The Washington Times
Limit government, grow America
Preceded by government growth under Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson, as well as the Sixteenth Amendment, six years of an Obama administration has turned the federal expanse into a terminal case of social, political, economic and national security disease.
Even though there was a revival under President Reagan and the Newt Gingrich congressional Contract with America (and the American people have since elected another Republican Congress to fight the liberal disease) President Obama has made it painfully clear that he will not be deterred from finishing his legacy terms in office, regardless of the consequences. Those consequences are forthcoming social, political, economic and national security disasters.
There is but one cure for these cancers, and that is to significantly reduce and limit the size, scope and power of government over our lives by electing a president and vice-president capable taking on the extremely difficult job of real leadership.
Indeed, “It’s time for a change” is no longer a hackneyed phrase in these critical times of social, political, economic and moral decay brought on by the counter-cultural revolution of the 1960’s. We must recover our social compatibility, political integrity, economic growth and military and foreign policy strength with true leadership that simply gets things done.
At this point in the 2016 presidential elections run-up, those leaders appear to be Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Sen. Marco Rubio Florida Republican and Carly Fiorina. So, my fellow Americans, let’s wake up and get it done for our survival and the survival of our nation – and recover the land of the free and home of the brave.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
San Bernardino Sun
April 23, 2015
We must take action to counter terrorism
It is frightening to realize that the counter-culture, anti-establishment boomers of the 1960’s and 70’s have become an undermining threat to the survival of America from the shroud of the miseducation establishment, the tyranny of anti-Capitalism socialists, and the insidious growth of government.
Worse, the counter-cultural revolution has turned America into a superficial society of government dependency, social aggression, political hostility, relentlessly assaulted by selfish interests and the failures of good intentions.
It should be noted that Bill and Hillary Clinton are from the first of the Boomer generation, and President Obama is from the last of the generation. Enough said.
Indeed, our nation is steeped in uncertainty, and our freedom is fleeting from a deadly second front, which is being fatally demonstrated by the new barbarians on the block, who are the world-domination Jihadists of radical Islam [obsessed with eliminating non-believers from the face of the earth at any cost].
Alas, it has been said, and how true it is, that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to remain silent and do nothing.
Therefore, the burning question is: what are we going to do about it?
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
April 17, 2015
Appeasing our enemies
President Obama is establishing a legacy replete with appeasing our enemies, (including Russia, while turning his back on Israel) reducing our national defense and neglecting our domestic defenses.
Indeed, there is no doubt that the president has maintained a dangerous hands-off reputation of ignoring Russian aggression against its neighbors, swelling ranks of radical Islamic terrorist aggression in the Middle East and Africa, and Iran’s development of nuclear weapons.
Making matters worse, while President Obama is finishing fruitless negotiations with Iran, Russia is providing Iran with a missile defense system -- raising the serious possibility of Putin providing Iran with nuclear weapons -- while Iran takes over Yemen and expands its control throughout the Middle East.
Adding insult to injury, the president has appeased the Taliban with the irresponsible prisoner trade of 5 Taliban commanders, on his road to giving Afghanistan back to Taliban barbarians. And he has foolishly normalized relations with Castro’s Communist Cuba 90 miles off our coast.
Coupled with a continuous pattern of seriously diminishing our economy, Mr. Obama is leading America on the road to ruin.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
April 10, 2015
Internet service tax
President Obama’s abuse of power continues unabated as he directs his EPA to enforce global warming edicts and his FCC Net Neutrality communications control, so it comes as no surprise that the FCC is gearing up to tax Internet services.
Indeed, California is the leader in punishing carbon taxation, gas taxes, online shopping taxes, public utility taxes and every conceivable form of taxation – which has obviously influenced the president, and will be welcomed by California government tax tyrants.
Surely, it has become painfully clear that unless voters turn things around, liberal Democrat regulation and tax tyranny will increase its heavy-handed, economy-busting rule over people’s lives, and crush our future and the futures of our children. Enough is enough has already been surpassed.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
April 6, 2015
President Obama’s deadly diplomatic fantasy
President Obama’s deadly deal with devil in Iran is a diplomatic fantasy which will do nothing but buy Iran time to finish its nuclear weapons mission to destroy Israel, finish its domination of the Middle East, and turn its sights on attacking America and the West.
Indeed, who in their right mind could believe otherwise considering what Iran is doing right now with its tribal Shiite aggression against Sunni nations which will include Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordon?
Surely, Iran and other radical Islamic Jihadist elements are bent on ruling the Middle East and then turning their barbaric hatred against the United States – “The great Satan” – and other non-believers in the West with mass terrorism and nuclear weapons.
All because of Mr. Obama’s fool’s errand of accommodating complacency. Clearly, if we are to survive, we simply can’t let that happen. Peace only comes from overwhelming strength and deterrence….
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
NewsMax Magazine
April 2015 Issue
ISIS’ Bloody Savagery
It’s become painfully clear that President Barack Obama has abdicated his role as the free world leader against radical Islamic terrorism by allowing the unholy war by evil savages against the good world to proliferate.
Contrary to what a State department spokeswoman recently said, ISIS atrocities simply cannot be countered by the ludicrous suggestion of getting them jobs. Moreover, ISIS is able to recruit disaffected young adults who don’t need jobs.
Indeed, the unintended consequence of the failures of good intentions is not an option against terrorists. It’s intentional insanity. (“ISIS Draws Europe’s Teens,” December).
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
VV Daily Press
March 27, 2015
Gov. Brown’s Folly
Gov. Jerry Brown and the legislature cannot be trusted to ameliorate the water crisis with a $billion band-aid, or tapping into more of the $7.3 billion water bond approved by the voters in November unless the funds are used to improve the water system for real. Unfortunately, too many elected officials – and a few activist judges -- live in a political fantasyland, not in the real world of the people.
Instead, what is now needed is to either cancel Gov. Brown’s $68-100 billion bullet train boondoggle and land-grab, or use the bond funds to address the drought and our water delivery in a meaningful, lasting manner. Clearly, if Central and Southern California dry up, it would be a train to nowhere.
In terms of the State Water Project delivering contracted water supplies to Central California farmers and Southern California consumers – paid for and maintained by property owners – we are to receive only 20% of our water allotment this year, up from our next-to-nothing 5% of our water allotment last year.
Indeed, much of that problem would be resolved by eliminating the extreme environmentalist federal court decision cutting 30% of our water from the Sacramento Delta to protect the tiny Delta Smelt at the expense of human health and welfare, and allowing millions of acre feet of our fresh water to flow wastefully to the ocean.
That is unconstitutional interference with private contracts for the sake of suicidal environmental insanity at the expense of crops, the California economy, and human life. Alas, the federal judge and Governor Brown might get the point if they were dropped out here in the middle of the Mojave Desert with half-full canteens of water….
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Riverside Press Enterprise
March 25, 2015
Incompetent water managers
Gov. Jerry Brown and the legislature cannot be trusted to ameliorate the water crisis with a billion dollar Band-Aid, or tapping into more of the $7.3 billion water bond approved by the voters in November, unless the funds are used to improve the water system for real.
Unfortunately, too many elected officials (and activist judges) live in a political fantasyland, rather than in the real world.
Instead, what is now needed is to either cancel Brown’s $68 billion bullet train boondoggle and land-grab, or use the bond funds to address the drought and our water delivery in a meaningful, lasting manner. Clearly, if Central and Southern California dry up, it would be a train to nowhere.
In terms of the State Water Project delivering contracted water supplies to Central California farmers and Southern California consumers (paid for and maintained by property owners): We are to receive only 20 percent of our water allotment this year, up from our next-to-nothing 5 percent of our water allotment last year.
Indeed, much of that problem would be resolved by eliminating the extreme environmentalist federal court decision cutting 30 percent of our water from the Sacramento Delta to protect the tiny Delta Smelt at the expense of human health and welfare, and allowing millions of acre-feet of our fresh water to flow wastefully to the ocean.
This is unconstitutional interference with private contracts for the sake of suicidal environmental insanity at the expense of crops, the California economy, and human life. Alas, the federal judge and Brown might get the point if they were dropped out here in the middle of the Mojave Desert with half-full canteens of water.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
March 23, 2015
GOP letter to Iran is no mistake
The Daily Press “Controversy over Iran starts at top” – “Our View” editorial is very informative and hits the mark.
After failing miserably through over 6 years of dictatorial behavior administering domestic and foreign policy, President Obama continues his dangerous pursuits of circumventing the Constitution and Congress with punishing executive orders and blind diplomacy. Indeed, jamming feckless nuclear negotiations with an always insidious Iran down the throats of Israel, America and the world is simply the arrogant insanity of ignoring the inevitable consequences.
Surely, it was genuine patriotism – not a mistake – that drove the 47 GOP senators to write the strong letter to Iran, which should ultimately result in Congress imposing increased no nonsense sanctions, with the lead taken by President Obama, not the other way around. Clearly, we cannot make deals with the devil.
Certainly, President Obama treating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu like an errant step-child was and is a monumental insult to the man, and the state of Israel. Indeed, it is more than evident that the president is undermining the re-election of prime minister in favor of a center-left leader, who if elected could very well cause Israel to be left in more danger of extinction, and America in more peril. We must support Netanyahu and Israel’s survival.
Alas, the American people simply cannot assume a course of being socially, politically and economically naïve and expect to survive surging terrorism.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Riverside Press Enterprise
March 21, 2015
Obama’s blinders on Israel
President Obama’s history of treating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu like an errant step-child was and is a monumental insult to the man, and the state of Israel.
Indeed, it is more than evident that the president attempted to undermine the re-election of the prime minister in favor of a center-left leader, who if elected would have caused Israel to be left in more danger of extinction, and America in more peril. We must support Netanyahu and Israel’s survival.
Unfortunately, failing miserably through over 6 years of dictatorial behavior administering domestic and foreign policy, President Obama continues his dangerous pursuits of circumventing the Constitution and Congress with punishing executive orders and blind diplomacy.
Indeed, jamming feckless nuclear negotiations with an always insidious Iran down the throats of Israel, America and the world is simply the arrogant insanity of ignoring the inevitable consequences of misguided negotiations.
Surely, it was genuine patriotism – not a mistake – that drove the 47 GOP senators to write the strong letter to Iran, which should ultimately result in Congress imposing increased no nonsense sanctions, with the lead taken by President Obama, not the other way around. America cannot make deals with the devil.
Particularly, in this explosive era of Russian aggression, nuclear saber-rattling, North Korea and a Taliban Pakistan.
Moreover, ISIS is making it painfully clear that its extreme cancerous Jihad is metastasizing throughout the free world, radicalizing and exploiting enemies within.
Clearly, the American people and the West simply cannot assume a course of being socially, politically and economically naïve and expect to survive the malignant assaults of surging terrorism.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
March 17, 2015
Gov. Brown’s toy bullet train land fraud
Blinded by his pursuit of a high speed rail legacy, Governor Brown made an easy sell to naïve indoctrinated voters to take on escalating $billions in taxpayer bond debt for nothing more than buying Mr. Brown his toy bullet train from Northern to Southern California regardless of the enormous consequences.
Indeed, in the face of understandable resistance from Central Valley farmers who stand to lose and be cut-off from much needed farm lands, Brown’s land grabbers are going full speed ahead with eminent domain fraud, not to mention the disruptive acquisitions to complete the needless train route.
Clearly, the California betrayal is deeply rooted with confiscatory taxation and regulations thrust upon businesses and the people by socialist government and environmentalistas responsible for cutting water to the California Water Project built and maintained by Central Valley farmers and Southern California property owners, exacerbated by the drought.
Coupled with making California an open-border sanctuary state, and opening prison gates to allow alien criminals to prey upon our citizens, Governor Brown, his elected administration and Democrats in the legislature should be recalled and given their permanent walking papers to run anywhere but California.
Enough is enough and beyond unconscionable.
Attention: Senators Boxer and Feinstein, California congressional democrats, and California AG Kamala Harris. You have also betrayed California.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
March 16, 2015
California gas prices
California gas prices are up $1 in a month for unnecessary reasons: The Torrance refinery is shut down from damages and other refineries in the state are down to create the costly summer blend. Problem is, the state has refused to allow more refineries to be built. Indeed, with onerous restrictions against developing plentiful state oil and gas resources, our gas prices will continue to be the highest in the nation.
