Governor George W. Bush and Vice-President Al Gore are glaring examples of what's wrong with government in America. Clearly, President Clinton and Senate candidate Hillary Clinton notwithstanding, if this is as good as it gets, we are in deep, deep trouble.
As we are exposed to another double dose of presidential elections and the two-party system of divisive political rancor and shameless pandering, many of us are thinking about solutions for a history of expanding government that has simply grown beyond our control.
That said, consider this: Amend the Constitution to establish nonpartisan direct representative democracy with secure voting networks connected to voter's homes. Rather than politicians selling themselves to partisan factions and corporate interests, we would select and elect highly qualified and well-compensated professional government managers to represent our common sense interests in self-government.
The selection of candidates, including the president, and all elections would be conducted over the voting networks. Our representative managers would be required to truthfully and fully inform us sufficiently to make informed decisions. We would decide all matters of taxation, education and public policy with two-thirds super-majority votes, including amendments to the Constitution. We would not be required to micro-manage government.
All elected officials would be subject to periodic confirmation by majority vote, and subject to recall at any time.
With direct democracy we could reclaim government, education and a divided society with common sense, mutual understanding and cooperation. Indeed, we need to move from the cynical divisions of America versus the United States, to the unity of the United States of America. That's what REAL DEMOCRACY is all about.