Riverside Press Enterprise
September 13, 2016

State should butt out of cigarette taxes

It was bad enough that Rob Reiner’s punishing 50 cents per pack tobacco tax proposition passed, and has been used for everything but tobacco-related health problems.

Now, smokers are expected to believe that Proposition 56’s tyrannical $2.00 per pack tax will be used for public health, when in fact it will be just another cash cow for the state. Inflicted upon those who can least afford the tax.

Worse, the legalization of marijuana proposition will surely be passed and become another cash cow for the state, even though it is a gateway to hard drugs. Indeed, it doesn’t matter that the black market for cigarettes and crime will escalate because of both propositions.

Alas, traveling down the liberal road to punishing use of a legal product, while recklessly approving use of an illegal drug for taxes is unconscionable and amounts to little more than voter-assisted social, political and economic suicide….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
September 4, 2016

Wrecking crew against America

President Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, and Governor Brown are the primary wrecking crew against America, as follows:

President Obama has damaged the freedoms of Americans with the reckless, unconstitutional actions against our economy, our energy resources, our national security and our domestic security with executive orders and edicts, wars against coal and oil, finance, healthcare, the police – diminishing our border security, military defenses, allowing the proliferation of ISIS terrorism – releasing criminals to prey on the people, and imposing punishing regulations and taxes.

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton participated in the proliferation of ISIS terrorism, and used and abused her office for the Clinton Foundation and personal gain. As a candidate for president, she intends to assign the economy to her former president husband, Bill Clinton, who is directly responsible for the 2008 economic collapse, by forcing banks and mortgage lenders to give unaffordable home loans to unqualified buyers in mass.

California Governor Jerry Brown is a major player in the wrecking crew against California and America with economy-busting, punishing taxation, regulations, bullet train and water tunnel bond scams, $billions in the miseducation of students, high energy costs, releasing criminals to prey on Californians, lack of border security, support of sanctuary cities, and threats to our national and domestic security.

Indeed, the unconscionable Democrat Party and the liberal press covers for the un-American trio and all who support continued attacks against the people. Attention voters: wise up and don’t commit voter-assisted suicide by electing or re-electing more of the same poison to our freedom and liberty.

Alas, that they’re doing is tantamount to treason….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Times
May 30, 2016

Culture warriors can save U.S.

As President Obama’s corrosive legacy continues to bulldoze the best interests of the American people, we are painfully reminded of just how insidious overwhelming government can be. It is not so different from the tyrannical government that inspired the American Revolution.

Indeed, Mr. Obama’s arrogant monarchial reign and reckless, narcissistic pursuit of a legacy has been bent on increasing government attacks on our social, political and economic freedoms with unconstitutional executive orders, taxes and regulations. Worse, Mr. Obama has been undermining our economic security with his “climate change” hoax and its wars on oil, coal and natural gas in favor of costly and unreliable solar and wind. This constitutes an overall attack on our economy and cost of living.

Even worse, President Obama has divided our nation, conducted a wars on the police and our domestic security, and critically compromised our national defense, military strength and readiness. His expanding romance with Communist nations – Russia, China, Cuba and Viet Nam -- is surpassed only by his record of allowing the unbridled growth of the Taliban, al-Qaeda, ISIS, and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Our only hope after President Obama’s 8-year war on America, is to reject the continued socialism of Clinton/Sanders and elect conservatives to government. Otherwise we will be committing voter-assisted social, political and economic suicide.

Unfortunately, most of my state of California has long been in the forefront of socialism, with overbearing government attacking the people and business with punishing taxes and regulations, and allowing crime to flourish. Fortunately, there is an island of hope in most of San Bernardino and our Victor Valley high desert community. Here have solid conservatives both in office and running for office, which is comforting in a world fraught with fear and evil.

Hopefully, there are enough culture warriors remaining our country to overcome our enemies. This November, vote Trump and vote Republican.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

VV Daily Press
February 14, 2016

Other people’s money

President Obama is on the tax tyranny against self-reliance express again by proposing an oil tax of $10 per barrel that will increase gasoline, diesel and heating oil prices in his climate change hoax carbon attacks on energy, which will drive up the cost of living.

Indeed, that doesn’t matter to seizing other people’s money liberals, California Governor Brown included. Worse, if either socialist Senator Bernie Sanders or the corrupt Hillary Clinton should be elected president, the road to ruin would continue unabated.

What we need from the 2016 presidential elections is a strong conservative president and Congress to rescue our superficial society of social aggression, political vitriol, selfish interests and extremes from the grip of decades of inept, overbearing government and liberal indoctrination.

It’s a dire matter of America’s survival.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
February 12, 2016

Obama’s tax tyranny

Re: “Obama sends Congress record $4.1 trillion 2017 federal budget” (Feb. 9):

President Obama is on the tax tyranny against self-reliance express again by proposing an oil tax of $10 per barrel that will increase gasoline, diesel and heating oil prices in his climate change hoax carbon attacks on energy, which will drive up the cost of living.

Indeed, that doesn’t matter to seizing other people’s money liberals, California Governor Brown included. Worse, if either socialist Senator Bernie Sanders or the corrupt Hillary Clinton should be elected president, the road to ruin would continue unabated.

What we need from the 2016 presidential elections is a strong conservative president and Congress to rescue our superficial society of social aggression, political vitriol, selfish interests and extremes from the grip of decades of inept, overbearing government and liberal indoctrination.

It’s a dire matter of America’s survival.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
December 16, 1025

Need for a different kind of climate change

Dwarfing his costly Obamacare failure, President Obama spearheaded his legacy-seeking U.N. conference on climate change in Paris, resulting in a worldwide agreement to avert the worst effects of global warming by shifting economies to cleaner energy sources.

