Riverside Press Enterprise
December 23, 2016

President Obama’s damage

President Obama is bent on doing as much damage to America as he can before leaving office. Indeed, his latest edicts, commutations and pardons are designed to inflict as much damage as possible to the oil industry and America’s domestic security.

Coupled with eight years of relentless attacks against America’s coal, oil and gas energy resources, releasing criminal predators upon the public, and his war against America’s police, he has recklessly inflicted untold damage against our society, our economy and our safety.

Worse, Mr. Obama has intentionally allowed open borders and sanctuary cities and marijuana to flourish, subjecting our people to increased gangs, crime, drugs, murder and the infection of our children without remorse.

Even worse, President Obama has inflicted deadly damage on our national security by blatantly allowing the proliferation of ISIS against the Middle East, America and the world by unleashing relentless attacks against Christians and humanity.

Alas, Obama’s last act of defiance will likely be to empty Guantanamo and to pardon blatant traitors Bergdahl, Manning and Snowden.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
November 25, 2016

From Obama to Trump

During the Clinton-caused economic meltdown and presidential election of 2008, the Democrat Party, and the insidious media, Hollywood and Academia cartel seized on the politically correct opportunity to elect Senator Barrack Obama as the first black president of the United States.

Of course, the cartel knew that President Obama would lead into the two-term tyrannies of overwhelming government together with the first term Democrat Congress establishing forced national health care, the wars on coal energy and finance industry, and unconstitutional wars against small business and hardworking Americans.

Worse, the second term was replete with a war against the police, surrendering the war against terrorism in the Middle East causing the rise of ISIS, terrorist attacks here and around the world, and his deadly deal with nuclear Iran.

Fortunately, the arrogant and un-American cartel failed to elect evil Hillary Clinton as the first woman president.

Indeed, real American states and voters rejected the cartel and the deeply corrupted Clintons, elected the Donald Trump, Mike Pence team, and retained the Republican Congress to bring back America from the edge of social, political and economic ruin. Clearly, there is hope to rebuild and to restore our national and domestic security.

And, to increase our efforts to make America great again – the way we once were, before the Democrats turned to the ruinous socialist devil….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
November 24, 2016

From Obama to Trump

During the Clinton-caused economic meltdown and presidential election of 2008, the Democrat Party, and the insidious media, Hollywood and academia cartel seized on the politically correct opportunity to elect Sen. Barrack Obama as the first black president..

Of course, the cartel knew that President Obama would lead into a two-term tyranny of overwhelming government together with the first term Democrat Congress establishing forced national health care and the wars on coal, finance industry, small business and hardworking Americans.

Worse, the second term was replete with a war against the police while surrendering the war against terrorism in the Middle East causing the rise of ISIS, terrorist attacks here and around the world and his deadly deal with nuclear Iran.

Fortunately, the arrogant and un-American cartel failed to elect Hillary Clinton as the first woman president.

Indeed, real American states and voters rejected the cartel and the deeply corrupted Clintons, elected the Donald Trump, Mike Pence team, and retained the Republican Congress to bring back America from the edge of social, political and economic ruin.

Clearly, there is hope to rebuild and to restore our national and domestic security.

We can also increase our efforts to make America great again – the way we once were, before the Democrats turned to ruinous socialism

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
October 5, 2016

Irresponsible liberal media

President Bush attempted to put a stop to the results, but Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and others stood in his way. Certainly, President Obama has exacerbated the insidious problem, which is leading to another, probably worse, housing and financial collapse.

Slamming Donald Trump comes as no surprise from the liberal media, but when they blindly endorse Hillary Clinton with her history of malfeasance, abuse of power and corruption, that hurts America and the people.

Indeed, the Los Angeles Times front page article, “Scope of Trump’s lies unmatched,” and their lengthy half page, “An easy decision: Hillary for president,” editorial endorsement overlooks Clinton’s devious and unlawful conflicts of interests record, that’s irresponsible free press.

Clearly, all the dominant liberal media follows suit with extreme political bias, and all have ignored the fact that Bill and Hillary Clinton are responsible for the 2008 housing and financial meltdown caused, not by Wall Street, but by Clinton’s administration forcing banks and mortgage lenders to give unaffordable home loans to unqualified home buyers.

President Bush attempted to put a stop to the results, but Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and others stood in his way. Certainly, President Obama has exacerbated the insidious problem, which is leading to another, probably worse, housing and financial collapse.

America must have relief from all this, and the expansion of world terrorism caused by Obama and Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump and a strong Republican Congress is our only hope.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Diego Union-Tribune
October 1, 2016

Presidential debate reaction

In the first Hillary Clinton – Donald Trump debate, each candidate displayed the roots of their character. Donald Trump was brash and to the point, and Hillary Clinton was condescending and arrogant.

The main different between them is that Trump is a very successful businessman, and Hillary Clinton is a slick politician with a history of political corruption, abuse of power and extreme greed.

In terms of their goals, Trump wants to save America and make it great again. Clinton expects a coronation as the first woman president and to rule as queen of America down the road to ruin.

What was missing from the debate, was the fact that Clinton and Obama are responsible for the proliferation of ISIS, and Russian aggression, and that Bill Clinton is responsible for the 2008 housing and financial collapse.

Daniel B. Jeffs

Riverside Press Enterprise
September 30, 2016

Round one went as expected

In the first Hillary Clinton – Donald Trump debate, each candidate displayed the roots of their character. Donald Trump was brash and to the point, and Hillary Clinton was condescending and arrogant.

The main different between them is that Trump is a very successful businessman, and Hillary Clinton is a slick politician with a history of political corruption, abuse of power and extreme greed.

In terms of their goals, Trump wants to save America and make it great again. Clinton expects a coronation as the first woman president and to rule as queen of America down the road to ruin.

What was missing from the debate, was the fact that Clinton and Obama are responsible for the proliferation of ISIS, nuclear weapons and Russian aggression, and that Bill Clinton is responsible for the 2008 housing and financial collapse.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
September 29, 2016
Your View: Readers weigh in on first Trump-Clinton debate

Clinton - Trump debate

In the first Hillary Clinton – Donald Trump debate, each candidate displayed the roots of their character. Donald Trump was brash and to the point, and Hillary Clinton was condescending and arrogant.

The main different between them is that Trump is a very successful businessman, and Hillary Clinton is a slick politician with a history of political corruption, abuse of power and extreme greed.

In terms of their goals, Trump wants to save America and make it great again. Clinton expects a coronation as the first woman president and to rule as queen of America down the road to ruin.

What was missing from the debate, was the fact that Clinton and Obama are responsible for the proliferation of ISIS, nuclear weapons and Russian aggression, and that Bill Clinton is responsible for the 2008 housing and financial collapse.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Times
September 27, 2016

Trump must save us from Clinton

Slamming Donald Trump is nothing new for the liberal media, but when it blindly endorse Hillary Clinton. who has a history of malfeasance, abuse of power and corruption, they hurt America and the people.

Indeed, the Los Angeles Times front page article, “Scope of Trump’s lies unmatched,” and their lengthy half page, “An easy decision: Hillary for president,” editorial endorsement overlooks Clinton’s devious and unlawful conflicts of interests, that’s irresponsible free press.

Clearly, all the dominant liberal media follows suit with extreme political bias, and all have ignored the fact that Bill and Hillary Clinton are responsible for the 2008 housing and financial meltdown. That’s right -- it was caused, not by Wall Street, but by Clinton’s administration forcing banks and mortgage lenders to give unaffordable home loans to unqualified home buyers.

President George W. Bush attempted to put a stop to the results, but congressmen Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and others stood in his way. Certainly, President Obama has exacerbated the insidious problem, which is leading to another, probably worse, housing and financial collapse.

America must have relief from all this and the expansion of world terrorism caused by Mr. Obama and Mrs. Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump and a strong Republican Congress are our only hope.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

VV Daily Press
September 15, 2016

Climate and criminal cartel

It’s bad enough that President Obama has exacted serious climate change hoax damage against our energy resources and our economy with his war against coal and oil energy, with irresponsible measures and far-reaching consequences.

However, Governor Brown and the Democrat California Legislature cartel refuse to be outdone the president, when they take climate change legislation to astronomic extremes that will seriously damage our California’s economy and our people.

Indeed, Brown is extending AB 32 Cap and Trade into the stratosphere with SB32 and AB197 wherein it will put California crashing into high gear. Surely, reckless climate change legislation is signing a death warrant that will raise the cost of living and send the state into economic oblivion.

Coupled with Brown releasing criminals to prey upon the people, it’s a Brown climate and criminal cartel. The people are the victims and they lose….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
September 13, 2016

State should butt out of cigarette taxes

It was bad enough that Rob Reiner’s punishing 50 cents per pack tobacco tax proposition passed, and has been used for everything but tobacco-related health problems.

Now, smokers are expected to believe that Proposition 56’s tyrannical $2.00 per pack tax will be used for public health, when in fact it will be just another cash cow for the state. Inflicted upon those who can least afford the tax.

Worse, the legalization of marijuana proposition will surely be passed and become another cash cow for the state, even though it is a gateway to hard drugs. Indeed, it doesn’t matter that the black market for cigarettes and crime will escalate because of both propositions.

Alas, traveling down the liberal road to punishing use of a legal product, while recklessly approving use of an illegal drug for taxes is unconscionable and amounts to little more than voter-assisted social, political and economic suicide….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
September 4, 2016

Wrecking crew against America

President Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, and Governor Brown are the primary wrecking crew against America, as follows:

President Obama has damaged the freedoms of Americans with the reckless, unconstitutional actions against our economy, our energy resources, our national security and our domestic security with executive orders and edicts, wars against coal and oil, finance, healthcare, the police – diminishing our border security, military defenses, allowing the proliferation of ISIS terrorism – releasing criminals to prey on the people, and imposing punishing regulations and taxes.

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton participated in the proliferation of ISIS terrorism, and used and abused her office for the Clinton Foundation and personal gain. As a candidate for president, she intends to assign the economy to her former president husband, Bill Clinton, who is directly responsible for the 2008 economic collapse, by forcing banks and mortgage lenders to give unaffordable home loans to unqualified buyers in mass.

California Governor Jerry Brown is a major player in the wrecking crew against California and America with economy-busting, punishing taxation, regulations, bullet train and water tunnel bond scams, $billions in the miseducation of students, high energy costs, releasing criminals to prey on Californians, lack of border security, support of sanctuary cities, and threats to our national and domestic security.

Indeed, the unconscionable Democrat Party and the liberal press covers for the un-American trio and all who support continued attacks against the people. Attention voters: wise up and don’t commit voter-assisted suicide by electing or re-electing more of the same poison to our freedom and liberty.

Alas, that they’re doing is tantamount to treason….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
August 28, 2016

The economic collapse bomb

Before it’s too late, Donald Trump should drop the 2008 economic collapse bomb on Bill Clinton for causing it.

Indeed, Clinton caused the meltdown by using HUD’s Andrew Cuomo and AG Janet Reno to intimidate banks and mortgage lenders to provide unaffordable home loans to unqualified buyers, mainly African Americans, who defaulted on their loans in mass.

Wall Street did not cause the collapse, they simply attempted to survive Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Macs compliance with Clinton’s mandate by bundling good and bad loans.

Bill Clinton was the risk-taking presidential bad guy in the 2008 crash, not George W. Bush. He tried to stop it, but Barney Frank and Chris Dodd stood in his way. Worse, If elected, Hillary Clinton intends to put Bill in charge of the economy.

The insidious liberal media has ignored the truth and has been protecting him all this time. And the conservative media has dropped the ball. It’s past time for voters to know it, and hold Clinton and the media responsible for the damage to the economy and America.

But wait, it’s not over. Eight years of President Obama has America on crash course for and even worse economic train wreck….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
May 25, 2016

Donald Trump’s economic plans will help U.S.

This will surely be a vicious presidential election. Still, the liberal press is intentionally being irresponsible to voters by not truthfully covering Hillary Clinton’s statements about her husband taking over a large part of the presidential portfolio, including being the economy czar. Particularly, with Bill Clinton’s destructive record of causing the 2008 economic meltdown.

It’s simply a matter of choosing either socialism or democracy, leaving successful businessman, Donald Trump as the only choice to save America’s economy, domestic and national security, and our freedom. Indeed, freedom from Clinton’s and Obama’s corrosive legacies.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
May 25, 2016


Clinton’s economic record

In a recent campaign speech Hillary Clinton indicated that if elected president, her husband, Bill would assume large part of the presidential portfolio. She said that she would put him in charge of stimulating the economy because, “you know he knows how to do that.” Problem is, he knows how to do just the opposite.

Indeed, when Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992, he campaigned against George HW Bush’s economic recession, with the mantra, “It’s the economy, stupid.” When in reality, the economy was coming out of a natural recovery from a recession. So, it was a stupid political lie to get votes, of course.

Personal attacks aside, what really matters about the Clintons is what former president Bill Clinton did in his second term to cause the collapse of housing and finance by forcing banks and mortgage lenders to give home loans to unqualified buyers -- based upon his devious drive to do overcome “redlining” against black home buyers -- which expanded to national, unchecked mass of unqualified buyers and the real cause of the economic meltdown.

Clearly, Bill Clinton and his hit squad of AG, Janet Reno, HUD Director, Andrew Cuomo, and Fannie Mae chairman, Franklin Raines are totally responsible for the 2008 housing and finance bust, not President George W. Bush or Wall Street. Indeed, an economic bust which President Obama has exacerbated throughout his terms in office.

Alas, no one is talking about the real cause of the housing and financial crisis, especially the irresponsible, biased press. Clearly, if Hillary Clinton is elected, it would not only be economic suicide, it would be a Benghazi-style national security disaster.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
May 20, 2016

Clinton and the meltdown

In a recent campaign speech, Hillary Clinton indicated that if she is elected president, she would put her husband, Bill, in charge of stimulating the economy because, “you know he knows how to do that.” Problem is, he knows how to do just the opposite.

Indeed, when Bill Clinton ran for president in 1992, he campaigned against George H.W. Bush’s economic recession, with the mantra, “It’s the economy, stupid.” When in reality, the economy was coming out of a natural recovery from a recession.

What really matters about the Clintons is what Bill Clinton did in his second term by forcing banks and mortgage lenders to give home loans to unqualified buyers -- based upon his devious drive to do overcome “redlining” against black homebuyers -- which produced a mass of unqualified buyers and the real cause of the economic meltdown.

Clearly, Bill Clinton and his hit squad of Attorney General Janet Reno, HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo and Fannie Mae Chairman, Franklin Raines are totally responsible for the 2008 housing and finance bust, not President George W. Bush or Wall Street.

Clearly, if Hillary Clinton is elected, it would not only be economic suicide, it would be a Benghazi-style national security disaster.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
April 26, 2016

Letters to the editor:

Scourge of mail theft

My small street of six residences has a group mailbox that was recently pried open and our mail stolen. The theft and vandalism was bad enough but the total lack of interest or action on the part of the Post Office was even worse. I think this problem is much more widespread than we know. The people I spoke with while picking up my mail were from many neighborhoods and some had boxes vandalized multiple times. If the Post Office were a private company, it would be out of business in short order.

John Ray


(response published)

Riverside Press Enterprise
April 27, 2016

Re: Scourge of mail theft letter
by John Ray

Get a Letter Locker for secure mail

Mr. Ray, I have a suggestion to resolve you and your neighbors mailbox vandalism and mail theft problems. Jayco Industries in Apple Valley manufactures, sells and installs Letter Locker mailboxes, the highest quality and secure mailboxes on the market. Letter Lockers have patented Claw Locks and the boxes cannot be pried open. The boxes are also large enough to store a quantity of mail that remains secure while you are away or on vacation.

Letter Lockers can be ordered via the Jayco Industries and Letter Locker web sites, or you can pick up a box at the manufacturing plant at 21483 Waalew Rd. in Apple Valley, 92307. The Post Office does require group mailboxes, so you might contact your neighbors to arrange for a cluster of six boxes. It’s certainly worthwhile looking into. I hope this helps your problem. Our son, Jay Jeffs is the founder and owner of Jayco Industries.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
April 17, 2016

Real wrongdoers not being punished

Former president Bill Clinton taking on Black Lives Matter about black on black crime, etc. is reminiscent of his romancing the middle during his presidency. For purely political reasons, and to get re-elected, he went along with the Contract with America Republican/Gingrich Congress in sentencing reform, welfare reform, etc. which were very successful.

However, the $5 billion housing mortgage settlement against Goldman Sachs as being part of the 2008 financial meltdown fails to recognize the real cause, What has been seriously neglected, is that Clinton forced the housing finance industry to give home loans to unqualified buyers (primarily blacks) who could not afford them. Therefore, Clinton caused the 2008 housing and financial collapse, not Wall Street.

Indeed, the constant call, backed by the liberal media, for executive heads to roll over the financial crisis is wrongheaded. Instead, there should be efforts to punish Bill Clinton, his then hit-team against banks and mortgage lenders, Attorney General Janet Reno, HUD Direct Andrew Cuomo, and Fannie Mae manipulator Franklin Raines should be punished. And, lest it’s forgotten, Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd for perpetuating the fraud.

President Bush attempted to stop the mortgage madness, but his efforts were derailed by Frank, Dodd and Democrats in Congress. Bush attempted to soften the financial blow with TARP and other measures. And, of course, newly-elected President Obama falsely blamed Bush and Wall Street for the costly Clinton/Democrat fiasco.

Alas, the tendency of liberal government and media to punish essentially innocent companies as wrongdoers when they are the real culprits is unconscionable, bad for the economy, bad for business, and worse, bad for the country and our people. President Obama simply perpetuated the recession, exacerbated by two terms of economic lies, abuse and doubling and nation debt.

The Clinton’s back in the White House would be wrong. Time for voters to wise-up and get it right. It’s a matter of our survival….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
April 7, 2016

$15 an hour buys a lot of votes

Assessing President Obama and Governor Brown: a bleak 2016?

In assessing the Obama administration’s social, political, economic and national security disasters of leading up to and including 2015, and looking forward to the president’s final round vs. America, the American people are clearly confused by hope and uncertainty as the chaos of the 2016 Presidential election plays out.

Gov. Brown’s insane Propositions and legislators’ punishing taxation on businesses, strapping taxpayers with bonds for a totally unnecessary high speed rail, and now the $15 minimum wage have added extreme levels of taxes and burdens upon California business, the people and our economy.