Worse, extreme California environmentalism is responsible for punishing AB-32 carbon taxes that not only raise the cost of gas, but raise the overall cost of living in the state. Coupled with environmentalist-caused high water prices and Central/Southern California water shortages, not from drought, and the insanity of big government over-regulation and taxes, California is sadly crashing in slow-motion.
Adding insult to injury, California being a sanctuary state for illegal aliens simply exacerbates the costs by $billions, along with the problems of domestic and national security.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
March 13, 2015
First woman president
Editorial cartoonist, Lisa Benson – as usual -- hit the mark with her political sign, “Running from Hillary 2016.”
Surely, former First lady (co-president), Senator and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has made it painfully clear that she is unquestionably entitled to inherit absolute power in Washington. Unfortunately, the first black president, Barack Obama, was an impulsive, costly mistake by the press and voters. Indeed, President Obama is establishing a painful legacy of unrelenting abuse of power.
Question is, will America make a worse mistake with the first woman president? Hopefully, the answer is a resounding, NO! Hillary Clinton has a long record of political corruption and abuse of power, as evidenced by her sullied performance as first lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State – which carelessly resulted in the terrorist murders of our Ambassador at Benghazi, Libya and three other Americans.
And the Hillary corruption chronicles continue as presidential candidate, unabated. Alas, the only alternative from the Democrat Party side appears to be extreme leftist, Senator Elizabeth Warren, which would be worse because she, along with Senator Bernie Sanders and President Obama, represent ERR, Evil Revenuers and Regulators -- demons who defame the name of the Democrat Party.
Clearly, the first woman president should be an honest, strong and productive woman of integrity such as Republicans, Carly Fiorina or Meg Whitman who genuinely represent the freedoms of our democratic republic.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
March 12, 2015
President Obama vs. Israel
Re: “Netanyahu’s visit highlights politics as usual” – editorial, March 3…p> Speaker John Boehner was wise to have Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu speak to Congress to address the truth about Iran’s evil designs to rule the Middle East, backed by the force of nuclear weapons of mass destruction, and to advance their extremist Jihad against the world. Clearly, Prime Minister Netanyahu displayed candid courage in the face of being snubbed by President Obama and his Democrat minions, while his Secretary of State, John Kerry was busy capitulating to Iran’s one-side negotiations.
Indeed, President Obama’s passive legacy is on reckless course to disarm the United States in the face of dictator Vladimir Putin’s Russian aggression, a rapidly expanding Islamic terrorist movement – and hapless negotiations with Iran’s determination to become a nuclear weapons state, regardless of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s real warnings – all of which threaten to annihilate Israel, America and the West.
Surely, Mr. Netanyahu is well known as a fearless defender of his homeland. And certainly, Israel will know if and when it’s time to strike Iran to prevent their nuclear weapons capability, even though President Obama has wrongly warned them against unilateral action. Iran is a clear and present danger to Israel and our national security. The president and Congress must take decisive action or the consequences will be ours. Anything less is unacceptable.
Alas, though unthinkable, there is nothing to prevent Russia and/or North Korea from providing Iran with nuclear weapons.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Bernardino Sun
March 11, 2015
Why California gas prices are so high
California gas prices are up $1 in a month for unnecessary reasons: The Torrance refinery is shut down from damages and other refineries in the state are down to create the costly summer blend.
The problem is, the state has refused to allow more refineries to be built. Indeed, with onerous restrictions against developing plentiful state oil and gas resources, our gas prices will continue to be the highest in the nation.
Worse, extreme California environmentalism is responsible for punishing AB 32 carbon taxes that not only raise the cost of gas, but raise the overall cost of living in the state. Coupled with environmentalist-caused high water prices and Central/Southern California water shortages, not from drought, and the insanity of big government over-regulation and taxes, California is sadly crashing in slow-motion.
Adding insult to injury, California being a sanctuary state for illegal aliens simply exacerbates the costs by $billions, along with the problems of domestic and national security.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Riverside Press Enterprise
March 10, 2015
Hillary’s bid for president
Editorial cartoonist, Lisa Benson – as usual -- hit the mark with her political sign, “Running from Hillary 2016.
Surely, Hillary Clinton, the former First lady (co-president), senator and secretary of state has made it painfully clear that she is unquestionably entitled to inherit absolute power in Washington, D.C.
Unfortunately, the first black president, Barack Obama, was an impulsive, costly mistake by the press and voters. Indeed, President Obama is establishing a painful legacy of unrelenting abuse of power.
Will America make a worse mistake with the first woman president? Hillary Clinton has a long record of political corruption and abuse of power, as evidenced by her sullied performance as first lady, U.S. senator, and Secretary of State – which carelessly resulted in the terrorist murders of our ambassador and three other Americans stationed in Benghazi, Libya.
Alas, the only alternative from the Democratic Party side appears to be extreme leftist, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., which would be worse. Warren, along with Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and Obama, represent Evil Revenuers and Regulators – the ERR -- demons who defame the name of the Democratic Party.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
(Original letter)
First woman president
Editorial cartoonist, Lisa Benson – as usual -- hit the mark with her political sign, “Running from Hillary 2016.
Surely, former First lady (co-president), Senator and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has made it painfully clear that she is unquestionably entitled to inherit absolute power in Washington. Unfortunately, the first black president, Barack Obama, was an impulsive, costly mistake by the press and voters. Indeed, President Obama is establishing a painful legacy of unrelenting abuse of power.
Question is, will America make a worse mistake with the first woman president? Hopefully, the answer is a resounding, NO! Hillary Clinton has a long record of political corruption and abuse of power, as evidenced by her sullied performance as first lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State – which carelessly resulted in the terrorist murders of our Ambassador at Benghazi, Libya and three other Americans.
And the Hillary corruption chronicles continue as presidential candidate, unabated. Alas, the only alternative from the Democrat Party side appears to be extreme leftist, Senator Elizabeth Warren, which would be worse because she, along with Senator Bernie Sanders and President Obama, represent ERR, Evil Revenuers and Regulators -- demons who defame the name of the Democrat Party.
Clearly, the first woman president should be an honest, strong and productive woman of integrity such as Republicans, Carly Fiorina or Meg Whitman who genuinely represent the freedoms of our democratic republic.
VV Daily Press
March 6, 2015
President and leftist Dems
ObamaCare, ObamaFinance, ObamaEnergy, and now the ObamaNet are making it painfully clear that President Obama’s ObamAmerica and leftist Democrats – including Hollywood -- are the party of tyranny against the best interests of the American people with destructive regulations, punishing taxation and unsustainable national debt.
Worse, President Obama’s legacy is on reckless course to disarm the United States in the face of dictator Putin’s Russian aggression, a rapidly expanding Islamic terrorist movement – feigned negotiations with Iran’s nuclear weapons state, regardless of Israeli President Netanyahu’s real warnings – all of which threaten to annihilate Israel, America and the West.
Clearly, it’s bad enough that the counter-culture revolutionists have turned our country into a superficial society of social injustice, political chaos, selfish interests, economic instability/uncertainty, and extremes. Indeed, developing a nation of fools by indoctrination, distractions, deceptions, lies, the insidious intended consequences of failed good intentions, and the loss of freedoms is what a socialist takeover is all about.
Alas, the next two years will be our nation’s reckoning with the enemy within the 7th round of President Obama and his minions vs. America, with only the Republican Party and the informed people standing in the way of an 8th round knockout. Attention: Republican Congress, governors and presidential nominee! Strong language and action is what is needed -- for our survival and restoration. The washed-out Washington way simply won’t cut it!
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
March 1, 2015
President Obama’s poison pens
President Obama’s executive order and administration arrogance continues with a Keystone Pipeline veto against the economy, and his FCC move under the guise of Net Neutrality to control the Internet and squelch free speech.
Indeed, it’s bad enough that Mr. Obama’s poison executive order pen – and now his poison veto pen -- have been working overtime against our energy and our economy. But when he moves to control our freedom of communications over the internet, coupled with his undue influence over the news media, our liberty is threatened.
Worse, it is well known and understood that this president has surrendered our national security to Islamic terrorism, Russian aggression and the inevitability of a nuclear weaponized Iran. And, coupled with his reckless reductions of our military and nuclear strength, the real clear and present danger to America has become President Obama and his minions.
Adding insult to injury, California’s government abuse of power and environmental extremists exacerbates the plight of the people with land-grabs, over-regulation, punishing taxation, dangerous water shortages, costly illegal immigrant sanctuary, and the escalation of crime.
Fortunately, we still have the right to voter initiative, referendum and recall, which will extend the July deadline and give us the chance to keep our plastic grocery bags with a win in the November 2016 election.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
February 25, 2015
Re: Al Vogler - Valley Voices
Daily Press Opinion, Feb 22, 2015
Water crisis runs deep
Al Vogler’s concerns are shared by all Southern California property owners who paid for and maintain the California Water Project, which was constructed to provide Sacramento Delta Northern California water resources to millions of water users in Southern California – particularly, after suffering years of drought conditions.
However, even after the recent rains, the man-made drought continues because of the Natural Resources Defense Council extremists and a federal judge cutting water supplies nearly in half to protect the tiny Delta Smelt fish at the expense of human health and welfare.
Of course this has resulted in the constant and unnecessary dumping millions of acre-feet of fresh water into the sea, which should have been going to quench the thirst of farms and water users in Central and Southern California.
As a 2007/2008 county grand jury member, my committee investigated county water resources from several California Water Project contractors among those who service water contracts from the Project throughout Southern California.
As a result of my investigation, I was clearly outraged by the fact that the federal judge and other state water authorities have seriously and continuously violated the Constitution’s prohibition of government interference with private contracts.
Indeed, it should be strongly suggested that the California Water Project Contractors Association and/or property owner users -- of which I am one – file state and federal lawsuits to restore all Project water resources cut off by the federal court at the behest of extremist groups and supported by state and federal officials. The Constitution certainly demands it.
Daniel B. Jeffs, L.LB.
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
February 23, 2015
Community organizing not the answer
Contrary to President Obama’s naïve experience with community organizing, his feckless global summit focusing on the empowerment of local communities to counter the violent extremism of ISIS, al-Qaeda and other Islamic terrorists with social justice, strong leadership, families, opportunity, education, economic improvement and jobs is simply ludicrous.
Certainly, decades of the failed war on poverty and community organizing resulted in the unresolved liberal government’s proliferation of disorganized, disoriented, irresponsible welfare neighborhoods, miseducation, single mothers, absent fathers, drugs, gangs, violent crime and perpetual anger in vulnerable American communities, which are living proof that it doesn’t work.
Alas, it’s become painfully clear that President Obama has abdicated his role as the free world leader against radical Islamic terrorism by allowing the not holy, but unholy war by evil savages against the good world to proliferate. Indeed, the unintended consequence of the failures of good intentions is not an option against terrorists bent on world domination. It’s intentional insanity.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Diego Union-Tribune
February 22, 2015
Unions hurt economy and themselves
The selfish interests of striking dockworker union bosses at California and West Coast ports are simply being self-destructive for their union members, and damaging to thousands of other workers, local and state businesses, their employees, and the overall California and U.S. economy.
That’s simply insane in these perilous economic times. Alas, that seems to be the long-term negative destiny caused by California’s intrusive liberal government’s social, political, and economic disservice to the people of the state and the nation.
Daniel B. Jeffs
(original letter)
Unions are damaging themselves and the California economy
The selfish interests of striking dockworker union bosses at California and West Coast ports are simply being self-destructive for their union members, and damaging to thousands of other workers, local and state businesses, their employees, and the overall California and U.S. economy.
That’s simply insane in these perilous economic times. Alas, that seems to be the long-term negative destiny caused by California’s intrusive liberal government’s social, political, and economic disservice to the people of the state and the nation.
Indeed, it’s far past time to get out of reckless and costly union traps and get in to economic freedom and the right to work.
Riverside Press Enterprise
February 21, 2015
(lead letter)
Allowing ISIS to flourish
President Obama has abdicated his role as the leader of the free world. He has allowed an unholy war by evil savages against the good world to proliferate.
Contrary to what a State department spokeswoman recently said, Islamic State atrocities simply cannot be countered by the ludicrous suggestion of getting them jobs.
Indeed, the unintended consequence of the failures of good intentions is not an option against terrorists. It’s intentional insanity.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
February 19, 2015
ISIS atrocities a holy war?