Sadly, the economy-busting climate change deception simply adds to the dangerously corrosive, decades-long social, political and economic climate change in America caused by liberal government, the miseducation establishment and media.

Alas, what America really needs is a reverse climate change -- of good and against evil -- with the strength of determined leadership and limited government. It’s a matter of our survival.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

(Original letter)

Deadly climate change deception

Dwarfing his costly Obamacare failure, President Obama spearheaded his legacy-seeking UN conference in Paris on Climate Change resulting in a worldwide agreement to avert the worst effects of global warming by shifting economies to cleaner energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

However, beginning with Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth global warming deception backed by climate alarmist scientists, the campaign against greenhouse gases went into overdrive, exacerbated by reckless legislative actions highlighted in California by conference attendee, former Gov. Schwarzenegger’s punishing AB 32 carbon taxes.

Indeed, Ca. Gov. Brown gave a speech at the Paris conference, followed by a scene outside the center, singing along with Barry McGuire’s 1965 song, “We’re on the eve of destruction” as his legacy-seeking anthem to take drastic actions justifying his radical political moves by slashing oil consumption and sounding false alarms against drought, disasters and terrorism. And, of course, L.A. Mayor Garcetti attended the conference and jumped on the environmentalist bandwagon.

Sadly, the delirious economy-busting climate change deception simply adds to the dangerously corrosive decades-long social, political and economic climate change in America caused by liberal government, the miseducation establishment and media bent on social, political and economic suicide.

Clearly evidenced by tyrannical laws and taxes, indoctrination of students robbing them of a real education --the Clinton-government-caused 2008 housing and financial meltdown -- President Obama’s feckless foreign policy and border enforcement resulting the proliferation of terrorism, illegal alien criminals, gangs and drugs -- and the collapse of our national and domestic security.

Alas, what America really needs is a reverse climate change to good against evil with the strength of determined leadership and limited government. It’s a matter of our survival….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
September 9, 2015

Stop punishing smokers

It’s bad enough that California smokers have endured decades of regulations, being demonized as social outcasts at the hands of liberal political elites, the media and Hollywood – and subjected to punishing taxes such as Rob Reiner’s deceitful Prop. 10, which were used for everything but tobacco-related healthcare.

Indeed, at a time when marijuana is on the verge of being legalized, the evil Democrat empire in Sacramento is planning a $2.00 per pack tax which would greatly expand the tyranny against smokers as the California cash cows for government incompetence and waste.

The problem is, the taxes will punish the poor who are smokers more than anyone – alas, the very people Democrats claim they want to help. Surely, California crashing and burning is on track to do just that, exacerbated by forest fire air pollution attacking everyone’s health.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Los Angeles Times
September 8, 2015

Another cigarette tax hike: Haven’t California smokers paid enough?

It’s bad enough that California smokers have endured decades of regulations, being demonized as social outcasts at the hands of liberal political elites, the media and Hollywood – and subjected to punishing taxes such as Proposition 10 in 1998, which did not fund healthcare.

Indeed, at a time when marijuana is on the verge of being legalized, Democrats are planning a $2-per-pack tax that would expand the tyranny against smokers as well as being a cash cow for government incompetence and waste.

The problem is, the taxes will punish the poor who, are smokers more than others – alas, the very people Democrats claim they want to help. Surely, California is on track to crash and burn, exacerbated by forest fire air pollution attacking everyone’s health.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
August 20, 2015

Time to turn our government around

Re: “Can California cut gasoline usage in half in 15 years? Probably not” (Aug. 12)

California government punishing the populace

Look what’s happening to Californians: The California political elite in Sacramento and elsewhere are leading activists, and indoctrinated voters to punishing businesses and the populace with insane laws, which will surely result in a self-imposed collapse of our economy, our security and our society.

Highlighted by the costly miseducation of our students, strangling our energy resources, electricity, transportation, personal and business income with onerous regulations -- deceitful voter-approved Propositions, including a stupid bullet train – Californians are literally under siege by a destructive ideology.

Alas, taken together, Assembly Bill 32 cap and trade, Proposition 30, extreme taxation and now Senate Bill 350 cutting gas use by 50 percent, coupled with AB 109 and Prop. 47 criminal releases and sanctuary cities, and opening prison and jail gates, releasing criminals to prey on the people in the middle of an unjust war against the police, our first line of defense, is bad government that needs to be replaced by limited government and real democracy….

Indeed, at a time when California’s authoritarian government is trying to eliminate voters’ constitutional rights to initiative, referendum and recall, it’s time to turn government around.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
July 24, 2015

Governor’s sky is falling

In a blind pursuit of his “sky is falling” legacy, Governor Brown has assumed the role of the leader of environmental zealot movement by increasing the negative economic impact of AB-32’s carbon tax. However, that wasn’t enough. The governor is now riding the moonbeam of SB-350 legislation that will impose even more abuse of power by requiring half of the state’s electricity be generated from costly, unreliable renewable resources by 2030.

Indeed, with Governor Brown’s climate change goals, it doesn’t matter that there will be an enormous impact on the economy and cost of living. No, there’s more to SB-350, which requires a 50 percent cut in the consumption of gasoline, to be administered by the governor’s appointed, California Air Resources Board. Worse, there is nothing in SB-350 to prevent gasoline rationing.

