Daily Press Apple Valley Review
October 8, 2013

The deleterious Obama-effect
by Daniel B. Jeffs

President Obama's perpetual campaign against the best interests of America is manifested by his obsession with his so-called "signature legislation" of the UnAffordable Health Care Act -- his "Social Justice" assault on the fragile economy -- his leading from behind bungling of foreign policy highlighted by deals with the devils of Russia and Iran, and ignoring the growing monsters of terrorism.

Too many 2008 and 2012 presidential election voters were oblivious to the deleterious effect of President Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America -- the Clinton-caused housing and financial meltdown -- and the puppet-Democrat Congress and the biased media, which propelled him to do just that with Obamacare, edicts and executive orders, runaway spending and unsustainable debt. That is what created the Tea Party, polarized America, extended the recession and fortunately, raised the influence of Fox News.

Obamacare, reckless spending and debt limit madness are being perpetuated by Democrats demonizing the Tea Party, and Republicans eating their own. That's why I am an independent voter. Truth is, the spontaneous Tea Party represents the feelings of the majority of Americans. Hopefully, sanity, social and economic recovery, and national security will be restored after the 2014 and 2016 elections. Anything less could result in the final fall of the greatest nation on earth.

Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident
and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy

The Washington Examiner
May 30, 2013

Holder is investigating himself again

Re: "Justice investigating IRS targeting the Tea Party," May 15

From the time presidential candidate Barack Obama campaigned on fundamentally transforming America, we have seen steady growth of government regulations and spending accompanied by insurmountable debt -- all supported by the liberal state media. Years of liberal indoctrination by the education establishment have left most Americans clueless about the Obama administration's insidious machinations to undermine the Constitution, or the deep chilling effect they have had on his opposition, as evidenced by the IRS targeting conservatives and the Tea Party and the Justice Department targeting the Associated Press and Fox News reporters.

As usual, President Obama feigned outrage when it was exposed, then fired the IRS Commissioner and ordered his Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate, even though Holder had signed the order to investigate James Rosen, Fox's chief Washington correspondent, as a co-conspirator on a national security leak.

Just like Holder investigating the "Fast and Furious" Holder about his blatant abuse of power, this is a redundant gesture.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

(original letter)

From the time presidential candidate Barack Obama campaigned on fundamentally transforming America, his presidential actions, diversions, distractions and deceptions tantamount to outright lies paved the way to accomplishing his liberal agenda -- beginning with ramming his national health care legislation through a complicit Democrat Congress.

Indeed, from then on it was steady government and regulatory growth, spending and insurmountable debt by leaps and bounds -- all supported by the liberal state media, who got President Obama elected and led him into a second term, but not before he lost the House of Representatives to Republicans backed by the spontaneously formed Tea Party in opposition to the president's health careless laws, spending and insurmountable debt.

No thanks to the liberal press and years of liberal indoctrination of students by the education establishment, most of America is clueless about President Obama and his administration's insidious machinations undermining the Constitution, and the deep freeze chilling effect he has on his opposition -- as evidenced by the IRS targeting the Tea Party, conservative groups and individuals -- and the Justice Department targeting Associated Press and Fox News reporters.

Of course, as usual, President Obama feigned outrage at the exposures, fired the IRS Commissioner, and ordered his Attorney General Eric Holder to review policies and investigate, even though Holder had signed the order to investigate FOX's Chief Washington Correspondent, James Rosen as a co-conspirator on a national security leak. Surely, Holder investigating "Fast and Furious" Holder and his blatant abuse of power is a redundant gesture.

Alas, lest we forget, it is President Obama's dictatorial regulations, legislative tyrannies, government growth and his gang of liberal Democrats that are limiting our free speech and liberties -- ruining our economy and our culture, not to mention risking our national security by toying with terrorism -- when it is much smaller limited constitutional government that we need to survive.

Daily Press - Apple Valley Review
May 28, 2013

Obama's mounting articles of impeachment

It's already obvious that the 9/11 anniversary Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack costing the lives of our ambassador and three security personnel was the result of intentional malfeasance by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton.

Worse, the deceitful cover-up is tantamount to giving aid and comfort to our Islamic jihadist terrorist enemy to further a re-election campaign and to protect Obama and Clinton at any cost.

Even worse, the ongoing Teflon provided by the ideology-driven liberal media to President Obama and presumptive 2016 nominee Hillary Clinton -- and the demonization of all opposition -- is an unconscionable abdication of public responsibility by the press.

It was bad enough that the President Obama's campaign promises supporting the passage of Obamacare were a pack of lies concealing the devastating costs and cuts in America's healthcare coverage -- in addition to the wasteful, useless spending of his enormous stimulus packages, economy-busting regulations, national debt expansion.

Now comes reports that as early as the 2010 passage of Obamacare, and during the re-election campaign, administrative tyranny was launched by President Obama's IRS against the Tea Party and other conservative opposition's tax exemption status -- in addition to the merciless demonizing of all opposition of any description. Indeed, even the New York Times criticized the administration's abusive IRS tactics against the Tea Party in a March 2012 editorial.

Subsequently, the president's sequester idea developed into selective pain from government cuts in FAA air traffic controllers and all manner of other unnecessary cuts designed to adversely affect the public -- placing blame on Republicans -- all intended to reclaim Democrat control of the House of Representatives in 2014.

Certainly, President Obama has made it painfully and abundantly clear that he has no problem defying Congress, ignoring the constraints of the Constitution, and the will of the people to do or get what he wants -- un-American as it may be.

Clearly, President Obama's costly ideology-driven executive orders, and administrative edicts and regulations amounting to tyrannical administrative abuse of power and cover-ups, along with patterns of lies and deceit, dereliction of duty against terrorism, border security -- and his failings in national and domestic security -- are stacking up as prospective articles of impeachment.

Lest we forget, it was House Republicans who moved ahead with hearings on the Watergate cover-up and articles of impeachment against former Republican president Nixon's abuse of power resulting in his resignation. Which begs the question: Where are the Democrats in the mounting evidence against President Obama and his captains of corruption?

The problem is: President Obama will likely never be impeached and convicted because congressional Democrats and the liberal press are unlikely to let it happen -- and America will undoubtedly suffer the consequences.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

NewsMax Magazine
April 2013 issue
March 23, 2013

Dividing America

President Obama invokes his liberal "creed" upon America with his second-term 2013 inauguration speech, marking the second half of the liberal Obama era.

He seriously diminishes the best interests of the American people ("President's Plan Divides the Nation," March).

Obama promised to fundamentally transform America, and that's exactly what his presidency has done.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif

San Dieto Union-Tribune
March 1, 2013

Sequestration deadline hits

President Obama's sequester scare tour

President Obama's sequester scare causing the release of illegal aliens being held for deportation is an insidious political ploy that will endanger the lives and property of American citizens.

Indeed, President Obama is using the sequester budget cuts on his perpetual campaign tour -- backed by congressional Democrats and the complicit media -- to scare the American people by manufacturing crisis to blame on Republicans, to get what he wants at the nation's expense.

Simply put, President Obama is a political ideology sucker-puncher. Problem is, it is the people who will take the blow and fall.

Daniel B. Jeffs

Victor Valley Daily Press
February 25, 2013

President Obama's 'State of Distortions'

President Obama's State of the Union address was replete with highly embellished job numbers since he became president -- over 6 million -- when the truth is closer to 1 million, and his untrue claim that vehicle gas mileage has doubled is a deal he made with automakers in 2011 that won't start until model year 2017 or happen until 2025.

Indeed, it's bad enough that the president has cooked the books with all the wasteful spending and debt he and the Democrat Congress pushed through -- along with economy-busting healthcare and finance laws carefully delayed until after the 2012 and 2014 elections to maintain power -- but when they lie and swear to it, it's more than rhetorical political perjury.

Worse, when feigned crisis king Obama falsely accuses Republicans of manufacturing crisis -- and announces that he will bypass Congress with executive actions and edicts to resolve (false global warming) climate change -- it amounts gross abuse of power, attacking the engines of energy, jobs, the economy, and raising the cost of living.

(Last paragraph below edited out for space)

Clearly, President Obama's grand plans including universal (indoctrination) pre-school, education, raising the minimum wage and manufacturing are plans for more government growth and control -- and are, in effect, unconscionable working plans for selling out America.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Time Magazine
January 22, 2013

President Obama invokes his liberal 'creed' on America

President Obama invoked his liberal "creed" upon America with his second-term 2013 inauguration speech, which marks the second half of the obsessive-compulsive Obama era, seriously diminishing the best interests of the American people.

Indeed, the historic election of the first black president set in motion candidate Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America, and that's exactly what his presidency has been doing. God bless the United States? God help America.

San Diego Union-Tribune
January 18, 2013

Quest for immortality opens second term

President Obama's 2013 inauguration to a second term marks the second half of the obsessive-compulsive Obama era, which has diminished the best interests of the United States. Indeed, the historic election of the first black president set in motion candidate Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America, and that's exactly what his presidency has been doing -- with or without his direct participation.

Everything President Obama needed to begin his quest for immortality was in place with his media-backed election in 2008 and coronation in 2009. The Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. False blame for the Democrat-caused housing and financial crash was placed on outgoing President Bush. And the president and Congress hurried through government expansion with reckless stimulus spending, enormous debt and overreaching health care and finance regulations, until being delayed by Republicans taking back the House in 2010.

Unfortunately for the American people, President Obama's transformation of our country has included a fundamental increase of government growth and executive power, fundamentally undermining the economy, an ongoing loss of freedoms, and a fundamental decrease in our national security.

President Obama will make it painfully clear that he is going to break the abuse of power barrier with a change of the Cabinet guard, circumventing Congress and the Constitution with imperial edicts and executive orders, which will be backed by the media, and supported by the Courts -- with impunity. What is most disturbing is that the president knows that regardless of what he does or fails to do, he will not be impeached and removed from office.

Daniel B. Jeffs

The Washington Times
January 16, 2013

Media complicit in Obama's abuse of power

Joe Klein's most recent narcissistic Time magazine column, "Obama's Second Chance," is nothing less than a propaganda-laden media victory lap celebrating the fact that Americans were deceived into re-electing the current president.

However, Mr. Klein's Republican bashing conveniently ignored the facts that Democrat, former President Clinton caused the housing and finance crash, which was falsely blamed on President Bush. It also neglects to mention that President Obama increased the national debt by $6 trillion, manufacturing health care and financial crises along the way. All this resulting in rushing overreaching health care and finance laws through a Democrat-controlled Congress. It also fails to mention how Mr. Obama issued executive orders and edicts on immigration and energy -- until is abuse of power was delayed by Republicans taking back the House in 2010.

Unfortunately for the nation, Mr. Klein and his ilk are nothing more than an active members of President Obama's rooting section, people who know very well that this second-term president is merely carrying out his promise to fundamentally transform America for the worse by any means necessary. The liberal press could be responsible for aiding the abuse of power by the man who quickly is becoming the most unconstitutional president in history.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

NewsMax Magazine
January 2012 issue

Federal and state solar energy extremes cost counties and taxpayers large sums ("Seeing Red Over the Cost of Going Green," December). Unfortunately, liberal insanity runs far and wide among environmental extremists in Washington and particularly California (my home).

Now that California is under one-party liberal Democrat rule, Gov. Brown and company will undoubtedly take more of a lead in driving Californians and America down the road to dependency and insolvency by overwhelming taxpayers and free enterprise.

Big government means taxing, spending, insurmountable debt and loss of freedoms. There is no other formula for socialism. Alas, 2014 is the next chance for voters to turn it around, that is, if it's not already too late.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

(original letter)

Federal and state solar energy extremes cost counties and ratepayers

Between President Obama and California Governor Brown's extreme obsession with solar energy, there is a vacuum of costs to be borne by Southern California Mojave Desert Inyo, Riverside and San Bernardino counties and electricity ratepayers.

Indeed, two of the world's largest solar energy projects are located in San Bernardino County. The $2.2 billion Ivanpah solar plant next to the Nevada border has agreed to pay the county $377,000 per year, but that will hardly cover county costs and the loss of recreation and private development revenues.

Worse, contrary to the usual lengthy environmental delays, state and federal approvals for the solar plants were almost immediate. President Obama's grand push for solar energy and a regulation nation, coupled with AB 32 and Governor Brown's vow to "crush" opponents of solar projects, will make it painfully clear to San Bernardino County and ratepayers that, in President Obama's words, "electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket."

Unfortunately, liberal insanity runs far and wide among environmental extremists in Washington and particularly California. Now that California is under one-party liberal Democrat rule, Governor Brown and company will undoubtedly take more of a lead in driving Californians and America down the road to dependency and insolvency by overwhelming taxpayers and free enterprise.

Big government means taxing, spending, insurmountable debt and loss of freedoms. There is no other formula for socialism. Alas, 2014 is the next chance for voters to turn it around, that is, if it's not already too late.

San Diego Union-Tribune
January 4, 2013

President Obama's "fiscal cliff" is nothing compared to what's ahead

By the time President Obama completes his government-class warfare against the foundations of America, even the indoctrinated will come to the inescapable conclusion that big government means the loss of freedoms. Indeed, when he said he was going to fundamentally transform America, he meant it.

Surely, it is becoming painfully clear that government's power to legislate, borrow, tax and regulate under liberal/progressive rule went to extremes over the last century. And, under the perpetual campaign of Barack Obama's presidency, it is being accelerated, as evidenced by the increasing power of government to destroy the economy, foreign policy, national security, the freedoms of our unique society and the spirit of America.

Certainly, it is bad enough that the people are unduly influenced by the dominant elite of the liberal media, entertainment industry, the education establishment, and the enormous government class. But when it wreaks the havoc of war against free enterprise and private property causing the housing and financial bubble and burst, exacerbated the money bubble being created by the Federal Reserve central bank, the last shoe will drop.

Which means we will be broken by government-inflicted regulation, taxation, debt, explosive inflation and interest rates.

Daniel B. Jeffs

The Washington Times
January 3, 2013

Not a happy new year

Considering the furry of spending and finance-suppression laws by congressional Democrats and President Obama during the first two-years of his presidency, plus the rush of executive edicts, regulations, enormous deficits, mounting debt and the "fiscal cliff," something became painfully clear: This was not a very merry Christmas. Alas, more taxes, regulations, spending and a deeper second recession are coming, which means it certainly won't be a happy new year for years to come ("Obama's hidden tax-heist," Dec. 24).

Indeed, not since President Lyndon B. Johnson's war on poverty and the "Great Society" illusion that created the dependency class have a president and Democratic Congress done so much damage to America, our prosperity, our freedoms, and our future.

Also worth mentioning: The relentless push of Presidents Carter and Clinton for 'affordable' housing, which caused the housing and financial crash of 2008, and Mr. Obama's foreign policy and national security failures.

Apple Valley, Calif.

Riverside Press Enterprise
January 2, 2013

Hillary Clinton failed badly

The recent report from the State Department investigation of the attack on our consulate -- needlessly costing the lives of our ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya -- confirms that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been commanding an empty bureaucratic vessel of systemic failures with impunity, replete with implausible denials and unaccountability ("Four quit after report on Benghazi." Dec. 20).

Indeed, Secretary Clinton's lack-luster tour of duty at State -- aimlessly traveling the world -- serving the Obama administration's lack of leadership and do-nothing philosophy in foreign policy, has allowed the Middle East to explode into the Islamic extremist takeover of Egypt, the unfettered expansion of al-Qaida, massacres in Syria, the growth of Taliban power in Pakistan, and the advance of Iranian nuclear ambitions.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The New York Post
January 1, 2013

Clinton's State Department is an empty vessel

The recent report from the State Department investigation of the attack on our consulate, which needlessly cost the lives of our ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi, confirms that Clinton has been commanding an empty bureaucratic vessel of "systemic failures," with impunity, replete with denials and unaccountability.

Clinton's lack-luster tour of duty at State -- aimlessly traveling the world -- serving the Obama administration's lack of leadership and do-nothing philosophy in foreign policy, has allowed the Middle East to explode.

There has Islamic extremist takeover of Egypt, an unfettered expansion of al-Qaeda, massacres in Syria, the growth of Taliban power in Pakistan, and the advance of Iranian nuclear ambitions.

Needless to say, the Obama/Clinton foreign policy is seriously diminishing our national security.

Daniel Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Diego Union-Tribune/North County Times
January 1, 2013

Fiscal cliff built by Democrats

Being backed-up to the edge of the 2013 fiscal cliff is the direct result of media-driven, miseducation establishment, Hollywood-style demonizing Democrats, the abuse of power and battered Republicans.

Lest we forget, it was the Democrats who put time limits on the Bush tax cuts, which should have been permanent when they were first passed, benefiting the middle class, job creators and the economy.

That is, until now since the tax cuts are expiring on top of President Obama's 4-year economy-crushing race to recklessly expand government empire building, regulations, taxation, spending and insurmountable debt.

And lest we forget, it was administration Democrats Carter, Clinton, Cuomo, Reno, and the congressional likes of Frank and Dodd pushing unaffordable housing, who caused the housing crash and financial meltdown.

Of course, government's race to insolvency is still being led by pernicious California Democrats on the backs of over-regulated and over-taxed-payers, still an insidious work in progressive/regressive socialism.

Alas, if we are to survive, the American people must somehow come to their senses, and break the grip of government, to be truly free and prosper.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Carlsbad, CA

The Washington Examiner
December 31, 2012

Kerry is wrong choice to head State Department

Prior to announcing his nomination of Sen. John F. Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat for secretary of state -- as a payback for launching his presidential career as the keynote speaker in Kerry's 2004 presidential bid -- President Obama put further wear on his rotator cuff by patting himself of the back for his foreign policy and national security accomplishments.

Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton's foreign policy and national security failures notwithstanding, Mr. Kerry is the worst possible choice to assume that vital post, short of being nominated for secretary of defense.

Indeed, Kerry's Senate position as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and his relentless campaign to succeed Clinton is merely a veiled attempt to mask his anti-Viet Nam War and anti-Iraq War betrayal of the military and other anti-American activities.

Although Kerry is better than President Obama's first choice of "yeswoman" UN Ambassador Susan Rice, he is nevertheless in line with Mr. Obama's highly disturbing, reckless and weakened American foreign policy and national security philosophy.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Los Angeles Times
December 29, 2012

Re: Fiscal talks get more upbeat - Front Page

President Obama's legacy in 'forward' motion backward

In the few weeks leading to President Obama's inauguration to a second term, he is using the 'fiscal cliff' crisis to make the Democrat-controlled Senate extort a brief relief from the Republican-controlled House that will give him some cover to bestow on the middle class and to satisfy his base in his inaugural address.