It’s become painfully clear that President Obama has abdicated his role as the free world leader against radical Islamic terrorism by allowing the, not holy, but unholy war by evil savages against the good world to proliferate. Contrary to what a State department spokeswoman recently said, ISIS atrocities simply cannot be countered by the ludicrous suggestion of getting them jobs. Indeed, the unintended consequence of the failures of good intentions is not an option against terrorists. It’s intentional insanity.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
February 11, 2015
Senator Feinstein’s monuments
Senator Dianne Feinstein is at it again by introducing legislation that would increase federal control over 1.6 million acres of our Mojave Desert.
It was bad enough that Feinstein picked up former senator Cranston’s efforts against the desert, but she apparently won’t be satisfied until she established absolute federal power over our lands.
Worse, President Obama is bound and determined to do the same thing throughout the country, particularly seizing power over our natural resources such as coal, oil and all mining.
Indeed, abuse of power has become a standard practice for Mr. Obama in his efforts to fundamentally transform America to fit his ideology, regardless of how it affects our economy and our freedoms.
A citizen’s word of advice to President Obama, Senator Feinstein and intrusive government, including California’s government: Keep your noses out of our business, our lives and our liberty. And keep in mind what “local control” means to the states and the people.
Monuments are only for people who earn it.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy
Volume 5
President Obama vs. America
(Round 7 starts with a $4 trillion budget)
In the deadly hostile environment of ISIS, al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists, it has become painfully clear that President Obama is covering his arrogant ineptness and refusal to deal with the imminent dangers to our national security by insulting the intelligence of the American people.
Indeed, since when did Taliban terrorists -- controlling Afghanistan and joining with Osama bin-Laden’s al-Qaeda to plot and carry out the 9/11 attacks on America -- become insurgents?
The answer is simple: Since the president traded 5 top level Taliban terrorists for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, an American deserter and traitor who collaborated with the Taliban for 5 years, costing the lives of 5 of our troops searching for him. Since President Obama surrendered Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Middle East to Iran and the radical Islamic Jihad against all non-conforming Muslims, Israel, America and the West.
Surely, Mr. Obama’s Taliban prisoner exchange intentions were to appease the Taliban – followed by closing Guantanamo and giving it back to Cuba -- suppress Bergdahl’s military prosecution and quietly slip him out of the military with a dishonorable discharge – not to mention ignoring the ongoing Taliban terrorist takeover of nuclear Pakistan, recently costing the lives of 132 school children.
President Obama is the antithesis of a responsible U.S. President and Commander-in-Chief, and he is betraying the American people with his dangerous ineptness, distractions, deceptions, lies, abuse of power machinations and parsing official language – too numerous to include here -- in the blind pursuit of his un-American agenda.
Unfortunately, impeachment is not an option for the first black president. Hopefully, with an $18 trillion national debt, and coming out with a $4 trillion budget in Round 7, America can survive the sucker-punches of Mr. Obama’s last two years in office. And hopefully, wised-up voters, a reformed media and a Republican president and Congress can undo what Obama/Democrats have wrought upon our society and lead us out of the liberal wilderness to the light of freedom and recovery.
President Obama is waging war against coal, oil and much more
President Obama and his liberal Democrat culture have been waging war against America since his 2008 election. Clearly, the president’s latest attack against oil by designating 1.5 million oil-rich acres in Alaska a wilderness area, and refusal to approve the Keystone Pipeline -- added to his EPA’s crushing blows against the coal industry -- is painful proof of his campaign promise that our electric bills would necessarily “skyrocket,” in favor of costly and unreliable renewable energy.
Indeed, we now know that when then Senator Obama boldly stated that he was going to fundamentally transform America -- by undermining our security and freedoms with extreme social, political and economic divisions -- he meant it.
Certainly, President Obama and his Democrat Congress undermined our economic freedoms with his Unaffordable Careless Act, and the Dodd Frank finance legislation. Worse, Mr. Obama’s foreign policy and feckless war against terrorism has put our nation at extreme risk, particularly by playing into the feigned negotiating hands of the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism, Iran while they develop nuclear weapons and expand their influence throughout the Middle East – with little or no resistance.
Surely, President Obama blatantly lied in his 2015 State of the Union speech when he said that he had no more campaigns to run, when in fact he has never stopped campaigning, and won’t stop during his last two years in office. The question is, how much more damage will he inflict upon us? Fortunately, Congress is now controlled by Republicans, albeit subject to Mr. Obama’s veto. Hopefully, the presidency will go to a Republican in 2016 instead of incompetent Hillary Clinton – a poor choice for the first woman president – as it sadly was for the first black president.
Alas, America is steeped in uncertainty from being assaulted by big government, abuse of power, regulations taxation and debt – and battered by the failures of good intentions. Hopefully, the Republican Party will nominate Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, with an articulate running-mate such as Sen. Rubio or Gov. Huckabee. Governor Walker is an honest man with high integrity, state executive experience, and he will be strong for our society, our economy and our national security.
Clearly, our freedoms, our future, our security and democracy are in the hands of our fellow voters – a voter nation of fools -- until we took control of the House in 2010, slipped back to President Obama in 2012 – then took control of the Senate in 2014. We will need someone like Governor Walker in 2016, to pick up the pieces of our unique republic, recover and move on to true liberty real democracy and prosperity.
Daniel B. Jeffs, Founder
The Direct Democracy Center
Riverside Press Enterprise
January 22, 2015
Obama’s State of the Union fails to deliver
President Obama’s state of the union speech was little more than preaching to the choir of Democrats, lecturing Republicans, taking credit for the improved economy and insisting on more regulation, taxing and spending. The truth is, the economy has improved not because of Mr. Obama, but in spite of him.
Alas, the president’s sorry state of the union and his legacy is replete with government growth, enormous debt, economic stagnation and diminishing national security.
Hopefully, the economy won’t collapse and America will not be rife with terrorism during President Obama’s last two years in office.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
January 22, 2015
Opinion – Your Say
State of the Union
(Lead letter with headline)
Is the economy better because of Obama or despite him?
President Obama’s state of the union speech was little more than preaching to the choir of Democrats and lecturing Republicans. Obama took credit for the improved economy and backed more regulation, taxing and spending (“Obama pushes plans to hoist middle class,” News, Wednesday),
The truth is, the economy has improved not because of Obama, but in despite him. Alas, the president’s sorry speech and his legacy are replete with government growth, enormous debt, economic stagnation and diminishing national security.
Hopefully, the economy won’t collapse and America will not be rife with terrorism during President Obama’s last two years in office.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
Riverside Press Enterprise
January 19, 2015
Call it what it is: Treason
An Ohio man, and radicalized Muslim convert, Christopher Cornell, was arrested for plotting to attack the capitol.
This is a treasonous plot to overthrow our government, but he will undoubtedly no be charged with treason. Others who should be charged with treason include Major Nidal Hasan, Sgt, Bowe Burgdahl, Pvt. Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden, American Muslim imams who support arming the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, and all the American citizens who went to fight with ISIS.
But they won’t be.
This is particularly the case with President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder in office, who fail to support and defend the Constitution and the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. No one has been charged with treason for many years.
This is a serious matter that should be looked into by our elected representatives and the media. Our survival is at stake.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Los Angeles Times
January 11, 2015
Alternative ways to go green
The Times' support of Gov. Brown’s costly green agenda comes as no surprise. Indeed, it doesn’t seem to matter how much damage the punishing cap and trade taxes will do to California’s economy in terms of skyrocketing energy prices and the overall cost of living.
Coupled with all the damage California’s U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer has done with her environmental extremist work against California, she and Gov. Brown have blindly driven California on a runaway train to crashing at the hands of regressive liberals.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
(original letter)
Re: Gov. Brown's green agenda – editorial
and Sen. Boxer’s exit
The Los Angeles Times editorial board’s support of Gov. Brown’s costly green agenda comes as no surprise. Indeed, it doesn’t seem to matter how much damage AB 32’s punishing cap and trade taxes will do to California’s economy or to the people of California in terms of skyrocketing energy prices and the overall cost of living. The L.A. Times supports it along with the Democrat Legislature in terms of global warming hoax and unreliable green energy.
Coupled with all the damage California’s U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer has done with her environmental extremist work against California and the nation, Sen. Boxer and Gov. Brown have blindly driven California on a runaway train to crashing at the hands of regressive liberals. Alas, at least we can finally be rid of authoritarian hand when she leaves the Senate. Still, we will continue to be assaulted and battered by Gov. Brown’s tax lies and high speed rail money pit.
Unfortunately, Sen. Boxer and soon-to-retire Sen. Feinstein will surely be replaced with the like infections of regressive Democrats elected by indoctrinated voters bent on committing voter-assisted social, political and economic suicide.
San Bernardino Sun
January 8, 2015
New year of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
The best New Year’s resolution would be for the American people to resolve to fight-off the socialist cancer metastasizing throughout the body of our society from the attacks against the Founders’ traditional America, our Constitution and free markets, the abuse of power by big government – complicit news media and entertainment industry -- to badly misinformed parenting, to students being indoctrinated by the miseducation system in factories of ignorance, to anti-social media, and the relentless spread of mind-numbing propaganda and criminal behavior.
Indeed, 2015 should be embraced by getting our lives together for life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness -- and the defense of our domestic and national security freedom.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Bernardino Sun
December 13, 2014
Release of torture report a cheap shot at Bush
The Dec. 9, 2014 release of the torture report raises fears and it should. Supported by President Obama, outgoing Senate Intelligence Committee Chair, Dianne Feinstein’s ugly half-truth and reckless disregard for national security in her spiteful release of the CIA’s “enhanced interrogation report” will surely endanger America, our allies, U.S facilities, the lives of CIA operatives and our troops throughout the world.
Particularly, in the current, hostile climate of fanatic terrorism by ISIS, al-Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. Clearly, Feinstein’s actions were based upon her Democrat “lack of intelligence” committee’s staff hit-squad investigation, half-truths and without interviewing any of the parties involved.
Senator John McCain’s personal experience clouding his judgment notwithstanding, Republicans on the committee refused to participate in Feinstein’s vindictive kangaroo court for good reason. It’s simply unconscionable partisan politics against the Bush administration’s actions to protect us after the 9/11 attack on America.
As expected, President Obama’s blindly-biased news media supports the release and report, which ignores the fact that the Bush Administration and CIA kept America safe, and their actions ultimately located Osama bin Laden, which resulted in his death.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
New York Times
December 10, 2014
Scathing report on C.I.A. torture
The release of the torture report raises fears, and it should. Senator Dianne Feinstein’s reckless disregard for national security in her spiteful release of the C.I.A. enhanced interrogation report – supported by President Obama -- will surely endanger our allies, American facilities and the lives of C.I.A. agents worldwide. This is particularly true in the current climate of fanatic terrorism by the Islamic State, Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.
This report is simply unconscionable partisan politics against the Bush administration’s actions after the 9/11 attack on America.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
(Original letter)
Senator Feinstein’s ugly half-truth
The December 9, 2014 release of the torture report raises fears and it should. Supported by President Obama, outgoing Senate Intelligence Committee Chair, Dianne Feinstein’s ugly half-truth and reckless disregard for national security in her spiteful release of the CIA enhanced interrogation report will surely endanger America, our allies, U.S facilities, the lives of CIA operatives and our troops throughout the world. Particularly, in the current, hostile climate of fanatic terrorism by ISIS, al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.
Clearly, Feinstein’s treasonous actions were based upon her Democrat lack of intelligence committee’s staff hit-squad investigation, half-truths and without interviewing any of the parties involved. Senator McCain’s personal experience clouding his judgment notwithstanding, Republicans on the committee refused to participate in Feinstein’s vindictive kangaroo court for good reason. It’s simply unconscionable partisan politics against the Bush administration’s actions to protect us after the 9/11 attack on America.
As expected, President Obama’s blindly-biased news media supports the release and report, which ignores the fact that the Bush Administration and CIA kept America safe, and their actions ultimately located Osama bin Laden, which resulted in his death.
Daniel B. Jeffs
San Diego Union-Tribune
December 10, 2014
Mixed reactions to torture report release
(lead letter)
The release of the torture report raises fears and it should.
Supported by President Obama, outgoing Senate Intelligence Committee Chair, Dianne Feinstein’s reckless disregard for national security in her spiteful release of the CIA enhanced interrogation report will surely endanger America, our allies, U.S facilities, the lives of CIA agents worldwide.
Particularly, in the current climate of fanatic terrorism by ISIS, al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations. It’s simply unconscionable partisan politics against the Bush administration’s actions to protect us after the 9/11 attack on America.
