The Washington Post
November 26, 2010

Lame-duck, lame brain Congress

The so-called Democrat-controlled lame-duck Congress has in fact proven to be a lame-brain Congress -- still bent on raising taxes, raising health care costs, raising the deficit, raising the cost of living, destroying jobs and plunging taxpayers into insurmountable debt.

Fortunately, reasonable voters felt enough economic pain to put born-again Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives, narrow the Democrat margin in the Senate, and show gains among the several states. Hopefully, this will help stem the tide of big government insanity sweeping the nation.

And it might, if it were not for the uncertainty dwelling in the White House. Indeed, President Obama and his administration would be well-advised to heed the warning votes of 2010 if he is have any hope of extending his executive position for another term.

If the president doesn't remarkably change his ways, there won't be another term for him or any other Democrat, including the majority in the Senate. of course, the entire matter rests solely on the performance and results achieved by the Republicans. The American people won't stand for any more nonsense, loss of freedom, liberty, security or jobs.

Too many Californians don't get it yet, but they will -- the hard way. Jerry Brown & Co. will certainly drive the social, political and economic points home to the lame-brain voters among us.

The Washington Post
November 24, 2010

North Korea and al-Qaeda

North Korea's saber-rattling against South Korea signals the looming collapse of the Communist regime, similar to what happened to the Soviet Union. Both consumed their country's wealth with over-reaching communism, arms and armies -- starving their people.

Hopefully, North Korea won't go down by launching nuclear attacks. Hopefully, China will prevent that from happening. But hope is not enough.

Meanwhile, al-Qaeda and a nuclear Iran pose a greater threat to us, Israel, the Middle-East and the world. Al-Qaeda's obsession with crashing aircraft in America has been an over-reaction distraction for the United States. However, the terrorists are bound to attack us in other ways, by other means, with greater damage, soon and often.

We must have the best intelligence, deterrents and strong wisdom in leadership to prevent the worst from happening. Indeed, we have serious problems.

The Washington Examiner
November 14, 2010

Overcoming the liberal revolution after the 2010 elections

The liberal/progressive/socialist revolution -- by whatever definition -- began early in the 20th Century, descended on American government and our society like a thief in the night, kicked in the door during the 1960s', and has been overwhelming our country ever since.

It is now up to the voters to overcome that insidious revolution and restore what was stolen from us: Our Constitution -- life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- with freedom, and strictly limited government by the instructive consent of the governed.

The democracy of the spontaneous Tea Party movement -- and gains made in the 2010 elections -- is a start. The insanity running rampant in California is a more difficult matter. However -- after adding the Jerry Brown & Co. insult to injury, and once our inhabitants have suffered enough -- this too will change.

San Diego Union-Tribune
November 18, 2010

Shame on Governor Schwarzenegger

When Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected governor in the Governor Gray Davis recall election, it was because Davis mishandled the California energy crisis and raised taxes, all of which was a devastating blow to California's economy and its people.

Since being re-elected Schwarzenegger betrayed the voters with tax increases and a potentially worse blow to the economy with the passage of AB-32 Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006. Then -- in the face of an already mortally wounded economy -- he was instrumental in defeating Proposition 23, which would have delayed implementation of the Act until unemployment was reduced to at least 5.5% for a year.

Adding insult to injury, the governor is still crusading for highly questionable global warming claims, with his "Governors' Global Climate Summit 3," which was held this week at UC Davis.

Like most environmental zealots, Schwarzenegger's shameless push for costly carbon regulation and unreasonable green energy requirements will only serve to devastate California's economy further. Still, the irony is that it didn't deter the majority of hapless voters from electing Jerry Brown to lead his newly elected wrecking drew in knocking down the state, and grinding us to economic ruin.

Alas, the only thing worth looking forward to is not having to spell Arnold's last name anymore, and letting him be known as just another political jerk.

Los Angeles Times
November 17, 2010

Re: Charles Rangel

Too much personal power corrupts. That's what happened to Rep. Charles Rangel -- and too many people holding public office -- simply because government is too big and over-reaching at nearly every level.

Each house of Congress is supposed to police itself. It hasn't worked because they have become the political elite in the most exclusive clubs.

Rep. Rangel should be expelled from the House, but that won't happen. Government is supposed to police itself, but it seldom happens.

The American people and the states are the only safeguard, however, we are too limited by the corrupted institutions which have compromised our Constitution and usurped power from the states: Congress, the presidency, and the federal judiciary.

We must look out for ourselves, which will take a few serious amendments to restore the Constitution. Congress won't do it. Only the states can make that happen. It's a matter of survival, liberty and freedom. We need a Tea Party of the states and a constitutional convention.

The Washington Examiner
November 14, 2010

Overcoming the liberal revolution after the 2010 elections

The liberal/progressive/socialist revolution -- by whatever definition -- began early in the 20th Century, descended on American government and our society like a thief in the night, kicked in the door during the 1960s', and has been overwhelming our country ever since.

It is now up to the voters to overcome that insidious revolution and restore what was stolen from us: Our Constitution -- life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- with freedom, and strictly limited government by the instructive consent of the governed.

The democracy of the spontaneous Tea Party movement -- and gains made in the 2010 elections -- is a start. The insanity running rampant in California is a more difficult matter. However -- after adding the Jerry Brown & Co. insult to injury, and once our inhabitants have suffered enough -- this too will change.


San Bernardino Sun
November 16, 2010

Revolution is on

Deeply concerned and frustrated voters swept out many Democrats in the nation's congressional elections Nov. 2, clearly signaling that the Tea Party revolution is under way.

Indeed, Republicans took the majority in the House, and narrowed the gap in the Senate. However, if they don't hold fast and true to our founding constitutional principles, they will be replaced with those who do.

Surely, the same goes for President Obama and many Democrats who were barely re-elected, and those in the Senate who are up for re-election in 2012.

If the president, the Congress and for that matter, the Supreme Court, don't take the pathway to right the wrongs they've done to society, the economy, our constitutional democracy and the American people, they should certainly be voted out of office and/or otherwise impeached and removed from office.

Even though there was also a Republican shift in state governments, New York and other hopeless states held fast to their liberal decline. Indeed, clueless Californians kept Sen. Boxer and elected hapless Jerry Brown to lead the Sacramento Democrat hole-in-the-wall gang, as a defiant gesture of voter-assisted economic suicide.

Alas, the Tea Party revolution is unlikely to keep California lemmings from blindly running off the cliff and pushing the rest of us with them.

Apple Valley