What is most disturbing though, is the obvious behind President Obama's motives to finish his legacy -- of capitalizing on his win in 2008 with a Republican-collapsed economy and a Democrat Congress to pass sweeping health care and finance legislation -- with an FDR-initiated, LBJ-extended government growth bang.

Worse, to the biased press and entertainment industry, it doesn't seem to matter that Democrats caused the 2008 housing and financial crash and put time limits on the Bush tax cuts, Or that the last thing we needed was wasted Democrat stimulus spending -- costly national health care and attendant tax increases -- over-reaching finance and environmental regulations, 'skyrocketing energy costs' and insurmountable debt.

Indeed, it will soon become painfully clear that falsely blaming Republicans is an exercise in futility. And that President Obama's media-endorsed, progressive 'forward' legacy will be based upon implosive backward actions of punishing taxation and regulation, big government's largess of redistributing wealth, loss of freedoms, crushing the economy, failed foreign policy and dangerously reduced national security.

The Washington Times
December 27, 2012

Kerry shares Obama's disturbing views

Prior to announcing his nomination of Sen. John F. Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat for secretary of state (as a payback for launching his presidential career as the keynote speaker in Kerry's 2004 presidential bid, no doubt), President Obama put further wear on his shoulder-rotator-cup, patting himself of the back for his foreign policy and national security accomplishments ("Obama nominates Kerry for secretary of state," Friday).

However -- Current Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton's foreign policy and national security failures notwithstanding, Mr. Kerry is the worst possible choice to assume this vital post. Indeed, Mr. Kerry's Senate position as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and his relentless campaign for secretary of state are merely a veiled attempt to mask his anti-Viet Nam War betrayal of the military and his anti-Iraq War and anti-American activities.

Although Kerry is second-best to Mr. Obama's first choice of yes-woman UN Ambassador Susan Rice, he is nevertheless in line with Mr. Obama's highly disturbing, reckless and weakened American foreign policy and national security philosophy.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Los Angeles Times
December 26, 2012

Not so merry Christmas and unhappy new year: The tax man cometh

Considering President Obama's and the Democrat Congress' fury of unstimulus spending, health careless and finance suppression laws in the first two-years of the president's first term -- plus the rush of executive edicts, regulations, enormous deficits, mounting debt and the 'fiscal cliff' -- something has become painfully clear for Mr. Obama's second term:

This has not been a very merry Christmas. And alas, the tax, regulation, spending and deeper second recession man cometh, which means it certainly won't be a happy new year for years to come.

Indeed, considering the fact that not since President Lyndon B. Johnson's war on poverty and "Great Society" illusion -- that set the government growth, tax, spend and dependency class was set in motion -- has a president and Democrat Congress done so much present and future damage to America, our prosperity, our freedoms, and our future.

Not to mention Presidents Carter and Clinton's inescapable push for unaffordable housing that caused the housing and financial crash of 2008, and President Obama's foreign policy and national security failures.

San Diego Union-Tribune
December 24, 2012

Payback for Kerry

In response to "Kerry tapped for State Dept.," Dec. 22): Before announcing his nomination of Sen. John Kerry for Secretary of State -- as a payback for launching his presidential career as the keynote speaker in Kerry's 2004 presidential bid -- President Obama put further wear on his shoulder-rotator-cup, patting himself of the back for his foreign policy and national security accomplishments.

However -- Current Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton's foreign policy and national security failures notwithstanding -- Sen. Kerry is the worst possible choice to assume the vital post, short of being nominated for Secretary of Defense.

Indeed, Sen. Kerry's Senate position as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee -- and his relentless campaign for Secretary of State -- is merely a veiled attempt to mask his anti-Viet Nam War betrayal of the military, anti-Iraq War and anti-American activities.

Although Kerry is second best to President Obama's first choice of "yes-woman" UN Ambassador Susan Rice, he is nevertheless in line with Obama's highly disturbing, reckless and weakened American foreign policy and national security philosophy.

Daniel B. Jeffs

San Diego Union-Tribune
December 7, 2012

President Obama's presidency is the final liberal straw

Liberal-progressive presidents are responsible for the rise in government growth, contrary to the dictates of the Constitution. Indeed, government growth and abuse of power began with the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt, continued with Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, then Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both of whom are directly responsible for the housing crash and financial meltdown.

Then comes President Barack Obama with a liberal-progressive vengeance in his first term with a Democrat Congress that threw fiscal borrowing and spending restraint to the wind with a wasted trillion dollar stimulus bill, and yearly trillion dollar deficits that sent the national debt soaring from $10 to over $16 trillion -- stemmed only by spontaneous Tea Party voter revolt resulting in Republican control of the House of Representatives.

But not before President Obama and his Democrats rammed through the enormous, costly and needless "Unaffordable Healthcareless Act," and the Dodd-Frank financial disaster laws -- as if their culpability in the housing crash wasn't enough. Then, of course, Mr. Obama' monarchial edicts are elevated with over 6000 more regulations and continuing his war against affordable energy and energy independence.

Surely, the "fiscal cliff" is meaningless to President Obama and Democrats, who extended the Bush tax cuts rather than making them permanent and intend to raise taxes beyond merely letting the tax cuts expire January 2013, which, coupled with the coming costs of "Obamacare" will decimate businesses, jobs and the middle class.

Alas, America has already been deceived, betrayed and pushed off the "fiscal cliff" -- hard landing dead ahead.

Daniel B. Jeffs

The Washington Examiner
December 5, 2012

America has already fallen off the 'fiscal cliff'

The "fiscal cliff" is meaningless to President Obama and Democrats, who extended the Bush tax cuts rather than making them permanent. They intend to raise taxes beyond merely letting the tax cuts expire January 2013.

President Obama is following and long line of liberal-progressive presidents responsible for the rise in government growth, contrary to the dictates of the Constitution. In his first term with a Democrat Congress, he threw fiscal restraint to the wind via a wasted trillion dollar stimulus and yearly deficits that sent the national debt soaring from $10 to over $16 trillion.

The spending was only stemmed by a spontaneous Tea Party voter revolt resulting in Republican control of the House of Representatives in 2010, but not before the Democrats rammed through Obamacare and the Dodd-Frank financial disaster laws -- as if their culpability in the housing crash wasn't enough.

Obama' monarchial edicts were elevated with over 6000 more regulations and continuing his war against affordable energy and energy independence. Coupled with the coming costs of Obamacare, this will decimate businesses, jobs and the middle class.

Alas, America has already been deceived, betrayed and pushed off the "fiscal cliff" -- and there's hard landing dead ahead.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

New York Post
December 4, 2012

Spreading the wealth -- and choking U.S. growth

Surely, the fiscal cliff is meaningless to Obama and the Democrats. They extended the Bush tax cuts, rather than making them permanent, and then went on a $6 trillion borrowing, spending and regulation spree with impunity.

They intend to raise taxes beyond merely letting the tax cuts expire on Jan. 1, which coupled with the coming costs of ObamaCare, will decimate businesses, jobs and the middle class.

America has already been deceived, betrayed and pushed off the fiscal cliff. A hard landing and deeper recession are dead ahead.

Daniel Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Apple Valley Review - Daily Press
December 4, 2012

President Obama's presidency is the final liberal straw

Liberal-progressive presidents are responsible for the rise in government growth, contrary to the dictates of the Constitution. Indeed, government growth and abuse of power began with the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt, continued with Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, then Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both of whom are directly responsible for the housing crash and financial meltdown.

Then comes President Barack Obama with a liberal-progressive vengeance in his first term with a Democrat Congress that threw fiscal borrowing and spending restraint to the wind with a wasted trillion dollar stimulus bill, and yearly trillion dollar deficits that sent the national debt soaring from $10 to over $16 trillion -- stemmed only by spontaneous Tea Party voter revolt resulting in Republican control of the House of Representatives.

But not before President Obama and his Democrats rammed through the enormous, costly and needless "Unaffordable Healthcareless Act," and the Dodd-Frank financial disaster laws -- as if their culpability in the housing crash wasn't enough. Then, of course, Mr. Obama's monarchial edicts are elevated with over 6000 more regulations and continuing his war against affordable energy and energy independence.

Surely, the "fiscal cliff" is meaningless to President Obama and Democrats -- who extended the Bush tax cuts rather than making them permanent -- and intend to raise taxes beyond merely letting the tax cuts expire January 2013 -- which coupled with the coming costs of "Obamacare" will decimate businesses, jobs and the middle class. Alas, America has already been deceived, betrayed and pushed off the "fiscal cliff" -- hard landing dead ahead.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
December 2, 1012

Unions show public disdain

It's bad enough that unreasonable union demands fuel higher prices, outsourcing of jobs, business such as Hostess closing up ("Hostess, union talks fail." Nov. 21), and local/state governments facing bankruptcy.

But when union protestors, led by the purple-shirted SEIU, show their true colors by intentionally disrupting and delaying Thanksgiving travelers at Los Angeles International Airport because of dispute with an airport subcontractor that says its worker decertified the union, it' simply unconscionable ("March disrupts LAX Thanksgiving traffic," Nov. 21),

Indeed, coupled with the implementation of business and economy-busting Obamacare, selfish union leaders will soon find themselves and their members facing a second, deeper recession, the loss of many more jobs, and remorse for supporting President Obama in voter-assisted economic suicide.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

North County Times
December 1, 2012

President Obama's other shoes dropping

Since President Obama's re-election, his other shoes are dropping in multiples: CIA Director General Patraeus resigned on a sex scandal and Afghanistan Commander General Allen being caught-up in it, raising even more questions about the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack.

The stock market continues to fall and large companies are closing shops and announcing layoffs because of the fiscal cliff, and pending tax increases -- including implementation of the health careless laws -- which will damage small business and the middle class, not save us.

Federal tyranny shifts into high gear with President Obama rolling out over 6,000 regulations and more at a steady pace -- while military arms, equipment and nuclear missile defense are being reduced including our national security.

Indeed, President Obama's re-election makes us the un-United States of fools, endorsing social, political and economic suicide.

Daniel Jeffs

November 28, 2012

Shifting control keeps Israel in check

Israel and our national security in the Islamist vice - America facing regulatory balloon payments and economic Armageddon

Egypt's President, Mohamed Morsi brokered the cease-fire between Hamas and Israel. This gave Hamas the claim of victory and Morsi the opening to seize power for himself and the Muslim Brotherhood. indeed, he might have more power than Hosni Mubarak. ("Morsi's sweeping powers throw Egypt into turmoil," News, Monday).

Surely, the deadly insidious plans of Russian-assisted Iran and Syria are to squeeze Israel among the rockets/missiles of Gaza's Hamas, Lebanon's Hezbollah and Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood to deter action by Israel against Iran's nuclear weapons development. Meanwhile, the Obama administration will undoubtedly continue to sit on the sidelines and be "flexible," as the region implodes.

So much for addressing the clear and present danger threats to Israel, to our national security, and to the world. And don't forget Libya terrorist debacle costing four American lives, and reports of Mexican drug cartels smuggling Hezbollah agents into the United States.

(second half of letter cut for space):

ON THE HOME FRONT, America faces the 2009-2010 President Obama-Democrat-Congress-engineered 2012-2014 malfeasant balloon payments for the unaffordable Health Care Act -- and the Dodd-Frank Financial Services Act's over-regulators -- coupled with Obama edicts EPA anti-carbon, anti-fossil fuel, anti-energy regulations that will undoubtedly engender economic Armageddon.

Certainly, what we have here, is irrefutable evidence of the ongoing -- now stepped-up downhill -- transformation of America from a limited government, free market Constitutional Republic; to the intentional chaos of a superficial society of social aggression, political terrorism, selfish interests and extremes; to unabated government growth, an overwhelming entitlement society, costly dumbed-down education indoctrination -- and class warfare on the road to socialism and the loss of freedom.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Bernardino Sun
November 25, 2012

Set law aside

President Obama is not king of America

Those with the notion that the war over Obamacare is over and it's time for resisters to get with the program is disturbingly tantamount to reaffirming the Democrat congressional Star Chamber and the president's irreversible national healthcare edict.

Granted, the health care act is law, but contrary of liberal belief, President Obama is not king of America, and the law can be repealed.

If we are to avoid the fiscal cliff and a second, much deeper recession, the Bush tax cuts must be carefully modified and made permanent, the tax code must be simplified, and the costly health care law must be set aside.

Otherwise, the double-trouble of a ruthless recession, and insurmountable debt will certainly raise the cost of living and increase unemployment.

That is unacceptable.

Instead of savaging Mitt Romney for losing the election, Republicans must keep their eyes on the ball: Reducing the size, scope and power of government and restoring power to the states and to the people is the solution. That effort begins now and with the 2014 election. Indeed, our Constitution demands it.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Diego Union-Tribune
November 24, 2012

Middle East conflict

Iran/Hamas vs. Israel

Israel did a lot for peace by giving up Gaza to the Palestinians as their state -- even to the point of Israel forcibly removing its own citizens from Gaza -- which of course meant nothing to the Iran-backed and armed terrorist Hamas government that came to power.

Iran needs to buy time to develop their nuclear weapons, so they had their puppet Hamas attack Israel with rockets, keeping Israel busy defending itself to the point of an invasion -- lessening the chance of Israel taking out Iran nuclear weapon facilities for a while.

However, it should come as no surprise if Iran's Hezbollah in Lebanon attacks Israel, doubling the defense battle fronts for Israel to keep them busy for even longer. Indeed, it's all so transparently deadly, the vile arrogance of terrorist states.

Sadly, America's bleeding heart liberals and fools in the media, of course, take the side of Palestinian death and suffering without the least consideration that extreme Islamists have no value for life -- only the afterlife -- while Israel values their life as free, sacred and precious.

Alas, the question is, where to President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton really stand on this explosive issue of national defense and world security? We will soon see where America's leadership, or lack thereof, is coming from and where we are going. Thus far, it doesn't look good.

One thing is certain. Iran's fanatic Islamic state is obsessed with scorching Israel's earth and snuffing it out of existence, by any ruthless means necessary. That kind of mindless tragedy will take peace-loving, freedom-seeking Iranians with it. What's the point? Islamic world domination at any cost.

Daniel B. Jeffs

San Diego Union-Tribune
November 23, 2012

Benghazi intrigue continues

Obama's Benghazigate

President Obama's plausible denial over the Benghazi attack cover-up is simply implausible. Particularly, when former CIA Director, Gen. Patraeus said in a closed congressional hearing that his report indicated it was a terrorist attack, and that al-Qaeda was involved.

However, when the talking points were returned to Patraeus, the terms terrorist and al-Qaeda had been removed. Then, of course, UN Ambassador Rice personally carried the false video message -- which had to have come from the president -- to the media.

The insidious nature of Benghazigate is surely being developed from President Obama covering his manslaughter malfeasance with administration surrogates, Clinton, Rice, Patraeus and his own diversionary statements at the United Nations. Indeed, feigning outrage at Sen. McCain and being offended by Gov. Romney will not relieve him of direct responsibility and dereliction of duty.

Worse, President Obama's grievous inattention to the Iran nuclear threat, the unraveling of the Middle East, the growth of al-Qaeda, and the opportunistic, escalating Gaza-Hamas attacks on Israel portends serious threats to our national security and our economy.

Daniel B. Jeffs

The Washington Examiner
November 20, 2012

Obama, unions leading us right to the 'fiscal cliff'

Re: Ding Dong, Hostess is dead, and the wicked union did it - editorial

The first people President Obama met with at the White House after his re-election were union leaders, obviously to thank them for their support.

The Hostess company went out of business because of the union's refusal to make concessions, putting all 18,500 of their members out of work. That's what President Obama calls moving 'forward' -- but his forward is over the 'fiscal cliff.'

Politicians should stop using the term 'forward' because what it usually means is metastasizing the cancer of government growth.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

The Wall Street Journal
November 16, 2012

Re: California's liberal supermajority - editorial

Californians spread liberalism throughout the West

California's double-trouble

California's liberal political class in Sacramento's legislature attainting a one-party-rule supermajority in the 2012 elections is clear and convincing evidence that the liberal voting class is dead-set on committing voter-assisted social, political and economic suicide.

The passage of Governor Brown's Proposition 30 tax increases, Proposition 39's anti-business measure, and the defeat of Proposition 32 union controls adds insult to the injuries of taxpayers, property and business owners, and the soon-to-be unemployed.

Coupled with California's welfare state mentality -- the open-door invitation to illegal aliens and criminals, and the sure-to-intensify environmental extremist tax and regulatory tyrannies -- the state's liberal lemmings are accelerating the run to the fiscal cliff, pushing the rest of us in front of them.

Certainly, with the re-election of President Obama and more Senate Democrats leading America to insolvency, California is in double-trouble, with only the Republican House to slow the fall. Hopefully, the people's last chance for survival will be realized in the 2014 elections.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Diego Union-Tribune
November 12, 2012

Letters: U.S. political landscape

Appoint managers to run government

Clearly, the 2008 election and 2012 re-election of Democrat President Obama and his manipulative regressive/progressive agenda -- opposed by the of-and-on compromising conservatism of Republicans -- shines a glaring light on the reason why America has been in steady decline.

Indeed, after nearly a century of the two-party system of political factions -- and creeping socialism infecting our traditional conservative culture -- our nation has turned into a superficial entitlement society of selfish interests, social aggression, political terrorism and extremes.

Surely, the government-caused unaffordable housing, financial and employment crash, government growth, taxes and insurmountable debt is making it painfully clear that the -- nowhere-to-be-found in the Constitution -- two-party system is counter-productive to our liberty, security, freedom and prosperity.

Therefore, a novel idea for a solution might be found in the establishment of nonpartisan direct representative democracy by means of secure voting networks, wherein truthfully informed voters elect well-compensated professional government managers -- subject to annual confirmation -- instead of professional politicians. And the voters would decide all matters of taxation and public policy -- of course implemented by the 28th Amendment to the Constitution.

Alas, without fundamental change, we can certainly expect not so happy Thanksgivings, not so merry Christmas's, unhappy New Years and substantial losses of jobs, freedom and prosperity.

Daniel B. Jeffs

San Diego Union-Tribune
November 6, 2012

It's official:

President Obama re-elected, making us the United States of Fools.

Daniel B. Jeffs

November 5, 2012

The clear choice for president

The clear choice for voters Tuesday, one of the most important presidential elections of our time, is either for President Obama the problem-maker, or for Governor Romney the problem-solver.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

The New York Post
November 2, 2012

Hurricane's aftermath

President Obama's mantra of never letting a crisis go to waste is on full display, acting as the commander-in-chief during Hurricane Sandy, on the eve of the presidential election.