Daniel B. Jeffs
(Original letter)
Senator Feinstein’s ugly half-truth
The December 9, 2014 release of the torture report raises fears and it should. Supported by President Obama, outgoing Senate Intelligence Committee Chair, Dianne Feinstein’s ugly half-truth and reckless disregard for national security in her spiteful release of the CIA enhanced interrogation report will surely endanger America, our allies, U.S facilities, the lives of CIA operatives and our troops throughout the world. Particularly, in the current, hostile climate of fanatic terrorism by ISIS, al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations.
Clearly, Feinstein’s treasonous actions were based upon her Democrat lack of intelligence committee’s staff hit-squad investigation, half-truths and without interviewing any of the parties involved. Senator McCain’s personal experience clouding his judgment notwithstanding, Republicans on the committee refused to participate in Feinstein’s vindictive kangaroo court for good reason. It’s simply unconscionable partisan politics against the Bush administration’s actions to protect us after the 9/11 attack on America.
As expected, President Obama’s blindly-biased news media supports the release and report, which ignores the fact that the Bush Administration and CIA kept America safe, and their actions ultimately located Osama bin Laden, which resulted in his death.
Daniel B. Jeffs
VV Daily Press
November 26, 2014
Rejecting jobs
Last stand Democrats in the Senate blocked the passage of approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would have created thousands of jobs and taken America much closer to energy independence. However, liberal Democrat arrogance delayed the passage until Republicans take over control of the Senate in January, leaving it for President Obama to approve or veto.
President Obama has unnecessarily delayed approving Keystone for nearly two years, which comes as no surprise. Mr. Obama has abused his executive order authority with edicts and declarations against oil, gas and coal energy, and for unreliable green energy since he was first elected. Note: It’s time to stop the annoying phone calls pitching solar panels and windows to residential property owners.
Indeed, the president is more interested in pursuing the global warming hoax, which will cost taxpayers and make our electric bills “skyrocket,” as he said in his 2008 run for the office. Worse, the blind pursuit of green energy will surely break the economic backs of business and the middle class -- and crush America’s economy in the process.
Daniel B. Jeffs,
Apple Valley
Riverside Press Enterprise
November 22, 2014
Keystone bill’s sad loss
Last stand Democrats in the Senate blocked the passage of approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would have created thousands of jobs and taken America much closer to energy independence. However, liberal Democrat arrogance delayed the passage until Republicans take over control of the Senate in January, leaving it for President Obama to approve or veto it.
President Obama has unnecessarily delayed approving Keystone for nearly two years, which comes as no surprise. Mr. Obama has abused his executive order authority with edicts and declarations against oil, gas and coal energy, and for unreliable green energy since he was first elected. Note: It’s time to stop the annoying phone calls pitching solar panels and windows to residential property owners.
Indeed, the president is more interested in pursuing the global warming hoax, which will cost taxpayers and make our electric bills “skyrocket,” as he said in his 2008 run for the office. Worse, the blind pursuit of green energy will surely break the economic backs of business and the middle class -- and crush America’s economy in the process.
San Diego Union-Tribune
November 21, 2014
Keystone letters round-up
Last-stand Democrats in the Senate blocked the passage of approving the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would have created thousands of jobs and taken America much closer to energy independence.
However, liberal Democrat arrogance delayed the passage until Republicans take over control of the Senate in January, leaving it for President Obama to approve or veto.
President Obama has unnecessarily delayed approving Keystone for nearly two years, which comes as no surprise. Mr. Obama has abused his executive order authority with edicts and declarations against oil, gas and coal energy and for unreliable green energy since he was first elected.
Indeed, the president is more interested in pursuing the global warming hoax, which will cost taxpayers and make our electric bills “skyrocket,” as he said in his 2008 run for office.
Worse, the blind pursuit of green energy will surely break the economic backs of business and the middle class and crush America’s economy in the process.
NewsMax Magazine
November issue 2014
Obama's legacy
President Obama's speech to the United Nations confirms that he believes he is the world healer, while his domestic policy is ruining our economy and our freedoms. Indeed, Mr. Obama is betraying our national security while he fights the fires of terrorism with sticks, stones and a garden hose to finish his time in office. That will likely be the curse of President Obama's legacy ("Obama's new inner circle acts to bolster his legacy," September).
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
The Washington Times
October 16, 2014
Betrayal of Israel, Kurds has ramifications
President Obama has betrayed our only solid allies in the Middle East; namely, the Kurds and Israel. With the failures of the airstrike campaign against the Islamic State, Mr. Obama betrayed the Kurds by failing to provide arms and significant military support to fight these terrorists.
Indeed, Mr. Obama should have established a strong military base in Kurdistan.
Worse, the president has betrayed Israel by playing a dangerous one-sided game with Iran's insidious campaign to finish developing its nuclear weapons program, which will be used against Israel, America and the West.
Clearly, Mr. Obama's unconscionable inaction and serial dereliction of duty is inviting national security disasters upon Israel and terrorist acts against the United States at the hands of a nuclear Iran and Islamic State. Coupled with his failures vis-à-vis the growing threat of Russia to us and our NATO allies, he has put the entire world as risk.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
San Bernardino Sun
October 15, 2014
Obama betrays our allies in the Middle East
President Obama has betrayed our only solid allies in the Middle East: The Kurds and Israel. With the failures of the airstrike campaign against ISIS, President Obama betrayed the Kurds by failing to provide arms and significant military support to them for fighting ISIS.
Indeed, Mr. Obama should have established a strong military base in Kurdistan. Worse, the president has betrayed Israel by playing a dangerous one-sided game with Iran's insidious campaign to finish developing its nuclear weapon program, which will be used against Israel, America and the West.
Clearly, President Obama's unconscionable inaction and serial dereliction of duty is inviting national security disasters upon Israel and terrorist acts against the United States at the hands of a nuclear Iran and ISIS.
Coupled with the president's failures with Russia's growing threat America and our NATO allies, he has put the entire world as risk.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
October 12, 2014
Whose monument?
President Obama's executive order to make the San Gabriel Mountains a national monument is not for the people, as it will restrict access and make firefighting even more difficult.
Indeed, under the guise of being a conservationist, President Obama has been taking lands all over America to keep those lands from being developed for our energy resources of oil, gas, coal, all types of mining -- and any kind of commercial development.
Likewise, President Obama refuses to approve the Keystone oil pipeline from Canada. Worse, in addition to denying America more jobs, Mr. Obama's intention is to eliminate coal, oil and gas in favor of more expensive and unreliable renewable energy.
That's simply the tyranny of using his ideology of big government and the abuse of power against Capitalism free markets and the economy -- plus the abdication of his duty to our national security -- contrary to the best interests and safety of the people. Alas, 2016 can't come too soon.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Bernardino Sun
October 9, 2014
With plastic bag ban, the state chases fool's gold
Re: "California becomes first state to ban single-use plastic bags" (Sept. 30).
Governor Brown and the Democrat Legislature have done it again. California is now the first in the nation to have a statewide ban on single-use plastic bags, which is another capitulation to extreme environmentalists and an insane inconvenience to grocery shoppers.
Indeed, it will cost businesses and many jobs, which simply adds to the cost of living fraud of AB 32 carbon cap and tax, fuel and oil tax increases, and Brown's costly Proposition 30 tax, and high speed rail deceit. Alas, Democrats' liberal ilk have turned California's gold into fool's gold.
Clearly, with all the businesses and jobs fleeing the state, the only growth going on in California is government, of which we must have freedom from too much destructive ideology, incompetence, taxes, rules, regulations, waste, fraud, lies, deceit and abuse of power. It's simply become an unconstitutional, unconscionable disgrace and must be turned around to constitutional limited government -- no more than we absolutely need. Surely, voters must make the changes we need to survive, thrive and prosper.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
October 6, 2014
Communicable disease
Allowing illegal aliens and the Ebola disease to come to America is bad enough. Worse, President Obama has the ideological disease that infected his administration, his domestic policy and his foreign policy with incompetence, distraction, lies and deceit.
The question is: how much more damage will the Obama disease cause throughout the remainder of his term, and will it be fatal to our economy and national security? Considering his dismal record, the outlook is bleak at best.
Indeed, Gov. Brown and the Democrat-controlled Legislature and extreme environmentalists are infected with the same ideological disease, which infected California with punishing taxes and regulations against the people, driving up the cost of living and doing business.
Alas, California welcomes illegal aliens and criminals to the state to prey on our taxes, public services, citizens and our property. The only cure for the state and national diseases is our votes. We must use them to survive and prosper.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Diego Union-Tribune
October 4, 2014
Eric Holder leaves a disgraceful legacy
Attorney General Eric Holder is resigning with a legacy of politics rife with corrupting the office. Indeed, he is intentionally leaving all his unresolved scandals behind. And his racial record has been divisive by design.
Holder is a disgrace to the AG's office and his legacy will undoubtedly be even more revealing, such as persecuting major banks, JP Morgan Chase, the Bank of America and others with heavy fines as punishment for the 2008 housing and financial crash -- when he should have gone after former President Clinton, attorney general Janet Reno and HUD director Andrew Cuomo for causing the crash by intimidating those banks and others to make home loans to unqualified buyers.
Regardless, Holder had the president's full support as America continues to suffer from the Obama administration's unconscionable legacy of justice lost.
Daniel B. Jeffs
San Diego Union-Tribune
September 18, 2014
Obama lays out case for U.S. involvement
President Obama's speech on his strategy to stop ISIS did little or nothing to excuse his record of failures that allowed the build-up of ISIS into a clear and present danger to America. At this point there is no strategy by the president that will prevent an emboldened ISIS -- with terrorist members from America -- from conducting terrorist attacks against our homeland.
Unfortunately, it is President Obama's dereliction of duty that is the greatest threat to our national security. Indeed, a "God bless the United States of America" won't absolve him of that.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Riverside Press Enterprise
September 16, 2014
Obama's unsure strategies
President Obama's speech on his strategy to stop ISIS did little or nothing to excuse his record of failures that allowed the build-up of ISIS into a clear and present danger to America.
At this point there is no strategy by the president that will prevent an emboldened ISIS -- with terrorist members from America -- from conducting terrorist attacks against our homeland, which, thankfully, did not come on the anniversary of 9/11. Unfortunately, it is President Obama's dereliction of duty that is the greatest threat to our national security.
Indeed, a "God bless the United States of America" won't absolve him of that.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Bernardino Sun
September 12, 2014
President Obama's dereliction of duty
President Obama's speech on his strategy to stop ISIS did little or nothing to excuse his record of failures that allowed the build-up of ISIS into a clear and present danger to America.
At this point there is no strategy by the president that will prevent an emboldened ISIS -- with terrorist members from America -- from conducting terrorist attacks against our homeland,
Unfortunately, it is President Obama's dereliction of duty that is the greatest threat to our national security.
Indeed, a "God bless the United States of America" won't absolve him of that.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Los Angeles Times
September 12, 2014
Obama's speech did little to nothing to excuse his record of failures that allowed the buildup of Islamic State into a clear and present danger to America. At this point there is no strategy by the president that will prevent an emboldened Islamic State -- with terrorist members from America -- from conducting terrorist attacks against our homeland,
Unfortunately, it is President Obama's lack of a good strategy to fight the Islamic State that is the greatest threat to our national security. Indeed, a "God bless the United States of America" won't absolve him of that.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
The O'Reilly Factor
September 11, 2014
Factor Mail - Viewers sound off
"Bill, excellent talking points about protecting the folks from terrorism.
Unfortunately, I believe the President is the greatest threat to national security."
Dan Jeffs
Apple Valley, CA
The Washington Times
September 1, 2014
Stop the bleeding in California
California's Democrat Legislature pumping out more bills, including a vote to strike Proposition 187, denying state services to illegal aliens from the books, comes as no surprise. Illegals are costing taxpayers $5 to 6 billion, and President Obama's stunt of inviting illegals to cross the border and spreading these people around the country simply adds insult to injury. Alas, at least the good citizens of Murrieta stood up for themselves with some success, and their example should be continued throughout the state.
Indeed, California is steeped in decline from a Democrat Legislature buckling to activist courts, extreme liberals, radical environmentalists; anti-business taxes and onerous regulations. As if that weren't enough, California is also plagued with a failing public education system exacerbated by the selfish interests power of teacher unions, a failed penal system putting the population at extreme risk, punishing taxes on the people and their property and a deceitful, tyrannical government bent on crashing the state.
Hopefully, California voters will wise-up to the fraud and stop the bleeding. Otherwise, California will certainly be headed for voter-assisted social, political and economic suicide….
