The documents approving hijacker pilots' student visas six months after
the September 11th attacks are little more than superficial evidence of
the gross mismanagement that has infected U.S Immigration and Naturalization
According to a March 10, 2002 CBS 60 Minutes report, there are about 350
million annual visitors to the United States, and there are only about 9,000
employees in the INS, which is wrought with corruption and "complaints
against half of its workforce." So, it seems perfectly understandable why
there are millions of criminally questionable aliens running loose in
America as the result of an agency, vital to our national security, that has
been disabled by "systemic incompetence."
Clearly, terrorists' ability to enter the country without scrutiny and move
around freely comes as no surprise, particularly when criminals and gangs
from other countries are routinely admitted into the United States to prey
upon our citizens with near impunity.
Rather than adding 30,000 air travel security employees to the federal
payroll under the Department of Transportation, our so-called elected
representatives should have been protecting our air, land and sea borders
against terrorists and criminal aliens instead of perpetuating grossly
ineffective bureaucracies that harass harmless citizens, honest immigrants
and all but ignore the bad people.
Indeed, adding layers to rotten foundations can hardly increase homeland
security until existing agencies are overhauled from the ground up, and
managed by holding their feet to the fire.
However, our borders cannot be adequately protected by regular government
employees, even with law enforcement powers, simply because they have more
rights than responsibilities, which encourages incompetence and makes them
vulnerable to corruption.
Instead, the United States military should be charged with protecting our
borders, simply because they must answer to the no nonsense Uniform Code of
Military Justice. Moreover, dedication, responsibility and duty to country
are requirements of military service, absolutely.
Now, more than ever, securing America's borders is a matter of national
Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center