Helping our people in a disaster is a good thing.

However, it does not excuse his dereliction of duty in the deadly terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya and the loss of four patriots' lives -- or his abdication of responsibility to our economy and national security.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Diego Union-Tribune
November 1, 2012

Toying with terrorism

President Obama's mantra of never letting a crisis go to waste is in full swing as the commander-in-chief of Hurricane Sandy on the eve of the presidential election. However, the president is not in command against the crisis of terrorist attacks, including nuclear threats.

Instead, the tragedy of the loss of life and property notwithstanding, the enormous hurricane molding into a perfect storm comes at a convenient time to divert attention away from the deadly Benghazi terrorist debacle in Libya.

The president's campaign must now use his position to ensure his voting base reaches their polling places in the areas of the East Coast and inland affected by the storm. That is surely his main endeavor in dealing with the emergencies.

Dealing with natural disasters is one thing, However, what is really frightening, is President Obama's Hollywood-style toying with terrorism after killing Osama bin Laden and dispatching drones against al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda, which is alive and growing rapidly toward an inevitable terrorist nuclear attack against America enabled by Pakistan or Iran and/or North Korea or Russia. In that regard, President Obama's casual nuclear weapon reduction fantasy and his re-election would certainly raise the terrorist nuclear threat against us.

Daniel B. Jeffs

Los Angeles Times
Opinion L.A.

October 31, 2012

Commander in chief just in time (and what about Benghazi?)

President Obama's mantra of never letting a crisis go to waste is in full swing as he takes control as the commander in chief during Hurricane Sandy on the eve of the presidential election.

Helping our people in a disaster is a good thing. However, it does not excuse his behavior in the deadly terrorist attack on our consulate in Benghazi, Libya and the loss of four patriot lives, or his abdication of responsibility to our economy and national security.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
October 29, 2012

No second term

President Obama's first term proves he should get no second

Let us recount the reasons: Costly takeover of healthcare; $900 billion stimulus that produced nothing but more government jobs; dumping $96 billion into the failed education money pit; takeover of student loans now in excess of $! trillion.

Bad investments in crony green energy capitalism; government intrusion in the auto manufacturing industry; excessive finance regulations; excessive environmental energy and carbon tax regulations of industry.

Adding $6 trillion to the national debt; 4 straight $trillion dollar budget deficits; enormous tax increases due on January 1, 2013; no reduction in unemployment rates.

An unyielding record of governing by ideology-driven machinations, reckless spending, deception, distraction, distortion, and managing by crisis and serial political perjury.

And a stand-back foreign policy; toying with terrorism; dangerous unilateral reductions in nuclear weapons and military strength in the face of a nuclear Iran.

Apple Valley

New York Post
October 25, 2012

Romney's world view: bring back US leadership

The Issue: The third presidential debate, which focused on foreign policy, and how candidates fared.

(Lead letter)

Mitt Romney held his own and more in the debate with President Obama regarding foreign policy and the need for a strong economy and military to resolve America's failing leadership in the world. ("Mitt's optimism," Editorial, Oct. 23).

He did not stoop to childish jabs as the president did, nor did he embarrass the president over his deadly failure to protect his ambassador and three security agents from terrorist attacks in Libya.

Romney did demonstrate a presidential command of knowledge, concern and solutions to the threats of military and economic weakness that President Obama poses to America now and in the future.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

The New York Times
October 24, 2012

Debates over, the final decision awaits

Mitt Romney held his own and more, in the debate with President Obama regarding foreign policy and the need for a strong economy and military to resolve America's failing leadership in the world.

He did not stoop to childish jabs as the president did, nor did he embarrass the president over his deadly failure to protect his ambassador and three other Americans from a terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya.

Mr. Romney demonstrated a presidential command of knowledge, concern and solutions needed, while President Obama poses the threat of military and economic weakness.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Los Angeles Times
October 24, 2012

That settles it -- for both men

(Re: "Parting shots for final stretch," Oct 23

Romney held his own and more in the debate with Obama regarding foreign policy and the need for a strong economy and military. He did not stoop to childish jabs as the president did, nor did he embarrass the president over his failure to protect the U.S. ambassador and three security agents from attack in Libya.

Romney did demonstrate a presidential command of knowledge and concern and solutions to the prospects of military and economic weakness that Obama poses to America.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Diego Union-Tribune
October 23, 2012

Obama-Romney Debate No. 3

Gov. Romney held his own and more in the debate with President Obama regarding foreign policy and the need for a strong economy and military to resolve America's failing leadership in the world.

He did not stoop to childish jabs as the president did, nor did he embarrass the president over his deadly failure to protect his ambassador and three security agents from terrorist attacks in Libya.

Gov. Romney did demonstrate a presidential command of knowledge, concern and solutions to the threats of military and economic weakness that President Obama poses to America now and in the future.

Daniel B. Jeffs

The San Diego Union-Tribune
October 17, 2012

Meaningless presidential debates

In response to "A feisty exchange" (Oct 17): If President Obama seemed to have won the second presidential debate, it was only because debate moderator Candy Crowley chose mostly biased audience questions in favor of Obama, frustrated Governor Romney's efforts, and gave Obama more time. Indeed, many voters viewing the debate on television were probably frustrated by neither candidate addressing audience questions directly, but diverting their responses to their respective campaign agendas.

Worse, while President Obama spent most of his time falsely calling Governor Romney a liar in defense of his indefensible record, Romney missed several more criticisms of Obama's energy policies, the high cost of living and gas prices -- including Obama's shutdown of 11 million acres of oil resources in Alaska, the lack of refineries and pipelines, and the A123 Systems electric car battery company that just went bankrupt taking a $249 million Obama federal grant down with it.

Worst of all, presidential debates are meaningless to most people suffering through a brutal, failing economy seeded by the Carter and Clinton administration's obsession with unaffordable housing -- exacerbated by the Obama administration and the previous Democrat Congress. America simply cannot withstand another four years of ideology-driven machinations, reckless spending, deceptions, distractions, toying with terrorism and serial political perjury.

Daniel B. Jeffs

San Bernardino Sun
September 30, 2012

Perpetual campaign

President Obama's well-choreographed speeches, and malfeasance in office have transformed his persona of hope and change to a presidency devoted to costly, ideology-driven changes resulting in over-reaching government, reckless spending and diminishing hope, leaving future generations enslaved by a high cost of living, taxes and debt -- and steeped in uncertainty.

Alas, this most important of elections will be difficult for Republicans to win because too many American voters have been lost in a fog induced by the betrayal of the media, education and entertainment industry propaganda arms of the left, nit-picking Mitt Romney's capitalism, elevating our national security risk and exposure, and ameliorating President Obama's failures.

Certainly, President Obama's enforcer administration, his state media's suppression of fair and balanced news, and his gang of Democrats in Congress represent the growing tail of government power wagging the public dog by any deceptive means necessary. Before it's too late, the voting public dog of freedom must bite the government tail, and reduce its size, scope and power to restore the republic.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

NEWSMAX Magazine
October 2012 issue

Middle-class extinction

President Obama's feckless bid for re-election to save the middle class masks his extreme ideology of social justice demonstrated by waging class warfare against Republicans, the rich, and the middle class.

This is evidenced by his deceitful record of pushing through laws of social, political and economic injustice against the American people ("Death of the Middle -- Why Conservatives Should Care," August).

Social injustice is the destruction of the middle class by socialistic government growth and taxation, creating a giant underclass. That is Obama's philosophy of social justice, also known as socialism.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

The Riverside Press Enterprise
September 25, 2012

Attacks linked to 9/11

So al-Qaeda is putting out the call for all Muslims to expel American embassies from Muslim lands ("Al-Qaida calls for more attacks," Sept. 16).

This has little if anything to do with the anti-Muslim film made by a California Egyptian immigrant, and everything to do with the anniversary of 9/11. Surely, the spread of radical Islam throughout the Middle East is intent on wiping out Israel, Jews, America and Americans everywhere in the world.

And If not prevented from doing so, Iran will use nuclear weapons to start the all out war.

President Barack Obama's action or inaction, and Governor Mitt Romney's intentions are vital to deciding our future and whom to elect.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Examiner
September 20, 2012

Obama's foreign policy should prevent re-election

Al Qaeda's call for expelling Americans from the lands of Islam was not over the anti-Islamic film. Considering the history of al Qaeda's focus on "death to Israel and America" and the deadly events of the last few days, militant Islamists have made it painfully clear that the 9/11 anniversary, plus retribution for drone deaths of their leaders, were behind the premeditated terrorist attacks on our embassies in Libya, Egypt, throughout the Middle East and other countries. All of which is exacerbated by President Obama's ambivalence to threats from Iran against Israel and America.

Surely, it's too late for President Obama to back Israel's "red line" against a nuclear weapons Iran, to increase our military resolve, or to back off his costly liberal policies and executive actions damaging our economy. It's clearly time to crank-up our domestic oil and fuel production immediately -- plus our vast coal energy resources -- to ensure our oil and energy independence, which is absolutely necessary for our national security, our defense and our economic recovery.

President Obama's history of actions and inactions are clear and convincing evidence that he is unfit for a second term. Hopefully, if Mr. Obama is not re-elected, his reaction to a deeply bitter campaign -- as a lame-duck president from November 7th to January 20th -- won't be a spiteful slash and burn departure.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Diego Union-Tribune
September 13, 2012

Bungled Libyan embassy security

As usual, President Obama equivocated about the obviously planned 9/11 terror attacks on our embassies in the Middle East. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is still visibly stunned, in a trance, talking very slowly about the embassy attack in Libya and assassination of our ambassador, simply because she dropped the ball on protecting her people.

Indeed, President Obama's reluctance in backing Israel against Iran's nuclear threat is tantamount to President Clinton's failure to follow-up the first World Trade Center attack in 1993, his refusal to take Osama bin Laden when offered up by Sudan, the attacks on the our military housing in Saudi Arabia, the Cole, and our embassies in Africa.

Clinton's only response were the misguided missile attempt to kill bin Laden in Afghanistan and the aspirin factory, all of which lead to the 9/11 attack on America. Clearly, Clinton/Obama style of national security misleadership reduces the security of the United States.

Governor Romney's criticism of President Obama was clearly needed.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Examiner
September 10, 2012

Clinton set stage for housing bubble, recession

Re: "Bubba: Give Obama time to finish the job," Sept. 6

Gov. Mitt Romney, Rep. Ryan and the Republicans should hammer Bill Clinton and his alliance with President Obama. Clinton's speech nominating President Obama for a second term deserves no accolades and the liberal media have intentionally failed to tell the truth.

It was Clinton -- using President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act to intimidate banks, mortgage lenders, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make home loans to those who could not afford them -- who was responsible for housing and financial meltdown and the recession, exacerbated by President Obama's $5 trillion in borrowed spending and his $16 trillion ticking debt-bomb clock.

President Bush tried to stop the madness, but was thwarted by Rep. Barney Frank, Sen. Chris Dodd and a Democrat Congress. Obama accuses Romney and Ryan of lying to the American people, when it is he and his fellow Democrats in Congress who gutted a critically wounded economy, making things worse, and falsely blaming it on Bush.

It's bad enough that Clinton disgraced the White House and was impeached for it. But to applaud him for a balanced budget, a federal surplus and welfare reform when it was the work of House Speaker Newt Gingrich's Contract with America and a Republican Congress is a deception.

Daniel B. Jeffs

Apple Valley, Calif.

The San Francisco Examiner
August 28, 1012

States should handle public-school issues

The San Bernardino Sun
September 1, 2012


Pouring money into public education is an exercise in futility. Particularly with the checkered history of the miseducation of teachers and students, and the malpractice of teacher unions.

Indeed, considering the latest education political barbs being thrown by President Obama accusing Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney of wanting to cut education funding is instead a perfect example of Obama's wasteful spending on education to keep the support of teacher unions.

Clearly, most of President Obama's spending of $96 billion of stimulus funds on national education was to save teachers' jobs, and he wants to spend another $70 billion to do the same thing. Then there is his the enormous increase in college Pell Grants to $36 billion. Pell Grants were intended for poor students, however, Obama has expanded it to most, if not all students for nothing more than their votes.

Considering the failures in education, and the destructive, selfish interests of teacher unions and the NEA, the Department of Education should be abolished. Public education is a matter for the states to handle, or mishandle as in the case of California -- not the federal government.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
August 23, 2012

Ryan plan extremely wise

Paul Ryan's conservative budget plan is only extreme to the extent that it's what is needed to reform decades of extreme liberal government growth. This has been exacerbated by President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress increasing government power, spending and debt to the extreme.

Indeed, Obama's attack ad against Ryan's plan is a lie. It won't hurt seniors.

In terms of voters, hardworking, taxpaying private sector voters know what is happening with government and the failing economy, and they will turn out to elect the Romney/Ryan ticket and a Republican Senate.

Then there are the weak-minded, entitlement types and liberal-indoctrinated voters who will vote for Obama and Democrats because they can't or won't leave the economy-burning building.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Times
August 20, 2012

Obama's slogan should be 'Backward'

President Obama's "Forward" campaign slogan for re-election is nothing more than a continuation of the liberal/progressive movement's thrust toward even larger government, more centralized power, more regulations, more taxes, more spending and more debt. Indeed, the hackneyed Washington phrases, "Moving forward" and "Going forward" are in reality constant signals of government growth and economic chaos.

Clearly, now that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has selected Rep. Paul Ryan, Wisconsin Republican, as his running mate, President Obama has turned his false attacks to Ryan's health care and budget plan, saying they would help the wealthy and hurt Medicare and seniors -- even though his health care law takes $721 billion from Medicare to cover 30 million uninsured. Sharing prosperity means taxing job creators and hurting the middle class.

Adding insult to injury, President Obama is taking credit and spreading lies about rescuing the Auto industry and creating a comeback with the bailout of General Motors and its union with billions of dollars in taxpayer stock investments. Meanwhile, GM stock has lost $25 billion in value and Obama wants to "bail out" other industries. Surely his entire campaign is based on lies distractions and deceptions, with congressional Democrats swearing to them.

However, when Mr. Obama says a Republican win would mean going back to what got us into this mess, he fails to admit that it was Democrats Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd who made the mess by forcing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, banks and mortgage lenders lower qualification standards for those who couldn't afford home loans. Nor does he admit that his failures made the overall mess worse and he wants to do more of it.

Apple Valley, Calif.

Daily Press Dispatch
August 19, 2012

'Forward' campaign

President Obama's "Forward" campaign slogan for re-election is nothing more than a continuation of the liberal/progressive movement forward toward even larger government, more centralized power, more regulations, more taxes, more spending and more debt. Indeed, the hackneyed Washington phrases, "Moving forward" and "Going forward" are in reality constant signals of government growth and economic chaos.

Clearly, now that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has selected Congressman Paul Ryan as his VP running mate, President Obama has turned his false attacks to Ryan's health care and budget plan as helping the wealthy and hurting Medicare and seniors -- when his health care law takes $721 billion from Medicare to cover 30 million uninsured -- and sharing prosperity means taxing job creators and hurting the middle class.

Adding insult to injury, President Obama is taking credit and spreading lies about rescuing the Auto industry and a comeback -- based on bailing out GM and their union with $billions in taxpayer stock investments -- when GM stock has lost $25 billion in stock value and Obama wants to do the same with other industries. Surely, President Obama's entire campaign is based on lies distractions and deceptions, with congressional Democrats swearing to it.

However, when Mr. Obama says electing Romney and Ryan's plan means going back to what got us into this mess, he fails to admit that it was Democrats Carter, Clinton, Frank and Dodd who made the mess by forcing Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, banks and mortgage lenders to make so-called affordable housing loans by lowering standards for those who couldn't afford it -- or that his failures made the overall mess worse and he wants to do more of it.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The New York Post
August 15, 2012
(lead letter)

Ignore Dems' distortions - Ryan's the right stuff

As an independent voter, I am encouraged by the selection of Republican House Budget Committee Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's VP running mate ("The Ryan Reaction," Editorial, Aug. 13).

If elected with a Republican Congress, the United States won't suffer the same hopeless, Democrat-controlled, economic demise as California

Ryan has put forth long-overdue budget solutions and real reforms to stop Washington's monolith of centralized government from sucking the life out of America's freedoms, prosperity, self reliance and security.

The desperate, demonizing assaults from Obama's attack team serve as confirmation that the GOP's dynamic duo is replete with leadership, integrity and character.

They are the right choice for economic recovery and America's future.

Daniel Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Diego Union-Tribune
August 12, 2012

Letters: Readers react to Romney's pick of Ryan for VP

As an independent voter, I am encouraged by the selection of Republican House budget chairman, Rep. Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's VP running mate. Alas, if elected with a Republican Congress, the United States won't suffer the same, hopeless Democrat-controlled economic demise of California.

Indeed, Romney displayed his thoughtful wisdom in choosing the highly qualified congressional leader who has put forth long overdue budget solutions and real reforms to stop Washington's giant monolith of centralized government from sucking the life out of America's freedoms, prosperity, self reliance and security.

Surely, social justice Democrats and President Obama's personal attack team's desperate demonizing assaults on Romney and Ryan serve as confirmation that the GOP dynamic duo is replete with leadership, integrity, character, and the right choice for economic recovery and America's future.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Orange County Register
August 12, 2012

Romney, Ryan a dynamic duo

As an independent voter, I am encouraged by the selection of Republican House budget chairman, Rep. Paul Ryan as Mitt Romney's VP running mate. Alas, if elected with a Republican Congress, the United States won't suffer the same, hopeless Democrat-controlled economic demise of California.

Indeed, Romney displayed his thoughtful wisdom in choosing the highly qualified congressional leader who has put forth long overdue budget solutions and real reforms to stop Washington's giant monolith of centralized government from sucking the life out of America's freedoms, prosperity, self reliance and security.

Surely, social justice Democrats and President Obama's personal attack team's desperate demonizing assaults on Romney and Ryan serve as confirmation that the GOP dynamic duo is replete with leadership, integrity, character, and the right choice for economic recovery and America's future.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley


Lou Pritchett is one of corporate America's true living legends --- a former Proctor & Gamble Vice-President, an acclaimed author, a dynamic teacher, and one of the world's most highly rated speakers. It was he who changed the way America does business by creating an audacious concept that came to be known as "Partnering.

You may remember a previous letter he wrote in 2009 to Obama and the New York Times which went viral.