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
San Bernardino Sun
August 26, 2014
Why Hillary Clinton should not be the next president
Hillary Clinton and President Obama are painful examples of politicians who blatantly lie to the majority of voters to get elected, then revert to their core ideology to govern.
Clinton was inept as Secretary of State and would do little to nothing to resolve President Obama's foreign policy disaster. Particularly, when she simply did Obama's bidding, pushed the "reset button" with Russia, and exacerbated matters in Libya when she mishandled the Benghazi terrorist attack, costing the lives of four Americans, including our ambassador Chris Stevens.
Clinton's feigned criticism of the president's foreign policy is hypocritically political at the height of the ISIS national security crisis in Iraq.
Hillary Clinton for president? No.
A Republican Congress and Huckabee for president? Yes.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
August 25, 2014
Phony Charges
Three-term Governor Rick Perry has performed extremely well as governor of Texas, particularly in his last term in the areas of economic growth, employment, low taxes and carrying on the fight against President Obama's failed border security and immigration policies resulting in the costly flood of illegal immigrant children and families surrendering themselves at the border.
So, how do vindictive Austin Texas Democrats react to Perry's success for all Texans and his potential for another run at the presidency? Travis County officials drum-up phony charges against Governor Perry and indict him with two counts of felony abuse of power after Travis County district attorney, Rosemary Lehmberg refused Perry's demand that she resign after a bitter drunk-driving arrest and conviction -- then vetoed funding for Lehmberg's public integrity unit.
Worse, all of this smacks of President Obama's partisan IRS-style hit-squad against Governor Perry for embarrassing Obama with his tough border security and illegal immigration stand -- and Perry's economic success compared to Obama's economic failures. Indeed, President Obama and Travis County officials are the ones who should be charged with abuse of power to diminish Perry's chances in the 2016 presidential election.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
August 22, 2014
Ferguson shooting
There has been an overreaction and a rush to judgment in the police shooting death of Michael Brown in Missouri, exacerbated by outside hateful activists, looting, violence, President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.
Indeed, at this point evidence may lead to the conclusion that the shooting was justified. Unfortunately, it is doubtful that true justice will prevail. [Clearly, this unnecessary situation is a sad commentary on selfish political interests and the decline of our society.]
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif
The Washington Times
August 18, 2014
Perry indictment is an abuse of power
Texas Gov. Rick Perry has performed extremely well in his current position, particularly in his last term, in the areas of economic growth, employment, low taxes and carrying on the fight against President Obama's failed border security and immigration policies. These policies have resulted in the costly flood of illegal-immigrant children and families surrendering themselves at the border.
How do vindictive Austin Texas Democrats react to Perry's success for all Texans and his potential for another run at the presidency? Travis County officials drum-up phony charges against Mr. Perry and indict him with two counts of felony abuse of power after the county district attorney, Rosemary Lehmberg refused Mr. Perry's demand that she resign following a bitter drunken-driving arrest and conviction. Mr. Perry then vetoed funding for Lehmberg's public integrity unit.
Worse, all of this smacks of President Obama's partisan IRS-style hit-squad against Mr. Perry for embarrassing Mr. Obama with his tough border security and illegal immigration stand -- and Mr. Perry's economic success, compared to Mr. Obama's economic failures. Indeed, Mr. Obama and Travis County officials are the ones who should be charged with abuse of power, as they are trying desperately to diminish Mr. Perry's chances in the 2016 presidential election.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
The Washington Times
August 15, 2014
No to Hillary in 2016
Hillary Clinton and President Obama are painful examples of politicians who blatantly lie to the majority of voters to get elected, then revert to their core ideology to govern.
Mrs. Clinton was inept as secretary of state and would do little to nothing to resolve President Obama's foreign-policy disaster. Particularly, when she simply did Obama's bidding by pushing the "reset button" with Russia, and exacerbated matters in Libya when she mishandled the Benghazi terrorist attack that cost the lives of four Americans, including our ambassador.
Mrs. Clinton's recent feigned criticism of the president's foreign policy is hypocritically political at the height of the Islamic State crisis in Iraq. If elected president, Mrs. Clinton would still embrace Obamacare as evidenced by her failed attempt at national health care during the Clinton administration.
Hillary Clinton for president? No.
A Republican Congress and Mike Huckabee for president? Yes.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
San Diego Union-Tribune
August 13, 2014
Voters must stand up for the nation
Republicans don’t hate President Obama. They hate what he is doing to the country, and not for the country.
President Obama has made it painfully clear that from the time he was elected, he was going to fundamentally transform America by whatever means necessary to fit his agenda.
And that’s exactly what he has done. First with a Democrat Congress, then with Senate Majority Harry Reid changing the rules and rendering the Republican House powerless, so Obama can govern by executive order and he won’t have to veto Republican legislation. Checkmate!
Obama Democrats, lies, diversion, deceit, government growth, abuse of executive power and all. Question is: Will voters lay back and take the indoctrination and loss of freedom, or stand up and take back their government at the ballot box?
Daniel B. Jeffs
VV Daily Press
August 4, 2014
Painfully clear
Republicans don't hate President Obama. They hate what he is doing to the country, and not for the country. President Obama has made it painfully clear that from the time he was elected, he was going to fundamentally transform America by whatever means necessary to fit his agenda.
And that's exactly what he has done. First with a Democrat Congress, then with Senate Majority Harry Reid changing the rules and rendering the Republican House powerless, so Obama can govern by executive order and he won't have to veto Republican legislation. Check mate!
Obama Democrats, lies, diversion, deceit, government growth, abuse of executive power and all…. Question is: will voters lay back and take the indoctrination and loss of freedom, or stand up and take back their government at the ballot box?
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
July 18, 2014
Militarize the border
It's bad enough that decades of weak border enforcement and weak illegal alien enforcement have imposed too great a burden on American citizens' tax dollars supporting millions of illegal aliens' housing, health care, education and welfare. Indeed, Illegal alien criminals, drug cartel operatives and gangs who prey on our citizens must be stopped along with the out-of-control flow of illegals.
Considering President Obama's refusal to enforce immigration laws and border security, the only solution to stopping unabated border crossings is to militarize the border. That should be done immediately and it should remain that way permanently to keep out criminals, drug cartels, terrorists and the flow of illegal aliens. The security of the American people demands it.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Orange County Register
July 13, 2014
(lead letter of 5 letters)
Obama fails to protect border
President Barack Obama has begun his transformation of America and abdicated his responsibility to enforce laws that do not fit his agenda. Indeed, his intentional failures have turned into a crisis of illegal aliens flowing across the border, including many children from South America -- 100,000 and counting -- most of whom will not be deported.
Worse, President Obama has seriously violated our country's sovereignty, our economy and our domestic and national security by allowing potential terrorists to cross the border. Obama's failed foreign policy is stimulating the proliferation of terrorists in the Middle East who are dedicated to the destruction of America with no remorse.
Coupled with the steady growth of already big government, overreaching regulations, punishing taxation, and the loss of freedoms, the administration and liberal Democrats' abuse of power are a clear and present danger to our country and American citizens. This can only be overcome by changing the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our government to constitutional limited government -- with our votes. It's a matter of our survival.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
VV Daily Press
July 10,2014
With no remorse
Since he took office, President Obama began his transformation of America and abdicated his responsibility to enforce laws that do not fit his agenda including immigrations laws and the protection of our southern border. Indeed, his intentional failures have turned into a crisis of illegal aliens flowing across the border, including many children from South America -- 100,000 and counting -- most of whom will not be deported.
It's bad enough that there are already about 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States, who are a heavy drain on the states and taxpayers required to provide them with health care, housing, welfare and education. President Obama has purposely exacerbated the problem with open border invitations for millions more, as if North America and South America were one.
Worse, President Obama has seriously violated our country's sovereignty, our economy and our domestic and national security -- by allowing mass illegal immigration, including potential terrorists, criminals and drugs to cross the border -- plus his failed foreign policy stimulating the proliferation of fanatical terrorists in the Middle East who are dedicated to the destruction of America -- with no remorse.
Alas, coupled with the steady growth of already big government, overreaching regulations, punishing taxation, and the loss of freedoms, President Obama, his administration and liberal Democrats' abuse of power are a clear and present danger to our country and American citizens, which can only be overcome by changing the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our government to constitutional limited government -- with our votes. It's a matter of our survival.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Bernardino Sun
July 10, 2014
Obama abdicates duty to protect border
Since he took office, President Obama began his transformation of America and abdicated his responsibility to enforce laws that do not fit his agenda including immigrations laws and the protection of our southern border. Indeed, his intentional failures have turned into a crisis of illegal aliens flowing across the border, including many children from South America -- 100,000 and counting -- most of whom will not be deported.
It's bad enough that there are already about 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States, who are a heavy drain on the states and taxpayers required to provide them with health care, housing, welfare and education. President Obama has purposely exacerbated the problem with open border invitations for millions more, as if North America and South America were one.
Worse, President Obama has seriously violated our country's sovereignty, our economy and our domestic and national security -- by allowing mass illegal immigration, including potential terrorists, criminals and drugs to cross the border -- plus his failed foreign policy stimulating the proliferation of fanatical terrorists in the Middle East who are dedicated to the destruction of America -- with no remorse.
Alas, coupled with the steady growth of already big government, overreaching regulations, punishing taxation, and the loss of freedoms, President Obama, his administration and liberal Democrats' abuse of power are a clear and present danger to our country and American citizens, which can only be overcome by changing the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our government to constitutional limited government -- with our votes. It's a matter of our survival.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Los Angeles Times
Opinion L.A.
July 9, 2014
President Obama abdicates duty to protect border
Since he took office, President Obama began his transformation of America and abdicated his responsibility to enforce laws that do not fit his agenda including immigrations laws and the protection of our southern border. Indeed, his intentional failures have turned into a crisis of illegal aliens flowing across the border, including many children from South America -- 100,000 and counting -- most of whom will not be deported.
It's bad enough that there are already about 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States, who are a heavy drain on the states and taxpayers required to provide them with health care, housing, welfare and education. President Obama has purposely exacerbated the problem with open border invitations for millions more, as if North America and South America were one.
Worse, President Obama has seriously violated our country's sovereignty, our economy and our domestic and national security -- by allowing mass illegal immigration, including potential terrorists, criminals and drugs to cross the border -- plus his failed foreign policy stimulating the proliferation of fanatical terrorists in the Middle East who are dedicated to the destruction of America -- with no remorse.
Alas, coupled with the steady growth of already big government, overreaching regulations, punishing taxation, and the loss of freedoms, President Obama, his administration and liberal Democrats' abuse of power are a clear and present danger to our country and American citizens, which can only be overcome by changing the executive, legislative and judicial branches of our government to constitutional limited government -- with our votes. It's a matter of our survival.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Diego Union-Tribune
July 8, 2014
Time to declare our independence again
This 4th of July serves as a painful reminder of what led to declaring our independence from imperial England. Of course, we celebrate the patriotism and meaning of Independence Day, and we are grateful for the history of freedom and liberty that it embodies.
However, as a proud patriotic American, it's sad for me to say that President Obama's imperial presidency has become a promised fundamental transformation of America into a rapidly expanding government of overreaching regulations, taxation, intrusion -- social, political and economic aggression -- and an overall loss of freedoms.
Indeed, President Obama and his administration are out-of-control, making it necessary to declare our independence again -- with our votes -- before it's too late.
Daniel B. Jeffs
VV Daily Press
June 20, 2014
Obama campaigns while al-Qaida burns Iraq
President Obama preaches about global warming to the UC Irvine graduating class -- attends a Democrat fundraiser in Laguna Beach, and vacations in Palm Springs on Father's Day without his children -- while al-Qaida increases its burning invasion of Iraq and continues to grow throughout the Middle East.
Indeed, as al-Qaida drives to combine Syria and Iraq by creating an extreme Islamic state -- to conduct terrorism against America and the West -- Iran is backing Iraq with its military to resist the takeover.
Worse, President Obama's worthless diplomacy -- ignoring the meltdown of the Middle East, and the rapid growth of al-Qaida -- threatens our national security directly, while Iran increases its efforts to develop nuclear weapons, unabated.
Surely, the president must immediately use our airpower to stop and destroy al-Qaida with fighters, missiles, drones and B-2 bombers -- the assistance of the Arab-League. Further dereliction of presidential duty is simply unacceptable.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Bernardino Sun
June 19, 2014
Obama's policies breaking America's back
With 50,000 unsupervised minor children from Latin America streaming over the border in the past 8 months, it's becoming painfully obvious the President Obama is selling out the nation to illegal immigrants -- asking for $2 billion to take care of them.