These are calamities for America and California, if voters don’t wise up to protect ourselves and our future. Don’t cast stupid votes!

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
April 5,2016

April Fools?

Earlier last month, my wife and I received a vague letter notification from Verizon that Frontier Communications will be taking over our FIOS, Internet and phone services? Early last week we received an undated form letter notification from Frontier Communications President and CEO, Dan McCarthy with “exciting news” indicating that on April 1st, our services would be moved to the Frontier Network in a smooth transition.

Not true for FIOS! The transition began several days before that, and is still going on. Our On Demand services and purchased movies are gone and not available for viewing. Needless to say, we are outraged by the inefficiency. Indeed, we have spent hundreds of dollars on movies, many of which are new releases that should be available.

The Frontier letter advised us to go to “” for a Frontier ID and access. The site is a tangled mess. I attempted to contact Verizon and Frontier by phone with no results. I was “blown-off” by voice recordings from each, to contact the other. Today is April 2nd, and the transition is not complete, Phone, Internet and TV have not been disturbed, but movies are still not available.

Surely, this “April Fools” day was certainly not a joke. It’s a betrayal by Verizon FIOS, and gross incompetency by Frontier. I searched the Internet for information on Frontier Communications, but only learned that the company have serious financial problems last year. Worse, I found that most, if not all newspapers and news media have had nothing to report.

Indeed, we subscribe to USA TODAY, the Wall Street Journal, the Los Angeles Times, the San Bernardino Sun and the Daily Press, and found nothing, including nothing from all of our major online newspaper subscriptions. Alas, one would think that this enormous transition from Verizon FIOS to Frontier Communications that included millions of subscribers from California, Florida and Texas is a big deal. Apparently not.

Hopefully, I speak for most of my fellow disappointed Verizon FIOS customers. Meanwhile, we’re waiting, now impatiently, for the business of consumer justice – not here yet!

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
March 7, 2016

The next president

Re: “GOP has more to lose than gain” … Absolutely. Who will be elected president in 2016?

Considering the probable nominees, it doesn’t look good for America. Clinton or Trump? No!

Unfortunately, too may clueless and indoctrinated voters influenced by biased media will go along with lemming voter-assisted suicide, one way or the other. Why? It already happened with two-term President Obama: Social, political, economic, domestic and national security disaster.

Worse, the state of the Republican Party, Democrat Party and outsiders in the presidential election have created a Trump-driven, ringmaster-cheapened political circus with ugly side-shows, making it painfully clear that America is steeped in election trouble.

The news media, of course, are exacerbating the dilemma. Surely, It’s time for voters to get our act together and promote real democracy wherein we decide, not the personal power hungry narcissistic fools running our country into the ground….

Sen. Rubio or Sen. Cruz are OK alternatives, particularly against a Corrupt Hillary Clinton or a grumpy old socialist, Bernie Sanders.

However, Ohio Gov. John Kasich is the only grounded, qualified candidate with the character, integrity and deeply proven federal and state government experience to pull our country together against government self-destruction, economic ruin and terrorism.

Question is, can exasperated Republicans make the smart move to expel Trump from the nominations and make the right move? Our future will depend upon it.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

NewsMax Magazine
March 2016 issue

Obama’s legacy

President Obama does not live in our American universe, but in his own world of legacy-seeking deceit, distraction, abuse of power and chaos regardless of the social, political, economic, domestic and national security damage inflicted upon our nation. On the other hand, that appears to be exactly what he wants.
(“Obama’s last stand,”) January.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Riverside Press-Enterprise
March 3, 2016

Kasich our last chance

Who will be elected president in 2016? Considering the probable nominees, it doesn’t look good for America. Clinton or Trump? No!

Unfortunately, too may clueless and indoctrinated voters influenced by biased media will go along with lemming voter-assisted suicide. Why? It already happened with two-term President Obama: Social, political, economic, domestic and national security disasters.

Worse, the state of the Republican Party, Democrat Party and outsiders in the presidential election have created a Trump-driven, ringmaster-cheapened political circus with ugly side-shows, making it painfully clear that America is steeped in election trouble.

The news media, of course, are exacerbating the dilemma. It’s time for voters to get our act together and promote real democracy wherein we decide -- not the personal power-hungry narcissistic fools running our country into the ground….

Sen. Rubio or Sen. Cruz are OK alternatives, particularly against Corrupt Hillary Clinton or socialist Bernie Sanders.

However, Ohio Gov. John Kasich is the only grounded, qualified candidate with the character, integrity and deeply proven federal and state government experience to pull our country together against government self-destruction, economic ruin and terrorism.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
January 17, 2016

State of union a mess under President Obama

Under the painful, indefensible administration of President Obama – backed by the irresponsible liberal media -- the state of the union has gone from disheveled to seriously fractured and dangerous, hopefully not beyond repair.

The solution: We, the American people, and our elected representatives must get our collective act together, recover from the destructive Obama era and move up to social, political and economic strength, real security and prosperity – the way America is meant to be….

Unfortunately, I am somewhat of a voice in the wilderness, relentlessly doing my best to save our precious nation for the sake of my family, my community, state and country by writing traditional letters to the editor in sea of technology. And so it goes, as long as tangible print news media survives….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press-Enterprise
January 14, 2016

Obama’s state of disunion salvageable

Under the painful, indefensible administration of President Obama – backed by the irresponsible liberal media -- the state of the union has gone from disheveled to seriously fractured and dangerous, but hopefully not beyond repair.

The solution: We, the American people, and our elected representatives must get our collective act together, recover from the destructive Obama era and move up to social, political and economic strength, real security and prosperity – the way America is meant to be.

Unfortunately, I am somewhat of a voice in the wilderness, relentlessly doing my best to save our precious nation for the sake of my family, my community, state and country by writing traditional letters to the editor in sea of technology.

And so it goes, as long as tangible print news media survives.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
December 16, 1025

Need for a different kind of climate change

Dwarfing his costly Obamacare failure, President Obama spearheaded his legacy-seeking U.N. conference on climate change in Paris, resulting in a worldwide agreement to avert the worst effects of global warming by shifting economies to cleaner energy sources.

Sadly, the economy-busting climate change deception simply adds to the dangerously corrosive, decades-long social, political and economic climate change in America caused by liberal government, the miseducation establishment and media.

Alas, what America really needs is a reverse climate change -- of good and against evil -- with the strength of determined leadership and limited government. It’s a matter of our survival.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

(Original letter)

Deadly climate change deception

Dwarfing his costly Obamacare failure, President Obama spearheaded his legacy-seeking UN conference in Paris on Climate Change resulting in a worldwide agreement to avert the worst effects of global warming by shifting economies to cleaner energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

However, beginning with Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth global warming deception backed by climate alarmist scientists, the campaign against greenhouse gases went into overdrive, exacerbated by reckless legislative actions highlighted in California by conference attendee, former Gov. Schwarzenegger’s punishing AB 32 carbon taxes.

Indeed, Ca. Gov. Brown gave a speech at the Paris conference, followed by a scene outside the center, singing along with Barry McGuire’s 1965 song, “We’re on the eve of destruction” as his legacy-seeking anthem to take drastic actions justifying his radical political moves by slashing oil consumption and sounding false alarms against drought, disasters and terrorism. And, of course, L.A. Mayor Garcetti attended the conference and jumped on the environmentalist bandwagon.

Sadly, the delirious economy-busting climate change deception simply adds to the dangerously corrosive decades-long social, political and economic climate change in America caused by liberal government, the miseducation establishment and media bent on social, political and economic suicide.

Clearly evidenced by tyrannical laws and taxes, indoctrination of students robbing them of a real education --the Clinton-government-caused 2008 housing and financial meltdown -- President Obama’s feckless foreign policy and border enforcement resulting the proliferation of terrorism, illegal alien criminals, gangs and drugs -- and the collapse of our national and domestic security.

Alas, what America really needs is a reverse climate change to good against evil with the strength of determined leadership and limited government. It’s a matter of our survival….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
December 4, 2015

Tax and regulation nation

California Governor Brown and President Obama are the amoral poster governor and president for putting our already over-taxed and over-regulated state and nation into overdrive during their corrosive terms in office. Indeed, coupled with an un-American Socialist-Democrat-controlled Legislature and Congress, they have caused overwhelming damage to businesses, the economy and the American people.

Worse, Brown and Obama have recklessly diminished our domestic and national security, with open borders, sanctuary cities, reduced military, and wars against the police. And both continue promoting the climate change hustle, by taxing the economy and our lives. Even worse, while President is responsible for the proliferation of ISIS and terrorism, he blames it on climate change and travels the world criticizing America for everything.

Clearly, our only solution rests with voters, who until now have been dominated by indoctrinated liberals -- who carelessly rubberstamp the personal power of the enemy within -- blindly committing social, political, moral and economic suicide, taking the rest of us with them. Hopefully, enough damage will wake them up to defending themselves, surviving, recovering and prospering by changing and reducing government to no more than we need.

It is now a matter of life and death….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
November 10, 2015

True Americans

Monica Kelley’s “English” and “Left-wing radicals” letters drive home the points of what America was meant to be. Indeed, English is the American language, as it was meant to be. And we are a constitutional republic of representative democracy, as it was meant to be.

What America is not, is what a half-century of counter-culture revolution of radicals and extremists have done to undermine our nation’s constitutional freedoms -- in the name of freedom -- with insidious, vitriolic movements bent on destroying our society with chaos created by our enemies within.

And that is the big-government-socialist way of political indoctrination against conservatives, family, morals and free markets by dividing and conquering, creating a path to tyranny – propelled by the liberal education establishment, the malicious media and the malignant entertainment industry.

Fortunately, we the people are now more informed and painfully aware of the consequences of the intentional failures of good intentions.

Instead of settling for a superficial society replete with social and political aggression, selfish interests and extremes, we must hold on to our liberty, and keep a tight grip on our freedom. The shame of good deeds is they are not appreciated for generations.

The tragedy of bad deeds is they are not resisted until it’s too late. Therefore, as Monica Kelley writes, “Please think before you act. There is a lot going on in this country, and Americans can fix this.” Indeed, fixed by true, moral, family, self-reliant, strong, traditional Americans -- as it was always meant to be….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
November 3, 2015

Monumental abuse of power

Senator Dianne Feinstein and President Obama have abused their power under the Antiquities Act to create massive national monuments to themselves throughout the United States and California restricting recreation and mining on federal lands. Indeed, the Antiquities Act was passed in 1906 to protect “historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures and other objects of historic or scientific interest,” including sensitive Native American artifacts.

The need for protecting the Grand Canyon with Arizona’s proposed Greater Grand Canyon National Heritage Act under the Antiquities Act notwithstanding, there is a need to pass HR 3668, the California Minerals, Off-Road Recreation and Conservation Act, introduced by our California Representative Paul Cook to preserve our majestic landscape, while addressing the needs off-road vehicle users and the protection of economically vital mineral sites.

President Obama’s monumental agenda is rooted in his war against coal energy and oil exploration -- with deceptive distractions such as the San Gabriel National Monument, and the recently established 704,000 acre monument in Nevada – while Senator Feinstein focuses on our Mojave Desert lands as her personal monument. Though I’m not a fan of off-road racing and dangerous thrill-seeking, I support people’s use of off-road vehicles to safely explore our deserts and mountains – and I certainly support our economic interests in vital minerals and mining.

Surely, we voters must get our act together to reverse and prevent government abuse of power in land-grabbing and in every other respect.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Diego Union-Tribune
October 30, 2015

GOP candidates are not treated fairly

As the 2016 presidential debates began, Fox News hosted the first GOP debate, which was fair and balanced. Less so, when the second debate was hosted by CNN, which was slanted by the usual liberal-elitist questioning.

Meanwhile, the first Democrat presidential debate hosted by CNN was little more than fawning over the candidates, concluding with the anointing of Hillary Clinton as the first woman president, just as the liberal media did with Barack Obama as the first black president in 2008.

However, the third GOP debate hosted by NBC’s business channel CNBC was anything but subtle bias. Rather than concentrating on their specialty, the economy, panel members were condescending, rude, sometimes hostile to the candidates with personal attacks, which came as no surprise from the left.

Daniel B. Jeffs

VV Daily Press
September 25, 2015

2016 rescue needed

President Obama has made it painfully clear that he has no responsibility for America’s national and domestic security as evidenced by coddling the Taliban (Bowe Bergdahl prisoner exchange); ISIS (allowing them to flourish and run over the Middle East); Russia’s aggression in Europe, Syria and assisting Iran’s nuclear ambitions; making a bad deal with Iran than will ensure them obtaining nuclear weapons; China undermining our economy, and illegal alien criminals preying on our citizens with impunity.

Indeed, Mr. Obama has intentionally established himself as our greatest threat by turning his back on America and our enemies to pursue his insidious agenda of fundamentally transforming the United States. Surely, Obama and family will bask in secure retirement, while his socialist legacy will ensure the demise of our freedom -- unless there is a voter revolt and a concerted conservative rescue and recovery from the 2016 elections – Fiorina and Rubio anyone?

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
September 17, 2015

Prosecute Clinton gang

Former president Bill Clinton, AG Janet Reno, HUD director and Andrew Cuomo Intimidated banks and mortgage lenders into giving home loans to unqualified buyers to promote Clinton's unaffordable housing scheme, which was carried out by co-conspirator Fannie Mae chairman and CEO, Franklin Raines, and perpetuated by congressional finance chairmen, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, until the housing and finance crash of 2008. Indeed, Raines consulted with Senator Obama during his campaign for president, and the collapse was wrongly blamed on President Bush and Wall Street – thus Obama won the election.

President Bush attempted to stop the runaway housing problem, but was stopped by Frank and Dodd, who ended up authoring the Dodd/Frank finance act so President Obama could control the banks. The Entire insidious, deceitful plan was perpetuated throughout the Obama administration, which fueled the Occupy Wall Street movement and the call for the prosecution of Wall Street executives. Now late in Obama’s distraction legacy game, his Justice Department is targeting executives for prosecution, when they should be targeting the Clinton gang, and probably Obama before the bigger crash comes.

Surely, it’s time for big, liberal government’s abuse of power to start losing, and for the American people and taxpayers to start winning….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
August 20, 2015

Time to turn our government around

Re: “Can California cut gasoline usage in half in 15 years? Probably not” (Aug. 12)

California government punishing the populace

Look what’s happening to Californians: The California political elite in Sacramento and elsewhere are leading activists, and indoctrinated voters to punishing businesses and the populace with insane laws, which will surely result in a self-imposed collapse of our economy, our security and our society.

Highlighted by the costly miseducation of our students, strangling our energy resources, electricity, transportation, personal and business income with onerous regulations -- deceitful voter-approved Propositions, including a stupid bullet train – Californians are literally under siege by a destructive ideology.

Alas, taken together, Assembly Bill 32 cap and trade, Proposition 30, extreme taxation and now Senate Bill 350 cutting gas use by 50 percent, coupled with AB 109 and Prop. 47 criminal releases and sanctuary cities, and opening prison and jail gates, releasing criminals to prey on the people in the middle of an unjust war against the police, our first line of defense, is bad government that needs to be replaced by limited government and real democracy….

Indeed, at a time when California’s authoritarian government is trying to eliminate voters’ constitutional rights to initiative, referendum and recall, it’s time to turn government around.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Times
August 9, 2015

By killing coal, Obama puts final nails in U.S. coffin

As promised in his 2008 presidential campaign, President Obama is marching non-stop down the road to eliminate coal-power and prop up renewable energy, waving the flag of global warming hoax as he goes. This necessarily causes people’s electricity rates to skyrocket. But hey, Mr. Obama is fulfilling his legacy.

Together with nationalizing health care, over-regulating Wall Street and the finance industry, establishing national education and circumventing the Constitution and Congress with continuous executive orders and imperial edicts, Mr. Obama’s abuse of power seems limitless.

Worse, the president’s feckless foreign policy has allowed Russia’s aggression to escalate, the al-Qaeda- Islamic-State- terror machines to spread throughout the Middle East and elsewhere the world, and Iran’s state-sponsored terrorism to move more feasibly toward nuclear weapons, the destruction of Israel and attacks against America and the West.

Alas, along with the lack of border security, the infiltration of criminal illegal aliens, socialist chaos, and his war against the police, Mr. Obama Is in the process of pounding the final nails of his legacy into America’s social, political, economic, domestic and national security coffin.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

August 7, 2015

Re: Climate change: Obama plan worth the cost?

As President Obama promised in his first presidential campaign, he is marching non-stop down the road to fulfilling his legacy at any cost, waving the flag of global-warming alarmism, while he continues fundamentally transforming America. Certainly, coupled with nationalizing health care and over-regulating Wall Street and the finance industry President Obama’s abuse of power seems limitless.

Worse, the president’s feckless foreign policy has allowed Russia’s aggression to escalate, terror machines to spread throughout the Middle East and the world, and Iran’s state-sponsored terrorism to move toward nuclear weapons, the destruction of Israel and attacks against America and the West.

Hope is not lost if American voters rise up, reject the liberal views infecting our country, and take back government in the next election.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Riverside Press Enterprise
August 6, 2015

Obama’s abuse of power

Re: “ A fact-challenged clean energy plan” [Editorial, Aug. 8]: As promised by President Obama in his 2008 presidential campaign -- stating that he would eliminate coal-power and establish renewable energy, which would necessarily cause people’s electricity rates to skyrocket -- Mr. Obama is marching non-stop down the road to fulfilling his legacy at any cost, waving the flag of the global-warming hoax, while he continues fundamentally transforming America, as promised.

Certainly, coupled with nationalizing health care, over-regulating Wall Street and the finance industry, establishing national education -- and lawlessly circumventing the Constitution and Congress with continuous executive orders and imperial edicts – President Obama’s abuse of power seems limitless.

Worse, the president’s feckless foreign policy has allowed Russia’s aggression to escalate, the al-Qaeda – ISIS terror machines to spread throughout the Middle East and the world, and Iran’s state-sponsored terrorism to reign toward nuclear weapons, the destruction of Israel and attacks against America and the West.

Sadly, along with the lack of border security, the infiltration of criminal illegal aliens, socialist chaos, damaging race relations and his war against the police, President Obama Is in the process of pounding the final nails of his legacy into America’s social, political, economic, domestic and national security coffin.