From a speech given by Lou Pritchett April 15, 2012

"I was born in year two of the Great Depression (1931) and spent the first10 years of my life, influenced by the extreme hardships of the depression. --By today’s standards my family was about a mile below today’s so called ‘poverty level’; but if you never ‘had’ - - doing without was not so ‘bad’. Borrowing shoes to graduate from the 8th grade didn’t seem at all demeaning because most of the 8th graders did the same thing.

In June 1944, my only brother, Joe, was killed in action on Utah Beach in Normandy, France during the D-Day landings. Exactly one year later, my father died and left me, my mother, and my sister to go it alone - - and alone we went. My mother went to work at a department store, my sister dropped out of school and joined her, and I went to work shining shoes on the streets of Memphis for a dime a shine. Government assistance was not available, and if it were I am confident my mother would have refused it, because she never wanted the government involved in our lives.

I mention this bit of personal history to help you understand that millions of Americans, including your parents and grandparents, grew up like me during the Great Depression and never expected nor wanted the government to offer them anything other than an opportunity - - and now to see what Obama is trying to do to our country tends to make you crazy.

As some of you know, my “Scare Me" letter went viral with millions of hits on the internet during the past 3 years. I have now written a follow-up letter, which I will now share with you.

To the editors:

"In April 2009, I sent President Obama and the New York Times a letter titled "You Scare Me" because, as a candidate, he promised to "fundamentally transform America." Now, after observing his performance for over three years, he no longer scares me - - he terrifies me for the following reasons:

FIRST He has done more to damage America's standing in the world, to lower the standard of living in America, to impoverish future generations, and to shake our faith in the country's future than any other American president in history.

SECOND With a compliant Democrat congress, a lapdog media, and a weak, almost nonexistent Republican opposition, he has shattered the American dream of job security, home ownership, and rugged individualism for millions of Americans and has poisoned and divided our civil society with his politics of envy, class warfare, race warfare, and religious warfare - - which he is using as fundamental building blocks for his 'socialist' agenda.

THIRD Culturally, he remains totally out of touch with traditional American values. This has absolutely nothing to do with race or where he was born, rather it has everything to do with where, how and with whom he was raised, schooled, educated, trained, and associates with - - still today.

FOURTH He has surrounded himself with naive academicians, lawyers, politicians, bureaucrats, and socialist leaning czars who arrogantly think and behave exactly as he does. People who offer no balanced suggestions, or devil’s advocate positions, and think in lock step with him that big government is the answer to all our problems.

FIFTH He not only encourages, but aids and abets the unionization of all American industry, the albatross around the neck of the free market. In turn, they provide the money and muscle to intimidate his opponents.

SIXTH He has increased the national debt by over 30% in just three years. If re-elected, and this rate of increase continues, America will be burdened with an unsustainable 20 trillion dollar debt which will result in the country's financial death. Recovery will be impossible - - America will be the Greece of 2016.

SEVENTH Given his fanatical beholding to the 'environmental' and 'man-caused global warming' fringe, he has deliberately discouraged U.S. fossil fuel exploration and production, while wasting billions of tax payer dollars on solar, wind, and algae experiments. He refuses to accept that oil, gas, and coal are not America's enemies, they are America's assets - - which, properly managed, could make us energy independent within a generation.

EIGHTH He views the U.S. as a power in retreat which abused its World dominance. Therefore he systematically apologizes round the world. This past March, he whispered to Russian President Medvedev - - "This is my last election. After my election, I will have more flexibility". Just what is the secret that Obama and Putin are concealing from the American people until after the election ?? With what other leaders has he made similar secret agreements ??

NINTH And finally, after all his miss-steps, bad decision making, poor management, and zero leadership, the fact that he has the audacity to seek re-election should terrify every American.

I predict that if re-elected, future historians and political interpreters will look back at the eight year period 2008-2016, and conclude "the 44th President of the U.S. allowed the takers to overpower the payers, which resulted in the greatest economy in history vanishing from the face of the Earth". Farewell America, the World will really miss you !!"

Lou Pritchett April 15, 2012

It is my hope and prayer that this letter will also go viral and serve as a 'wake up' call to Americans of all political leaning - - convincing them that never before in U.S. history has so much depended on Americans understanding that we are facing one of the greatest crisises in U.S. history. Convincing them that this election will be won not by letters to the editor, political speeches, or radio and TV sound bites.

No !! It will be won by those with a conviction, with a belief, and with a willingness to pay the price in helping put the most enlightened voters in the polling booth on November 6.

Let me end on my favorite quote - - which I think is very appropriate for each of us today:


Those words spoken by Winston Churchill over 70 years ago are very appropriate for all Americans today.

For, if each of us is prepared and is qualified, then 6 November 2012 just might be our, and our Nation's, finest hour as we reclaim this "shining city on the hill" from the ravages of Obama Socialism.


"The wise man in the storm prays to God not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear."

Emerson, 1833

The Washington Examiner
August 7, 2012

Unemployment is higher than it seems

Re: "For team Obama, recovery is always just around the corner," Aug. 5

President Obama's campaign spin on the jobs report is unconscionable rhetoric based on his labor department cooking the books on the number of jobs created and unemployment rates since the president took office in 2009. Indeed, none of the jobs reports coming from Obama's administration are anywhere near accurate simply because they do not take into account the number of people who have stopped looking for jobs, which would increase the unemployment rate from 8.3 percent to over 11 percent.

Considering the overall number of people not participating in the work force is about 35 percent for one reason or another, the real unemployment rate is closer to 15 percent. Regardless, how can a substantial increase of jobs created in July result in an increase of unemployment from 8.2 percent to 8.3 percent? The answer is obvious: a feeble attempt at labor department jobs report credibility. It's incredible, however, considering the failed public education system's years of intentionally dumbing down students' math skills, it's also understandable.

The underlying dastardly political crimes here are the Democrat-caused economic train wrecks stemming from the housing and financial crash engineered by former presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton's obsession with forced affordable housing beyond the objections of former president Bush, exacerbated by President Obama and a Democrat-controlled Congress burying the nation in out of control spending, unbridled government growth, taxes, over-regulation and insurmountable debt.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Bernardino Sun
August 6, 2012

Private sector built it

President Obama saying that individuals and businesses owe their success to government building roads, bridges, a public education workforce, providing police, fire protection and the courts, is absurd and a political exercise in deceptive futility.

Indeed, private enterprise provided all of the tax dollars that fund all of those necessities -- and all government operations -- in spite of the relentless growth of government, confiscatory taxation, over-regulation, and intrusive environmental laws that raise the cost living for all Americans.

Lest we forget, it was government's over-zealous manipulation of the private housing market that caused the economic crash, which was perpetuated by the Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress, their nationalized health care, failed stimulus and runaway debt.

Clearly, the only way to turn the country away from the road to ruin is by electing Mitt Romney, Republican control of the Senate, and unleashing private enterprise by reducing the size, scope and power of oppressive government.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, CA

Riverside Press Enterprise
July 26, 2012

Obama slights success

President Obama is being absurd in saying that individuals and businesses owe their success to the roads, bridges, a public schools, public safety and other services provided by government ("Sides spar over government role in economy" July 18).

Private enterprise provided the tax dollars that fund all those necessities -- and all government operations -- in spite of the relentless growth of government, confiscatory taxation, overregulation, and intrusive environmental laws that raise the cost living for all.

Clearly, the only way to turn the country away from the road to ruin is by electing Mitt Romney, putting Republicans in charge of the Senate, and unleashing private enterprise by reducing the size, scope and power of oppressive government.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Newsmax Magazine
August 2012 issue

Nasty & Negative: Election 2012

Mitt Romney must get tough with President Obama on the campaign trail and in the debates (“Obama’s Campaign Will Be the Most Negative Ever,” June). The main issue will be the poor economy and Obama will say he inherited it. Romney needs to place the blame where it belongs.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

(original letter)

Mitt Romney must get tough with President Obama, on the campaign trail and in the debates. The main issue will be the economy. President Obama will push blame for the economic crash he inherited. Romney must place that blame where it belongs. Carter's CRA, Clinton and ACORN caused the housing bubble by filling it with loans to unqualified buyers.

Government Sponsored Entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac blindly gobbled up half the nation's mortgages. The SEC turned a blind eye to toxic mortgages, under capitalized banks and mortgage lenders. Frank and Dodd prolonged it until it burst, taking finance down with it. President Obama and the Democrat Congress made the economy worse with reactionary regulation, government growth, reckless spending and debt.

Prosperity is on the decline in America because government expansion and the welfare state are on the rise. If it's not turned around, the American bubble will burst, and most Americans will all be working poor for the ruling elite and the state. It all depends on what the meaning of investment is: Public or private? President Obama is the chairman of the Democrats' public investment ineptocracy, replete with confiscatory taxation.

A president Romney would lead government out of the way of private enterprise and the people's business of private and personal investment, to economic recovery, growth and prosperity, and freedom from government intrusion.


July 10, 2012

Climate legislation costly for California, America

A state court’s decree supporting the “settled science” of global warming licensed the Environmental Protection Agency to raid the American economy, energy producers and business with costly regulations by upholding California’s climate change regulations (“Court upholds EPA’s global warming rules,” USATODAY.com, June 26).

As a California resident since 1945, I have witnessed the financial rise of the “Golden State” as well as its decline under the weight of progressive, Big Government liberal ideology and environmentalism. When voters failed to block the rules in 2010, it was tantamount to voter-assisted economic suicide. Indeed, if voters re-elect President Obama, the EPA will ensure the economic suicide of our nation.

Sadly, there is little to no hope for saving California from its liberal overdosing. But the country can be saved by voters dumping President Obama and the Democrats’ control of the Senate in November.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

(Original letter)

The federal court's decree supporting the "settled science" of global warming licensed the EPA to raid the American economy, energy producers and business with costly regulations, and supports California's AB 32 climate change laws.

California's crashing will certainly be accelerated by the implementation of AB 32 Climate change regulations cap-and-tax laws that will cause a loss of $447 billion in California economic output, and increased costs per family of $2,500 per year -- a lose, lose situation.

As a Southern California resident since 1945 -- retired from working 41 years in law enforcement and the criminal justice system -- I have witnessed the rise of the Golden State and decline of California under the progressive weight of big government liberal ideology and extreme environmentalism.

It is often said that as California goes, so goes the nation. Indeed, if it were not for the spontaneous passage of the 1978 Proposition 13 tax limitation ballot initiative -- which spread throughout the states -- California's social, political and economic crash would be much further along than it is.

However, when voters failed to overturn AB 32 in 2010 ballot measure, it was tantamount to voter-assisted economic suicide. Indeed, if voters re-elect President Obama, his climate change fighting EPA will ensure the voter-assisted regulatory economic suicide of our nation.

Sadly, there is little to no hope for saving California from its liberal overdosing. But the country can be saved by voters dumping President Obama and Democrats' control of the Senate in the November elections.

San Bernardino County Sun
July 8, 2012

Power Move

Chief Justice Roberts' decision was a power move, not for the integrity of the Court. Justice Kennedy should have been the decider.

Thomas Jefferson prophetically feared that the Supreme Court would consolidate all power in Washington, which began with Jefferson's cousin, Chief Justice John Marshall -- President John Adams' mistake. Chief Justice Roberts may become President Bush's Chief Justice Earl Warren in further expanding the power of federal government, as clearly demonstrated by Roberts' national health care decision.

Indeed, Justice Anthony Kennedy's vigorous dissent manifested that he should have been the Supreme Court decider knocking down President Obama's federal power grab.

Clearly, the time is urgent for state legislatures to petition for a constitutional convention to amend the Constitution with a balanced budget amendment to reduce the size, scope and power of federal government -- and another to restore power usurped from the states. Otherwise, our constitutional republic and our liberty may be lost forever.

It's time to declare our independence, again!

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Examiner
July 2, 2012

Obamacare will hurt 10 million enrollees

Re: "Supreme Court upholds Obama health law by 5-4 vote." June 28

President Obama's healthcare law will take $500 billion from 10 million Senior Advantage Medicare enrollees to pay for insuring 17 million illegal aliens.

California Governor Jerry Brown just signed the state budget, which will trigger cuts to education if the governor's $8 billion tax measure is not passed by voters in November.

As a taxpaying Medicare Advantage enrollee from California, I will suffer a double whammy from a tyrannical president bent on costly national health care, a governor bent on taxpayer extortion and Democrats in Congress and the state legislature who have ruined public education and turned government into a giant abusive -- and intrusive -- taxpayer money pit.

There is no question who and what I will be voting against in the elections.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

The Press Enterprise
June 8, 2012

People win in Wisconsin

The Wisconsin recall election was about the selfish interests of state, county and municipal employee unions targeting elected officials who are fulfilling their duties and responsibilities to the people of Wisconsin. ("Walker beats recall bid in Wisconsin." June 8, 2012)

The people of Wisconsin won this one. That's good, because two the worst things that happened to federal, state and local governments have been the unionization public employees, including teachers, and collective bargaining.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

(Original letter)

Win won, lose one, win one, lose another

The Wisconsin recall election was about the selfish interests of state, county and municipal employee unions targeting elected officials who are fulfilling their duties and responsibilities to the people of Wisconsin. The people of Wisconsin won this one. Indeed, one of the worst things that happened to federal, state and local governments in America has been the unionization and collective bargaining for public employees, including teachers.

Even worse, our elected officials and representatives' pursuits of personal power have caused federal, state and local governments to grow so large and all inclusive, that the systemic bureaucratic expansions have become a massive and costly ineptocracy, rather than the constitutionally limited government intended for our republic of representative democracy.

Clearly, the founding tenets of our Constitution are that all political power is inherent in the people, that government shall be by consent of the governed, established to insure liberty, justice, security, and provide for the common defense -- and that government works for the people -- as opposed to the tenets of public employee unions wherein the people and government work for them.

Certainly, when overreaching government and workers wag the dog, our nation and our freedoms are in serious trouble. Lest we forget, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev once said to America, "We will bury you," and he got in trouble for it, then he said, "Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working class will bury you." Khrushchev also said, "We cannot expect the Americans to jump from capitalism to communism, but we can assist the elected leaders in giving small doses of socialism until they suddenly awake to find they have communism."

San Diego Union-Tribune
June 18, 2012

Obama and immigration

President Obama making up rules on illegal immigration, offering "a degree of relief" to illegals under 30 years of age, is simply a calculated campaign tactic taunting Congress to pass the "Dream Act," and send it to his desk so he can "sign it right away," to stimulate more support from Hispanic voters and future Hispanic voters.

However, the president's temporary gesture did little more than incite open demonstrations by ungrateful illegal aliens making demands with impunity -- as they have time and time again -- regardless of the enormous drain on public funds supporting their welfare, health care and education.

Contrary to President Obama's declaration, they are not, "for all intents and purposes, American citizens." Seeking the reality of the American Dream of citizenship means to play by the rules, and earn it. Being an American citizen is the greatest privilege in the civilized world. Those who diminish it are un-American.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Sacramento Bee
June 18, 2012

Obama delivers pablum on immigration

President Obama's monarchial pitch circumventing Congress for illegal aliens because "it's the right thing to do," is feeding the voters pecksniffian Pablum, and too many seem to be swallowing it.

Lest we forget, the long term Democrat campaign inviting illegal aliens to America, with welfare, health care and education benefits for their future votes, has resulted in the proliferation of opportunists, predators, criminals, drug gangs, Russian gangsters, and all manner of foreign parasites stealing from the American honey pot, and feeding from the public trough.

What do Pablum eaters not understand about the bitter aftertaste of insidious pandering laced with social and economic political poison? President Obama campaigned on it during the 2008 election, continued the failed promises at great expense and public debt, and he keeps on chugging, voter-fraud and all.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
June 18, 2012

Misdirected blame

Announcing families' net worth loss of home equity adds insult to the injury of beleaguered homeowners struggling to survive the housing/financial collapse and commensurate loss of jobs.

Worse, misdirected political blame perpetuated by the news media does nothing to help frantic people suffering from job loss and foreclosure. Indeed, Democrat finger pointers blaming banks, Wall Street, the wealthy and Republicans for what Democrats wrought upon the economy.

Truth be known, real villains of this long term tragedy are in fact the political ideology and ambitions of former President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act for affordable housing; pushed on banks and mortgage lenders by former President Clinton, lowering home buyer qualifications; government mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac gobbling up half of the nation's mortgages, and Representative Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd keeping the fraud alive.

Of course, the artificial housing bubble burst, as did the homeowners' inflated equity -- leaving neighborhoods blighted with foreclosed homes and increased crime. President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress made it worse with nearly a $trillion in failed stimulus, runaway government spending and power grabs, and $trillions in additional debt. Even worse, government took over all student loans ballooning to over a $trillion, and the next bubble to burst.

Alas, the only thing worse is the enormous size, scope and power of overreaching government growing by leaps and bounds, stimulated by the Obama Administration -- exacerbated by the EPA poised to hurt the economy even more, and toying with terrorism. The November elections is the time to turn it all around, lest we go down with the sinking ship of state.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Times
June 5, 2012

Democrats' economic record abysmal

More Obama, fewer jobs, indeed ("More Obama, fewer jobs," Comment and Analysis, Monday). With a hugely important presidential election fast approaching, the global economy in chaos, our faltering economy having created a mere 69,000 jobs in May, and our government's overstating of April job creation by 77,000 positions simply adds to a consistent pattern of the Obama Administration's costly public investment ineptocracy.

Republican candidate Mitt Romney must get tough with President Obama, on the campaign trail and in the debates. The main issue, of course, will be the economy. Mr. Obama will continue to push away blame for the economic crash "he inherited." Mr. Romney must remind voters of where the blame belongs.

Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act and ACORN were largely the cause of the housing bubble, which filled the market with loans to unqualified buyers. Government Sponsored Entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac blindly gobbled up half the nation's mortgages. The Securities and Exchange Commission turned a blind eye to toxic mortgages, under capitalized banks and mortgage lenders. Rep. Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd prolonged it until it burst, taking financial markets down with it. President Obama and the Democrat Congress made the economy worse with reactionary regulation, government growth, reckless spending and debt.

Prosperity is on the decline in America because government expansion and the welfare state are on the rise. If the welfare state is not turned around, the American bubble will burst, and most of us will be the working for the ruling elite and the state. Mr. Obama is the chairman of the Democrats' public investment money-pit, replete with confiscatory taxation.

As president, Mitt Romney surely would lead by pushing government out of the way of private enterprise and the people's business, allowing for the return of economic recovery, growth and freedom from overreaching government intrusion.

