April 29, 2008

Calm 'eco-frenzy'
Daniel B. Jeffs - Apple Valley, Calif.

Eco-friendly events that leave behind "trails of waste" serve as evidence of the "eco-frenzy" that has been hurting our country's economy for many years ("When eco-friendly events go unfriendly," Life, April 22).

Indeed, shades of green are more often shades of gray painted red by extreme environmentalists and global warming alarmists.

Reasonable environmental concerns notwithstanding, common sense should tell us that the escalating cost of nearly everything can be connected to environmental restrictions and reactionary regulations. It has become painfully clear that the only way to stop the damage is for environmentalists to calm down a little.

I agree with Ron Mader, founder of the journal, who told USA TODAY: "The dialogue is cheapened when environmental events themselves do not showcase some environmental criteria for how they are implemented."