Alas, hope is not lost if American voters rise up, reject the liberal disease infecting our country, and take back government in the 2016 elections….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
July 24, 2015

Governor’s sky is falling

In a blind pursuit of his “sky is falling” legacy, Governor Brown has assumed the role of the leader of environmental zealot movement by increasing the negative economic impact of AB-32’s carbon tax. However, that wasn’t enough. The governor is now riding the moonbeam of SB-350 legislation that will impose even more abuse of power by requiring half of the state’s electricity be generated from costly, unreliable renewable resources by 2030.

Indeed, with Governor Brown’s climate change goals, it doesn’t matter that there will be an enormous impact on the economy and cost of living. No, there’s more to SB-350, which requires a 50 percent cut in the consumption of gasoline, to be administered by the governor’s appointed, California Air Resources Board. Worse, there is nothing in SB-350 to prevent gasoline rationing.

Alas, it’s bad enough that California already has the highest gasoline prices and gas tax in the by 1 dollar per gallon over the national average. And that California will not allow the construction of new oil refineries, or adding new oil and natural gas resources. Or that California’s Green additive blend of gasoline is not only costly, but damaging to vehicle engines. Now, Mr. Brown’s hit team wants to stick oil companies with an oil extraction tax.

Clearly, the sky’s the limit for Californian’s cost of living.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
July 24, 2015

Gov. Brown’s ambitious climate change goals

Re: “Climate change battle to get harder” (July 19)

In a blind pursuit of his “sky is falling” legacy, Governor Brown has assumed the role of the leader of environmental zealot movement by increasing the negative economic impact of Assembly Bill 2’s carbon tax.

However, that wasn’t enough. The governor is now riding the moonbeam of Senate Bill 350 legislation that will impose even more abuse of power by requiring half of the state’s electricity be generated from costly, unreliable renewable resources by 2030.

Indeed, with Gov. Brown’s climate change goals, it doesn’t matter that there will be an enormous impact on the economy and cost of living. No, there’s more to SB 350, which requires a 50 percent cut in the consumption of gasoline, to be administered by the governor’s appointed, California Air Resources Board. Worse, there is nothing in SB-350 to prevent gasoline rationing.

It’s bad enough that California already has the highest gasoline prices and gas tax in the by 1 dollar per gallon over the national average. And that California will not allow the construction of new oil refineries, or adding new oil and natural gas resources. Or that California’s green additive blend of gasoline is not only costly, but damaging to vehicle engines. Now, Mr. Brown’s hit team wants to stick oil companies with an oil extraction tax.

Clearly, the sky’s the limit for Californian’s cost of living.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
July 13, 2015

Greece betrayed Democracy

Since the birth of Democracy in 5th Century BC, Athens by Pericles, Greece has betrayed democracy by using it to establish a self-destructive society strangled by self-imposed socialism. Indeed, the Greek people became too reliant on government providing them with all the benefits of living without responsibility, and rejecting government austerity.

Clearly, in the centuries since the success of Pericles direct democracy, it has been demonized as being the tyranny of the majority and the people voting themselves largess. However, a socialist-style society is vulnerable to be consumed by Communism, wherein a dictatorship government owns everything, including the people, who have no rights, no property, and become slaves of the state.

Alas, the world knows that through many years of tyrannical monarchies, the dictatorial socialism/fascism such as Germany and Italy -- and the scourge of Communist Russia, China, North Korea and Cuba -- are the mortal enemies of freedom.

Indeed, America became the hope of the world by separating from a monarchy with a revolutionary war and establishing a unique constitutional republic of representative democracy and all the freedoms that came with it -- for as long as we could hold on to it. And we have, against and all enemies, foreign and domestic. Yet, even here, the tyranny of the minority and the evils of socialism have grown and persist with indoctrination, government growth and the abuse of power.

Surely, with the additional threat of terrorism against us, we have reached critical crossroads and must recover and survive. The only way to do that is to truthfully inform the people and establish a direct representative democracy, wherein professional government managers – not politicians – are elected. They must be confirmed each year, and must truthfully inform the voters. Voters would decide all matters of taxation and public policy. We can do that with a 28th Amendment to the Constitution.

Greece lost its roots of democracy and failed. America cannot to the same.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
July 10, 2015

Obama’s monarchial legacy

President Obama is making it painfully clear that he will leave a monarchial legacy of social, political and economic pain, severely diminished national and domestic security -- and racial divisions. Indeed, of elected, Hillary Clinton would leave a similar legacy including gender divisions.

A Republican president and Congress would reverse Mr. Obama’s executive abuse of power, recover the economy, national and domestic security, simplify the tax code, reduce spending and the national debt, limit government, rescue education and ameliorate racial discontent.

The dangerous alternative is for the electorate to commit voter-assisted social, political and economic suicide.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Times
June 29, 2015

In 2016, one way out

President Obama is making it painfully clear that he will leave a monarchial legacy of social, political and economic pain, severely diminished national and domestic security -- and racial divisions. Indeed, of elected, Hillary Clinton would leave a similar legacy including gender divisions.

A Republican president and Congress would reverse Mr. Obama’s executive abuse of power, recover the economy, national and domestic security, simplify the tax code, reduce spending and the national debt, limit government, rescue education and ameliorate racial discontent.

The dangerous alternative is for the electorate to commit voter-assisted social, political and economic suicide.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Diego Union-Tribune
June 27, 2015

President Obama’s monarchial legacy

President Obama is making it painfully clear that he will leave a monarchial legacy of social, political and economic pain, severely diminished national and domestic security -- and racial divisions. Indeed, of elected, Hillary Clinton would leave a similar legacy including gender divisions.

A Republican president and Congress would reverse Mr. Obama’s executive abuse of power, recover the economy, national and domestic security, simplify the tax code, reduce spending and the national debt, limit government, rescue education and ameliorate racial discontent.

The dangerous alternative is for the electorate to commit voter-assisted social, political and economic suicide.

Daniel B. Jeffs

Los Angeles Times
June 27, 2015

Supreme Court betrays Democracy again and again

Chief Justice Roberts -- nominated by President Bush – was a stealth liberal in conservative clothing as evidenced by upholding nationalized Obamacare twice along with other rulings usurping states’ rights in violation of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.

Worse, Chief Justice Roberts’ deeply-flawed reasoning for the decision was based upon the people electing a Congress to enact Obamacare, even though it was done by a Democrat majority behind closed doors with no debate.

Alas, the Court wasn’t done betraying democracy and the fabric of America when the next day they abused the 14th Amendment and violated the 10th Amendment by declaring same-sex couples had the right marriage, severely diminishing traditional marriage between one man and one woman, the historical family institution -- already damaged by extreme feminism – regardless of the damage to children with no choice adopted by same-sex couples.

Unfortunately, to no avail, Chief Justice Roberts temporarily slipped into his conservative suit to dissent from the 5-4 majority opinion. Certainly, it was made painfully clear with President Obama’s declared “Victory for America,” that the Constitution is meaningless to Obama’s Executive branch, and Roberts’ Judicial Branch of our deeply wounded union and democratic republic.

Coupled with the Court supporting “disparate impact” added to the Fair Housing Act, supporting President Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing action by HUD’s unjust intrusion on freedom -- tantamount to President Clinton’s intimidation of banks and home lenders, causing the housing/finance meltdown – is further proof of the political activist Court.

Indeed, the liberal majority on the Court is blatantly supporting President Obama’s monarchial mandate to fundamentally transform America from a constitutional republic into a socialist nation.

Surely, Roberts’ Court will back President Obama’s legacy as the first black president, regardless of the social, political, economic and constitutional harm to America and the people.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

NEWSMAX Magazine
June 2015 issue

Obama regulations

ObamaCare, ObamaFinance, ObamaEnergy, and now the ObamaNet are making it painfully clear that President Obama’s ObamAmerica and leftist Democrats – including Hollywood -- are the party of tyranny against the best interests of the American people with destructive regulations, punishing taxation and unsustainable national debt. (“President Obama, You’re no Ronald Reagan,” March).

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

(original letter)

ObamaCare, ObamaFinance, ObamaEnergy, and now the ObamaNet are making it painfully clear that President Obama’s ObamAmerica and leftist Democrats – including Hollywood -- are the party of tyranny against the best interests of the American people with destructive regulations, punishing taxation and unsustainable national debt.

Worse, President Obama’s legacy is on reckless course to disarm the United States in the face of dictator Putin’s Russian aggression, a rapidly expanding Islamic terrorist movement – feigned negotiations with Iran’s nuclear weapons state, regardless of Israeli President Netanyahu’s real warnings – all of which threaten to annihilate Israel, America and the West.

Clearly, it’s bad enough that the counter-culture revolutionists have turned our country into a superficial society of social injustice, political chaos, selfish interests, economic instability/uncertainty, and extremes. Indeed, developing a nation of fools by indoctrination, distractions, deceptions, lies, the insidious intended consequences of failed good intentions, and the loss of freedoms is what a socialist takeover is all about.

Alas, the next two years will be our nation’s reckoning with the enemy within the 7th round of President Obama and his minions vs. America, with only the Republican Party and the informed people standing in the way of an 8th round knockout. Attention: Republican Congress, governors and presidential nominee! Strong language and action is what is needed -- for our survival and restoration. The washed-out Washington way simply won’t cut it!

VV Daily Press
June 1, 2015

Foreign policy is no policy

To say that ISIS running wild in the Middle East with impunity, and that Russia, China and Iran’s aggression have dramatically increased is the unintended consequences of President Obama’s lack of leadership in the world is a generous conclusion.

President Obama’s ideological agenda to eliminate American leadership, power and influence in the world is intended, regardless of the consequences, including the threats to our national security.

In Addition, the clear and present consequences for President Obama’s over-reaching regulations and executive actions regarding health care, illegal immigration, climate change, limiting free enterprise and the war against police are seriously damaging our freedoms, our economy and our domestic security.

Indeed, President Obama’s foreign policy is no policy. And his domestic policy is tantamount to tyranny. God bless and save America. President Obama can’t. Alas, he won’t.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
May 29, 2015

Highway robbery

It has become painfully clear that government’s freeway projects on Interstate 15, the 215 and other highways are the products of misfeasance, particularly from the Cajon Pass, South through San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.

Indeed, other than the 215 bottlenecks in San Bernardino, the mostly unnecessary road construction on the 15 and 215 have exacerbated impeding traffic, endangering motorists with narrow lanes and confusing interchanges, a total lack of consideration, unreasonably time-consuming projects and the enormous cost to taxpayers – at least ten times over.

Surely, the conclusion can only be that, other than maintenance and repairs, there was no reason for the massive projects. Clearly, the years of highway robbery must be stopped. Taxpaying voters can be the new sheriff in town to get it done.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
May 26, 2015

State awash in taxes and overregulation

Our country is wrought with over-reaching taxes and regulations. As usual, California is first in the nation in leading the assault against once-free enterprise and the middle class by government and environmental extremists

It wasn’t enough for Governor Brown to destroy Gov. Ronald Reagan’s pro-business and middle class economy, and the best public education in the nation.

In his first term. Brown permanently set back public education by authorizing teachers to unionize.

Proposition 98 sealed funding obligations, and the insidious conflict of interest political contributions to Brown and other Democrats followed, resulting in the worst and most costly public education system in the country.

Adding costly insult to injury, Proposition 30’s taxation and Assembly Bill 32’s carbon tax, cap and trade extortion -- using the global warming hoax -- are aimed at filling big government coffers with the tax and spending fraud, exacerbating energy costs, the drought, the cost to small business, and the cost of living.

Certainly, the failures and government aggression of Gov. Brown, the Democrat Legislature -- President Obama’s health-care-less act, the onerous Dodd-Frank finance act, reckless foreign policy and national defense failures -- and overall assaults against our economy are overwhelming evidence of the clear and present danger to our domestic and national security.

Alas, naïve and indoctrinated voters must wake up, wise up and make changes happen or we all suffer the consequences.

So, it’s either freedom lost, or work and vote for recovery, liberty, prosperity and justice for all.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
May 25, 2015

Stephanopoulos and Clinton

George Stephanopoulos and James Carville were the lead team for Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign. Remember the campaign slogan, “It’s the economy, stupid!” George was Clinton’s communications director and stepped down after Clinton’s 1996 re-election.

As for Bill and Hillary’s current bid for the presidency, why is there no news coverage about Bill Clinton’s presidency causing the 2008 housing and financial crash?

Former president Clinton and his Janet Reno/Andrew Cuomo hit squad intimidated banks, mortgage lenders and Fannie Mae into making home loans to unqualified buyers in their reckless drive for affordable housing.

Obviously, it was unaffordable housing. And our nation is still paying for it.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
May 22, 2015

Extremism exacerbates state’s drought

California’s extended drought is meaningless to extreme environmentalist-driven government regulations, which has cost a single sea water desalination plant in Carlsbad near San Diego a 10-year delay in completing the plant because of 6-years of frivolous environmental lawsuits. Indeed, insidious lawsuits and onerous government regulations have prevented the plant from producing 54 million gallons of water per day.

Poseidon Water’s Carlsbad desalination plant is the largest in North America and is slated to go online this Fall. Obviously, California government and environmental terrorists have been recklessly irresponsible by further exacerbating California’s extended drought by allowing millions of acre feet of water to flow into the ocean to protect a tiny fish, ignoring other water resources, our extended coastline and the worldwide use of desalination.

Clearly, there must be a reversal of decades of environmentalist voter-assisted economic suicide. It’s time to turn back to the prosperity of California’s gold instead of blindly pursuing a fool’s paradise – a terminal liberal affliction.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
May 20, 2015

Regulation roadblock

California’s extended drought is meaningless to extreme environmentalist-driven government regulations, which has cost a single sea water desalination plant in Carlsbad near San Diego a 10-year delay in completing the plant because of 6-years of frivolous environmental lawsuits. Indeed, insidious lawsuits and onerous government regulations have prevented the plant from producing 54 million gallons of water per day.

Poseidon Water’s Carlsbad desalination plant is the largest in North America and is slated to go online this Fall. Obviously, California government and environmental terrorists have been recklessly irresponsible by further exacerbating California’s extended drought by allowing millions of acre feet of water to flow into the ocean to protect a tiny fish, ignoring other water resources, our extended coastline and the worldwide use of desalination.

Surely, Californians should take notice of Israel’s success in resolving their water shortages in 5 years by providing half their water supply with desalination plants producing 100 billion gallons of water per year. Clearly, there must be a reversal of decades of environmentalist voter-assisted economic suicide. It’s time to turn back to the prosperity of California’s gold instead of blindly pursuing a fool’s paradise – a terminal liberal affliction.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Los Angeles Times
Opinion L.A.
May 18, 2015

California’s regulation roadblock to water and prosperity

California’s extended drought is meaningless to extreme environmentalist-driven government regulations, which has cost a single sea water desalination plant in Carlsbad near San Diego a 10-year delay in completing the plant because of 6-years of frivolous environmental lawsuits. Indeed, insidious lawsuits and onerous government regulations have prevented the plant from producing 54 million gallons of water per day.

Poseidon Water’s Carlsbad desalination plant is the largest in North America and is slated to go online this Fall. Obviously, California government and environmental terrorists have been recklessly irresponsible by further exacerbating California’s extended drought by allowing millions of acre feet of water to flow into the ocean to protect a tiny fish, ignoring other water resources, our extended coastline and the worldwide use of desalination.

Surely, Californians should take notice of Israel’s success in resolving their water shortages in 5 years by providing half their water supply with desalination plants producing 100 billion gallons of water per year. Clearly, there must be a reversal of decades of environmentalist voter-assisted economic suicide. It’s time to turn back to the prosperity of California’s gold instead of blindly pursuing a fool’s paradise – a terminal liberal affliction.

Daniel B. Jeffs Apple Valley

Los Angeles Times
Opinion LA

April 28, 2015

Columbia River pipeline

With 86 billion gallons of Columbia River water per day flowing into the ocean, there is certainly a need to divert much of that water to drought-stricken California to meet the needs of Northern Californians, Central Valley farmlands and the people of Southern California.

Clearly, there must be combined cooperation between the Federal Bureau of Water Reclamation serving the Central Valley Water Project, the California State Water Resources Control Board, and the California State Water Project to accomplish what is needed.

Surely, between the Columbia River, Klamath River, Lake Shasta and the Sacramento Delta, a series of pipelines and reservoirs can be constructed to bring, store and deliver all the necessary water to resolve our long term problems.

First, however, Governor Brown and unreasonable environmental extremists must get their act together for the good of the people. Governor Brown should quit over-feeding such things as the miseducation money pit, scrap his $68 billion bullet train, add the $7.3 billion water project funds and begin the real California water project in earnest.

Indeed, California voters should demand it for our survival.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Times
April 23, 2015

Limit government, grow America

Preceded by government growth under Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson, as well as the Sixteenth Amendment, six years of an Obama administration has turned the federal expanse into a terminal case of social, political, economic and national security disease.

Even though there was a revival under President Reagan and the Newt Gingrich congressional Contract with America (and the American people have since elected another Republican Congress to fight the liberal disease) President Obama has made it painfully clear that he will not be deterred from finishing his legacy terms in office, regardless of the consequences. Those consequences are forthcoming social, political, economic and national security disasters.

There is but one cure for these cancers, and that is to significantly reduce and limit the size, scope and power of government over our lives by electing a president and vice-president capable taking on the extremely difficult job of real leadership.

Indeed, “It’s time for a change” is no longer a hackneyed phrase in these critical times of social, political, economic and moral decay brought on by the counter-cultural revolution of the 1960’s. We must recover our social compatibility, political integrity, economic growth and military and foreign policy strength with true leadership that simply gets things done.

At this point in the 2016 presidential elections run-up, those leaders appear to be Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Sen. Marco Rubio Florida Republican and Carly Fiorina. So, my fellow Americans, let’s wake up and get it done for our survival and the survival of our nation – and recover the land of the free and home of the brave.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

VV Daily Press
April 10, 2015

Internet service tax

President Obama’s abuse of power continues unabated as he directs his EPA to enforce global warming edicts and his FCC Net Neutrality communications control, so it comes as no surprise that the FCC is gearing up to tax Internet services.

Indeed, California is the leader in punishing carbon taxation, gas taxes, online shopping taxes, public utility taxes and every conceivable form of taxation – which has obviously influenced the president, and will be welcomed by California government tax tyrants.