Alas, it’s bad enough that California already has the highest gasoline prices and gas tax in the by 1 dollar per gallon over the national average. And that California will not allow the construction of new oil refineries, or adding new oil and natural gas resources. Or that California’s Green additive blend of gasoline is not only costly, but damaging to vehicle engines. Now, Mr. Brown’s hit team wants to stick oil companies with an oil extraction tax.

Clearly, the sky’s the limit for Californian’s cost of living.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
July 24, 2015

Gov. Brown’s ambitious climate change goals

Re: “Climate change battle to get harder” (July 19)

In a blind pursuit of his “sky is falling” legacy, Governor Brown has assumed the role of the leader of environmental zealot movement by increasing the negative economic impact of Assembly Bill 2’s carbon tax.

However, that wasn’t enough. The governor is now riding the moonbeam of Senate Bill 350 legislation that will impose even more abuse of power by requiring half of the state’s electricity be generated from costly, unreliable renewable resources by 2030.

Indeed, with Gov. Brown’s climate change goals, it doesn’t matter that there will be an enormous impact on the economy and cost of living. No, there’s more to SB 350, which requires a 50 percent cut in the consumption of gasoline, to be administered by the governor’s appointed, California Air Resources Board. Worse, there is nothing in SB-350 to prevent gasoline rationing.

It’s bad enough that California already has the highest gasoline prices and gas tax in the by 1 dollar per gallon over the national average. And that California will not allow the construction of new oil refineries, or adding new oil and natural gas resources. Or that California’s green additive blend of gasoline is not only costly, but damaging to vehicle engines. Now, Mr. Brown’s hit team wants to stick oil companies with an oil extraction tax.

Clearly, the sky’s the limit for Californian’s cost of living.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
April 10, 2015

Internet service tax

President Obama’s abuse of power continues unabated as he directs his EPA to enforce global warming edicts and his FCC Net Neutrality communications control, so it comes as no surprise that the FCC is gearing up to tax Internet services.

Indeed, California is the leader in punishing carbon taxation, gas taxes, online shopping taxes, public utility taxes and every conceivable form of taxation – which has obviously influenced the president, and will be welcomed by California government tax tyrants.

Surely, it has become painfully clear that unless voters turn things around, liberal Democrat regulation and tax tyranny will increase its heavy-handed, economy-busting rule over people’s lives, and crush our future and the futures of our children. Enough is enough has already been surpassed.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
March 17, 2015

Gov. Brown’s toy bullet train land fraud

Blinded by his pursuit of a high speed rail legacy, Governor Brown made an easy sell to naïve indoctrinated voters to take on escalating $billions in taxpayer bond debt for nothing more than buying Mr. Brown his toy bullet train from Northern to Southern California regardless of the enormous consequences.

Indeed, in the face of understandable resistance from Central Valley farmers who stand to lose and be cut-off from much needed farm lands, Brown’s land grabbers are going full speed ahead with eminent domain fraud, not to mention the disruptive acquisitions to complete the needless train route.

Clearly, the California betrayal is deeply rooted with confiscatory taxation and regulations thrust upon businesses and the people by socialist government and environmentalistas responsible for cutting water to the California Water Project built and maintained by Central Valley farmers and Southern California property owners, exacerbated by the drought.

Coupled with making California an open-border sanctuary state, and opening prison gates to allow alien criminals to prey upon our citizens, Governor Brown, his elected administration and Democrats in the legislature should be recalled and given their permanent walking papers to run anywhere but California.

Enough is enough and beyond unconscionable.

Attention: Senators Boxer and Feinstein, California congressional democrats, and California AG Kamala Harris. You have also betrayed California.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
March 16, 2015

California gas prices

California gas prices are up $1 in a month for unnecessary reasons: The Torrance refinery is shut down from damages and other refineries in the state are down to create the costly summer blend. Problem is, the state has refused to allow more refineries to be built. Indeed, with onerous restrictions against developing plentiful state oil and gas resources, our gas prices will continue to be the highest in the nation.

Worse, extreme California environmentalism is responsible for punishing AB-32 carbon taxes that not only raise the cost of gas, but raise the overall cost of living in the state. Coupled with environmentalist-caused high water prices and Central/Southern California water shortages, not from drought, and the insanity of big government over-regulation and taxes, California is sadly crashing in slow-motion.

Adding insult to injury, California being a sanctuary state for illegal aliens simply exacerbates the costs by $billions, along with the problems of domestic and national security.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
March 11, 2015

Why California gas prices are so high

California gas prices are up $1 in a month for unnecessary reasons: The Torrance refinery is shut down from damages and other refineries in the state are down to create the costly summer blend.

The problem is, the state has refused to allow more refineries to be built. Indeed, with onerous restrictions against developing plentiful state oil and gas resources, our gas prices will continue to be the highest in the nation.

Worse, extreme California environmentalism is responsible for punishing AB 32 carbon taxes that not only raise the cost of gas, but raise the overall cost of living in the state. Coupled with environmentalist-caused high water prices and Central/Southern California water shortages, not from drought, and the insanity of big government over-regulation and taxes, California is sadly crashing in slow-motion.

Adding insult to injury, California being a sanctuary state for illegal aliens simply exacerbates the costs by $billions, along with the problems of domestic and national security.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
March 10, 2015

Hillary’s bid for president

Editorial cartoonist, Lisa Benson – as usual -- hit the mark with her political sign, “Running from Hillary 2016.

Surely, Hillary Clinton, the former First lady (co-president), senator and secretary of state has made it painfully clear that she is unquestionably entitled to inherit absolute power in Washington, D.C.

Unfortunately, the first black president, Barack Obama, was an impulsive, costly mistake by the press and voters. Indeed, President Obama is establishing a painful legacy of unrelenting abuse of power.

