takeover in Washington? If you were fool enough to keep voting for the mobster protection, or just let it slide, took the pain and did nothing -- look in the mirror. Meanwhile, unless there is an awakening to the loss of liberty and the betrayal of democracy, we the people will be committing the equivalent of sovereign suicide.





March 25, 2009


Re: Obama touts gains and goals

March 25, 2009 - front page


Hopefully our ship of state is not a philosophical Titanic


In the closing remarks of his March 24, 2009 press conference, President Obama defended his 60 days in office by emphasizing his belief in the philosophy of being persistent in pursuing his plans to deal with the economic crisis, the budget crisis, health care, energy and education. And that he is confident that his administration is moving in the right direction


He concluded by saying, "And we are going to stay with it as long as I'm in this office, and I think that -- you look back four years from now, I think, hopefully, people will judge that body of work and say, "This is a big ocean liner. It's not a speedboat. It doesn't turn around immediately. But we're in a better -- better place because of the decisions that we made."


We the people can only hope that the president is commanding our ship of state with sound judgment and common sense, charting and navigating with a clear view of obstacles, dangers and stormy seas ahead. Hopefully, he will not persist in any reckless pursuits, blinded by magnificent obsessions or deceptions that could turn our ship of state into a philosophical Titanic with insufficient life boats.




Daily Press

March 23, 2009


Re: Why won't the enviros embrace nuclear power?

Editorial March 22, 2009


American-style environmentalists and global warming zealots will never embrace nuclear power, simply because they demonized and excluded evil nuclear from their closed green minds long ago. They are narrowly fixed and focused on solar and wind power, bio fuels and any other renewable source of energy that will eliminate dependence on fossil fuels, even though our current economic meltdown pales in comparison to the looming energy crisis we face.


The future for nuclear power all but died after the "China Syndrome" cult classic settled the debate for anti-nuke demagogues. Case closed. Lest we forget, over 30 million people perished from malaria, and continue to die unnecessarily, since the enviros killed the use of DDT -- which is tantamount to murder by banning. Still case closed.




Los Angeles Times

March 23, 2009


Geithner's toxic asset Barney bank


Treasury Secretary Geithner's toxic-asset purchase plan to buy a trillion dollars in toxic assets -- taking them off the books of the nation's banks -- amounts to little more than buying back mortgage stink bait laid out by Barney Frank and friends' congressional bookie joint at Fannie Mae. Soon taxpayers will own Barney Frank's toxic asset bank -- waiting for new rules -- and another lose-lose situation. Oh well, at least the stock market jumped 497 points today. But oil prices jumped too.





March 20, 2009


The public furor generated by AIG bonuses is a good thing for democracy. If it were not for the Internet, and the rapid advances and continued improvement in communications and information technology, voters would not be nearly as well informed.


Thanks to innovators from GOOGLE, Apple, Microsoft, Intel, AT&T, and all other creative people who made it possible, demagoguery, political posturing and deceit simply can't stand the test of truth. Particularly, when ordinary people have the capability to research, check and verify matters important to their lives.


Somehow, despite all the adversity, I think we will not only survive this crisis and the next, as a mostly grateful nation, we will come out of it with a stronger democracy. After all, we are Americans.




New York Times

March 19, 2009


The congressional Democrat cabal are violating their oaths of office to support and defend the Constitution by passing a law seizing AIG bonuses they authorized in the bailout bill. Those who vote to seize the bonuses with a Bill of Attainder-style confiscatory tax should be removed from office, beginning with Sen. Charles Schumer, who fueled the furor with that threat.





Daily Press


March 15, 2009



Collective Citizen Godfather


A little humor during these trying economic times doesn't hurt. Finger

pointing by the political left at Wall Street bankers and the irresponsible and greedy people feeding from the money pot, namely many of us, misses the most important point and underlying causes behind the economic meltdown.

Consider this satirical scenario for the answers:


We the people are the collective Don (Corleone) Citizen answering Dona Clinton's questions about voter vengeance against her or the salient culprits seated at the table of America meeting: Don Obama, Don Carter, Don Clinton, Don Bush, Don Frank, Don Dodd, Don Raines, Dona Fannie Mae and Don Freddie Mac.


"You talk about vengeance. Is vengeance going to bring the presidency back to you, Don Clinton's legacy back to him, or my future to me? I forgo the vengeance of my lost jobs. But my taxes had to leave my paychecks because of this bad mortgage and financial business. So now I have to make arrangements to bring them back safely, cleared of all these false debts and promises.


But I'm a superstitious citizen. And if some unlucky accident should befall them, if they should be stolen by tax and spenders, or they should be hung out to dry, or if they're struck by a bolt of politics, then I'm going to blame some of the people in this room and that, I do not forgive. But, that aside, let me say that I swear, on the souls of my grandchildren, that I will not be the one to break the peace we have made here today.


Still, I refuse to share our self-reliant hard-earned wealth with the irresponsible and political thieves. It's a dirty business and I don't want any part of it."


"Times have changed," Don (Barzini) Obama interjected. "It's not like the Old Days, when we can do anything we want. A refusal is not the act of a friend. If the collective Don Citizen has all the income in his pockets, then he must share them, or let us others use them. He must let us draw the water from the well. Certainly he can present a bill for such services; after all... we are not Communists."


While driving home from the meeting, Don Citizen answered Citizen (Hagen's) question about taking voter action against Don (Tattaglia) and Dona Clinton:


"The Clinton's are political pimps," Don Citizen replied, They could never could've out-fought Don (Sonny) McCain. But I didn't know until this day that it was Obama all along... Anyway, McCain was a bad Don. It's time for Don (Michael) Gingrich to clean up this mess and settle our accounts.




Re: I blame you, but it's OK

By Joel Stein

Los Angeles Times - March 13, 2009


It's refreshing to read Joel Stein's take on who's to blame for the economic crisis. A little humor in these trying times doesn't hurt. Though Stein is on target with his finger pointing at the irresponsible and greedy people feeding from the money pot, namely many of us, he missed pointing out the underlying causes and concerns for most of us. In a similar tone, consider this:


We the people are the collective Don (Corleone) Citizen answering Don Obama's questions about voter vengeance against him or the salient culprits seated at the table of America: Don Carter, Don Clinton, Don Frank, Don Dodd, Don Raines, Dona Fannie Mae and Don Freddie Mac.


"You talk about vengeance. Is vengeance going to bring your office back to you or my future to me? I forgo the vengeance of my lost jobs. But my taxes had to leave my paychecks because of this bad mortgage and financial business. So now I have to make arrangements to bring them back safely, cleared of all these false debts and promises.


But I'm a superstitious citizen. And if some unlucky accident should befall them, if they should be stolen by tax and spenders, or they should be hung out to dry, or if they're struck by a bolt of politics, then I'm going to blame some of the people in this room and that, I do not forgive. But, that aside, let me say that I swear, on the souls of my grandchildren, that I will not be the one to break the peace we have made here today."




Daily Press
March 13, 2009

Common sense electric energy

Demagogue, rabble-rouser (a political leader who seeks support by appealing
to popular passions and prejudices)

While demagogue-in-chief, President Obama and the rabble-rousers in Congress
are making blunder after blunder, exploiting the economic crisis with a rush
to chaos, spending billions and trillions of taxpayer dollars and debt, they
are essentially ignoring the looming energy crisis which is coming on more
rapidly because of unreasonable government regulations and interference. The
evidence is overwhelming.

Concerns over carbon emissions notwithstanding, and considering
the fact that demand for power in our country could grow 22 percent during
the next 20 years, inhibiting further development of abundant and
inexpensive coal power would be foolish. Particularly, if unreasonable and
questionable environmental regulations stall coal energy providers and
prevent them from increasing the output of electric power.

Aside from hydro-electric power, coal provides 50 percent of our energy and
is the least expensive for consumers. Cleaner coal power should be
encouraged, not diminished or eliminated as some would have it. Cap and
Trade costs forcing power plants, utilities refineries and industry will
surely be redefined to an estimated $645 billion in punishing carbon taxes
that will bring President Obama's total tax increase to $1.64 trillion,
which will hurt, not help the economy, specifically with consumer utility
rate increases and generally raising the overall cost of  living. That means
government spending will reach 24.1 percent of our gross national product,
financed by $5 trillion in new debt.

And it is simply devious and damaging to make us pay for developing more
expensive alternative energy. Lest we forget, global warming rabble-rouser,
Al Gore, James Hansen and their indoctrinated, mind-numbed climate change
extremists have become a clear and present danger to America. And lest we
forget, years of government emission controls have brought air pollution
under control. Indeed, advances in technology with surely keep it under

Pumping billions of confiscatory tax dollars into the development of costly
alternative energy sources such as wind and solar is problematic inasmuch as
the wind does not blow all the time, and the sun does not shine all the
time. Therefore, they are not only inconsistent power sources to
transmission lines, they will be unreliable because of the self-defeating
legal battles between environmental and conservation zealots. Wind and solar
should continue to be developed, but should not be a destabilizing priority
over existing resources.

More troubling is the fact that the existing infrastructure of power
transmission lines throughout the country do not provide the capability of
carrying the necessary electric capacity for growing demand, which would
require major efforts in upgrading and development of power grids.

Natural gas power could be increased and improved, however it is subject to
wide price swings, which caused the previous energy crisis in California.
Emphasis and priorities should be directed toward enhancing coal power and
other existing power resources such as nuclear energy. The most promising
nuclear energy resource seems to be the Hyperion mini nuclear plants being
developed in New Mexico. The mini plants are smaller than a tool shed. Each
would provide power to 20,000 homes at a cost of about 10 cents per kilowatt
hour, which is less than the 12 cent California cost, and they will be in
mass production in 5 years. Orders are already coming in from around the
globe. Information about Hyperion Power Generation can be found at

The City of Victorville is suffering from failed investments and accounting
over the natural gas power plants, with limited benefit in providing local
power. And of course the problem could not have come at a worse time. All
the cities in the Victor Valley ought to prepare for local energy needs with
investments in mini nuclear plants to provide our own electric power.

Common sense should tell us to put our tax dollars where it really
counts to meet our energy needs and resolve the economic crisis. If it isn't
understood that energy is the engine that drives the economy and is
indispensible to our survival, we could lose it all, with no one but
ourselves to blame... starting with our inept local, state and federal
government. Though blame can't provide jobs, food, clothing, housing or pay
our bills, our votes can limit and control government so we can make our own

New York Times
March 12, 2009

Bernard Madoff's Wall Street Ponzi schemes were not so different from
congressional tax and spend schemes. Move other people's money around
without them knowing what hit them until it's too late. More prosecutions

March 9, 2009

Re: Companies rethink coal plants
USA TODAY March 9, 2009

Even though the demand for power continues to rise, the coal-power industry
is constrained by new and increasing limitations from Washington and around
the country. This is disturbing and costly. Coal power supplies over 50
percent of the nations electricity, clean-coal is the least expensive, and
our country contains one of, if not the largest coal reserves. Obviously
that doesn't matter to well-indoctrinated environmental zealots.

Nor does is matter that it has been proven that global temperatures have
steadily fallen over the past decade, since its peak in 1998, or that a
recent M.I.T analysis of the effects of carbon cap and trade taxes on the
economy show that there will be a gasoline price increase of $1.27 per
gallon, and increases in electricity rates of over 60 percent. We simply
cannot stand high cost of living increases based on false environmental
assertions, particularly in these dire economic times.

Re: Companies rethink coal plants
March 9, 2009

Open letter to President Obama regarding the energy crisis

Mr. President, concerns over carbon emissions notwithstanding, considering
the fact that demand for power in our country could grow 22 percent during
the next 20 years, inhibiting further development of abundant and
inexpensive coal power would be foolish. Indeed, the economic crisis in
America could very well pale in comparison to the looming energy crisis
facing our country. Particularly, if unreasonable and questionable
environmental regulations stall coal energy providers and prevent them from
increasing the output of electric power. Aside from hydro-electric power,
coal powers 50 percent of our power and is the least expensive for
consumers. Cleaner coal power should be encouraged, not diminished or
eliminated as some would have it.

Washington Times
March 9, 2009

Re: REED: Scholarships at risk
March 8, 2009

Break the public education monopoly for the sake of students.

President Obama has remained silent, while Democrats in Congress inserted a
provision in the $410 billion 2009 omnibus spending bill that would threaten
the future of the Washington, DO.CO., Opportunity Scholarship Program, a
voucher program that provides for low-income families to send 1,700 of their
children to the private schools of their choice. Because of the sorry state
of the DO.CO. public schools, some Democrats were willing to allow it in
2003 when a Republican-led Congress created the voucher program. Even though
scholarship students are performing much better, and the parents want it to
continue, the program will only be continued one more year.

The SOP voucher program is the only federal voucher program in the country.
Other cities have very successful voucher programs in Milwaukee, Cleveland,
Florida, Utah, Arizona and Georgia, but they are with state and local taxes.
It is more than obvious that, even though there are small voucher programs
sprinkled throughout nation, the monopoly lock on public education is as
strong as ever, backed by powerful teacher union and education establishment
political power and campaign funding.

President Obama said that he is against using public money for private
school vouchers. He also said that we to focus on fixing and improving our
public schools, not throwing our hands up and walking away from them. And he
said schools need reform, not throwing more money at them. However, the
president's $787 billion 2009 rescue bill included pumping $90.9 billion
into public education, with little or nothing going toward education reform.

The state of public education in America is a national disgrace. Indeed,
little or no progress has been made in the quality of education in our
entire country since the scathing 1983 report, "A Nation at Risk." Yet,
calls for real reform are ignored, while students continue to be robbed of
their education at relentlessly higher costs to taxpayers. Still, the latest
study says it will take $1.5 trillion per year, 25 times current extortion
costs, to make it better.

Lack of funding is not the problem. The education monopoly is the problem.
Fundamental education has been replaced by social and political ideologies,
which have nothing to do with the necessary skills students must have
function in society. Therefore, most students who graduate from high school
are functionally illiterate. Replacing social and political indoctrination
with functional education is what our students need.

We simply cannot tolerate an inept educational system consisting of
factories of ignorance and warehouses of violence. Monopolies are illegal
and wrong. Now is the time for all concerned voters to come to the aid of
our children. The education monopoly must be busted and opened to private
competition for quality education at half the cost.

Daily Press
March 9, 2009

Re: Education spending series (Valley Voice commentary submission)

It's time to privatize education

Associate director for the CATO Center for Educational Freedom, Neal
McClusky was correct when he said that taxpayer money would be best spent in
a privatized school-choice system wherein all parents pay schools directly
and low-income families are funded by vouchers. McClusky added, "Private
schools have to compete to succeed, which means they have to be efficient."
Indeed, expenditures would go down with better quality education for the

When the average cost per student is $11,000, and 85 percent of the state's
$66 billion in K-12 expenditures are devoted to personnel, including more
than 300,000 teacher salaries and benefits, there is no doubt why there has
been so much resistance to vouchers and privatization of schools. The public
education establishment has the monopoly on compulsory education, and it is
unlikely to give an inch when it is sustained by the number of students
enrolled and average daily attendance. That is why price-fixing exists, why
quality education is absent from public schools, and why monopolies are

Certainly, California is the poster state for failure in public education.
Even though education is guaranteed 40 percent of the state's budget, plus
continuous passing of education bonds and income from the lottery, the state
system continues to whine and spew propaganda blaming everyone else for
their failures. Indeed, what was once a state of education to be proud of,
California continues to be a money pit languishing in the national cellar.

Though the federal "No Child Left Behind" program is a worthy effort to
improve our education system, the nation's report card is riddled with mixed
results and little to no progress. However, there are deeply entrenched
historical reasons for the difficulties experienced by students, teachers,
parents and the education establishment in general, which cannot be easily
overcome or corrected.

Unfortunately, from the last half of the 20th century until the present, our
country's public education system has suffered from the unintended
consequences of education revisionists' good intentions.

What is unconscionable about what happened in the process is that society
was blind-sided by self-serving radicals and ideological movements bent on
dumbing down education with irresponsible experimentation -- such as new
math, whole language, social promotion, outcome based education -- and
replacing core academics with political correctness and social
indoctrination. The results, of course, were graduating students from high
school with heads full of mush and functionally illiterate.

But what is most disturbing about the lack of improvement is that there has
been no real reform since the National Commission on Excellence in Education
issued its report, "A Nation at Risk" on April 26, 1983, warning us that,
"Our nation is at risk... the educational foundations of our society are
presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our
very future as a nation and a people... If a unfriendly foreign power had
attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that
exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war... Our society
and its educational institutions seem to have lost sight of the basic
purpose of schooling, and of the high expectations and disciplined effort
needed to attain them... That we have compromised this commitment is, upon
reflection, hardly surprising, given the multitude of often conflicting
demands we have placed on our Nation's schools and colleges. They are
routinely called on to provide solutions to personal, social and political
problems that the home and other institutions will not or cannot resolve. We
must understand that these demands on our schools and colleges often exact
an educational cost as well as a financial one."

Clearly, the commission's assessment has not been acted upon in any
significant way since the report was issued 26 years ago. Our education
system is still a national disgrace, and it has been so blighted by bloated
bureaucracies and selfish interests, that it might simply be a lost cause.
Indeed, a vivid, highly visible example of why we need to break the public
education monopoly, scrap the morass and privatize education to provide the
highest quality education is being played out in our nation's capitol.

President Obama has remained silent, while Democrats in Congress inserted a
provision in the $410 billion 2009 omnibus spending bill that would threaten
the future of the Washington, D.C., Opportunity Scholarship Program, a
voucher program that provides for low-income families to send 1,700 of their
children to the private schools of their choice. Because of the sorry state
of the D.C. public schools, some Democrats were willing to allow it in
2003 when a Republican-led Congress created the voucher program. Even though
scholarship students are performing much better, and the parents want it to
continue, the program will only be continued one more year.

The OSP voucher program is the only federal voucher program in the country.
Other cities have very successful voucher programs in Milwaukee, Cleveland,
Florida, Utah, Arizona and Georgia, but they funded are with state and local
taxes. It is more than obvious that, even though there are small voucher
programs sprinkled throughout nation, the monopoly lock on public education
is as strong as ever, backed by powerful teacher unions and education
establishment political power and campaign funding.

In July 2008, presidential candidate Obama told the American Federation of
Teachers that he is against using public money for private school vouchers.
He also said that we to focus on fixing and improving our public schools,
not throwing our hands up and walking away from them. Obama also said
schools need reform, not throwing more money at them. However, President
Obama's $787 billion 2009 rescue bill included pumping $90.9 billion into
public education, with little or nothing going toward education reform.

The state of public education in America is surely a national disgrace, with
little or no progress in the quality of education in our entire country
since the scathing 1983 report, "A Nation at Risk." Yet, calls for real
reform are ignored, while students continue to be robbed of their education
at relentlessly higher costs to taxpayers. Still, the latest study says it
will take $1.5 trillion per year, 25 times current extortion costs, to make
it better.

Lack of funding is not the problem. The education monopoly is the problem.
Fundamental education has been replaced by social and political ideologies,
which have nothing to do with the necessary skills students must have
function in society. Therefore, most students who graduate from high school
are functionally illiterate. Replacing social and political indoctrination
with functional education is what our students need.

We simply cannot tolerate an inept educational system consisting of
factories of ignorance and warehouses of violence. State and federal
education monopolies are illegal, unconstitutional and wrong. Now is the
time for all concerned voters to come to the aid of our children. The
education monopoly must be busted and opened to private competition for
quality education at half the cost.

Daily Press
March 8, 2009

Environmental terrorism

Today, I learned that veracious water consuming, non-indigenous Tamarisk
trees are threatening billions of gallons of Colorado River water supplies,
equivalent to the annual water usage of the populations of Las Vegas, Los
Angeles and San Diego combined. Officials want to destroy the trees, which
they should certainly do, however replacement trees would be very expensive.

Nevertheless, it was determined that a species of beetle could be set loose
on the trees and perform the same function naturally. However,
conservationist zealots object to such an action because it would destroy a
species of finch that nests in Tamarisk trees.

It wasn't bad enough that, in order to protect the tiny Delta smelt,
environmentalist and conservationists caused a federal court reduction of 30
percent of State Water Project water that supplies irrigation water for
millions of acres of Central Valley farming, and water to millions of people
in Southern California. Now, the eco-activists are poised to have the water
supplies cut even further to protect the Long Fin smelt and the Delta

Indeed, it's simply mindboggling how so-called environmentalists and
judicial activists are able to get away with endangering the health and
welfare of the greater population of California, with impunity. Not to
mention the outrageous cost of living under extreme, unreasonable
environmental laws and regulations. Surely, the state is in dire need of a
complete overhaul of inept government, particularly in light of the ongoing
economic and budget crisis. Clearly, not to do something about it would be
tantamount to surrendering to environmental terrorism.

Los Angeles Times
March 7, 2009

Re: Rescuing teens from economic ignorance
Business section March 7, 2009

It is encouraging to see that dozens of juniors and seniors from Allan F.
Daily High School participated in a financial literacy program near Glendale
sponsored by the nonprofit educational group, Junior Achievement. Indeed,
the fact that so many young people can text or Twitter easily, but can't
balance a checkbook, is simply another indictment of the public schools,
which have sadly become little more than factories of ignorance, graduating
functionally illiterate students.

Many financially illiterate young people, their illiterate parents and many
of their grandparents were failed by an education establishment, which left
them under-educated in reading, writing, math and science, with little or no
improvement for decades, particularly in California. It is obvious that
young people cannot learn core academics, including financial literacy if
they were not educated properly and their parents are not capable of
teaching them for the same reason.

My wife and I witnessed the experimentation and erosion of public education.
It was necessary for us to supplement our children's core education,
including economic and financial training and responsibility up to and
including their graduation from high school in the mid-1980's. The failure
of public schools went back even further, as I experienced with a grocery
cashier who could not multiply 5 times 7 to pay me 5 cents each for 7
returned paper grocery bags. The cashier was embarrassed by her inability to
do simple math, but I knew why the amount was 35 cents and she didn't. She
wasn't taught and I was. I graduated from a California high school in 1957
with an education equivalent to a college education today. Clear evidence of
of institutional failure.

Certainly the current economic crisis was exacerbated by consumers and
homebuyers sorely lacking education, financial-economic knowledge and
experience, which should be a final wake-up call to real education reform.
It would be tantamount to criminal neglect, not to.

Daily Press
March 4, 2009

America the disenfranchised

We now have a young, monarchial president who delivered an inspiring address
to Congress and the people, signed his $787 billion government growth
bill -- loosely disguised as an economic recovery measure -- and a $410
billion spending bill, then proposed a $3.5 trillion budget with a $1.7
billion deficit. And we have a Democrat-controlled, ideologically-driven
Congress with a backlog of even larger dependent spending programs and more

During these crucial, vulnerable and dangerous times, with this kind of
ambitious, unyielding one-party rule, it is far too likely that honest,
self-reliant people will be disenfranchised, and the safeguards of our
constitutional democratic republic will become disabled and irrelevant.

How much longer are traditional conservatives going to take being socially,
politically and economically intimidated and marginalized by liberal
socialists, the thuggery of big government, the fraud and indoctrination of
public education and the media, the fear mongering of environmentalists, the
loss of freedom and security to the litigious culture, the loss of free
speech to the force and limitations of the politically correct, the bulling
of radical zealots, the injustice of the civil justice system, the creeping
nationalization of the banking system, and the demise of the free market?

If we the people wait until the incarnations of all of the above play
themselves out through the aggressive ideology of those in power, it will
surely be too late. Lest we forget, the only thing necessary for evil to
exist and persist, is for good people to do nothing and remain silent.

Daily Press
March 3, 2009

Re: Why won't Obama back school choice? - Star Parker

Star Parker's commentary on education is correct. We need more common sense
and freedom in K-12 education -- not more government programs and money. We
need school choice. President Obama wants education reform, which does not
include choice.

The historical problem with education reform is that it has been reformed
into a public education government monopoly, dumbed-down throughout the
process, and turned into very expensive factories of ignorance producing
functionally illiterate students, robbed of their education. California is
the prime example of the education establisment's drag on taxpayers and the
economy. The system's curriculum sacrifices core academics for politically
correct indoctrination and experimentation.

President Obama's $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
2009 includes pumping $90.9 billion into public education, including an
increase of $15.6 billion to increase Pell Grants for college. The
president's reform idea in the end is to fund public education from K
through college, which will surely dumb-down college education worse than it
is now, and make graduates even less competitive for employment.

It has been proven time and time again that government programs and
government sponsored enterprises -- such as mortgage giants Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac, AMTRAK, and the U.S. Postal Service -- are costly, inept, often
failures, and a waste of taxpayer dollars. Public education is no different.
Beginning with choice, public education should be privatized.

Press Enterprise
March 2, 2009

Re: Scrap political parties
Letters - Dennis Rice

Dennis Rice is taking nonpartisan democracy seriously, which is making more
and more sense, if we are to survive the onslaught of the partisan blind
leading the blind in the tax and destroy mentality infecting government.

I would like to add to his suggestions.We need to establish a more direct
democracy approach as follows:

Establish secure voting networks throughout the country connected to voters
homes. All elections would be conducted over the networks, and the networks
would also allow voters to communicate with each other and their elected
representatives. People are already getting a jump on such a system with all
the communications going on over the Internet. Arizona conducted their
primary elections over a special system.

Here's the catch: The next step would take a constitutional amendment
establishing nonpartisan direct representative democracy, wherein voters
would elect well-compensated nonpartisan professional government managers
instead of professional politicians. No campaigns or campaign funding. All
representative candidates would be screened for the most qualified and
selected over the voting networks. The representatives would be much like
professional city managers. The voters would decide all matters of taxation,
spending and public policy by two-thirds majority vote. And each of the
several states would have the same direct democracy system.

Of course, there are three main obstacles that would have to be overcome.
The existing two-party political establishment would be against it. The
liberal indoctrination infecting the education system would be against it.
And the liberal, including much of the conservative media, would be against
it. In addition, many believe the people are too unsophisticated and
ignorant to govern themselves. And they would be correct because the system
has intentionally made many of them that way. Ignorant and dependent on
government. In addition, corporate America might be frightened by it.

Still, because of the independent media and the Internet, more and more
people are becoming more and more informed on their own. When things turn
from bad to worse, and they will, the people simply won't take it anymore.
This could be the answer.

March 2, 2009

Re: Capitol power plant dims clean energy hopes

According to a recent report, Congress has reduced its energy consumption of
coal from 49 percent in 2007, to 35 percent by using more natural gas in the
Capitol Power Plant. However, in light of the anti-coal demonstrations in
Washington today, it seems that green environmentalists are not satisfied,
and won't be until coal-burning power is eliminated.

Problem is, coal power supplies over 50 percent of the nations electricity,
clean-coal technology is on the increase, and our country contains one of,
if not the largest coal reserves. Obviously that doesn't matter to
well-indoctrinated environmental zealots led by the likes of Robert F.
Kennedy Jr. on a freezing day at Capitol Hill.

Nor does is matter that it has been proven that global temperatures have
steadily fallen over the past decade, since its peak in 1998, or that a
recent M.I.T analysis of the effects of carbon cap and trade taxes on the
economy show that there will be a gasoline price increase of $1.27 per
gallon, and increases in electricity rates of over 60 percent. Democracy
cannot be a one-way street of deceit.

February 29, 2009

Re: Changing nation's course

In recent months there was a $700 billion bank bailout, a $787 billion
recovery and reinvestment bill, a $410 billion pork-filled appropriations
bill, and now the president's 2009 $3.5 trillion budget proposal laden
with social, healthcare, education and alternative energy spending, plus
business tax increases and a $1.75 trillion deficit. Then there is Congress,
bursting at the seams with more social engineering programs and buckets of
earmarks to add.

And then there's the looming energy crisis. If government places all it's
cards on the alternative energy table, while eliminating $32 billion in oil
industry tax breaks, cancelling more oil shale development in three western
states, puts the ban back on offshore drilling, continues to reject ANWR oil
resources, and drags its feet on nuclear and coal energy, a gas and electric
energy disaster will surely follow.

It's all coming too big and too fast, and the enormous spending bills are
mindboggling with unintelligible legal language, seldom read or understood
by our elected representatives. When $billions turn to $trillions in deficit
spending on President Obama's vision, it's certainly governing by crisis,
and it will likely cause a catastrophe, not a recovery.

Washington Post
February 26, 2009

As President Obama spoke to the joint session of Congress, he seemed to be
turning a crank behind him. Each time he was about to reach a point, Speaker
Nancy Pelosi popped up clapping vigorously as though she was
Nancy-in-the-box, the House clown. Less distracting was Vice-president Joe
Biden's Cheshire Cat grin as the trio in the presidential line of succession
basked in the Wonderland of power. A little unnerving to say the least.

New York Times
February 25, 2009

While debating the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of
2009, Senator Chuck Schumer said, "And let me say this to all the chattering
classes that so much focus on those little, tiny, yes porky amendments. The
American people really don't care." Senator Schumer must be correct, because
the House just passed the $410 billion Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009,
which contains 8750 "disclosed earmarks" costing $7.7 billion.

Of course we, the American people, know that congressional pork
spending is political business as usual in Washington, and that senators and
representatives make deals to get money earmarked for their states and
districts. But, to say that we, the American people, or at least most of us
don't care, particularly under these extraordinary economic circumstances,
is unconscionable. Most of us care deeply about the federal piggy bank. It
contains our money and our debt, and we don't want it busted.

Daily Press
February 23, 2009

Who are the thieves here?

Bernie Madoff's crimes against people who trusted him pale in comparison to
government's crimes against taxpayers who don't -- both under the guise of
investments. At least Madoff's Ponzi scheme moved victims' money around,
with hope of some recovery, unlike irresponsible government waste on bad
investments and programs of every description, which are lost forever.