Apple Valley, Calif.

The New York Post
May 30, 2012

Thanks for being a friend: U.S. abandons terror tipster

The Issue: Whether the U.S. should help Shakil Afridi, jailed by Pakistan for helping find Osama bin Laden

There are those who say Pakistan is spitting in the eye of America with the imprisonment of Afridi.

Obama has using counter-terrorism for political gain with calculated grandstanding. But when he pierces our national security veil of secrecy by releasing bin Laden records -- outing the Pakistani doctor, the double agent in Yemen, and giving Hollywood access to the "Vault" and a Navy SEAL -- who's spitting in the eye of America?

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif

The Washington Times
May 30, 2012

Re: Obama's big deficit lie - editorial

Don't sugarcoat Obama's aversion to the truth

Political perjury is acceptable for public officeholders in a way that embezzlement of public funds is not ("Obama's big deficit lie, Comment and Analysis, Friday).

When President Obama says, "Since I've been president, federal spending has risen at the lowest pace in nearly 60 years.," he is not in denial, he is failing to tell the truth. There's a big difference. What he is doing is blatant betrayal of the public trust and perjury for political gain.

Likewise, when President Obama gives billions of dollars in public funds to his political fundraisers under the guise of furthering unreliable, expensive "green" energy while holding back vast domestic oil and coal energy resources, it is tantamount to embezzlement of public funds.

Indeed, elected officials -- from the President of the United States to local city council members -- take oaths to uphold the law and to protect, preserve and defend the Constitution, and/or state constitution, which strongly implies an oath to tell the truth and nothing but the truth while in office.

We should never accept as immutable fact that most politicians lie while in office. Failure to tell the truth while in public office is unconscionable and should be cause for removal from office.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Newsmax Magazine
June 2012 issue
May 23, 2012

Taxing President

President Obama's attempt to enforce his "Buffett Rule" by raising taxes on those earning over a million dollars was merely part of his re-election campaign, even though such taxation would be mostly levied against job creators ("Prepare for Massive Tax Increases," May).

Coupled with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts on the first of next year, the president's crusade will continue if he's re-elected, regardless of the negative impact on business, jobs, the people, and the economy.

The Republican House should pass a separate bill making the Bush tax cuts permanent. Voters need to know who beyond the president, in the House and Senate, would raise their taxes in these dire economic times.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

The Washington Post
May 20, 2012

Panderer-in-Chief re-election campaign

Panderer-in-Chief, President Obama staged the gay marriage endorsement early so it would be buried by staging diversions with calculated issues, is an example of his focus on voter demographics, proposals, doing battle with Republicans in Congress, and governing by crisis complete with special effects, while toying with terrorism and cooking the books on the economy up to the election.

As it is with the latest staging of the NATO Summit in Chicago, rife with miscreant Occupy-style demonstrators, It's simply going to be phony, with underlying dirty tricks all the way to November.

Indeed, ensconced behind his bullying pulpit, President Obama's weeks and months of traveling rapid-fire side-shows are well underway, replete with activist targets, tailored appearances and worldly political sermons -- while demonizing Mitt Romney, Republicans -- and anyone or anything including phantoms that get in the way of his enormous ego and his obsession with power and socialism.

-- with a little help from his friends, such as anti-American billionaire George Soros, $15 million George Clooney Hollywood, and the $million venom of nauseating HBO Surreal Time with Bill Maher -- and his thinly-veiled-humor-hateful May 20, 2012 end of show campaign filth piece against Mitt Romney, Liberty College and religion, specifically Christianity -- with smiling guests Dan Rather, former Senator, Bill Bradley, and journalists Jeremy Scahill, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera, Joel Stein and the liberal audience choir.

The Wall Street Journal
May 16, 2012

Re: Obama's 'Vampire' Capitalists - editorial

JP Morgan Chase's $2 billion loss

JP Morgan Chase's $2 billion investment loss is chump change compared to the $800 billion stimulus loss of taxpayer money and increased debt squandered by President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress, with little or nothing to show for it but government malfeasance.

However, none of that matters when the red meat is scattered in the media-infested political waters prompting a partisan feeding frenzy for Obama supporters to attack the big bank whale and pull Mitt Romney's 'vampire' Bain Capital into the bloody water with a lengthy political ad stained with lies and deceit.

As if that were not bad enough, President Obama's panderer-in-chief campaign prances around the country telling each voter demographic what they want to hear, regardless of the truth, and manages to include a $2 million contribution pit stop hosted by Tony James, president of 'vampire' private-equity giant, the Blackstone Group.

Worse, heads rolled for JP Morgan Chase's blunder, however, few if any government heads have rolled for over 3 years of unabated $trillions in crimes against taxpayers. Indeed, the November elections will surely be time for handing President Obama and his fellow Democrat vampires in Congress their walking papers.

The Riverside Press Enterprise
May 15, 2012

Obama's ego out of control

Approving the killing of Osama bin Laden notwithstanding, President Obama has leaped over the campaign line by politicizing the first anniversary of that heroic event against terrorism -- conducted by Navy SEAL Team 6 -- by questioning the patriotism of Republican candidate, Mitt Romney in a campaign ad narrated by former president Clinton ("Obama plays up foreign record," May 2).

Indeed, Bill Clinton's repeated failure to get bin Laden -- possibly preventing 9/11 -- when he had the opportunity, should make him the last person to chime in on the credit.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Examiner
May 14, 2012

Romney "bully" claims much ado about nothing

The Washington Post is shamelessly campaigning for President Obama with the Mitt Romney hate crime hit piece for attacking a boy who bleached his hair in high school. I bleached my hair blonde when I was in Junior high school in Downey, Calif. 10 years before Romney's incident, and my gym teacher called me "fruitcake." I didn't know there were any gay people, and I don't think the teacher knew that either.

Anyway, my hair came out orange, I was in a club called the "Lynx" at school, we had jackets, and my girlfriend wore my jacket to show we were going steady. Even when I went on to high school as a track and cross country jock, we didn't know anything about gay people in the 50's.

President Obama is distracting from his gay marriage endorsement, by playing the dirtiest of politics, through his biased media, and this is just the beginning.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Diego Union-Tribune
May 10, 2012

Letters: Gay Marriage

President Obama backed gay marriage, just in time for the president's $15 million Hollywood campaign fundraiser in Beverly Hills, which is heavily funded by the gay community.

Indeed, along with gay-marriage-friendly California officials, Governor Brown and AG Harris, who refused to defend Proposition 8, President Obama endorses gay marriage and refuses to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, diminishing the institution of marriage.

It is simply unconscionable that gay activist-extremists consistently jerk around the majority who should not have to defend centuries of the institution of traditional marriage between one man and one woman. Particularly, when government has unreasonably institutionalized protected classes as sacred cows.

Worse, it's bad enough that liberal government is breaking the back of American free enterprise and the middle class with social aggression, punishing regulations, taxes, entitlements and extreme environmentalism. However, un-American, unconstitutional tyranny, and socialism cannot be allowed to stand against American freedom from overwhelming government.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Los Angeles Times
May 12, 2012

Times change

Obama's same-sex marriage evolution

Re: Obama takes stand for gay marriage May 10

“Obama takes a stand for gay marriage,” just in time for the president's $15-million Hollywood campaign fundraiser in California, which is heavily funded by the gay community.

Indeed, along with gay-marriage-friendly California officials — Gov. Jerry Brown and Atty. Gen. Kamala Harris, who refused to defend Proposition 8 in federal court — Obama endorses gay marriage and refuses to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, diminishing the institution of marriage.

It is simply unconscionable that gay rights activists consistently jerk around the majority, who should not have to defend centuries of the institution of traditional marriage between one man and one woman — particularly when government has unreasonably institutionalized protected classes as sacred cows.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Note: My letter was the only one of ten letters opposing same-sex marriage

San Diego Union-Tribune
May 11, 2012

President Obama caves to gay marriage on ABC

President Obama's only fear of commitment to gay marriage was full endorsement before the election. However, VP Joe Biden's calculated endorsement of gay marriage on Meet the Press is clear and convincing evidence that President Obama tested the election waters by assigning Biden to do just that -- followed by Education Secretary Arne Duncan's assigned endorsement -- which was intended to take Obama half way to a full endorsement after he wins the election.

However, after North Carolina's overwhelming vote against same sex marriage, the president was pressed by the left-wing of Democrat Party to endorse gay marriage so they could make it part of their convention platform, which will be held in North Carolina. Coupled with continuing heat from gay activists, President Obama caved-in to their demands, but lessened the national heat by making the endorsement quietly with an ABC personal interview, rather than a press conference.

The lingering question might be, will President Obama lose North Carolina, and many other states against gay marriage, including the embattled traditional marriage voters in California who passed Proposition 8?

A better question might be, how long will the traditional values voter majority allow the tyranny of left-wing extremists to jerk around the majority and wag the dog?

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.


Author's email published and read by Bill O'Reilly on the O'Reilly Factor, May 9, 2012 regarding the failures of celebrity-backed charities:

"Thanks for exposing self-serving celebrity charities for not doing their job."
Dan Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

(condensed from the email I sent below)


Thanks for exposing self-serving celebrities who back charities, many of which are self-serving scams, serving no one but themselves in a circle of thieves.

Dan Jeffs
Apple Valley, CA

The Washington Examiner
May 6, 2012

Hypocrisy on Bin Laden

Re: "Obama boasting cheapens his bold attack on bin Laden: May 2

President Obama leaped over the campaign line by politicizing the first anniversary of Osama bin Laden's killing by questioning the patriotism of Republican candidate, Mitt Romney in a campaign ad narrated by former president Clinton. Indeed, Bill Clinton's repeated failure to get bin Laden -- possibly preventing 9/11 -- when he had the opportunity, should make him the last person to chime in on the credit.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

May 5, 2012

Regulating America out of business

It's bad enough that state and local governments have infected business and society with excessive taxes and over-regulation. However, when you realize that the carrier of the communicable regulation disease is the terminal case of the federal government, which has made it painfully clear by the collapse of the economy, and the targeting of the middle class.

In response to the beleaguered economy, rather than relaxing and eliminating economy-busting regulations, President Obama's administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress increased regulations on energy, health care and the finance industry making the economy even worse, exacerbated by the phony job stimulus and insurmountable debt.

If we the American people are going to survive the tyranny of regulation and get back on the road to freedom and prosperity, we must vote to ensure the election of a president, majority in the Senate, and increased majority in the House who will reduce and limit government to what was intended by our founders and the Constitution.

Indeed, if the failure of the Obama administration, the Senate, the "crucify them" EPA, and all the destructive bureaucratic agencies regulating us into high fuel and energy prices, loss of more jobs, increased cost of living, inflation and a direct course to social and economic oblivion isn't incentive enough to kick the abusers of power out of office, the alternative will allow the liberal lemmings to drive us over the cliff into the depths of socialism and ruin.

The Wall Street Journal
May 4, 2012

Re: Jobs report will provide fodder for campaigns

The unemployment rate is false

The report of only 120,000 new jobs, dropping the unemployment rate from 8.2% to 8.1% -- while failing to report the 500,000 people who have given up on seeking employment over the past two months, makes the actual jobless rate about 11% or higher -- amounts to cooking the books in favor of President Obama's re-election.

Therefore, it should come as no surprise when the unemployment rate fraudulently drops below 8% in time for the election in November.

According the Department of Labor Statistics, there are about 155 million in the labor force, about 142 million employed, and about 89 million not in the labor force, which is a job participation rate of 63.6%, an employment population ratio of 58.4%, with 12.5 million people unemployed.

Indeed, the glaring number here is the 89 million potential workers not in the labor force, indicating the vast majority are on welfare or disabled, and supported by taxpayers.

The point is that so-called government stimulus spending with debt is an irresponsible waste of taxpayers' dollars for interest on the debt, which will soon be the largest expenditure in the budget, resulting in few temporary, and no permanent jobs.

Coupled with the huge across-the-board tax increase coming in January 2013, the health careless and tyrannical finance laws, the jobless rate will skyrocket, free enterprise will suffer, and the American people will be in severe distress.

The Washington Post
May 3, 2012

President Obama's Emerald city of OZ

President Obama's entire campaign and presidency thus far has been tantamount to playing the Wizard of OZ in his Emerald City of Washington, replete with manufactured rain, thunder, tornados and crisis, constantly manipulating the levers of government from behind the great White House curtain.

However, though he lures voters down the Yellow Brick Road, pretending to grant the wishes of people seeking social justice, in reality he rejects and ignores recommendations and solutions from commissions he established, breaking promises, recklessly spending the people's taxes, and saddles the nation and future generations with insurmountable debt.

Indeed, while the Wizard's designated nightmares ride in on the brooms of the Wicked Witch of the West, spreading division, hate and discontent against the free enterprise of capitalism -- with May Day flying monkeys of militant unions and the entitlement violence of Occupy thugs -- the false prophet of socialism basks in the sun of a presidential hero protecting the masses from terrorism and Republican barbarians at the gate.

Hopefully, the people will click their heels together, wake up, and vote to save our constitutional home of limited government, American freedom, self reliance, security and prosperity.

The Washington Times
May 3, 2012

Mainstream media, Obama crossing the line

Re: Obama's no-brainer - editorial

Notwithstanding his approval of the killing of Osama bin Laden, President Obama has leaped over the campaign line by politicizing the first anniversary of that heroic event against terrorism, conducted by Navy SEAL Team 6.

He did this by questioning the patriotism of Republican candidate Mitt Romney in a campaign ad narrated by former president Clinton. Indeed, Bill Clinton's repeated failure to get bin Laden, which could have prevented the atrocities of Sept. 11, 2001, should make him the last person to chime in on the issue.

Worse, it's disturbing enough that the news media, along with what seems like all of Hollywood, openly supports Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party. However, when they assist president's re-election campaign by demonizing his likely opponent and Republicans in Congress, and then blatantly endorse the president on the publicly owned airwaves it becomes unconscionable.

Case in point: NBC News Brian Williams' hour-long special with Mr. Obama on, "Inside the Situation Room," in which Mr. Obama discussed approving the killing of bin Laden in Pakistan. That is clearly a campaign ad for the president.

Surely, pressure by the Federal Communications Commission ought to be brought to bear against NBC and Mr. Obama. The broadcast airwaves are owned by the people -- they are not to be exploited by the president or used by the biased news media for partisan campaigns leading up to the election.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

The Washington Examiner
April 27, 2012

Re: Obamascam: Campaigning on taxpayer dollars

President Obamascam, the flim flam man

As President Obama cranks up his re-election campaign there is a striking resemblance to his campaign for the presidency, replete with promises since broken, and his unrelenting acts of deceit, diversion and distraction to push his real agenda at great cost, debt and further loss of freedoms for the American people.

Worse, the core of his insidious flim flam campaign is directed at the middle class as our savior, while he plays shell games with finance, energy, defense, and jobs -- and conducting pyramid schemes on taxation and regulation that will destroy small business and reduce the middle class to a giant underclass.

President Obama's unconstitutional socialized medicine economy-buster fiasco notwithstanding, he is being derelict in his sworn duty, and abusing his position of power by misappropriating taxpayer dollars for his political machinations and extreme campaign schedule for the sole purpose of his re-election -- far more than any other president.

Surely, with over $100 million in his campaign war chest -- over ten times the amount of his opponent -- President Obama could easily pay for his entire campaign, including Air Force One, VP Biden and Air Force Two, and Secret Service costs.

And while he is out and around, the president might consider stopping by the Midwest areas of tornado devastation and offering a helping hand, or a least a word or two of encouragement. That is, if he really cares about regular hardworking people in America's heartland.

Certainly, it's time for the president -- and all elected incumbents -- to be required to stand for re-election on their records of performance in office, without any further advantage, no less than any employee seeking to remain employed, a raise in pay, or a promotion. As President Obama repeatedly says, it's a matter of fairness.

The Wall Street Journal
April 24, 2012

Re: Medicare's Obama Donation
WSJ Editorial April 24, 2012

Obama misappropriating public funds for campaign

When then Senator Obama campaigned for president, he said that medical bill bankruptcies were a large part of the economic crash, that he would reform health care, and used Medicare Advantage as a target to cut health care costs. Indeed, when he and the Democrat-controlled Congress rammed through ObamaCare, Medicare Advantage was thrown on the butcher block to be gutted.

My wife and I are enrolled in "Senior Advantage," a Medicare Advantage program with Kaiser Permanente, which is an excellent plan, very cost effective, and should be the model for all Medicare. Needles to say, we -- and I would say most of the 10 million seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage programs -- were outraged by President Obama's irresponsible slash and burn tactics.

Apparently, President Obama got the message, held off on killing Medicare Advantage, and manipulated $8.35 billion of Medicare funds to reward the most efficient and cost effective Medicare Advantage plans as a pilot program, pacifying Medicare Advantage voters, and delaying the death of Medicare Advantage until after his re-election. Indeed, what's not illegal about that?

Our fellow Medicare Advantage voters should be informed about President Obama's devious tactics and misappropriation of public funds before the November election. And pay attention to Rep. Paul Ryan's proposed GOP Medicare Reform plan that is largely based upon Medicare Advantage. The plan that President Obama rejected as "social Darwinism."

President Obama's socialized medicine, economy-buster fiasco aside, he is abusing his position of power by wasting taxpayer's dollars on his political machinations and extreme campaign schedule for the sole purpose of his re-election -- far more than any other president. Surely, with over $100 million in his campaign war chest -- over ten times the amount of his opponent -- President Obama could easily pay for his entire campaign, including Secret Service costs.

And while he is out and around, the president might consider stopping by the Midwest areas of tornado devastation and offering a helping hand, or a least a word or two of encouragement. Unless he doesn't care about regular hardworking people in America's heartland.

Certainly, it's about time for the president -- and all elected incumbents -- to be required to stand for re-election on their records of performance in office, without any further advantage, no less than any employee seeking to remain employed, a raise in pay, or a promotion. As President Obama has repeatedly said, it's a matter of fairness.

The Washington Post
April 15, 2012

Re: Charles Krauthammer's "Free-lunch egalitarianism"

Voter choices painfully clear

Sunday's Press Dispatch Opinion pages (April 15) in our local newspaper were replete with insightful and informative commentary and analysis on the presidential election from the editorial, "And then there were two…," the Orange County Register's " Guilt and taxes," to Jonah Goldberg's "Young voters and the audacity of hype," Michael Tanner's "President of the Twilight Zone," and Charles Krauthammer's "Free-lunch egalitarianism."

