A prime example of what is wrong with Congress

Boston Globe
August 30, 2009

Re: Don't change rules mid-game
By Rep. Bradley Jones
August 30, 2009

Democracy in Massachusetts?

Bradley Jones is correct by calling the attempt to change the law in the
middle of the game, which is no game, but a serious double standard breach
of democracy.

Why is there a rush to change the law in Massachusetts so that the Democrat
governor can appoint a Democrat Senator to replace Ted Kennedy rather than
to follow the law and allow the voters to elect a Senator in January 2010?
The answer is purely political power in order to maintain the Democrat super
majority of 60 in the U.S. Senate so they can ram through their costly
agenda before January, and to give the appointee the elective edge. And that
is purely undemocratic, un-American and unconstitutional -- disenfranchising
the voters at the request of Senator Kennedy prior to his death.


Los Angeles Times
August 30, 2009

Constitution prohibits granting titles of nobility

Lest we forget, other than supporting President Bush's No Child Left Behind
education reform, Ted Kennedy's legacy consists primarily of being a
career-long advocate for special entitlement programs, including immigration
and children's health insurance. He was also an opponent of the Gulf War,
viciously attacked the confirmation of Judge Bork and every conservative
nomination to the Supreme Court. More than anything, he worked tirelessly
for universal health care.

Unfortunately, supported by celebrity-obsessed biased media, the Obama
administration and the Democrat Congress will undoubtedly immortalize
Kennedy to pass their health care dreams, which would become a socialized
medicine nightmare for the American people. Memorializing a partisan
politician to such an extent is simply un-American and no place for the
fraudulent nobility elite. Indeed the Constitution prohibits titles of
nobility, so why do former presidents, senators and others still carry the
titles, when they were supposed to have been public servants?

The tragic death by cancer of any human being notwithstanding, Sen. Ted
Kennedy was little more than a member of the most corrupt political family
of privilege in America's history. The long-term senator's legacy is a prime
example of how too many of our elected officials stand for representing
themselves in gaining personal power and self-aggrandizement far more than
representing the people. Of course the reason is, our failed two-party
political system continues to be as self-corrupting as ever. President Obama
and his White House cabal are taking full advantage of that...


Washinton Post
August 30, 2009

President Robert Byrd - A scary thought

President Obama and the Democrat Congress will undoubtedly rename the health
care bill for Senator Kennedy, who was so arrogant as to add health care to
the Bill of Rights as a right, not a privilege. As if national health care,
national green energy legislation, nationalized corporations and sneaky gun
control are not disturbing enough, imagine this: If, God forbid, something
were to happen to the president, vice president and the speaker of the House
at the same time, the 91-year-old president-pro-tem of the Senate, Robert
Byrd would become president of the United States. A scary thought in these
trying times.


Boston Globe
August 29, 2009
No time to immortalize Kennedy

The tragic death by cancer of any human being notwithstanding, Sen. Ted
Kennedy was little more than a member of the most corrupt political family
of privilege in America's history. The long-term senator's legacy is a prime
example of how too many of our elected officials stand for representing
themselves in gaining personal power and self-aggrandizement far more than
representing the people.

Unfortunately, supported by celebrity-obsessed biased media, the Obama
administration and the Democrat Congress will undoubtedly immortalize
Kennedy and his years of promoting national health care to pass their health
care dreams, which would surely become a socialized medicine nightmare for
the American people.

Indeed, the likes of FDR, LBJ, Ted Kennedy and now Barack Obama are the
insipid symbols of political philanthropy with other people's money --
beleaguered taxpayers.


San Francisco Chronicle
August 28, 2009

Sen. Kennedy is not eligible for Arlington burial

According to Arlington National Cemetery burial rules, only those in the
military who served on active duty, not training, are eligible for ground
burial at Arlington. Honor guard service and vacationing in Europe is hardly
considered active duty. Ted Kennedy's military service was questionable,
minimal, and privileged as follows...

Kennedy enlisted in the United States Army in June 1951. Following basic
training at Fort Dix, he requested assignment to Fort Holabird for Army
Intelligence training, but was dropped after a few weeks without
explanation. He went to Camp Gordon for training in the Military Police
Corps. In June 1952, he was assigned to the honor guard at SHAPE
headquarters in Paris. His father's political connections ensured he
was not deployed to the ongoing Korean War. While stationed in Europe
he travelled extensively on weekends and climbed the Matterhorn. He was
discharged in March 1953 as a private first class.