Surely, it has become painfully clear that unless voters turn things around, liberal Democrat regulation and tax tyranny will increase its heavy-handed, economy-busting rule over people’s lives, and crush our future and the futures of our children. Enough is enough has already been surpassed.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
March 27, 2015

Gov. Brown’s Folly

Gov. Jerry Brown and the legislature cannot be trusted to ameliorate the water crisis with a $billion band-aid, or tapping into more of the $7.3 billion water bond approved by the voters in November unless the funds are used to improve the water system for real. Unfortunately, too many elected officials – and a few activist judges -- live in a political fantasyland, not in the real world of the people.

Instead, what is now needed is to either cancel Gov. Brown’s $68-100 billion bullet train boondoggle and land-grab, or use the bond funds to address the drought and our water delivery in a meaningful, lasting manner. Clearly, if Central and Southern California dry up, it would be a train to nowhere.

In terms of the State Water Project delivering contracted water supplies to Central California farmers and Southern California consumers – paid for and maintained by property owners – we are to receive only 20% of our water allotment this year, up from our next-to-nothing 5% of our water allotment last year.

Indeed, much of that problem would be resolved by eliminating the extreme environmentalist federal court decision cutting 30% of our water from the Sacramento Delta to protect the tiny Delta Smelt at the expense of human health and welfare, and allowing millions of acre feet of our fresh water to flow wastefully to the ocean.

That is unconstitutional interference with private contracts for the sake of suicidal environmental insanity at the expense of crops, the California economy, and human life. Alas, the federal judge and Governor Brown might get the point if they were dropped out here in the middle of the Mojave Desert with half-full canteens of water….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
March 11, 2015

Why California gas prices are so high

California gas prices are up $1 in a month for unnecessary reasons: The Torrance refinery is shut down from damages and other refineries in the state are down to create the costly summer blend.

The problem is, the state has refused to allow more refineries to be built. Indeed, with onerous restrictions against developing plentiful state oil and gas resources, our gas prices will continue to be the highest in the nation.

Worse, extreme California environmentalism is responsible for punishing AB 32 carbon taxes that not only raise the cost of gas, but raise the overall cost of living in the state. Coupled with environmentalist-caused high water prices and Central/Southern California water shortages, not from drought, and the insanity of big government over-regulation and taxes, California is sadly crashing in slow-motion.

Adding insult to injury, California being a sanctuary state for illegal aliens simply exacerbates the costs by $billions, along with the problems of domestic and national security.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
March 6, 2015

President and leftist Dems

ObamaCare, ObamaFinance, ObamaEnergy, and now the ObamaNet are making it painfully clear that President Obama’s ObamAmerica and leftist Democrats – including Hollywood -- are the party of tyranny against the best interests of the American people with destructive regulations, punishing taxation and unsustainable national debt.

Worse, President Obama’s legacy is on reckless course to disarm the United States in the face of dictator Putin’s Russian aggression, a rapidly expanding Islamic terrorist movement – feigned negotiations with Iran’s nuclear weapons state, regardless of Israeli President Netanyahu’s real warnings – all of which threaten to annihilate Israel, America and the West.

Clearly, it’s bad enough that the counter-culture revolutionists have turned our country into a superficial society of social injustice, political chaos, selfish interests, economic instability/uncertainty, and extremes. Indeed, developing a nation of fools by indoctrination, distractions, deceptions, lies, the insidious intended consequences of failed good intentions, and the loss of freedoms is what a socialist takeover is all about.

Alas, the next two years will be our nation’s reckoning with the enemy within the 7th round of President Obama and his minions vs. America, with only the Republican Party and the informed people standing in the way of an 8th round knockout. Attention: Republican Congress, governors and presidential nominee! Strong language and action is what is needed -- for our survival and restoration. The washed-out Washington way simply won’t cut it!

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
March 1, 2015

President Obama’s poison pens

President Obama’s executive order and administration arrogance continues with a Keystone Pipeline veto against the economy, and his FCC move under the guise of Net Neutrality to control the Internet and squelch free speech.

Indeed, it’s bad enough that Mr. Obama’s poison executive order pen – and now his poison veto pen -- have been working overtime against our energy and our economy. But when he moves to control our freedom of communications over the internet, coupled with his undue influence over the news media, our liberty is threatened.

Worse, it is well known and understood that this president has surrendered our national security to Islamic terrorism, Russian aggression and the inevitability of a nuclear weaponized Iran. And, coupled with his reckless reductions of our military and nuclear strength, the real clear and present danger to America has become President Obama and his minions.

Adding insult to injury, California’s government abuse of power and environmental extremists exacerbates the plight of the people with land-grabs, over-regulation, punishing taxation, dangerous water shortages, costly illegal immigrant sanctuary, and the escalation of crime.

Fortunately, we still have the right to voter initiative, referendum and recall, which will extend the July deadline and give us the chance to keep our plastic grocery bags with a win in the November 2016 election.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Diego Union-Tribune
February 22, 2015

Unions hurt economy and themselves

The selfish interests of striking dockworker union bosses at California and West Coast ports are simply being self-destructive for their union members, and damaging to thousands of other workers, local and state businesses, their employees, and the overall California and U.S. economy.

That’s simply insane in these perilous economic times. Alas, that seems to be the long-term negative destiny caused by California’s intrusive liberal government’s social, political, and economic disservice to the people of the state and the nation.

Daniel B. Jeffs

(original letter)

Unions are damaging themselves and the California economy

The selfish interests of striking dockworker union bosses at California and West Coast ports are simply being self-destructive for their union members, and damaging to thousands of other workers, local and state businesses, their employees, and the overall California and U.S. economy.

That’s simply insane in these perilous economic times. Alas, that seems to be the long-term negative destiny caused by California’s intrusive liberal government’s social, political, and economic disservice to the people of the state and the nation.

Indeed, it’s far past time to get out of reckless and costly union traps and get in to economic freedom and the right to work.

VV Daily Press
February 11, 2015

Senator Feinstein’s monuments

Senator Dianne Feinstein is at it again by introducing legislation that would increase federal control over 1.6 million acres of our Mojave Desert.

It was bad enough that Feinstein picked up former senator Cranston’s efforts against the desert, but she apparently won’t be satisfied until she established absolute federal power over our lands.

Worse, President Obama is bound and determined to do the same thing throughout the country, particularly seizing power over our natural resources such as coal, oil and all mining.

Indeed, abuse of power has become a standard practice for Mr. Obama in his efforts to fundamentally transform America to fit his ideology, regardless of how it affects our economy and our freedoms.

A citizen’s word of advice to President Obama, Senator Feinstein and intrusive government, including California’s government: Keep your noses out of our business, our lives and our liberty. And keep in mind what “local control” means to the states and the people.

Monuments are only for people who earn it.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy
Volume 5
President Obama vs. America
(Round 7 starts with a $4 trillion budget)

In the deadly hostile environment of ISIS, al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists, it has become painfully clear that President Obama is covering his arrogant ineptness and refusal to deal with the imminent dangers to our national security by insulting the intelligence of the American people.

Indeed, since when did Taliban terrorists -- controlling Afghanistan and joining with Osama bin-Laden’s al-Qaeda to plot and carry out the 9/11 attacks on America -- become insurgents?

The answer is simple: Since the president traded 5 top level Taliban terrorists for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, an American deserter and traitor who collaborated with the Taliban for 5 years, costing the lives of 5 of our troops searching for him. Since President Obama surrendered Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Middle East to Iran and the radical Islamic Jihad against all non-conforming Muslims, Israel, America and the West.

Surely, Mr. Obama’s Taliban prisoner exchange intentions were to appease the Taliban – followed by closing Guantanamo and giving it back to Cuba -- suppress Bergdahl’s military prosecution and quietly slip him out of the military with a dishonorable discharge – not to mention ignoring the ongoing Taliban terrorist takeover of nuclear Pakistan, recently costing the lives of 132 school children.

President Obama is the antithesis of a responsible U.S. President and Commander-in-Chief, and he is betraying the American people with his dangerous ineptness, distractions, deceptions, lies, abuse of power machinations and parsing official language – too numerous to include here -- in the blind pursuit of his un-American agenda.

Unfortunately, impeachment is not an option for the first black president. Hopefully, with an $18 trillion national debt, and coming out with a $4 trillion budget in Round 7, America can survive the sucker-punches of Mr. Obama’s last two years in office. And hopefully, wised-up voters, a reformed media and a Republican president and Congress can undo what Obama/Democrats have wrought upon our society and lead us out of the liberal wilderness to the light of freedom and recovery.

President Obama is waging war against coal, oil and much more

President Obama and his liberal Democrat culture have been waging war against America since his 2008 election. Clearly, the president’s latest attack against oil by designating 1.5 million oil-rich acres in Alaska a wilderness area, and refusal to approve the Keystone Pipeline -- added to his EPA’s crushing blows against the coal industry -- is painful proof of his campaign promise that our electric bills would necessarily “skyrocket,” in favor of costly and unreliable renewable energy.

Indeed, we now know that when then Senator Obama boldly stated that he was going to fundamentally transform America -- by undermining our security and freedoms with extreme social, political and economic divisions -- he meant it.

Certainly, President Obama and his Democrat Congress undermined our economic freedoms with his Unaffordable Careless Act, and the Dodd Frank finance legislation. Worse, Mr. Obama’s foreign policy and feckless war against terrorism has put our nation at extreme risk, particularly by playing into the feigned negotiating hands of the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, Iran while they develop nuclear weapons and expand their influence throughout the Middle East – with little or no resistance.

Surely, President Obama blatantly lied in his 2015 State of the Union speech when he said that he had no more campaigns to run, when in fact he has never stopped campaigning, and won’t stop during his last two years in office. The question is, how much more damage will he inflict upon us? Fortunately, Congress is now controlled by Republicans, albeit subject to Mr. Obama’s veto. Hopefully, the presidency will go to a Republican in 2016 instead of incompetent Hillary Clinton – a poor choice for the first woman president – as it sadly was for the first black president.

Alas, America is steeped in uncertainty from being assaulted by big government, abuse of power, regulations taxation and debt – and battered by the failures of good intentions. Hopefully, the Republican Party will nominate Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, with an articulate running-mate such as Sen. Rubio or Gov. Huckabee. Governor Walker is an honest man with high integrity, state executive experience, and he will be strong for our society, our economy and our national security.

Clearly, our freedoms, our future, our security and democracy are in the hands of our fellow voters – a voter nation of fools -- until we took control of the House in 2010, slipped back to President Obama in 2012 – then took control of the Senate in 2014. We will need someone like Governor Walker in 2016, to pick up the pieces of our unique republic, recover and move on to true liberty real democracy and prosperity.

Daniel B. Jeffs, Founder
The Direct Democracy Center

Riverside Press Enterprise
January 22, 2015

Obama’s State of the Union fails to deliver

President Obama’s state of the union speech was little more than preaching to the choir of Democrats, lecturing Republicans, taking credit for the improved economy and insisting on more regulation, taxing and spending. The truth is, the economy has improved not because of Mr. Obama, but in spite of him.

Alas, the president’s sorry state of the union and his legacy is replete with government growth, enormous debt, economic stagnation and diminishing national security.

Hopefully, the economy won’t collapse and America will not be rife with terrorism during President Obama’s last two years in office.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

January 22, 2015
Opinion – Your Say
State of the Union
(Lead letter with headline)

Is the economy better because of Obama or despite him?

President Obama’s state of the union speech was little more than preaching to the choir of Democrats and lecturing Republicans. Obama took credit for the improved economy and backed more regulation, taxing and spending (“Obama pushes plans to hoist middle class,” News, Wednesday),

The truth is, the economy has improved not because of Obama, but in despite him. Alas, the president’s sorry speech and his legacy are replete with government growth, enormous debt, economic stagnation and diminishing national security.

Hopefully, the economy won’t collapse and America will not be rife with terrorism during President Obama’s last two years in office.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Los Angeles Times
January 11, 2015

Alternative ways to go green

The Times' support of Gov. Brown’s costly green agenda comes as no surprise. Indeed, it doesn’t seem to matter how much damage the punishing cap and trade taxes will do to California’s economy in terms of skyrocketing energy prices and the overall cost of living.

Coupled with all the damage California’s U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer has done with her environmental extremist work against California, she and Gov. Brown have blindly driven California on a runaway train to crashing at the hands of regressive liberals.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

(original letter)

Re: Gov. Brown's green agenda – editorial
and Sen. Boxer’s exit

The Los Angeles Times editorial board’s support of Gov. Brown’s costly green agenda comes as no surprise. Indeed, it doesn’t seem to matter how much damage AB 32’s punishing cap and trade taxes will do to California’s economy or to the people of California in terms of skyrocketing energy prices and the overall cost of living. The L.A. Times supports it along with the Democrat Legislature in terms of global warming hoax and unreliable green energy.

Coupled with all the damage California’s U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer has done with her environmental extremist work against California and the nation, Sen. Boxer and Gov. Brown have blindly driven California on a runaway train to crashing at the hands of regressive liberals. Alas, at least we can finally be rid of authoritarian hand when she leaves the Senate. Still, we will continue to be assaulted and battered by Gov. Brown’s tax lies and high speed rail money pit.

Unfortunately, Sen. Boxer and soon-to-retire Sen. Feinstein will surely be replaced with the like infections of regressive Democrats elected by indoctrinated voters bent on committing voter-assisted social, political and economic suicide.

San Bernardino Sun
January 8, 2015

New year of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness

The best New Year’s resolution would be for the American people to resolve to fight-off the socialist cancer metastasizing throughout the body of our society from the attacks against the Founders’ traditional America, our Constitution and free markets, the abuse of power by big government – complicit news media and entertainment industry -- to badly misinformed parenting, to students being indoctrinated by the miseducation system in factories of ignorance, to anti-social media, and the relentless spread of mind-numbing propaganda and criminal behavior.

Indeed, 2015 should be embraced by getting our lives together for life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness -- and the defense of our domestic and national security freedom.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
October 6, 2014

Communicable disease

Allowing illegal aliens and the Ebola disease to come to America is bad enough. Worse, President Obama has the ideological disease that infected his administration, his domestic policy and his foreign policy with incompetence, distraction, lies and deceit.

The question is: how much more damage will the Obama disease cause throughout the remainder of his term, and will it be fatal to our economy and national security? Considering his dismal record, the outlook is bleak at best.

Indeed, Gov. Brown and the Democrat-controlled Legislature and extreme environmentalists are infected with the same ideological disease, which infected California with punishing taxes and regulations against the people, driving up the cost of living and doing business.

Alas, California welcomes illegal aliens and criminals to the state to prey on our taxes, public services, citizens and our property. The only cure for the state and national diseases is our votes. We must use them to survive and prosper.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Diego Union-Tribune
October 4, 2014

Eric Holder leaves a disgraceful legacy

Attorney General Eric Holder is resigning with a legacy of politics rife with corrupting the office. Indeed, he is intentionally leaving all his unresolved scandals behind. And his racial record has been divisive by design.

Holder is a disgrace to the AG's office and his legacy will undoubtedly be even more revealing, such as persecuting major banks, JP Morgan Chase, the Bank of America and others with heavy fines as punishment for the 2008 housing and financial crash -- when he should have gone after former President Clinton, attorney general Janet Reno and HUD director Andrew Cuomo for causing the crash by intimidating those banks and others to make home loans to unqualified buyers.

Regardless, Holder had the president's full support as America continues to suffer from the Obama administration's unconscionable legacy of justice lost.

Daniel B. Jeffs

San Bernardino Sun
June 19, 2014

Obama's policies breaking America's back

With 50,000 unsupervised minor children from Latin America streaming over the border in the past 8 months, it's becoming painfully obvious the President Obama is selling out the nation to illegal immigrants -- asking for $2 billion to take care of them.

Coupled with Obama's intentional policy of nearly open borders, refusal to enforce immigration laws -- and the invitation for illegals to drain hundreds of billions of American citizen's tax dollars for education, healthcare, welfare, housing, and food stamps -- the threat to the nation's stability is being severely undermined.

Worse, If this is allowed to go on unabated, exacerbated by dumping illegal children on Arizona and California's insane open-door policy for illegals, President Obama's failed social, political and economic policies on illegal immigration -- plus his dangerous attacks against U.S. energy and lack of foreign policy causing the Middle East to explode with Islamic terrorist aggression cutting off oil imports from Iraq and elsewhere, which is raising our oil prices -- Obama could very well break America's back by the time he leaves office.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Daily Press
June 16, 2014

President Obama breaking America's back

With 50,000 unsupervised minor children from Latin America streaming over the border in the past 8 months, it's becoming painfully obvious the President Obama is selling out the nation to illegal immigrants -- asking for $2 billion to take care of them. Coupled with Obama's intentional policy of nearly open borders, refusal to enforce immigration laws -- and the invitation for illegals to drain hundreds of billions of American citizen's tax dollars for education, healthcare, welfare, housing, and food stamps -- the threat to the nation's stability is being severely undermined. Particularly with the escalation of illegal alien criminals invading America and preying on our people.

Worse, If this is allowed to go on unabated, exacerbated by dumping illegal children on Arizona and California's insane open-door policy for illegals, President Obama's failed social, political and economic policies on illegal immigration -- plus his dangerous attacks against U.S. energy and lack of foreign policy causing the Middle East to explode with Islamic terrorist aggression cutting off oil imports from Iraq and elsewhere, which is raising our oil prices -- Obama could very well break America's back by the time he leaves office.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
May 23, 2014

Obama to repeat Clinton's disaster

President Obama, newly appointed Fannie-Freddie regulator Mel Watt, HUD Secretary Donovan, Treasury Secretary Lew, Federal Reserve Chairwoman, Yellen and the Dodd-Frank Finance laws are in the process of creating a repeat of the 2007/2008 housing and finance crash -- created by President Clinton, HUD director Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Janet Reno's forced lowering of home-lending standards for unqualified buyers in their insane drive for affordable housing.

Clearly, President Obama's move to repeat the Clinton disaster to recover the foundering housing market is surely the insanity of repeating the cause of the collapse hoping for a different result.

Instead, Obama's blind ambition for his legacy will surely result in hastening the reality of the looming economic bubble to burst prematurely, causing tidal waves of economic misery and pain.