Which points a guilty finger at the government's mortgage bailout and
takeover of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac for making and backing unaffordable home
loans to unqualified buyers by means of lender intimidation, then sold them
out on false hopes for political gain, at taxpayers' expense.

Nevertheless, unqualified buyers who should have known, opportunistic
lenders, mortgage bundlers, and the fools who thought they were going to
flip houses, or get more house for less until the interest rates adjusted up
should not be bailed out. That's what caused the housing and economic
crisis. If anyone needs help it is the real victims who suffer from the
crash, not manufactured or greedy ones.

February 22, 2009

America the disenfranchised

Now that we have a young, grandiosely symbolic monarchial president who just
signed a $trillion government growth bill -- loosely disguised as an
economic recovery measure -- and an ideologically shallow-minded Congress
with a backlog of even larger dependent spending programs, it is almost
certain that honest, self-reliant people will be disenfranchised and our
constitutional democratic republic will become disabled and irrelevant.

How much longer are traditional conservatives going to take being socially,
politically and economically intimidated and marginalized by liberal
socialists, the thuggery of big government, the fraud and indoctrination of
public education and media, the fear mongering of environmentalists, the
loss of freedom by the litigious culture, the loss of free speech to the
force and limitations of the politically correct, the bulling of radical
zealots, the injustice of the civil justice system, the creeping
nationalization of the banking system, and the demise of the free market?

If the people wait until the incarnations of all of the above play
themselves out through the aggressive ideology of those in power, it will
surely be too late. Lest we forget, the only thing necessary for evil to
exist and persist, is for good people to do nothing and remain silent.

Daily Press
February 21, 2009

Re: Hypocrisy and the state budget - editorial 2-20-09

Hypocrisy democracy

Steve Williams hit the mark with his take on the hypocrisy of liberals'
selective use of the tyranny of the majority mantra. Indeed, in this day and
age, the tyranny of the majority is nonsense, particularly when majority
rule is practiced as genuine democracy, unimpeded by the radical tyranny of
minority activist groups, which are real.

On the other hand, when it comes to the socialist iron hand of Democrat
Party majority rule, there are no such words as hypocrisy or tyranny. It's
simply the politically correct way of big government with a population of
dependents. Unfortunately, that happens to include the tyrannies of judicial
activism, extreme environmentalists, and the litigious culture of

Nevertheless, it's hypocrisy democracy, and freedom lost, by any definition.

San Bernardino Sun
February 20, 2009

The one Republican hold out, sold out

Republican Senator Maldonado from Santa Maria sold out to Democrat tax
hikers to break the budget deadlock. Though there was one concession to
eliminate the 12 cent per gallon gas tax increase, that still leaves us with
the increases in vehicle registration tax, income tax and sales tax.

Of course, hardest hit by the tax increases will be small businesses, middle
income taxpayers and retired people on fixed incomes.

But that doesn't seem to matter to the big spenders in Sacramento
who are bound and determined to sink California under the weight of
miseducation, socialism, environmentalism and insurmountable debt  - much
like what is going on in Washington. We simply can't take it from both ends.

Other than eliminating the gas tax increase, the only bright spot in the
budget deal was Maldonado's insistence on voters getting the chance to
approve open primary elections, which would give us the chance to clean
house in Sacramento.

February 19, 2009

Re: $75B 'chance to rebuild'
Thursday - Feb 19.

Rescuing millions of homeowners from questionable or no fault mortgage pits
and sink holes is one thing. But when foreclosures grow from 3 million over
the past three years, to 5 million more through 2011, the crisis and the
recession will certainly deepen. Indeed, throwing $75 billion on the
mortgage table, and pumping $200 billion more into Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac to back financing and re-financing mortgages is risky business at best.

President Obama's magnanimous mortgage rescue amounts to little more than
playing shell games with taxpayer debt, and exacerbating the crisis, while
covering the dirty tracks of Carter, Clinton, Frank, Dodd, Raines and their
cohorts who are responsible for the housing debacle that undermined the
economy. He's rescuing the culprits at our expense, exonerating them, and
none will be held to answer as long as Democrats control government.

Daily Press
February 17, 2009

Re: Is it too hard to raise taxes? - Editorial

Taken together, Steve Williams' editorial on baseless efforts to lower the
voting threshold to raise property taxes for education, and Thomas Sowell's
commentary on "One-sided education," highlight the seriousness of costly
miseducation in California's inept public school system.

It's bad enough that California schools rank 47th in the nation, and that
most students graduated from high school are functionally illiterate. But
when the overreaching curriculum focuses on promoting liberal and socialist
causes rather than core academics -- and our children are being overwhelmed
by political correctness and one-sided ideologues, regardless of parental
objections -- that simply amounts to unconscionable indoctrination.

Worse, when an arrogant education establishment and selfish teacher unions
intimidate elected representatives and a concerned public into throwing more
and more taxes into their money pit -- while stealing students' education,
limiting their employment and ability to compete -- it is tantamount to
criminal acts of mass fraud. Particularly, when they defeat any and all
attempts to establish education vouchers and choice.

California schools are in dire need of drastic reform. It's time to
privatize education, utilize the advances in communication technology and
establish statewide direct education computer networks, wherein students can
complete their education from the privacy and convenience of their homes.
Such networks would provide the very best in education at far less than half
the cost. Indeed, they are already in limited use in areas throughout the
country, including a charter high school in Lancaster, CA.

February 16, 2009

Stimulate economy with moratorium on immigration

Under the dire circumstances of a bad economy, a moratorium ought to be
placed on immigration until the crisis passes and the economy is healthy
again. Indeed, Income-strapped citizens should not be required to support
legal or illegal immigrants with welfare, healthcare or education.

Considering the tens of $billions earmarked for welfare, healthcare and
education in the $787 billion stimulus bill, much of it would not be needed
for immigrants. In fact, much more could be saved if the handouts to
immigrants were eliminated, or at least suspended to help state budget

California, for example, spends upwards of $10.5 billion per year on illegal
immigrants alone, according to a 2004 study by the Federation for American
Immigration Reform, which at today's costs would offset the proposed $14
billion in tax increases. Nationwide, the $billions spent on immigrants is
simply absurd under these or any circumstances.

Los Angeles Times
February 15, 2009

Re: Stimulus bill battle only the beginning

President Obama's White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel was correct when
he said, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. What I mean by that is
you can do things you couldn't do before." And that's exactly what the
President, Emanuel and the Democrat-controlled Congress are doing.

Fox News' "$Trillion with a T" special report this weekend confirmed the
obvious in detail. What is most disturbing is how Democrats are using the
economic crisis to spend "$Billions with a B" on new healthcare, welfare and
environmental programs. Which means the programs will stay, expand and cost
more. Worse, the so-called $trillion recovery package is undoubtedly the
first installment of more government expansion, which means the recession
will deepen, turn to inflation, and last much longer.

Backed by the biased media, President Obama and his people took serious
economic problems, turned them into a social, environmental and political
crisis, exacerbated the crisis, and immediately began using it to grow and
expand government Government by crisis... Government by fear, at the expense
of hardworking taxpayers.

Even worse, the liberal media contributed to the overall depth of economic
failure, for political gain, throughout the entire presidential election
process, and it will continue. Government and media-driven fear works!

Time Magazine
February 14, 2009

Re: 25 People to Blame for Financial Crisis

Time's analysis of the 25 people to blame for the financial crises fails to
identify three additional participants in the economic collapse. President
Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act. Those in Congress involved in the
core of the problem, which was the government-back housing debacle at Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac. Namely, Rep.Barney Frank and Sen. Christopher Dodd, who
exacerbated the massive irresponsible practices by denying there was a
problem when they knew there was from where they sat as chairmen of the
Financial Services and Banking committees. Further, Fannie Mae CEO Franklin
Raines should be higher on the list, and President Bill Clinton should be
near the top for intimidating banks and mortgage lenders to give home loans
to unqualified buyers. Indeed, all those in government leadership and
oversight are the people who violated the public trust, provided the fuel,
and lit the fire that burned through the housing and financial markets. And
they should be punished. There was simply no excuse for taxpayers to end up
holding the bag of $trillions in debt.

February 13, 2009

Re: How will the $789 billion stimulus package affect you?
Thursday, February 12, 2009

On Friday, February 13, 2009, The Democrats in Congress passed a so-called
$787 billion recovery bill that no one in Congress completely read before
they voted on it, regardless of the fact that it was the largest bill ever
passed. Thus, leaving all the voters in the country in the dark until the
money starts rolling out. The blind leading the blind is certainly no way to
run our government. Most of us will never know how the stimulus package
affects us until it's too late.

Worse, as a congresswoman said on the floor of the House, and a senator said
after it passed the Senate, the bill was not big enough and it was only the
first step, which likely means the borrowing, spending, and printing money
will go out of control until hyper-inflation sets in and a deep depression
is upon us.

Indeed, 1070 pages of secret tunnels leading to $billions in special
interest spending, which have little to nothing to do with economic recovery
or jobs, is simply shameless power shuffling. The Congress is no place for
playing shell games. Hopefully, before President Obama signs the bill, he
will shed light on each and every part of it like he promised. Public
ignorance is not what representing the people and leading the country is all
about. Democracy is.

Los Angeles Times
February 13, 2009

Re: Re: Tax hike are long overdue
By George Skelton
California Section Thursday February 12, 2009

I respectfully disagree with George Skelton's assertion that the proposed
tax are needed, let alone long overdue.

In view of California's economic collapse, increasing state income, sales,
gasoline and vehicle taxes comes at the worst possible time, but as no
surprise. If the Legislature and Governor had banked the increase in taxes
and other revenues received during the housing and economic boom, while at
the same time scrutinizing and making reductions in wasteful spending
programs, we would not be this inept government-driven mess.

Instead Sacramento spent the money faster than it came in and went from a
$14 billion deficit to a $42 billion deficit in less than two years. It
doesn't seem to matter that California is already one of highest taxed and
most regulated and business unfriendly state in the country, or that our
public education system continues to rank 47th in the nation -- yet is still
guaranteed 40 percent of the state budget -- or that our welfare system pays
the highest, or that we are on the hook to pay $millions for supporting the
insanity of a fatherless mother of 14 children, and that taxpayers have to
pay at least $9 billion per year (as of 2004) to support illegal immigrants.
If the courts had not overturned Proposition 187, except for incarceration,
we would not have to pay the cost of illegal immigrants.

Considering the fact that shameless tax-mongers have a fraudulent spending
limit ballot measure in the works to extend the tax increases from two to
five years -- and the fact that state environmentalists have ruined Central
Valley farming by cutting off State Water Project water supplies,
drastically reduced Southern California water supplies for the sake of small
fish over human life, and won't allow off-shore drilling to increase state
revenues -- it's time for voters to save ourselves.

Indeed, it's time for Proposition-13-style ballot initiatives to reform
state government, welfare and education, to break the stranglehold of
environmentalists and regulations, to require two-thirds majority voter
approval of any and all taxes and/or fees, and a majority approval of
proactive economic measures of any kind. Lest we forget, California belongs
to us, not socialist-driven government. Common sense tells us to either take
it back and survive, let it go and suffer more, or leave like so many other
people and businesses.

Boston Globe
February 10, 2009

Re: Thanks, but we don't need an arts czar
By Jeff Jacoby
February 8, 2009

When the president of the Grammys asked President Obama to create a cabinet
position for the arts, he asked for something that rarely and barely exists.

It has been often said that music, poetry and the arts are the measure of
the times, the generation, and the culture. With few exceptions, if the
music and performances at the Grammy awards are any indication of where our
younger generations is, the outlook for the future is grim.

Indeed, there have been several decades of decline, wherein popular music
has become little more than disorganized noise, with singers who yell or
chant instead of sing, painters make messes and call it art, poets garble
words and call it original thought, and movies replace talent and real
imagination with unbelievable, crude and rude, abhorrent behavior and
impossible visual effects.

February 10, 2009

American freak show

A plastic-face, narcissistic 33 year-old woman with no visible means of
support and an irresponsible doctor create 14 fatherless children. A famous
nineteen year-old male singer and a famous 20 year-old female singer in a
Lamborghini. They are both scheduled to perform at the Grammys. The guy
pummels the girl in the face. Performance cancelled. Guy goes to jail. Girl
goes to the hospital. Bad politics. Bad business. Bad economy. Gangsters and
family crime. Hopefully, our culture isn't turning into an American freak
show on the road to a social wasteland.

Daily Press
February 10, 2009

Failed government investments

The current economic meltdown and government's reactionary responses
highlight government political jargon, such as "Meltdown," "Crisis," "Too
big to fail," "Bailout," "Investment," and "Economic stimulus," along with
old jargon such as "Moving forward," "In the days, weeks and months ahead,"
and "The fact of the matter is...," as very costly, "Failed policies."

Almost everything bearing the label, "Government investment," or
"Government-backed" has proven to be playing fast, loose and irresponsible
with great amounts of taxpayer money and debt. Indeed, the failed lending
practices of government-backed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac was the cause of
the irresponsible housing and lending failure that pulled down banking
institutions. Government investment in failed public education and failed
healthcare are icons of irresponsible and unaccountable government
practices, yet they continue unabated at taxpayers expense.

So, when government clamors for the urgency of investments, bailouts, and
rescues of any description to the tune of hundreds of billions and trillions
of dollars. And our elected representatives and officials go ahead and do it
against the best interests of the people, absent common sense, it's no less
risky than reckless stock market investments. The fact of the matter is,
it's repetitive failed policies and offenses, of crimes against the public,
and downright criminal negligence.

New York Times
February 9, 2009

Grimy Grammys

It has been often said that music, poetry and the arts are the measure of
the times, the generation, and the culture. With few exceptions, if the
music and performances at the Grammy awards are any indication of where our
younger generations is, the outlook for the future is grim.

Indeed, there have been several decades of decline, wherein popular music
has become little more than disorganized noise, with singers who yell or
chant instead of sing, painters make messes and call it art, poets garble
words and call it original thought, and movies replace talent and real
imagination with unbelievable, crude and rude, abhorrent behavior and
impossible visual effects.

When the president of the Grammys asked President Obama to create a cabinet
position for the arts, he asked for something that rarely and barely exists.

February 5, 2009

Re: Bill extends health coverage for 4.1M children
Thursday 7A

President Obama signed the SCHIP bill, which is supposed to insure 4.1
million children at a cost of $32.8 billion, paid for by a large increase in
cigarette taxes. The problem is, it is a punishing tax on 50 million
beleaguered smokers, most of whom are low income people, who will be paying
for the health insurance of children of middle income families, immigrant
children and pregnant mothers.

It's blatant discrimination against a class of people, and it will take a 50
percent increase, or about 25 million new smokers to pay for it. That, of
course, will take another increase in the tax. Certainly, this legislation
could have been diverted to replace pork in the $900 billion stimulus bill
rather than targeting only smokers to pay for it. Obviously, smokers' side
of the issue is being ignored and simply doesn't matter.

February 4, 2009

Re: Wall Street must change its culture of greed, excess
Letters, Wednesday

Wall Street and Congress are irresponsible

Culture critics bashing Wall Street for handing out $18.4 billion in
employee bonuses fail to make sense, other than supporting President
Obama's call for restraint, discipline and responsibility. Top executives'
bonuses and expenditures were clearly excessive, however, most of Wall
Street's rank and file depend on bonuses for most of their income.

The irony is not lost when the President calls the bonuses shameful and the
height of irresponsibility, while Congress does the same by adding $billions
in unrelated pork to questionable trillion dollar taxpayer-funded bailouts
and stimulus packages. Both shameful and irresponsible excesses come from
the same beleaguered pockets. Ours.

February 3, 2009

Re: Public mixed on stimulus package

The $819 billion House stimulus package is already heading for $900 billion
in the Senate, where cooler heads have been replaced by a rush to socialism.
That means most of the stimulus in the bill will be designated for the
growth of government, not in the private sector. Cutting taxes and wasteful
spending are the best ways to simulate the economy now. Not sitting on
$billions for temporary infrastructure jobs and delays until the
government-caused recession turns to government-caused inflation.

Throwing money and jobs at green alternative energy is one thing. But until
green energy is cost efficient, it would only serve to exacerbate energy
costs and the cost of living. Indeed, the way government can stimulate the
economy and ensure our economic future and security is the immediate
development of our domestic energy resources of oil, gas, coal and nuclear.
Without unreasonable environmental interference. Then get out of the way.

Washington Post
February 2, 2009

Troubling appointments

It is unsettling to see that President Obama is appointing people, with
histories of character flaws and less than responsible behavior in previous
public service, to the highest offices of the people's business. Indeed, it
is even more troubling that the President's nominations are being
rubber-stamped by the Democrat-controlled Senate, particularly in these
perilous times exacerbated by a failing economy.

Los Angeles Times
January 31, 2009

Re: Bone-headed bonuses

The Times' editorial bashing Wall Street for handing out $18.4 billion in
employee bonuses  fails to make sense, other than supporting President
Obama's call for restraint, discipline and responsibility. Top executives'
bonuses and expenditures were clearly excessive, however, most of Wall
Street's rank and file depend on bonuses for most of their income.

Irony is not lost when the President calls the bonuses shameful and the
height of irresponsibility, and the Times' calls it bone-headed, while
Congress does the same by adding unrelated pork to trillion dollar
taxpayer-funded bailouts and stimulus packages. Both shameful and
irresponsible excesses come from the same beleaguered pockets. Ours.

Los Angeles Times
January 30, 2009

Re: What, me vote?
By Joel Stein

I share Joel Stein's frustrations about relentless self-interest-driven
ballot measures. The historic presidential election notwithstanding, most
voters seem to have lost interest in voting because they either feel
disenfranchised or truthfully uninformed. That leaves us with about 25
percent of eligible voters deciding who gets elected and even less deciding
ballot measures. Politicians and moneyed interests are usually the only
winners either way.

Stein did hit a nerve with his Facebook group: Voters Who Hate Voting.
Indeed, it could be taken much further with the growing capabilities of
communications technology. Local voting networks could do wonders for voters
to fully exercise their constitutional democratic franchise. And it could be
expanded, which would also help the economy.

A real democratic/economic stimulus package would put people to work
building and maintaining secure voting networks connected to voters homes so
we can be truthfully informed, conduct elections, communicate with each
other and our elected representatives, and decide all matters of taxation
and public policy. We simply won't survive unless we take all the money out
of politics, and elect well-compensated highly qualified nonpartisan
professional government managers to represent us, instead of partisan
politicians who abdicate their responsibility and value personal power more
than democracy.

New York Times
January 29, 2009

Re: House approves $819 plan for economic aid

Stimulate the economy and democracy

America is going from bad to worse. President Obama and the
Democrat-controlled Congress are too big to fail. The liberal media is their
base. Our government is socialism on steroids. One-party rule by Democrats
is dangerous to our health, security and welfare. We are in the green grip
of environmental economic chaos. And our children and grandchildren are
being miseducated and mortgaged for life with another $trillion of debt. The
self-corrupting two-party system is destroying our society, and we need a
way to save ourselves. What can we do?

A real democratic/economic stimulus package would put people to work to
establish secure voting networks connected to voters homes so we can be
truthfully informed, conduct elections, communicate with each other and our
elected representatives, and decide all matters of taxation and public
policy. We simply won't survive unless we take all the money out of
politics, and elect well-compensated highly qualified nonpartisan
professional government managers to represent us, instead of partisan
politicians who abdicate their responsibility and value personal power more
than democracy.

Los Angeles Times
January 25, 2009

Re: Tyranny of the Oscars
by Andrew Gumbel
Op-Ed January 23,2009

The rot in Hollywood and American democracy goes much deeper than British
journalist and author Andrew Gumbel surmises. Indeed, he fails to grasp the
fact that much of the social, political, moral and democratic decay
audiences are saddled with have been imported from England over time.

However, Gumbel does report the obvious. Hollywood is compelled to shower
itself with awards for superficial social issues and its shallow political
agenda with broad strokes for contenders such as "Milk" for gay power,
anti-Catholic "Doubt," scare environmentalism for kids in "Wall-E,"
posthumous political hate in "Frost/Nixon," the exploitation of India's poor
in "Slumdog Millionaire," and the Boomer wish film, "The Curious Case of
Benjamin Button."

Liberal progressives are said to be against preaching, so what is Hollywood
about? Apparently narcissism, remakes, true stories, hyper-violence, special
effects and preach movies is all they have left. Surely, great
story-telling, real imagination and original thought are long lost -- maybe
to global warming.

Los Angeles Times
January 20, 2009

Tobacco tax unfair

The House of Representatives' approval of a large tobacco tax increase to
fund healthcare for children is simply another tax move against beleaguered
smokers, most of whom are low income people who can least afford it. It's
bad enough that anti-smoking zealots have discriminated against smokers as
social outcasts, holding them up to public hatred, ridicule and humiliation.

But to attack a class of people with punishing taxes to pay for non-smoking
related healthcare and other hot-button programs that have little or nothing
to do with smoking is simply wrong. President Bush was right to veto an
unfair tax on low-income smokers to pay for middle-income people's
healthcare for children. President Obama should do the same.

Washington Post
January 20, 2009

Farewell to the chief

For eight long years, President Bush was subjected to disparaging hate from
the far Left, partisan attacks, and unrelenting criticism from the biased
news media. Yet, in the face of daily adversity, he endured it all without
blame or complaint, and performed his duties and responsibilities with faith
and determination.

During the time leading up to and including the historical presidential
transfer of power to our 44th president, Barack Obama, President Bush was
unwavering in his simple dignity, consideration, compassion, honor and

Indeed, the two-term 43rd president of the United States proved that the
content of his character was truly dedicated to serving his country and the
American people. He protected us and he has surely earned the appreciation
of a grateful nation.

Los Angeles Times
January 18, 2009

Re: An American Coronation
January 18, 2009 (S-2)

Now that the historic inauguration of the 44th president, Barack Obama is
over, some would say that his political organization, his most fervent
supporters and the celebrity-obsessed media turned the election transition
into a new level of power in the presidency tantamount to the coronation of
a king of America.

History tells us that such a kingdom was offered to George Washington when
he, our founding fathers and the first Americans defeated King George and
England in the Revolutionary War. Of course, Washington wisely turned it
down in favor of the first of its kind constitutional republic. A
representative democracy with all political power inherent in the people.

Contagious excitement and great expectations aside, this historical turning
point places even more responsibility upon President Obama, simply because
no matter how much faith people have in him, he must either perform as
expected in these perilous times compounded by turbulent economics, or
endure great disappointments. Hopefully, for all our sake, he will succeed.

Daily Press
January 17, 2009

Saving America - Substance or symbolism?

The saving America symbolism of Barack Obama's campaign, election and
inauguration have been hyped by the president-elect and his supporters --
including the unflinching support of the media -- to such an extent that it
leaves serious questions as to how much substance will follow.

Stimulated by outgoing President Bush's $700 billion bailout package, Obama
and the Democrat-controlled Congress are itching outspend themselves with at
least another $825 billion to stimulate the ailing economy by creating
millions of jobs, boosting costly green power, improving healthcare and
various infrastructures.

The problem is, $trillions in symbolic government spending does little more
than make millions more people dependent on government. Considering the
usual waste in government largess and raising the cost of living, where is
the substance in that? President Obama's problem will be how to bridge the
gap between symbolism and substance. Hopefully, he will figure that out
before it's too late.

Januaey 16, 2009

Tax tyranny against smokers - can we be heard?

House Democrats' legislation to increase the federal tax on cigarettes by 61
cents to $1 a pack to pay for child healthcare is misguided, shameful and
disappointing. Smokers have been so demonized and held up to public hatred
and ridicule that we are easy targets for punishing taxation.

The issue is that states want and use their tobacco tax and the $246 billion
in settlement revenues for almost everything but smoking related health
problems. California's Proposition 10, and the proposed federal tobacco tax
to fund children's healthcare are prime examples of the fraud perpetrated
against beleaguered smokers.

Regardless, smoking is publicly unpopular and the subject of tax tyranny and
discrimination against a class of over 40 million people, most of whom are
Democrat constituents having incomes of less than $30, 000 and who can least
afford it.

Anti-smoking zealots have falsely conditioned public perception of smoking
to blame tobacco as the leading cause of lung cancer, heart and respiratory
disease. The facts are otherwise. Air pollution, diesel emissions and other
smog ingredients are the leading cause of that destructive distinction, not

January 14, 2009

Re: After 10 years, smoking fight calls for state gumption...
January 14, 2008

USA TODAY'S stance on taxing cigarettes is misguided and disappointing.
Smokers have been so demonized and held up to public hatred and ridicule
that we are easy targets for punishing taxation.

Anti-smoking zealots have falsely conditioned public perception of smoking
to blame tobacco as the leading cause of lung cancer, heart and respiratory
disease. The facts are otherwise. Air pollution, diesel emissions and other
smog ingredients, are the leading cause of that destructive distinction, not

Regardless, smoking is publicly unpopular and the subject of tax targeted
discrimination against a class of people, most of whom have incomes of less
than $30, 000 and can least afford it.

Real tobacco health issues notwithstanding, raising taxes is not much of a
deterrent to kids, who would likely turn to marijuana if it cost the same or
less. The issue is that states want and use tobacco tax and settlement
revenues for almost anything but smoking related health problems.
California's Proposition 10, and the proposed federal tobacco tax to fund
children's health care are prime examples of the fraud perpetrated against
beleaguered smokers.

January 13, 2009

Re: Electric cars rule at auto show
(Money - January 12, 2008)

The push for electric cars by environmentalist government will surely fail
if our elected officials and representatives remain blinded by lofty, costly
alternative energy goals. Indeed, what little remains of common sense tells
us that substantial increases in demand for electricity will only serve to
raise the cost of living, and exacerbate the energy crisis.

If we don't bridge the energy gap with increased development of our domestic
energy resources of oil, coal, natural gas and nuclear energy -- to reduce
our dependence on imported oil, and increase the number and output of
electric power plants -- our already wounded economy with certainly die.

Los Angeles Times
January 13, 2009

Give Congress the hook

With few exceptions, over the past eight decades members of Congress and
presidents entered the political stage, sold voters an ideological bill of
goods, invited the people to participate in a progressive medicine show of
irresponsibility and greed, and skimmed the profits to remain in office.

We are the stockholders in this inept, overgrown corporation of America on
the verge of bankruptcy. Clearly, it's time to downsize and reorganize,
California branch included.

Indeed, the miserable state of the union and the economy is clear and
convincing evidence that the two-party system has self-corrupted the purpose
of government, and compromised the Constitution. The only solution is to
give bad actors the hook, close the curtain, and do an overhaul.

Washington Times
January 10, 2009

Obama says plan would bring 3 million new jobs

Most of the millions of jobs president-elect Obama is promising are green
jobs to promote costly green energy and vehicles. There is a major problem
with that. The need for alternative and renewable energy notwithstanding, we
still have an immediate fuel and energy crisis that has been ignored by
Congress. Have we learned nothing from dependence on foreign oil and high
gas prices?

We have, but our so-called leaders have not. They have given in to
unreasonable environmental laws and regulations, and the zealots who are
responsible for what would otherwise be a much lower cost of living. If we
don't utilize existing domestic oil, gas and energy resources to bridge the
gap to more alternative energy and less dependence on foreign oil, the
economy will certainly go from bad to much worse.

The immediate need is not for alternative energy jobs, which would increase
the cost of electricity. The need is for jobs created by drilling for
offshore and Alaska oil and natural gas, oil shale -- and more nuclear,
natural gas and coal-powered energy plants. That, in turn, would lessen our
dependence on foreign oil, and bring down the rising cost of electricity.
Regardless, we will still be dependent on oil for many years to come.

Lest we forget, we send millions of dollars per day for oil to countries who
don't like us. About $50 million per day to Russia, $190 million to Saudi
Arabia, and $150 million to Venezuela. Russia would like nothing more than
to crush our economy over oil, and Valenzuela's dictator Hugo Chavez could
cut us off in a heartbeat, which would devastate our economy even more. If
voters sit on their hands about this, we will surely end-up economically

January 9, 2009

Re: A bold course for dire times (front page, January 9, 2009)

More than anything, I hope that president-elect Barack Obama is successful
in helping to resolve our economic dilemma.

However, Obama's urgent request to put people to work building alternative
energy sources and a new power grid are lofty goals, but hardly practical
for business and residential power consumers who will have to pay for it
with large increases in energy bills.

Meanwhile, we are faced with unstable fuel costs, fuel tax increases and
other energy problems, which fuel the giant machine that drives our economy.
Where are the moves to bridge the energy gap by drilling for oil, natural
gas, and increasing nuclear and coal energy? For instance, Obama wants to
put the government thumb on coal power plants, which produce over half of
our energy.

Indeed, a bold course for dire times is one thing. But putting trust in
another failed government energy policy is highly questionable. Obama's
costly energy dreams are simply not practical for consumers without a
reasonable, measured approach using domestic resources to carry us through
the crisis. The dire consequences of not doing so is inevitable.

Daily Press
January 7, 2009

Government by crisis

$billions in proposed state taxes on income, sales, gasoline, vehicle
registration, other taxes and tax refund IOU's come at the worst possible
time. Particularly when the federal government is proposing large
increases in federal gasoline and diesel taxes, while the economy continues
to decline, gas and energy prices are on the rise again, and the cost of
living increases.

Regardless of the plight of taxpayers, inept California lawmakers squeeze
out business with excessive environmental laws and regulations, and
relentlessly try to circumvent the constitution with tax increases poorly
disguised as fees.

If the state had saved and not spent the increased revenue taken in during
the housing and economy bubble, there would be no budget crisis. It has
happened before, and it will happen again. The question is, how long will
California voters continue to accept irresponsible elected officials and
representatives who govern by crisis?

Washington Post
January 6, 2009

Al Franken, Senator?

