TREATY TRAVESTY As an anti-two-party system independent voter, it's difficult to admit the Republican-controlled Senate did the right thing in stopping Clinton's push for the nuclear test ban treaty. Clearly, it was a sham and little more than a scarecrow limply hung on a partisan political post by an opportunistic presidential legacy-seeker supported by irresponsible media and Democratic Party cohorts desperately in search of hysterical issues for the 2000 elections. The Clinton Administration and congressional Democrats are more of a threat to the national security of the United States than the lack of a nuclear test ban treaty, especially one that contains no teeth. Indeed, this president and his party flies have blatantly compromised our sensitive technology, nuclear weapons and left America absent nuclear testing and readiness during his entire tenure in office. Still, France and Europe decry the Senate's rejection as a threat to world peace, but only after they've completed their own nuclear testing, not to mention self-serving objections from Russia and phony condemnation by nuclear hostiles like China and North Korea. In the face of instability in the Balkans, Russia, Pakistan, India and the Middle East, the United States stands alone as the deterrent to the collapse of world peace. The American People have no security in this tentative world without the overwhelming social, economic and military might, nuclear superiority and a comprehensive missile protection system. Even that security is fragile at best in an atmosphere of media-driven chaos, inept leadership, and a government beset by political terrorism, congressional cowards and the betrayal of democracy. This is yet another example of why we need direct democracy in America. Daniel B. Jeffs, Founder The Direct Democracy Center USE BROWSER [ BACK BUTTON ] TO RETURN TO HOME PAGE....