Will America make a worse mistake with the first woman president? Hillary Clinton has a long record of political corruption and abuse of power, as evidenced by her sullied performance as first lady, U.S. senator, and Secretary of State – which carelessly resulted in the terrorist murders of our ambassador and three other Americans stationed in Benghazi, Libya.

Alas, the only alternative from the Democratic Party side appears to be extreme leftist, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., which would be worse. Warren, along with Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Obama, represent Evil Revenuers and Regulators – the ERR -- demons who defame the name of the Democratic Party.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

(Original letter)

First woman president

Editorial cartoonist, Lisa Benson – as usual -- hit the mark with her political sign, “Running from Hillary 2016.

Surely, former First lady (co-president), Senator and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has made it painfully clear that she is unquestionably entitled to inherit absolute power in Washington. Unfortunately, the first black president, Barack Obama, was an impulsive, costly mistake by the press and voters. Indeed, President Obama is establishing a painful legacy of unrelenting abuse of power.

Question is, will America make a worse mistake with the first woman president? Hopefully, the answer is a resounding, NO! Hillary Clinton has a long record of political corruption and abuse of power, as evidenced by her sullied performance as first lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State – which carelessly resulted in the terrorist murders of our Ambassador at Benghazi, Libya and three other Americans.

And the Hillary corruption chronicles continue as presidential candidate, unabated. Alas, the only alternative from the Democrat Party side appears to be extreme leftist, Senator Elizabeth Warren, which would be worse because she, along with Senator Bernie Sanders and President Obama, represent ERR, Evil Revenuers and Regulators -- demons who defame the name of the Democrat Party.

Clearly, the first woman president should be an honest, strong and productive woman of integrity such as Republicans, Carly Fiorina or Meg Whitman who genuinely represent the freedoms of our democratic republic.

Riverside Press Enterprise
January 22, 2015

Obama’s State of the Union fails to deliver

President Obama’s state of the union speech was little more than preaching to the choir of Democrats, lecturing Republicans, taking credit for the improved economy and insisting on more regulation, taxing and spending. The truth is, the economy has improved not because of Mr. Obama, but in spite of him.

Alas, the president’s sorry state of the union and his legacy is replete with government growth, enormous debt, economic stagnation and diminishing national security.

Hopefully, the economy won’t collapse and America will not be rife with terrorism during President Obama’s last two years in office.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

January 22, 2015
Opinion – Your Say
State of the Union
(Lead letter with headline)

Is the economy better because of Obama or despite him?

President Obama’s state of the union speech was little more than preaching to the choir of Democrats and lecturing Republicans. Obama took credit for the improved economy and backed more regulation, taxing and spending (“Obama pushes plans to hoist middle class,” News, Wednesday),

The truth is, the economy has improved not because of Obama, but in despite him. Alas, the president’s sorry speech and his legacy are replete with government growth, enormous debt, economic stagnation and diminishing national security.

Hopefully, the economy won’t collapse and America will not be rife with terrorism during President Obama’s last two years in office.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Bernardino Sun
July 4, 2013

Democrat-voter-and-fed-assisted economic suicide

California's AB-32 cap-and-tax revenues - which are supposed to fund green energy programs -- will be diverted by Gov. Brown and the Democrat Legislature to increase Welfare and Medicaid funding by $500 million this year, and the diversions will increase to between $ 2 billion and $15 billion by 2015.

It doesn't seem to matter that the Democrat legislature's recently passed $96.3 billion state budget does nothing to address California's enormous debt. Or that embracing the fraud of Obamacare will raise insurance rates for all Californians, increase the cost of living and decrease employment.

Adding insult to injury, and new federal mandates for increased ethanol in gasoline will raise gas prices, destroy auto and diesel engines, and increase air pollution with insidious toxins. Plus, the increase of corn-ethanol will raise food prices significantly.

Sadly, with Democrat-voter-and-fed-assisted economic suicide in the works, California will surely go into a long political tailspin, nose-dive and crash.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Diego Union-Tribune
March 22, 2013

President Obama and the IRS scandal

Tea Party lawyer Dan Becker was correct in saying, "When you make is burdensome to speak, people don't speak. When you make it burdensome to associate, people don't associate." What the IRS has done is a blatant constitutional violation of First Amendment freedoms of speech and association -- and the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition government for redress of grievances.

It's becoming painfully clear that President Obama's fingerprints are all over the IRS tyrannies against the Tea Party, conservative groups and individuals. Indeed, the president's demonization of the Tea Party and conservative groups set the tone for his IRS and captains of political intimidation to target and silence them.

[In early 2010, President Obama gave marching orders for Democrat activists to attack Tea Party and conservative groups, and for congressional Democrats to pressure the IRS to target them. Of course, the SEIU attacked Tea Party members and Democrat Senators, Chuck Schumer, Al Franken and others complied by pushing the IRS to take action.] (edited out)

Lest they forget, the Tea Party started as a spontaneous response to the government overreach and cost of Obamacareless, and objections to government spending and debt. As First Amendment as you can get.

Daniel B. Jeffs

(Original letter)

Tea Party lawyer Dan Becker was correct in saying, "When you make is burdensome to speak, people don't speak. When you make it burdensome to associate, people don't associate." What the IRS has done is a blatant constitutional violation of First Amendment freedoms of speech and association -- and the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition government for redress of grievances.

It's becoming painfully clear that President Obama's fingerprints are all over the IRS tyrannies against the Tea Party, conservative groups and individuals. Indeed, the president's demonization of the Tea Party and conservative groups set the tone for his IRS and captains of political intimidation to target and silence them.

