HONOR: A History
Author: James Bowman
Publisher: Encounter Books
May 2006

Introduction: The Two Kinds of Honor 1
Part I Cultural Honor, East and West
1 "We Are Men": The Islamic Honor Culture and the West 15
2 Rightly to Be Great: The Origins of the Western Honor Culture 41
3 Aristocracy and Democracy: Honor Democratized 67
Part II The Decline and Fall of the Western Honor Culture, 1914-1975
4 What Happened to Honor? Modern Warfare, Therapy and Feminism 95
5 Honor Between the Wars: The Cult of Youth 121
6 World War II: Honor and the Progressive Spirit 151
7 Honor in Postwar America: Korea and the 1950s 179
8 Vietnam: War As Social Therapy and Psychological Trauma 207
Part III Post-Honor Society
9 Vietnam and the Loss of Cultural Honor 235
10 The Aristocracy of Feeling: Honor As Celebrity 263
11 Honor's Revival: Why Do We Need It? Is It Possible? 293
Acknowledgments 325
Notes 329
Index 361