With what appears to be the election of highly questionable comedian and
author, Al Franken as a U.S. Senator from Minnesota, there is little room
for doubt that voters consider the Congress a joke.

On the other hand, Minnesota voters also elected loudmouth wrestler, Jesse
Ventura as their governor, who in turn betrayed them, which indicates that
over half of Minnesota voters may be suffering from brain freeze.

Seriously, when partisan politics and political hate mongers with delusions
of grandure such as Al Franken and his ilk so divide the nation that there
are few, if any, choices left for democracy to work, we are in dire trouble.
Particularly in these perilous times.

Hopefully, soon-to-be president, Barack Obama can make a difference, that
is, if hope is not lost.

Los Angeles Times
Re: The Times' 2009 wish list
January 1, 2009

Aside from the superficial, and wishes most people would agree with, the Los
Angeles Times editorial board's 2009 wish list contains several troubling
issues and shameful ideological thoughts.

First, the Times' wish for meaningful federal legislation that would replace
foreign oil with a national standard for renewable power is a vague and
lofty goal. However, as a practical matter, blindly forcing rapid renewable
energy use, as California is attempting to mandate, without expanding
existing oil, gas, coal and nuclear energy resources, will exacerbate the
failing economy and drastically raise the cost of living.

Second, wishing for continued employment of all California school teachers
without wishing for reforming the miserable record of public education is

Third, wishing for Republicans not to block tax increases, without
wishing for Democrats not to spend increased revenues during good times --
which caused our $41 billion deficit -- then wishing for a tax system that's
harder to evade, is simply naive.

Finally, what is most disturbing is the Times' wishing that Rush Limbaugh,
Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter and Bill O'Reilly will live in seclusion and take
a vow of silence is a condescending wish for censorship of free speech, and
an arrogant assault on democracy.


New York Times
December 29, 2008

Re: Special Series: The Reckoning
A series exploring the causes of the financial crisis.

The Reckoning - Bush's Philosophy Stoked the Mortgage Bonfire

The New York Times falsely blaming the Bush administration for the financial
crisis comes as no surprise. What else could be expected from a leftist
ideology in perpetual denial?

Any reasonable independent-thinking person who does a little research would
undoubtedly come to the conclusion that the personal and political
machinations of  Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd,
Charles Schumer, Franklin Raines and other Democrats before them are
responsible for the roots of the economic meltdown in America.

Left-wing Democrats simply refuse to accept responsibility for their
irresponsible actions or inaction. I pity president-elect Barack Obama's
tour of duty in the White House, particularly when the Times and other
members of the Obama love-fest are compiling and issuing orders as payback.
The reckoning is surely coming.

San Francisco Chronicle
December 23, 2008

Re: Executive wrecking ball
December 23, 2008

President Bush is at least making an effort to utilize our energy resources
to deal with the looming energy crisis. However, foolish environmentalists
and conservationists needn't worry.

In the face of a prolonged economic recession, the president-elect and
Congress are poised to ignore our immediate domestic nuclear, coal, oil and
natural gas energy resource needs for the sake of costly alternative energy
investments at taxpayer and consumer expense. Evidence of this clear and

Even now, for example, nearly all off shore drilling has been stalled,
including Alaska. Pursuant to an outcry from conservationists and Barack
Obama's transition team, the BLM has halted a vastly expanded federal plan
to drill for oil and natural gas and in Utah. And Arizona Democrat Rep. Raul
Grijalva, a top candidate for interior secretary, attempted to stop uranium
mining near the Grand Canyon.

If these irresponsible efforts to block vital energy needs increase and
continue unabated, a national energy crisis will surely become a stark
reality. Our national security will be compromised, and it will break the
back of our over-encumbered government and severely weakened economy.

New York Times
December 22, 2008

Re: THE RECKONING; White House Philosophy Stoked Mortgage Bonfire

I was stunned by the New York Times blaming President Bush for the mortgage
meltdown. Either it was a mistake, or the Times must be the most naive
newspaper in the nation.  President Bush and congressional Republicans tried
to rein-in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's risky lending, but the Democrats
blocked it. The only mistake Bush made was being a compassionate
conservative and not trying harder to stop the bleeding.

In case the Times missed it, the seed to the housing collapse was planted by
President Carter with the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977. President
Clinton used the Act to intimidate banks and mortgage lenders which made it
worse. Then Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd and Fannie Mae CEO Franklin
Raines knowingly lit the fuse.

December 22, 2008

2008 stories that mattered most to me and why

The stories that mattered most to me began with the success of the surge in
Iraq, and the light at the end of a deadly tunnel ending the war. Next was
the hysterical spread of highly questionable global warming fears wherein
the cure could be worse than the disease. Likewise, the energy crisis and
runaway gas prices that could have been avoided by the sensible use of
domestic resources and the measured increase of alternative energy.

Of course the highlight of the year was the lengthy, costly presidential
race, dimmed by undemocratic primaries, but historical because of women
candidates for president and vice president, and the unprecedented election
of the first African-American president.

What overshadowed everything for me was and is the housing and economic
meltdown that could have been avoided if it were not for the unintended
consequences of the failures of good intentions of inept government meddling
with our once free market economy. Indeed, it was the bad seed that spread
the greed.

Lastly, with all the stories that deeply concerned me, I am eternally
grateful that there has not been a single story of a terrorist attack in our
country since September 11, 2001.

Press Enterprise
December 21, 2008

Re: Going dry editorial

Delta smelt vs. human needs

I recently served on a grand jury that investigated the water crisis, and
the impact on our county's water supplies, which depends on contracted water
from the California State Water Project.

It's not surprising that environmental extremist groups Earthjustice and the
Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit to protect the endangered
delta smelt fish, or that an activist federal judge issued a judgment in
favor of it, which was agreed to by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service.

However, when it results in a 33 percent reduction in water supplies for
Central Valley farms, industry and Southern California residents, it is
unacceptable nonsense. Because of the water reduction and the increased
price of water, Central Valley farms have already cut back on growing food,
which not only supplies California, but nearly half the nation.

Worse, it has caused a water crisis in Southern California. Favoring a
nearly insignificant endangered fish over the economy and the lives, health
and welfare of humans is simply insane. But what else can we expect from
California's environmental zealots? Giving in to them, and a judge who
should be impeached, is life-threatening. Not building a peripheral canal
around the Delta, which was foolishly voted down years ago, is giving up.

Los Angeles Times
December 20, 2008

Re: Brown asks justices to toss Prop. 8
and Letters, Prop. 8 pain, Aftermath of a donation

Editorials, commentary and letters make it abundantly clear that the Los
Angeles Times joins gay/lesbian activists' efforts to intimidate anyone
who supported or voted for Proposition 8.

Worse, California Attorney General Jerry Brown has allowed his personal
opposition to Proposition 8 to betray his promise and abdicate his Attorney
General responsibility to defend Proposition 8, by joining an absurd legal
action to have the California Supreme Court overturn the will of the people,

Indeed, Brown's filing to overturn the constitutional amendment reaffirming
the definition of marriage is even more absurd. Same sex marriage is
certainly not a constitutional "inalienable right" by any definition. Thus,
Brown's assertion that it is, and that the "tyranny of the majority" used
the ballot box to take away that right, is simply wrong.

Tyranny of the majority in this case is nonsense. Tyranny of the minority is
real. The only tyranny going on here -- as it has been with extreme
environmental and racial activists -- is the selfish interest tyrannies of
minority groups and activist judges wrongly jerking around the majority and
violating their rights by intimidation, and the malicious use and abuse of
the courts. The only tyranny of the majority being exercised in California
is in government dominated by Democrats, yet the majority of voters are
Democrats, many of whom favored and passed Proposition 8.

If anything, considering the gross failure of government in our state, the
majority of voters ought to recall the attorney general, the governor and
the majority of legislators responsible for turning California gold into
fool's gold. Reject confirmation of activist supreme court justices and
appellate court judges in the next general election. And pass a
constitutional amendment to reform government by electing nonpartisan
professional government manager representatives instead of partisan
politicians, with voting networks for more direct democracy to instruct our
elected representatives regarding all matters of taxation and public policy.

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center (realdemocracy.com)
Author: America's Crisis: The Direct Democracy and Direct Education Solution
Author: Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy

Los Angeles Times
December 19, 2008

Government hurts the economy and society

Historically, when Congress is in session the stock market pulls back. When
Congress is not in session the stock market does well. During this economic
meltdown mess the stock market has been oversensitive to everything. Coupled
with an outgoing president in a hurry to make a legacy, and an incoming
president bent on changing everything, at best, our economic future looks
bleak. Particularly, when the new activist president and Congress are about
to shift into the highest gears of revolutionary lawmaking, along with
social, political and economic engineering.

Our elected government representatives are always running for re-election,
so they feel they must do something all the time. For the most part, they
are addicted to making laws, which generally bad for us. What they ought to
be doing is nothing, other than reviewing all the laws on the books and
repealing those that hurt us, or are simply unnecessary. State governments
should do the same. Indeed, that's the way to resolve our social, political
and economic problems. Government seldom solves problems. Government
usually creates problems. And that's what we have to change.

December 18, 2008

Re: Who's to blame for economy? - editorial

I disagree with USA TODAY'S take on who's to blame for the economy meltdown.
On a scale of one to four lumps of coal, there are three main culprits at
the root of the problem, and who are most deserving of four lumps in their
Christmas stockings:

First, there is President Jimmy Carter's 1977 Community Reinvestment Act,
which set the tone for putting people in homes they could not afford. Second
is President Bill Clinton, his HUD Secretary, Andrew Cuomo, and Attorney
General Janet Reno who used the CRA to threaten banks and mortgage lenders
to make risky home loans. And third, Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd
who defended Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac when they knew there was massive
mortgage risk and unaccountability going on.

All the other players simply aided and abetted the problem by doing little
or nothing to stop it, or exacerbated the problem out of greed and
opportunity. The point is, you can't grow noxious vines without planting the
seeds, watering them to root out, and letting them grow uncontrollably.

December 17, 2008


Considering the miserable offerings put out there by Hollywood filmmakers
over the last decade or so, and as the self-aggrandizing awards time rolls
around again, the industry's name should be changed to "Hollyweird."

Indeed, they are certainly in dire need of getting their act together.
Particularly, when the entertainment wild bunch is sorely lacking in
imagination and original thought, which has been replaced by freak shows,
re-make wrecks, shallow-minded stories, moral depravity, mind-numbing visual
effects and violence, loud offensive themes, humorless comedy, and
social/political agendas.

The same goes for the commercial ad industry and the tasteless art world.
Unfortunately, arts and entertainment without class disease has spread
to television, video games and the Internet. Sadly, there's not much left
worth watching except for such things as "House," Disney, old movies, TV
re-runs, the history channels and the national geographic channel.

Daily Press
December 16, 2008

Re: Feds advise water cutbacks to save endangered delta fish

It's not surprising that environmental extremist groups Earthjustice and the
Natural Resources Defense Council filed a lawsuit to protect the endangered
delta smelt fish, or that an activist federal judge issued a judgment in
favor of it, which was agreed to by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service.

However, when it results in a 33 percent reduction in water supplies for
Central Valley farms, industry and Southern California residents, it is
unacceptable nonsense. Because of the water reduction and the increased
price of water, Central Valley farms have already cut back on growing food,
which not only supplies California, but nearly half the nation.

Worse, it has caused a water crisis in Southern California. Favoring a
nearly insignificant endangered fish over the economy and lives, health and
welfare of humans is simply insane. But what else can we expect from
California's environmental zealots? Giving in to them and a judge who should
be impeached is simply stupid.

December 15, 2008

Obama's green energy and environmental inflation

President-elect Barack Obama's choices for energy and environmental affairs,
coupled with his known stance against coal energy (which produces more than
half of our electricity), is making it painfully clear that he intends to
blindly push for green energy and more environmental regulations, regardless
of the busted economy or how much it will cost business and consumers.

If environmental indoctrination and global warming insanity continues
unabated, the inflated cost of living and electricity will certainly grind
the economy and the security of the population into the ground -- not to
mention an increased threat of terrorist attacks.

New York Times
December 15, 2008

Re: President dodges shoes in Iraq

The Iraqi reporter who threw his shoes at President Bush as a goodbye kiss
was the ultimate insult in the Middle East, which is unique, but nothing new
to the president. The biased American press has been hurling shoes at him
since the 2000 election. Bush shrugged it off with humor, which says a lot
for his character, and little to nothing for our media.

Los Angeles Times
December 14, 2008

Re: State orders big cuts in gases
Front page, Dec. 12, 2008

California's economic suicide

Facing a forecasted $41.8 billion budget deficit, California's brilliant Air
Resources Board environmental agency continues to impose ridiculous global
warming emission reductions on vehicles, refineries, industry, business, use
of electricity, and electric energy producers that will cost consumers
dearly. Cap and trade carbon auctions won't do anything for us. And, it will
only feed the belly of the government beast, a snack.

The only good thing coming out of emission reduction has little to do with
global warming, but a lot to do with people's health. Reduction in diesel
pollution and particulates will improve health and save lives, but it's
coming at the worst possible time for the economy. Indeed, that should have
been done slowly and surely many years ago. Diesel smog has caused many
more health problems and deaths than tobacco ever did.

Meanwhile, as radical environmentalists aim to singlehandedly stop global
warming by committing California economic suicide, state residents, business
and industry will probably flee to every state from Alabama to Wyoming,
leaving the fool's golden state as the fire-ridden wasteland of
tree-stump-huggers, green monsters, Hollyweirds and the government land of

Los Angeles Times
December 14, 2008

Governor Blagojevich, Barack Obama, Rahm Emanuel and their crew were hatched
from the same Chicago political beast. No matter how you look at it, there
is more than a strong resemblance. The time for Illinois voters to take back
control of their government is long past due, as it is for the voters of

San Francisco Chronicle
December 10, 2008

Re: Gay threat to strike - A day without gays

A day without gays a welcome relief

Considering the unreasonable attacks against Proposition 8 supporters and
the majority of voters, a day without gays will be a welcome day of relief
without gays in your face. However, it certainly won't end the relentless

Demanding a change in terms of the historical and fundamental definition of
marriage as a union between a man and a woman is simply tolerance by force,
which is intolerant bigotry, and unconscionable tyranny by a minority
against the majority. Diluting the institution of marriage with uncivilized
wrongs does not make a right.

Daily Press
December 9, 2008

Re: Opinion page, December 9, 2008

The December 9, 2008 Daily Press Opinion page reflected deep concerns
taxpaying citizens have about intrusive, inept government, which are shared
by most people in the area, the state and the nation. Unfortunately, many of
these concerns are either rejected or simply ignored by left-leaning media,
which seldom publishes letters to the editor that don't fit their social,
political and economic agenda. Fortunately, the Daily Press does not
practice selective democracy.

As for the opinions offered, the editorial was on target regarding 'The real
culprits' responsible for the economic meltdown. CRA and Fannie Mae/Freddie
Mac users and abusers Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and Franklin Raines are
clearly identified on the suspects chart, which should include Jimmy Carter,
Bill Clinton, Janet Reno and Andrew Cuomo. Indeed, they should all be
prosecuted and take the perp walk directly to jail.

Ragul Contreras' commentary on "Cheating needy children' is the welcome
exposure of how one man, Hollyweird Rob Reiner, scammed voters and robbed
smokers with punishing taxes to fund his self-aggrandizing, unaccountable
First Five program that holds $billions and spends $millions for personal
gain and nearly everything but what it was intended for. Regardless,
Proposition 10 was passed based upon lies and misrepresentations.
Selectively taxing a class of people to fund private and personal programs
is blatantly unconstitutional. The so-called civil liberties icon, the ACLU,
won't lift a hypocritical finger to help beleaguered smokers because it's an
unpopular cause, yet they relentlessly attack religion, and defend
terrorists at the drop of a hat.

Other than the arguably unfair comparison between state workers and private
industry compensation, I certainly agree with Thomas Gerling's letter
assessment of problems with 345,000 state employees and 500,000 welfare
cases. Overgrown, tax and spend state government clearly needs a major
hatcheting. State taxes (which could be substantially reduced) and
government services should be transferred to California's counties and
cities where the people are best served by local governments.

Of course, I agree with Gene Selig's letter against the proposed tax rip-off
tripling of the car tax, and Jack Hillman's letter against Bill Clinton's
executive order to print government forms in languages other than English. I
would only add that voting pamphlets and ballots should be in English only,
compliant with a citizenship requirement to speak and read English. And I
agree with William Cash's letter suggesting the state sell-off state
property to balance the budget. Indeed, the same should apply to selling
federal land to offset the monumental debt and unconscionable mess
government made of our economy.

Daily Press
December 6, 2008

Re: Bush rule limits Congress on mining
Dec. 5, 2008

The looming energy crisis

No one should be lulled into a sense of long time relief from high gas
prices with a looming energy crisis in the works -- yet ignored by the
Democrat-controlled Congress who will do nothing but exacerbate the problem
by pursuing their environmentalist agenda at any cost.

In the face of a prolonged economic recession, the new president and
Congress are poised to ignore our immediate domestic nuclear, coal, oil and
natural gas energy resource needs for the sake of costly alternative energy
investments at taxpayer and consumer expense. Evidence of this clear and

Even now, for example, nearly all off shore drilling has been stalled,
including Alaska. Pursuant to an outcry from conservationists and Barack
Obama's transition team, the BLM has halted a vastly expanded federal plan
to drill for oil and natural gas and in Utah. And Arizona Democrat Rep. Raul
Grijalva, a top candidate for interior secretary, attempted to stop uranium
mining near the Grand Canyon.

If these irresponsible efforts to block vital energy needs increase and
continue unabated, a national energy crisis will surely become a stark
reality. Our national security will be compromised, and it will break the
back of our over-encumbered government and severely weakened economy.

December 5, 2008

Re: Property tax haul climbs as values fall
USA TODAY, Dec. 4, 2008 front page

As if beleaguered homeowners don't have enough problems with making mortgage
payments in the face of sinking property values, adjustable rate interest
inflation, irresponsible government and unscrupulous lenders, they still
have to pay rising property taxes.

The reason for this is that the majority of property taxes go to fund public
education, plus school bond measure payments. With taxpayers being forced to
bail out all the failing financial institutions, mortgage lenders, insurance
companies and automakers, why does the biggest, most costly failure of them
all -- the public education system -- go unattended?

Because they are a monopoly, they don't have to answer to anyone, they have
guaranteed funding,  and they don't need a bailout. What the public needs is
a bailout from public education. Privatize education and get two or three
times the quality of education at less than half the cost.

San Francisco Chronicle
December 5, 2008

Jerking around the majority

How much longer will the majority of people endure the tyrannies of minority
activist groups? From tyrannies of environmental extremists who mislead the
public with incredible fear and indoctrinate the education system, use
obstructionist litigation and activist judges to get what they want, and
raise the cost of living with unreasonable laws and regulations.

To the tyrannies of anti-religion activists, animal rights activists, racial
activists, and gay/lesbian activists who use mob violence, intimidation,
intolerance and the courts to force tolerance and submission to their
unreasonable demands.

Indeed, how much longer will the voting public tolerate being jerked around
by the tyrannies of government, the failed education establishment, teacher
unions and all the selfish interest tyrannies of the few at the expense of
the many -- including the social, political, moral and economic fabric of
our society?

Lest we forget, the results of the 2008 elections may very well be the final

Los Angeles Times
November 30, 2008

Re: California gains clout in Congress
The Nation - A14

The seating of Henry Waxman on the throne of the House Energy and Commerce
Committee does not bode well for economic health and welfare of the country.

Coupled with Barbara Boxer, chair of the Senate environment committee, the
California wrecking crew will undoubtedly unleash reckless jurisdiction over
energy, the environment, consumer protection, telecommunications and health
care programs. Which, if unchecked, will likely break the back of our
seriously wounded economy.

The nation and our state will surely be diminished by House Speaker Nancy
Pelosi and other lawmakers from California. Indeed, they are certainly no
strangers to the aggressive environmentalist ideology in their beleaguered
state. The place where intrusive, inept government is pioneered at the
expense of the population.

Of course, most of what California and America really need is either missing
from, or the antithesis of, California's activist Democratic Party agenda.

New York Times
November 26, 2008

Don't forget the public education bailout

Trillions of taxpayer dollars are being spent and scheduled to bailout
mismanaged financial institutions and the auto industry, but the greatest
drain on our economy is being overlooked. The poor producing, grossly
mismanaged, budget-busting public education systems throughout the country.
President-elect Barack Obama ought to make education a top priority.

However, instead of throwing more money into a bad deal, now is the time to
break up the government monopoly on failed education and privatize it.
Excellence in education through competition would be the result, and at half
the cost. Indeed, the bonus would a steady economic stimulus of jobs for
skilled and qualified workers and a boon to business, rather than exporting
jobs and importing qualified workers.

Los Angeles Times
November 25, 2008

Prohibit adjustable interest rates on mortgages and credit cards

The era of "irrational exuberance," superficial greed, reckless economics
and financial extremes are out. Government rescue is in. But at what price
to the people? Deficit spending in the $trillions, instead of $billions.

As a condition to the financial and credit industry bailout mania,
Congress ought to at least protect consumers by including legislation
prohibiting adjustable interest rates on mortgages and credit cards. Fixed
rates only. And no hiking of credit card rates for late or missed payments.
Reasonable penalty charges only. If that had been done long ago, the credit
mania and economic nightmare might have been little more than a brief bad

Daily Press
November 25, 2008

Re: Obama's choice - editorial

Public education is a national disgrace

President-elect Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle chose to place their
children in a private Washington D.C. school, which is understandable
considering security issues and the failed D.C. public schools. The
important question is, what will the new president do to reform the public
education system, which has been a national disgrace for a very long time?

Mandatory, public-funded education of our children became a gross
failure of good intentions. Particularly, when the academic social and
political Left (progressives, reformers, socialists, or whatever you want to
call them) infected the education establishment and unionized, with tenure.

What was once a well-educated society in America, has been dumbed-down by
public education factories of ignorance, many of which have become
warehouses of violence. Emphasis on core academics, such as math, reading
and science, were replaced by irresponsible experimentation, outcome-based
education, social promotion and grade inflation. Educators simply robbed
students of their education, replaced essential education with social and
political indoctrination, and graduated high school students who were
functionally illiterate.

Though President Bush made an attempt at education reform with the "No child
left behind" program," there is no indication that it has made a significant
difference. Certainly not in California, the nation's money pit of
miseduction. Sadly, even if he wanted to, the new president will find it
difficult, if not impossible, to reform education because the failure is
deeply-rooted by generations of poorly educated students, many of whom
became poorly educated or unqualified teachers, and some of whom became
unqualified college instructors, university professors, education
administrators and school board members. It's simply a matter of the poorly
educated attempting to teach the uneducated. That's why we are having such
difficulty in the job market and competing in the marketplace, and that's
why we are either exporting jobs or importing qualified workers.

Real education should not be limited to the intellectual, privileged few.
And it will not be restored to America until the government monopoly on
education is broken, along with the selfish interests of powerful teacher
unions, who have thrown up the barriers to vouchers and choice. Education
must be privatized to gain excellence in education by competition, at half
the price. Maybe this could become the upside of a down economy and budget

New York Times
November 25, 2008

Don't forget the public education bailout

Trillions of taxpayer dollars are being spent and scheduled to bailout
mismanaged financial institutions and the auto industry, but the greatest
drain on our economy is being overlooked. The poor producing, grossly
mismanaged, budget-busting public education systems throughout the country.
President-elect Barack Obama ought to make education a top priority.

However, instead of throwing more money into a bad deal, now is the time to
break up the government monopoly on failed education and privatize it.
Excellence in education through competition would be the result, and at half
the cost. Indeed, the bonus would a steady economic stimulus of jobs for
skilled and qualified workers and a boon to business, rather than exporting
jobs and importing qualified workers.

San Diego Union Tribune
November 24, 2008

Waxman and Pelosi: California wrecking crew

President-elect Barack Obama's sweeping proposals will be exacerbated by the
seating of Henry Waxman on the throne of the House Energy and Commerce
Committee, which does not bode well for economic health and welfare of the

Coupled with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Left Coast wrecking crew will
undoubtedly unleash reckless jurisdiction over energy, the environment,
consumer protection, telecommunications and health care programs, which, if
unchecked, will surely break the back of our seriously wounded economy.

Indeed, Thanksgiving will clearly be diminished by Waxman and Pelosi, who
are certainly no strangers to aggressive training in their beleaguered state
of California, where intrusive, inept government is pioneered at the expense
of the population.

Washington Post
November 23, 2008

We need national and state grand juries

Considering how democracy in America has been betrayed by government
complicity in our economic meltdown, the power-seeking selfish interests of
politicians, and empire-building bureaucrats, the people need their own
watch dogs to examine deeply entrenched government bureaucracies. The grand
juries should be similar to county grand juries who review local government
performance and operations, but with enforceable teeth.

We should have national grand jury panels of qualified citizens to review
the federal government, and 50 state grand juries to review state
governments. Each grand jury's term should be long enough to examine
government's performance and efficiency, and to recommend needed
corrections. The grand juries should have the power of indictment for crimes
discovered during investigations.

Over time, all laws, regulations, and the offices and operations of all
elected officials, government departments, agencies and programs should be
investigated. The mission of the grand juries should be to make federal and
state government accountable to the people through investigations based upon
reducing government to no more than we need. Recommendations by the grand
juries which are not complied with should be put to a vote of the people.

Los Angeles Times
November 23, 2008

Re: Budget deal would include steeper car fees

The greatly outnumbered GOP are grasping at straws if they think giving-in
to a budget deal of supporting vehicle tax increases in exchange for a
strict limits on future spending ballot measure would work.

As if California's economic train wreck wasn't bad enough, the governor and
the legislature are poised increase the sales tax by 1.5 percent, triple
vehicle taxes, and break consumers' backs with unreasonable energy costs.

What should be called "Taxifornia's" government simply doesn't get it. The
People of California do, and we are going to be getting it where it hurts
the most. The cost of living.

San Francisco Chronicle
November 17, 2008

McClintock, Yes - Franken, No

Barack Obama's moment is certainly an historic one, however, if we could
stray from that obsession for a moment, there are two important elections
still undecided. They represent the best and worst in politics.

Republican State Senator Tom McClintock holds a narrow lead in the vote
count for California's 4th Congressional District. Democrat Al Franken is
closing in on questionable tight vote count against the Republican incumbent
for the Minnesota U.S. Senate seat. The differences between McClintock and
Franken are politically stark and revealing.

Senator McClintock has proven record of being a purveyor of common
sense, who should have been governor instead of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who
has tenaciously represented the best interests of Californians against
overwhelming political odds, and who would be a highly qualified Republican
leader in the House of Representatives.

Al Franken, on the other hand, is a former comedian and rancorous left-wing
extremist, who has been in a perpetual audition to play the part of a
ruthless politician seeking personal power, and who, if elected, could tip
absolute control of the Senate to the Democrats.

If voters are ever able to sort out the worst politically-motivated social
and economic tragedy of our times, and do something about it, we might avoid
the collapse of our nation. Hopefully, a McClintock, Yes, and a Franken, No,
will give us a start.

Daily Press
November 16, 2008

America's worst corporation

Albert Einstein said that insanity is doing something again, expecting a
different result. That kind of disoriented thinking is what plagues the
Corporation of the United States (along with most of its 50 subsidiaries),
the largest most inefficient, deficit-spending and wasteful company in
America and the World.

So, why do the shareholders in this grossly inept company keep electing and
re-electing chief executive officers and members of the board of directors,
even though they have evolved into a costly self-corrupting culture of
intrusive empire-building, with habitual losses and forced investments?
Particularly, when the articles of incorporation clearly limit its powers,
as outlined in its Constitution, yet are continuously subverted by the CEO,
the Board and its legal team.

Considering the checkered history of the company, and the current economic
climate, shareholders would do well to declare Chapter 11 bankruptcy and
re-organize to the original intent of the corporation: To provide justice,
liberty, public safety, domestic tranquility and national security. Anything
more would repeat the insanity, again.

Time Magazine
November 13, 2008

Re: New, New Deal

Depicting president-elect Barack Obama as the new Franklin Delano Roosevelt
and the new, New Deal is a worrisome thought. FDR's expensive
experimentation, higher taxes and the proliferation of government projects
simply deepened and prolonged the depression. It took our major
participation in World War II to get us out of it.

This historic economic collapse is making it painfully clear that the United
States Government was the root cause of the meltdown. Indeed, our government
and our elected CEO and board of directors are the best example of the worst
performing corporation in America. Any New Deal resembling the old New Deal
will likely be a very Bad Deal.

November 13, 2008

Re: Bailout won't cure what ails Big Three
Today's debate: Aid for automakers

USA TODAY displayed cautious words of wisdom by suggesting that troubled
automakers go the way of Chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization, rather than
being rescued by reactionary government's knee-jerk misuse of taxpayer

This historic economic collapse is making it painfully clear that the United
States Government was the root cause of the meltdown. Indeed, our government
and our elected board of directors are the best example of the worst
performing corporation in America. The problem is the U.S. Government and
the 50 state government subsidiaries are forcibly funded by their
shareholder taxpayers no matter what the cost. If we don't change things,
our American company is likely to go bankrupt. It's certainly on the way to
that inevitability, particularly with what appears to be a big spender CEO
on his way to the executive offices.

Our problem is that we have allowed Washington to become a meddling
busybody that thinks it must be doing something, even if it's stupid or just
plain wrong. Congress and the President must be made to understand that
they cannot play Santa Claus, and that he does not live there permanently.

November 11, 2008

HUD housing and the meltdown

It's bad enough that for years, at taxpayer expense, HUD has purchased homes
in middle class neighborhoods all over the country and put welfare families
in those homes, none of whom could afford to purchase or rent them. The down
side is that because of what HUD was doing, many of those neighborhoods were
ruined by increased crime and loss of property values.

