January 24, 2002
Enron is certainly not alone when it comes to investing in Washington.
Indeed, government and corporations are conveniently conjoined by a largess
money belt, fed by conveyors of dollars mined from taxpayers, investors and
But Washington Democrats want to over-regulate business, then they whine
because Republicans (who want no regulations) get more campaign
contributions from corporations. Truth is, corporations cover both sides of
the aisle with money, and throw their big bucks where the power is,
regardless of which party has it. And that, coupled with lobbyists, is what
buys selective democracy.
The Enron debacle is merely the latest glory hole cleaned out by
pocket-pickers before affected folks realized they were almost penniless and
couldn't do anything about it, similar to the Savings and Loan collapse of
the 80's.
Even though Enron won't cost the taxpayers $60 billion in bailouts like the
S&L scandal did, spreading cash to open doors, changing the rules, selective
de-regulation and lack of oversight were the root causes for both. The
result, of course, was "irrational exuberance," corporate greed, bad
management, cooking the books, full executive wallets, empty investor
accounts, thousands of jobless people and fleeced retirement funds.
Worse, Enron's conscienceless manipulation of the energy business deeply
impacted the economy, particularly California's energy crisis, and that is
patently wrong. Hopefully, Enron isn't the first domino in the row, but it
seems to have tipped a struggling K-Mart into bankruptcy, and that's a
little scary, particularly when corporations are so tightly bound with
Reactionary politics and campaign finance are not the answer to anything
unless they are removed from the equation entirely and replaced by
nonpartisan common sense. Until voters make it happen, government and
corporations will continue to cast the ugly shadow of a giant monolith over
this troubled republic.
Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center