Most voters who have been able to sort through the myriad of propaganda, polls and demagoguery will come to the inescapable conclusion that the two-term Clinton administration, four Congresses and 2000 presidential elections are clear and convincing evidence that politics in America is little more than a "skin game."

   Indeed, the search for truth is difficult at best, especially when confronted by false and misleading promises, political plagiarists, demonizing operatives, verbose pundits, deceitful ads and the less than unbiased media.

   How can people believe those who tell us how they are going to spend trillions in surpluses over the next 10 years to help us, when those trillions simply don't exist? Why do people believe those who tell us that tax cuts are bad for us simply because economic times are good, even though history has proven that it all can turn bad in a whisper?

   Even more disturbing is the fact that this shaky republic of representative democracy has been overcome by political snakes and chameleons who shed their skins behind our backs and change their colors just to get elected.

   Surely, the best of us are not representing the rest of us. Instead of smart leaders and intelligent legislators, the political system has reduced the elected to cunning manipulators who sell their souls for influence, fame and personal power.

   That's why people like Colin Powell won't run for elective office. If this is as good as it gets, the people would certainly be justified in demanding an overhaul..