Indeed, now it's not so baffling that, over and above what HUD was doing,
Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Franks, Christopher Dodd, Franklin
Raines and others were bent on creating massive affordable housing by
putting people into homes they could not afford by intimidating banks and
mortgage lenders and manipulating Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. That -- and
the refusal to develop domestic energy resources -- is what caused the
energy crisis, the overbuilding of new homes, and the spread of the greed
disease that brought the economy to its knees.

Why hasn't anyone asked how many homes were involved in this government
fraud, failure and disgrace? More importantly, why haven't voters seen the
political scam that stared them in the face for so long, and then turned
around and re-elected the wrongdoers again and again? Self destruction is a
bitter thing to swallow, isn't it?

Los Angeles Times
November 10, 2008

Special treatment - Proposition 8

As I approach the celebration of my 50th wedding anniversary to my high
school sweetheart, I am deeply troubled by the battle over same sex
marriage. Marriage, as defined in the dictionary, or by any definition, is
the legal union between a man and woman as husband and wife. The institution
of marriage is as old as civilization. Marriage was established for a man
and woman to mate for life -- and of they so choose -- to create a family,
the children of which get married, and create their own families. Such has
been the honorable, loving and civilized way of family relationships and
procreating human life.

If it were not for in-your-face extremists, Proposition 8 and the previous
California ballot measure -- to re-affirm and protect the definition and
institution of marriage -- would not have been necessary.

Only now, in the age of special treatment for certain groups or ideologies,
have these groups demanded infringement on imbedded traditions -- such as
the institution of marriage -- in the name of discrimination and denial of
civil rights. Civil unions of same sex couples are one thing. But to
infringe on the tradition of marriage simply diminishes the strength and
sanctity of marriage and families, upon which civilization was built,
improved and maintained. Indeed, the tyrannies of extreme minority groups
and radical selfish interests have increasingly caused irreparable harm to
the human condition, relationships and society as a whole. Enough!

Daily Press
November 8, 2008

California crashing

The governor's proposed $4.4 billion in tax increases are economic
depressors, which make things even tougher for the people and businesses
already struggling. Sales tax increases, additional auto registration fees,
increased taxes on auto repair, services, sports tickets, alcohol tax, and
an oil pumping tax increase (raises gas prices), simply doesn't equate to
economic recovery, which requires consumer spending.

Taxifornia, is an economic killer. If it were not for being such an
attractive place to live, nobody would willingly subject themselves to this
blatantly inept government, replete with unreasonable environmental costs,
selfish interest madness, and a miserable public education climate that
continues to erode.

Past and present political criminals from Washington set the tidal wave to
economic disaster in motion. However, that doesn't excuse the drastic
reforms that will have to be made in this sorry state, which has surely
turned from what was once California gold, to California fools-gold, to
California crashing.

November 6, 2008

Re: 'A dream fulfilled' Obama offers chief of staff job to Emanuel

President-elect Barack Obama's selection of Rep. Rahm Emanuel as White House
Chief of Staff sends the wrong signal in turning the page to positive change
in partisan politics as usual in Washington. The Chicago hardball campaign
team style and Emanuel's House Democrat strong-arm man reputation simply
doesn't bode well when the perception will likely be that of a godfather
underboss and presidential enforcer.

Obama will be sitting at the head of the Democratic Party national table,
which now dominates the Congress and the vast majority of state
governorships and legislatures. Indeed, what is tantamount to a one-party
nation. When he is sworn-in on January 20, 2009, he will step into a
social/political whirlwind and an immensely complicated economic mess that
is going to be aggravated by tax increases throughout the states.

Instead of appointing extremists, such as the rumored selection of
environmentalist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to head the Environmental Protection
Agency, which would surely be a costly turmoil magnet, Obama should get
going on immediate energy relief resources. Going green without budgeted
energy balance would only exacerbate economic problems.

The promising new president will undoubtedly draw heavy demands from selfish
interest factions of every description, already gathering to assault him,
with both hands out to receive their great expectations. Clearly, to them,
No or Not now, are not options. Hopefully, for all our sake, the
president-elect will handle it wisely. For example, by appointing someone
with the life wisdom of a Bill Cosby as a close advisor. As is often said,
'You're only as good (or bad) as those around you.'

November 5, 2008

Re: America makes history - Obama wins (headline)

President-elect Barack Obama, far left Democrats and the liberal media got
their way. History was made on November 4, 2008. What's next?

An independent voter's prediction: Unless Obama is able to overcome the
powerful expectations of selfish interests and extremists in his efforts to
create a positive legacy for himself and our country, which he undoubtedly
wants, political rancor will prevail over common sense. Indeed, the down
side will be one-party rule, even  bigger government, and the experiment in
socialist capitalism will be elevated beyond what our founders could have
ever feared or imagined.

Taxing and spending will deepen the wounded economy. Our national security
will be compromised, and state and local governments will go asunder. The
betrayal of democracy will be realized. Voters will suffer much more than
buyers' remorse, and they will attempt to exercise their own brand of change
in coming elections. The question is, will it be too late?

November 3, 2008

Re: A fateful moment, election offers a distinct choice

How media bias hurts us, save one newspaper. Thankfully, as indicated by the
last editorial before the election, at least USA TODAY, our only true
national newspaper, has managed to maintain its objectivity and journalistic
integrity. Particularly, in what may very well be the most important
presidential election of our lives.

Throughout our history, a constitutionally protected free press has been our
ally and most valued source of information. Information that we must count
on in our lives and to protect our freedom. However, when the media -- as we
call it now -- abandons its objectivity and exercises social, political or
economic partisanship or bias -- as it has done many times throughout
history -- the media abdicates its responsibility to the people.

America simply cannot remain free without abiding by constitutional limits
on government and a free press. Whenever either one or both of them are out
of balance, the danger of losing our freedom persists.

The media has become the irresponsible medium of fear and anxiety by
obsessing on crime, social and political issues, and the economy. Being
biased against the Bush administration, the media relentlessly attacked the
president over the war in Iraq with negative reporting. As the feeding
frenzy over the presidential election increased and the economy worsened,
media bias shifted attention away from Iraq and exacerbated the economic
decline. Negative reporting focused on the Republican Bush administration,
when in fact congressional Democrats were the root cause of the housing
meltdown that started the collapse of the mortgage/financial industry.

Unfortunately, we are now approaching what appears to be the apex of
government intrusion and damaging media bias, which hurts us. Our culture
has morphed into a more superficial society of instant gratification, amoral
entertainment, social aggression, political/academic indoctrination, the
collapse of education, costly regulations, economic stress, media-driven
chaos, selfish interests and extremes. The saturation coverage and biased
support of the media's candidate was clearly manifested in the 2008
presidential election. Regardless of the outcome, the media should not
decide elections or selfishly manipulate society, but they do.

Alas, we're in real trouble. It's like we were seduced, allowed it to
happen, let it go, or never saw it coming. But it did, and as Walter
Cronkite used to say, "that's the way it is." Question is, what do we do
now? Be Americans and make it right.

November 3, 2008

Re: Today's debate: Education
Phony graduation rates

Presidential candidates conveniently avoided confronting our national
disgrace: Public education. Masking graduation rates to hide high school
drop out rates is simply another attempt to cover the gross failure of the
education establishment. Indeed, generations of students have been robbed of
their education and the ability to gain decent employment and make a living.
Social promotions, outcome-based education and inflated grades have turned
our schools into factories of ignorance and warehouses of violence.

Most students who do graduate are functionally illiterate. They have not
received a core academic education, nor have they been taught a skilled
trade. Our economy depends on a trained, educated and skilled work force.
We don't have that force, and that's why so many jobs have been exported,
and/or skilled workers imported.

Indeed, it's simply a crime against our society. We have the most costly
education with the least results. We must change it. Our survival certainly
depends on it. What is mind-boggling is the fact that parents and students
are not protesting and demanding results. The selfish interests of the NEA
and teacher unions have proven to be too powerful.

Daily Press
November 3, 2008
(Comments about something more important than Obama)

Re: Tom Pinard's letter, 'Robbing the public'

Mr. Pinard's complaints about law enforcement and firefighter's salaries and
retirement benefits demonstrate a lack of understanding and appreciation for
those who put their lives on the line for us night and day. Our public
safety officers are the first line of defense against violence, loss of life
and the destruction of property.

Pinard fails to consider law enforcement and firefighting work and health
hazards and hostile environments such as long hours, instant stress,
changing shifts, toxic exposure, unexpected dangers. Nor does he understand
the fact that law enforcement officers and firefighters who make it to full
retirement age only have a life expectancy of about 5 years. Coupled with
other job related health problems, and the stress on families, these men and
women suffer the consequences and make sacrifices far beyond the call of
duty. Yet they endure and continue to serve, protect and defend us at any
personal cost to themselves, with few if any complaints.

In this era of increasing crime and violence, fire and weather disasters,
and of course, the constant threat of terrorism, we should be grateful and
not take our defenders for granted. Too often, shallow-minded people expect
perfection without paying for it, and are too quick to malign and condemn
them. They should be given the very best training and equipment, be
well-compensated for their work, and likewise for their retirement.
Ingratitude is simply unbecoming and wrong.

October 31, 2008

Re: Election inspires new generation - Letters

I am encouraged by the thoughtful, insightful and varied views expressed by
young voters in USA TODAY's letters. In a society replete with social
aggression, selfish interests, political rancor, superficial extremes and
poorly performing government, it's comforting to know that judgment and
common sense is flourishing among the new generation. That's what America is
all about.

Orange County (CA) Register
October 30, 2008

Re: Death of objectivity - editorial

The Orange County Register's view on the death of objectivity in the
so-called mainstream media is substantially correct. However, it can be
argued that mainstream America does not subscribe to mainstream media's
liberal ideology. To the contrary, in addition to conservative radio,
objective news seekers are moving to conservative magazines and newspapers,
and there is a significant movement of news viewers going to the Fox News
Channel for fairness, balance and the truth. Likewise, liberal media is
suffering significant subscriber and financial losses.

As for agreement with journalists taking the high road by giving scant
attention to silly GOP-driven scandals such as Barack Obama's association
with William Ayers, I strongly disagree. Ayers Marxist foundation and
anti-American views were established when he played terrorist and traitor
against his country. And those views are deeply imbedded in his efforts as a
professor in a Chicago college of education. He teaches prospective
teachers, and he teaches them radical socialism, which has become
commonplace in our colleges and universities.

What is alarming, is the fact that the education establishment in America
has replaced core academics in education with socialism, They begin with
pre-school, kindergarten and first grade. And that is why costly public
education is failing, robbing students of their education and graduating
functionally illiterate children. Ignorant, indoctrinated followers of the
socialist ideology and liberal pipe dreams, that's the idea and that's what
is undermining our freedom.

The dangers of the death of objectivity have been heightened by what is
happening in Washington. Left-wing Democrats control the House and Senate,
and it appears that control will be increased along with the election of
Barack Obama as Left-winger-in-chief. One party government and a one party
press amounts to what could become the USSA, the United Socialist States of
America. Socialist capitalism, using capitalism to fund socialism -- like in
Venezuela, Europe, Russia and China -- and the commensurate loss of freedom
is what frightens me.

October 30, 2008

Re: What presidential candidates omit in their grand plans

I agree with USA TODAY's take on how best to calibrate the balance of power
in Washington. Under these unprecedented circumstances, no matter who is
elected president, the balance of power will undoubtedly be tilted by bad
decisions, rancorous reactions and partisan back-biting. Indeed, if
government doesn't get its act together and exercise some judgment and
common sense, the voters will suffer even more consequences, voter remorse,
and will likely make significant changes in the 2010 Congress, as was done
in 1994.

October 30, 2008

Obama's sales pitch

Barack Obama's prime time half hour sales pitch on the television was the
best money could buy, staged and smooth as expected. Yet, like infomercials
demonstrating vegetable slicers and dicers, they really don't perform as
advertised. What was troubling to me was the tax break for working families
sliding from $250,000 to $200,000. And, according to Joe Biden, lowered even
more to $150,000. So it seems most people who pay taxes can expect to pay
more. That vote is going to cost you, no matter how you look at it.

Los Angeles Times
October 29, 2008

Re: McCain campaign accuses L.A. Times of 'suppressing' Obama video

The The Los Angeles Times' refusal to release the Obama video because there
was an alleged agreement not to, does not relieve the Times' of the
responsibility to objectively inform the public. Considering the fact that
the Times has endorsed Barack Obama for president, and given him favorably
biased coverage over the course of the campaign, we cannot rely on a written
report from the Times as complete and factual. Voters need to see and hear
the tape to judge for themselves. Half-truths and hidden information by and
about the candidate is of deep concern to voters, particularly when it comes
to deciding who the leader of our country will be just days before the

October 29, 2008

Re: Repeal or not? Tax revolt brews in Massachusetts

Here's wishing the state income tax is Massachusetts becomes a bad memory.

The Committee for Small Government, a citizen group in Massachusetts, has
qualified a measure (Question 1) for the state ballot to abolish the state's
income tax. The group attempted it in 2002, and it nearly passed. They have
labeled the state, "Taxachusetts."

California citizens should do the same in "Taxifornia." We certainly have
good reason to put such a measure on our ballot, and to pass it, just as we
did Proposition 13 in 1978 to slow state thieves from taxing us out of our

Considering the growing tax and spend monster California legislators have
created over the years, it's certainly time to cut off the greedy income tax
hands reaching into our pockets and paychecks. The word, budget seems to be
an oxymoron to the legislative lunatics who sit in Sacramento plotting the
next looting of taxpayers.

Daily Press
October 29, 2008

Obama wants socialist capitalism

Most people, including Joe the Plumber and Tito the Builder, know that the
tax system is a progressive, indexed tax system that punishes achievement.
The more money you make, the higher your rate of taxation. Joe, Tito, and
most people, object to Barack Obama's plan to raise the rates, redistribute
the money people earned, and "spread the wealth around" to those who didn't.
That's direct socialism.

For people who object to higher taxes, it's not just a matter of don't tax
me. It's a matter of fairness, which would be to scrap the tax code and
establish a consumption tax or a flat rate income tax. People who consume
more or earn more money would still pay more taxes than those who consume
less or earn less. And that's fair. Not socialist. If capitalism is punished
by taxes, the economy and the people cannot live free or thrive.

If capitalism is used by socialism to compete in the world market place,
that amounts to socialist capitalism, such as in Europe, Venezuela, Russia
and China. That's what Democrats Obama, Pelosi and Reid are working for. And
our government is clearly headed in that direction. Our votes matter more
than we know.

October 28, 2008

Re: Anti-tax drumbeat promotes ' not me' nation

"Psst." Most people, including Joe the Plumber and Tito the Builder, know
that the tax system is a progressive, indexed tax system that punishes
achievement. The more money you make, the higher your rate of taxation. Joe,
Tito, and most people, object to Barack Obama's plan to raise the rates,
redistribute the money people earned, and "spread the wealth around" to
those who didn't. That's direct socialism.

It's not a matter of promoting an anti-tax 'not me' nation. It's a matter of
fairness, which would be to scrap the tax code and establish a consumption
tax or a flat rate income tax. People who consume more or earn more money
would still pay more taxes than those who consume less or earn less. And
that's fair. Not socialist. If capitalism is punished by taxes, the economy
and the people cannot live free or thrive. If capitalism is used by
socialism to compete, that amounts to socialist capitalism, such as in
Russia, China or Europe. Hopefully, we're not going to be headed in that

Daily Press
October 27, 2008

Voter remorse - the communicable disease of socialism

If  a majority of America's voters ignore the socialist causes of the
economic meltdown -- The CRA, ACORN, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the
Democrats in Congress who facilitated it -- along with the $trillion rescue
of the mortgage/financial industry, they will certainly suffer painful voter
remorse by the end of the next decade.

Indeed, if Barack Obama is elected president, and Democrats increase their
power over Congress, and the lid is removed from limited government,
extensive freedoms and free enterprise will be lost. Only then will voters
realize they made the biggest mistake of their lives. Alas, those who
unwittingly fall prey to the communicable disease of socialism --
transmitted through politics, the education establishment and the media --
won't realize what happened to them until they become part of what will
certainly become a giant underclass.

Surely, voting for Obama and other Democrats will be like taking on the
teaser rates of an enormous adjustable rate mortgages (ARM), ending up
homeless, and voting for them again. Sadly, the same thing could happen in
California in this election, which would give Democrats a veto-proof
two-thirds majority in the legislature.

October 27, 2008

Re: Greenspan revisited

Greenspan is designated fall guy

It is glaringly apparent that former Federal Reserve chairman, Alan
Greenspan is the latest designated fall guy in the frantic efforts by
congressional Democrats to shift housing/financial meltdown blame away from

Though Greenspan played a part in the "perfect storm" economic crisis, he
was certainly not the cause, as depicted by House Oversight and Government
Reform Committee Chairman, Henry Waxman. The root cause, of course, was
congressional Democrats' affordable housing intimidation of mortgage lenders
and banks to make subprime loans and accept unqualified homebuyers.

The question is, why is Waxman's committee doing this investigation rather
than Barney Frank's Financial Services Committee and/or Christopher Dodd's
Senate Banking Committee?  The answer is, that would amount to prime
suspects pointing the fingers of those who were instrumental in causing the
crisis at those who were enticed into the disastrous results.

Indeed, being the principal investigative committee of the House, Waxman
ought to be interrogating suspects from the Clinton administration, ACORN,
Frank, Dodd, Franklin Raines and others. But that would be like peeling
adjustable rate mortgage onions, or twisting their own arms.

Los Angeles Times
October 25, 2008

Re: Don't blame the victims - editorial

I respectfully disagree with the Times' editorial, 'Don't blame the
victims.' The CRA, the Community Reinvestment Act, ACORN, the Association of
Community Organizations for Reform Now, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and
those who irresponsibly used and abused the ideology the created them are
certainly not the victims of what turned affordable housing into economic
chaos. Surely, broken finger pointing cannot mask social, political and
economic distortions caused by all of the above alleged victims, which are,
in fact, the suspects of the failures of good intentions.

Indeed, coupled with the unending government growth stimulated by the New
Deal and the Great Society, so-called progressives worked their unabated
regressive intrusions into a toxic brew, which invited greed, infected the
free market, and was bound to explode in the face of the economy, affecting
the real victims -- hapless home buyers, ignorant speculators, and the
entire mortgage/financial industry. Worse, innocent investors, the full
range of retirement accounts and funds, and insurance companies have been
added to the growing list succumbing to the disease. Which, will of course,
be charged to enormous public debt and beleaguered taxpayers.

Attempts to avert and gloss-over the roots of the problem does little to
prevent the nightmare from turning into a domestic and global economic
horror show. Nothing will be resolved until and unless it is understood that
socialism and free market capitalism simply can't work together in the long
term of expected freedom and prosperity. Unfortunately, we won't learn that
until the expected results of the 2008 presidential and congressional
elections teach us. Hopefully, not the grave and bitter lessons from the
past -- lest we reap whatever we sowed -- for generations.

Washington Times
October 24, 2008

Political character assassination

It is deeply troubling that the level of political discourse in the 2008
presidential election has been reduced to little more than daily doses of
character assassination.

Lest we forget, those who blindly attack the character and integrity of
another, with half-truths, distortions, lies and innuendo, are those who
suffer from the absence of character and integrity.

What's the partisan point? It's the meaningless lust for power, leaving
voters to sift through the dirt. Surely, the American people have had enough
of that, and grossly inept government. It's time for us to change.

October 24, 2008

Re: Why is Congress so disliked?

USA TODAY's assessment of why Congress is so disliked is superficial and
somewhat naive. Congress is disliked because the majority of its
constituents are essentially fed-up with the two-party system of inept
government replete with irresponsible selfish interests and ideology
overload. The economic collapse, of course, is the glaring example.

Congressional injustice and the suspects who caused the housing/market
meltdown are being ignored, even as the American people increasingly suffer
the consequences. Worse, our society's watch dogs, the press, are either
sleeping on the job, or tacitly admitting their complicity in these national
crimes of epic economic proportions.

It all began with FDR and Fannie Mae, and LBJ and Freddie Mac. Then Jimmy
Carter signed the CRA, and Bill Clinton used it to inject the
mortgage/banking disease into the economy. ACORN began spreading the
infection by intimidation. Then Fannie Mae turned it into a national
epidemic under the direction of CEO Franklin Raines, and under the
protection of Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Christopher Dodd, with
Senator Chuck Schumer assisting in metastasizing the economic cancer, while
former Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan yawned.

Two of the prime suspects are no longer with us. But the remainder of them
should be held accountable, if that is at all possible. Jimmy Carter and
Bill Clinton should lose their titles and any further taxpayer compensation.
Barney Frank, Christopher Dodd and Chuck Schumer should be removed from
Congress without any further taxpayer compensation. And Franklin Raines
should return the unearned $90 million to Fannie Mae, and be prosecuted for
lying to Congress about the financial stability of Fannie Mae. Indeed,
punish the cause of the economic meltdown not the result.

New York Times
October 23, 2008

Re; $150,000 Wardrobe for Palin May Alter Tailor-Made Image

The petty front page hit-piece against Governor Palin criticizing her
clothing is clear and convincing evidence of how low the New York Times will
stoop to help win the election for Barack Obama. What happened to the
intelligent, objective newspaper I used to know? It's simply sad.

Note: On October 24, I sent the same letter as indicated below to the New
York Times regarding their endorsement of Barack Obama.

Los Angeles Times
October 23, 2008

Times' endorsement of Obama

The Los Angles Times' endorsement of Barack Obama for president comes as no
surprise, particularly when the so-called mainstream press has collectively
endorsed Obama as their candidate. It is, however, deeply disturbing that
the liberal press has actively campaigned for Obama throughout the election
process. Indeed, with few exceptions, objective journalism and our public
watch dogs have all but vanished.

The latest example came from CNN's Situation Room, when CNN reporter Drew
Griffin ambushed vice presidential candidate, Governor Sarah Palin with a
distorted, out of context quote from the National Review. Griffin recognized
the criticism being leveled at Palin from liberals, then informed her that
she was also being criticized by conservatives. He read the example from the
National Review as follows: "It's hard to decide whether Sarah Palin is
incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt, backward, or all of the above."

Palin was shocked, asked who wrote it, and said she wanted to talk to that
person. Griffin looked back at the script he was reading from, then
awkwardly told her that it didn't say who wrote it. The following is what
National Review's Byron York actually wrote as an introduction paragraph,
then went on to report on Governor Palin's background and performance in
Alaska, which was positive:

"Watching press coverage of the Republican candidate for vice president,
it's sometimes hard to decide whether Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid,
unqualified, corrupt, backward, or - or, well, all of the above. Palin, the
governor of Alaska, has faced more criticism than any vice-presidential
candidate since 1988".....

CNN's blatant political distortion was unconscionable. Even more
troubling is CNN's Situation Room, like in the White House, which implies an
arrogant presumption that they are running the country. On the other hand,
the media Left often decides governing and elections, and that's simply

Press Enterprise
October 23, 2008

McCain endorsement courageous

The Press Enterprise's endorsement of John McCain for president is a
courageous move, particularly when the so-called mainstream press has
collectively endorsed their candidate, Barack Obama. It is, however, deeply
disturbing that the national and related liberal press has actively
campaigned for Obama throughout the election process.

The latest example came from CNN's Situation Room, when CNN reporter Drew
Griffin ambushed vice presidential candidate, Governor Sarah Palin with a
distorted, out of context quote from the National Review. Griffin recognized
the criticism being leveled at Palin from liberals, then informed her that
she was also being criticized by conservatives. He read the example from the
National Review as follows: "It's hard to decide whether Sarah Palin is
incompetent, stupid, unqualified, corrupt, backward, or all of the above."

Palin was shocked, asked who wrote it, and said she wanted to talk to that
person. Griffin looked back at the script he was reading from, then
awkwardly told her that it didn't say who wrote it. The following is what
National Review's Byron York actually wrote as an introduction paragraph,
then went on to report on Governor Palin's background and performance in
Alaska, which was positive:

"Watching press coverage of the Republican candidate for vice president,
it's sometimes hard to decide whether Sarah Palin is incompetent, stupid,
unqualified, corrupt, backward, or - or, well, all of the above. Palin, the
governor of Alaska, has faced more criticism than any vice-presidential
candidate since 1988".....

CNN's blatant political distortion comes as no surprise. Even more
troubling is CNN's Situation Room, like in the White House, which implies an
arrogant presumption that they are running the country. On the other hand,
the media Left often decides governing and elections, and that's simply

October 22, 2008

Woeful intolerance by the Left against Joe and Sarah

The campaign for president has made it woefully clear that there is a
hypocritical double standard of tolerance being exercised by Democrats and
the Democrat-biased media on the political Left.

Indeed, the Left -- the politically correct standard-bearers of tolerance --
are the least tolerant of Republicans, the political Right, or anyone who
criticizes them. And they either respond with intolerant rancor and
contempt, or simply ignore the criticism.

However, when the Left criticizes the Right -- or anyone who does not agree
with the their ideology -- that is acceptable, politically correct and the
truth. Even to the point of suppressing free speech, which is blatantly
intolerant, and plainly evidenced in the so-called mainstream media and
throughout colleges and universities.

Unconscionable examples are the unrelenting attacks against Joe Wurzelbacher
the Plumber and Sarah Palin the Governor, while ignoring the dangerous
liaisons of the leading presidential candidate, Barack Obama. They do it all
the time. McCain was the media darling when he opposed Bush. Now he's a
pariah because opposes the Left's candidate. Colin Powell was a major Bush
conspirator who got us into the Iraq war. Now, he's a good guy because he
endorsed Obama.

Most disturbing is the fact that our uniquely free society is likely to
continue the journey to self-destruction, by the tyranny of the few, who
seduce the lemmings majority over the cliff and into a giant underclass.

October 21, 2008

Re: 'Joe the plumber' takes shortsighted view on taxes - Letters

Shallow-minded, petty attacks on Joe the plumber clearly demonstrates the
contempt the liberal left has for the majority of the American people. As
one of those people I resent it. Indeed, the Left's best friend -- the tax
collector -- will seize our money, regardless of how difficult it is for
most of us to make a decent living, particularly in this slow economy and
these uncertain times. Callous politics and selfish interests create lousy

October 20, 2008

Re: Letters: Demand meaningful reform in Washington

A citizen's solution to reform government, save the economy and ourselves

If I were asked to save the economy, I would sell or lease all 650 million
acres of federal land. For example, if all federal land was sold for an
average of $500 per acre, that would amount to $325 trillion. First, I would
sell enough federal land to pay off the national debt, provide a healthy
surplus, and cut taxes 50 percent.

I would then sell or lease the remainder of federal land and make the
necessary investments to bolster and advance our economy, reduce oil
imports, and make us energy independent. The remainder of the proceeds would
be apportioned by population among the states to settle their debts,
provided they also cut taxes.

As for the energy crisis, I would eliminate corn and other ethanol
production that affects the cost of living, and fast track energy production
by eliminating all unreasonable regulations and restrictions. I would invest
whatever is necessary toward the immediate development of domestic energy
resources, and the infrastructures to support them.

I would invest heavily in developing high technology, and in high tech
education to fill those jobs. While developing the technology, I would
create secure voting networks connected to voters' homes, wherein we could
vote, communicate with each other and our elected representatives and
officials, and take an active role in governing our country. Our elected
representatives would be nonpartisan professional government managers
instead of professional politicians.

Meanwhile, I would suggest voting out all incumbents who fail to represent
the best interests of the people, and keep voting them out until they get it
right. Only then could we hope to reduce government to no more than we need
to ensure our liberty, our national security, our economic freedom, and to
prevent future social and economic debacles like this.

Daily Press
October 19, 2008

Vote No on Proposition 10

Proposition 10 is little more than a $5 billion bond to subsidize
alternative energy, primarily T. Boone Picken's natural gas company, which
funded Proposition 10. Coupled with Picken's massive TV ads, he aims to reap
the benefits of taxpayer-funded rebates for natural gas vehicles and

Vote No on Proposition 10 because it does nothing to lower the price of gas
and the cost of living. Meanwhile, the future benefits of alternative energy
notwithstanding, California needs to reduce regulations, expand existing oil
resources, drill off shore, drill here, drill now, expand refineries and
save Californians money.

A glaring example of ballot initiative abuse was the first Proposition 10 of
1998, in which Hollywood's Rob "Meathead" Reiner and his cohorts exploited
unpopular smokers to propose and pass a punishing 50 cents per pack tax to
pay for the California Children and Families First Act (First 5). It didn't
matter that the act formed an unaccountable private commission to receive
and spend nearly a billion dollars per year on nearly everything but smoking
related issues, or that Reiner was appointed to head the commission. And it
didn't matter that a subsequent ballot initiative to repeal the bad act was
defeated by Reiner.

Propositions funded by moneyed selfish interests are not what ballot
initiatives are supposed to be. Voter initiatives should be proposed by
voters for the public interest. However, it is too difficult and cost
prohibitive for us to qualify initiatives for the ballot.

Therefore, we should pass a constitutional initiative that would provide
secure voting networks connected to voters' homes, not only to vote in
regular elections, but to propose, qualify and vote on real voter
initiatives and referendums. Indeed, that is probably the only way we can
reduce government, taxes, and spending to no more than we actually need. And
it would be a constant reminder to government of who the employer is. The

Daily Press
October 19, 2008

Vilifying Joe and Sarah

The disturbing manner in which Joe the plumber and Sarah the energy governor
have been vilified by the liberal/far left media, the Obama campaign,
hateful elites and other liberal political activists painfully demonstrates
just how much contempt they have for ordinary people and the heart and soul
of America.