Coupled with Obama's intentional policy of nearly open borders, refusal to enforce immigration laws -- and the invitation for illegals to drain hundreds of billions of American citizen's tax dollars for education, healthcare, welfare, housing, and food stamps -- the threat to the nation's stability is being severely undermined.
Worse, If this is allowed to go on unabated, exacerbated by dumping illegal children on Arizona and California's insane open-door policy for illegals, President Obama's failed social, political and economic policies on illegal immigration -- plus his dangerous attacks against U.S. energy and lack of foreign policy causing the Middle East to explode with Islamic terrorist aggression cutting off oil imports from Iraq and elsewhere, which is raising our oil prices -- Obama could very well break America's back by the time he leaves office.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Daily Press
June 16, 2014
President Obama breaking America's back
With 50,000 unsupervised minor children from Latin America streaming over the border in the past 8 months, it's becoming painfully obvious the President Obama is selling out the nation to illegal immigrants -- asking for $2 billion to take care of them. Coupled with Obama's intentional policy of nearly open borders, refusal to enforce immigration laws -- and the invitation for illegals to drain hundreds of billions of American citizen's tax dollars for education, healthcare, welfare, housing, and food stamps -- the threat to the nation's stability is being severely undermined. Particularly with the escalation of illegal alien criminals invading America and preying on our people.
Worse, If this is allowed to go on unabated, exacerbated by dumping illegal children on Arizona and California's insane open-door policy for illegals, President Obama's failed social, political and economic policies on illegal immigration -- plus his dangerous attacks against U.S. energy and lack of foreign policy causing the Middle East to explode with Islamic terrorist aggression cutting off oil imports from Iraq and elsewhere, which is raising our oil prices -- Obama could very well break America's back by the time he leaves office.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Diego Union-Tribune
June 7, 2014
Letters to the editor regarding Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl
As long as Obama is President, it is unlikely that Sergeant Bergdahl will be convicted of anything or even court marshaled, when in all likelihood, he should be prosecuted for desertion, collaborating with the enemy and treason. The reason is simple. It would make President Obama look even more foolish because of the dangerous trade for five high level Taliban terrorists -- national security be damned.
Daniel B. Jeffs
The Washington Times
May 22, 2014
U.S. now a symbol of weakness
The breaking off of talks between Israel and the Palestinians highlights President Obama's failures in foreign policy and national security matters on every front: Iran, Syria, Iraq, the overall Middle East, Afghanistan, Russia, Asia and Europe.
Mr. Obama's continued agenda against our economy, as well as his way of dealing with alien criminals, illegal immigrants and the flow of illegal aliens across our borders, are all seriously damaging our domestic security.
It's simply inexcusable that the United States now stands as the image of weakness in the World. Our economic and national insecurity are evidence of that. Surely, our survival rests with major changes in overreaching government and government leadership, which must be addressed in the 2014 and 2016 elections.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
San Bernardino Sun
May 23, 2014
Obama to repeat Clinton's disaster
President Obama, newly appointed Fannie-Freddie regulator Mel Watt, HUD Secretary Donovan, Treasury Secretary Lew, Federal Reserve Chairwoman, Yellen and the Dodd-Frank Finance laws are in the process of creating a repeat of the 2007/2008 housing and finance crash -- created by President Clinton, HUD director Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Janet Reno's forced lowering of home-lending standards for unqualified buyers in their insane drive for affordable housing.
Clearly, President Obama's move to repeat the Clinton disaster to recover the foundering housing market is surely the insanity of repeating the cause of the collapse hoping for a different result.
Instead, Obama's blind ambition for his legacy will surely result in hastening the reality of the looming economic bubble to burst prematurely, causing tidal waves of economic misery and pain.
Alas, President Obama's flagrant abuses of executive power are certainly on track to "fundamentally transform" the social, political and economic core of America into a runaway train wreck causing the demise of liberty, prosperity and our republic of freedom.
Our only hope is for a fundamental transformation of Congress and the Presidency in the 2014 and 2016 elections.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
The Washington Times
May 15, 2014
Hypocritical Benghazi panel complaints
House Democrats' complaints over their lack of representation on the Benghazi special committee show fecklessness. With seven Republicans and five Democrats, the committee is simply a fair representation of the percentages of Republicans and Democrats in the House. Indeed, Democrats have falsely branded the select committee a "witch hunt" and made childish threats to either boycott the committee or select only one representative.
Clearly, this is nothing but hypocritical behavior, particularly when it was the Democrat-controlled House and Senate who rammed through Obamacare from behind closed doors with no debate or Republican participation. Of course when passed, President Obama's scheme was quickly signed with his economic poison pen -- followed by the passing and signing of excessive finance laws and economy-busting regulations.
Alas, coupled with the Democrat-controlled Senate stopping all Republican legislation, the malfeasance of the Obama administration's Fast and Furious gun-running scandal, the IRS' targeting of conservative organizations and donors, and Mr. Obama's various energy edicts, there is a clear and present danger to our freedoms and security.
Certainly, California is a glaring example of the damage Democrat-dominated governments can do to our society. The current government must be changed in the 2014 and 2016 elections -- for America's survival.
Apple Valley, Calif.
(original letter)
House Democrats' feckless complaints over their lack of representation on the Benghazi disaster select committee with 7 Republicans and 5 Democrats is simply a fair representation of the percentages of Republicans and Democrats in the House. Indeed, Democrats have falsely branded the select committee a "Witch Hunt" and made childish threats to either boycott the committee or select only one representative.
Clearly, this is nothing but scurrilous hypocritical behavior, particularly when it was the Democrat-controlled House and Senate who rammed through Obamacare from behind closed doors with no debate or Republican participation. Of course when passed, President Obama's Affordable Care Act was quickly signed with his economic poison pen -- followed by passing and signing tyrannical finance laws and economy-busting regulations.
Alas, coupled with the Democrat Senate stopping all Republican legislation, the malfeasance of the Obama administration's "Fast and Furious," the IRS targeting of conservative organizations and donors -- plus presidential EPA and energy edicts and other flagrant abuse of power executive orders trampling democracy, justice, our republic and the Constitution by circumventing Congress -- surely, along with seriously weakened foreign policy and national security -- there is a clear and present danger to our freedoms and security.
Certainly, California is a glaring example of what Democrat-dominated damage has done and is doing to our society, all of which means that our socialist government, education establishment, and complicit media's reckless direction must be changed in the 2014 and 2016 elections -- for America's survival.
May 2, 2014
Stalled Mideast talks reflect weak Obama administration
The break-off of talks between Israel and Palestine highlights President Obama's failures in foreign policy and national security matters on every front: Iran, Syria, Iraq, the overall Middle East, Afghanistan, Russia, Asia and Europe.
It's simply inexcusable that the United States now stands as the image of weakness in the World, and with it, our economic and national insecurity. Surely, our survival rests with major changes in overreaching government and government leadership, which must be addressed in the 2014 and 2016 elections.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
(Original letter)
The break-off of talks between Israel and Palestine highlights President Obama's failures in foreign policy and national security matters on every front: Iran, Syria, Iraq, the overall Middle East, Afghanistan, Russia, Asia and Europe.
Of course Mr. Obama's continued agenda against our economy, and in dealing with alien criminals, illegal immigrants and the flow of illegal aliens across our borders is seriously damaging our domestic security.
It's simply inexcusable that the United States now stands as the image of weakness in the World, and with it, our economic and national insecurity. Surely, our survival rests with major changes in over-reaching government and government leadership, which must be addressed in the 2014 and 2016 elections.
San Bernardino Sun
April 29, 2014
Turn over land to states
Regarding the Nevada Bundy cattle ranching/grazing case: With the exception of military bases, the federal government should turn over all federal lands to the states for private use, including national forests, parks and monuments. The states and the people would gain from what the federal government has grossly mismanaged.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Riverside Press Enterprise
April 23, 2014
Give Bundy fairness
When Nevada had to give up most of its land to the federal government as a condition for statehood, it was wrong. The land should be returned to the state. Clearly, the way Nevada's cattle-ranching Bundy family and their supporters are being intimidated by federal agents is outrageous.
Likewise, Harry Reid, the U.S. Senator from Nevada undoubtedly called out Bureau of Land Management rangers against the Bundy's and their cattle. Indeed, Reid's abuse of power and calling Bundy supporters "domestic terrorists" simply adds fuel to the fire, and it's blatantly un-American.
With the exception of military bases, the federal government should turn over all federal lands to the states for private use, including national forests, parks and monuments. The states and the people could then gain from what the federal government and environmental/conservation zealots have grossly mismanaged.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
Commentary by Daniel B. Jeffs
April 22, 2014
Medicare Advantage for all
Democrats fighting Obama over Medicare are up for re-election as compared to Democrats who continue to support Obamacare talking points designed to eliminate Medicare Advantage to help pay for the Unaffordable Careless Act. Indeed, president and CEO of America's Health Insurance Plans, Karen Ignagni correctly points out that repeating the 1997 Medicare Advantage cuts would cause more millions of seniors to lose their health care coverage.
My wife and I have been enrolled in Kaiser's Senior Advantage healthcare program since 2006, and for many years I have closely followed government's inept mishandling of Medicare and Medicaid. Kaiser should be the model of excellence in handling the Medicare Advantage program, which if followed, would provide Medicare Advantage to all seniors for less than traditional Medicare.
Of course, it would require government to abandon Obamacare's exacerbated road to ruin, reform both Medicare and the mass expansion of the Medicaid fiasco, and restore common sense to health care. Alas, it would also relieve the costly chaos in the nation's emergency rooms. Rather than causing the American people and our economy to suffer the cost and pain of unaffordable health care, allow the nation's private health care industry to do its job.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident
and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor:
From the Trenches of Democracy."
VV Daily Press
April 21, 2014
Abuse of power
When Nevada had to give up most of its land to the federal government as a condition for statehood, it was wrong and the land should be returned to the state. Clearly, the way Nevada's cattle-ranching Bundy family and their supporters are being intimidated by federal storm-troopers is outrageous.
Likewise, Nevada Senator Harry Reid undoubtedly called-out BLM Rangers against the Bundy's and their cattle. Indeed, Reid's abuse of power and calling Bundy supporters domestic terrorists simply adds fuel to the fire, and it's blatantly un-American.
With the exception of military bases, the federal government should turn over all federal lands to the states for private use, including national forests, parks and monuments. The states and the people could then gain from what the federal government and environmental/conservation zealots have grossly mismanaged.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
(original letter)
When Nevada had to give up most of its land to the federal government as a condition for statehood, it was wrong and the land should be returned to the state. Clearly, the way Nevada's cattle-ranching Bundy family and their supporters are being intimidated by federal storm-troopers is outrageous.
Nevada Senator Harry Reid undoubtedly called-out BLM Rangers against the Bundy's and their cattle. Now he is forming a federal task force to deal with it. Indeed, Reid's abuse of power and calling Bundy supporters domestic terrorists simply adds fuel to the fire, which is blatantly un-American -- tantamount to domestic federal terrorism.
With the exception of military bases, the federal government should turn over all federal lands to the states for private use, including national forests, parks and monuments. The states and the people could then gain from what the federal government and environmental/conservation zealots have grossly mismanaged.
The Washington Times
April 9, 2014
Allow private health care industry to do job
Democrats fighting Obama over Medicare are up for re-election. Democrats who continue to support Obamacare talking points designed to eliminate Medicare Advantage in order to help pay for Obamacare are not.
Indeed, America's Health Insurance Plans CEO Karen Ignagni correctly points out that repeating the 1997 Medicare Advantage cuts would cause millions of seniors to lose their health care coverage.
My wife and I have been enrolled in Kaiser's Senior Advantage healthcare program since 2006, and for many years I have closely followed government's inept mishandling of Medicare and Medicaid. Kaiser should be the model of excellence in handling the Medicare Advantage program, which if followed, would provide Medicare Advantage to all seniors for less than traditional Medicare.
Of course, it would require government to abandon Obamacare's exacerbated road to ruin, reform both Medicare and the mass expansion of the Medicaid fiasco, and restore common sense to health care. Alas, it would also relieve the costly chaos in the nation's emergency rooms.
