Now that the United States has declared international war against terrorism,
the escalation of the winless war between Israel, Palestinian and
neighboring terrorists have embroiled America in what could easily become a
regional war that could unleash sustained terrorist attacks on our country.
But before our government does something foolish, like relenting to
pressures being applied by some who want direct military intervention in the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the cause of Mideast hatred against America
should be carefully examined. Indeed, the reasons are abundantly clear: The
United States' dependence on Middle East oil created America's support of
repressive Arab regimes, the Gulf War, America's military presence in Saudi
Arabia and, of course, America's longtime support of Israel as our only
strategic friend in the region.
The results have been terrorist acts against America to force United States
power, presence and influence out of the Middle East. Unless the United
States eliminates its unnecessary dependence on Middle East oil, the war
against terrorism will become just as winless as the never-ending war
between Israeli hard-liners and Palestinian fanatics.
Consequently, America is caught-up in a deadly dilemma of rapidly growing
numbers of terrorists and their supporters who will not give up until they
drive Israelis into the sea and force United States involvement out of the
Middle East altogether.
Rather than stumbling back and forth through the same old political and
foreign policy mine fields the United States and the American people should
de-fang terrorists, and the regimes who support them, by immediately
reducing our oil consumption as much as possible, and replacing all oil
imports from the Middle East with increased imports from other oil-producing
countries and increased domestic production from sources such as Alaska and
the Gulf of Mexico.
For starters, Saddam Hussein's 30-day oil embargo against America should be
immediately reversed and made permanent by cutting off Iraq with increased
oil imports from Canada, Mexico and other non-OPEC countries. Next on the
list should be Iran, who is calling for a 1973-style Arab oil embargo
against the United States.
Eliminating America's dependence on Middle East oil, thus eliminating the
need to deal with any Middle East regimes, would also eliminate the reasons
for any further terrorist activity against the United States. Crisis over.
Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center