Yet, they are either silent, gloss-over or defend former American terrorist
and traitor, William Ayers who is a professor at the College of Education,
University of Illinois at Chicago. Never mind that what created Ayers was
the same counter culture and revolutionary education that undermined real
education and replaced it with socialist indoctrination that graduates
functionally illiterate students from high school, and socialist activists
from colleges and universities. Ayers not only teaches teacher students, he
teaches them to promote radical activism, and he was assisted by Barack
Obama in promoting education programs in Chicago schools to teach young
students to be radical activists. Unfortunately, from kindergarten thru
college, the education establishment is deeply infected by socialism.

Indeed, class warfare is definitely afoot among the Left against everyone
and everything else in America. How arrogant and ungrateful is that? What is
unconscionable and unforgiveable is what they have done to generations of
our children, our government, our culture and our economy. Surely, after the
Obama coronation -- and the corrosive results of 4 or 8 years of Democrats'
presidential and congressional taxing, spending, playing voters for fools,
and undermining the core of our country -- people will come to their common
senses. Only then, can we hope to undo the self-inflicted damage and get on
with our lives, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for ourselves and our

October 17, 2008

Re: Vote every incumbent out of office (Letters)

I agree with reader, Nick Clark that every incumbent should be voted out of
office. Elected representatives or officials who practice little more than
personal interests and personal power over representing the best interests
of the people, should be voted out of office, including denial of a second
term presidency. That should be the policy of voters at every level of
government in our country.

Indeed, maybe it's time for voters to insist on more direct democracy in
government, along with electing nonpartisan professional government managers
to represent us instead of professional politicians. Voters should decide
all matters of taxation and public policy. The collective judgment of the
people has proved to be far better than that of partisan political party

October 16, 2008

Can't trust government bankers

Nationalizing banks and mortgage lenders with taxpayer debt, without our
consent or reasonable, nonpartisan representation, is tantamount to treason.

The people are learning a brutal lesson about how our government is
disenfranchising us as citizens of the United States of America, who once
had all the privileges, protections and immunities of what was once our

Indeed, we are on the dangerous path to becoming a socialist nation, under
the heavy hand of a one-party government and a bloated bureaucracy. I
recently learned that Congress passed legislation that charges homebuyers
$400.00 for every mortgage, which is given to community organizing groups
such as ACORN. As a retired independent voter, I am deeply concerned about
our future.

Daily Press
October 14, 2008

Chicken in every pot

It is obvious that both presidential candidates are practicing one of the
oldest political ploys of trying to outdo each other by promising more
chickens in voters' pots. And it is also obvious that neither of them would
be able to fulfill those promises without driving taxpayers and the nation
even deeper in debt, which is what caused the economic mess in the first
place. Government's relentless socialist meddling in our business.

Instead of perpetuating the incompetence of costly government, at least one
of the candidates should promise to save the chickens by reducing the
ever-increasing cost of living. Nearly 25 percent of every dollar we spend
on nearly everything we buy is (pre-sales tax) embedded taxes, fees and
unreasonable environmental regulation costs, which increases the financial
squeeze on nearly all Americans.

Coupled with reducing government's greedy hand and increasing personal and
corporate responsibility -- along with backing off the over-indulgence --
getting real and reasonable is the common sense thing to do. Hopefully we
have lost it, or the ability to hold their feet to the fire. Freedoms we
can't afford to lose.

Time Magazine
October 13, 2008

Re: For White Working Class, Obama Rises on Empty Wallets

Even though Barack Obama remains somewhat of a troubling enigma, he will
probably be elected president, simply because the media and entertainment
industries, the education establishment, unions and, organized socialists
have done their indoctrination well, and they are bound and determined to
get it done.

Regardless of who is elected, if Democrats increase their control of
Congress, the likely consequences of increased government meddling will
surely take an increased toll on the fragile freedoms of our society, just
as it has it has taken its toll on our social and political well-being.
Empty wallets is only the beginning of what might become of us in a severely
wounded and weakened free market economy.

As a deeply concerned independent voter, I have a novel idea. Vote out all
incumbents. Sell federal land until the national debt is paid and the budget
is balanced with a significant surplus. Then amend the Constitution to
establish direct democracy with voting networks connected to voters' home,
wherein we elect nonpartisan professional government managers to represent
us instead of professional politicians.

The collective judgment of the people would decide how much government we
need, and all matters of taxation and public policy. Each of us is in the
best position to decide what is best for ourselves, and the collective
judgment of our fellow citizens is in the best position to decide what is
best for all of us. The amendment would preserve all existing constitutional
rights and protections.

Daily Press
October 10, 2008

America the overindulgent

America is experiencing nothing more than what happens to a society that
trades self-control, common sense and personal responsibility for selfish
interests, overindulgence and extremes. Add instant gratification, social
aggression, political corruption, power and greed to the mix, and it becomes
a volatile, toxic recipe for social, political and economic failure. There
is no one and nothing to blame but ourselves for participating in the
madness and allowing it to happen. Indeed, the party is now a hangover. It's
time look in the mirror and get back to reality.

October 9, 2008

Is ACORN a threat to the economy and democracy?

Because of recent media reports, as a concerned independent voter, I
researched the ACORN organization and determined the following:

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) -- a
radical activist organization founded during the tumultuous 1970's --
appears to have turned from a bad seed into a noxious weed, which was
instrumental in fueling the mortgage/financial crisis, and which poses a
disturbing threat to the 2008 presidential election and democracy in

For decades, the ACORN Housing Corporation (AHC) leveraged the Community
Reinvestment Act (CRA) to practice intimidation and extortion against major
banks and mortgage lenders to obtain donor money and agreements to provide
home mortgages to unqualified buyers, including undocumented workers.

ACORN's tenacious national voter registration activities are wrought with
voter fraud and intimidation, which appear to have one overriding goal. To
get Barack Obama elected president at any cost, tantamount to stealing the
election. Lest voters forget, Obama began his political career as a
community organizer, and a trainer and lawyer for ACORN.

Washington Post
Ocotber 8, 2008

Presidential debates

While debating the economic crisis, Barack Obama said that after the 9/11
attacks, President Bush told the American people to go shopping. That remark
was far out of context, irrelevant and blatantly callous. Obama's campaign
is replete with similar distractions, falsehoods and deceitful innuendos.
Particularly, in blaming the Bush administration for the mortgage/financial
meltdown. That finger pointing should rightfully be directed at members of
his own party, namely Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd, among others.
Hardly presidential.

October 8, 2008

Waxman's meltdown hearings

Rep. Henry Waxman, (D-CA) the chairman of the U.S. House Committee on
Oversight and Government Reform, has called former Lehman Brothers Chairman
Fuld and the former chief executives of insurer American International Group
Inc. to appear at hearings into the financial excesses that led to the
collapse of the companies.

Instead of fishing around the results of the meltdown, Waxman should have
started with the real cause of this disaster, which was the grossly
irresponsible failures of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which infected the
entire mortgage/financial industry Waxman should call former Fannie Mae CEO,
Franklin Raines to account, then call Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Christopher
Dodd to explain their smelly defense of Raines and the government-backed
mortgage giants.

Los Angeles Times
October 7, 2008

Re: A newly strident tone in the din

We must save ourselves

As an independent voter, I have painfully come to realize that dishonest
Democrats are infamous for pointing the finger at the other guys, when it is
they who are guilty ones. Particularly, when it comes to the economic

Taken together, the energy/oil crisis and the mortgage/financial meltdown
are the direct result of Democrats obstructing the production of domestic
oil, coal and natural gas resources, and their manipulation of failed
mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which grossly infected Wall
Street and the entire mortgage/financial industry.

President Bush and Senator McCain bear little to no responsibility for the
ongoing collapse of our economy. Yet, the Democrat/media mantra continues to
falsely blame them, Wall Street and Republicans for economic crimes that
Democrats committed against the American people.

Indeed, the immense Democrat/complicit Republican-constructed government has
become our greatest burden and, sadly, our most ardent adversary. Certainly,
it is we voters who are now the only ones in a position to save ourselves,
our economy and our society on November 4, 2008. If we don't, we will have
only ourselves to blame.



Daily Press - Valley View commentary submission
October 5, 2008

Who is responsible for this mortgage/financial train wreck?

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were put under U.S. government conservatorship on
September 7, 2008 at a taxpayer cost of $200 billion. Countrywide, the
nation's largest mortgage lender failed, along with large Wall Street
mortgage investment banks, and the nation's 4th largest bank, Washington
Mutual. The American mortgage/financial collapse was underway.

President Bush proposed a $700 billion taxpayer bailout of the mortgage and
banking industry meltdown. The Democrat-controlled Congress wanted to do it,
but they would not without Republican support because they don't want to be
blamed if it doesn't work. The bailout was, of course, approved. Not to do
it would have probably caused further financial chaos here and throughout
the world financial markets, to which we are inextricably tied.

Who (alive today) is primarily to blame for the easy mortgage madness, the
inflation of housing costs and the mortgage/financial meltdown? Former
presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, and Chairman of the House
Financial Services Committee, Representative Barney Frank, Speaker Nancy
Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Banking Committee
Chairman, Christopher Dodd, Senator Chuck Schumer, and all the complicit
congressional Democrats who facilitated the economic disaster

Carter's CRA, the Clinton Administration and Representative Barney Frank
encouraged risky lending, and put pressure on banks and mortgage lenders
such as Countrywide, which snowballed into the subprime mortgage crisis.

Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and all complicit Democrats in the House and Senate
should be held to account and removed from office without retirement pay.
Likewise, Former presidents Carter and Clinton should have all taxpayer
compensation cut-off.

The burning question is, why are elected officials and the news media (other
than Fox News and newspapers such as the Daily Press) not explaining what
really happened, what caused the housing and mortgage madness and financial
meltdown, and laying blame where it belongs? To understand why, read on, and
watch the Fox News Special on the matter:

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) was created as part of the National
Housing Act of 1934. The goals of the organization are: to improve housing
standards and conditions; to provide an adequate home financing system
through insurance of mortgage loans; and to stabilize the mortgage market.
In 1965, the FHA became part of the Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD). FHA insurance premiums are paid by homeowners, which are
included in monthly payments, and it is the only government agency that is
completely self-funded and comes at no cost to taxpayers.

The total number of FHA loans fell from 19 percent in 1996 to 6 percent in
2005, with almost all of the decline occurring since 2001.

If government had done nothing further, and not created the housing/mortgage
monsters that followed the creation of the FHA, this mortgage/financial
meltdown would not have happened. Government-driven mortgage financing for
unqualified homebuyers turned into easy-money mortgage madness, which
created mortgage and finance monsters that threatened the entire economy.

The Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) was created in 1938
as a government agency by FDR' New Deal to provide liquidity to the mortgage
market. For the next thirty years, Fannie Mae held a virtual monopoly on the
secondary mortgage market.

In 1968, LBJ removed Fannie Mae from the annual balance sheet of the federal
budget and converted it into a private corporation. The guarantor of
government-issued mortgages was transferred to the new Government National
Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae)

The Emergency Home Finance Act of 1970 created Freddie Mac. The goal was to
create a secondary market for conventional mortgages, as indicated in the
Fannie Mae charter.

In 1977, Former President Jimmy Carter created the Community Reinvestment
Act (CRA) which was passed by the 95th Congress to increase affordable
housing, despite opposition from the banking community.

In 1992, the regulator of Fannie Mae was critically weakened by the actions
of Congressional Representative Barney Frank. The agency was required to get
its budget approved by Congress, while agencies that regulated banks set
their own budgets. That gave congressional allies an easy way to exert
pressure. In the late 1990's, under the direction of the Clinton
Administration's relaxing of lending standards, Fannie Mae CEO
Franklin Raines allowed subprime borrowers to obtain loans.

In 1995, President Clinton's administration revised Community Reinvestment
Act (CRA) regulation, which allowed mortgage lenders like Countrywide not to
mitigate loan risk with savings deposits as do traditional banks, using the
new subprime authorization, which is known the secondary mortgage
market. The revisions allowed securitization of CRA loans containing
subprime mortgages, which were first started by Bear Sterns in 1997. The
number of CRA mortgage loans increased 39 percent between 1993 and 1998,
while other loans increased only 17 percent. Other rule changes gave Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac extraordinary leverage, allowing them to hold just 2.5%
of capital to back their investments, as opposed to 10% for banks.

By 2007, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who securitize half of our nation's $12
trillion mortgage market, accumulated significant bad debt, but because they
were not registered under the 1933 or 1934 Securities Act, they were not
required to disclose their risky portfolios.

In 2003, the Bush administration proposed changes to move governmental
supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac under a new agency created within
the Department of the Treasury. Spearheaded by Representative Barney Frank,
the proposal was defeated. Frank said, "Theses two entities -- Fannie Mae
and Freddie Max  -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis, the more
people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these
companies, the less we see in terms of affordable housing."

In 2004, a congressional hearing was held pursuant to charges by the
Director of the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO)
regarding irregularities at Fannie Mae and regarding CEO Franklin Raines.
Raines, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were vigorously defended by the ranking
member of the Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank and other Democrats
on the committee. Representative Shays and other Republicans on the
committee expressed deep concerns about Fannie Mae's severe lack of capital,
double standards, hiring too many lobbyists, paying lobbyists not to work
against it, and the clear and present danger of a financial collapse.

Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines subsequently stepped down because of
accounting irregularities at Fannie Mae, which paid him $90 million in the
process. In 2006, the OFHEO announced a suit against Raines to recover $50
million in payments made to him based on overstated earnings. Raines is now
advising Barack Obama in his campaign for president.

In 2005, the Bush administration made further attempts to reign-in the risky
buying and lending practices of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were
knocked down by the Democrats in Congress. Senate Republicans introduced
legislation to do the same, but all their efforts, including measures
introduced by Senator John McCain, were defeated by Senate Democrats lead by
Senators Chris Dodd and Chuck Schumer. The proposed legislation was blocked
from a full Senate vote.

As Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank sits at
the center of power. Frank knew that his defense of the failed mortgage
system was catching up with him, so he steered a major housing relief bill
of 2008, which aimed to protect thousands of homeowners from foreclosure
by falling back on FHA to substantially increase its insurance of home
loans, including 2,3 and 4 unit dwellings. The increase in insured loans
allows homeowners to re-finance bad loans or to purchase new homes if they
had lost their homes to foreclosure.

Frank was at the forefront of House approval of the $700 billion taxpayer
bailout of the financial train wreck that he substantially engineered.
Adding insult to injury, Speaker Nancy Pelosi fraudulently pointed the
finger at President Bush's failed economic policies for causing the
meltdown. Many House Republicans rejected the bailout because Democrats
added 100 pages and demanded the inclusion of such things as giving $20
billion to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)
The same organization that intimidated lending institutions into making home
loans to those who could not afford them. The Senate then added over 300
pages and $billions in pork for congressional re-elections, and passed the
bailout, which was approved by the House and signed by President Bush on
October 3, 2008.

After the House passed the final bailout package, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and
her cohorts took credit for the rescue, heaping praise upon Barney Frank as
the leader of the rescue, and upon their presidential candidate Barack Obama
for his direction and support. Rather than a rescue, the taxpayer fraud was,
in effect, a bailout of Barney Frank and others responsible for the mess.

Congress, and government in general is being administered by fear and
crisis, replete with a cast of bad characters. We need to dump the players
and makeover Washington with responsive, nonpartisan, responsible people who
represent us, not themselves. 

Daily Press
September 30, 2008

Representative Barney Frank is the lead culprit

Billions of tax dollar giveaways here, and billions there is considered
chump change by Washington, yet it's the fuel that drives Chairman of the
House Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank and his socialist agenda.
In addition to former presidents Carter and Clinton, Frank is largely
responsible for the housing mortgage and market meltdowns, the $200 billion
conservatorship rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and the fatal blow to
our economy. The $700 billion bailout was his ticket to ride, away from the

The only bailouts needed here are taxpayers. Fannie Mae and Freddie Max hold
half of the nation's $12 trillion mortgage securities -- mostly worthless --
which is a criminal condition caused by socialist engineers like Barney

Fannie and Freddie's assets should be sold-off and the two organizations
should be eliminated. FHA should be shored-up and enhanced, and FDIC
insurance should be increased. As for Frank, he and the others responsible
for the theft of public and private funds should be removed from Congress
and prosecuted.

This entire mess is a prime example of how partisan party politics, personal
power and getting re-elected at any cost, damages our social, economic and
political system -- indeed, our security and our liberty. Surely, the reform
needed is to undivide our government houses by making them and all elections
nonpartisan, and making political parties private.

September 26, 2008

Re: Bailout is distasteful, but it's too late to start over

It's not too late to start over. It can be done canceling the bailout and
responding to the economic crisis with a cautious, measured response, such
as outlined by former Speaker Newt Gingrich on Sunday, September 21, 2008:

"Eliminate the "mark to market" accounting provision which is driving
companies into bankruptcy unnecessarily.

Repeal the Sarbanes-Oxley law which failed in every case this year and which
burdens new companies with a $3 million-a-year accounting fee.

Join China and Singapore in eliminating the capital gains tax and watch
money pour into the system from private investors at no cost to the

Pass a strong energy bill to return at least $500 billion a year in energy
money to the United States. If we had an extra $5 trillion in energy
spending in our economy in the next ten years with a zero capital gains tax
and a liberated entrepreneurial sector no longer crippled by Sarbanes-Oxley
we would generate the wealth to absorb all the current losses.

A No-Growth Bailout Just Sets the Stage for More Bailouts.
Congress should pass no bailout without attaching a powerful economic growth
component to it. A bailout in isolation simply sets the stage for more

In the absence of economic growth the economy will decay and debts will
decay and they will be back next year for even more of your money.
Economic growth is the only way to get America on the right track."

Meanwhile, those responsible for the roots of this economic mess should be
held accountable here and now. Former President Jimmy Carter, Representative
Barney Frank (who should be removed from the House) and Former President
Bill Clinton -- along with his inept treasury secretary, HUD secretary and
attorney general should be cutoff from taxpayer compensation, just as
has been demanded by Democrats for preventing excessive CEO salaries and
golden parachute retirement packages.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were gross failures of good intentions,
exacerbated by typical socialist government cancers that turned malignant
and metastasized, such as Jimmy Carter's 1977 Community Reinvestment Act,
which irresponsibly expanded homeownership to disadvantaged people.
Representative Barney Frank then spearheaded the move to expand the
Community Reinvestment Act beyond reason. During the Clinton administration,
Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and HUD Secretary, Andrew Cuomo pressured
banks and mortgage lenders to make home loans to those who could not afford
them. Clinton's Attorney General Janet Reno threatened to vigorously
investigate banks and mortgage brokers who did not comply with the Clinton
Administration demands.

Four years ago, Clinton's former budget director, over-compensated Fannie
Mae CEO Franklin Raines, was fired for mismanagement and lack of
accountability. Congressional Republicans attempted to pass regulations,
which included prohibiting Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from accepting risky
home loans and selling them to banks and mortgage companies. Congressional
Democrats defeated the proposed legislation.

Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan warned the Congress about what is
happening to the economy right now. Congress ignored Greenspan's warning.
The Democratic-controlled Congress did nothing to prevent the current
melt-down of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the banks and mortgage industry.
Neither did the Bush administration. Democrats started the mess and nobody
cleaned it up. As usual, the taxpaying Citizens, investors, and small
businesses are expected to pay the price when they can least afford it.

The first extortion installment of 700 billion taxpayer dollars is to be
paid so that Congressional incumbents can be re-elected on November 4th.
Instead, mortgage business violators and embezzlers of public funds should
be prosecuted, and all incumbents who enabled the massive fraud should be
voted out of office, with a clear message to the next Congress and the next
President that we're not going to take it anymore.

September 24, 2008

President Bush is late

President Bush's explanation of this economic problem and his rescue plan
came much more than a day late and a dollar short. While he clarified what
caused the crisis and explained his proposal to resolve it, the president
should have kept us informed about the red flags leading to the meltdown.
Indeed, the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac risk-ridden mortgage debacle was a
disaster set in motion by the inept Clinton administration.

Most voters are undoubtedly fed up with being treated like mushrooms. We
should demand truthful and timely information from all elected officials,
with the real threat of being voted out of office if they don't comply or
get it right. Particularly, with $700 billion of our taxes on the line.
Responsible representation is vital to our economic survival. Government by
crisis is no way to run a country.

New York Post
September 23, 2008

A plan for voters:

Our inept empire-building government has over-regulated the tax code,
environmental policy, energy policy and small businesses -- under-regulated
government/big business, and failed to exercise reasonable oversight
regarding the banking and mortgage industries. That is why the economy is
on the verge of collapse.

Indeed, we don't want another FDR New Deal that prolonged the Great
Depression and started us on the road to big government. We certainly don't
want another LBJ Great Society that sent us down that same road to even
bigger government. And we didn't need Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. We want
smaller, efficient government -- no more than we actually need.

Big government has failed us time after time. Here is a plan for voters to
become relevant and take back our country: Vote out all congressional
incumbents on November 4th, and at every state primary election that follows
until they get it right.

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center

September 23, 2009

Who is responsible for this economic mess?

During the Clinton administration, HUD Secretary, Andrew Cuomo
pressured banks and mortgage lenders to make home loans to those who could
not afford them. Clinton's Attorney General Janet Reno threatened to
vigorously investigate banks and mortgage brokers who did not comply with
Cuomo's requests.

Four years ago, Clinton's former budget director, Fannie Mae CEO Franklin
Raines was fired for mismanagement and lack of accountability. Congressional
Republicans attempted to pass regulations, which included prohibiting Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac from accepting risky home loans and selling them banks
and mortgage companies. Congressional Democrats defeated the proposed

Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan warned the Congress about what is
happening to the economy right now. The Congress ignored the warning. The
Democratic-controlled Congress did nothing to prevent the current melt-down
of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the banks and mortgage industry. Neither did
the Bush administration. Democrats started the mess and nobody cleaned it
up. As usual, the taxpaying Citizens, investors, and small businesses of the
United States are expected to pay for it when we can least afford it.

The first installment of nearly one trillion dollars is being proposed by
the President and the Congress so Congressional incumbents can be re-elected
on November 4th. The common sense thing for voters to do would be to vote
all incumbents out and send a message to the next Congress and the next
president that we are not going to take it any more.

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center

September 3, 3008

O'Reilly gets Obama on the Factor - Obama in trouble

Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly has been pandering to Barack Obama to get
an interview with him on The Factor since the 2008 presidential campaign
began to develop the top contenders. Obama wasn't about to grant O'Reilly's
wish as long as he was riding high as the leading candidate. However, with
John McCain's wise pick of Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate, Obama
is in trouble. And, that's the only reason he agreed to be interviewed by
the Fox icon. Not so good for O'Reilly's tough image in the No Spin Zone.

New York Times
September 2, 2008

Re: Three New York Times front page articles attacking Governor Palin:

Disclosures on Palin Raise Questions on Vetting Process
The disclosure that Gov. Sarah Palin's daughter was pregnant was one of
several revelations that called into question how well John McCain had
screened her.

A New Twist in the Debate on Mothers
Gov. Sarah Palin has set off a fierce argument among women about whether she
has the time to take on the vice presidency.

News Analysis
In Political Realm, 'Family Problem' Emerges as Test
Republicans rallied around Gov. Sarah Palin, but the disclosure of her
teenage daughter's pregnancy brought uncertainty.

The New York Times is attacking Senator McCain's pick for vice president,
Governor Palin, not because she is a woman, but because she is not a liberal
woman. It has become painfully clear that the New York Times and the liberal
news media are bound and determined to get Senator Obama elected president
at the expense of democracy. The price is too high.

Los Angeles Times
September 2, 2008

Re: With Palin revelations, McCain's gamble is clearer

The news media's personal nit-picking of Governor Palin's background is
shallow journalism and misses the real questions and concerns of voters.

Is Governor Palin ready to lead? In a word, Yes. Beginning with her life
experiences, including her time as the mayor of a small city -- where public
service is close-up and personal with average folks who have problems most
of us share -- Palin knows what is important to us. Indeed, her life and
public service experience makes her much more qualified than most.

As the chief executive of a state, Palin has a proven record of being a
quick study who takes a nonpartisan approach to rooting out government
corruption, making government more efficient, less dependent on federal
government, and reducing taxes. Plus, she has experience with energy

John McCain made a wise decision. Governor Palin would undoubtedly be a
refreshing addition to the presidency, a vice president who would learn
rapidly and be ready to lead the country if necessary. After all, it is
highly unlikely that John McCain would drop dead shortly after being sworn
in. Even if that happened -- in the spirit of Governor Ronald Reagan --
Palin would certainly do a better job than either Governor Jimmy Carter or
Governor Bill Clinton did.

San Diego Union Tribune
August 29, 2008

Re: Editorial: 'It's not that simple'
'Soaring rhetoric often untethered from reality'

"It's time for a change" -- the most political-hackneyed phrase of all
time -- is the corner stone of Barack Obama's campaign for president.
Indeed, changing from the far left to the center to get elected is a
political necessity to be all things to all people, as Bill Clinton did in
1992. Unfortunately, politicians exercise that deception to get elected,
then do what they want, as most do in Washington.  However, in this election
voters may very well have a "Manchurian Candidate" to deal with.

Now that the Democratic National Convention has come to a conclusion with
Barack Obama accepting the nomination with his rousing oratory, we can
expect the centrist drumbeat to continue until November 4th. Problem is,
Barack Obama, the leaders of the Democratic Party and most Democrats in
Congress are Socialists, pure and simple.

Marxist/Communist-style socialism of whatever description has crept into the
Democratic Party for decades, and it has become seriously disturbing. That's
why government has grown so much. That's why too many people have become
dependent on government. And that's what Obama and the Democrats are all
about. Control the people and they control everything.

If voters fall for Obama -- and Democrat control of Congress increases to a
veto-proof majority -- it won't matter, even if John McCain it elected
president. Our country could be undermined by an immaculate deception, with
the clear and present danger of enslaving us to socialism. Surely, the
majority of American voters are smarter than that. They will see it coming
and do something about it.

What cannot be ignored is the fact that Obama was mentored in his youth by
Frank Marshall Davis, a member of the Communist Part USA. He was influenced
by Chicago Marxist and traitor, William Ayers. And he was seriously mentored
by America-hater and racist, Jeremiah Wright.

The Obamarama has begun - The Immaculate Deception
By Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
August 25, 2008

Senator Biden's selection as the vice-presidential candidate adds years of
liberal Washington elitism and condescending arrogance to Senator Obama's
campaign. Biden's foreign policy experience simply cannot overcome what is
sorely lacking in Obama's costly, unreasonable and irresponsible social,
political, economic and energy policy pipe-dreams. Indeed, the Democratic
National Convention removes all doubt that the Obamarama has begun. Surely,
Obama's media-driven road to election day will pave the way to his
Immaculate Deception.

What is more disturbing is the blatant bias and deception by the news media
and the venal political pretenders in comedy afflicted with serious
character flaws. In the news media, for example, CNN has the audacity to
have Wolf Blitzer host, "The Situation Room," which is obviously and
arrogantly a reference to the White House Situation Room, wherein grave
matters of national intelligence and national security are discussed and

The White House Situation Room is a 5,000-square-foot conference room and
intelligence management center in the basement of the West Wing of the White
House. It is run by the National Security Council staff for the use of the
President of the United States and his advisers (including Homeland Security
and the White House Chief of Staff) to monitor and deal with crises at home
and abroad and to conduct secure communications with outside (often
overseas) persons. The Situation Room is equipped with secure, advanced
communications equipment for the President to maintain command and control
of U.S. forces around the world

Then there are radical, vicious leftists disguised as comedians, such as
Bill Maher, in his HBO "Real Time" show and his role as "The Decider," Jon
Stewart's Daily Show on Comedy Central, and Al Franken's absurd run for the
U.S. Senate. Each of them have the narcissistic audacity to believe they are
better qualified to represent the people of this country, yet they harbor
deep contempt for most, if not all, of us. Indeed, nearly as much contempt
as they have for anything and anyone of the religious, conservative or
centrist persuasion.

America is clearly in crisis.

Daily Press
August 24, 2008

The Obamarama has begun

Senator Biden's selection as the vice-presidential candidate adds years of
liberal Washington elitism and condescending arrogance to Senator Obama's
campaign. However, Biden's foreign policy experience cannot overcome what is
sorely lacking in Obama's costly, unreasonable and irresponsible social,
political, economic and energy policy pipe-dreams. Indeed, the Democratic
National Convention removes all doubt that the Obamarama has begun. Surely,
his road to election day will pave the way to the Immaculate Deception.

Daily Press
August 21, 2008

Sell or lease all federal land - pay off national debt

Facing a growing national debt that already exceeds $9 trillion, there is an
immediate action that should be taken to resolve the problem.

With the exception of military bases, sell or lease all federal land, pay
off the debt and place the remainder in a budget reserved for national
defense, national security and national emergencies. Indeed, it's time for
common sense to prevail, for a change.

Such a move would stabilize and bolster our economy and our national
security for many years. Former federal lands would be open to commercial
development, including the immediate development of our domestic energy

August 19, 2008

Re: Coal king Peabody cleans up (Money, Aug 19, 2008)

Coal power plants already supply half of our electric energy and we have by
far the largest coal reserves in the world. So, why are we exporting coal
and not increasing coal energy around the country? Current supply and demand
price of exported coal notwithstanding, this is simply another environmental
obstruction that has exacerbated the energy crisis building over the last
few decades.

California has one of the highest electric energy costs in the nation
because of  nearly 50 percent reliance on natural gas, and one percent on
coal. Wyoming, which relies on 94 percent coal, has the second lowest energy

Clean coal technology should be subsidized along with alternative energy
resources. Meanwhile, more coal power plants should be constructed, which
will free-up more natural gas for business and residential use, and reduce
the cost of heating and cooling our homes. In addition, coal-to-fuel
technology and production should be vastly increased to reduce our
dependence on imported oil.