Taken together, coupled with facts disseminated by fair and balanced Fox News and press, discerning voters and the hapless uniformed are faced with being inundated by liberal fables and scary tales from President Obama's national media propaganda machine.

Indeed, beyond the distractions, nit-picking and vitriolic attacks of campaign rhetoric, the 2012 presidential elections will undoubtedly be the most important elections of our lifetimes, effecting the future of our children and our nation.

Nevertheless, it is somewhat comforting to know that regardless of voters' political persuasions, the vast majority are being socially, politically and economically affected by out-of-control government growth and the abuse of power at the hands of President Obama and Democrats in Congress -- making the choices painfully clear.

Focus on "polices and principles, rather than personalities," lowering overall taxes, disregarding "the audacity of hype," the "Buffett tax rule" and the fraud of ObamaCare. Then, either be suckered into to the false and costly protection rackets of the Chicago-style gangster politics of the Obama administration's "Twilight Zone," or vote for constitutional recovery on the roads to responsible limited government, fiscal responsibility, self-reliance, flourishing enterprise and freedom with Mitt Romney and a Republican Congress with teeth.

New York Post
April 11, 2012

Romney vs. Obama bobble-heads: The political war is on

Now that Gingrich and Santorum have suspended their campaigns, the war is on between Obama and presumptive Republican nominee, Romney. Unfortunately, President Obama and his army of Democrat bobble-heads are making pre-emptive strikes by lighting the fires of class, gender and racial warfare.

Worse, the flames are being fanned by the liberal media, academia, and African-American activists exploiting the Trayvon Martin/Zimmerman case in a concerted effort to deceive and distract from the deteriorating economy exacerbated by President Obama's destructive agenda.

Hopefully, most voters will recognize the source of their social, political and economic pain and make the choice to survive the assault of overwhelming government -- while we are still a constitutional republic.

The Washington Times
April 25, 2012

President deserves dismal grade

President Obama’s demonization of oil speculators and the fraudulent Buffett Rule are exercises in political futility and nothing more than intentional distractions from a dismal term in office.

The underlying reason Senate Democrats won’t pass a budget is they fear losing control of the Senate to the Republicans in November. It was bad enough when Democrats controlled both Houses and rammed through Mr. Obama’s health care monster, shutting out Republicans. But to make things worse, they unleashed the tyrannical Dodd-Frank finance laws on the economy, and refused to make the Bush tax cuts permanent.

Still, even if they lose the Senate, they will undoubtedly let the tax cuts expire at the end of the year before they leave office. This will raise everyone’s taxes and prolong the recession.

Hopefully, the increased cost-of-living pain will wake up enough Democrats and independents to the realization that they were suckered by Mr. Obama’s political bible, which has as a basic tenet the achievement of “social justice” at the expense of the hard-working. This idea has the endorsement of former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Harry Reid.

Mr. Obama has never stopped campaigning, regardless of broken promises, deliberate distractions, misappropriation of public funds and insurmountable debt. If he is re-elected, I can only imagine it will have been with the aid of voter fraud.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

April 24, 2012

Re: Federal Follies: GSA junket carries higher costs

No tax increases before audit

Message from taxpayers: Audit the government. Before considering any tax increases, every government agency should be audited by credible private firms. The results should be made public as each agency is audited, with all waste, fraud and abuse of power identified. As an incentive, the audit firms should be paid from confirmed savings.

Unnecessary programs, rules and regulations should be eliminated, including most of the added government jobs. No equivocation allowed. Make the bush tax cuts permanent, and start paying down the debt.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

The Washington Examiner
April 24, 2012

Budget at a standstill because Dems fear losing to the GOP

Re: "Why Democrats won't vote on a budget" Editorial, April 19

Senate Democrats won't pass a budget because they fear losing control to Republicans in November. If they do, the spiteful losers will undoubtedly let the Bush tax cuts expire at the end of the year, which will raise everyone's taxes and prolong the recession.

It was bad enough when Democrats controlled both the House and the Senate and they rammed through President Obama's health careless monster behind closed doors. Making things worse, they unleashed the tyrannical Dodd-Frank finance laws on the economy.

Hopefully, economic pain from increased cost of living and insurmountable debt will wake up enough Democrats and Independents to the realization that they were suckered by President Obama. After the campaign, Obama never stopped using distractions to misappropriate public funds.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

(Original letter)

Re: Why Democrats won't vote on a budget
Editorial, April 19, 2012

The underlying reasons why Senate Democrats won't pass a budget is that they fear losing control of the Senate to Republicans in November. Indeed, it was bad enough when Democrats controlled both Houses and rammed through President Obama's health careless monster behind closed doors, shutting out Republicans.

Making things worse, they unleashed the tyrannical Dodd-Frank finance laws on the economy, and refused to make the Bush tax cuts permanent. Still, even if they lose the Senate, they will undoubtedly let the tax cuts expire at the end of the year before the spiteful losers leave office, which will raise everyone's taxes and prolong the recession.

Hopefully, the increased cost of living pain will wake up enough Democrats and Independents to the realization that they were suckered by President Obama's political bible, "Democrats for Dummies: How to achieve Social Justice at everyone else's expense," co-authored by former presidents, Carter and Clinton, Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank, and Senators Harry Reid and Chris Dodd.

President Obama came to power by fraud and deceit, and never stopped campaigning, regardless of broken promises, intentional distractions, misappropriation of public funds and insurmountable debt. If he is re-elected, it will surely be by voter fraud -- the inescapable conclusion.

The New York Post
April 14, 2012

Bam's Buffett rule blather

President Obama's continued attempt to enforce his 'Buffett Rule' by raising taxes on those earning over a million dollars is merely part of his re-election campaign, even though such taxation would be mostly levied against job creators.

Coupled with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts, Obama's tax crusade will continue if he's re-elected, regardless of the negative impact on business, jobs, the people and the economy.

It's doubtful that the Senate would pass Obama's tax proposals prior to the elections. However, the Republican House should pass a separate bill making the Bush tax cuts permanent.

Voters need to know who would raise their taxes in these dire economic times.

D. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

The Washington Examiner
April 11, 2012

At least House Republicans passed a budget

Re: "Obama's budget, not Ryan's is 'antithetical' to history," Editorial, April 6

The House budget solution is far more reasonable than left-handed Democrat compromises designed to undermine the Republican majority. At least it was voted on, which is more than you can say for a Democrats in the Senate. They plan to ride out the election after sitting on their hands without passing a budget for three years.

Meanwhile, President Obama is ramping up his monarchial campaign against the Republican presumptive candidate Mitt Romney using class warfare and a pre-emptive strike against the Supreme Court, which is deciding the constitutionality of his health care law.

If President Obama is re-elected and the Senate remains in Democrat hands, it will be due to the deceitful Democratic machine, the media, the entertainment industry and the mis-education establishment's decades of indoctrination. If they prevail, it will seal America's fate to socialism, spending, taxation, debt, dependency, loss of freedom and bankruptcy.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif."

Letters to the Editor: April 11, 2012 | Washington Examiner
source: Examinerdc

(Original letter)

Re: Obama's budget, not Ryan's is 'antithetical' to history

The House Republican budget solution is far more reasonable than left-handed Democrat compromises designed to undermine the majority. Yet it was at least voted on, which was more than was allowed by the closed-door Democrat House and Senate that rammed through the president's health care law -- then over-reaching finance regulations.

Regardless, the Democrat Senate will sit on their hands without passing a budget for three years, while they ride out the election. Meanwhile, President Obama ramps up his monarchial campaign against the Republican budget and presumptive candidate Mitt Romney with class warfare, and a pre-emptive strike against the Supreme Court deciding the constitutionality of the health care law.

If President Obama is re-elected, the Senate remains Democrat, and the House is lost, it will be because the deceitful Obama Democrat machine of state media, the entertainment industry and the miseducation establishment's decades of indoctrination of students prevailed -- sealing America's fate to socialism's spending, taxation, debt, dependency, loss of freedoms and bankrupt.

April 10, 2012

The tax man cometh: President Obama

President Obama's continued attempt to enforce his 'Buffett Rule' by raising taxes on those earning over a million dollars is merely part of his re-election campaign, even though such taxation would be mostly levied against job creators.

Indeed, coupled with the expiration of the Bush tax cuts the first of next year, the president's tax crusade will continue if he's re-elected, regardless of the negative impact on business, jobs, the people and the economy.

It's doubtful that the Senate would pass President Obama's tax proposals prior to the elections. However, the Republican House should pass a separate bill making the Bush tax cuts permanent. Voters need to know who -- beyond the president -- in the House and Senate would raise their taxes in these dire economic times.

Riverside Press Enterprise
April 9, 2012

Obama plays politics on oil

In demonizing oil companies and Senate Republicans for saying no to ending oil subsidies, President Obama is engaging in cheap populist pandering to a public hurting from high gas prices.

Obama's feigned push to end tax breaks for oil companies, and investing in cart-before-the-horse electric cars -- despite the failure of the Chevy Volt -- is yet another indication that he has no concern for high gas prices. Indeed, the oil companies would pass on the tax increase to consumers just as any business would, raising gas prices higher.

In addition, summer blend requirements will add to gas prices, likely pushing them above $5.00 per gallon, and will probably continue after summer because of increased demand by China and India, and instability in the Middle East.

The president could dispense with stupid summer blends and ethanol. Of course, there's not much he could do to prevent Californians from being pushed over the economic cliff by hysterical environmentalists and cost of living-busting climate change laws.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

(Original letter)

Political campaign ploys by the president demonizing oil companies and Senate Republicans for saying no to ending oil subsidies is little more than cheap populist pandering to public injury from high gas prices.

Indeed, President Obama's feigned push to end tax breaks for oil companies, and invest in cart-before-the-horse electric cars -- regardless of the failure of the Chevy Volt -- is yet another indication that he has no concern for high gas prices. Indeed, the oil companies would pass on the tax increase to consumers just as any business would, raising gas prices even further.

Plus, summer blend requirements will increase gas prices 40 cents or more higher, which will likely push the cost over $5.00 per gallon, and which will probably continue after summer because of increased demand by China and India, and instability in the Middle East.

If the president is honestly concerned about what the people pay at the pump, and the commensurate increased cost of delivering goods and services, he could easily dispense with the stupid summer blends and ethanol. Of course, there's not much he could do to prevent Californians from being pushed over the economic cliff by hysterical environmentalists and cost of living-busting climate change laws.

Surely, people must be a bit confused as to why foreign oil costs $125 per barrel, about $18 more than U.S. crude because of China and India demand. The easy answer is our government creating perpetual oil, gas, and refinery chaos. Indeed, someone ought to tell President Obama and enviro-maniacs that we can't run electric cars or much of anything else without coal and natural gas power plants making electricity.

San Bernardino Sun
April 8, 2012

Transforming America

President Obama's unemployment con job, coupled with costly health and financial reforms, his Occupy storm trooper's class warfare, and his intentional energy crisis define his attempts to transform America.

Indeed, throwing $200 billion down the green sink hole, pushing the failed Chevy Volt, and approving the tail end of the Keystone Pipeline are meaningless. Particularly, while stifling coal energy and domestic oil resources.

Still, the president insists on wagging the public dog with high gas prices, government growth and insurmountable debt, which will surely damage the dollar, weaken the nation, and stoke the fires of inflation.

Transform America? Yes. Out of the clutches of progressive aggression. If we are to survive, his re-election is not an option.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Washington Post
April 8, 2012

President Obama's social injustice

President Obama' feckless bid for re-election to save the middle class masks his extreme ideology of social justice demonstrated by waging class warfare against Republicans, the rich and the middle class -- as evidenced by his deceitful record of pushing through laws of social, political and economic injustice against the American people.

It is well known and understood that freedom is based upon a large, strong middle class, which tempers conflicts between the rich and poor. Social injustice is the destruction of the middle class by socialistic government growth and taxation, creating a giant underclass. That's Mr. Obama's philosophy of social justice, also known as socialism.

However, that's not our constitutional USA, wherein all political power is inherent in the people. Indeed, President Obama's corrupted vision would be the transformation of America into an unconstitutional USSA: The Union of Socialist States of America, ruled by the socialist elite.

Sacramento Bee
April 6, 2012

President Obama's contempt of Court

President Obama's hypocritical attacks on the Supreme Court -- the third branch of government -- as an unelected activist body are only because the majority are conservative and may decide against his signature unconstitutional health care law. However, activist judges and courts are almost always liberal, and they tend to legislate from the bench.

A prime example is a federal judge in California who unconstitutionally interfered with the contracts of California Water Contractors by severely reducing the delivery of water from the California Water Project (paid for and maintained by property taxes on users) to Central California farms and 25 million people in Southern California, simply because -- at the behest of radical conservationist groups, a tiny Delta Smelt fish was perceived to be threatened.

Since then, environmentalists had Stripped Bass planted in the Delta, which devastated the Smelt. Conveniently, no public news on that.

Wall Street Journal
April 4, 2012

Re: Paul Ryan's hunger games - editorial

The House Republican budget solution is far more reasonable than left-handed Democrat compromises designed to undermine the majority. Yet it was at least voted on, which was more than was allowed by the closed-door Democrat House and Senate that rammed through the president's health care law -- then over-reaching finance regulations.

Regardless, the Democrat Senate will sit on their hands without passing a budget for three years, while they ride out the election. Meanwhile, President Obama ramps up his monarchial campaign against the Republican budget and presumptive candidate Mitt Romney with class warfare, and a pre-emptive strike against the Supreme Court deciding the constitutionality of the health care law.

If President Obama is re-elected, the Senate remains Democrat, and the House is lost, it will be because the deceitful Obama Democrat machine of state media, the entertainment industry and the miseducation establishment's decades of indoctrination of students prevailed -- sealing America's fate to socialism's spending, taxation, debt, dependency, loss of freedoms and busted.

Los Angeles Times
April 1, 2012

President Obama's polarization of a nation

As if our nation wasn't polarized enough by the Democrat left throughout the Bush administration, President Obama has made it much worse by failing to carry out his promises to reform Washington, and doing just the opposite by growing government, increasing regulations, accelerating our debt, and leading class warfare.

Indeed, President Obama's monarchial machinations are making it painfully clear that abuse of power and our Constitution are no obstacles to his relentless ideological pursuits to "fundamentally transform America," at any cost.

Recent quotes from President Obama and leading Republican contender, Mitt Romney sum up our choices in the 2012 election. Governor Romney said the Obama administration's record, "is a bust." President Obama said, "the message from the other side is, you're on your own."

The record of most Democrat administrations and majorities in Congress have been a bust of the economy from government growth and loss of freedoms. Surely, the record of the Obama administration and congressional Democrats have raised the stakes against the people to an all time high.

Limited government, fundamental defense, security and freedom are what our Constitution provides. Self-reliant voters and those who want to be, want exactly that. To be on our own, out from under the gun of government tyranny. My independent vote, and hopefully the electorate's votes will be to survive, on our own.

The Washington Examiner
March 30, 2012

Re: A second term: Obama unleashed
by Cal Thomas

What's the worst that could happen in the 2012 presidential elections. A re-elected President Obama, unleased.

Indeed, as if high gas prices aren't bad enough, President Obama is in the process of killing the coal-power industry as promised, which will cause electricity prices to escalate and affect those who can least afford it.

The energy and fuel crisis, job losses and cost of living increases are being caused by environmental zealots' litigation, EPA over-regulation, plus President Obama stifling domestic oil production, natural gas and coal energy in his arrogant pursuit of costly, unreliable green energy at any price.

In a nut shell, our national mess was started by the unmitigated misfeasance of former presidents Carter, Clinton and congressional Democrats, which caused the housing crash, financial crisis and a deepening recession set in motion by over-reaching government's irresponsible push for affordable housing.

Worse, the public miseducation system is a deeply flawed and failed money-pit of liberal arts and socialist indoctrination under the selfish interests of the education establishment, tenure and teacher unions robbing students of their future.

And President Obama is in the process of putting our national security at risk by disarming our nuclear defense weapons capabilities in collusion with Russia, and inviting terrorist attacks from Iran and other hostiles.

Fortunately, President Obama's massive health care law is being challenged by 26 states and a national small business organization in the Supreme Court, which will hopefully be declared unconstitutional by the Court.

Sadly, the out-of-control size, scope and power of our government is transforming America away from the founding principles of our unique constitutional democratic republic of limited government that made us the greatest nation of liberty and freedom the World has ever known.

If we are to survive these challenges, we must make our voices heard and our votes count in the 2012 elections. Without a strong and free America, we and the free world will collapse under the unbearable weight of tyranny. President Obama unleased on America with a second term is not an option.

The Washington Examiner
March 29, 2012

Re: Obama seeks end to subsidies for oil companies; Congress says no
by Brian Hughes

Political campaign ploys by the president demonizing oil companies and Senate Republicans for saying no to ending oil subsidies is little more than cheap populist pandering to public injury from high gas prices.

Indeed, President Obama's feigned push to end tax breaks for oil companies, and invest in cart-before-the-horse electric cars -- regardless of the failure of the Chevy Volt -- is yet another indication that he has no concern for high gas prices. Indeed, the oil companies would pass on the tax increase to consumers just as any business would, raising gas prices even further.

Plus, summer blend requirements will increase gas prices 40 cents or more higher, which will likely push the cost over $5.00 per gallon, and which will probably continue after summer because of increased demand by China and India, and instability in the Middle East.

If the president is honestly concerned about what the people pay at the pump, and the commensurate increased cost of delivering goods and services, he could easily dispense with the stupid summer blends and ethanol. Of course, there's not much he could do to prevent Californians from being pushed over the economic cliff by hysterical environmentalists and cost of living-busting climate change laws.

Surely, people must be a bit confused as to why foreign oil costs $125 per barrel, about $18 more than U.S. crude because of China and India demand. The easy answer is our government creating perpetual oil, gas, and refinery chaos. Indeed, someone ought to tell President Obama and enviro-maniacs that we can't run electric cars or much of anything else without coal and natural gas power plants making electricity.

The New York Times
March 28, 2012

Re: In Court, sharp questions on health care law's mandate
Re: Slain teenager's parents appear on Capitol Hill

The truth behind major issue headlines

What is the truth behind what the American people are reading, hearing and seeing in the dominant liberal media regarding the constitutionality of ObamaCare and the tragic death of Trayvon Martin?

President Obama's unconstitutional health care law is being challenged by 26 states and a national small business organization in the Supreme Court. This is a stand against centralized government usurping state's and individual's constitutional rights. If the Court fails to protect those rights, the abuse of federal power will be significantly advanced.

