Inside the Left's Assault on Free Speech and Free Minds
Author: Tammy Bruce
Publisher: Prima Communications, Inc.
October 2001


An openly gay, pro-choice, gun-owning, pro-death-penalty, liberal feminist who voted for Reagan, Bruce was elected president of the Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization of Women in 1990. She accuses the Left of perpetual victimhood, thought and speech control to hold onto their power, and calling in the cops to squash any dissent.

>From the Publisher:

Tammy Bruce, the self-described lesbian feminist activist, argues in this provocative book that our fundamental freedoms of expression are under withering assault from powerful special interest groups on the Left.

According to Ms. Bruce, the current attempts to silence Dr. Laura are only the latest in a long line of attacks on people whose opinions do not conform with the agendas championed by national feminist, racial, and gay organizations. From rigid speech codes on college campuses to the knee-jerk use of such labels as "racist," "homophobic," and "hateful" in an attempt to socially ostracize people with opposing viewpoints, speaking one's mind today has become increasingly dangerous.

What makes this book's thesis especially powerful is that the author is a progressive who has served in a leadership position at NOW, an organization she now decries as a foot soldier in the war against free speech. "Ironically," writes Ms. Bruce, "it is the progressives who, while seemingly committed to freedom of expression, attempt to exact severe social punishments on anyone who espouses an idea or opinion that challenges their status quo. Perhaps it's time for all of us to reread George Orwell's 1984."

Reader Reviews:

A reviewer:

Wake up, America!

I've had this nagging feeling that my thoughts and speech have been increasingly controlled, and Ms. Bruce gives all the evidence that it has been...and it's scary! A very insightful book for all Americans.

An avid reader and college student:

Unbelievable, I agree with Tammy Bruce!

I saw the spine of the book first and thought the title intriguing. I picked it up and saw that it was written by Tammy Bruce. I have rarely agreed with Ms. Bruce but took my chance and bought her book. I am glad I did. This book should be required reading on college campuses across the country. Ms. Bruce has written a serious and often amusing book on a problem that is slowing killing our society and rapidly trampling on our first amendment rights. Laced with person stories, Ms. Bruce comments on, and analyzes how, the Left is suppressing every American's right to free speech and free thought. Anyone concerned with the first amendment and the freedom of speech and thought should read this book. Outstanding!

A reviewer:

The Truth about the Left

Mandatory reading for everyone who values free speech. Tammy and I do not agree on many of the Liberal social issues. But we do agree on the fundamental values upon which this nation was founded: individual freedoms and responsibilities. Very well written and insightful.

A reviewer:

Shocking, Informative, Eye Opening

This book offers insight into a clandestine attack being waged on our first ammendment rights. I truly cannot understand why this book hasn't received more coverage and acclaim. A must read for anyone who values equality and free speech.

A reviewer:

Chicken Soup For The Left

I got this book because I am a progressive feminist, like Tammy Bruce and could not figure out, with a title like this, where she was coming from. Not only is it an enjoyable read (which surprised me) but I was astounded by how much I agreed with her.