August 13, 2008

John Edwards blamed his indiscretions on his political rise from being a
young senator to becoming a national public figure. All of which fed his
self-focus, egotism, and narcissism that led him to believe that he was
invincible and could do anything without consequences.

Edwards is absolutely correct. And that's exactly what a slick lawyer would
say as an excusable defense to a jury. What he conveniently left out was
"arrogance" and "personal power," which is the shameless affliction
corrupting America's celebrity/political culture.

There is only one way for the people who pay the toll and the tax to turn
that around. Ignore them, make them pay, and/or vote them out.

Daily Press
August 10, 2008

Solve the energy crisis now, or else

America has nearly a trillion barrels of recoverable oil -- more than three
times that of Saudi Arabia. Yet, our Congress and the California legislature
have held a chokehold on those resources for decades, regardless of our
vulnerable dependence on unstable imported oil.

California has large off-shore oil and natural gas resources, with existing
recovery infrastructures already in place, which would take months, not
years, to bring in. Our oil resources have been cut-off for many years
by California and congressional Democrats and extreme environmentalists who
caused our previous energy crisis, and could care less about our economic
health and welfare.

We must stop the environmental insanity, stupid spending and government
waste. It's time to reap the benefits of our off-shore oil and natural gas
resources, and to solve the current energy crisis until alternative energy
resources are perfected and economically viable.

Meanwhile, we need to fast-track oil recovery and the building of more
refineries. And we need revive the nuclear energy industry and build more
nuclear energy plants, which have been held up by Nevada's Senator
Harry Reid and his fellow obstructionist Senator, who have blocked the
transfer of nuclear waste to Nevada's safe Yucca Mountain facility.

If California voters had not been played as fools for so long, we would not
be facing the $17 billion budget deficit, or California's water and energy
crisis. Indeed, America's voters have been played for fools as our economy
continues to dwindle, dangerously. If we let it continue, shame on us. We
will be broke and there won't be anyone left to blame but ourselves -- in
these perilous times.

August 9, 2008

The right and wrong of politics

Why do people go into politics? Some tell themselves they do it for all the
right reasons, and to represent their constituents. However, most who do are
soon seduced by the system of power of elective office. Unfortunately, most
do it for all the wrong reasons. Super ambition, self-aggrandizement,
self-enrichment and personal power.

Though our Constitution was drafted and enacted for the best of intentions,
the core of it has been compromised by granting legislatures and elected
officials the power to make their own rules. Exacerbated by the failed
two-party system, the power to make rules and regulations for the people,
and to grow government, has been abused beyond recognition.

It doesn't matter whether McCain or Obama is elected president, or who is
elected senator or assemblyman, or who is elected governor or mayor. Most,
if not all are in it for themselves, not us. Indeed, the tail has been
wagging the dog long enough. And it's time for us to turn it around.

All we need is outlined in the original Constitution. A democratic
republican form of government limited to providing us with national defense,
a civil and criminal justice system, public safety and human rights,
interstate commerce, foreign policy and trade, and fair-direct taxes to pay
for it. Nothing else, except for a well maintained national infrastructure.
All other matters of government should be state and local, with an emphasis
on local government and more direct democracy.

Los Angeles Times
Augusts 6, 2008

Drill for the budget

Rather than increasing the sales tax or any other foolish proposal that our
inept state government has made, California should immediately embrace
off-shore drilling and increase refining capacity as a constant source of
revenue. If our government had done it decades ago, the state budget would
not have been in jeopardy all these years.

Extreme environmental regulations and obstructions, along with an insane
lack of energy policy, has kept California in a state of insecure flux, with
the highest gas and energy prices, taxes, and businesses on the run. It's
time to overhaul the engine of government, change the tires and go in the
other direction. Otherwise, we will be breaking down on the road to ruin.

August 5, 2008

Obama's stupid idea

Barack Obama's proposal to tax oil companies to give people a thousand
dollars is a stupid, pandering idea. The oil industry paid more in taxes
than they made in after-tax profits, to the tune of $19 billion, over the
past four years.

Most people's retirement systems and accounts are invested in the oil and
energy industries, who need incentives, not obstruction and punishment, to
develop our own energy.

Obama and the Democrats should get off their backs and focus on making us
energy independent with domestic resources. That will reduce our energy
costs, our cost of living, and increase our national security.

Taxing oil companies raises the price of gas, just like taxing tobacco
companies raised the price of cigarettes. Jimmy Carter already made that
mistake. What don't they understand about that?

August 4, 2008

Re: Pelosi firm: No vote on off-shore drilling

Despite numerous polls supporting new off-shore drilling and expanding other
domestic energy resources, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared there will be
no vote on the matter and adjourned the House for a five-week vacation. It
doesn't seem to matter that decades-long obstructionism and a lack of sound
energy policy has pushed us to the brink of a full-blown energy crisis and
economic collapse.

Though our Constitution was drafted and enacted with the best of
intentions -- exacerbated by the failed two-party system -- the core of it
has been compromised by granting legislatures and elected officials the
power to make their own rules. Election time is all the time, and the only
thing that matters to presidential candidates and Congress/congressional
candidates is the fight for personal and party power.

It doesn't matter whether McCain or Obama is elected president, or who is
elected to Congress. It's a self-corrupting system wherein most, if not all,
are in it for themselves, not us. Indeed, the tail has been wagging the dog
long enough. It's time for us to turn it around.

July 29, 2008

Re: McCain attack ad cheapens campaign. More to come?

John McCain's attack ad blaming Barack Obama for the energy crisis does
cheapen the campaign for president. However, an honest McCain ad reminding
people that Obama opposes all domestic energy resources other than
renewables would surely give pause to voters concerned about resolving the
energy crisis to prevent an economic crises.

Political attack ads serve no real purpose other than damaging opponents,
unless they also draw a reasonable comparison between candidates. Certainly
it would be refreshingly civil to limit ads to qualifications, achievements
and comparisons.

In this discussion, lest we forget, it was Lyndon Johnson who destroyed
Barry Goldwater's candidacy by dishonestly frightening voters into believing
Goldwater would lead us into nuclear oblivion with a shameless ad using a
child and a nuclear bomb explosion. That, indeed was unconscionable.

July 28, 2008

Fractured political system

How do the American people line up in the current political system?

On the political Left, we have the federal and most state and local
governments, liberals, socialists, academia, the news media, the television
and film industries, indoctrinated college students, environmental zealots
and government dependents. On the Right, we have some state and local
governments, conservatives, free marketers, independents and the
self-reliant. The remainder of us are in the middle, who decide most

We have a unbalanced two-party system of Democrats on the Left and
Republicans on the Right that is fractured and on the verge of shattering.
All this is happening in a world of terrorism, war, economic uncertainty,
and social/political unrest. How do we resolve this dilemma? Be informed,
look in the mirror and vote for our security, protection and well-being.

July 25, 2008

Re: Ethanol production soars, but its allure plummets

Stop ethanol production

Mandating ethanol production that would increase the current consumption of
23 percent of America's corn crop to 40 percent by 2022 -- while subsidizing
ethanol production with 51 cents per gallon of taxpayer dollars -- is simply
inept government regulation compounded by intentional insanity.
Particularly, when it is already disrupting the corn-based food supply here
and around the world.

Do the math. When our government wants the current 9 billion gallons of all
ethanol stepped up to 36 billion gallons in our gas tanks by 2022 -- which
will only replace 15 percent of the nation's gas consumption -- and when it
costs more to produce ethanol than the energy it produces, we will be
getting hosed at the pumps much worse than we are now.

Even worse, the EPA ignored the MTBE additive's destrucive impact on
groundwater, and they are still unclear on the toxic effects of ethanol. The
solution is to stop ethanol production and put all efforts into
fast-tracking domestic oil and natural gas production (1-3 years), clean
coal, oil shale and nuclear. If any alternative energy sources are
subtantially subsidized, they should be such things as highly efficient nano
solar, and sun algae fuel. It just takes sane, common sense for a change.
Surely, we can't afford not to.

Daily Press
July 21, 2008

Re: Letter: "It's not Democrats who caused energy crisis"

Jonathan Haas' letter bemoaning criticism of Democrats and the energy crisis
is naive and uninformed, indeed an exercise in over-used partisan denial. If
it were not for unreasonable environmentalist extremes, oil would have been
flowing from ANWR in Alaska, oil and natural gas from off-shore wells, shale
oil, more clean coal power and nuclear power. We would have much more oil
refinery capacity, more power plants and more electric transmission lines
throughout the country. And, the price of gasoline, electricity and natural
gas would be half or less of what it is today.

Obstructionist Democrats environmental zealots are surely responsible for
the over-regulated energy crisis, particularly the 2001 California lack of
energy crisis -- which is not over -- the destructive MTBE gas additive, and
the ethanol debacle that raised the cost of fuel and food. And they are
largely responsible for the California water crisis.

The specious assertion that oil companies are not extracting oil and natural
gas from their millions of acres of leases is certainly not because they are
ignoring them. It's simply because there is no or insufficient oil to
extract. It could be assumed that the only reason government approved the
leases was because environmentalist Democrats probably knew it.

Common sense tells us that there is no objection to alternative energy
resources such as sensible bio-fuels, wind, solar and tidal. However, for
the foreseeable future, they will have to supplement our energy resources,
not replace them. New nano solar energy products are now being manufactured
in San Jose, which outperform current solar cell technology many times over,
at about a third the cost. Incentives to increase energy innovation are

Affordable, efficient energy means everything to our economy and our way of
life. Unfortunately, Mr. Haas is simply a victim of many years of
self-destructive left-wing indoctrination from the socialist political
elite, the education establishment and the media. They are responsible for
enormous, costly, economy-busting and increasingly oppressive government,
far beyond what our Constitution and our founders ever intended or imagined.

Anyway, that's my opinion and I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I don't
believe in party politics. I'm an independent-thinker, an informed voter and
a defender of liberty. Hopefully, our numbers will increase enough to save
ourselves and our fellow-Americans, including Mr. Haas, before it's too

New York Times
July 21, 2008

Re: Obama's Op-Ed, "My Plan for Iraq"

Presumptuous media treating Obama as the presumptive president

The uniqueness of Senator Barack Obama, presumptive Democrat nominee aside,
there is a deeply disturbing campaign going on here. It is being made
painfully clear that the elite left-wing media is exercising blatant,
irresponsible, unobjective and undemocratic bias for Obama and against
Senator John McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee.

Indeed, when the media focuses on Obama's presidential-style tour of
Afghanistan and his meeting with the Afghan president. And the big-three
broadcast news media anchors serve as a coronation team, accompanying him to
the Middle East, Iraq and Europe. And the New York Times publishes Senator
Obama's plan for Iraq, while refusing equal space to Senator McCain. It
becomes abundantly troubling that Obama is being depicted as the presumptive
president. That is wrong, simply because that's for voters to decide, not
the presumptuous media.

July 19, 2008

What's wrong with us?

What's wrong with the majority of American voters? Why do we continue to
elect and re-elect the worthless agendas of Democrat numbskulls, and
spineless Republicans who scare us into voting for them. Even while they
continue to put our society at risk and deliver constant pain to taxpayers
and our economy with no positive results.

All political power is supposed to be inherent in the people. Government is
instituted for their protection, security and benefit, not to serve those
they elect, and not to create crisis.

Sadly, with a failed two-party system, and few qualified candidates, our
choices are severely limited. Worse, with an electorate being fed
mind-numbing propaganda by well-oiled political machines, the polls are
telling us that things aren't about to get any better. With Barack Obama or
John McCain in the White House and more Democrat control in Congress, the
outlook is certainly bleak. Actually, frightening.

What we have here, is a failure to communicate, a lack of independent
thinking, and a lack of common sense. Overcome that, and we could be on the
road to recovery. Hopefully, we won't be deeply hurt in the process. After
all, we are not fools and masochists, are we?

Daily Press
July 18, 2008

Re: Report says canal would fix state's water woes

Build the peripheral canal

The California water crisis is essentially being ignored by our government
and the media. That comes as no surprise. The energy crisis was ignored
until we began having rolling blackouts, and the education crisis was
ignored until our schools began graduating students who were functionally
illiterate. None have been rectified. In other words, California is inept
government by crisis.

A recent study by the Public Policy Institute of California recommends that
the San Francisco Bay Area and Southern California stop drawing water from
the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, and to build a peripheral canal that would
pump better quality drinking water around the Delta to more than 25 million
Californians and farmers in the Central Valley and Southern California.

Contentious debates about the Delta and a peripheral canal have been going
on for decades. The proposed peripheral canal was put to a vote of the
people in a voter inititiative that was defeated in 1982, largely by
environmental fear mongering and Northern California voters who feared a
water grab by Southern California.

This "Wag the Dog" mentality by liberal government and unreasonable
environmentalists has cost Southern Californians dearly, and continues to do
so. Our electric and natural gas energy rates are the highest in the nation.
And our water rates are increasing because of a 30 percent cutback in water
supplies from the California Water Project to protect Delta Smelt fish.

Two-thirds of California's population is in Southern California. It's time
for us to wake up, wise up and protect our future. We need more, affordable
energy. Above all, we must have adequate supplies of water. We simply cannot
survive without it. While our government and selfish interests continue to
talk the talk, a voter initiative to build the canal now is certainly in

July 16, 2008

No excuse for energy crisis

When the OPEC oil embargo was imposed against us in 1973 for supporting
Israel, we were importing about 20 percent of our oil. Since President Jimmy
Carter's term ended with a false promise to end our dependence on foreign
oil -- our inept government not only failed to make us energy independent --
partisan politics have caused us to more than triple our dependence on
imported oil. Clearly, it is time for the American people to demand results.

Instead of obstructing our domestic energy resources, our state and federal
governments must fast-track permit approvals. Provide generous incentives
and tax credits for our energy industries to develop our abundant resources
of coal, coal to fuel, oil shale and natural gas. Develop all available oil
resources. Build oil refineries, nuclear power plants and transmission
lines. And support the immediate development of high efficiency solar cells
and batteries, nitrogen fuel cells, advanced wind power, and tidal power.

There is simply no excuse for our over-dependence on foreign energy
resources, particularly in this era of terrorism and instability. We must
become energy independent, and it must do it now, before it's too late.
Partisan politics simply cannot be tolerated when our national security and
our survival are at stake.

July 15, 2008

Remembering Tony Snow

I was deeply saddened by Tony Snow's passing. I knew he was a good man the
first time I listened to him filling-in for Rush Limbaugh. Since then, he
was the only political commentator who held my full, undivided attention. He
spoke the honest, educated truth. He was the human bright spot in a dark,
phony business. I sorely miss him.

As for the Associated Press, the negative comments about Tony were
unconscionable. However, it was not entirely surprising. What is almost as
disturbing is the fact that the political bias in the AP wire service is
picked up by local newspapers, who don't have much of a choice for passing
on national and world news. What a deceitful information shame.

Daily Press
July 15, 2008

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Crisis

There are fundamental flaws in the government-backed mortgage organizations,
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who own or guarantee a staggering $5.2 trillion
in home mortgages, which amounts to half the mortgages in America.

The housing crisis -- which erupted in 2006 because of subprime lending
practices and adjustable-rate mortgages (ARM's) for unqualified buyers
during the inflated housing boom -- was exacerbated by Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac relaxing their lending requirements.

However, the underlying reason for the crisis has not been adequately
identified. Three-quarters of a century of massive failures of good
intentions by irresponsible big government built by a fatally-flawed
socialist ideology. An ideology that simply doesn't work because it relies
on unaccountable social, political and economic program over-spending and
the seemingly bottomless honey pot of taxpayer money to bail itself out.

To prevent another disaster in the housing and credit markets, subprime
mortgage lending, ARM's and teaser credit card rates should be prohibited.
And, though it's probably too late, watch who and what you vote for in the
2008 November presidential elections. Nationalizing healthcare, banking and
energy will certainly bankrupt America. A reasonably regulated and rewarded
free market is fundamental to our survival.

Los Angeles Times
July 11, 2008

Gramm is correct - McCain is uncharacteristically timid

Former senator Phil Gramm's explanation of his "nation of whiners" and
"mental recession" comments are correct. Indeed, the political and news
media Left comprise the dominant view of negative indoctrination cast upon
the public at large regardless of truth and fact, while objectivity is cast

Clearly, anything goes when it comes to those seeking greater social and
political power. That is the socialist mentality, which includes a constant
drumbeat of social, political and economic negativity and grievances. They
are the "whiners" who have infected the nation with a "mental recession"
that can only be resolved by more government replete with social, political
and economic engineers.

John McCain knows all this, and he knows Phil Gramm knows what he is talking
about with straight talk. The problem is, McCain simply isn't accustomed to
being harshly judged by the political Left and the media, who championed him
in the past as a useful idiot. Now, he's being unnecessarily guarded and

Surely, the majority of voters are sick and tired of political phony
business. They will welcome John McCain as simply being himself. An honest,
tough-minded, compassionate leader, working to limit government and protect
our national security. The American way.

July 9, 2008

Re: Americans are up to the task of solving energy crisis - letters

I agree that we are up to the task of solving the energy crisis. Since
President Jimmy Carter's miserable term ending with a false promise to end
our dependence on foreign oil, our inept government has not only failed to
make us energy independent, it has caused us to more than triple our
dependence on imported oil.

Clearly, it is time for Americans to demand results. Instead of obstructing
our domestic energy resources, our government must do the following to make
us energy independent: Furnish generous incentives and tax credits to our
energy industries to develop our largest resources of coal, coal to fuel,
oil shale and natural gas. Develop all available oil resources. Build
nuclear power plants and oil refineries. And support the immediate
development of high efficiency solar cells and batteries, nitrogen fuel
cells, advanced wind power, and tidal power.

We must respond to what amounts to a sustained attack on America by
environmentalists and foreign oil extortionists with decisive action.
Stop the corn ethanol fraud and soy biofuel fraud and resume growing all
corn and soy for food. Get rid of fuel additive failures.

Just do it! And while government responds to the will of the people, stop
the massive spending on illegals and the undeserving, make the Bush tax cuts
permanent and cut taxes for all hardworking Americans. If they don't, vote
them out. All of them, if necessary. It's time to start using the muscle of
democracy to make cuts in unnecessary government and regulations.

Riverside Press Enterprise
July 4, 2008

Re: Inland group home escape case...

Reports of eight illegal aliens convicted of selling crack cocaine in San
Francisco walking away from a Yucaipa group home is a glaring example of
government intrusion into people's neighborhoods. Indeed, California is rife
with the abuse of power. San Francisco didn't place the criminals in San
Bernardino County. The State did.

Together with homes purchased by HUD and occupied by freeloaders, criminals
and gangsters, state-licensed group homes are a plague on single family
residential neighborhoods throughout the State. Counties and cities have no
say in the matters, and residents are completely ignored. Homeowners are put
at risk and their property values are adversely effected.

Though these programs were undoubtedly established by HUD and the State with
good intentions, they have failed miserably and unabated. Instead, they have
turned into deceitful -- and probably unconstitutional -- seize, decay and
destroy projects tantamount to reckless imminent domain over any and all
neighborhoods. It's time for citizens to stand up and say, "No!"

July 3, 2008

2008 presidential elections - new declaration of independence

The 2008 presidential elections will make it painfully clear to the American
people that we need a new declaration of independence. Indeed, with a dose
of common sense, if we can simply analyze what has happened to our country,
and why we have devolved into a self-destructive, superficial society of
selfish interests and extremes, we will make some serious decisions about
our future.

We must look beyond the relentless propaganda and deceit that got us into
this desperate dilemma -- with our negligent tacit approval -- and let it be
known that we're not going to take it anymore. If we don't, terrorism of
every description will consume us, including being grossly misinformed by
most of the news media, and the economy-busting mass hysteria of the green

We need to declare independence from a highly partisan two-party system that
has grown government into a tax-punishing three-headed monster. A monster
that has ignored the limits of our Constitution, and blatantly abused the
power of all three branches of government. A monster that has turned our
nation from the land of the free and the home of the brave, into the land of
freeloaders and regulators, and the home of socialist tyrannies.

For the truth about our history, read former secretary of education William
J. Bennett's, "America the last best hope," volumes I and II. It's a far cry
from the negatively manipulated history taught in our failing schools. For
real solutions, read former speaker of the House Newt Gingrich's, "Winning
the Future," and "Real Change." If we don't do something, we will certainly
become a giant underclass of the oppressed, and our last best hope might
very well be dashed into oblivion.

July 2, 2008

Is Obama the Left's "Manchurian Candidate"?

Even though continuous questions arise about who Barack Obama really is,
the polished orator continues his popularity rise in the eyes of the news
media and the majority of American voters.

The people have often been disappointed in their chosen leader's
performance. With the exception of Ronald Reagan, since 1968, Lyndon
Johnson, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bush I, Bill Clinton and Bush II have
all been remembered negatively in one way or another -- which does not bode
well for the judgment and common sense of voters.

Given the fact that our choices are severely limited by the stronghold of
the two-party system -- and the fact that this is the most crucial time in
history -- knowing where Obama is coming from and where he would take us is
vital to our future. If he wins and he turns out to be the Left's
"Manchurian Candidate," shame on us.

The Marxist/Lenin-driven Communist Soviets once warned us that they would
take us over without firing a shot. Considering the grip the Left has our
educational system, our news media and our government, they might not be
Russian, nevertheless, they are mostly of the socialist persuasion.

July 1, 2008

Re: California death row gridlocked

After the arrogant Rose Bird supreme court dumped the death penalty, the
voters dumped her and two other justices, and voted overwhelmingly to
restore California's death penalty. California's death row is gridlocked
because California Democrats and the courts refuse to accept the will of the

California's Democrat-controlled government and the courts have
rarely executed death row inmates because appeals and litigations have
stalled them endlessly, and they simply don't want to execute anyone.
Therefore, death row grows at a cost of over $100 million per year to the
taxpayers, victims' families continue to suffer, and murders in California
go on unabated.

The death penalty ought to go the voters again. Indeed, knowing that the
Democrat-controlled government has allowed California to become the violent
entertainment and criminal gang capital of America, it is likely that the
voters would now be inclined to adopt swift death penalty measures, similar
to that of Texas.

San Francisco Chronicle
July 1, 2008

California fires

The loss of homes and property notwithstanding, Northern Californians are
significantly responsible for the 1400 out-of-control wildfires consuming
forest lands. If it were not for environmentalists' unreasonable hands-off
attitudes toward human access, forest thinning and cleaning up forest
most of the fires would have been controlled. Indeed, this kind of
narrow-minded selfishness destroys watershed and further endangers water
supplies for all of California. It's shamefully unacceptable.


Los Angeles Times
June 28, 2008

Re: "Learning curve" editorial

Failure to educate children is certainly a form of neglect, however, home
schooling is not the problem. Indeed, if anything needs to be done in that
regard, California's public education system rests near the top in terms of
neglect, and near the bottom of the learning curve. Surely, the miseducation
is long overdue for serious scrutiny.

Clearly, home schooling began as deeply concerned acts of desperation. And
it is painfully clear that home schoolers should be applauded for taking on
the responsibility of educating their children. Particularly, when the
education establishment turned public education into factories of ignorance,
robbed most students of their education, and graduated them as functionally

Surely, it's long past time to privatize education, bring California out of
the costly academic cellar, and lift our children and future generations
into the education marketplace. Otherwise, the outlook is certainly bleak.

Daily Press
June 28, 2008

Re: Education gets poor grades

It's public miseducation, stupid!

It's not surprising that recent studies show a decline in adult literacy and
that schools are not properly preparing kids. Life evidence and common sense
tell us that there is an ongoing agenda that has infected the public
education establishment for generations. Clearly, there has been a  mass
failure of good intentions, simply by placing social and political
indoctrination ahead of core education skills -- such as math, reading,
writing and science -- which are vital to students and their future in the
job market and society.

Indeed, over the last four or five decades, students have been robbed of
their education. Our schools have been turned into factories of ignorance,
turning out students who are functionally illiterate. When colleges,
universities and public schools were taken over by the anti-establishment
counter-culture of the 1960's and 1970's, the infection began. Over the
years, it spread throughout the system with irresponsible experimentation,
such as outcome based education, discovery learning, social promotion and
self-esteem programs, which dumbed-down students. Most students had to
settle for lesser jobs. Students who went on to dumbed-down colleges, became
dumbed-down teachers, and contributed to dumbing-down more students. Most of
those who became parents did not have sufficient education to assist in
their children's education. And the cycles of miseducation went on and on,
ushering-in a replacement society of moral relativism, shallow-thinking and
instant gratification, sorely lacking in real education.

The results are highly disturbing, and the reasons for the failures are
frightening. The education establishment suffers from a seemingly terminal
illness, replete selfish interests and a cancerous agenda. The history,
reputation and education of our society and our country have been revised
and reconstructed in the negative light of shame and guilt, and replaced by
socialist themes and environmental indoctrination. It's simply a crime
against America's founding culture. And that's why skilled foreign workers
are occupying the good jobs, and so many our high school and college
graduates are flipping burgers and working in the low-paying service
industry. Indeed, that's why extreme behavior, gangs and crime flourish.

Surely, it's long past time to privatize education, bring California out of
the academic cellar, and lift our children and future generations into the
education marketplace. Otherwise, the outlook is certainly bleak.

Daily Press
June 27, 2008

2nd Amendment Decision

The Supreme Court decision upholding the 2nd Amendment is both encouraging
and disturbing. It is encouraging because the people do have the individual
right to keep and bear arms, in their homes for self-defense. However, the
opinion should have taken it a step further and included law-abiding
citizens carrying firearms outside of their homes, on their persons and in
their vehicles, particularly in these dangerous times.

It is disturbing because 4 of the 9 justices have the arrogance to question
what the meaning of, "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall
not be infringed," is. Such power is too close to having one more justice
usurp the Constitution, the power of the people and disarm America.

Indeed, there is no provision in our Constitution for the Supreme Court to
amend it. That right is reserved exclusively to 50 states and the over 300
million citizens who inhabit them. How long must we endure the federal
judiciary's manipulation and misinterpretation of the Constitution? Until
it's too late?

San Bernardino Sun
June 20, 2008

In the face of rising natural gas and coal costs to produce electricity, it
is baffling that President Bush's energy plan didn't include the potentially
devastating impact on our cost of living. Increased demand from China and
India have caused the rise in oil prices, and the rise in the prices of coal
and natural gas utilities.

Half of our electricity is produced from coal, and the other half is
produced primarily from natural gas. We have the largest coal reserves,
followed by Russia and China, enough to power America for 200 years, yet
more clean coal power plants are held back. More coal power means more
natural gas available to homes and businesses, and more time to develop
viable alternatives.

Coal-to-liquid fuel technology has been developed and should be used in this
country. South Africa's coal-to-liquid provides 30 percent of the fuels used
in their cars and trucks, and China is building coal-to-liquid fuel plants.

The blame for our energy crisis must be attributed to politicians from both
parties who have pandered to the obstructionist cartel of environmentalists.
Indeed, over the past three decades, they have been responsible for
restrictive laws and unreasonable regulations that have prevented our
ability to become more energy independent.

June 18, 2008

America's Energy Crisis

Regardless of who wins the 2008 presidential election, congressional seats
and state elections, it has been made disdainfully clear that government
will do nothing to save America from economic ruin. Indeed, foolish
ideology, judicial activism, environmental zealotry and self-serving guilt
merchants have buckled our country's political will to become energy

When any society, particularly America's society, is laboring under the
relentless political pressure of dishonest doomsday scenarios, such as
global warming and environmental habitat fear mongering -- which have the
unintended consequences of social and economic collapse -- the inescapable
conclusion is disastrous.

In the wake of economic terrorism and the ever-increasing oil demand from
China and India increasing the price of oil, the solution is obvious. Stop
making expensive ethanol that raises the cost of fuel and food. Lift
economy-busting environmental regulations and restrictions against drilling
for oil off-shore and ANWR, building new refineries and new power plants.
Develop our extensive oil shale resources and fuel from our vast coal
resources. Expand clean coal power plants. Add more nuclear power plants.
And open the doors to innovation and advanced energy technology.

Certainly, if this had been done 10 or 15 years ago, we wouldn't be in this
inexcusable mess. The voters' message should be, Get out of the way!

Daily Press
June 16, 2008

California's water and energy dilemma

When it comes to water and energy, Californians have been deceived and
deluded by extreme environmentalism so many times over 30 or 40 years, that
our state has been locked into what seems to be a costly, inextricable
dilemma of water and energy distress. Indeed, if it were not for the selfish
interests of environmentalists, our water resources would not be in peril,
and our electric energy costs would be less than half of what they are now.

If it were not for environmental propaganda infecting perceptions of the
proposed Pheripheral Canal, which would have bypassed the Sacramento Delta,
voters would have passed Proposition 9 in 1982, and we would not be facing
the 30 percent cutback in supplies from the State Water Project providing
vital water resources to Southern California. Of course, the enviros and an
activist federal judge are responsible for exacerbating California's water
crisis with the ludicrous decision to protect Delta Smelt, a tiny fish that
trumps the health and well being of millions of people who comprise the vast
majority of the state's population. This is, indeed, an unconscionable,
unacceptable and avoidable crisis.

Then, there is the ever-present energy crisis Californian's face, which
could even be worse than the 2001 energy crisis that caused rolling
blackouts and enormous price increases for natural gas and electricity, much
of which remains in place today. Since then, little has changed with only a
few power plants and power lines being built, barely keeping up with growth
and demand. Over-reliance on natural gas for electricity is absurd.
Particularly, when supply and demand are unstable, and prices are so
volatile. Indeed, the need for natural gas should reduced and focused on
residential, commercial and industrial requirements at less cost.