Alas, President Obama's flagrant abuses of executive power are certainly on track to "fundamentally transform" the social, political and economic core of America into a runaway train wreck causing the demise of liberty, prosperity and our republic of freedom.

Our only hope is for a fundamental transformation of Congress and the Presidency in the 2014 and 2016 elections.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Daily Press Apple Valley Review
January 28, 2014

by Daniel B. Jeffs

Obamacareless ruining the economy

When presidential candidate, Barack Obama campaigned for national healthcare because people were going bankrupt from medical bills, and lied about people being able to keep the health care plans and doctors, it was preview of his abuse of authority when pushing through the Affordable Care Act.

Indeed, the bad actors in the Democrat-controlled Congress abused their authority when ramming through the Act without debate and behind closed doors, and the Supreme Court Judiciary abdicated their duty to justice with their failure to find the Act unconstitutional.

Worse, the Affordable Care Act is turning into the Unaffordable Obama careless Act destined to ruining the economy with cancelled health insurance, raising the cost of healthcare, bankrupting health insurance companies, increasing costs of businesses, and raising the cost of living for most Americans.

It was bad enough that the Clinton administration created the housing bubble by forcing banks to make home loans to unqualified borrowers to create affordable housing, and caused the housing and finance collapse. Surely, the unaffordable health care act should be knocked down, eliminated, and replaced with reasonable health care reforms as necessary.

Deport Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber's arrest for DUI, unlicensed driving and resisting arrest in Miami is the last straw in the Canadian pop star's bad behavior in America. It's bad enough that Bieber thinks he can do whatever he wants with impunity. But when he races dangerously around the country and constantly terrorizes and assaults his neighbors, he has no place here. Indeed, when this Canadian's act has become that bad, his welcome in America is worn out and he should be deported before he kills someone.

Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley
resident and the author of the
series, "Letters to the Editor:
From the Trenches of Democracy."

October 29, 2013
(Only letter to the editor)

Financial institutions act as a scapegoat

Punishing JP Morgan Chase with billions of dollars in fines and possibly pursuing criminal charges is government tyranny for an economic collapse caused by a government bent on pushing ideology and unaffordable housing at any cost ("$13 billion penalty leaves behind a whale of a problem," Our view. Too big to fail debate, Wednesday).

JP Morgan Chase, other banks, mortgage bankers and lenders, and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sold risky mortgage securities as the result of President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act, and the Clinton administration encouraging them to provide affordable housing mortgages to unqualified buyers. That is what caused the housing and finance bubble to burst, resulting in the economic meltdown. Government's reckless interference with free markets and free enterprise was done before the meltdown, and the situation was exacerbated by government after the collapse.

If anyone should be prosecuted, it should be former President Bill Clinton, not JP Morgan.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Daily Press Apple Valley Review
Commentary by Daniel B. Jeffs
October 29, 2013

Obamacare and the socialist agenda

The socialist agenda shifted into high gear with Obamacare. President Obama and the congressional left are making it painfully clear that they intend to complete the socialist agenda with housing, jobs, income redistribution, food and clothing.

Clinton's socialist affordable housing agenda was carried out with forced approval of mortgages for unqualified buyers, which exploded, and collapsed housing and finance in 2008. The same thing is likely to happen with Obamacare, with a direct, negative impact on the people.

Moreover, the Justice Department is using the socialist Dodd-Frank finance law to shake down JP Morgan Chase bank with a $13 billion hit for selling risky mortgage-back securities, when it was government that caused the circumstances, and is now seeking control of banking, CEO salaries and compensation.

President Obama is keeping up the pressure of distractions from Obamacare problems by gearing up a push for immigration reform and amnesty that will weigh even more heavily on taxpayers and the fragile economy. Indeed, it's all targeted by the unyielding socialist agenda.

Prosecute Clinton, not JP Morgan

Punishing JP Morgan with a $13 billion fine and pursuing criminal charges is unconscionable government tyranny for an economic collapse caused by government bent on pushing an ideology and affordable housing at any cost.

JP Morgan Chase, other banks, mortgage bankers and lenders, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sold risky mortgage securities as the result of President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act and the Clinton administration forcing them to provide unaffordable housing mortgages to unqualified buyers.

That is what caused the housing and finance bubble to burst, resulting in the 2008 economic meltdown. Government's reckless interference with free markets and free enterprise was done before the meltdown and exacerbated by government after the collapse.

And that is what raised the national debt from $10 trillion to $17 trillion in 5 years, which will reach $20 trillion by 2016 at the hands of President Obama and congressional Democrats, who have prolonged the recession.

If anyone should be prosecuted, it should be former President Bill Clinton for causing the collapse -- and former Rep. Barney Frank and former Sen. Chris Dodd for perpetuating the conditions leading to the meltdown -- not JP Morgan Chase.

Unfortunately, before leaving Congress, Dodd and Frank added insult to injury with the over-reaching Dodd-Frank finance laws.

Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident
and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy"

Daily Press
October 25, 2013

Obamacare and socialism

The socialist agenda shifted into high gear with Obamacare. President Obama and the congressional left are making it painfully clear that they intend to complete the socialist agenda with housing, jobs, income redistribution, food and clothing.

Clinton's socialist affordable housing agenda was carried out with forced approval of mortgages for unqualified buyers, which exploded, and collapsed housing and finance in 2008. The same thing is likely to happen with Obamacare, with a direct, negative impact on the people.

Moreover, the Justice Department is using the socialist Dodd-Frank finance law to shake down JP Morgan Chase bank with a $13 billion hit for selling risky mortgage-back securities, when it was government that caused the circumstances, and is now seeking control of banking, CEO salaries and compensation.

President Obama is keeping up the pressure of distractions from Obamacare problems by gearing up a push for immigration reform and amnesty that will weigh even more heavily on taxpayers and the fragile economy. Indeed, it's all targeted by the unyielding socialist agenda.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Daily Press Apple Valley Review
October 8, 2013

The deleterious Obama-effect
by Daniel B. Jeffs

President Obama's perpetual campaign against the best interests of America is manifested by his obsession with his so-called "signature legislation" of the UnAffordable Health Care Act -- his "Social Justice" assault on the fragile economy -- his leading from behind bungling of foreign policy highlighted by deals with the devils of Russia and Iran, and ignoring the growing monsters of terrorism.

Too many 2008 and 2012 presidential election voters were oblivious to the deleterious effect of President Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America -- the Clinton-caused housing and financial meltdown -- and the puppet-Democrat Congress and the biased media, which propelled him to do just that with Obamacare, edicts and executive orders, runaway spending and unsustainable debt. That is what created the Tea Party, polarized America, extended the recession and fortunately, raised the influence of Fox News.

Obamacare, reckless spending and debt limit madness are being perpetuated by Democrats demonizing the Tea Party, and Republicans eating their own. That's why I am an independent voter. Truth is, the spontaneous Tea Party represents the feelings of the majority of Americans. Hopefully, sanity, social and economic recovery, and national security will be restored after the 2014 and 2016 elections. Anything less could result in the final fall of the greatest nation on earth.

Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident
and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy

October 2013 issue

No-plan president

President Obama's budget plan, along with his targeted sequester, can only be described as unconscionable deceptions, intimidation and petty political extortion at the expense of the economy and the middle class ("GOP Day of Reckoning as Sequester Showdown Looms," September).

He has no budget plan at all. Budgets require a positive outcome and expenditures. Instead, the president is acting like an irresponsible child with a no-limit taxpayer credit card.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Diego Union-Tribune
September 23, 2013

Presidential pretender, constitutional offender

Lest voters forget, presidential candidate, Senator Obama campaigned to fundamentally transform America, declaring a healthcare crisis when there was none, and promising that electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket to accomplish his green energy conversion -- regardless of the housing and financial collapse, economic meltdown and massive job losses.

After President Obama's election, his process to fundamentally transform America began by ramming his Affordable Healthcare Act (AKA Obamacare -- unaffordable careless act) through the Democrat-controlled Congress without objection from his political lemmings, passed wasteful stimulus spending, raised the national debt to unsustainable levels, and continues to diminish America's standing in the world.

After Democrats lost the House of Representative to the Republicans, Mr. Obama set about to unconstitutionally circumvent Congress with edicts and executive orders to pursue green energy at the expense of the oil industry and the coal energy industry, with EPA carbon enforcement and shutting down oil exploration and production on federal lands and offshore.

Of course the other shoe is about to drop on the economy with the implementation of Obamacare -- the circumvention of Congress and the Constitution continuing unabated -- as President Obama goes about the business of perpetual lies and deceit, political pontificating and campaigning to transform America at the expense of our freedoms, our economy, our foreign policy, our allies, our national security and our future.

Surely, Mr. Obama's legacy will be that of being a presidential pretender, manipulator-in-chief, and serial constitutional offender.

Daniel B. Jeffs

San Diego Union-Tribune
September 3, 2013

Big jump in fast food pay is a bad idea

My first job out of high school was at the first McDonald's in Downey in 1957, and I was happy to get it. My high school sweetheart and future wife's first job was at Foster Freeze. One of our son's first jobs was at a Carl's Jr. and our daughter worked at a Subway Sandwich in Apple Valley. Learning those first job skills, responsibilities and self reliance were vital to our future success.

We need to reign in the SEIU union, which is now organizing fast-food workers with the unconscionable notion of doubling their entry-level minimum wage. It will hurt the small business franchises of McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell and all the others, and in the end will harm the workers, raise the cost of food, reduce jobs, and hurt low income consumers who depend on low-cost meals.

Daniel B. Jeffs

Daily Press Apple Valley Review
September 3, 2013

by Daniel B. Jeffs

SEIU puts entry-level jobs at risk

Surely, we need to reign in the self-corruption of big government tied to big unions, such as the SEIU -- now organizing young, innocent fast food workers with the untenable notion of doubling their entry-level minimum wage -- which will hurt the small business franchises of McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, Taco Bell and all the others -- and in the end will hurt the workers, raise the cost of food, reduce jobs, and hurt low income consumers who depend on low cost meals. The fast food industry has long-provided valuable entry-level work for millions, which is being put at risk in an already failing economy.

My first job out of high school was at the first McDonald's in Downey, California in 1957, and I was happy to get it. My high school sweetheart and future wife's first job was at Foster Freeze. One of our son's first jobs was at a new Carl's Jr. and our daughter worked at a Subway Sandwich shop in Apple Valley, California in the 1980's. Learning those first job skills, a work ethic, responsibilities and self reliance were vital to our future success. Our son built a successful business and our daughter is on the executive staff in the federal prison system.

After working at McDonald's, I worked at a tire shop, a fiberglass laminating shop, on the assembly line at a GM plant, in aerospace as a laminator and draftsman -- and subsequently went on to a 41-year career in law enforcement and the criminal justice system. I watched the liberal/progressive ideology rip the heart out of public education, the workplace, government, traditional morals, the family, society, our founding principles, the rule of law, and our nation as a whole.

Indeed, when liberal social justice tyrants takeover education, government, unions, business and industry with over-regulation, punishing taxes on small business and personal success, while runaway government spending and insurmountable debt go on unabated -- driving our country on a fast track to ruin -- it's time to put on the breaks and just say, "No more."

Daniel B. Jeffs is a resident of Apple Valley
and the author of: Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy

Daily Press Dispatch
August 25, 2013

Bill Clinton caused the housing, financial meltdown

Phil Gramm and Mike Solon's somewhat restrained analysis of the cause of the housing and financial crisis in the Wall Street Journal is at least a published account of the direct, real cause of the housing and financial crash, which was former president Bill Clinton's administration.

Indeed, Clinton abused his power by using President Carter's ill-conceived Community Reinvestment Act to force affordable housing into the housing market by any means necessary.

Clinton's wrecking crew, HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Janet Reno abused their power by forcing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to give home loans to unqualified buyers, and threatened Banks and mortgage lenders to do the same -- which led to subprime loans, bundling, credit-default swaps, and sales of contaminated government-backed home loan securities -- which infected Wall Street and the world economy.

Of course, House and Senate Finance Committee heavyweights, Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Christopher Dodd perpetuated the looming housing and financial crash with lies and deceit about the safety and soundness of the affordable housing loans, to continue the liberal Democrat agenda of social justice at any cost.

Alas, that cost is costing America's economy and all of us housing losses and jobs, aggravated by punishing taxes and regulations, runaway spending and unsustainable debt -- frustrated by President Obama's tyrannical government growth and the growing threat to our national security.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
August 8, 2013

Obama's speeches distract from his failures

President Obama's perpetual campaign continues with the latest round of biased media-supported, staged travel-trivia speeches -- stroking the economy and the middle class -- with his clueless people backdrops of bobbleheads nodding and applauding his every point, on cue.

Of course, Obama's latest charges against his Republican opponents -- of causing Washington to take its eye off the ball with "distractions, political posturing and phony scandals" -- are in fact his phony-in-chief maneuvers to detract from his abusive government, social, political, economic and national security failures.

Meanwhile, the president relentlessly continues his unprecedented abuse of power, executive orders and edicts, political appointments, and administrative regulations forcing his destructive injustice, miseducation, energy, environmental, healthcare, immigration, financial, debt and spending agenda upon America.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Desert Dispatch - Daily Press
March 31, 2013

In spite of liberals

The Los Angeles Times, the New York Times and all the left-stream media are practicing the height of hypocrisy by hailing Wall Street stock market gains as a series of new highs, not because of what President Obama and the Democrat cartel in Congress did over the past 5 years with their socialist effort at fundamentally transforming America, but what free enterprise and Capitalism has done in spite of it.

Worse, the liberal media continues to paint false pictures of the improving economy and unemployment numbers supporting President Obama's clouded vision and corrosive government growth. Lest we forget, it was President Carter and President Clinton who forced affordable housing on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, banks and mortgage lenders creating a sea of unqualified buyers -- and, the consequences of economic collapse.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Dieto Union-Tribune
March 1, 2013

Sequestration deadline hits

President Obama's sequester scare tour

President Obama's sequester scare causing the release of illegal aliens being held for deportation is an insidious political ploy that will endanger the lives and property of American citizens.

Indeed, President Obama is using the sequester budget cuts on his perpetual campaign tour -- backed by congressional Democrats and the complicit media -- to scare the American people by manufacturing crisis to blame on Republicans, to get what he wants at the nation's expense.

Simply put, President Obama is a political ideology sucker-puncher. Problem is, it is the people who will take the blow and fall.

Daniel B. Jeffs

Victor Valley Daily Press
February 25, 2013

President Obama's 'State of Distortions'

President Obama's State of the Union address was replete with highly embellished job numbers since he became president -- over 6 million -- when the truth is closer to 1 million, and his untrue claim that vehicle gas mileage has doubled is a deal he made with automakers in 2011 that won't start until model year 2017 or happen until 2025.

Indeed, it's bad enough that the president has cooked the books with all the wasteful spending and debt he and the Democrat Congress pushed through -- along with economy-busting healthcare and finance laws carefully delayed until after the 2012 and 2014 elections to maintain power -- but when they lie and swear to it, it's more than rhetorical political perjury.

Worse, when feigned crisis king Obama falsely accuses Republicans of manufacturing crisis -- and announces that he will bypass Congress with executive actions and edicts to resolve (false global warming) climate change -- it amounts gross abuse of power, attacking the engines of energy, jobs, the economy, and raising the cost of living.

(Last paragraph below edited out for space)

Clearly, President Obama's grand plans including universal (indoctrination) pre-school, education, raising the minimum wage and manufacturing are plans for more government growth and control -- and are, in effect, unconscionable working plans for selling out America.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The New York Post
February 9, 2013

Holder's raid on raters: giving the pols a pass

Eric Holder's Justice Department suing Standard & Poor's for endorsing risky mortgage bonds that fueled the housing crisis is simply more Obama-administration bunk designed to punish S&P for downgrading U.S. bonds, and to demonize Republicans and Wall Street for supposedly causing the economic crash ("Holder's Standard, Poor Judgment," Editorial, Feb. 7)

This is a smokescreen to detract from the real causes of the housing and financial meltdown: Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act, Bill Clinton's gang at HUD and the Democratic Party's usual suspects' pushing affordable housing at the expense of intimidated banks, mortgage lenders and hapless home buyers.

The liberal media have continued facilitating sequestration of the truth while supporting Democrats' governmental abuse of power and demonization of the free market -- putting America at extreme risk of further financial meltdowns.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

(Original letter)

Bogus federal lawsuit against Standard & Poor's

Eric Holder's Justice Department suing S&P for endorsing risky mortgage bonds -- they say -- that fueled the housing/financial crisis, is simply more Obama bunk designed to punish S&P for downgrading U.S. bonds, and to further falsify the demonization of Republicans and Wall Street for causing the economic crash.

What's really going on here is a continued smoke screen to detract from the real cause of the housing and financial meltdown: President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act, the Clinton gang of HUD Sec., Andrew Cuomo, AG, Janet Reno, and the Democrat Party's usual suspects pushing affordable housing -- Rep. Barney Frank, Sen. Chris Dodd and Sen. Chuck Schumer -- at the expense of intimidated banks mortgage lenders and hapless home buyers.

Unfortunately, the liberal media continued facilitating sequestration of the truth -- while supporting Democrat government's abuse of power and demonization of the free market -- puts America at extreme risk of further financial meltdowns.

Worse, when the Obama administration is given unconstitutional free-reign to pick and prosecute winners and losers with impunity -- and the media's blind allegiance abdicates its responsibility to the people -- we are in unimaginable trouble.

San Diego Union-Tribune
January 4, 2013

President Obama's "fiscal cliff" is nothing compared to what's ahead

By the time President Obama completes his government-class warfare against the foundations of America, even the indoctrinated will come to the inescapable conclusion that big government means the loss of freedoms. Indeed, when he said he was going to fundamentally transform America, he meant it.

Surely, it is becoming painfully clear that government's power to legislate, borrow, tax and regulate under liberal/progressive rule went to extremes over the last century. And, under the perpetual campaign of Barack Obama's presidency, it is being accelerated, as evidenced by the increasing power of government to destroy the economy, foreign policy, national security, the freedoms of our unique society and the spirit of America.

Certainly, it is bad enough that the people are unduly influenced by the dominant elite of the liberal media, entertainment industry, the education establishment, and the enormous government class. But when it wreaks the havoc of war against free enterprise and private property causing the housing and financial bubble and burst, exacerbated the money bubble being created by the Federal Reserve central bank, the last shoe will drop.

