(About Larry Summers, Henry Louis Gates Jr., and Cornel West)
By Jeff Jacoby
Globe Columnist
The Boston Globe
January 6, 2002
(Expanded slightly from the version that appeared in print.)
I had been thinking that Harvard did well to make former Treasury Secretary
Larry Summers its new president last summer, and when the news broke
recently that Summers had so offended the stars of the university's
Afro-American Studies Department that they were thinking of relocating to
Princeton, I was sure of it. But now I've got my doubts.
Af-Am is headed by Henry Louis Gates Jr. and includes the philosopher K.
Anthony Appiah and sociologist William Julius Wilson. All of them were
supposedly miffed at Summers, but it soon became evident that the only
faculty member who really had his nose out of joint was Cornel West, the
ubiquitous "public intellectual" with the trademark afro and the endless
supply of leftist cant.
West is one of the great poseurs of modern academe, a blowhard who loves the
pompous gush of his own rhetoric, the author of deadly prose like this
passage from his book Keeping Faith:
"Following the model of the black diasporan traditions of music, athletics,
and rhetoric, black cultural workers must constitute and sustain discursive
and institutional networks that deconstruct earlier modern black strategies
for identity-formation, demystify power relations that incorporate class,
patriarchal, and homophobic biases, and construct more multivalent and
multidimentional responses that articulate the complexity and diversity of
black practices in the modern and postmodern world."
The New Republic's Leon Wieseltier, after reading eight of them, once
pronounced West's books "monuments to the devastation of a mind by the
squalls of theory." The same could be said of his insights into current
events. The meaning of Sept. 11, he declared at Harvard, was that "America
has been niggerized." As for the US war against Al Qaeda, he dismissed it as
nothing but "revenge . . . adolescent and immature."
West keeps busy off-campus, too. He heads the presidential exploratory
committee of Al Sharpton, New York's foul race baiter. And he recently
recorded a hip-hop CD on which he sounds, to quote one review, "like he's
reading his old lectures, which are lathered and slathered in . . .
academese and hot-buttered hokum."
Apparently what so provoked West was Summers's demand that he spend less
time on such frivolous pursuits and more in serious scholarship. At a
meeting in October, Sommers reportedly also urged him to help combat
Harvard's rampant grade inflation, singling out "Introduction to
Afro-American Studies," West's popular gut course, as a prime example of the
Now, West holds the elite rank of University Professor, one of only 14
Harvard faculty members who do, and Summers no doubt assumed he could speak
to someone of his intellectual mettle bluntly and without evasion. But West
is not used to being scolded -- especially not by a mere mortal like
Summers -- and he took the rebuke very badly.
America has been 'niggerized' by the terrorist attacks." --Cornel West, in a speech at Harvard's Institute of Politics, as quoted by The Harvard Crimson, October 11, 2001
Harvard president rejected by black clique
By Diana West
Washington Times
In a fit of what may be called Ivy Pique, three prized professors from
Harvard's Afro-American studies department spent their Christmas holidays
very publicly mulling a possible mass exodus in a definite mass huff from
dear old Harvard to dear, almost-as-old Princeton. Why? Harvard's new
president, Lawrence H. Summers, it seems, needed a quick course in political
Not that anyone involved said so - or much of anything else on the
record. Anonymous surrogates kept whispering to the press in Boston and New
York, but Mr. Summers wouldn't discuss conversations with faculty members;
black studies Chairman Henry Louis Gates Jr. wouldn't discuss complaints
from department members; black studies professor K. Anthony Appiah wouldn't
discuss meetings with Princeton officials; and Cornel West, another black
studies professor who recently made a few choice headlines by declaring that
America had been "niggerized by the terrorist attacks," wouldn't discuss
anything - not his rap CD recorded while on medical leave, not his role in
Al Sharpton's presidential exploratory committee, not Harvard's endemic
grade inflation, nothing. And certainly not what the New York Times called
the "critical moment" in this contretemps - Mr. West's private meeting with
Mr. Summers in October at which such sore subjects were reportedly raised,
leaving Mr. West feeling "violated." Or so said the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
Jesse Jackson? How did he get into this? The short answer is that the
good reverend flew in, descending on Cambridge on New Year's Day to push for
a "national conference on racial justice" (natch) and to seek "clarity" on
Harvard's "diversity policy." This policy - creed, really - is the source of
the controversy. As it happens, Harvard's new president of six months has
nothing but unqualified support for "diversity," that semantically slippery
term for the goals of affirmative action. (According to Harvard's admissions
office, the university has never, ever practiced affirmative action.) The
question being asked of Mr. Summers was whether his commitment to
"diversity" was unqualified enough.
