When the meddlesome nature of news media steers foreign policy in the wrong
direction, it could prove dangerous, even disastrous. The current dilemma is
the media's push to get the United States' military involved in the winless
war between Israelis and Palestinians. That's exactly the kind of political
badgering that could escalate into a regional war and prompt further
terrorist attacks on America.
The news media pulled America into Bosnia and pushed us into war over
Kosovo. But this is not Bosnia, Kosovo or even Somalia, which had little to
do with national interests and nothing to do with national security. This
is simply playing foolish with Middle East land mines, blindfolded.
Before our government relents to media pressure and does something stupid,
the cause of American hatred and terrorist attacks should be considered.
The reasons are abundantly clear: The United States' dependence on Middle
East oil created America's support of repressive Arab regimes, caused the
Gulf War, America's military presence in Saudi Arabia, and America's
longtime support of Israel as our only (strategic) friend in the region.
The result has been terrorist acts against America to force United States
out of the Middle East.
The bottom line is obvious. Unless the United States eliminates its
unnecessary dependence on Middle East oil (which now accounts for only about
20 percent of our imported oil), the war against terrorism would also become
winless, and it could easily escalate into World War III.
Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center