Which means we will be broken by government-inflicted regulation, taxation, debt, explosive inflation and interest rates.

Daniel B. Jeffs

The Washington Times
January 3, 2013

Not a happy new year

Considering the furry of spending and finance-suppression laws by congressional Democrats and President Obama during the first two-years of his presidency, plus the rush of executive edicts, regulations, enormous deficits, mounting debt and the "fiscal cliff," something became painfully clear: This was not a very merry Christmas. Alas, more taxes, regulations, spending and a deeper second recession are coming, which means it certainly won't be a happy new year for years to come ("Obama's hidden tax-heist," Dec. 24).

Indeed, not since President Lyndon B. Johnson's war on poverty and the "Great Society" illusion that created the dependency class have a president and Democratic Congress done so much damage to America, our prosperity, our freedoms, and our future.

Also worth mentioning: The relentless push of Presidents Carter and Clinton for 'affordable' housing, which caused the housing and financial crash of 2008, and Mr. Obama's foreign policy and national security failures.

Apple Valley, Calif.

San Diego Union-Tribune/North County Times
January 1, 2013

Fiscal cliff built by Democrats

Being backed-up to the edge of the 2013 fiscal cliff is the direct result of media-driven, miseducation establishment, Hollywood-style demonizing Democrats, the abuse of power and battered Republicans.

Lest we forget, it was the Democrats who put time limits on the Bush tax cuts, which should have been permanent when they were first passed, benefiting the middle class, job creators and the economy.

That is, until now since the tax cuts are expiring on top of President Obama's 4-year economy-crushing race to recklessly expand government empire building, regulations, taxation, spending and insurmountable debt.

And lest we forget, it was administration Democrats Carter, Clinton, Cuomo, Reno, and the congressional likes of Frank and Dodd pushing unaffordable housing, who caused the housing crash and financial meltdown.

Of course, government's race to insolvency is still being led by pernicious California Democrats on the backs of over-regulated and over-taxed-payers, still an insidious work in progressive/regressive socialism.

Alas, if we are to survive, the American people must somehow come to their senses, and break the grip of government, to be truly free and prosper.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Carlsbad, CA

Wall Street journal
December 23, 2012

Re: How 'cliff' talks hit the wall

Fiscal cliff built by Democrats

Being backed-up to the edge of the 2013 fiscal cliff is the direct result of media-driven, miseducation establishment, Hollywood-style demonizing Democrats, the abuse of power and battered Republicans.

Lest we forget, it was the Democrats who put time limits on the Bush tax cuts, which should have been permanent when they were first passed, benefiting the middle class, job creators and the economy.

That is, until now since the tax cuts are expiring on top of President Obama's 4-year economy-crushing race to recklessly expand government empire building, regulations, taxation, spending and insurmountable debt.

And lest we forget, it was administration Democrats Carter, Clinton, Cuomo, Reno, and the congressional likes of Frank and Dodd pushing unaffordable housing, who caused the housing crash and financial meltdown.

Of course, government's race to insolvency is still being led by pernicious California Democrats on the backs of over-regulated and over-taxed-payers, still an insidious work in progressive/regressive socialism.

Alas, if we are to survive, the American people must somehow come to their senses, and break the grip of government, to be truly free and prosper.

San Diego Union-Tribune
December 7, 2012

President Obama's presidency is the final liberal straw

Liberal-progressive presidents are responsible for the rise in government growth, contrary to the dictates of the Constitution. Indeed, government growth and abuse of power began with the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt, continued with Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, then Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both of whom are directly responsible for the housing crash and financial meltdown.

Then comes President Barack Obama with a liberal-progressive vengeance in his first term with a Democrat Congress that threw fiscal borrowing and spending restraint to the wind with a wasted trillion dollar stimulus bill, and yearly trillion dollar deficits that sent the national debt soaring from $10 to over $16 trillion -- stemmed only by spontaneous Tea Party voter revolt resulting in Republican control of the House of Representatives.

But not before President Obama and his Democrats rammed through the enormous, costly and needless "Unaffordable Healthcareless Act," and the Dodd-Frank financial disaster laws -- as if their culpability in the housing crash wasn't enough. Then, of course, Mr. Obama' monarchial edicts are elevated with over 6000 more regulations and continuing his war against affordable energy and energy independence.

Surely, the "fiscal cliff" is meaningless to President Obama and Democrats, who extended the Bush tax cuts rather than making them permanent and intend to raise taxes beyond merely letting the tax cuts expire January 2013, which, coupled with the coming costs of "Obamacare" will decimate businesses, jobs and the middle class.

Alas, America has already been deceived, betrayed and pushed off the "fiscal cliff" -- hard landing dead ahead.

Daniel B. Jeffs

The Washington Examiner
December 5, 2012

America has already fallen off the 'fiscal cliff'

The "fiscal cliff" is meaningless to President Obama and Democrats, who extended the Bush tax cuts rather than making them permanent. They intend to raise taxes beyond merely letting the tax cuts expire January 2013.

President Obama is following and long line of liberal-progressive presidents responsible for the rise in government growth, contrary to the dictates of the Constitution. In his first term with a Democrat Congress, he threw fiscal restraint to the wind via a wasted trillion dollar stimulus and yearly deficits that sent the national debt soaring from $10 to over $16 trillion.

The spending was only stemmed by a spontaneous Tea Party voter revolt resulting in Republican control of the House of Representatives in 2010, but not before the Democrats rammed through Obamacare and the Dodd-Frank financial disaster laws -- as if their culpability in the housing crash wasn't enough.

Obama' monarchial edicts were elevated with over 6000 more regulations and continuing his war against affordable energy and energy independence. Coupled with the coming costs of Obamacare, this will decimate businesses, jobs and the middle class.

Alas, America has already been deceived, betrayed and pushed off the "fiscal cliff" -- and there's hard landing dead ahead.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

New York Post
December 4, 2012

Spreading the wealth -- and choking U.S. growth

Surely, the fiscal cliff is meaningless to Obama and the Democrats. They extended the Bush tax cuts, rather than making them permanent, and then went on a $6 trillion borrowing, spending and regulation spree with impunity.

They intend to raise taxes beyond merely letting the tax cuts expire on Jan. 1, which coupled with the coming costs of ObamaCare, will decimate businesses, jobs and the middle class.

America has already been deceived, betrayed and pushed off the fiscal cliff. A hard landing and deeper recession are dead ahead.

Daniel Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Apple Valley Review - Daily Press
December 4, 2012

President Obama's presidency is the final liberal straw

Liberal-progressive presidents are responsible for the rise in government growth, contrary to the dictates of the Constitution. Indeed, government growth and abuse of power began with the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt, continued with Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, then Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, both of whom are directly responsible for the housing crash and financial meltdown.

Then comes President Barack Obama with a liberal-progressive vengeance in his first term with a Democrat Congress that threw fiscal borrowing and spending restraint to the wind with a wasted trillion dollar stimulus bill, and yearly trillion dollar deficits that sent the national debt soaring from $10 to over $16 trillion -- stemmed only by spontaneous Tea Party voter revolt resulting in Republican control of the House of Representatives.

But not before President Obama and his Democrats rammed through the enormous, costly and needless "Unaffordable Healthcareless Act," and the Dodd-Frank financial disaster laws -- as if their culpability in the housing crash wasn't enough. Then, of course, Mr. Obama's monarchial edicts are elevated with over 6000 more regulations and continuing his war against affordable energy and energy independence.

Surely, the "fiscal cliff" is meaningless to President Obama and Democrats -- who extended the Bush tax cuts rather than making them permanent -- and intend to raise taxes beyond merely letting the tax cuts expire January 2013 -- which coupled with the coming costs of "Obamacare" will decimate businesses, jobs and the middle class. Alas, America has already been deceived, betrayed and pushed off the "fiscal cliff" -- hard landing dead ahead.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
December 2, 1012

Unions show public disdain

It's bad enough that unreasonable union demands fuel higher prices, outsourcing of jobs, business such as Hostess closing up ("Hostess, union talks fail." Nov. 21), and local/state governments facing bankruptcy.

But when union protestors, led by the purple-shirted SEIU, show their true colors by intentionally disrupting and delaying Thanksgiving travelers at Los Angeles International Airport because of dispute with an airport subcontractor that says its worker decertified the union, it' simply unconscionable ("March disrupts LAX Thanksgiving traffic," Nov. 21),

Indeed, coupled with the implementation of business and economy-busting Obamacare, selfish union leaders will soon find themselves and their members facing a second, deeper recession, the loss of many more jobs, and remorse for supporting President Obama in voter-assisted economic suicide.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

North County Times
December 1, 2012

President Obama's other shoes dropping

Since President Obama's re-election, his other shoes are dropping in multiples: CIA Director General Patraeus resigned on a sex scandal and Afghanistan Commander General Allen being caught-up in it, raising even more questions about the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack.

The stock market continues to fall and large companies are closing shops and announcing layoffs because of the fiscal cliff, and pending tax increases -- including implementation of the health careless laws -- which will damage small business and the middle class, not save us.

Federal tyranny shifts into high gear with President Obama rolling out over 6,000 regulations and more at a steady pace -- while military arms, equipment and nuclear missile defense are being reduced including our national security.

Indeed, President Obama's re-election makes us the un-United States of fools, endorsing social, political and economic suicide.

Daniel Jeffs

The Sacramento Bee
October 9, 2012

Envronmentalists' over-reaching cause gasoline price spikes

Re: "Refineries get OK on cheaper gas" (Page A1, Oct. 9):

California has the highest gas tax and emission regulations in the nation. California has the most stringent, costly special Summer formulation for gasoline in the nation. The Chevron refinery in Richmond, which was shut down because of an explosion, supplies a substantial amount of the special Summer formulation to the West Coast.

There are too few refineries in California, and no new refineries have been allowed. California environmentalists have restricted any new oil and gas exploration or production, and the state has the highest taxes and royalties on oil and gas production in the nation. Coupled with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations, that is why California's gas prices are the highest in the nation.

Governor Brown's order allowing early transition to Winter-blend gasoline to ease prices is an empty gesture ignoring the root problem, which is over-reaching government and green energy obsession.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Letter (below) also published in the San Diego Union-Tribune
October 8, 2012

The Washington Times
October 8, 2012

Crushing California

California has the highest gas tax and emission regulations in the nation ("Gasoline prices skyrocket in California," Sunday). It also has the most stringent, costly special Summer formulation for gasoline in the nation. The Chevron refinery in Richmond, Calif., which was shut down after an explosion in early August,, supplies a substantial amount of the summer formulation to the West Coast.

There are too few refineries in California and no new refineries have been allowed. California environmentalists have restricted any new oil and gas exploration or production, and the state has the highest taxes and royalties on oil and gas production in the nation. Coupled with Environmental Protection Agency regulations, that is why California's gas prices are the highest in the nation.

If it were not for economy-crushing environmentalists, government employee and teacher unions, and the malfeasance in Sacramento, there might be hope for California's future.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

NEWSMAX Magazine
October 2012 issue

Middle-class extinction

President Obama's feckless bid for re-election to save the middle class masks his extreme ideology of social justice demonstrated by waging class warfare against Republicans, the rich, and the middle class.

This is evidenced by his deceitful record of pushing through laws of social, political and economic injustice against the American people ("Death of the Middle -- Why Conservatives Should Care," August).

Social injustice is the destruction of the middle class by socialistic government growth and taxation, creating a giant underclass. That is Obama's philosophy of social justice, also known as socialism.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

The Washington Examiner
September 10, 2012

Clinton set stage for housing bubble, recession

Re: "Bubba: Give Obama time to finish the job," Sept. 6

Gov. Mitt Romney, Rep. Ryan and the Republicans should hammer Bill Clinton and his alliance with President Obama. Clinton's speech nominating President Obama for a second term deserves no accolades and the liberal media have intentionally failed to tell the truth.

It was Clinton -- using President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act to intimidate banks, mortgage lenders, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make home loans to those who could not afford them -- who was responsible for housing and financial meltdown and the recession, exacerbated by President Obama's $5 trillion in borrowed spending and his $16 trillion ticking debt-bomb clock.

President Bush tried to stop the madness, but was thwarted by Rep. Barney Frank, Sen. Chris Dodd and a Democrat Congress. Obama accuses Romney and Ryan of lying to the American people, when it is he and his fellow Democrats in Congress who gutted a critically wounded economy, making things worse, and falsely blaming it on Bush.

It's bad enough that Clinton disgraced the White House and was impeached for it. But to applaud him for a balanced budget, a federal surplus and welfare reform when it was the work of House Speaker Newt Gingrich's Contract with America and a Republican Congress is a deception.

Daniel B. Jeffs

Apple Valley, Calif.

The Washington Examiner
August 7, 2012

Unemployment is higher than it seems

Re: "For team Obama, recovery is always just around the corner," Aug. 5

President Obama's campaign spin on the jobs report is unconscionable rhetoric based on his labor department cooking the books on the number of jobs created and unemployment rates since the president took office in 2009. Indeed, none of the jobs reports coming from Obama's administration are anywhere near accurate simply because they do not take into account the number of people who have stopped looking for jobs, which would increase the unemployment rate from 8.3 percent to over 11 percent.

Considering the overall number of people not participating in the work force is about 35 percent for one reason or another, the real unemployment rate is closer to 15 percent. Regardless, how can a substantial increase of jobs created in July result in an increase of unemployment from 8.2 percent to 8.3 percent? The answer is obvious: a feeble attempt at labor department jobs report credibility. It's incredible, however, considering the failed public education system's years of intentionally dumbing down students' math skills, it's also understandable.

The underlying dastardly political crimes here are the Democrat-caused economic train wrecks stemming from the housing and financial crash engineered by former presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton's obsession with forced affordable housing beyond the objections of former president Bush, exacerbated by President Obama and a Democrat-controlled Congress burying the nation in out of control spending, unbridled government growth, taxes, over-regulation and insurmountable debt.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Bernardino Sun
August 6, 2012

Private sector built it

President Obama saying that individuals and businesses owe their success to government building roads, bridges, a public education workforce, providing police, fire protection and the courts, is absurd and a political exercise in deceptive futility.

Indeed, private enterprise provided all of the tax dollars that fund all of those necessities -- and all government operations -- in spite of the relentless growth of government, confiscatory taxation, over-regulation, and intrusive environmental laws that raise the cost living for all Americans.

Lest we forget, it was government's over-zealous manipulation of the private housing market that caused the economic crash, which was perpetuated by the Obama administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress, their nationalized health care, failed stimulus and runaway debt.

Clearly, the only way to turn the country away from the road to ruin is by electing Mitt Romney, Republican control of the Senate, and unleashing private enterprise by reducing the size, scope and power of oppressive government.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, CA

San Bernardino Sun
June 18, 2012

Misdirected blame

Announcing families' net worth loss of home equity adds insult to the injury of beleaguered homeowners struggling to survive the housing/financial collapse and commensurate loss of jobs.

Worse, misdirected political blame perpetuated by the news media does nothing to help frantic people suffering from job loss and foreclosure. Indeed, Democrat finger pointers blaming banks, Wall Street, the wealthy and Republicans for what Democrats wrought upon the economy.

Truth be known, real villains of this long term tragedy are in fact the political ideology and ambitions of former President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act for affordable housing; pushed on banks and mortgage lenders by former President Clinton, lowering home buyer qualifications; government mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac gobbling up half of the nation's mortgages, and Representative Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd keeping the fraud alive.

Of course, the artificial housing bubble burst, as did the homeowners' inflated equity -- leaving neighborhoods blighted with foreclosed homes and increased crime. President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress made it worse with nearly a $trillion in failed stimulus, runaway government spending and power grabs, and $trillions in additional debt. Even worse, government took over all student loans ballooning to over a $trillion, and the next bubble to burst.

Alas, the only thing worse is the enormous size, scope and power of overreaching government growing by leaps and bounds, stimulated by the Obama Administration -- exacerbated by the EPA poised to hurt the economy even more, and toying with terrorism. The November elections is the time to turn it all around, lest we go down with the sinking ship of state.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Times
June 5, 2012

Democrats' economic record abysmal

More Obama, fewer jobs, indeed ("More Obama, fewer jobs," Comment and Analysis, Monday). With a hugely important presidential election fast approaching, the global economy in chaos, our faltering economy having created a mere 69,000 jobs in May, and our government's overstating of April job creation by 77,000 positions simply adds to a consistent pattern of the Obama Administration's costly public investment ineptocracy.

Republican candidate Mitt Romney must get tough with President Obama, on the campaign trail and in the debates. The main issue, of course, will be the economy. Mr. Obama will continue to push away blame for the economic crash "he inherited." Mr. Romney must remind voters of where the blame belongs.

Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act and ACORN were largely the cause of the housing bubble, which filled the market with loans to unqualified buyers. Government Sponsored Entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac blindly gobbled up half the nation's mortgages. The Securities and Exchange Commission turned a blind eye to toxic mortgages, under capitalized banks and mortgage lenders. Rep. Barney Frank and Senator Chris Dodd prolonged it until it burst, taking financial markets down with it. President Obama and the Democrat Congress made the economy worse with reactionary regulation, government growth, reckless spending and debt.

Prosperity is on the decline in America because government expansion and the welfare state are on the rise. If the welfare state is not turned around, the American bubble will burst, and most of us will be the working for the ruling elite and the state. Mr. Obama is the chairman of the Democrats' public investment money-pit, replete with confiscatory taxation.

As president, Mitt Romney surely would lead by pushing government out of the way of private enterprise and the people's business, allowing for the return of economic recovery, growth and freedom from overreaching government intrusion.

Apple Valley, Calif.

The Wall Street Journal
May 16, 2012

Re: Obama's 'Vampire' Capitalists - editorial

JP Morgan Chase's $2 billion loss

JP Morgan Chase's $2 billion investment loss is chump change compared to the $800 billion stimulus loss of taxpayer money and increased debt squandered by President Obama and the Democrat-controlled Congress, with little or nothing to show for it but government malfeasance.

However, none of that matters when the red meat is scattered in the media-infested political waters prompting a partisan feeding frenzy for Obama supporters to attack the big bank whale and pull Mitt Romney's 'vampire' Bain Capital into the bloody water with a lengthy political ad stained with lies and deceit.