In early 2010, President Obama gave marching orders for Democrat activists to attack Tea Party and conservative groups, and for congressional Democrats to pressure the IRS to target them. Of course, the SEIU attacked Tea Party members and Democrat Senators, Chuck Schumer, Al Franken and others complied by pushing the IRS to take action.

President Obama's IRS hatchet man, acting Commissioner, Steve Miller contemptuously testified before a congressional House Committee, side-stepping questions and confirming nothing but feigned ignorance and Sarah Hall Ingram's position as executive in charge of the tax-exempt division, which in 2010 began targeting the Tea Party, conservative groups, evangelical and pro-Israel groups.

Unfortunately, Ingram -- who received unconscionable bonuses for her dirty work -- was recently promoted to serve as director of the IRS Obamacare program office, which will exert tax and penalty tyrannies forcing compliance with Mr. Obama's ideological crown jewel, which will further damage or reverse economic recovery.

Lest they forget, the Tea Party started as a spontaneous response to the government overreach and cost of Obamacareless, and objections to government spending and debt. As First Amendment as you can get.

San Diego Union-Tribune
January 4, 2013

President Obama's "fiscal cliff" is nothing compared to what's ahead

By the time President Obama completes his government-class warfare against the foundations of America, even the indoctrinated will come to the inescapable conclusion that big government means the loss of freedoms. Indeed, when he said he was going to fundamentally transform America, he meant it.

Surely, it is becoming painfully clear that government's power to legislate, borrow, tax and regulate under liberal/progressive rule went to extremes over the last century. And, under the perpetual campaign of Barack Obama's presidency, it is being accelerated, as evidenced by the increasing power of government to destroy the economy, foreign policy, national security, the freedoms of our unique society and the spirit of America.

Certainly, it is bad enough that the people are unduly influenced by the dominant elite of the liberal media, entertainment industry, the education establishment, and the enormous government class. But when it wreaks the havoc of war against free enterprise and private property causing the housing and financial bubble and burst, exacerbated the money bubble being created by the Federal Reserve central bank, the last shoe will drop.

Which means we will be broken by government-inflicted regulation, taxation, debt, explosive inflation and interest rates.

Daniel B. Jeffs

The Washington Times
January 3, 2013

Not a happy new year

Considering the furry of spending and finance-suppression laws by congressional Democrats and President Obama during the first two-years of his presidency, plus the rush of executive edicts, regulations, enormous deficits, mounting debt and the "fiscal cliff," something became painfully clear: This was not a very merry Christmas. Alas, more taxes, regulations, spending and a deeper second recession are coming, which means it certainly won't be a happy new year for years to come ("Obama's hidden tax-heist," Dec. 24).

Indeed, not since President Lyndon B. Johnson's war on poverty and the "Great Society" illusion that created the dependency class have a president and Democratic Congress done so much damage to America, our prosperity, our freedoms, and our future.

Also worth mentioning: The relentless push of Presidents Carter and Clinton for 'affordable' housing, which caused the housing and financial crash of 2008, and Mr. Obama's foreign policy and national security failures.

Apple Valley, Calif.

San Diego Union-Tribune/North County Times
January 1, 2013

Fiscal cliff built by Democrats

Being backed-up to the edge of the 2013 fiscal cliff is the direct result of media-driven, miseducation establishment, Hollywood-style demonizing Democrats, the abuse of power and battered Republicans.

Lest we forget, it was the Democrats who put time limits on the Bush tax cuts, which should have been permanent when they were first passed, benefiting the middle class, job creators and the economy.

That is, until now since the tax cuts are expiring on top of President Obama's 4-year economy-crushing race to recklessly expand government empire building, regulations, taxation, spending and insurmountable debt.

And lest we forget, it was administration Democrats Carter, Clinton, Cuomo, Reno, and the congressional likes of Frank and Dodd pushing unaffordable housing, who caused the housing crash and financial meltdown.

Of course, government's race to insolvency is still being led by pernicious California Democrats on the backs of over-regulated and over-taxed-payers, still an insidious work in progressive/regressive socialism.

Alas, if we are to survive, the American people must somehow come to their senses, and break the grip of government, to be truly free and prosper.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Carlsbad, CA

Washington Post
December 28, 2012

'Fiscal Cliff' is Democrats' abyss

The middle class, small business owners, corporations, and all taxpayers ought to know that Democrats -- including the news media, academic establishment, and entertainment industry elite -- have an inherent ideological drive for government empire-building, tyrannical regulations, and raising punishing taxes and debt to redistribute wealth, to pay for extensive entitlement programs, public education indoctrination, extreme environmental pursuits and undue foreign relations.

Indeed, if it were not for Democrats' aversion to tax cuts and reasonable taxation -- even though it has proven to increase jobs, prosperity and revenue -- there would have been no expiration dates for the Bush tax cuts and we would not be facing the so-called 'fiscal cliff.'

Surely, the Democrat creed for this government-caused fiscal crisis will hold fast to the creation of their health care, finance, taxing and debt abyss -- to be blamed on Republicans -- when it is their decades of demonizing the opposition and crass elitist irresponsibility at the root of it.

And certainly, there is no better way in that shallow-mindedness to accomplish their insidious goal of one-party union-style socialist rule, than to keep tax and spending reform at bay, cause the debt and taxes to rise at Republican expense, and drive us into a deeper and longer second recession.

Voters ought to know when they are betrayed. Unfortunately, most are intentionally misinformed and they don't. Hopefully, more independent voters, fiscal pain and the 2014 elections will bring about the needed change. "Forward" simply doesn't cut it when it's backward.