Seizing on a tragedy, a national kangaroo court of black activists, Democrats and complicit media are accusing, trying and convicting a "white-Hispanic" man of the hate crime killing of a 17-year-old black teen, which will likely foment national hate crime riots if the white-Hispanic man is not charged with a crime.

America is increasingly disintegrating from a foreign ideology eating away at our foundations and constitutional principles of liberty and freedom. We are better than this. It's time for all responsible citizens to come to the aid of their country in the 2012 elections. Indeed, evil will prevail if good people do nothing.

March 27, 2012

The truth behind the headlines

What is the truth behind what the American people are reading, hearing and seeing in the media?

A kangaroo court of black activists are accusing, trying and convicting a "white-Hispanic" man of the hate crime murder of a 17-year-old black teen.

President Obama's unconstitutional health care law is being challenged by 26 states and a national small business organization in the Supreme Court.

The housing crash, financial crisis and deepening recession was caused by over-reaching government's irresponsible push for affordable housing.

The energy and fuel crisis, job losses and cost of living increases were and are being caused by environmental zealots' litigation, EPA over-regulation, and President Obama stifling domestic oil production and coal energy.

The public miseducation system is a deeply flawed and failed money-pit of liberal arts and socialist indoctrination under the selfish interests of the education establishment, tenure and teacher unions robbing students of their future.

And President Obama is in the process of putting our national security at risk by disarming our nuclear defense weapons capabilities in collusion with Russia, and inviting terrorist attacks from Iran and other hostiles.

Sadly, the out-of-control size, scope and power of our government is transforming America away from the founding principles of our unique constitutional democratic republic of limited government that made us the greatest nation of liberty and freedom the World has ever known. If we are to survive these challenges, we must make our votes and voices known in the 2012 elections. Without a strong and free America, we and the world will collapse.

The Wall Street Journal
March 26, 2012

Re: Governor 13.3% - editorial

The WSJ editorial regarding Governor Brown is painfully correct. Indeed, California government is the advance state for President Obama's transformation of America.

Transforming America costs a social, political, economic and constitutional bundle. But that's not half of the damage already inflicted by the president's transformation plans.

President Obama's unemployment con job, coupled with costly health and financial reforms, his Occupy storm trooper's class warfare, and his intentional energy crisis define his attempts to transform America.

Indeed, throwing $200 billion down the green sink hole, pushing the failed Chevy Volt, and approving the tail end of the Keystone Pipeline are meaningless. Particularly, while stifling coal energy and domestic oil resources

Still, the president insists on wagging the public dog with high gas prices, government growth and insurmountable debt, which will surely damage the dollar, weaken the nation, and stoke the fires of inflation.

Transform America? Yes. Out of the clutches of progressive aggression. If we are to survive, President Obama's re-election is not an option. A Republican president and Congress with the determination to reduce the size, scope and power of government are the only hope to restore America as intended by the Constitution.

Hopefully, the same goes for Governor Brown and the Democrat Legislature. But I'm not holding my breath beyond 2014, the point of no return.

Los Angeles Times
March 25, 2012

Re: Health law's fate tied to mandate
by Noam N. Levey
LA Times Business

If states and citizen rights are to be protected from over-reaching federal government, the Supreme Court must surely strike down President Obama's unconstitutional health care insurance mandates.

Transforming America costs a social, political, economic and constitutional bundle. But that's not half of the damage already inflicted by the president's transformation plans.

President Obama's unemployment con job, coupled with costly health and financial reforms, his Occupy storm trooper's class warfare, and his intentional energy crisis define his attempts to transform America.

Indeed, throwing $200 billion down the green sink hole, pushing the failed Chevy Volt, and approving the tail end of the Keystone Pipeline are meaningless. Particularly, while stifling coal energy and domestic oil resources

Still, the president insists on wagging the public dog with high gas prices, government growth and insurmountable debt, which will surely damage the dollar, weaken the nation, and stoke the fires of inflation.

Transform America? Yes. Out of the clutches of progressive aggression. If we are to survive, his re-election is not an option.

The Washington Examiner
March 22, 2012

Re: Who's ignorant about energy?
by Conn Carroll

President Obama's unemployment con job, coupled with his Occupy storm trooper's class warfare, and his intentional energy crisis define his attack on America.

Indeed, throwing $200 billion down the green sink hole, and approving the tail end of the Keystone Pipeline is meaningless without the dog to complete it.

Still, the president insists on wagging the public dog with high gas prices, government growth and insurmountable debt, which will surely damage the dollar and stoke the fires of inflation. If we are to survive, his re-election is not an option.

Los Angeles Times
March 18, 2012

Note: The L.A. Times was supposed to publish this letter, but did not

Re: "Gasoline doesn't come cheap" letters against Jonah Goldberg's "Obama's pump debacle"

Considering all four letters are against Jonah Goldberg's commentary, perhaps the L.A. Times can manage to find space for a letter in support.

Indeed, Jonah Goldberg's analysis of Obama's pump debacle aptly points out the president's push for green energy with campaign-blame-lies and taking-credit-deceit about oil and gas, which leads directly to the rise in the cost of living, and economic ruin.

President Obama's re-election campaign to end tax breaks for oil companies certainly won't lower gas prices, it will increase them. Indeed, if it were not for incessant anti-oil environmental left and President Obama's complicit limitations on domestic oil production and delivery, we would not be having this debate or these problems.

The extreme instability in Middle East oil producing countries surely casts a giant cloud over the dependability of world oil supplies, which are adversely affecting gas prices and threaten our economy and our national security. Alas, contrary to shallow minds and pumped-up popular belief, oil companies and speculators are not responsible for rising gas prices.

Clearly, it's intentional political turmoil and over-reaching government clogging the pipes to our recovery. Indeed, the time for taking care of our own business is quickly running thin, which is no time for ideological stupidity or economic suicide. Cleaning our national pipes to freedom can only be done by rooting-out President Obama and enough congressional Democrats in the November elections.

The Washington Times
March 18, 2012

Re: Obama: End tax breaks for oil companies
by David Boyer
March 17, 2012

Obama's economic suicide

President Obama's re-election campaign to end tax breaks for oil companies won't lower gas prices, it will increase them. Indeed, if it were not for incessant anti-oil environmental left and President Obama's complicit limitations on domestic oil production and delivery, we would not be having this debate or these problems.

Surely, the extreme instability in Middle East oil producing countries casts a giant cloud over the dependability world oil supplies, which are adversely affecting gas prices and threaten our economy and national security. Alas, contrary to shallow minds and pumped-up popular belief, oil companies and speculators are not responsible for rising gas prices.

Clearly, it's intentional political turmoil and over-reaching government clogging the pipes to our recovery. Indeed, the time for taking care of our own business is quickly running thin, which is no time for ideological stupidity or economic suicide. Cleaning our national pipes can only be done by rooting-out President Obama and enough Democrats in Congress to free us in the November elections.

The Washington Examiner
March 16, 2012

Obama's face on American flag

An illegal American flag with President Obama's face replacing the 50 state stars flying next to a legal American flag over the Lake County, Florida Democrat headquarters not only depicts the arrogance of the Democratic Party, it reflects their central government agenda usurping power from the states, and their contempt for our U.S. Constitution.

Worse, when asked by a veteran to take it down with an offer to replace it with a POW/MIA flag, the person in charge refused. How un-American is that?

Wall Street Journal
March 16, 2012

Re: What's behind rising gas prices?
by Daniel Yergin

Though Daniel Yergin's analysis of the cause of rising gas prices was enlightening, he failed to emphasize the causes of limited oil production in the United States. Indeed, if it were not for incessant anti-oil environmental left and President Obama's complicit limitations on domestic oil production and delivery, we would not be having this debate or these problems.

Surely, the extreme instability in Middle East oil producing countries casts a giant cloud over the dependability world oil supplies, which are adversely affecting gas prices and threaten our economy and national security. Alas, contrary to shallow minds and pumped-up popular belief, oil companies and speculators are not responsible for rising gas prices.

Clearly, it's political turmoil and over-reaching government clogging the pipes to our recovery. Indeed, the time for taking care of our own business is quickly running thin, which is no time for ideological stupidity or economic suicide.

Washington Post
March 16, 2012

Re: Enough about the 2012 presidential race -- let's talk about 2016
by Ruth Marcus
Washington Post
March 13, 2012

Second term disaster

Ruth Marcus' smug assumption that President Obama will be reelected, dismissing the Republican contenders, and looking beyond to the 2016 election as the real ideological battle, is typical of irresponsible liberals and the media-left as they delight in helping America crumble.

If voters make the mistake of electing President Obama to a second term, his first term will look like socialist child's play. Indeed, unleashed by nothing to lose, Mr. Obama will be able to take-on his sought-out history-making agenda far exceeding the damage he's already inflicted upon our freedoms, debt, health care, energy, education, the overall economy and our national security -- largely unabated.

President Obama has made it painfully clear that he will stiff-arm any opposition, including, but not limited to the Congress and the Constitution in the blind pursuit of his perceived destiny of achieving a socialist utopia. He will surely circumvent the Constitution and Congress at every opportunity -- by crisis real or imagined -- to expand the regulatory power of his administration even further, and attempt to stack the Supreme Court.

Certainly, the bleak economy of the president's first term will look good compared to the devastation a second term would wreak upon a weakened America, and our people throughout the following 4 years, and for decades and generations to come -- if we survive.

Apple Valley Review
(Daily Press)

March 20, 2012


The future of America and the 2012 election
By Dan Jeffs
Apple Valley Review

People's civic ignorance of American history up to the present, is an indictment of parents' irresponsibility and the misfeasance of the public education system.

Public ignorance is how dishonest social, legal, political, academic, media and economic brokers prey on society for personal gain, influence and power.

The 2012 presidential elections will be the most important elections of our lives. It will be a choice between President Obama and congressional Democrats continued transforming of America from a Republican constitutional free market, individual freedoms and limited government society, to an unconstitutional socialist society of government expansion and the consolidation of power in Washington.

'Wag the dog' politics will be our undoing if we don't wise up to the self-corrupting two-party system, the quid-pro-quo of campaign financing, and the betrayal of professional politicians pushing their un-American ideology and personal power ahead of our Constitution and the best interests of the people.

I believe the only way to save ourselves and our freedom is to amend the Constitution establishing nonpartisan direct representative democracy with secure voting networks connected to voters' homes. Elected representatives would be highly qualified, well-compensated, nonpartisan professional government managers instead of professional politicians. Representatives would be subject to annual confirmation to remain in office.

All elections would be conducted over the voting networks. Voters would be able to communicate with each other and with their representatives. And the voters would decide all matters of taxation and public policy. Plus, the voters would have the right of national initiatives, referendums and recall, and to amend the Constitution. State's rights and the people's existing rights and protections contained in the Constitution would not be affected.

Apple Valley resident Dan Jeffs is a retired San Bernardino County Sheriff's detective, author and former member of the San Bernardino County Grand Jury. He may be reached through his website, www.realdemocracy.com

March 6, 2012

'Green' energy won't lift economy

If President Obama thinks he can paint “green” energy and fuel over an economy drowning in red ink, he’s in for a surprise.

Indeed, Obama has said there’s “no silver bullet that will bring down gas prices or reduce our dependence on foreign oil.” That mantra coupled with regulations for fuel-efficient cars, and empty gestures dabbling with increased oil and gas production will not avert another recession.

Surely, when the U.S. oil and natural gas industry supports more than 9 million jobs — and it could easily add many new ones — releasing oil reserves or encouraging a Chevy Volt for every garage won’t put food on the table.

Hopefully, the president won’t try to ensure his re-election by prematurely starting something with Iran, which would also affect oil prices. It’s bad enough that the world is teetering on terrorism. Provoking Iran’s Hezbollah would certainly start the world on fire, with America as the target.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Original letter:

Re: Today's debate: Pain at the pump

Energy and fuel crisis can't be painted green

If President Obama thinks he can paint green energy and fuel over an economy drowning in red ink, he's got another think coming.

Indeed, President Obama's "no easy answers and no silver bullet" solution to high fuel prices mantra, coupled with fuel-efficient cars regulations, green energy and empty gestures dabbling with increased oil and gas production will not avert a second recession far worse than the first. Plus inflation caused by extreme public debt and severely weakened currency, raising the cost of living for all.

Indeed, President Obama's lack of action on gas prices fits his campaign left-base, while he escalates class warfare against the health care industry, coal energy, big business, big oil and the wealthy. Surely, when the oil and natural gas industry employs over 9 million people -- and they could easily add a million new jobs -- releasing oil reserves or promising a Chevy Volt for every garage won't put food on the table

Meanwhile, he will undoubtedly continue being the political candyman, handing out a $billion here and there for votes, until his Hollywood pat-on-the-back movie on killing bin Laden comes out in October as his last campaign boost.

Hopefully, the president won't try to ensure his re-election by prematurely starting something with Iran. It's bad enough that the world is teetering on terrorism. Unleashing Iran's Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, and their new best friend, al Qaeda, would certainly start the world on fire, with America as the target.

San Bernardino Sun
March 6, 2012

Where's the outrage?

Everyone must know that an incumbent president has no need to squander taxpayer dollars campaigning for re-election. Particularly, when a sitting president has the bully pulpit to promote and defend his performance record. However, when we have a president who has never stopped campaigning from the time he announced his candidacy, the unreasonable cost to taxpayers has been enormous.

Indeed, President Obama has spent an inordinate amount of public funds and piled-on debt in his relentless campaign, most of which is from taxpayers who do not support him. Yet his costly public-funded quid-pro-quo administrative favors, funding, selective regulations and support only applies to those who do, such as $billions for green energy, and the $80 billion bailout for GM, unions and the costly, inefficient Chevy Volt.

Question is, where is the outrage against buying votes with this irresponsible edge? The president and all elected officials should stand or fall on their record, nothing more.

Riverside Press Enterprise
March 2, 1012

Don't be fooled by Iran

The United States must not be lulled into thinking that sanctions on Iran, or any negotiations with the regime, will deter it from developing nuclear weapons and deploying them against Israel ("Iran revs up nuclear activity," Feb. 19).

Foremost among Iran's obsessions are the destruction of Israel and domination of the region. And the time for action by Iran is very soon, while President Obama is still in office.

This is particularly true because Iran perceives the President as weak and naïve, as evidenced by the President's proposed reductions in our military and the drastic reduction of America's nuclear capabilities.

Indeed, a nuclear attack by Iran on U.S. soil is a clear and present danger.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Examiner
February 28, 2012

Obama's energy policies are dragging us down

Re: "Tell America the truth about gas prices, Mr, President"
Editorial Feb. 27

President Obama's superficial talk about no easy answers to lowering gas prices is an abdication of leadership. Since the rise in oil production under the Bush administration, our offshore oil production is down 30 percent. Federal land oil lease sales are down 70 percent. And he stopped the Keystone oil pipeline to U.S. refineries from Canada.

Indeed, when the President says, "We know there's no silver bullet that will bring down gas prices or reduce our dependence on foreign oil overnight… but what we can do is get our priorities straight and make a substantial, serious effort to tackle this problem," Mr. Obama's leadership is the problem.

Surely, President Obama is leading the wrong way by decreasing our national security, decreasing the value of the dollar, decreasing our income -- while inflating the size, scope and power of government, inflating the national debt, inflating the cost of energy, gasoline and the cost of nearly everything except housing. Clinton, Frank and Dodd have already been there and done that.

During his campaign for the presidency, Senator Obama said that he would 'fundamentally transform America,' by representing himself as the Lone Ranger loaded with silver bullets of 'change we could believe in.' However, the silver bullets turned out to be lead balloons, dragging America down.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

The New York Post
February 25, 2012

Iran's thunder & reign: storm threatens Israel

The United States must not be lulled into thinking that negotiations or sanctions would deter Iran. Radical Islamic states waging holy wars have a long track record of making threats, then negotiating with distractions deceit and delay to accomplish their fanatic goals.

Foremost among Iran's obsessions are the destruction of Israel and domination of the region.

And the time for action by Iran is very soon, particularly when they perceive the President as weak and naïve, evidenced by his military wind-down and the unilateral disarming and the reduction of America's nuclear capabilities.

Daniel Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

The Washington Times
February 15, 2012

Obama's cooking the numbers

President Obama's bogus $3.8 trillion budget, containing a 0.2 percent spending increase, and a 17.5 percent increase in taxes, was specifically prepared to be rejected by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives while solidifying the Obama re-election base ("How Obama will waste your money." Comment and Analysis, Wednesday).

The increase in taxes will come from the expiration of the George W. Bush tax cuts, which will fall on the middle class, eliminating deserved tax deductions for oil, gas and coal companies and ensuring that small-business job creators will pay at least 30 percent in taxes.

When Mr. Obama said he would cut the deficit in half by the end of this first term, did he mean the annual deficit or the national debt? Deficit is debt. A $1.3 trillion budget deficit/debt would increase the national deficit-debt from $15.3 trillion to $16.6 trillion.

Coupled with raising the cost of energy, the rising cost of living, and job losses, the political double-talk becomes an economic double-cross.

Meanwhile, the President wants to extend the unemployment benefits and the payroll-tax holiday for the remainder of the election year, further draining the Social Security Trust Fund simply to make it appear that he is cutting taxes and helping the unemployed. Meanwhile he will be cooking the unemployment rate to force it below 9 percent, when the actual rate is closer to 15 percent.

Apple Valley, Calif

The Washington Times
February 7, 2012

Obama's policies a bid for re-election

Is President Obama playing the re-election game with our livelihoods? ("Obama's bogus jobs data, Comment & Analysis, Monday)?

It's bad enough that for the past three years, the enormous Obama administration has been wasting billions of dollars in stimulus funds, piling up insurmountable debt, playing fast-and-loose with overreaching economic regulations, playing political tricks to increases taxes and cooking the books on housing and unemployment numbers.

However, it is becoming disturbingly apparent that Mr. Obama is steering the nation on a perilous path in dealing with Middle East unrest, Israel and the nuclear threat from Iran. Such action could result in attacks on our economy, our soil and our lives -- in order to influence the outcome of the November election. This is a blatant abuse of power.

This may answer the question of why Iraq was abandoned, why Afghanistan will be, and why no action was taken to support the uprising of the Iranian people against the brutal Islamic regime. Now is the time for all good voters to come to the aid of our country.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Bernardino Sun
February 2, 2012

Circular firing squad

Rather than beating each other up in a circular firing squad, Republican presidential primary candidates ought to respectfully spend their political capital laying out their individual history, credentials, information, and explanations to voters of how they each will commit to perform as president in a truthful and comprehensive way.

