THERE SHOULD BE many more imbroglios like the one currently playing out at
Harvard University, enough for America to finally understand that white
guilt is exactly the same thing as black power. But it is testament to the
daunting power of white guilt that confrontations like this one happen so
Harvard's new president, Lawrence Summers, is reported to have rebuked
arguably the most famous professor in the university's well known, if
undistinguished, Afro-American Studies Department - Cornel West. Even on
their face, the reported charges behind this rebuke seem screamingly true -
that Mr. West is an academic lightweight, that his service to Al Sharpton's
presidential campaign and his recording of a rap CD embarrass his
professorship, and that his uncritical grading practices have contributed to
Harvard's serious grade inflation problem.
With this sensible rebuke, there has begun an elaborate, if predictable,
choreography of black indignation and white guilt. Mr. West took great
umbrage at Mr. Summers' charges, as did Henry Louis Gates, the chairman of
the Afro-Am department, Anthony Appiah, and other black faculty. The Afro-Am
triumvirate, Messrs. West, Gates and Appiah, are said to have huffed off to
Princeton to scare up the offers that would show Mr. Summers just how black
power works in a world of white guilt.
All reports are that Princeton is better versed in the interplay of guilt
and power than Mr. Summers, and might happily offer Harvard's "stars" a New
Jersey residence. Princeton's president has referred to the rapping
professor as "eminent."
Meanwhile, back on Harvard Square, Mr. Summers has been made to feel the
heat of black power. Blacks across the campus have accused him of
insufficient support for affirmative action. And then, moving all this to
full-scale cultural warfare, came two men who practice a virtual statecraft
of guilt manipulation that leaves whites no option beyond honorable
capitulation - Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
From his Harvard bunker, Mr. Summers was no longer peering at just the
gangly Prof. West in his trademark three-piece suit and 1974 Afro. He was
looking at men who threatened to mark out Harvard in the culture as the
racist Ivy - a deadly reputation in the academic world. In rebuking a
well-known black professor, Mr. Summers had also rejected white guilt as a
guide to administrative affairs. Good move. But it overlooked the ugly fact
that institutions today lose their mainstream legitimacy unless white guilt
defines their approach to racial matters. It also overlooked the fact that
white guilt is black power and that the reprimand of a single black
professor would call out the biggest guns in the black establishment.
White guilt is best understood as a vacuum of moral authority. Whites live
with this vacuum despite the fact that they may not feel a trace of personal
guilt over past oppression of blacks. Whites simply come to a place with
blacks where they feel no authority to speak or judge and where they sense a
great risk of being seen as racist. It is a simple thing, this lack of
authority, but it has changed everything.
One terrible feature is that it means whites lack the authority to say what
they see when looking at blacks and black problems. Political correctness is
what whites have the authority to say about blacks, no matter what they see.
It is a language of severely limited authority, of euphemisms that steer
whites around associations with racism. The black power brokers have told
Mr. Summers that he does not have authority to say what he sees when he
looks at Mr. West. He must put clothes on the naked emperor, or shame
himself and his institution. After all, Princeton's president dressed the
often incomprehensible Mr. West in a suit of eminence.
The muteness that white guilt imposes on whites undergirds black power. It
lets blacks live inside the silence of whites, and have our weaknesses be
unutterable by whites even as they are plainly visible. Messrs. Jackson and
Sharpton are enforcers of white silence. And when whites are silent, black
mediocrity is no deterrent to black advancement. So it is not surprising
that the Jacksons, Sharptons, Wests, Gateses et. al. demanded that Mr.
Summers make a strong endorsement of affirmative action - which formalizes
white silence on black mediocrity into policy. In this realm of guilt and
power, a white man's endorsement of affirmative action is nothing less than
a vow of silence.
What is admirable in all this is that Mr. Summers seems to have actually
wanted excellence from Mr. West. His rebuke for failing to deliver
excellence was an act of social responsibility. It was also an opportunity
for Mr. West and the Afro-Am department to move from celebrity academia to
serious achievement. How many of us ever get near our full potential without
at least the threat of rebuke?
But Mr. Summers does not have the authority over his Afro-Am department that
he has over the rest of Harvard. And his story is important because it shows
how severely white guilt limits the authority of institutions to enforce
their own best standards uniformly. Everywhere that minorities press
institutions today as groups, there is an erosion of excellence. The reason
for this is that white guilt allows institutions to respond only with
deference - deferring to the greater moral authority of minorities by
lowering standards, and remaining mute to minority mediocrity, to save the
institution from the racist label.
So whites have made it socially virtuous to defer and stand aside as
institutions erode. The public schools are all but devastated, universities
are stunted by ideology, corporations are more unctuous than churches, the
media are more unctuous yet, and American politicians - of left and right -
speak in barren clich‚s about all of this when they speak at all.
The value system that controls our institutions is an adaptation to white
guilt. This system will make Mr. Summers the bad guy a thousand times before
it ever holds Mr. West accountable. It isn't Mr. Jackson and Mr. Sharpton
who are breaking Harvard's president; it is his own faculty and
administrators who are standing aside. They think he made an "ego" mistake,
a faux pas. It doesn't matter that he was right. University presidents who
correctly read the tea leaves (the limits of white authority) know that
deference is your only play with minorities.
And Mr. Summers, sad to say, has proven himself a quick study. He gave Mr.
Jackson the endorsement of affirmative action that he demanded, and he
"mended fences" in a meeting with Mr. West - two powerful endorsements of
black mediocrity, two compromises of institutional integrity. And now that
his capitulation has spilled blood into the water, Harvard's Latino faculty
has rushed to demand their own "full-fledged Latino studies center."
Double Message
This is how the vacuum in white authority becomes cancerous. Deference makes
so much administrative sense that it becomes procedural, an utterly neutral
business practice. Institutions send a double message to blacks: develop
excellence, but it's OK if you only live off the largesse of white guilt.
The mediocrity of Mr. West is visible everywhere across the landscape of
black academia, where so much deference corrupts black talent. Nearly every
campus has at least one black professor whose special talent is the racial
indignation that white guilt loves to reward. Yet in a field like jazz,
where white guilt does not intercede, black excellence is the norm.
But deference will never redeem white authority. There is something that
will. When practiced with discipline, a commitment to fairness for the
individual delivers a moral authority that neutralizes white guilt. Maybe
this is what Mr. Summers was after when he reprimanded Mr. West, along with
other white professors. But to get moral authority from this exercise in
fairness, he had to stand his ground. Then all those around him, so
practiced in deference, might have seen the road out of white guilt.
Everyone would win - Harvard, Mr. Summers, and especially Cornel West.
Messrs. Jackson and Sharpton would have been exposed as the paper tigers
they are. But as it now stands, Mr. Summers himself should be rebuked for
skirting the moderate act of courage that would have given all this a
Mr. Steele, a research fellow at the Hoover Institution, is author of "A
Dream Deferred: The Second Betrayal of Black Freedom in America"
(HarperCollins, 1998).