"To those who say we should put the Reagan era behind us - I have a better idea. Let's put the Bush era behind us.
To those who say we should redefine our principles, I have a better idea: we don't need to redefine our principles; we need to return to them.
To those of the Republican establishment, who misled our party for years, who dismantled so much of what Ronald Reagan accomplished and now tell us "the other side has something" and we have nothing. To them I can't improve upon Cromwell's words: "You have sat here too long for any good you have been doing; it is not fit that you should sit here any longer. You shall now give way to better men. Now depart and let us have done with you, I say, in the name of God, GO!"
"The other side has something and we have nothing?"
What is the something the other side has - that some say we have to be respectful and mindful of?
Statism. Shortage. Paternalism. That's their "something" that seems to so overawe and over-impress these scions of a failed party establishment.
Statism, Shortage and Paternalism is what we are told to be mindful and respectful of? I don't think so.
Their statism is "something" so extreme that the entire national debt accumulated from the first day of the George Washington administration to the very last day of the George W. Bush administration will literally double in the next five years and triple in the next ten.
The tax increases already proposed to support it will rob every family of more than $2,500 from its purchasing power every year. We're supposed to respect that? The American people don't respect it. The American people know that you cannot spend your way rich; that you cannot borrow your way out of debt and you cannot tax your way to prosperity. And they know that if you live well beyond your means today, you must of necessity live well BELOW your means in the future. And that's not a future we want for our children.
Their entire policy is predicated on maintaining shortages of everything from health care to energy and then using the force of government to ration that shortage according to their own whims. The "something" that they propose to solve their government-induced shortages is having bureaucrats tell us what medical treatments our kids may have and when they may have them; raising energy prices until we bicycle to work; telling us what kind of light bulbs to use, where to set our thermostats, when to use our appliances.
And then there's Paternalism. That's what Rick Santelli was talking about. When your neighbor buys the house he can't afford - it's now your job to pay his mortgage. When the fraternity brothers of Paulson and Geitner party their investments into the ground - now it's your job to cover their losses. When the reckless country-clubbers of General Motors and Chrysler give away the farm to the UAW - now it's your job to make up the difference, and by the way, now it's Barney Frank's job to tell you what kind of car you may buy.
That is the "something" that seems to send these self-described "New Republicans," into paroxysms of awe and policy-envy.
That's the "something" that some people are so deathly afraid of saying "NO" to. Churchill said, "Alexander the Great remarked that the people of Asia were slaves because they had not learned to pronounce the word "NO." Let that not be the epitaph of the English-speaking peoples or of parliamentary democracy ... There, in one single word, is the resolve which the forces of freedom and progress, of tolerance and goodwill, should take."
What is the "nothing" that we have that so dismays and disgusts these same messiahs of mediocrity - this "nothing" that's convinced them that we must wean ourselves from our unseemly nostalgia with such irrelevant has-beens as Reagan, and Lincoln and Jefferson - I add the others because they stood for exactly the same principles as Reagan.
Those who call that "nothing" are the same failed leaders who disdained it during the Reagan years and dismantled it as soon as the Reagan years were over.
They stand for statism. We stand for freedom: The God-given right to enjoy the fruit of our own labor; the right to raise our children according to our own values; the right to express our opinions and our faith freely and without reserve; the right to defend ourselves and our families; the right to enter into voluntary associations with each other for our mutual betterment without an army of busy-bodies telling us what is best for us.
They stand for the rationing of shortage. We stand for abundance: what happens when free men and free women enjoy the liberty to go as far as their desire, talent and imagination can guide them and as far as their labor, industry and enterprise can take them. Societies prosper when freedom protects the rights of each of us to decide on our own what we will produce and what we will consume. Government exists to protect the conditions that produce abundance, not to ration shortages that government has caused.
They stand for paternalism. We stand for personal responsibility. That means you stand by your promises. That means you tell your customers the truth about your products and investments. It means if you bring a child into the world then by God you look after that child. And it means if you make a bad decision, you set it right and you learn from it - and you realize that the bad decisions we all make from time to time is the price we pay for the freedom to make all the good decisions in our lives.
Freedom. Abundance. Responsibility. Ladies and Gentlemen, that ain't "nothing." That's everything."