New book GLOBAL SENSE updates Tom Paine's Common Sense
Author: Ken Freed
Media & Politics Journalist
Publisher, Media Visions Journal

Increasing democracy at every level makes sense. A book worth reading.
-- DDC

"Personal democracy makes global sense."

DENVER - On the 227th anniversary of Common Sense by Thomas Paine, veteran media and politics journalist Ken Freed has published a new book, Global Sense, an update of the classic "for these new times of crisis that try our souls."

With America again poised for war, Freed said, "I've closely followed Paine's 18th Century structure and logic from The Enlightenment to reach original and in places startling conclusions about war and peace and responsible self rule in our 21st Century."

Declaring 'the evolution revolution is here," Freed said his book advocates "personal democracy on homeland earth."

The "practical idealism" in Global Sense, he said, will appeal to "global thinkers" across the political spectrum, from liberal to libertarian, who are concerned about both global war and the loss of civil liberties. "The essay connects communication theory, personal growth and politics to propose maturing enough for genuine democracy to succeed in the world."

"We are more convinced than ever there is a hunger for this kind of integrative global perspective," said Frances Moore Lappe, author of Diet For a Small Planet. "I am extremely enthusiastic about the book."

"What Freed proposes is a cultural/political Big Bang," said David Wan, co-author of Affluenza. "In a world distracted by authority addiction, he argues, we empower each other by empowering ourselves."

. The co-author of The Cultural Creatives, Paul H. Ray, wrote to Freed, "I'm working on a book about creating a 'planetary wisdom' culture. You and I are on parallel tracks, and I'd like to include your work in my book."

The chief historian at the Thomas Paine National Historical Association, Ken Burchell, wrote to Freed, " You are accurate and faithful to Paine at every turn and I thank you for that; it is rare."

When Common Sense was published on January 10, 1776, America was debating the armed rebellion in Massachusetts. Paine's essay turned the tide of public opinion in favor of the Revolutionary War. "Today we need a similar book to turn the tide of public opinion in favor of world peace," Freed said, "so Common Sense was the best model to follow."

Mirroring Common Sense in reasoning and structure, Global Sense is divided into four sections:

I. Where Common Sense exposed absurdities in 18th Century English government, Global Sense exposes absurdities in 21st Century American government.

II. Where Common Sense opposed monarchy and hereditary succession, Global Sense opposes despotism and authority addition, which we pass along in every generation.

III. Where Common Sense argued against the colonies submitting to the king, Global Sense argues against alpha male rule and submitting to despotism in the world or in ourselves.

IV. Where Common Sense gave readers a realistic hope of winning a revolutionary war for national independence, Global Sense offers a realistic hope if winning an evolutionary campaign for global interdependence, a network sustained by personal democracy.

Containing ideas in development for nearly three decades, Global Sense originally was published in draft form as an electronic book (ebook) on January 10, 2002, four months after the terrorist attacks on "9/11."

Reflecting reader feedback in the past year, Freed said the revised edition is shorter than the draft and the writing is simpler. "I had to asked myself how Tom Paine would write this essay to reach common readers today."

Global Sense author Ken Freed, based in Denver, has worked as a journalist for local to international newspapers and magazines since 1976. Among the first-edition writers for Westword, he later edited the Denver edition of Colorado Daily, The Denver Downtowner, and Cablevision magazine, where he later contributed for years. Since 1992, he's worked chiefly as a media trade journalist specializing in interactive TV and the social effects of new media. Most recently, he covered the 2002 elections for The Colorado Statesman. He's a past president of the Colorado Authors League and now serves on the board.

Global Sense currently is published as an ebook in Adobe PDF format, with a print edition planned for early spring. The ebook price is $10 (USD or other world currencies) on Kagi secure servers through the author's website at