WHO DO YOU TRUST? Start Here... Indicate the level of trust that you might have in the following, as either (H) high, (M) medium, (L) low, or (N) none: News media(H) (M) (L) (N) Political parties (H) (M) (L)(N) Elected officials (H) (M) (L) (N) Government (H) (M) (L) (N) Election process (H) (M) (L) (N) Voters (H) (M) (L) (N) Imagine the Constitution was amended establishing nonpartisan direct democracy with secure voting networks as described in the proposed amendment on this site. With that in mind, indicate the level of trust that you might have in the following, as either: (H) high, (M) medium, (L) low, or (N) none: Collective judgement of fellow voters (H) (M) (L)(N) Elected officials (H) (M) (L)(N) Government (H) (M) (L)(N) Election process (H) (M) (L)(N) Voting networks (H) (M) (L)(N) News media (H) (M) (L)(N) Would you participate in direct democracyNO YES Undecided Do you believe direct education could improve education in America?NO YES Undecided Thank you once again for participating in our Survey
Imagine the Constitution was amended establishing nonpartisan direct democracy with secure voting networks as described in the proposed amendment on this site. With that in mind, indicate the level of trust that you might have in the following, as either: (H) high, (M) medium, (L) low, or (N) none:
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