In terms of electric power costs, California's retail rates are the 8th
highest in the country (12.82 cents per kwh), simply because the state's
power plants rely on 48.8 percent natural gas, 14.7 percent nuclear, 1.1
percent petroleum, and 1 percent coal. In contrast, Wyoming's power costs
are the 2nd lowest in the country (5.27 cents per kwh), less than half the
cost of California power, because 94 percent of Wyoming's power plants are
fueled by coal.

The solution is obvious. Coal provides over 50 percent of the nation's
electric energy. The United States has the largest proven recoverable coal
reserves in the world, enough to power the country for 200 years. With all
the advances in clean coal technology, California should steadily build
coal-fired power plants,which could easily be supplied from nearby resources
such as Utah and Wyoming. For Southern California, power plants could be
built and supplied along the railroad corridor through the Mojave Desert,
far from any population centers. California could also take the lead in
coal-to-fuel production, which would significantly lessen our dependence on
imported oil.

Note: China, who ranks third in coal reserves behind the USA and Russia, and
just above India, builds a coal power plant about every three weeks, and
they don't use clean coal technology. China is the top coal producer, but
exports very little. Australia is the top coal exporter. The USA exports
coal, primarily to Canada.

Clearly, it's way past time for people to fight back and take on the cartel
of environmental tyranny. In the over-used and abused vernacular of the
current political climate, it's time for change. State Water Contractors
should appeal the Delta Smelt decision. Meanwhile, the people should pass
ballot measures for a peripheral canal to ensure water supplies, the
construction of coal-fired power plants to provide electric energy at half
the price, and to support coal-to-fuel production until alternative energy
resources are fully developed.

Those who buy-into unreasonable environmental issues and the global warming
hoax, and therefore oppose such solutions and measures, are living in
sublime ignorance. Hopefully, it won't take an economical earthquake to
shake them into reality.

June 10, 2008

Re: Alaska drilling is no quick fix, but it needs to happen

I was pleasantly surprised by USA TODAY'S support of drilling for oil in
ANWR Alaska. Indeed, if President Clinton hadn't vetoed the drilling bill in
1995, the oil would have been  flowing to our refineries 3 or 4 years ago.
We need Alaska oil and much more.

If it were not for unreasonable environmental obstructionists, media-driven
propaganda, a complicit Congress and cowardly presidents, Arctic and
off-shore drilling would have substantially reduced our dependence of
foreign oil over the past 30 years.

Coupled with clean coal, coal-to-fuel, the new petro-algae bio-fuel, more
refineries, natural gas and nuclear power plants, we could be nearly free
from energy dependence within a decade. Surely enough time to advance solar,
wind and tidal power, and to increase energy efficiency to balance it out.

USA TODAY is our only national newspaper. It's good to know there is still
objective wisdom and common sense in some of the news media. We need more of

June 4, 2008

Re: 'Bizarre' process favors Obama - letters section

Democrats are undemocratic

On the surface, the Democrat Party primary elections are democratic because
the delegates are proportional to the amount of votes each candidate
receives. However, when the so-called 'Super Delegates' can manipulate the
overall primary election to override the will of the voters, then it's
blatantly undemocratic. Party elites should not decide elections.

Indeed, the entire two-party system is undemocratic because independent
voters (who comprise over one-third of the registered electorate) are
essentially excluded from the process of choosing major candidates for
office. Democracy in this democratic republic was founded upon majority
rule, not the power of minority rule. Fortunately, the number of voters
rejecting party politics is growing, and independent voters are deciding
more and more elections.

San Diego Union Tribune
May 29, 2008

Former Bush press secretary Scott McClellan's instant bestseller, "What
Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of
Deception," is little more than the latest disgruntled rat seduced by
socialist fame merchants.

Indeed, how simple it is for corrupted vermin to leave a sinking ship of
state when -- backed by media bias -- the political pirate culture of
tyranny dominating Washington and most state houses fires unrelenting
broadsides at Republican leaders and anything conservative.

What's frightening is, that unless voters start thinking independently with
enough doses of common sense to realize just how deeply our education
system, the news media, and government are infected by socialist ideology
and liberal extremes, a sort of "Andromeda Strain" will most certainly
neutralize our liberties, undermine our Constitution and destroy our
wonderful and unique society -- formerly called, the United States of

May 25, 2008

America's Cancer

Over a half-century ago, counterculture revolutionaries formed a socialist
cancer within our society that infected the baby boomer generation and
metastasized throughout America's social, economic, political and
educational body.

For the self-absorbed who haven't noticed, the cancer was manifested by the
gross failures of good intentions by politicians, academics, journalists,
environmentalists and the entertainment industry, along with inept
misleaders like former presidents Johnson, Carter and Clinton.

When Congress and candidates for president ignore deadly world terrorism,
while working to turn our country into an authoritarian, socialist state,
the symptoms are obvious. Indeed, when a California congresswoman threatens
government takeover of our oil industry, and others of that ilk want to
nationalize our entire economy, the outlook is grim.

If a cure isn't found soon, the cancer will most certainly become terminal,
and America as we once knew it will simply wither in pain, and die.

Daily Press
May 16, 2008

America's Crisis - 2008 presidential election

No matter who is elected president in 2008, the leading candidates have made
it disdainfully clear that the United States government will do nothing to
save America from economic ruin. Indeed, foolish congressional ideology,
judicial activism, environmental zealotry and self-serving guilt merchants
have buckled our country's political will to become energy self-sufficient.

When any society, particularly America's society, is laboring under the
relentless political pressure of dishonest doomsday scenarios, such as
global warming and environmental habitat fear mongering -- which have the
unintended consequences of social and economic collapse -- the inescapable
conclusion is disastrous.

Why are the American people doing little or nothing to stop it? Are we too
busy looking after selfish interests, yielding to indoctrination, and
ignoring the the continuous failures of good intentions? For the answer,
look in the mirror, and think about it.... before it's too late.

In the wake of ever-increasing oil demand from China and India increasing
the price of oil, the solution is obvious. Stop making expensive ethanol
that raises the cost of fuel and food. Lift economy-busting environmental
regulations and restrictions against building new power plants, new
refineries and drilling for oil. Develop nuclear energy. Expand cleaner coal
power plants. Develop synthetic fuel from our vast coal resources. And open
the doors to innovation and advanced energy technology. Certainly, if this
had been done 10 or 15 years ago, we wouldn't be in this inexcusable mess.

May 11, 2008

American voters don't get it!

Poll ratings for Congress' performance have been low for decades and
continue to decline, yet American voters continue to elect representatives
to self-corrupting bad government. Voters simply don't get it! Good
government is no more government than we need, yet voters allow it to keep
growing, unabated. Indeed, voters allow government to increase its socialist
bureaucratic stranglehold on our lives and our liberty, while big government
zealots seize more and more control.

It simply doesn't make sense. Even so, the voters are poised to make it much
worse. Particularly, when the only choice for president in the 2008 election
will be either a Republican big government candidate or a Democrat bigger
government candidate. And, Congress will be under greater control of biggest
government senators and representatives. Those out-of-control lawmakers and
regulators who have driven us down the road of social dependency, insecurity
and economic collapse.

The answer is simple common sense. We have the best communications
technology and the capability to establish voting networks connected to
voter's homes, wherein we would require the truth and the capability to
change government. We could get rid of the unconstitutional political party
control of Congress, the courts and the presidency, and elect nonpartisan
professional government managers. Truthfully informed voters would to decide
matters of taxation and public policy so government could be reduced to no
more than we need. Get it? It's time to save ourselves and our posterity.
Let's amend the Constitution and do it!

April 30, 2008

The 2008 presidential election presents the most glaring question. Can we
survive the boomer (ME) generation?

The boomer generation -- those born between 1946 and 1964 -- are largely
responsible for everything that is wrong with America, particularly those
born during the first half of the generation, who formed the counter-culture
of hate and discontent.

Influenced by socialist radicals of the previous generation, the boomer
generation rejected their parents and the so-called establishment. They took
on extremist liberal notions, dropped out of society, launched the drug
culture, took over the education system, declared they would change the
world, and they did. They took over government, grew it, and put western
society on a dead-end road to ruin.

But they weren't done yet. They morphed into the 'me generation' of the
1980's, launched a new era of corporate and personal greed, and became
remarkably worse than the establishment they detested.  Simply put, the
narcissistic generation wanted it all, they wanted it immediately, they got
it, and their insatiable appetite hasn't changed.

Through intentionally crafted indoctrination, the so-called academics turned
public education into an establishment of (there is no truth) moral
relativism, reconstructing history, and false self-esteem -- resulting in
factories of ignorance and warehouses of violence. Sadly, it has become
painfully clear that they turned our constitutionally unique culture of
liberty and wisdom into a superficial and irresponsible society of selfish
interests, instant gratification, social aggression and extremes.

Alas, though they refuse to accept aging, they are beginning to retire, and
the largest generation is poised to break the social, political and economic
backs of their children and grandchildren. Indeed, unless boomers,
uninfected by the counter-culture, and the rest of us are able to collect
enough common sense and self reliance to just say no, along with the
determination to change things for the better, well, then it just might be
the end of us....

April 22, 2008

Re: Shades of green: When eco-friendly events go unfriendly (Life 4-22-08)

Eco-friendly events that go unfriendly by leaving waste on Earth Day could
better be described as hypocritical evidence of the eco-frenzy that has
been laying waste to our economy for many years. Indeed, shades of green are
more often shades of gray painted red by extreme environmentalists and
global warming alarmists.

Reasonable environmental concerns notwithstanding, common sense should tell
us that the escalating cost of nearly everything has been caused by decades
of hysterical environmental restrictions and reactionary regulations. If it
were not for the fraudulent environmental stranglehold on the throat of
America, we would have been well on the way to energy independence.

It has become painfully clear that the only way to break that deadly grip is
to throw off environmental tyranny, lest we become victims of our own
ignorance, not so different from the 30 million people who lost their lives
to malaria because zealots said no to DDT.

April 14, 2008

What is it with former president Jimmy Carter? He brokered the first peace
accord between Egypt and Israel and won the Nobel Peace Prize. Then, among
other blunders, he coddled terrorists who seized our embassy in Iran and
took hostages, gave away the Panama Canal, and left America in economic
shambles when he left office.

Since leaving office, Carter thinks he has license to meddle in U.S. foreign
policy whenever he chooses. In his latest brush with what is tantamount to
treasonous behavior, and against the wishes of the State Department, Carter
embarked on a nine-day tour of the Middle East, which will include a visit
with Hamas terrorist leaders in Syria.

Carter ought to be stripped of his former president title, along with any
and all compensation at taxpayers expense, including costly secret service
protection. America should not subsidize anti-American zealots, particularly
former presidents. Indeed, the Constitution prohibits granting titles of

New York Times
April 9, 2008

I see that former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura is making the rounds,
such as CNN and the Fox News Channel, hawking his new book, "Don't Start the
Revolution Without Me." However, there's an added element to his timely
appearance. It seems that Ventura is trying to pull a Ross Perot stunt to
get on the presidential ballot.

Ventura is certainly correct in saying the two-party system is corrupted and
that third parties don't have a chance against them, but his conspiracy
theories and radical left-wing revelations clearly don't enhance his
credibility as a serious candidate.

Indeed, Jesse Ventura could have accomplished something for democracy when
he promised the voters of Minnesota the right of voter initiatives and
referendums. But alas, after he was elected, he betrayed the voters and said
they should not tell him or Minnesota legislators what to do.

Jesse Ventura's betrayal was not so different from Ross Perot's broken
promises in the 1992 presidential election. Perot couldn't be king of
America, so he handed the election to Bill Clinton to spite President Bush.
Fair warning to would-be Ventura supporters...

Daily Press
April 6, 2008

Re: Former presidents cashing-in -- editorial

Former president Harry Truman was given an income by congressional action
because he was broke and unable to make a living when he left office. Of
course when our government creates a spending program, it never seems to go

Former president Bill Clinton has been cashing in on presidential fame and
he has made millions of dollars since leaving office. Former presidents
should be means tested just like social security recipients and should not
be given a staffed office and a generous income if they don't need it.
Secret service protection is costly enough, especially for Clinton's speech

Clinton, Bush (father and son) and Carter certainly don't need any support
at taxpayers' expense. Jimmy Carter was our worst president, yet he still
can't seem to keep from poking his nose in U.S. foreign policy, where it
doesn't belong. Then again, as with self-aggrandizing former vice president
Al Gore, that's what it takes to win what has become the anti-American Nobel

April 4, 2008

Big Oil editorial 4-2-08

Joining the congressional taxation inquisition against Big Oil makes it
painfully clear that the news media, along with politicians, the
entertainment industry, and the education establishment have lost what was
once common sense to generations of senseless indoctrination. Why else would
the news media leave out the fact that, though oil profit percentages were
up, oil taxes were double those percentages?

Indeed, whether the indoctrination is called liberal, left-wing or
progressive thinking, it is certainly a mind-poisoning mix of bumbling
socialism, institutional ignorance and media-driven chaos that is turning
America into a superficial society of selfish-interests, social aggression
and extremes.

Big Oil and most large corporations are owned by many millions of
middle-income Americans who are invested in retirement programs, savings and
accounts. Why do we shoot ourselves in the money foot with punishing
taxes and regulations, and allow others to raise the cost of living for no
reason other than believing the false propaganda of extreme
environmentalists like Al Gore and his tall tale about the sky falling? It's
the lack of simple common sense.

Reasonable environmentalism and alternative energy resources are good. But
when it escalates into prohibiting us from using our own energy resources of
oil, coal and natural gas, prohibiting refineries and nuclear energy, and
promoting cost of living-busting economic chaos with unreasonable
regulations and unsustainable ethanol production, we are clearly headed down
a dead-end road to economic collapse. Wise up. It is the economy, stupid!

San Diego Union Tribune
March 25, 2008

Re: Clinton and Obama - Lies and video tape

Considering our declining history and the lies, distortions and
embellishments of the  candidates for president, it has become painfully
clear that there is a double standard applied to the people and those who
are elected to represent us. If we lie on our employment applications, we
would not be hired. What is said by those who campaign for public office is
their employment application.

Honorable intentions aside, it has also become painfully clear that too many
of those who are elected to public office, re-elected or seek higher office
are doing so to gain more and more personal power in what has become a
highly partisan self-corrupting two-party political system of ideologues,
which has betrayed the very foundation of our Constitution.

If we don't do something about it, our complacency could very well be our
undoing. The solution is simple. Make all elected offices nonpartisan. Elect
the most qualified professional government managers to represent us and
truthfully inform us. Give them the task of downsizing our laws, regulations
and bloated bureaucracies of inefficient government. And have the voters
decide matters of taxation and public policy.

Los Angeles Times
March 15, 2008

Re: School payroll woes linger

School payroll woes are important to employees, but meaningless in the
public education scheme of things when the future of our society is at

Governor Schwarzenegger's advisory panel's study on education indicating
costly sweeping change is needed simply flies in the face of sweeping budget
cuts in education. However, none of it matters when California's habitual
failure in public education has become a systemic disease that results in
graduating functionally illiterate students.

Tying teacher pay to increase student performance and establishing a
statewide data base to track student performance are good ideas. But it is
painfully clear that throwing more and more funding into the money pit of
miseducation will do little or nothing to alleviate the stranglehold the
education establishment has on school curriculums, wherein low expectations,
grade inflation, teacher cheating, and socialistic indoctrination prevails
over academic core subjects. Indeed, the idea of universal pre-school and
full-day kindergarten classes amounts to nothing more than day care at
public expense.

School vouchers is a lost cause because the bullying selfish interests of
teacher unions undermine those efforts. There is only one way to stop the
robbing of generations of students of their education. Pass a constitutional
amendment to set high standards, privatize all education and allow
competitive market forces to take its course to the best education at a
fraction of the cost of public miseducation. Of course, families who cannot
afford the tuition should be subsidized. The bonus would be a balanced, much
lower state budget.

It's not the parents' fault that they, and their children, and all taxpayers
have been defrauded by decades of cheapened ideology, partisan politics and
dangerous social forces beyond their control. Our society can certainly be
faulted for allowing a wounded system of factories of ignorance, and
warehouses of confusion and irresponsibility to fester and grow. There are,
however, some heroes among us in the form of parents who home school their
children, against all odds. They should be an example to us all, and a call
to get moving with a cure.

March 12, 2008

Re: Spitzer steps down as New York Governor

Taken together, New York Governor Eliot Spitzer's rise and fall, and the
chaos among Democrats in the presidential primary elections, is clear and
convincing evidence of how personal power and the power of political parties
damage freedom and democracy in America.

It's not necessarily the people involved and elected in the two-party
system. Many of them have the most honorable of intentions to serve the
people in their districts, states and the country. Unfortunately, the
political system of government has become self-corrupting wherein our
elected officials choose personal power over public service. The people, the
voters, are simply a means to satisfy their ambitions.

Governor Spitzer, political party leaders and many others -- down the
political ladders to local and state elected officials -- too often
demonstrate unabated abuse of power. That's simply not good for us or
America. It seems that we would do much better electing
well-compensated nonpartisan professional government managers to represent
us, and let the voters decide matters of taxation and important public
policy. Indeed, the results of this presidential election fiasco should make
the idea much more appealing than costly empire-building and government
houses bitterly divided by political aisles...

November 1, 2007

The loss of jobs notwithstanding, a strike by Hollywood writers would be no
great loss to entertainment consumers who have yet to be numbed by the
quality deficiency syndrome.

Indeed, with few exceptions, such a move would have little if any
impact simply because there has been little if any imagination or original
thought contained in the writing, direction and production of television
shows and movies for a very long time.

Certainly, replacing television shows with the staged unreality of reality
programming would do nothing more than to add insult to injury to the
landscape of what continues to erode the intellectual wasteland of the
misentertainment industry.

August 18, 2007

Re: Parents should give school-age kids wings, Plain Talk 8-17-07 (revised)

With all due respect, Al Neuharth's understanding of providing our children
with roots and wings may not be the same as Hodding Carter II's quote,
indeed, certainly not in today's society.

Parents giving their children roots branches out to teaching them honesty,
self-discipline, the meaning of being considerate, responsible and
productive, imparting the wisdom of self-esteem, an understanding of life
and the way to personal happiness.

The irresponsible education establishment's selfish interests have turned
our schools into factories of ignorance, many of which are warehouses of
violence. The public education system has become a monumental, costly
failure of good intentions with decades of experimentation, and social and
political indoctrination at the expense of core education skills necessary
to function in life and the workplace.

It is pointless for children to try their wings when they haven't learned
how to fly. Our responsibility is to provide the best flying instructions
possible.  Without that foundation, they will certainly crash. Home
schooling has a proven record of turning out well-rooted, accomplished
fliers. Alas, home schooling would not be necessary if educators had
responsible wings instead of flapping social and political agendas.


July 20, 2007

The Senate finance committee's approval of a large tobacco tax increase to
fund healthcare for children is simply another tax move against beleaguered
smokers, most of whom are low income people who can least afford it. It's
bad enough that anti-smoking zealots have discriminated against smokers as
social outcasts, holding them up to public hatred, ridicule and humiliation.
But to attack a class of people with punishing taxes to pay for non-smoking
related healthcare and other hot-button programs that have little or nothing
to do with smoking is simply wrong.  President Bush is right by indicating
that he will veto an unfair tax on low-income smokers to pay for
middle-income people's healthcare for children.

June 15, 2007

It's time to means test former presidents (like social security recipients)

Recent reports on Bill and Hillary Clinton's personal financial worth of
between $10 million and $50 million raises serious questions about the
entire idea of taxpayers supporting the retirement of former presidents.
When the decision was made to support former presidents, it was based on
President Harry Truman's meager financial situation after leaving office.
Other than possibly President Reagan, no other president since Truman has
suffered those circumstances.

Secret Service protection notwithstanding, former presidents should be means
tested to determine how much taxpayer support, if any, they should fairly
receive. Bill and Hillary Clinton have aggressively pursued wealth during
and since leaving office, much of it highly suspect in terms of being honest
and appropriate income.

Bill Clinton's $500,000 per year income as a paid consultant for his
political and financial friend, Vinod Gupta, CEO and Chairman of InfoUSA,
known for predatory practices against the elderly, and Clinton receiving $16
million in speaking fees since January 2006 gives rise to the overdue idea
of ending his presidential welfare. Clinton's extensive travel expenses and
related Secret Service costs are also beyond reason. Indeed, Bill Clinton,
Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush's taxpayer retirement income should end.

Daily Press
June 12, 2007

Trust CNN or any major news media" Not likely

CNN advertises that it is the most trusted news network. However, as an
independent voter, I cannot trust the news organization because I am deeply
concerned about its history of liberal political bias, which has worsened
since the onset of the Fox News Channel. Fox News. FNC does have somewhat of
a conservative bent, but it is far more fair and balanced than CNN has ever

During the Clinton administration, CNN supported and defended Bill and
Hillary Clinton to such a degree that it was called the Clinton News
Network, while at the same time, CNN attacked the Republican congress at
every opportunity.

CNN also supported Al Gore and John Kerry against George W. Bush in both
presidential elections, and the network has persecuted the Bush
administration since Bush took office, particularly regarding the war
against terror and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

CNN's most glaring journalistic offenses come in the form of Wolf Blitzer's
Situation Room programs, which arrogantly uses the title of the President's
Situation Room to demagogue a shadow government against the Bush
administration. In addition, CNN's recent Democrat and Republican
presidential primary debates were obviously biased in favor of the

CNN's liberal bias extends beyond political to social, economic and
environmental issues. For example, on June 2, 2007 CNN's Special
Investigation Unit presented the presumptuous program, "We Were Warned: Out
of Gas," as if they were the final authority on the matter, much like Al
Gore announcing that "The debate is over," with his highly questionable
global warming film, "An Inconvenient Truth."

To the contrary, the truth seems to be that CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, the New York
Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times and --with exceptions such
as USA TODAY and the Fox News Channel -- most other major news media are
simply campaign outlets for the Democratic Party and liberal ideology.
Indeed, they cannot be trusted to impartially inform us or tell us the truth
to any reliable degree. The question is, what kind of democracy is that,
particularly in these perilous times?

Los Angeles Times
June 11, 2007

Re: Don't make me watch! by Joe Queenan 6-10-07

Joe Queenan humorously glossed over the credibility of ideological
documentaries, particularly Al Gore's global warming scare film, "An
Inconvenient Truth" and Michael Moore's latest complaint, "Sicko" as
accepted facts and convenient truths. Al Gore is a fear-peddling, one-issue
demagogue and a potential candidate for president on the back of distorted
environmental indoctrination.

Michael Moore is an ideological plow horse of a different color. Ever since
he ran for a school board, made the movie about searching for the CEO of
General Motors, and filling some TV space, Moore has been aggressively
obsessed with aggrandizing himself using hot-button issues.

Being clever and funny is one thing, but Moore turned it into a relentless
crusade against America with his opportunistic films, The Big One,
Fahrenheit 9/11, and now Sicko -- all, of course, staring himself. Moore's
movies are little more than fraudulent exercises in distortion, lies and

Moore has made a mockery of genuine documentaries. He is clearly an
ungrateful and hateful American who doesn't deserve his country's
unquestionable tolerance. Isn't it about time to simply ignore Michael Moore
for what he is? The real sicko in his story.

The problem is, Gore's and Moore's propanda flicks are required viewing in
our education system wrought with social indoctrination, which is not only
troubling, but simply wrong.

June 10, 2007

Re: U.S. gas $4 and rising

Contrary to popular belief, Saudi Arabia and OPEC are not responsible for
America's energy crisis. The vast increase in oil demand from China and
India notwithstanding, Far left environmentalists, judicial activists and
Democrat-dominated government are the obstructionists in this senseless play
for ruinous power.

Indeed, if it were not for the self-righteous delusionists and nature's
la-la-landers preventing the development of domestic energy resources from
protected areas (which few can even visit) for the past two or three
decades, we would not be in this mess with disastrous consequences.

Renewable energy resources simply cannot produce the demand for energy to
sustain us in the foreseeable future. Corn ethanol is an unsustainable and
costly failure. We have one of the world's largest immediate energy resource
in coal, clean coal and coal to fuel technologies. Surely, we must tap our
own oil resources, and build refineries and nuclear power plants without
delay. Failure to do so will inevitably cause our economy to collapse.

Stepping up oil production from Iraq, which has one of the largest oil
reserves, would certainly help re-build and secure Iraq, while at the same
time, help our immediate needs for oil.

June 9, 2007

Re: Immigration bill's technicalities (letters 6-9-07)
"The great economic crisis . . . is the shrinking of the middle class."

Senator Bernie Sanders is correct by saying, "the great economic crisis
facing the United States is the shrinking of the middle class and the loss
of millions of good-paying jobs". However, Sanders' solution to tax
corporations that hire professional workers from abroad to pay for advanced
degrees for American students fails the education test, miserably.

Corporations cannot find enough qualified Americans to fill skilled jobs
because, for decades, the American education system has failed to educate
our students enough to fill those jobs. Thus, the economic crisis facing our
country is not from corporate greed. Rather, it is from years of academic
elitism and failed experimentation on our education system and generations
of vulnerable students.

The American education establishment robs students of their education from
elementary to secondary schools and through college, by focusing on
environmental and social indoctrination instead of core subjects such as
math, reading, writing and science. Indeed, most high school graduates
are functionally illiterate. Senator Sanders should re-direct his efforts.

Los Angeles Times
June 8, 2007

Re: Regarding Paris

The Times is brief and correct by saying "Thanks for nothing" regarding the
Paris Hilton media circus.

Heiress Paris Hilton got an out of jail card because it was probably the
first time she ever experienced being disciplined for her misconduct, and
she threw a tantrum. When the judge nailed her with the full sentence, she
threw another tantrum. Now, to many, she's victim.

It's sad. She has earned nothing and has nothing but what was given to her
name. Her irresponsible parents/mother should be serving the time. And the
judge should be given an 'ataboy' for doing the right thing.

If there was any question that America and American media are
celebrity-obsessed and victim-ridden, the Paris Hilton fiasco removes all

June 7, 2007

Re: Pardon for Libby would send the wrong message

USA TODAY'S call for denying a pardon for Lewis Libby is wrongheaded. It has
become painfully clear that ever since President Bush and Vice-president
Cheney took office, liberal Democrats and the biased news media embarked on
a relentless nit-picking smear crusade to crucify them and the Republican
Party. Indeed, Libby's over-zealous prosecution and conviction was simply
the result of ongoing partisan persecution and vile political vengeance,
nothing more.

What makes Libby's lynching even worse is the fact that so-called
journalists were deeply embroiled in the petty witch-hunt, which was the
result of little more than fame-seeking political assassins, Joe Wilson
and his CIA nobody wife, Valerie Plame aggrandizing themselves along with
other Democrat avengers and media vigilantes.

The White House has a long and sordid history of shameless presidential
pardon abuses that have stained the office. President Bush has endured years
of endless political firestorms with a lot of courage and a little
cowardice. Regardless, President Bush has chance to right a serious
head-hunting wrong at the tip of his pardon pen. He should use it now.

Los Angeles Times
May 30, 2007

Re: Letters: 'Tinkering with the voting system' (Fixing the vote, by David

Arguments for and against the electoral voting system for president have
merit. However, the issue seems to be more than that. By whatever means, the
only national vote we have is the election of our president, such as it is.
Considering the size, scope and political landscape of our country when our
Consitution was enacted, and what it is today, maybe it's time to amend the

For many years, the American people have grown more skeptical and apathetic
about dysfunctional government and the two-party system, wherein candidates
are pre-determined, elected representative are in the political game for
personal power, and voters have lost their voice and choice. That is why
only about 50 percent of eligible voters vote and about 25 percent of voters
decide elections. The only way to change things and get the truth is to do
it ourselves, with common sense and direct representative democracy.

The direct representative democracy solution would be to amend the
Constitution to establish secure voting networks connected to voters homes,
wherein we would elect well-compensated nonpartisan professional
representatives to manage government, and to provide us with the truth.
Communications with our elected representatives and all elections would be
conducted over the voting networks. After being fully informed, the
collective judgment of the voters would decide all matters regarding
taxation and public policy. Existing constitutional rights and protections
would not be affected.

May 29, 2007

How many of us know Hugo Chavez shut down the free press in Venezuela?

Venezuela's president, now socialist dictator, Hugo Chavez shut down a free
television station because it was critical of his administration, replaced
it with his own state-funded television station, and he shut down another
station today. Thousands of Venezuelans demonstrating against Chavez's
actions are being assaulted by Chavez military forces.

Curiously, most of America's news media have had little if anything critical
to say about Chavez's actions, which can only be interpreted as tacit
approval. It's bad enough when U.S. celebrities visit Chavez with praise and
approval, while vehemently criticizing President Bush, but when our news
media lacks the outrage to condemn the crushing of free press anywhere, it's
deeply troubling. Hopefully, the socialist breeze in America doesn't turn
into a cold wind or a perfect storm.

San Diego Union Tribune
May 29, 2007

Pull out of Iraq and into Sudan?

Additional U.S. sanctions against the Sudan for the 'genocide' of 200,000
people in Darfur adds to the ongoing humanitarian action in the forefront of
the public mind, which has been prompted by an awareness campaign by
actor/activist George Clooney to save Darfur. Indeed, if were up to Clooney
and friends to decide, we would invade and depose the Sudanese government to
save Darfur, as we did when saving Kosovo from the Serbs by deposing
Slobodan Milosevic's regime.

Lest we forget, where were the likes of George Clooney, Sean Penn, Tim
Robbins and Susan Sarandon when Saddam Hussein committed genocide against
the Kurds in the North and the Shiites in the South, which amounted to more
than 300,000 deaths by mass murder?