As if that were not bad enough, President Obama's panderer-in-chief campaign prances around the country telling each voter demographic what they want to hear, regardless of the truth, and manages to include a $2 million contribution pit stop hosted by Tony James, president of 'vampire' private-equity giant, the Blackstone Group.

Worse, heads rolled for JP Morgan Chase's blunder, however, few if any government heads have rolled for over 3 years of unabated $trillions in crimes against taxpayers. Indeed, the November elections will surely be time for handing President Obama and his fellow Democrat vampires in Congress their walking papers.

Riverside Press Enterprise
April 9, 2012

Obama plays politics on oil

In demonizing oil companies and Senate Republicans for saying no to ending oil subsidies, President Obama is engaging in cheap populist pandering to a public hurting from high gas prices.

Obama's feigned push to end tax breaks for oil companies, and investing in cart-before-the-horse electric cars -- despite the failure of the Chevy Volt -- is yet another indication that he has no concern for high gas prices. Indeed, the oil companies would pass on the tax increase to consumers just as any business would, raising gas prices higher.

In addition, summer blend requirements will add to gas prices, likely pushing them above $5.00 per gallon, and will probably continue after summer because of increased demand by China and India, and instability in the Middle East.

The president could dispense with stupid summer blends and ethanol. Of course, there's not much he could do to prevent Californians from being pushed over the economic cliff by hysterical environmentalists and cost of living-busting climate change laws.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

(Original letter)

Political campaign ploys by the president demonizing oil companies and Senate Republicans for saying no to ending oil subsidies is little more than cheap populist pandering to public injury from high gas prices.

Indeed, President Obama's feigned push to end tax breaks for oil companies, and invest in cart-before-the-horse electric cars -- regardless of the failure of the Chevy Volt -- is yet another indication that he has no concern for high gas prices. Indeed, the oil companies would pass on the tax increase to consumers just as any business would, raising gas prices even further.

Plus, summer blend requirements will increase gas prices 40 cents or more higher, which will likely push the cost over $5.00 per gallon, and which will probably continue after summer because of increased demand by China and India, and instability in the Middle East.

If the president is honestly concerned about what the people pay at the pump, and the commensurate increased cost of delivering goods and services, he could easily dispense with the stupid summer blends and ethanol. Of course, there's not much he could do to prevent Californians from being pushed over the economic cliff by hysterical environmentalists and cost of living-busting climate change laws.

Surely, people must be a bit confused as to why foreign oil costs $125 per barrel, about $18 more than U.S. crude because of China and India demand. The easy answer is our government creating perpetual oil, gas, and refinery chaos. Indeed, someone ought to tell President Obama and enviro-maniacs that we can't run electric cars or much of anything else without coal and natural gas power plants making electricity.

San Bernardino Sun
April 8, 2012

Transforming America

President Obama's unemployment con job, coupled with costly health and financial reforms, his Occupy storm trooper's class warfare, and his intentional energy crisis define his attempts to transform America.

Indeed, throwing $200 billion down the green sink hole, pushing the failed Chevy Volt, and approving the tail end of the Keystone Pipeline are meaningless. Particularly, while stifling coal energy and domestic oil resources.

Still, the president insists on wagging the public dog with high gas prices, government growth and insurmountable debt, which will surely damage the dollar, weaken the nation, and stoke the fires of inflation.

Transform America? Yes. Out of the clutches of progressive aggression. If we are to survive, his re-election is not an option.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Examiner
March 30, 2012

Re: A second term: Obama unleashed
by Cal Thomas

What's the worst that could happen in the 2012 presidential elections. A re-elected President Obama, unleased.

Indeed, as if high gas prices aren't bad enough, President Obama is in the process of killing the coal-power industry as promised, which will cause electricity prices to escalate and affect those who can least afford it.

The energy and fuel crisis, job losses and cost of living increases are being caused by environmental zealots' litigation, EPA over-regulation, plus President Obama stifling domestic oil production, natural gas and coal energy in his arrogant pursuit of costly, unreliable green energy at any price.

In a nut shell, our national mess was started by the unmitigated misfeasance of former presidents Carter, Clinton and congressional Democrats, which caused the housing crash, financial crisis and a deepening recession set in motion by over-reaching government's irresponsible push for affordable housing.

Worse, the public miseducation system is a deeply flawed and failed money-pit of liberal arts and socialist indoctrination under the selfish interests of the education establishment, tenure and teacher unions robbing students of their future.

And President Obama is in the process of putting our national security at risk by disarming our nuclear defense weapons capabilities in collusion with Russia, and inviting terrorist attacks from Iran and other hostiles.

Fortunately, President Obama's massive health care law is being challenged by 26 states and a national small business organization in the Supreme Court, which will hopefully be declared unconstitutional by the Court.

Sadly, the out-of-control size, scope and power of our government is transforming America away from the founding principles of our unique constitutional democratic republic of limited government that made us the greatest nation of liberty and freedom the World has ever known.

If we are to survive these challenges, we must make our voices heard and our votes count in the 2012 elections. Without a strong and free America, we and the free world will collapse under the unbearable weight of tyranny. President Obama unleased on America with a second term is not an option.

The Washington Examiner
March 29, 2012

Re: Obama seeks end to subsidies for oil companies; Congress says no
by Brian Hughes

Political campaign ploys by the president demonizing oil companies and Senate Republicans for saying no to ending oil subsidies is little more than cheap populist pandering to public injury from high gas prices.

Indeed, President Obama's feigned push to end tax breaks for oil companies, and invest in cart-before-the-horse electric cars -- regardless of the failure of the Chevy Volt -- is yet another indication that he has no concern for high gas prices. Indeed, the oil companies would pass on the tax increase to consumers just as any business would, raising gas prices even further.

Plus, summer blend requirements will increase gas prices 40 cents or more higher, which will likely push the cost over $5.00 per gallon, and which will probably continue after summer because of increased demand by China and India, and instability in the Middle East.

If the president is honestly concerned about what the people pay at the pump, and the commensurate increased cost of delivering goods and services, he could easily dispense with the stupid summer blends and ethanol. Of course, there's not much he could do to prevent Californians from being pushed over the economic cliff by hysterical environmentalists and cost of living-busting climate change laws.

Surely, people must be a bit confused as to why foreign oil costs $125 per barrel, about $18 more than U.S. crude because of China and India demand. The easy answer is our government creating perpetual oil, gas, and refinery chaos. Indeed, someone ought to tell President Obama and enviro-maniacs that we can't run electric cars or much of anything else without coal and natural gas power plants making electricity.

The Washington Examiner
March 22, 2012

Re: Who's ignorant about energy?
by Conn Carroll

President Obama's unemployment con job, coupled with his Occupy storm trooper's class warfare, and his intentional energy crisis define his attack on America.

Indeed, throwing $200 billion down the green sink hole, and approving the tail end of the Keystone Pipeline is meaningless without the dog to complete it.

Still, the president insists on wagging the public dog with high gas prices, government growth and insurmountable debt, which will surely damage the dollar and stoke the fires of inflation. If we are to survive, his re-election is not an option.

Los Angeles Times
March 18, 2012

Note: The L.A. Times was supposed to publish this letter, but did not

Re: "Gasoline doesn't come cheap" letters against Jonah Goldberg's "Obama's pump debacle"

Considering all four letters are against Jonah Goldberg's commentary, perhaps the L.A. Times can manage to find space for a letter in support.

Indeed, Jonah Goldberg's analysis of Obama's pump debacle aptly points out the president's push for green energy with campaign-blame-lies and taking-credit-deceit about oil and gas, which leads directly to the rise in the cost of living, and economic ruin.

President Obama's re-election campaign to end tax breaks for oil companies certainly won't lower gas prices, it will increase them. Indeed, if it were not for incessant anti-oil environmental left and President Obama's complicit limitations on domestic oil production and delivery, we would not be having this debate or these problems.

The extreme instability in Middle East oil producing countries surely casts a giant cloud over the dependability of world oil supplies, which are adversely affecting gas prices and threaten our economy and our national security. Alas, contrary to shallow minds and pumped-up popular belief, oil companies and speculators are not responsible for rising gas prices.

Clearly, it's intentional political turmoil and over-reaching government clogging the pipes to our recovery. Indeed, the time for taking care of our own business is quickly running thin, which is no time for ideological stupidity or economic suicide. Cleaning our national pipes to freedom can only be done by rooting-out President Obama and enough congressional Democrats in the November elections.

The Washington Times
March 18, 2012

Re: Obama: End tax breaks for oil companies
by David Boyer
March 17, 2012

Obama's economic suicide

President Obama's re-election campaign to end tax breaks for oil companies won't lower gas prices, it will increase them. Indeed, if it were not for incessant anti-oil environmental left and President Obama's complicit limitations on domestic oil production and delivery, we would not be having this debate or these problems.

Surely, the extreme instability in Middle East oil producing countries casts a giant cloud over the dependability world oil supplies, which are adversely affecting gas prices and threaten our economy and national security. Alas, contrary to shallow minds and pumped-up popular belief, oil companies and speculators are not responsible for rising gas prices.

Clearly, it's intentional political turmoil and over-reaching government clogging the pipes to our recovery. Indeed, the time for taking care of our own business is quickly running thin, which is no time for ideological stupidity or economic suicide. Cleaning our national pipes can only be done by rooting-out President Obama and enough Democrats in Congress to free us in the November elections.

The Washington Examiner
November 25, 2011

Occupy anger should be directed at colleges

If the disgruntled college students who started and expanded the Occupy Wall Street movement ever come to realize they are the victims of indoctrination by the socialist college and university establishment -- to the exclusion of America's founding principles and conservative thought -- the mass deceit should really make them angry. Indeed, their anger over the constant rise in tuition ought to be directed at the cause: to fund the rise in professors' and bloated administrative salaries, benefits and tenure.

And their anger and blame directed at banks, corporations and the wealthy should be directed at the cause of the housing and financial crash: Democrats growing government and insurmountable debt. Surely, socialist deception comes at a devastating social, political and economic price, certain collapse into authoritarian government, and the loss of freedoms. When certain free speech is the only speech, it is certainly not free.

Thankfully, we are not there yet, and we have much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving Day, including Americans' unique, innate ability to turn wrong around and make it right.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

San Bernardino Sun
November 13, 2011

Re: Occupy groups may join forces

Compromised movement

The Occupy movement expanded with displaced, disgruntled, disaffected and disoriented people who are joining what began as miseducated college students -- who were taught activism and demonstrations by the academia of the left, and want taxpayer-funded free college education for all -- claiming they are the 99 percent representing the Occupy Wall Street movement protesting against the top one percent and demanding a re-distribution of wealth.

Then, the Occupy movement was compromised by the SEIU, labor and teacher unions, '60s counterculture revolutionaries, Hollywood celebrities, and radical organizations such as George Soros', to escalate the intensity of demonstrations against Capitalism spreading nation-wide.

Indeed, the anti-American far-left and's motives are to overwhelm our unique constitutional republic with a welfare state, to destroy free-market Capitalism, and replace it with socialist-controlled capitalism, a government-run economy, which would result in near-poverty for nearly all the people.

Sadly, it doesn't seem to matter to the phony 99-percentors that the top 10 percent pay over 70 percent of taxes, that the top 20 percent are the job creators -- or that insidious SEIU and ACORN extortion -- and irresponsible government affordable housing actions taken over a span of three decades by Carter, Clinton, Cuomo, Reno, Frank, Dodd and Raines -- are largely responsible for the housing, financial and economic meltdown, and the loss of jobs and homes.

The tragedy is that the news media, our representative government, administration and society are turning a blind-eye to treasonous behavior and the enemy within. The blight of foreclosure-creep throughout our neighborhoods and communities are clear and convincing evidence of who and what are to blame: The politics of the left, and the expansion of government control -- not Capitalism, the banks, lenders or corporations.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

New York Post
October 25, 2011

Biden teaching 4th-graders

Biden campaigning for the president’s jobs bill in front of 4th-graders is an invitation to expose the liberal indoctrination of students from elementary school to college.

It’s simply a crime against the fiber of America. Indeed, the Occupy Wall Street movement is a direct result of the 1960’s cultural revolution, the takeover of the education and political establishment and the unbridled growth of government.

Free-market capitalism is the only thing keeping our country from social, political and economic extinction.

Dan Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Read more:

(Original letter)

VP Joe Biden indoctrinating 4th-graders

VP Joe Biden campaigning for President's jobs bill to 4th-graders should be an invitation to expose the liberal indoctrination of students, from elementary schools to college -- by the NEA, teacher unions, tenured professors, and the Department of Education -- at great taxpayer and property owner expense -- while graduating functionally illiterate students and robbing them of a core academic education.

It's simply a crime against the fiber of America.

Indeed, the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement is a direct result of the socialist '60s cultural revolution, the takeover of the education and political establishment, and the unbridled growth of government. Free market Capitalism is the only thing keeping our unique constitutional republic from social, political and economic extinction.

San Bernardino Sun
October 15, 2011

Freedom taken

There were certainly no mature adults among the first Occupy Wall Street protestors simply because they were predominately functionally illiterate, indoctrinated disgruntled students taught by liberal academia to practice name-calling anti-American mobaucracy to intimidate their perceived enemy: free market Capitalism.

Of course, the spread of protests across the country was prompted by known liberal activist organizations such as Move On and others, to help focus blame for the failing economy on Wall Street, banks and the wealthy -- later joined by the usual suspects, unions, teachers, Hollywood creatures, and 60s and '70 revolutionaries.

And, of course, there has been no mention of the actual cause of the economic meltdown in the liberal media's credibility coverage of the hapless street mobs: Government's reckless intimidation of banks and mortgage lenders to give home loans to unqualified buyers for the sake of affordable housing.

[Indeed, blame for the giant housing bubble that burst -- causing the housing and economic collapse -- should be directed where it primarily belongs: Former President Jimmy Carter's CRA, Former President Bill Clinton -- along with Former HUD Director, Andrew Cuomo, and Former Attorney General, Janet Reno -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; Former Fannie Mae CEO, Franklin Raines; Rep. Barney Frank, and Senators Chris Dodd and Chuck Schumer.] (edited for space)

Alas, elected representatives' selling protection for their elections and re-elections is as old as politics in America -- as are free-market Capitalists paying for the protection to remain in business. It's simply big, gangster government by any definition -- with hard working taxpayers and consumers paying the ultimate price for government malfeasance: Freedom

Unfortunately, under the guise of saving the economy, gangster government was elevated to a disturbing and unworkable level by the Democrat Congress and the Obama administration. Now, it's worse, and the outlook is grim -- unless the 2010 Republican win in the House is repeated in the Senate and White House in the 2012 elections.

Lest we forget, the First Amendment protects the people's right to free speech, and to peaceably assemble, and to petition government for redress of grievances -- as the tea party movement does. There is no right to mob the streets to interfere with businesses and other people's freedom of movement.

That is illegal everywhere in America.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

Riverside Press Enterprise
October 11, 2011

Socialist thugs? Yes

The Occupy Wall Street protests began with anti-capitalism students demonstrating about the rich not paying enough taxes and the lack of jobs, which describes President Obama’s jobs bill (“The left trots out its pathetic version of the tea party,” Oct. 6). As the movement spread across the country, it was joined by unions and

Sounds familiar, like when Obama said he was going to every corner of the country campaigning for his proposal. He has not done that, but his zealot supporters have. There is no comparison with the tea party movement, which does represent most of the American people.

It’s simply socialist thugs versus capitalism and concerned citizens.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

September 26, 2011

Obama’s plans to boost economy will be blocked

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

President Obama’s proposed “Buffett Rule” to raise taxes on Americans earning more than $1 million a year will handicap many job creators (“Don’t raise taxes on ‘job creators,’ ” Other views, Taxes and spending debate, Tuesday).
Adding insult to injury, Obama’s added proposal to reduce tax deductions on individual annual incomes of $200,000 and couples’ incomes of $250,000 — many of whom are small-business owners and job creators — would crush them and do further injury to the job market.
The president’s jobs, taxes and debt reduction plans are nothing more than campaign exercises that he knows Republicans will reject. He will do it again and again and blame what certainly will be a worse economy on Republicans during the months leading up to the 2012 election. That’s his plan.
If Obama truly had the best for America at heart, he would stop the spending, reform and simplify the tax code, eliminate unreasonable business-killing regulations, and reduce the size, scope and power of government. If Republicans are not elected to control the Congress and the presidency, and the Bush tax cuts are not made permanent but allowed to expire, our country surely will sink into a long-term depression.

Don't raise taxes on 'job creators'
by Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
September 20, 2011

The premise of President Obama's proposed "Buffett Rule" to raise taxes on Americans earning more than $1 million a year is not only false, it will raise taxes on most job creators.

Adding insult to injury, Obama's continuing proposal to raise taxes on individual incomes of $200,000 and couples' incomes of $250,000 --many of whom are small business owners and job creators -- would crush them and do further injury to the job market.

President Obama's jobs, taxes and debt reduction plans are nothing more than deceitful campaign exercises that he knows Republicans will reject. He will do it again and again and blame what will certainly be a worse economy on Republicans during the 14 months leading up to the 2012 election. That's his only plan.

If President Obama truly had the best for America at heart, he would stop the spending, reform and simplify the tax code, eliminate unreasonable business-killing regulations, and reduce the size, scope and power of government. Unfortunately, he won't.

If Republicans are not elected to control the Congress and the presidency, and the Bush tax cuts are not made permanent and allowed to expire on December 31, 2012, our country will surely sink into a long term depression.

No plausible denial for government malfeasance

Solyndra and other American solar panel manufacturers can't compete with Chinese manufacturers, who turn them out cheaper and faster to the United States and the world market. The Department of Energy and President Obama had to have known that. Yet, Obama recklessly showcased the taxpayers' $535 million stimulus loan for green jobs at the now bankrupt Solyndra. That kind of fraud cannot be ignored, particularly when President Obama is trying to push through a tax-hiking, shell game jobs bill that would hurt business, workers and the already weakened economy.

Indeed, there is no plausible denial for government malfeasance.