What America needs to survive is a President and Congress that will ameliorate the social, political and economic chaos, by getting out of the way of economic recovery, reducing the size, scope and regulatory power of government, reducing spending, attending to the growing debt, and keeping us safe from the ravages of terrorism.

Indeed, in the constitutional-circumventing tradition of FDR and LBJ, President Obama and the previous Democrat-controlled Congress betrayed the Constitution by exacerbating the housing crisis, the financial crisis, the energy crisis, health care and the unemployment crisis by growing government rather than limiting it as defined and confined by our founding document.

President Obama and the Democrats are making it painfully clear that they are waging class warfare, while 'wagging the dog,' undermining the free market and the middle class. Republicans must overcome the clear and present danger of the socialist political class, reject it as the enemy within, and get on with the peoples' business of restoring the United States.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

NewsMax Magazine
February 2012 Issue

Obama's Stark Contrast

President Obama told 60 Minutes, "It doesn't really matter who the nominee is gonna be. The core philosophy that they're expressing is the same. And the contrast in visions between where I want to take this country and where they say they want to take the country is going to be stark." ("The Loner in Chief, December).

Obama's statement was not an epiphany but a stark contrast between socialism and freedom. Surely the 2012 election will decide our future -- socialist oblivion or freedom and recovery.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Riverside Press Enterprise
January 29, 2012

Time is right for Gingrich

Newt Gingrich’s winning performance in the South Carolina primary (“Upset alters GOP scene,” Jan.22) highlights the former speaker’s ability to confront and resolve the vital issues affecting us.

Those problems include our deeply injured economy, jobs, energy, education, health care, national security, foreign policy, irresponsible media, and a grossly ineffective, oversized, overregulating, overspending, overreaching government that is stretching far beyond constitutional limits.

It’s up to voters to make the most important decisions of our lifetimes in the 2012 elections. Republicans should nominate Gingrich, along with qualified congressional candidates, to gain control of the Senate and maintain control of the House. We must reject President Barack Obama’s deceitful race to socialism, or we will run the risk of diminishing our freedoms of life, property, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The San Francisco Examiner
January 25, 2012

It’s time to put Newt in the White House

I agree with the Thursday letter that explained why Newt Gingrich is the only electable Republican presidential candidate. I have carefully followed Newt’s career since the Reagan years and I’m convinced he is the man for president in these trying, dangerous times.

We need a great communicator with his skills and experience to bring us through it with success. Now, more than ever, is the time for all good voters to come to the aid of their country. Gingrich and a Republican Congress are the answer.

Daniel B. Jeffs, Apple Valley

Read more at the San Francisco Examiner: http://www.sfexaminer.com/opinion/letters-editor/2012/01/it-s-time-put-newt-white-house#ixzz1kUfaxzjy

The Washington Examiner
January 25, 2012

Gingrich has the skills, experience to restore America

Re: " 'Reformer' Gingrich embodies what is wrong with Washington," Editorial, Jan. 23

Frankly, I am somewhat stunned by this editorial, which parrots attacks by the biased press and Gingrich opponents. Nitpicking Newt by ABC and the rest of the shallow-minded media is obviously part of their continued campaign for President Obama.

Gingrich's victory in the South Carolina Republican primary highlights the former speaker's historical ability to confront and resolve the vital issues affecting the American people. I have carefully followed Gingrich's career since the Reagan years, and I'm convinced he will make the best president in these trying, dangerous times.

We need a great communicator with his skills and experience to bring us through this crisis. Now, more than ever, is the time for all good voters to come to the aid of their country. Gingrich and a Republican Congress are the solution for restoring America.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/letters-editor/2012/01/letters-editor-jan-25-2012/2130561#ixzz1kRIwUjSI

The New York Times
January 24, 2012

Twists and Turns in the Republican Race

To the Editor:

Newt Gingrich’s winning performance in the South Carolina Republican primary highlights the former speaker’s ability to confront and resolve the vital issues affecting the American people now and in the foreseeable future: our deeply injured economy, jobs, energy, education, health care, national security, foreign policy, irresponsible media and a grossly ineffective, oversized, overregulating, overspending, overreaching government.

Now it is up to the voters to make the most important decision of our lifetimes in the 2012 elections. Republicans should nominate Mr. Gingrich for president, and elect sufficient qualified Congressional candidates to gain control of the Senate and maintain control of the House.

Apple Valley, Calif., Jan. 22, 2012


Vital decisions 2012

Newt Gingrich's winning performance in the South Carolina Republican primary highlights the former speaker's historical ability to confront and resolve the vital issues affecting the American people now and in the foreseeable future: Our deeply injured economy, jobs, energy, education, health care, national security, foreign policy, irresponsible media, and a grossly ineffective, over-sized, over-regulating, over-spending, over-reaching government stretching far beyond constitutional limits.

Now, it is up to we, the voters to make the most important decisions of our lifetimes in the 2012 presidential elections. Republicans should nominate Newt Gingrich for president, along with sufficient qualified congressional candidates to gain control of the Senate and maintain control of the House. We must reject President Obama's deceitful race to socialism, and elect Newt Gingrich president, or run the inevitable risk of diminishing our freedoms of life, property, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

San Diego Union-Tribune
January 18, 2012

GOP hopefuls should stop squabbling

Rather than beating each other up in a circular firing squad (“Romney fends off attacks in debate,” Campaign 2012, Jan. 17), Republican presidential primary candidates ought to respectfully spend their political capital laying out their individual history, credentials, information and explanations to voters of how they each will commit to perform as president in a truthful and comprehensive way.

What America needs to survive is a president and Congress that will ameliorate the social, political and economic chaos, by getting out of the way of economic recovery, reducing the size, scope and regulatory power of government, reducing spending, attending to the growing debt and keeping us safe from the ravages of terrorism.

Indeed, in the Constitution-circumventing tradition of FDR and LBJ, President Obama and the previous Democrat-controlled Congress betrayed the Constitution by exacerbating the housing crisis, the financial crisis, the energy crisis, health care and the unemployment crisis by growing government rather than limiting it as defined and confined by our founding document.

President Obama and the Democrats are making it painfully clear that they are waging class warfare, while “wagging the dog,” undermining the free market and the middle class. Republicans must overcome the clear and present danger of the socialist political class, reject it as the enemy within, and get on with the peoples’ business of restoring the United States.

– Daniel B. Jeffs, Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
January 1, 2012

Payroll tax fiasco

It's certainly not surprising that the Democrat-controlled Senate and Republican political chumps kicked back the House bill to extend the payroll tax cut for one year, with a Senate bill to cut the extension for only two months. That's what Democrats and last-minute spoilers do to direct blame where it doesn't belong.

Indeed, President Obama's feigned attempt to say that he wants the tax cut extended for one year is nothing more than an election-year distraction from what he really wants - the end of the Bush tax cuts in 2013, which will surely bring on further damage to the economy.

Political machinations in a presidential election year are expected. However, when it's so deceitful and reckless that it has far-reaching effects on our economy and security - as it has over the past three years - it is not only unconscionable, it is mass malfeasance.

Worse, when the liberal media sells its journalistic soul and objective integrity to be biased political mouthpieces and campaign supporters for the Democrat Party and President Obama, the public watchdogs are only loyal to an ideology that feeds them, which is tantamount to being un-American.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

New York Post
December 31, 2011

Newt judges the judges: Who has the last word?

Gingrich was correct in his Iowa debate concerns about the federal judiciary.

As early as 1821, Jefferson was prophetic when he warned that the federal judiciary is an irresponsible body, “advancing its noiseless step like a thief, over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the States and the government of all be consolidated into one.”

Considering the unabated growth and advance of federal government and power from FDR to LBJ, and now with President Obama’s unconstitutional health-care mandates and energy, finance and administrative regulations, Jefferson’s fears, now ours, are clearly being realized.

Indeed, the long-term inundation of attorney-driven, unreasonably complicated local, state and federal laws and activist courts, coupled with the predatory legal industry, have restricted our freedoms and raised the cost of living beyond control.

Daniel Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/letters/newt_judges_the_judges_who_has_the_MyCvGgDyhH68gnWS7DGLqN#ixzz1i7zFnyxG

The Washington Examiner
December 30, 2011

Occupiers are part of Obama's re-election army

Re: "Obama should give the boot to Occupy DC squatters," Editorial, Dec. 29

He should, but he won't. The Occupy movement is really about President Obama's class warfare theme of the wealthy not paying their fair share.

Occupy protesters from at least 10 states are expected to disrupt the Iowa Republican primary caucuses. Concerned, discerning voters surely know that naive and indoctrinated college students and union activists are at the core of the Democrat Party Left, acting as an army for unopposed Obama's campaign to get re-elected and regain power in Congress at any cost. However, if that happens, the economy will worsen and government will consume the declining middle class.

Democracy cannot exist without a large, healthy middle class, broad freedoms, and limited government. My state, California, is clearly an advanced example of socialism, which thrives on more regulation, less freedom, big government and a bigger underclass of dependents.

That's why voters' decisions in the 2012 elections will certainly be the most important of our time.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/letters-editor/2011/12/letters-editor-dec-30-2011/2044756#ixzz1i2Cd6ORf

Riverside Press Enterprise
December 26, 2011

Gingrich right on courts

Newt Gingrich was correct in the concerns he raised about the federal judiciary in the Iowa Republican debate. Thomas Jefferson was prophetic when he warned that “the germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal judiciary … advancing … over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the States, and the government of all shall be consolidated into one.”

He added that centralized power “will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.”

Considering the unabated growth of federal government power, from FDR to LBJ — and now President Obama’s health care mandates, and energy, finance and administrative regulations — Jefferson’s fears are being realized.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

(Original letter)

Gingrich on the judiciary

Newt Gingrich was correct in his Iowa Republican Debate concerns about the federal judiciary. As early as 1821, Thomas Jefferson was prophetic when he warned… 'that the germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal judiciary… advancing over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the states, and the government of all shall be consolidated into one… drawn to Washington as the center of all power…'

Jefferson added that centralized power, '…will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.' Considering the unabated growth and advance of federal government and power, from FDR, to LBJ -- and now President Obama's unconstitutional health care mandates, energy, finance and administrative regulations -- Jefferson's fears, now ours, are clearly being realized.

Indeed, the long-term inundation of attorney-driven, unreasonably complicated local, state and federal laws, and activist courts -- coupled with the predatory legal industry -- have restricted our freedoms and raised the cost of living beyond control.

Re: What Fannie and Freddie knew - WSJ editorial
December 22, 2011

There is much more to the WSJ editorial about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac leading private lenders into the subprime market wherein standards were lowered to reach unqualified home buyers. Indeed, Fannie's 1999 subprime alliance with Angelo Mozilo's Countrywide Home Loans was the result of former president Carter's 1977 Community Reinvestment Act.

Former president Clinton used the CRA to jump-start the housing/financial crisis on the basis of affordable housing for minorities by intimidating banks, mortgage lenders, Fannie and Freddie to lower their standards and make loans to those who could not afford them -- with HUD's Andrew Cuomo and AG Janet Reno as his enforcers.

Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd backed up Fannie and Freddie in Congress and -- along with Franklin Raines, other Fannie and Freddie CEOs, ACORN and the SEIU -- they took it from there to the crash. After which, all accusing Democrat phony-fingers pointed at Wall Street as the villain.

Certainly, Attorney General Eric Holder's lending discrimination suit against Bank of America's Countrywide unit is simply another political diversionary tactic, when the real villain is over-reaching government misfeasance.

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
December 22, 2011

Payroll tax cut extension fiasco

It's certainly not surprising that the Democrat-controlled Senate and Republican political chumps kicked-back the House bill to extend the payroll tax cut for one year, with a Senate bill to cut the extension for only two months. That's what Democrats and last minute spoilers do to direct blame where it doesn't belong.

Indeed, President Obama's feigned attempt to say that he wants the tax cut extended for one year, is nothing more than an election year distraction from what he really wants. The end of the Bush tax cuts in 2013, which will surely bring on further damage to the economy.

Political machinations in a presidential election year are expected. However, when it's so deceitful and reckless that it has far-reaching effects on our economy and security -- as it has over the past three years -- it is not only unconscionable, it is mass malfeasance.

Worse, when the liberal media sells its journalistic soul and objective integrity to be biased political mouthpieces and campaign supporters for the Democrat Party and President Obama, the public watchdogs are only loyal to an ideology that feeds them, which is tantamount to being un-American.

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
December 22, 2011

Gingrich on the judiciary

Newt Gingrich was correct in his Iowa Republican Debate concerns about the federal judiciary. As early as 1821, Thomas Jefferson was prophetic when he warned… 'that the germ of dissolution of our federal government is in the constitution of the federal judiciary… advancing over the field of jurisdiction, until all shall be usurped from the states, and the government of all shall be consolidated into one… drawn to Washington as the center of all power…'

Jefferson added that centralized power, '…will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated.' Considering the unabated growth and advance of federal government and power, from FDR, to LBJ -- and now President Obama's unconstitutional health care mandates, energy, finance and administrative regulations -- Jefferson's fears, now ours, are clearly being realized.

Indeed, the long-term inundation of attorney-driven, unreasonably complicated local, state and federal laws, and activist courts -- coupled with the predatory legal industry -- have restricted our freedoms and raised the cost of living beyond control.

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
December 18, 2011

Fannie and Freddie CEOs embezzled public funds

The current SEC suits brought against former Fannie Mae CEO, Daniel Mudd, and former Freddie Mac CEO, Richard Syron will undoubtedly result in nominal civil settlements, just as the previous Fannie and Freddie culprits largely responsible for the housing and financial meltdown.

Indeed, chief among the wrongdoers who skated criminal prosecution was Fannie Mae CEO, Franklin Raines, who not only cooked the Fannie books, he was instrumental in handing the lion's share of the subprime mortgage business to former Countrywide Financial CEO, Angelo Mozilo.

Surely, the call for the prosecution of Wall Street CEOs has been muted by the deeply-seeded subprime corruption within Fannie and Freddie, which richly-lined the bank accounts of executives with $millions in illicit bonuses based on fraudulent accounting -- not to mention obtaining favored "Friends of Angelo" VIP home loans from Countrywide, including Raines, Mudd and 40 Fannie and Freddie managers.

Adding insult to the mass injury of the unaffordable housing push for affordable housing at any cost, House and Senate Finance and Banking Committee culprits, Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Christopher Dodd knowingly supported the dangerous housing bubble. Dodd received VIP home loans from Mozilo's Countrywide. Plus, Fannie and Freddie PAC's made campaign contributions to Dodd, and then Sen. Barack Obama.

The bottom line of the dirty government business involvement in the housing and financial crisis -- beyond the job losses and the crushing losses to homeowners -- is the fact that the underhanded players embezzled private and public funds with impunity. Certainly, crony capitalism and the double standards of real and political justice are unconscionable and a betrayal of the public trust.

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
December 17, 2011

Occupy protesters attack Gingrich in Iowa

The Occupy movement has turned from protest to preventing the political speech of President Obama's opponent, Newt Gingrich. It's curious that when Merriam-Webster announced that Pragmatic (practical) was the most looked-up word on their on-line dictionary, the word Occupy is being considered as the top word by the American Dialect Society.

Even more interesting is that President Obama and his administration describe his leadership as a pragmatic philosophy. Though his leadership is the antithesis of practical, the left has a way of revising definitions to fit the ideology and agenda. Is the Occupy movement Obama's pragmatic army, pursuing social justice by means of relentless social unrest?

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
December 15, 2011

Obama's stark contrast

President Obama's December 11th, 60 Minutes interview saying, "It doesn't really matter who the (Republican) nominee is gonna be. The core philosophy that they're expressing is the same. And the contrast in visions between where I want to take this country and where they say they want to take the country is gonna be stark." -- was not an epiphany. That stark contrast is socialism vs. freedom.

If it were not for the government-caused economic crash -- the spontaneous Tea Party movement reaction to Obama's regulatory vision and abuse of congressional power -- and Republicans taking back the House, we would be further down that ruinous road to socialism.

Indeed, more and more people are feeling betrayed by decades of misinformation, indoctrination and dependency on empire-building Democrats, the media-left, the miseducation establishment, the entertainment industry, bully unions, and the Occupy movement. Surely, the 2012 election will decide our future: Socialist oblivion or freedom and recovery.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Founder, DDC
December 13, 2011

San Diego Union-Tribune
November 19, 2011

Obama machine sent 'Occupy' protestors

Anyone but the indoctrinated and fools can plainly see that the Obama machine sent the first -- Occupy Wall Street student protesters from colleges to falsely represent the 99 percent. Of course they were joined by the unions and all manner of socialists to stretch the movement across the nation.

Why? To advance the president's mandates, taxation, spread the wealth and government jobs agenda for re-election -- and to bash Fox News whenever Fox reporters show up, shouting "Fox News lies!" Now, the Occupy movement has been reduced to aggression, thugs, misfits, anti-Semites and racism.

Long live the spontaneous tea party movement and the real majority of Americans devoted to taking back our country in the 2012 elections and beyond.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley


New York Post
November 12, 2011

Testing Cain's character: harassment from the left

The biased, liberal media are doing a Clarence Thomas-style political lynching of Cain, similar to the demonization of Newt Gingrich.

It’s what Democrats do against their most dangerous opponents.

I would like to see a Gingrich/Cain Republican ticket to restore America.

Daniel Jeffs
Apple Valley Calif.

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/opinion/letters/testing_cain_character_harassment_5FfOEErdYKcNfcvMklTauN#ixzz1dVV1NtiS

Newt Gingrich for president
by Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
October 1, 2011

The GOP presidential candidate who is best for the economy is one who will get unreasonable government regulation out of it. Don't dismiss Newt Gingrich. He is the most qualified because he has been there and done that as Speaker of the House with his, 'Contract with America.'

Plus, he knows history and has detailed plans to recover traditional America from its liberal/progressive government addiction. Read his books and you will understand. His leadership abilities far outweigh the field of candidates, the relentless raw deal from the left, the media, and the foolish Republican establishment.

If the GOP wants to put an end to a history of political self-destruction at the worst possible times for the American people, the party will get its act together, put forth the best candidates, and fight for what's best for the United States and our people, with traditional, limited government.

Independent voters will decide the 2012 presidential election and the control of Congress. It won't be Barack Obama or Democrats. The right decisions will make the difference between a steady economic recovery and a protracted recession that could be our undoing.