Rather than causing the American people and our economy to suffer the cost and pain of unaffordable health care, allow the nation's private health care industry to do its job.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
Commentary by Daniel B. Jeffs
April 8, 2014
The perfect social, political and economic storm
California and America's perfect social, political and economic storm is on the horizon. Indeed, it's bad enough that socialism has taken root with public education indoctrination, environmental zealots have weakened our energy resources, extreme regulation is dragging down our economy.
Adding insult to injury, Hollywood and the media are perpetuating the lies about Wall Street being responsible for the 2008 crash, when it was the Clinton administration that caused the collapse with forced loans to unqualified homebuyers.
Governor Brown, the Democrat legislature, AG Kamala Harris, and the extreme environmental and teacher union lobbies continue to attack California's economy by supporting failed education, the proliferation of illegal aliens, bad prison reform, the costly high speed rail, higher taxes, unreasonable restrictions on energy and water resources -- and refusing to defend voter initiatives, while working to weaken the constitutional rights of the people to ballot measure direct democracy when needed.
Coupled with President Obama and congressional Democrats' abuse of power and unconstitutional attacks on the people, our society and our economy -- with national healthcare, national education, over-regulation, dangerously weak foreign policy and growing threats to our national security -- they have created a perfect storm driven by biased media that is relentlessly rolling across America -- unabated. Surely, our survival depends on major changes in the 2014 and 2016 elections.
Obama's unimpeachable abuse of power
It doesn't matter that the Obama administration has and will be replete with government growth, lies, deceit, diversion, distraction and the wholesale-unconstitutional abuse of power that will dangerously damage our freedoms, our society, our economy, and our national security -- unabated. President Obama will never be impeached and removed from office. Indeed, no matter how you spin it, the unintended consequences of political correctness has been glaringly intended simply because that's what socialism-Marxism is.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident
and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor:
From the Trenches of Democracy."
San Bernardino Sun
April 2, 2014
The perfect social, political storm
California and America's perfect social, political and economic storm is on the horizon. Indeed, it's bad enough that socialism has taken root with public education indoctrination, environmental zealots have weakened our energy resources, and extreme regulation is dragging down our economy. Adding insult to injury, Hollywood and the media are perpetuating the lies about Wall Street being responsible for the 2008 crash, when it was the Clinton administration that caused the collapse with forced loans to unqualified homebuyers.
Governor Brown, the Democrat legislature, AG Kamala Harris, and the extreme environmental and teacher union lobbies continue to attack California's economy by supporting failed education, the proliferation of illegal aliens, bad prison reform, the costly high speed rail, higher taxes, unreasonable restrictions on energy and water resources -- and refusing to defend voter initiatives, while working to weaken the constitutional rights of the people to ballot measure direct democracy when needed.
Coupled with President Obama and congressional Democrats' abuse of power and unconstitutional attacks on the people, our society and our economy -- with national healthcare, national education, over-regulation, dangerously weak foreign policy and growing threats to our national security -- they have created a perfect storm driven by biased media that is relentlessly rolling across America -- unabated. Surely, our survival depends on major changes in the 2014 and 2016 elections.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Los Angeles Times
Opinion L.A.
March 30, 2014
Re: Three senators suspended, and it's a lose-lose-lose for Californians
by Kerry Cavanaugh
March 28, 2014
The perfect social, political and economic storm
California and America's perfect social, political and economic storm is on the horizon. Indeed, it's bad enough that socialism has taken root with public education indoctrination, environmental zealots have weakened our energy resources, and extreme regulation is dragging down our economy. Adding insult to injury, Hollywood and the media are perpetuating the lies about Wall Street being responsible for the 2008 crash, when it was the Clinton administration that caused the collapse with forced loans to unqualified homebuyers.
Governor Brown, the Democrat legislature, AG Kamala Harris, and the extreme environmental and teacher union lobbies continue to attack California's economy by supporting failed education, the proliferation of illegal aliens, bad prison reform, the costly high speed rail, higher taxes, unreasonable restrictions on energy and water resources -- and refusing to defend voter initiatives, while working to weaken the constitutional rights of the people to ballot measure direct democracy when needed.
Coupled with President Obama and congressional Democrats' abuse of power and unconstitutional attacks on the people, our society and our economy -- with national healthcare, national education, over-regulation, dangerously weak foreign policy and growing threats to our national security -- they have created a perfect storm driven by biased media that is relentlessly rolling across America -- unabated. Surely, our survival depends on major changes in the 2014 and 2016 elections.
Daniel B. Jeffs - directdemocracy
Apple Valley
Los Angeles Times
Opinion L.A.
March 22, 2014
Re: Democrat's chances in this Fall's Senate elections just turned a little bleaker
by Doyle McManus
March 19, 2014
Senate Democrats in trouble with Medicare Advantage
Leading Senate Democrats, who voted for Obamacare -- and are now opposing the cuts to Medicare Advantage because they are up for re-election -- are little more than pandering political hypocrites who will slice Medicare Advantage the day after their re-election. Senior voters in their states should not buy the snake oil. If they do, they will certainly pay the price of deception with less health care and higher prices.
Clearly, it's no time for making deals with the devils, and the devils know it. Especially, when the flow of Boomers into Medicare will substantially increase Medicare Advantage enrollment. That's the good news for seniors, and the bad news for President Obama and Democrats.
Particularly, when 28% of seniors are enrolled in Medicare Advantage, and one of two people eligible for Medicare chooses Advantage, and enrollment is growing at a 10% annual clip -- simply because government turns control of health care over to private plans that manage Medicare, with more flexible services and benefits than traditional Medicare, and "seamless delivery of health care services," -- for better health care outcomes, and higher quality health care.
My wife and I are enrolled in Kaiser Senior Advantage, which is the leading Medicare Advantage manager and a shining example for other Advantage programs to emulate. Indeed, we received the best of care -- well worth the premiums -- and we firmly believe it should be the standard for all senior health care.
President Bush's Medicare Advantage program was the best thing that happened to Medicare since its inception. Government's failure to reduce and eliminate the vast fraud, waste and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid is bad enough. However, President Obama's early assault on Medicare Advantage -- as a presidential candidate -- plus the forced passage of Obama/Democrat Unaffordable Health Careless Act that attacks Medicare Advantage with forthcoming cuts was unconscionable.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Bernardino Sun
February 28, 2014
California water crisis is criminal
California's current drought-water crisis has been caused, as usual, by environmental zealots and liberal government who have stolen California's gold and our economy.
Adding insult to injury, federal officials from the Bureau of Reclamation announced that the agricultural Central Valley Project and California Water Project customers will receive no water allocations this year.
Indeed, the California Water Project and the Central Valley Project were created, paid for, and maintained by farmers and property owners to deliver Northern California water to the agricultural-rich Central Valley, and 25 million people in Southern California.
It is simply criminal that environmentalists and an activist federal judge have unconstitutionally interfered with private water contracts and made substantial cuts in water delivery from the Sacramento Delta to protect the tiny Delta Smelt fish since 2007 -- which during this drought has exacerbated the water crisis by allowing 800,000 acre feet of San Joaquin River water per year to flow to the ocean.
Fortunately, perceptive management from our California Water Project contractor, The Mojave Water Agency has indicated that from conservation programs and underground banking and storage of water supplies in our Mojave Desert area, we have more than enough water for three years, regardless of drought conditions.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
February 25, 2014
by Daniel B. Jeffs
California water, energy crisis
California's current drought-water crisis and looming energy crisis have been caused, as usual, by environmental zealots and liberal government who have stolen California's gold and our economy.
Indeed, the California Water Project was created, paid for, and maintained by property owners to deliver Northern California water to the agricultural-rich Central Valley, and 25 million people in Southern California.
However, environmentalists and an activist federal judge have unconstitutionally interfered with private water contracts and cut water delivery from the Sacramento Delta to protect the tiny Delta Smelt fish, which during this drought has exacerbated the water crisis. Never mind that over 800,000 acre feet of San Joaquin River water per year is being allowed to flow to the ocean.
The state water department proposed a $25 billion tunnel system to resolve the problem, which has not moved forward, yet the unnecessary $68 to $100 billion high-speed-rail debacle is still in play.
Then comes another natural gas energy crisis. Nothing was learned from the previous crisis, costing Californians $billions in electric and heating bills. Certainly, California's environmental and governmental insanity have caused the economic chaos with punishing regulations, and severely limiting California's rich natural resources of natural gas -- and oil, which could reduce gas and energy prices.
Simply put, California has the resources to be self-sufficient with water, energy and gas, without any imports, which we are far too dependent on, leaving us vulnerable to ideology-caused crisis that endanger all Californians.
Attention: Governor Brown, environmental zealots and the Democrat Legislature. Get out of government so we can survive, thrive and prosper.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley
resident and the author of the
series, "Letters to the Editor:
From the Trenches of Democracy."
Daily Press
February 24, 2014
Water, water everywhere
California water crisis is criminal
California's current drought-water crisis has been caused, as usual, by environmental zealots and liberal government who have stolen California's gold and our economy.
Adding insult to injury, federal officials from the Bureau of Reclamation announced that the agricultural Central Valley Project and California Water Project customers will receive no water allocations this year.
Indeed, the California Water Project and the Central Valley Project were created, paid for, and maintained by farmers and property owners to deliver Northern California water to the agricultural-rich Central Valley, and 25 million people in Southern California.
It is simply criminal that environmentalists and an activist federal judge have unconstitutionally interfered with private water contracts and made substantial cuts in water delivery from the Sacramento Delta to protect the tiny Delta Smelt fish since 2007 -- which during this drought has exacerbated the water crisis by allowing 800,000 acre feet of San Joaquin River water per year to flow to the ocean.
Fortunately, perceptive management from our California Water Project contractor, The Mojave Water Agency has indicated that from conservation programs and underground banking and storage of water supplies in our Mojave Desert area, we have more than enough water for three years, regardless of drought conditions.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
February 11, 2014
Commentary by Daniel B. Jeffs
Governor Brown is the California flim-flam man
It was bad enough that Governor Brown lied to voters to get the Proposition 30 tax hikes passed, then used the money to prop up the teachers' retirement fund instead of what it was intended for. That was obvious pay back for supporting his election.
Adding insult to injury, he sucked-in voters to pass a bond measure for his pet project high-speed rail plan, when voters had no idea that it would cost ten or more times the estimate. That was unconscionable.
Worse, Brown spent $250 million from AB-32 cap-and-trade funds -- stolen from businesses -- on his toy train, which were never intended for that purpose, and left the rail project hanging because he could not come up with the $20 billion to qualify for federal funding.
Even worse, when Brown took the maximum campaign contribution for his re-election from his high-speed rail contractor, it was conflict of interest business as usual for California's chief executive, the flim-flam man.
Indeed, his re-election is no longer an option.
What's up, Mr. President?
The Congressional Budget Office report is simply another negative for Obamacare. Middle class taxpayers will be forced to subsidize lower income people's health insurance, and they will also have to pay higher insurance premiums for less coverage.
How fair is that, President Obama? Especially, when you say people should work hard and be responsible to reach the middle class.
How deceptive is that, Mr. President? Your Affordable Care Act (unaffordable careless act) is a contradiction in terms, and will seriously damage our economy and hardworking, responsible people.
Indeed, Mr. President, you are taking America down the socialist road to a government-dependent, giant underclass. Surely -- along with abusing your power with edicts and executive orders, using the IRS against those who oppose you, and your dangerous foreign policy -- that's the ideological idea, isn't it, Mr. President?
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident
and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor:
From the Trenches of Democracy."
Newsmax Magazine
February 2014 issue
Challenging Obamacare
Shaky legal ground
President Obama told the lie about people being able to keep their health insurance and doctors so many times, it became the truth to them. Telling the people he meant something different after the lie was exposed doesn't make it any less of a lie.
That lie is costing millions of Americans millions of dollars for canceled insurance and forcing them to buy more costly insurance with less coverage and higher deductibles to meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
(Original letter)
President Obama's big lie
President Obama told the lie about people being able to keep their health insurance and doctors so many times, it became the truth to them. Telling the people he meant something different after the lie was exposed doesn't make it any less of a lie.
That lie is costing millions of Americans millions of dollars for cancelled insurance and forcing them to buy more costly insurance with less coverage and higher deductibles to meet the requirements of the (Un)Affordable Care Act.
Indeed, that's not only unconstitutional, it's fraudulent and an unconscionable and impeachable offense, period!