Meanwhile, not to be out-raced, the Rev. Al Sharpton made his own
public pitch for "clarification." Al Sharpton suddenly wanted to know
whether Harvard had "rebuked" Cornel West - he who claims, according to his
own words, an "intellectual lineage . . . through Schopenhauer, Tolstoy,
Rilke, Melville, Lorca, Kafka, Celan, Beckett, Soyinka, O'Neill,
Kazantzakis, Morrison, and above all, Chekhov" - for joining Mr. Sharpton's
proto-presidential campaign. If so, Mr. Sharpton told the Boston Globe, this
could not only keep professors across the nation from supporting his
candidacy for fear of repercussions, but it could also drive Mr. Sharpton to
file suit against Harvard as an "aggrieved party."
It's enough to make you pity a poor Harvard president, almost. How
could this have happened? Mr. Summers, not one to see college applicants
through color-blind glasses, supports "diversity" and says so - or his
spokesman does - at every opportunity. This, apparently, has been
insufficient. "It's absolutely critical that the president make an
unequivocal public statement in support of affirmative action. That would be
encouraging for those scholars . . . recruited because this was going to be
the premier institution of black intellectual inquiry," said Charles J.
Ogletree Jr., a Harvard Law School professor best known for leading the
legal effort to extract reparations for slavery, to the New York Times.
(Oops: Since Harvard says it doesn't practice affirmative action, didn't the
law prof mean to call for a presidential statement supporting "diversity"?)
Mr. Ogletree, magnanimous thing, has since signalled a willingness to work
with Mr. Summers to "make Harvard a pre-eminent university."
Maybe that won't be necessary. Mr. Summers has decided to begin the
year right - at least, more correctly - by publicly restating his diversity
creed. In a written statement, Mr. Summers announced his intentions "to
create an ever more open and inclusive environment," by drawing on "the
widest possible range of talents" to promote "ever greater opportunity for
all" because "diversity contributes to educational excellence." (Mr. Summers
also took the opportunity to underscore Harvard's desire "to see the current
[Afro-Am] faculty stay at Harvard," promising to "compete vigorously" -
ka-ching, ka-ching? - "to make this an attractive environment.")
Looks like he finally made the grade. The statement "meets the
objectives that many people had set forth," Mr. Ogletree told the Harvard
Crimson. "It's strong, it's clear, it's unequivocal." Even Mr. Jackson
called Mr. Summers' statement "positive," while Mr. Appiah now says his
Princeton visit was purely social. No word as yet from Messrs. Gates, West
and Sharpton, but it does look as if Harvard is heading for, if not a happy
ending, at least an ending.
Not so fast. According to yesterday's Boston Globe, there's trouble
ahead: "Now, echoing some top scholars in Harvard's Afro-American studies
department, many Latino professors are questioning Summers' commitment to
diversity, and some say they are considering jobs at other universities. .
." (Italics added.)
Can't wait to hear what Harvard has to say about that.
Diana West is an editorial writer and columnist for The Washington Times.
Published on Thursday, October 11, 2001
West Shifts Hip Hop Talk's Focus to Attacks
(HARVARD) Crimson Staff Writer
Rapping with Cornel Fletcher University Professor CORNEL WEST speaks at the
Arco Forum yesterday in a talk entitled "Reflections on Hip Hop Culture."
After a year on sabbatical, Fletcher University Professor Cornel R. West '74
spoke to a packed crowd of upwards of 800 at the Kennedy School's ARCO Forum
West's speech, organized by the W.E.B. DuBois Institute of Afro-American
Research and the Institute of Politics, was originally suppossed to focus on
hip hop culture. However, in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks,
West said he thought it more appropriate to focus on America's reaction to
the attacks.
West drew parallels between last month's events and the African-American
"America has been 'niggerized'" by the terrorist attacks," West said,
comparing current national anxieties to African-Americans' long history of
coping with terror and death.
Although West apologized for spending less time than anticipated on hip hop
culture, he was able to incorporate music throughout his speech by splicing
in tracks from a compact disc he recorded last spring.
The disc, produced by Danny Goldberg for Artemis Records, contains
recordings of West speaking in his trademark style, deemed "preacher-like"
by some, over a background of blues, jazz, and rap tracks.
Describing hip-hop as "rooted in struggle," West talked about black music's
unique ability to "caress our bruises" in this "moment of deep sadness and
West drew some of his strongest crowd reaction when he expressed a slight
indignation over politicians' sudden infatuation with spending in the wake
of the attacks.
"Sounds an awful lot like reparations to me," West said to shouts of "Amen!"
from the crowd. "I didn't think America was into reparations."
While pledging his wholehearted support for aid to the victims of terrorism,
West told the audience that victims of "institutional forms of terrorism"
such as slavery have been suffering long before Sept. 11. He warned that
"the first casualty of war is always veritas," and that America should
safeguard against "anti-Arab racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Muslim"
A few students said they were disappointed about West's shift in focus away
from the original topic of hip-hop culture.
"Overall, though, I was amazed by [the speech's] breadth and the issues it
covered," said Toussaint Losier '03.
West also paid tribute last night to his older brother, Clifton, who was
present in the audience. Citing his willingness to "take a bullet in the
heart and the brain" for his brother, West introduced Clifton as an expert
with an inside take on the hip hop industry, as he runs his own production
and recording company.