Would the invasion and occupation of Sudan be less costly or any less of a
quagmire than the invasion and occupation of Iraq deposing the Hussein
regime, as it is woefully perceived by the anti-war crowd? Alas, good or
bad, trial and error, aren't we better off with elected policy makers making
decisions rather than politically convenient, self-aggrandizing celebrity
meddlers? Indeed, if left to them, we would pull out of Iraq and into Sudan.
Of course, depending on the results of the 2008 presidential election, that
could happen...

May 28, 2007

Winless political debates

It is troubling to see how ordinary citizens' letters to the editor
regarding global warming, the war on terror, the war in Iraq, the debate
over the Bush administration, and the uncertain economy are merely parroting
propaganda fed to them through political Left and Right pipelines from the
news media, political talk shows, internet sites, and the education

Indeed, it is well documented and understood that most of the heated claims
and accusations come from the far Left, and the mostly defensive responses
come from the far Right. And surely few, if any, personal examples of
people's rights being violated have been put forth by letter writers crying
out as victims. Certainly, there is an even more troubling absence of
independent thinking and original thought from either side, and the middle
ground seems to be lost in the shuffle.

Instead of huffing and puffing at each other with demeaning remarks, or
pontificating about who is politically right or wrong, maybe we should take
a step back, take a deep breath, and evaluate what really seems to be going
on. It is clearly evident that there is an all-out political fight over
which political party will be in power after the 2008 presidential election.
Considering how the American people have been turned against the war in
Iraq, it seems to be working in favor of a Democrat winning the White House
and increasing the Democrat majority in Congress.

However, what might be the down side to blindly seeking political power at
any cost? What lingering questions might jump out and bite us? What will the
'Chicken Little' global warming mentality cost us" What price will we pay
for an abrupt withdrawal from Iraq?" And what will happen to us if an
already large, dysfunctional government grows even larger? Have we forgotten
how we were blind-sided on September 11, 2001, and that it could happen
again, and again?...

As an independent voter, other than paying too much in taxes and losing two
uncles in World War II, I have not suffered personal losses like 9/11
families and military families who lost loved ones in Vietnam, the Gulf War,
Afghanistan or Iraq. But I am a grateful and proud to be an American living
in the best -- though flawed by political hostility, social aggression and
extremes -- society on the planet. Particularly on Memorial Day when we
honor those who served, fought and died to keep us free, and to be ourselves
regardless of our bad behavior. Isn't it time for us to pay it forward and
do better? Be considerate, investigate and vote.

Daily Press
May 27, 2007

Re: Carson was wrong (Op-ed 5-27-07)

Greens turn things brown and perpetuate death

Angela Logomasini's commentary, "Carson was wrong" is on target.
Unfortunately, environmental fear-merchants are not likely to admit they
were wrong about anything, even though what they've done with the
world-wide ban of DDT -- caused by Rachel Carson and her fantasy book,
"Silent Spring" -- continues to allow millions of people to die from
malaria. Indeed, when fanatics rule, even the World Health Organization is
having trouble asking for them for help in the use of DDT to fight malaria
and save African babies.

Adding insult to injury, one of scare tactics used in eliminating the use of
DDT was damage done to the egg shells of fish-eating falcons, hawks and
eagles, which included the American symbol, the bald eagle. Of course,
studies have concluded that DDT was not dangerous in combating malaria or
when used for other pest control, and it was not the cause of eagles losing
eggs. Certainly it would not be dangerous in combating mosquito-carrying
West Nile Virus before it becomes a growth epidemic, our country included.

Question is, when are people going to wise-up to the propaganda,
indoctrination and intimidation of environmental police? Because of them,
most pesticides are banned throughout the United States, which means that we
may someday be an insect-infected nation without trees. Since Chlordane was
banned, ants and termites -- particularly those pesky little Argentina ants
that invade people's yards and homes -- are difficult if not impossible to

Another example is the ban on Lindane, which once prevented borers and bark
beetles from killing trees. The damage can been seen everywhere in forests,
and particularly to trees susceptible to borers, like elms, weeping willows,
cherry trees, Arizona cypress and Lelandi cypress. Plus, even more
devastating bugs are getting into the country every day. Clearly, the Greens
are perpetuating preventable viruses, turning things brown and dead.

Los Angeles Times
May 23, 2007

Leave the whales alone

If fleet of the so-called experts, activists and meddlers simply allowed the
whales that strayed into the Sacramento River to find their own way back out
to sea, they might not be in such sad shape. Instead of letting instinct and
nature take its course, the reactionary busy-bodies have herded and harassed
the poor whales so much that they must be in a constant state of stress and
confusion, which may very well result in their untimely demise.

Animal activists just don't get it. Under guise of their self-righteous
crusade to save the animals, many activists are obsessed with poking,
pestering, rescuing and moving wildlife that would otherwise be undisturbed
wild things living with whatever happens to them in their wild world. If the
animals could talk our language they would probably tell the intruders to
mind their own business and leave them alone.

Los Angeles Times
May 22, 2007

Re: Senate panel to consider bill to set public vote on Iraq

The California Senate is considering a bill to put a measure on the February
5th presidential primary ballot asking voters if they want immediate
withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. The partisan action is undoubtedly
a move against President Bush to ensure the Democratic Party captures the
White House in 2008 and adds to the Democrat majority in Congress. One party
government in California is bad enough. Do we want it for America?

But what else is new? Indeed, relentless negative news reporting and the
propaganda push against America's involvement in Iraq is blatantly obvious.
And it's working, with negative poll results. So, what's the point of a
costly addition to the primary ballot?

Considering how California government has bungled the people's
affairs for so long, maybe it's time to put voter initiatives on the ballot
to alter or reform government as is allowed by Article II, Section 1 of the
California Constitution. Wagging the dog is inept and dangerous. The
truthfully informed collective judgment of the voters is not.

Los Angeles Times
May 21, 2007

Re: Letters: An alternative voting system 5-21-07

Letters to the editor commenting on ranked-choice and instant-runoff
elections, along with other suggestions, support the growing interest in
alternative voting systems and more democracy. Considering how voter apathy
and frustration with politics and government is affecting nearly every
aspect of our lives, maybe it's time to think about a real solution to our

Consider this: Amend the Constitution to establish direct democracy by means
of secure voting networks connected to voters' homes. All elections and
communications with elected representatives would be conducted over the
voting networks. Our elected representatives would be well-compensated
nonpartisan professional government managers. Voters would be truthfully
informed to decide all matters of taxation, major issues and public policy.
No more wagging the dog.

Los Angeles Times
May 20, 2007

Re: Guided by the stars, by Theodore Dalrymple (Opinion 5-20-07)

Misguided by the stars

Theodore Dalrymple's take on the political cult of celebrity is a timely
analysis of a painfully serious matter: Celebrity-obsession and the decline
of independent thinking and original thought.

Young people who develop their social, political and economic opinions from
celebrity phonies such as Jon Stewart and Rosie O'Donnell are getting their
information from vindictive ideologues who parrot left-wing fanatics with a
heavy dose of Hollywood drama. Indeed, Rosie, once billed as the funny
'queen of nice,' has since showed that her true colors as anti-red, white
and blue. As for Jon Stewart, not long ago, I heard him speak bitterly and
hatefully about America to a cloned audience of malcontents. Indeed, there
is nothing humorous about either of them. Instead, like Bill Maher, they are
opportunistic people in the self-aggrandizing business.

And as for celebrities like Bono, Angelina Jolie and Madonna, they haven't
done anything more to help Africa than other insincere entertainers, who
fraudulently build their images to gain political credibility. The only
celebrity who really meant it was Audrey Hepburn. She enlightened the world
about problems in Africa. She worked there until she died because she was
genuine. Something sorely lacking among celebs today.

Los Angeles Times
May 12, 2007

Re: Scrooge of Mother's Day - Erika Schickel
5-12-07 Opinion Page, etc.

On a day when millions of us honor our mothers I was troubled by the Times'
choice of opinion writers on the subject. Indeed, I found Erika Schickel's
commentary demeaning Mother's Day little more than a clever attempt to
promote her book. As a self-proclaimed daughter of a second-wave feminist,
Schickel is merely an example of how damaging radical feminism has been to
relationships, families and children. Anyone who views mothers and children
as inconvenient experiments should hardly be considered an authority on
motherhood, even in a condescending humorous way.

Adding insult to Mother's Day-bashing, the Times published "From Jamestown
to us," written by American-hater history revisionist, Kirkpatrick Sale, who
is one of the militant counterculture's first activists responsible for the
destructive social-political revolution and ruining education. Further
disappointing commentary filled out the page with Times columnist, Meghan
Daum's, "Palm Tuesday, her self-absorbed obsession with her palm tree, and
Tom Spurgeon's comic book trivia, "Matching Marvel's mightiest." Needless to
say, the page was a wash...

Los Angeles Times
May 8, 2007

Re: 6 arrested in plot to attack Fort Dix

The six Islamic militants who were arrested for plotting an attack on our
military and civilian personnel at Fort Dix and other military bases make it
painfully clear that Islamic Jihadists have absolutely no gratitude for what
America did for Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo. We protected them, took them
in as refugees -- housing 4000 refugees from Kosovo at Fort Dix -- and we
are still doing it. Four of these maniacs are from the former
Yugoslavia/Kosovo, one from Jordon, one from Turkey, and most were here
illegally. It's way past time to toughen-up our borders and timid immigrant
policies to protect our security.

Washington Times
May 7, 2007

History of America in two decades

Between the presidential elections of 1988 and the forthcoming 2008
presidential election, America's history may very well have been reduced to
a miserable excuse for what was once a unique democratic republic. Indeed,
if it were not for President Ronald Reagan's legacy, we might have gone down
the social, political and economic tubes long ago.

The most recent example of how deteriorated our system has become was played
out in the first Republican presidential candidate debate held at the Reagan
Library with MSNBC's highly biased Bush-hater, Hardball's Chris Mathews,
intentionally firing stupid questions at the candidates. No one adequately
described how inadequate the debate was until the only qualified candidate
or potential candidate from either party, Newt Gingrich, enlightened us on
CBS News Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer. Gingrich summed-up the
political disgrace by focusing on how the presidency has been diminished by
celebrity journalists making their interviews more about themselves with
their condescending attitude toward candidates for the most powerful office
in the world.

As voters, we would do well in protecting our future by remembering and/or
researching a few points: After Ronald Reagan helped us recover our worth,
our dignity and set us on the the right course, President George H.W. Bush
stopped Saddam Hussein's aggression and should have taken him down and
changed the regime during the Gulf War. President Bill Clinton took the
presidency by fraud and deceit and, with the help of the newly activist news
media, kept it through impeachment during his second term. Clinton disgraced
the presidency, tainted the Congress with self-corrupting attack politics,
and left us wide-open to a rising reign of terrorism. The highly biased news
media attempted to hand the 2000 presidential election to Al Gore with a
premature declaration in Florida, then embarked on the ruthless, relentless
persecution of President George W. Bush through the attack on America, the
wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the 2004 and 2006 elections, and to this day.

This isn't about right and wrong or Republicans and Democrats anymore. It's
about our survival in a needlessly hurried society going nowhere. We simply
cannot survive in a self-absorbed superficial society of moral relativism,
corrosive bad taste and politically correct sacred cows, which has been
degraded by instant gratification, selfish interests, fraudulent ideologues,
the personal power of politics, hateful social propaganda, media-driven fear
mongering, self-corrupting-over-regulating government, and a failed
education system.

However, contrary to what the propaganda media would have us believe, the
news isn't all bad. France just elected a friend of the United States as
their president to help them out of their severe social, political and
economic problems. Their voters rejected what would have been their first
woman president simply because she was a socialist who would have
perpetuated and worsened their dilemma, and they did it with an 85 percent
voter turnout. We can do the same, to keep from falling into that chasm, by
electing Newt Gingrich as our president, and letting our elected
representatives know there's a new sheriff in town. The voters. For the
solution, look in the mirror.

May 7, 2007

Re: Crowded fields trim candidates' time in debates

The most recent example of how deteriorated our system has become was played
out in the first Republican presidential candidate debate held at the Reagan
Library with MSNBC's highly biased Bush-hater, Hardball's Chris Mathews,
intentionally firing stupid questions at the candidates. No one adequately
described how inadequate the debate was until the only qualified candidate
or potential candidate from either party, Newt Gingrich, enlightened us on
CBS News Face the Nation with Bob Schieffer. Gingrich summed-up the
political disgrace by focusing on how the presidency has been diminished by
celebrity journalists making their interviews more about themselves with
their condescending attitude toward candidates for the most powerful office
in the world.

Los Angeles Times
May 6, 2007

Re: LAPD image again takes a beating (California section 5-6-07)
Re: Initial outrage at LAPD not enough (Tim Rutten Regarding Media, Calendar

Whether it was LAPD's response to the 1992 riot, or LAPD's response to
rioters during the immigrant demonstration, they are damned if they don't
and damned if they do. The L.A. Times assault on LAPD is simply
judgmentalism gone wild. Tim Rutten's condescending, reactionary prose was
too much, and the image beating article assumed too much.

The incident between LAPD, demonstrators and the media is a matter of right
and wrong. LAPD did nothing wrong. Thousands of illegal immigrants did. They
should not be allowed to conduct organized demonstrations on American soil.
Nor should illegal immigrant children be granted citizenship when they are
born here, and that was the parents' intention when illegally entering the
United States.

Los Angeles Times
May 2, 2007

Re: Between Tenet's Lines - Jonah Goldberg 5-1-07
Re: Letters: Goldberg's losing battle (all negative)

Regardless of the scathing letters, not all readers believe Jonah Goldberg
is losing the battle. I agree with his analysis.

What is it that drives political figures, disguised as fall guy
whistle-blowers with finger pointing excuses, to write books displaying
their intelligence shortcomings? Could it be what might be called the
partisan political suicide syndrome? Or is it that they are fine with
themselves when they are fulfilling their ambitions, but when they feel used
or slighted, they pile-on against perceived evil-doers in the name of
serving the American people.

Former CIA director George Tenet's book -- At the Center of the Storm, and
his appearance on 60 Minutes -- follows former national security
counter-terrorism chief, Richard Clarke's Bush-bashing lead -- with his
book, Against All Enemies, and 60 Minutes appearance -- which makes Tenet
little more than the latest self-serving political rat to dwell among
vindictive former presidential administration malcontents and disgruntled
federal employees.

From a discerning citizen's perspective, it is becoming painfully clear
that, regardless of how it may affect our national security and our future,
there's a glaringly reckless method to the self-promoting madness of
political bottom-feeders and media assassins bent on party regime change at
any cost -- up to and including impeachment revenge, before the 2008
elections. How sad -- irresponsible, reprehensible and contemptible -- is

Los Angeles Times
April 28, 2007

Re: A case of wartime déjà vu (Tim Rutten - Regarding Media)

The tragic death of David Halberstam notwithstanding, it comes as no
surprise that Tim Rutten lauds his anti-war guru, and Halberstam's quagmire
linking of the Vietnam War with the war in Iraq. Indeed that is what
media-driven anti-American counter-culturists did to undermine the war and
accomplish their cultural revolution then, and that is what they and their
student minions are doing now. It's all about controlling the public's mind
with ruthless propaganda.

It doesn't seem to matter that the effort in Vietnam was to stop Communist
aggression, and that the sudden withdrawal cost millions of lives. Nor does
it seem to matter now that a premature withdrawal from Iraq would cost
untold more lives in Iraq and the Middle East. The frightening difference
and conclusion is, we are faced with fanatic Islamic terrorists who have
already attacked us, and who are determined to destroy America, directly...

April 23, 2007

It's time for common sense and direct democracy.

Nothing could be a more vivid example of inept government than our
elected representatives throwing selfish interest political rocks at each
other in this unique time of war, amid growing terrorism and high risk
national security. The struggle for power in the United States has turned
our democratic republic into a costly over-regulated wasteland of petty
politics in a dangerous landscape of politically correct mine fields.

Indeed, our government is on the road to becoming as venal and oppressive as
the government from which we separated. America is better than election-time
lies. This voter, for one, demands change. More democracy and less
government. The truth, before it's too late. We can't get it from the
two-party system. We can't get it from pandering politicians, biased
activists, the education establishment, polemic websites, blogs or the news
media. The only way to change things and get the truth is to do it
ourselves, with common sense and direct democracy.

The direct democracy solution would be to amend the Constitution to
establish secure voting networks connected to voters homes, wherein we would
elect well-compensated nonpartisan professional representatives to manage no
more government than we need, and to provide us with the truth.
Communications with our elected representatives and all elections would be
conducted over the voting networks. After being fully informed, the
collective judgment of the voters would decide all matters regarding
taxation, public policy and constitutional amendments. Existing
constitutional rights and protections would not be affected.

April 22, 2007

Earth Day Redacted

On Earth Day 2001, John Stossel exposed the intensity of the
environmental indoctrination scaring elementary school children on ABC's
20/20. Now, California has implemented the imbedding of environmentalism in
all core education textbooks and instruction including, math, science,
English and history.

On Earth Day 2007, longtime Clinton pal, singer Sheryl Crow
announced on television that, "The debate is over." Coupled with chief
global warming alarmist, Al Gore's intense film, "An Inconvenient Truth,"
The environmentalist propagandists have redacted their proclamation as the
final indoctrination movement. A movement which, for many years, has been
deeply imbedded throughout society beginning with elementary school students
and ending with relentless doses of illusions painted by social, economic,
political, scientific, academic and news media hysterians.

The extremists' conclusion that the debate is over comes as no surprise.
Comply or be vanquished by the (KGB) Greens, government included. The latest
evidence of local eco-tyranny is being played-out with lawsuits by the
Sierra Club, the Center for Biological Diversity, the Audubon Society, and
California Attorney General Jerry Brown against San Bernardino County for
failing to evaluate and disclose impending impacts of the County's general
plan on climate change. It doesn't seem to matter that San Bernardino County
is the largest county comprised of about 90 percent, mostly uninhabited,

Mass hysteria is dangerous, costly and destructive. The inconvenient truth
is that there has been no real debate. The extremists simply decide,
government and the courts go along with it and enforce it. The frightening
part is that they have conveniently left out what the cost is to us. The
cost of living. The cost of everything, which has been steadily increasing
with green power. One thing is for certain. If it goes on unchecked, global
warming insanity will fry our freedom, our income and our security.

April 18, 2007

Virginia Tech wake-up call

The tragedy at Virginia Tech is making it painfully clear that the mentally
ill young man responsible for the mass murder shootings was simply unable to
adapt to any social or academic environment. Indeed, he slipped through the
cracks in systems which might have averted the terrible incident or at least
limited the taking of lives to his own.

Of course, the first reaction was from the anti-gun crowd who refuse to
consider the reality of the fact that guns don't kill people, people kill
people. And who, along with the rest of the politically correct police, want
to disarm good people and leave them defenseless against bad people with

Our deepest concern ought to be about what contributes to social decay and
the rise in dangerous behavior. If allowed to go unchecked, the tyrannies of
the far left will certainly complete the devolution of our culture into an
unsustainable reckless, superficial, reactionary and narcissistic society of
selfish interests and extremes.

America is steeped in uncertainty. For decades, our freedoms and security
have been assaulted by selfish interests and battered by the failures of
good intentions. We have been relentlessly subjected to political terrorism,
social aggression, legal anarchy and media-driven chaos. Our education
systems have become factories of ignorance and warehouses of violence
infected by socialist indoctrination.

Those who doubt the seriousness of what is happening ought to consider what
America might be like under a far left regime consisting of people like Bill
Maher as president, Al Franken as vice-president, Rosie O'Donnell as
secretary of state, George Soros as the treasury secretary, Michael Moore as
secretary of defense, Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz and the New Black
Panthers as the joint chiefs of the military, Dr. Ruth Westheimer as the
surgeon General, Al Sharpton as attorney general, Barbra Streisand as
secretary of labor, Jane Fonda as director of homeland security, Ed Begley
Jr. as secretary of energy, Al Gore as chairman of the EPA, Sean Penn as
UN ambassador and Ward Churchhill as secretary of education.

Or, if there were to be a liberal American monarchy, Queen Hillary, Prince
Bill, Prime Minister Nancy Pelosi, and House of Lords, Sir Harry Reid.

To: Daily Press
April 12, 2007

Re: Shawn Fairman's letter about Don Imus

Shawn Fairman's letter, "If Imus is racist, he's not alone" is on the mark.
Don Imus should have known the bitter consequences of feeling too secure and
comfortable when he blurted-out racial and sexual remarks that opened him up
to hypocritical racial intimidation, brought his long career to an abrupt
end, and handed exploiters and opportunists like Al Sharpton and Jesse
Jackson the ammunition for shakedowns. In addition, a glaring reminder of
unconscionable racist behavior in the Duke lacrosse rape case is finally
being played-out in this all-too-familiar destructive game.

After North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper announced that Duke
lacrosse players Reade Seligmann, Dave Evans and Collin Finnerty were
innocent and that the remaining charges against them were being dismissed,
defense attorney Joseph Cheshire rightly said the news media had unjustly
pilloried the falsely accused players, and he reminded the reactionary
journalists of his warning about that at the onset of the incident.

Indeed, the entire ugly matter of blind injustice was the result of ruthless
racism, a politically-motivated malicious prosecution, and the reckless
rush-to-judgment feeding frenzy of the shark-infested news media.
If real justice were to be served, the accuser and D.A. Mike Nifong would be
prosecuted and get the same sentence the accused would have gotten if
convicted. Instead, justice was ignored, the accuser escaped with impunity,
and Nifong's liabilities are yet to be determined.

The lesson to us all should result in the condemnation of biased news media,
malicious racial leaders who poison people's minds, and the political and
criminal injustice of it all. We should be skeptical about what we read,
see and hear, and we should practice verification, common sense and
independent thinking. The sad state of our union is infected with an
over-abundance of bad information, hate and discontent. Clearly, our society
is in dire need of a cure.

To: Los Angeles Times
April 6, 2007

Re: Rosa Brooks, "Someone has to manage Iraq," etc.

Taken together, Rosa Brooks' commentary, the "Valuable lessons" appeasement
editorial, and the negative cartoon about John McCain's positive remarks
during his visit to Iraq speak volumes about reckless political intentions
to undermine the Bush administration's efforts in Iraq at any cost. Indeed,
Brooks' selective Constitution excerpts to support congressional control of
military operations, and the drive to take the White House in 2008, so the
global Jihad against America and the West can be ignored.

Appeasing Iran's provocative catch-and-release piracy feeds their propaganda
machine and gets the terrorist state exactly what they want: Keeping allied
forces and the UN at bay, while dealing another blow to democracy in Iraq,
and buying time to advance their nuclear weapons program.

Iran's fanatic ambition to rule the Middle East is obviously emboldened by
high-ranking Democrats, like Speaker Nancy Pelosi's warming visit to Syria
(Iran's puppet terrorist state), undermining the Constitution's separation
of powers, playing shallow-minded politics with the war in Iraq, and banning
the use of the term, "Global War on Terror." If Democrats rule Washington,
Iran and al-Qaeda will take over Iraq and other oil-producing nations,
Israel will be forced into nuclear war, and America will be faced with
attacks of mass destruction and economic collapse.

March 28, 2007

Power-grabbing political hostility wins - we lose

Dangerous demagoguery is alive and kicking in America. Indeed, if it were
not for constant criticism and relentless negative reporting about the war
in Iraq -- along with hostile political nit-picking against President
Bush -- by ambitious liberal Democrats and the complicit left-wing bias of
the news media, our terrorist enemies would not have been so emboldened, and
many lives of American soldiers and Iraqi citizens would not have been lost.

When the intensity of partisan political power-grabbing reaches the extremes
of reckless behavior and dangerous ambivalence toward the loss of life, the
fanatical long-term Islamic Jihad, and the ever-rising risk of terrorist
acts against our country -- for no other reason than to take over the
Presidency and increase party power in Congress -- our our future is in
grave, unimaginable trouble.

Our greatest dangers are being expanded by a volatile mix of intolerant
Islamic extremists, our own pernicious politicians, and social-political
extremists who are unwittingly racing down a treacherous road of aiding and
abetting the enemy, which inevitably leads to treason.

However, there is a reason for the treason, which accounts for all the
negative polling and perception of general discontent about President Bush
and the war in Iraq. The real dangerous demagogues are socialist
propaganda merchants deeply entrenched in our society by means of the
Democratic Party, which is responsible for the indoctrination of our
students by the education establishment, the propaganda reporting of the
dominant news media, and the political vitriol of narcissistic celebrities
in the so-called entertainment industry. The Party is indeed, blatantly

Surely there will be a reckoning after the 2008 presidential elections,
particularly, if vindictive Hillary Clinton is elected and the Democratic
Party increases its control of Congress. Only in America, could our future
hang in the balance, facing a mercilessly tenacious enemy, while we are
politically unarmed. Clearly, we must cure our cancerous infections before
they metastasize and become terminal. Nonpartisan government, privatized
education, massive doses of truth, and real democracy would be a good start.

To: Los Angeles Times
March 27, 2007

Re: "L.A.'s Democratic party machine" editorial 3-27-07

It's encouraging to see that the Times recognizes how undemocratic a
dominant political party in Los Angeles can be. Indeed, the same could be
said about the Democratic party machine in Sacramento, which points to what
Washington might look like after the 2008 presidential elections.

Partisan factions gaining too much power is exactly what the Founders
feared. Yet somehow, we have a dominant two-party system that could easily
be reduced to one party power. Similar to socialist or Communist Party

Clearly, our democratic republic is supposed to have only one supreme power,
and that is supposed to rest with the people. When did we lose it? And why
don't we take it back with truth, more democracy, and nonpartisan
government. Certainly, in this era of terror and uncertainty, before it's
too late. Our future may very well depend on it.

To: Daily Press
March 24, 2007
Note: I sent the same letter to the Los Angeles Times, the San Francisco
Chronicle and other California newspapers, none of which covered the major
change in education.

Re: Teaching goes green

Education Disgrace

The Daily Press should be questioning what is really going on in
California's educational establishment and the Environmental Protection
Agency. California's environmentalists have managed to insert their ideology
into our childrens' core education curriculum by means of two assembly bills
passed in 2003 and 2005, to take effect by January 2007. The development and
implementation of these laws, called the Education and Environmental
Initiative, is ongoing.

Assemblyman Pavley's AB 1548 and 1721 (Environmental Education) requires
that "...education principles for the environment shall be incorporated...
in criteria developed for textbook adoption in Science, Mathematics,
English/Language Arts, and History/Social Sciences..." The new laws, titled
the Education and Environment Initiative, make environmental education an
integral part of California's academic content standards.

Indeed, the California Education and the Environmental Initiative Home Page
website proudly announced that, "California is currently poised to lead the
nation in environmental literacy. This effort is termed EEI. The California
Environmental Protection Agency and the California Integrated Waste
Management Board are actively engaged in the implementation of the EEI
pursuant to AB 1548 and AB 1721. These landmark laws mandate the development
of a Unified Education Strategy to bring education about the environment
into California's primary and secondary schools..."

The costs for this insanity are going to be enormous in taxes, and more
importantly, in the well being and futures of our children. It's bad enough
that California's schools are performing so poorly in core education, with
no real reform being sought by the inept education establishment. Yet they
welcome environmental indoctrination into the core curriculum with vigorous
enthusiasm. Worse, even before these ideological mandates, our children were
recklessly taught to fear what people are doing to the environment, global
warming, etc. Now, they are needlessly living with fear and anxiety, which
will be substantially increased and probably permanent, when the fear of
highly questionable environmentalism is learned throughout their core

Being taught by parents and teachers to be kind to animals and the
environment has always been a good thing. However, the madness of radical
ideological indoctrination of distortions, lies and deceit is simply

To: Los Angeles Times
March 23, 2007

Re: Times' opinion chief quits

I am troubled by the loss of Editorial Page Editor, Andres Martinez and the
Current section. Some time ago I cancelled my subscription to the Times
because the paper was so blantantly biased. When Mr. Martinez took over the
Editorial Page and created the Current section, he also created more balance
and objectivity in those pages -- something sorely lacking in news

Because of Mr. Martinez and his smart opinion page, I recently subscribed to
the Times again. However, since learning of his departure, and that people
in the newsroom wanted him out, I am having second thoughts about continuing
my subscription.

The Times seems to have an identity problem. Indeed, the publisher has the
newspaper working backward. Slanted news reporting -- replete with the
political left approach to what is reported and why -- was in conflict with
the opinion page, where opinion belongs, not from the newsroom.

Frustrated and confused? That's what I'm feeling now, along with a deep lack
of confidence in what I'm reading, which is preaching a social and political
ideology, and printing the opinions of only those who agree with it.

To: Los Angeles Times
March 15, 2007

Re: No quick, cheap fix for state's schools, March 15, 2007 - B4

The state of public education in California is unconscionable. Indeed,
little or no progress has been made in the quality of education in our
entire country since the scathing 1983 report, "A Nation at Risk." Yet,
California continues to wallow in the cellar, ignoring calls for real
reform, while students continue to be robbed of their education at
relentlessly higher costs to taxpayers. Still, the latest study says it will
take $1.5 trillion per year, 25 times current extortion costs, to make it

Lack of funding is not the problem. The education establishment is the
problem. Fundamental education has been replaced by social and political
ideologies, which have nothing to do with the necessary skills students must
have function in society. Therefore, most students who graduate from high
school are functionally illiterate. That, along with demands for more money
is simply criminal.

In order to communicate properly and hold a job, our children must be
proficient in reading, writing and math. They should also be educated in
basic science, geography, history and government. And they should be
schooled in good behavior and relationships, and law and order. Replacing
social and political indoctrination with functional education is what our
students need, and they could have it without pouring more money into the
black hole of the education establishment.

We simply cannot tolerate an inept educational system consisting of
factories of ignorance and warehouses of violence. Now is the time for all
concerned voters to come to the aid of our children. We must privatize
education to get quality education at half the cost. Their future and ours
depend on it.