Los Angeles Times
December 26, 2012

Not so merry Christmas and unhappy new year: The tax man cometh

Considering President Obama's and the Democrat Congress' fury of unstimulus spending, health careless and finance suppression laws in the first two-years of the president's first term -- plus the rush of executive edicts, regulations, enormous deficits, mounting debt and the 'fiscal cliff' -- something has become painfully clear for Mr. Obama's second term:

This has not been a very merry Christmas. And alas, the tax, regulation, spending and deeper second recession man cometh, which means it certainly won't be a happy new year for years to come.

Indeed, considering the fact that not since President Lyndon B. Johnson's war on poverty and "Great Society" illusion -- that set the government growth, tax, spend and dependency class was set in motion -- has a president and Democrat Congress done so much present and future damage to America, our prosperity, our freedoms, and our future.

Not to mention Presidents Carter and Clinton's inescapable push for unaffordable housing that caused the housing and financial crash of 2008, and President Obama's foreign policy and national security failures.

San Diego Union-Tribune
December 7, 2012

President Obama's presidency is the final liberal straw

Liberal-progressive presidents are responsible for the rise in government growth, contrary to the dictates of the Constitution. Indeed, government growth and abuse of power began with the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt, continued with Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, then Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both of whom are directly responsible for the housing crash and financial meltdown.

Then comes President Barack Obama with a liberal-progressive vengeance in his first term with a Democrat Congress that threw fiscal borrowing and spending restraint to the wind with a wasted trillion dollar stimulus bill, and yearly trillion dollar deficits that sent the national debt soaring from $10 to over $16 trillion -- stemmed only by spontaneous Tea Party voter revolt resulting in Republican control of the House of Representatives.

But not before President Obama and his Democrats rammed through the enormous, costly and needless "Unaffordable Healthcareless Act," and the Dodd-Frank financial disaster laws -- as if their culpability in the housing crash wasn't enough. Then, of course, Mr. Obama' monarchial edicts are elevated with over 6000 more regulations and continuing his war against affordable energy and energy independence.

Surely, the "fiscal cliff" is meaningless to President Obama and Democrats, who extended the Bush tax cuts rather than making them permanent and intend to raise taxes beyond merely letting the tax cuts expire January 2013, which, coupled with the coming costs of "Obamacare" will decimate businesses, jobs and the middle class.

Alas, America has already been deceived, betrayed and pushed off the "fiscal cliff" -- hard landing dead ahead.

Daniel B. Jeffs

The Washington Examiner
December 5, 2012

America has already fallen off the 'fiscal cliff'

The "fiscal cliff" is meaningless to President Obama and Democrats, who extended the Bush tax cuts rather than making them permanent. They intend to raise taxes beyond merely letting the tax cuts expire January 2013.

President Obama is following and long line of liberal-progressive presidents responsible for the rise in government growth, contrary to the dictates of the Constitution. In his first term with a Democrat Congress, he threw fiscal restraint to the wind via a wasted trillion dollar stimulus and yearly deficits that sent the national debt soaring from $10 to over $16 trillion.

The spending was only stemmed by a spontaneous Tea Party voter revolt resulting in Republican control of the House of Representatives in 2010, but not before the Democrats rammed through Obamacare and the Dodd-Frank financial disaster laws -- as if their culpability in the housing crash wasn't enough.

Obama' monarchial edicts were elevated with over 6000 more regulations and continuing his war against affordable energy and energy independence. Coupled with the coming costs of Obamacare, this will decimate businesses, jobs and the middle class.

Alas, America has already been deceived, betrayed and pushed off the "fiscal cliff" -- and there's hard landing dead ahead.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

New York Post
December 4, 2012

Spreading the wealth -- and choking U.S. growth

Surely, the fiscal cliff is meaningless to Obama and the Democrats. They extended the Bush tax cuts, rather than making them permanent, and then went on a $6 trillion borrowing, spending and regulation spree with impunity.

They intend to raise taxes beyond merely letting the tax cuts expire on Jan. 1, which coupled with the coming costs of ObamaCare, will decimate businesses, jobs and the middle class.

America has already been deceived, betrayed and pushed off the fiscal cliff. A hard landing and deeper recession are dead ahead.

Daniel Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Apple Valley Review - Daily Press
December 4, 2012

President Obama's presidency is the final liberal straw

Liberal-progressive presidents are responsible for the rise in government growth, contrary to the dictates of the Constitution. Indeed, government growth and abuse of power began with the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt, continued with Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, then Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both of whom are directly responsible for the housing crash and financial meltdown.

Then comes President Barack Obama with a liberal-progressive vengeance in his first term with a Democrat Congress that threw fiscal borrowing and spending restraint to the wind with a wasted trillion dollar stimulus bill, and yearly trillion dollar deficits that sent the national debt soaring from $10 to over $16 trillion -- stemmed only by spontaneous Tea Party voter revolt resulting in Republican control of the House of Representatives.

But not before President Obama and his Democrats rammed through the enormous, costly and needless "Unaffordable Healthcareless Act," and the Dodd-Frank financial disaster laws -- as if their culpability in the housing crash wasn't enough. Then, of course, Mr. Obama's monarchial edicts are elevated with over 6000 more regulations and continuing his war against affordable energy and energy independence.

