Death at School WASHINGTON POST - April 24, 1999 The Colorado high school tragedy cries-out for answers. Why did this worst of school shootings happen again in the least likely place? Blaming guns, and kids with guns, makes no more sense than the senseless acts themselves. Indeed, even as the carnage continued, the actual cause was revealed. A terrified student, on the telephone with the media, said: "Something's wrong with society." It is curious that the media didn't replay the young man's profound words. Instead of yet another round of shallow finger-pointing and irresponsible demonizing, maybe it's time for all the social revisionists, abdicators, selfish interests and political manipulators who have been the root cause of the society's problems all along to search their souls and take a long look in the mirror. DAN JEFFS USE BROWSER [ BACK BUTTON ] TO RETURN TO HOME PAGE....