Direct (representative) democracy could be created with a constitutional amendment establishing nonpartisan direct democracy by means of secure, interactive voting networks connected to voter's homes. The voters would decide important matters. Highly qualified professional government managers (not professional politicians) would handle the daily business of government. The proposed amendment should include the following: 1. Nonpartisan elections and government 2. Election of professional government managers instead of professional, partisan politicians. 3. Abolish the electoral college and elect the president by popular vote. 4. All elected representatives would have to be confirmed annually. 5. If not confirmed, a new representative would be elected. 6. Voters would be truthfully and fully informed (educated). 7. The voters would decide all matters of taxation and public policy, domestic and foreign. 8. Voters would not be required to micro-manage government. The professional government managers and their staff would manage government. 9. Voters could amend the constitution or make law by voter initiative or referendum. 10. The direct democracy amendment should and would confirm any and all existing rights and protections of citizens under the current Constitution, and prevent them from being eliminated or reduced. 11. The amendment would also guarantee the same direct democracy form of government to the states. 12. All elections would be conducted over the voting networks. Some of the advantages of direct democracy: 1. The sovereignty of the people would be restored and enhanced. 2. The voters would be truthfully and fully informed about issues and government. 3. The people would decide what is important to them, rather than having partisan politics, special interests, moneyed interests, unreliable polls and the news media making those decisions. 4. The voters would be able to communicate between themselves and with their elected representatives. 5. No campaign financing. 6. Elected professional government managers would be the most qualified. 7. More voters would participate in democracy and they would share the front row seat in deciding public policy. Lastly, direct democracy is best for the United States because our republic of representative democracy has failed, or at least, it has been undermined by powerful, selfish interests beyond the control of the voters. Indeed, what we have is more of an enormous, dysfunctional bureaucracy, rather than a democracy or a republic. With direct democracy, informed voters (the people) would decide what is best for themselves as individuals, what is best for the common good, and what is best for our future. Under the circumstances outlined above, we could trust the collective judgment of our fellow citizens with direct democracy.