Surely, the "fiscal cliff" is meaningless to President Obama and Democrats -- who extended the Bush tax cuts rather than making them permanent -- and intend to raise taxes beyond merely letting the tax cuts expire January 2013 -- which coupled with the coming costs of "Obamacare" will decimate businesses, jobs and the middle class. Alas, America has already been deceived, betrayed and pushed off the "fiscal cliff" -- hard landing dead ahead.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Riverside Press Enterprise
October 24, 2012

Reject Props. 30, 38

It's too late to pay now and demand reforms later -- vote no on Propositions 30 and 38.

Governor Brown's Proposition 30 and Molly Munger's Proposition 38 want voters to approve tax increases for the miseducation monopoly. It's bad enough that California is graduating functionally illiterate students. But to ask economically beleaguered voters to pay more for failing education to feed selfish teacher unions adds insult to injury.

California teacher salaries, benefits and retirement costs are among the highest in the country. It's not a matter of too little money. It's the failure of the education. money pit.

Alas, the liberal Democrat monopoly in the executive and legislature has a stranglehold on business, taxpayers and schools, the grip of which can be broken only by ballot initiatives to reduce regulations and taxes, to outlaw teacher unions and other public employee unions, to repeal Prop. 98's grip on half of the budget, and to privatize public education.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

(Original letter)

It's too late to pay now and demand reforms later -- vote no on Propositions 30 and 38

Governor Brown's Proposition 30 and Molly Munger's Proposition 38 want voters to approve tax increases for the miseducation monopoly. Surely, it's bad enough that California is already the third highest in taxes -- behind New York and New Jersey -- and ranks 47th and 48th of 50 states in math and reading skills, graduating students who are functionally illiterate.

But to ask economically beleaguered voters to pay more for failing education to feed the selfish interests of teacher unions is adding insult to injury. Particularly, when the salaries, benefits and retirement costs are among the highest in the country. Indeed, it's not a matter of not enough money heaped on miseducation. It's the nonfeasance, misfeasance and malfeasance of the miseducator money pit.

Alas, the liberal Democrat monopoly in the executive and legislature have a stranglehold on business, taxpayers and schools, the grip of which can only be broken by ballot initiatives to significantly reduce regulations and taxes, to outlaw teacher unions and other public employee unions, to repeal Proposition 98's grip on half of the budget, and to privatize public education.

Lastly, we need to pass ballot initiatives to reduce the over-reaching powers of the state -- with a population of 12 percent of country and 33 percent of the welfare recipients -- that support and educate illegal aliens and the undeserving at taxpayer expense, and usurp the powers of local government.

California Constitution Article II, Section 1 gives voters the power of initiative, referendum and recall to wit: "All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for their protection, security and benefit, and they have the right to alter or reform it when the public good may require." Indeed, with California crashing, the public good certainly requires it.

The Daily Press
August 5, 2012

Note: My letter was one of 9 letters published in response a request from the opinion editor's request for readers' definition of 'fair taxation' in 50 words or less.

Defining 'fair' taxation

My definition of "fair" taxation would be the establishment of a fair flat tax wherein taxpayers pay the same tax rate -- or the proposed "Fair Tax" which is a consumption tax on all purchases, excluding food. The more you consume the more you pay, and there would be no IRS.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Newsmax Magazine
June 2012 issue
May 23, 2012

Taxing President

President Obama's attempt to enforce his "Buffett Rule" by raising taxes on those earning over a million dollars was merely part of his re-election campaign, even though such taxation would be mostly levied against job creators ("Prepare for Massive Tax Increases," May).

Coupled with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts on the first of next year, the president's crusade will continue if he's re-elected, regardless of the negative impact on business, jobs, the people, and the economy.

The Republican House should pass a separate bill making the Bush tax cuts permanent. Voters need to know who beyond the president, in the House and Senate, would raise their taxes in these dire economic times.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

The Sacramento Bee
May 20, 2012

Brown's tax measure extortion

Governor Brown's $8.5 billion sales and income tax measure, backed by the extortion of $trigger cuts in education K-College if rejected by voters, is an exercise in futility to the money-pit of public miseducation. Indeed, when voters passed Proposition 98 constitutionalizing the lion's share of the California budget for education, they guaranteed mediocre to failing education, robbing students of their education and future - exacerbated by the cost of education for illegal aliens, and strangulation by the teacher's union.

Worse, even if the governor's so-called millionaire's tax passes, it will do little to resolve the $16 billion and growing deficit, and debt to education, but it will go long way to further decimate small business and the middle class, who are absolutely vital to any healthy economy. Coupled with the overwhelming tyranny of California taxes, rules, regulations, cap-and-tax AB-32, and our predatory legal system, California is crashing, and there's not much anyone but voters can do to prevent it.

Alas, it's a shame what the selfish interests of social, political and economic engineering and government malfeasance has done to our jewel of America and its population. Our only hope to survive and prosper is by voter-initiatives to drastically change and reform government pursuant to California Constitution Article II, Section 1.

Time Magazine
April 16, 2012

Re: Inside the presidents' club

Time Magazine's "Inside the presidents club" 8-page story on living past presidents is hardly the stuff of encouragement to beleaguered taxpayers in this lingering recession. Indeed, according to the FY2008 GSA Allowances for Former Presidents, we supported them to the tune of Jimmy Carter: $518,000, G.H.W. Bush: $786.000, Bill Clinton: $1,162.000, and G.W. Bush costs -- plus benefits, with annual increases and undisclosed Secret Service protection costs for life-- all for either four or eight years of work in office. When this all started, Harry Truman needed it. No one before or since has.

The New York Post
April 14, 2012

Bam's Buffett rule blather

President Obama's continued attempt to enforce his 'Buffett Rule' by raising taxes on those earning over a million dollars is merely part of his re-election campaign, even though such taxation would be mostly levied against job creators.