Wasting tax dollars backing costly/unreliable green energy, while stepping on reliable energy resources, increases the cost of electricity and fuel, thus the cost of living. Stepping up reliable energy and domestic fuel resources will increase jobs and reduce the cost of nearly everything. Dumping the corn ethanol program would also decrease many food prices and the cost of fuel. President Obama should be backing the reduction of all business-inhibiting regulations, which would create jobs and elevate the overall economy--at little or no cost to taxpayers.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Founder, DDC
September 15, 2011

President Obama continues to play the tax, spend and waste shell game

President Obama is indeed proposing to play tax and spend shell games by taking from big business, and giving temporary tax incentives to small businesses and workers. Creating temporary jobs and saving others will end, however, higher taxes and government empire-building will continue.

Furthermore, wasting tax dollars backing costly/unreliable green energy, while stepping on reliable energy resources, increases the cost of electricity and fuel, thus the cost of living. Stepping up reliable energy and domestic fuel resources will increase jobs and reduce the cost of nearly everything. Dumping the corn ethanol program would also decrease food prices and the cost of fuel.

President Obama should be laying off taxes and reducing all business-inhibiting regulations, which would lower costs, create jobs, and elevate the overall economy -- including tax revenues. However, his record says he won't.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Founder, DDC
September 14, 2011

President's American Jobs Act speech an empty gesture
by Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
September 10, 2011

I'm so frustrated about President Obama using the media and a joint session of Congress (at taxpayers' expense) to launch his 2012 re-election campaign with the promise of his American Jobs Act legislation that, "Congress must pass right away," with details to be released a week from next Monday -- that I can't understand the insanity of it beyond deceitful political theater.

The president just keeps doing the same thing, expecting a different result, when it is obvious that it has not worked, and won't work to improve the economic and jobs crisis. It's simply another empty gesture that wastes $billions more. The House of Representatives is on the right track. The Senate and the President are blocking the way out of a deepening recession.

Indeed, the nation is steeped in uncertainty caused by government. What an "American Jobs Act" should contain is legislation repealing the tax code and replacing it with a flat tax, removing all unreasonable EPA administrative laws and regulations inhibiting businesses, repealing Obamacare and the Dodd-Frank finance legislation, and opening up all America's domestic coal, oil and natural gas energy resources. That would be a good start to increase confidence, jobs and economic growth.

Clearly, the Congress and President Obama should pass it right away!

President's American Jobs Act speech an empty gesture

I'm so frustrated about President Obama using the media and a joint session of Congress (at taxpayers' expense) to launch his 2012 re-election campaign with the promise of his American Jobs Act legislation that, "Congress must pass right away," with details to be released a week from next Monday -- that I can't understand the insanity of it beyond deceitful political theater.

The president just keeps doing the same thing, expecting a different result, when it is obvious that it has not worked, and won't work to improve the economic and jobs crisis. It's simply another empty gesture that wastes $billions more. The House of Representatives is on the right track. The Senate and the President are blocking the way out of a deepening recession.

Indeed, the nation is steeped in uncertainty caused by government. What an "American Jobs Act" should contain is legislation repealing the tax code and replacing it with a flat tax, removing all unreasonable EPA administrative laws and regulations inhibiting businesses, repealing Obamacare and the Dodd-Frank finance legislation, and opening up all America's domestic coal, oil and natural gas energy resources. That would be a good start to increase confidence, jobs and economic growth.

Clearly, the Congress and President Obama should pass it right away!

Daniel B. Jeffs
Founder, DDC
September 9, 2011

FHFA's bogus lawsuits against banks

The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) lawsuits against the Bank of America, J.P. Morgan Chase and 15 of the largest banks on behalf of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is nearing the last straw of government extortion and malfeasance in covering up the government-caused housing, finance and economic meltdown.

Indeed, it was former president Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act, which was used by former president Bill Clinton to have his Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Andrew Cuomo, and then-Attorney General Janet Reno intimidate banks and mortgage lenders to lower standards for affordable housing. Of course, that was exacerbated by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac knowingly purchasing, bundling and reselling the toxic mortgages to Wall Street and others.

Congressional finance and banking oversight committee leaders Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd are equally responsible for prompting Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines and Freddie Mac to perpetuate the affordable housing fraud, victimizing unqualified home buyers, which created the housing boom and bust — thus the near financial collapse, job losses and foreclosures.

Yet it continues, and as usual, this is the worst possible time for government to stir the boiling economic pot. What is it going to take for the federal government to stop jerking around banks, mortgage lenders, homeowners, businesses and the American people? A good start would be the aforementioned violators to forfeit their government-paid retirements and benefits.

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
September 6, 2011

The San Francisco Examiner

August 8, 2011

Tea party is not terrorism

Calling the tea party movement “terrorists” is grossly misplaced. Indeed, the real domestic terrorism going on in our country is our government’s confiscatory taxation, public education indoctrination and economy-crushing regulations raising the cost of living.

The tea party was a spontaneous reaction to the way most American voters feel about big, intrusive, out-of-control government. Demonizing the movement will only help it grow to be heard loud and clear in the 2012 elections and beyond, until the people and the states take America back.

The application of two-thirds of the states for a constitutional convention to propose amendments is long overdue. A balanced-budget amendment with teeth should be first on the agenda.

Daniel B. Jeffs

Apple Valley, Calif.

U.S. Credit downgrade overdue

The downgrade of the U.S. credit rating comes as no surprise. Indeed, I, as an American citizen could never have maintained a high credit rating while borrowing and spending twice the value of my assets and income. Nor could I have borrowed or spent more than my income, without stealing money from others, which is exactly what government is doing to current and future taxpayers.

Surely, the rating agencies did us no service by doing nothing when the national debt ceilings were raised, unabated -- and the housing and financial industries crashed in 2007-2008 -- or when the spending was increased by $4 trillion during the next two years -- including President Obama's worthless stimulus package -- not to mention the enormous potential cost of Obamacare.

If the Republican House proposal to cut, cap, and balance budgets with a constitutional amendment had not been rejected the Democrat Senate and the president, there would have been no debt default crisis or a downgrade. Alas, the anemic deal struck by Congress and President Obama, raising the debt limit by $2.4 trillion, and cutting spending by $2.4 trillion over the next 10 years, will do little or nothing to keep the national debt from increasing by $10 trillion over that time.

Clearly, the way to resolve this unsustainable mess is to eliminate the sources of the suppressed economy and stimulate growth with real tax reform, cutting business inhibiting regulations and litigation -- slashing the size, scope and over-reaching power of government -- and passing a balanced budget amendment with teeth.

That can only be done with a 2012 Republican Congress, and a 21st Century Calvin Coolidge-style Republican president. Only then, can we open the road to recovery, prosperity and the real legacy of freedom we can believe in.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Founder, DDC
August 6, 2011

FDR, LBJ, Carter and Clinton built the housing market time bomb, Frank, Dodd and Obama lit the fuse

Why have we not heard a peep from Rep. Barney Frank during the debt crisis? Because he and Sen. Dodd lit the fuse of a housing and financial market time bomb built by FDR and LBJ, with a trigger manufactured by Carter and Clinton.

FDR established Fannie Mae as part of the New Deal to provide a national savings and loan for a secondary mortgage market and affordable housing. Fannie Mae had a monopoly on the housing market until 1968, when LBJ privatized Fannie Mae as a GSE to take it off the federal budget, then created as second GSE, Freddie Mac in 1970.

On their way to controlling 90 percent of the nation's secondary mortgage market, they were stimulated by President Carters Community Reinvestment Act, which was used by President Clinton to intimidate Fannie, Freddie, and private lenders to lower their loan standards for affordable housing. That triggered the government-backed mortgage securities mania that followed.

The Bush administration was concerned about Fannie and Freddie's financial condition, However, Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd, said there was no need for concern, which lit the fuse to a spike in sub-prime lending, and the eventual explosion and implosion of the housing and financial markets. Now the national debt crisis is upon us, half of which is accountable to Fannie and Freddie, thus the taxpayers.

As if that wasn't bad enough, the Dodd-Frank financial regulation nightmare is about to get real nasty, which could be the straw that breaks the nation's back -- if Congress and President Obama national debt crisis contributors let it happen. The 64 trillion-dollar question is: How could the American people allow the malfeasance of Presidents and Congress pull off a giant Bernie Madoff-style Ponzi scheme on our country and let it go unaccountable? The answer is, it's never too late.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Founder, DDC
July 31, 2011

The Washington Examiner
June 28, 2011

Release of oil reserves is a symbolic Band-Aid

Re: "Obama releasing 30m barrels from U.S. oil reserves," June 23

The United States consumes about 20 million barrels of oil per day. Thanks to environmental zealots and government overregulation, our current domestic oil production is limited to about 6 million barrels per day.

President Obama's politically-motivated release of 30 million barrels of oil from our 727 million-barrel national oil reserves will reduce our national security, provide a Band-Aid of less than two days of oil, and won't help our long term economy. Permitting production of 30 million barrels per month from Alaska's outer continental shelf, and opening up our oil and gas resources would.

The economy will suffer even more if President Obama continues his costly government-controlled nation-building at home, as he confirmed in his speech on removing troops from Afghanistan.

Lest we forget, insanity is doing the same stupid things over and over, expecting different results.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Philip K. Howard, founder
Author: The Death of Common Sense

Henry Nothhaft, author
David Kline, Contributor
Available at Amazon: GREAT AGAIN

Time Magazine
June 27, 2011 issue
Re: What Recovery? cover story
June 20, 2011 issue

A Recovery in Need of Recovery

It's bad enough that President Obama's $800 billion economic recovery program is a total bust.

But why add insult to injury by assuming that the private sector has no chance, and that government is still the solution? Indeed, government has been the problem all along.

Government from Jimmy Carter to Bill Clinton, caused the housing bubble by intimidating lenders with legislation designed to make it too simple to buy a home.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

Original letter:

Re: What Recovery? cover story
Don't hold your breath
by Rana Foroohar

Ignoring the cause worsens recovery

It's bad enough that President Obama's $800 billion economic recovery program is a total bust. But why add insult to injury by assuming that the private sector has no chance, and that government is still the solution? Indeed, government has been the problem all along.

Government caused the boom by intimidating lenders with President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act for affordable housing, exacerbated by President Clinton, Rep. Barney Frank, Senator Chris Dodd, Fannie Mae CEO Franklin Raines, Freddie Mac, ACORN -- and the extortion and terrorism of the SEIU and NACA.

Lest we forget, the housing boom and bust caused the financial crisis, and set this unique long term collapse in motion. Our only hope is to cut the size and scope of government to strict constitutional limits, pass a balanced budget amendment with teeth, stay out of the people's business and leave the free market alone.

Who works for who in our constitutional republic?
May 13, 2011

The Democrat-controlled Senate inquisition panel is conducting business as usual by dragging oil executives before them to answer for high gas prices in the nation. Contrary to popular indoctrinated belief, the oil companies are not the bad guys here. Intrusive, over-regulating, intimidating, restrictive and unreasonable government-controlled energy policies are.

Indeed, if it were not for our government's abuse of power, we would not have suffered the housing crash and economic collapse, the cost of government and the cost living would be significantly lower, and we would not be encumbered by insurmountable debt.

And contrary to government's dependency-driven view of America -- even though we are being ruled by the power of taxation, massive government and tyrannical regulation -- we do not work for government. Government is bound and limited by the Constitution to work for us. Our power of the vote is in the process of reversing those roles. It's a matter of survival.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Founder, DDC

April 12, 2011

Time to make real headway on cutting the budget

Follow GOP plan

While President Obama, Senator Reid and House Speaker Boehner pat themselves on the back for avoiding a government shutdown by making a deal on $38.5 billion in budget cuts, they lose sight of the real deal. $38.5 billion is political chump change, and the people lose.

Why? There is a $14.3 trillion public debt gorilla in the people's room fed by political ideology and the malfeasance of personal power.

Indeed, according to U.S. Treasury and budget office reports, the federal debt will reach $19.6 trillion by 2015. The interest on the debt this year will be over $530 billion, and the federal deficit will be over $1.6 trillion.

Contrary to popular political belief, the people are not stupid. We are more informed than ever. Government growth means loss of freedoms. We recognize the abuse of power, fraud and deceit -- and we are not going to take it anymore.

If our elected representatives and officials don't get their act together and work out something like the "Path to Prosperity" budget plan put forth by House Budget Committee Chairman, Paul Ryan, the changes made in Congress in 2010 will be expanded by voters in 2012 and beyond until Washington gets it right.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

March 3, 2011

Government officials share the blame in financial crisis

It’s curious that USA TODAY’s editorial "Why aren’t more meltdown moguls charged with crimes?" was published the day after filmmaker Charles Ferguson received the Academy Award for his documentary, Inside Job (Monday). In his acceptance speech Ferguson said, "I must start by pointing out that three years after a horrific financial crisis caused by massive fraud, not a single financial executive has gone to jail and that’s wrong."

USA TODAY’s rogues gallery of major 2008 financial meltdown players is misguided, just as the biased Inside Job misplaced the blame on Wall Street’s financial mortgage industry, which was the result of the crash, not the cause.

Indeed, the rogues gallery for the cause begins with former president Jimmy Carter’s Community Reinvestment Act, which was used by former president Bill Clinton to have his Housing and Urban Development Secretary, Andrew Cuomo, and then-Attorney General Janet Reno intimidate banks and mortgage lenders to lower standards for affordable housing. Of course, that was exacerbated by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac purchasing and reselling the toxic mortgages to Wall Street and others.

To complete the rogues gallery, congressional Democratic leaders Rep. Barney Frank and former senator Chris Dodd must be included for failing to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They helped perpetuate the affordable housing fraud, victimizing unqualified home buyers, which created the housing boom and bust — thus the financial collapse and foreclosures. Sadly, biased media, Hollywood, and left-wing ideologues end up being the false and superficial finger-pointers, when government is the guilty wild bunch.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.


By Ron Paul

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

September 2010


In the post-meltdown world, it is irresponsible, ineffective, and ultimately useless to have a serious economic debate without considering and challenging the role of the Federal Reserve.

Most people think of the Fed as an indispensable institution without which the country's economy could not properly function. But in END THE FED, Ron Paul draws on American history, economics, and fascinating stories from his own long political life to argue that the Fed is both corrupt and unconstitutional. It is inflating currency today at nearly a Weimar or Zimbabwe level, a practice that threatens to put us into an inflationary depression where $100 bills are worthless. What most people don't realize is that the Fed — created by the Morgans and Rockefellers at a private club off the coast of Georgia — is actually working against their own personal interests. Congressman Paul's urgent appeal to all citizens and officials tells us where we went wrong and what we need to do fix America's economic policy for future generations.


Ron Paul, an eleven-term congressman from Texas, is the leading advocate of freedom in our nation's capital. He has devoted his political career to the defense of individual liberty, sound money, and a non-interventionist foreign policy. Judge Andrew Napolitano calls him "the Thomas Jefferson of our day."

After serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force in the 1960s, Dr. Paul moved to Texas to begin a civilian medical practice, delivering over four thousand babies in his career as an obstetrician. He served in Congress from 1976 to 1984, and again from 1996 to the present. He and Carol Paul, his wife of fifty-one years, have five children, eighteen grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.

Ron Paul, the New York Post once wrote, is a politician who "cannot be bought by special interests."

"There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles," added a congressional colleague. "Ron Paul is one of those few."

Los Angeles Times
Opinion L.A.
December 21, 2010

Re: And the rich get richer
By Tim Rutten

Tim Rutten's hackneyed social justice notion that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is simply absurd and irrelevant, particularly in these dire economic times. Indeed, in case he missed it, we have serious problems in government in America, such as the growing damages of over-reaching government.

Though the Tea Party-effect has taken a positive hold-back on increasing taxes, a bloated budget-as-usual, and implementing fiscally terminal Obamacare -- the looming Fannie and Freddie fiasco is still alive and threatening the overall economy.

Indeed, the years of irresponsible multi-billion dollar band aids for deeply-infected Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, banks and mortgage lenders have had little to no effect on the housing nightmare -- and government has yet to own-up to causing the housing and economic collapse.

Instead, the usual government suspects continue to ignore the Fannie and Freddie disease, while affordable housing entitlement activists go about the dirty business of intimidating banks and coercing lenders to modify home loans and forego foreclosures for unqualified borrowers who still cannot afford homes.

Jerking around the American people, our taxes, our property and our economy is far beyond the constitutional scope of government. Plunging the nation into insurmountable debt is malfeasance. Embezzling $billions and $trillions to fund 10 thousand unworkable government programs is criminal waste.

Breaking up Fannie and Freddie to privatization -- and seriously downsizing government and government programs -- would be significant steps toward reversing out-of-control federal power, restoring power to the states, and sanity to domestic affairs.

Dan Jeffs
Apple Valley

San Bernardino Sun
Perspectives Section B1 - Is it time for sacrifice?
December 19, 2010

Why give more? I've given plenty

When asked what I would be willing to sacrifice, give up, or do without to help resolve the climbing deficit and looming national debt, I was stunned.

I thought, sacrifice what, when I am among most Americans being sacrificed by confiscatory government, which will take it?

What can I give up when I'm on a fixed retirement income, which could be threatened? What can I give up when the equity in my home vanished with the housing collapse, and I have little or no discretionary spending to give because of the economy, recession, and the increasing cost of living? What can I give up, when my health care insurance is going up, my taxes are going up, and the cost of energy is likely to skyrocket?

What can I give up when the nation is steeped in uncertainty, individual responsibility is at an all time low, and government irresponsibility is at an all time high? What can I give up when government's affordable housing crusade caused the housing crash, the economy to collapse, and plunged taxpayers into enormous debt? And What can I give up when I'm living in California, where our government and voters blindly exacerbate the problem with even more irresponsibility?

Considering what has happened to our country since the 9/11 attack on America in 2001, and what transpired long before that, I am deeply concerned by how government growth has systemically accrued so much intrusive power over our society and our daily lives -- with regressive ideology, tyrannical agencies, unreasonable laws, and destructive regulations attacking a struggling free market.

Let's face it. Even with the threat of terrorism and fighting wars to defeat it, we are living under the influence of a superficial society of selfish interests, social aggression, and extremes. Our education system has been reduced to costly factories of indoctrination and warehouses of ignorance.

And we are being consumed by runaway government. The good news is, there is a spontaneous awakening going in America that will overcome the worst because there is the fire of freedom burning inside us.

What I am willing to give is my time, energy and efforts to do what I can to help rescue our state and our country. And to restore our Constitution, our representative democracy, our republic, and the power of the people to limit government to only what we need for our security, liberty, freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

Along the way, I will continue to give what I can to worthy charities and the homeless.

Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center