Coupled with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, Obama's tax crusade will continue if he's re-elected, regardless of the negative impact on business, jobs, the people and the economy.

It's doubtful that the Senate would pass Obama's tax proposals prior to the elections. However, the Republican House should pass a separate bill making the Bush tax cuts permanent.

Voters need to know who would raise their taxes in these dire economic times.

D. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

April 10, 2012

The tax man cometh: President Obama

President Obama's continued attempt to enforce his 'Buffett Rule' by raising taxes on those earning over a million dollars is merely part of his re-election campaign, even though such taxation would be mostly levied against job creators.

Indeed, coupled with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts the first of next year, the president's tax crusade will continue if he's re-elected, regardless of the negative impact on business, jobs, the people and the economy.

It's doubtful that the Senate would pass President Obama's tax proposals prior to the elections. However, the Republican House should pass a separate bill making the Bush tax cuts permanent. Voters need to know who -- beyond the president -- in the House and Senate would raise their taxes in these dire economic times.

Americans for Tax Reform

Los Angeles Times
Opinion L.A.
December 21, 2010

Re: And the rich get richer
By Tim Rutten

Tim Rutten's hackneyed social justice notion that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is simply absurd and irrelevant, particularly in these dire economic times. Indeed, in case he missed it, we have serious problems in government in America, such as the growing damages of over-reaching government.

Though the Tea Party-effect has taken a positive hold-back on increasing taxes, a bloated budget-as-usual, and implementing fiscally terminal Obamacare -- the looming Fannie and Freddie fiasco is still alive and threatening the overall economy.

Indeed, the years of irresponsible multi-billion dollar band aids for deeply-infected Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, banks and mortgage lenders have had little to no effect on the housing nightmare -- and government has yet to own-up to causing the housing and economic collapse.

Instead, the usual government suspects continue to ignore the Fannie and Freddie disease, while affordable housing entitlement activists go about the dirty business of intimidating banks and coercing lenders to modify home loans and forego foreclosures for unqualified borrowers who still cannot afford homes.

Jerking around the American people, our taxes, our property and our economy is far beyond the constitutional scope of government. Plunging the nation into insurmountable debt is malfeasance. Embezzling $billions and $trillions to fund 10 thousand unworkable government programs is criminal waste.

Breaking up Fannie and Freddie to privatization -- and seriously downsizing government and government programs -- would be significant steps toward reversing out-of-control federal power, restoring power to the states, and sanity to domestic affairs.

Dan Jeffs
Apple Valley

Los Angeles Times
Opinion L.A.
December 11, 2010

Re: Obama locks horns with Democrats on tax-cut deal

Compromised government - unacceptable

President Obama made a deal with Republicans to extend current tax rates for two years with a $120 billion unemployment benefits extension attached. House and Senate Democrats attached $billions in subsidy and tax break amendments for ethanol, Hollywood and other political pork, raising the so-called $700 tax deficit to a $trillion. Yet the lame duck the socialists among them, such as Speaker Pelosi and filibustering Sen. Sanders (S) Vermont, are being spiteful and vindictive in resisting any compromise.

That's the way our government embezzles taxes and debt in Washington's business as usual -- for the last two years on steroids -- to pass the $800 billion stimulus bill, and the $trillion(s)? national health careless law. And that's why voters are replacing Democrats with committed Republicans in the House and Senate, and in state houses across the country. The American people don't want tax increases now, two years from now or ever, and neither does our beleaguered economy. We want tax cuts and downsized government.

Lest tenuous tax and spend office holders forget -- and fail to follow the voters' marching orders -- they and President Obama will be removed from office in 2012. The only deal the people want is responsible, constitutional and honest government, limited to what we need, not what we don't need or want. Clean, single purpose legislation written in plain unfettered language is a start. Legislation filled with legalese, bulk fine print, and dirtied with add-ons and costly clutter is unacceptable.

Dan Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Examiner
December 7, 2010

GOP should insist on permanent tax cuts

Re: "Senate rejects Democratic tax-break proposal," Dec. 5

Republicans in Congress should hold fast to making the Bush tax cuts permanent. All of them. Lest we forget, in order to get those cuts in the first place, President Bush had to compromise with congressional Democrats by allowing them to expire on Dec. 31, 2010. Those cuts were good for the American people and the overall economy then, and they are even more important now in this recession.

But at the 11th hour, President Obama and the short-lived Democrat-controlled Congress are playing spiteful games by bringing bills to a vote under the guise of making the middle-class tax cuts permanent and allowing the tax cuts for the rich expire. The problem is that taxpayers making over $250, 000 are considered rich by Democrats, when in fact they are the backbone of job creation.

Extending the tax cuts for a year or two is unacceptable. President Obama and Congress have been playing fast and loose with health care, the deficit and the national debt for two years, with no results for either jobs or the economy.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Dissing the tea parties

The Press-Enterprise
Riverside, CA
April 18, 2009
The Daily Press
April 20, 2009

Bias pervades media

The left-wing media establishment attacked or ignored the tax day "tea parties" because the media are a product of the liberal schools of journalism and most of the nation's secular-progressive colleges and universities -- condescending and dismissive of anything opposed to their ideology.

Contrary to popular belief, the First Amendment is not exclusive to the left, and real journalism is not dead. I am thankful that we have objective local and regional newspapers, the fair and balanced Fox News Channel and others looking out for us.

If it were not for the far-left tyrannies and entitlement-driven government, there would be very little media-driven hate and discontent in America. I shudder to think of what it would be like without the truth.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, CA