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
January 28, 2014
by Daniel B. Jeffs
Obamacareless ruining the economy
When presidential candidate, Barack Obama campaigned for national healthcare because people were going bankrupt from medical bills, and lied about people being able to keep the health care plans and doctors, it was preview of his abuse of authority when pushing through the Affordable Care Act.
Indeed, the bad actors in the Democrat-controlled Congress abused their authority when ramming through the Act without debate and behind closed doors, and the Supreme Court Judiciary abdicated their duty to justice with their failure to find the Act unconstitutional.
Worse, the Affordable Care Act is turning into the Unaffordable Obama careless Act destined to ruining the economy with cancelled health insurance, raising the cost of healthcare, bankrupting health insurance companies, increasing costs of businesses, and raising the cost of living for most Americans.
It was bad enough that the Clinton administration created the housing bubble by forcing banks to make home loans to unqualified borrowers to create affordable housing, and caused the housing and finance collapse. Surely, the unaffordable health care act should be knocked down, eliminated, and replaced with reasonable health care reforms as necessary.
Deport Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber's arrest for DUI, unlicensed driving and resisting arrest in Miami is the last straw in the Canadian pop star's bad behavior in America. It's bad enough that Bieber thinks he can do whatever he wants with impunity. But when he races dangerously around the country and constantly terrorizes and assaults his neighbors, he has no place here. Indeed, when this Canadian's act has become that bad, his welcome in America is worn out and he should be deported before he kills someone.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley
resident and the author of the
series, "Letters to the Editor:
From the Trenches of Democracy."
Riverside Press Enterprise
January 15, 2014
Leftism is strangling state
Urging budget restraint, feigning discipline, gunning for re-election and another shot at the presidency, Gov. Brown is continuing his long history of grandstanding as a skilled political con man in rolling out his latest state budget fraud. ("Spending binge" No," Our Views, Jan. 10)
Indeed, Brown's 8.5 percent budget increase to $106.8 billion, laced with promises to pay $11 billion toward old debt and put a paultry $1.6 billion into a "rainy day" fund is nothing in the face of hundreds of billions of dollars in long-term liabilities.
Worse, if Prop. 98 -- which requires a minimum percentage of the state budget be spent on K-12 education -- is not repealed by voter initiative, the bulk of the state budget designated for the miseducation money-pit will continue to grow like a metastasizing cancer, exacerbated by the billions wasted annually on health care, welfare and driver licenses for millions of illegal immigrants.
Joined with the governor's bullet-train debacle, the soon-to-be skyrocketing cap-and-trade electricity rates and activist judges jeopardizing public safety regarding the state prison system, our unconscionable state government is forcing Californians down the pathway to insecurity and poverty.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
January 14, 2014
Governor Brown: Budget con man
by Daniel B. Jeffs
Urging budget restraint, feigning discipline, gunning for re-election and another shot at the presidency, Governor Brown is continuing his long history of grandstanding as a skilled political con man and taxpayer snake oil salesman who, along with his Democrat cronies dominating the Legislature -- turning it into a liberal agenda Star Chamber -- is rolling out his latest state budget fraud.
Indeed, Brown's 8.5 percent budget increase to $107 billion is laced with promises to pay $11 billion on long term debt -- and $1.6 billion in chump change designated as a "rainy day" fund with a move to promote a permanent fund with a ballot measure -- is nothing in the face of the teachers' $10.2 billion legal extortion retirement contribution and looming $217.8 billion insolvency of Teachers' Retirement System, already $80 billion in the red.
Worse, if Proposition 98 is not repealed by a voter initiative, the bulk of the state budget designated for the state's miseducation money-pit will continue to grow like a metastasizing cancer, exacerbated by the $6 billion per year being wasted on education, healthcare, welfare and drivers' licenses for millions of illegal immigrants.
Coupled with the governor's Prop.30 tax lies, his pet $68-150 billion bullet-train debacle, and the soon-to-be skyrocketing cap-and-trade electricity rates compromising the economy even further -- plus activist federal judges violating California Water Project contracts and state prison system public safety meddling -- our unconscionable state government is forcing Californians down the pathway to insecurity and taxpayer poverty.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley
resident and the author of the
series, "Letters to the Editor:
From the Trenches of Democracy."
San Bernardino Sun
January 2, 2014
Governor Brown for president in 2016?
Those in the media and others who are toying with the idea of California Governor Jerry Brown as a candidate for president in 2016 are promoting a bad joke.
Indeed, Governor Brown opposed Proposition 13 in his former life as governor, refused to defend Proposition 8 when he was attorney general, and during this term as Governor committed several serious political crimes. He lied and suckered voters into phony tax increases with Proposition 30 to prevent a $6 billion cut in education funds, and is instead using the money to prop up teacher pensions. Brown also snookered voters to approve bonds for a high speed rail from San Francisco to L.A. that will cost over ten times the advertised expense.
Worse, the Governor and Legislature have encouraged and supported illegal immigration and approved the impact of over 2 million illegals costing taxpayers over $5 billion per year in education, welfare, housing and health care.
Governor Brown may be the curiosity presidential candidate poster boy for his multiple runs for the office, which is no problem for Californians.
Our voters simply need to dump our political poltergeist in his 2014 run for re-election, elect a Republican governor and change the balance of power in the Legislature, or the golden state will surely complete its transformation into fool's gold and total social, political and economic erosion.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
(Original letter - edited for space)
Those in the media and others who are toying with the idea of California Governor Jerry Brown as a candidate for president in 2016 are promoting a bad joke. As a California resident since 1944 -- an Eagle Scout and retired from 41 years in the criminal justice system -- who has followed the rise and fall of a great state, I can attest to the fact that Governor Brown, along with other venomous politicians such as minority leader Nancy Pelosi, Senator Barbara Boxer, the Democrat Legislature and environmentalist cabal are largely responsible for what is likely to become our demise.
Indeed, Governor Brown opposed Proposition 13 in his former life as governor, refused to defend Proposition 8 when he was attorney general, and during this term as Governor committed several serious political crimes. He lied and suckered voters into phony tax increases with Proposition 30 to prevent a $6 billion cut in education funds, and is instead using the money to prop up teacher pensions. Brown also snookered voters to approve bonds for a high speed rail from San Francisco to L.A. that will cost over ten times the advertised expense.
Worse, the Governor and Legislature have encouraged and supported illegal immigration and approved the impact of over 2 million illegals costing taxpayers over $5 billion per year in education, welfare, housing and health care.
Coupled with the state invasive 2009 federal court order to reduce California's prison population, and the surrender of Democrats 2011 AB 109 prisoner realignment, Governor Brown is releasing thousands of felons early -- who are preying on the people and their neighborhoods -- and he is dumping felony prisoners on local jails resulting on even more releases.
Governor Brown may be the curiosity presidential candidate poster boy for his multiple runs for the office, which is no problem for Californians. Our voters simply need to dump our political poltergeist in his 2014 run for re-election, elect a Republican governor and change the balance of power in the Legislature, or the golden state will surely complete its transformation into fool's gold and total social, political and economic erosion.
NewsMax Magazine
December 2013 Issue
ObamaCare's Failings
President Obama targeted the government shutdown, from closing national parks to denying death benefits to families of our military heroes killed in action to inflict as much pain on the public as possible (Employees Dump Workers Onto Private Exchanges," November).
Our country will surely feel the social, political and economic pain of Obamacare, hopefully in time for voters to reject the socialist takeover in the 2014 and 2016 elections.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
(Excepts from original letter below)
Government shutdown scam
President Obama targeted the government shutdown -- from closing national parks to denying death benefits to families of our military heroes killed in action -- to inflict as much pain on the public as possible -- and to spread fear over the debt limit -- to falsely blame Republicans for the purpose of taking back the House of Representatives in the 2014 midterm elections, and continuing his scurrilous efforts to the growth and power of government, unabated.
Our country will surely feel the social, political and economic pain of Obamacareless, hopefully in time for voters to reject the socialist takeover in the 2014 and 2016 elections. Meanwhile, Utah, Arizona and other states are opening the national parks in their states. Indeed, all national parks and federal lands should be turned over to the states to deal with as they wish. A first step in reducing the grip of federal power.
Eliminating the Department of Education should be next, followed by the over-regulating EPA, and adopting the "Fair (consumption) Tax" to abolish the distribution of wealth taxation and the punitive-taxing power of the IRS. Limited government -- as outlined in the Constitution -- should be practiced by our elected representatives, and the electorate should hold them to it.
Riverside Press Enterprise
November 21, 2013
Talking with Iran foolish
It comes as no surprise that President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry failed in their negotiations with Iran. It should be understood that Iran is using negotiations, delays and distractions to buy time so it can develop nuclear weapons.
Our administration should know that you don't negotiate with terrorists or a terrorist state.
Furthermore, throwing Israel under the bus in order to talk with Iran is unconscionable. Israel is our only friend and ally in the Middle East and a great help in dealing with Iran. Israel has an absolute right to exist.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
(Original letter)
Obama administration incompetency, domestic and foreign
With less than 50,000 people signing up for Obamacare on government web sites, and 49,000 on state exchange sites, and half of both have been unable to complete the process, it clearly demonstrates that government is incompetent. Worse, 7 million people have had their health plans cancelled because they don't meet Obamacare standards -- which will more than double or triple their premiums and deductibles -- leads the American people to the inescapable conclusion that President Obama lied, and that the Obamacare law should be renamed, "The Unaffordable Careless Act" -- a tyranny which will ultimately and unnecessarily cost taxpayers an extra $1.2 trillion.
Plus, it comes as no surprise that President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry are foreign policy incompetents in their negotiations with Iran. It is well known and understood that Iran is using negotiations, delay and distractions to buy time for developing nuclear weapons, and that you don't negotiate with terrorists or a terrorist state. Adding insult to injury, throwing Israel under the bus is unconscionable. Israel is our only friend and ally in the Middle East, a deterrent to Iran and they have an absolute right to exist.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Bernardino Sun
November 8, 2013
California leading way to government decay
It's bad enough that Governor Brown and the Democrat Legislature are selling-out California with $500 billion in long term debt for government pensions and healthcare benefits -- including the $68 billion high speed rail debacle -- and $50 billion in new taxes.
But when the state smothers business, property owners, jobs and the economy with tyrannical regulations -- and embraces economy-crushing Obamacare with all-encompassing "Covered California" health insurance exchanges -- piling on to the Obama administration's punishing edicts, executive orders and EPA regulations, it's simply authoritarian government flying in the face of the state and federal Constitutions.
Coupled with legislative attempts to weaken or eliminate the people's state constitutional rights to voter initiatives, referendums and recall -- and the state's open invitation to budget-busting illegal immigrants and criminals, California is leading the way to corrosive insecurity, economic chaos and bankruptcy.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
October 29, 2013
(Only letter to the editor)
Financial institutions act as a scapegoat
Punishing JP Morgan Chase with billions of dollars in fines and possibly pursuing criminal charges is government tyranny for an economic collapse caused by a government bent on pushing ideology and unaffordable housing at any cost ("$13 billion penalty leaves behind a whale of a problem," Our view. Too big to fail debate, Wednesday).
JP Morgan Chase, other banks, mortgage bankers and lenders, and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sold risky mortgage securities as the result of President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act, and the Clinton administration encouraging them to provide affordable housing mortgages to unqualified buyers. That is what caused the housing and finance bubble to burst, resulting in the economic meltdown. Government's reckless interference with free markets and free enterprise was done before the meltdown, and the situation was exacerbated by government after the collapse.
If anyone should be prosecuted, it should be former President Bill Clinton, not JP Morgan.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
Commentary by Daniel B. Jeffs
October 29, 2013
Obamacare and the socialist agenda
The socialist agenda shifted into high gear with Obamacare. President Obama and the congressional left are making it painfully clear that they intend to complete the socialist agenda with housing, jobs, income redistribution, food and clothing.
Clinton's socialist affordable housing agenda was carried out with forced approval of mortgages for unqualified buyers, which exploded, and collapsed housing and finance in 2008. The same thing is likely to happen with Obamacare, with a direct, negative impact on the people.
Moreover, the Justice Department is using the socialist Dodd-Frank finance law to shake down JP Morgan Chase bank with a $13 billion hit for selling risky mortgage-back securities, when it was government that caused the circumstances, and is now seeking control of banking, CEO salaries and compensation.
President Obama is keeping up the pressure of distractions from Obamacare problems by gearing up a push for immigration reform and amnesty that will weigh even more heavily on taxpayers and the fragile economy. Indeed, it's all targeted by the unyielding socialist agenda.
Prosecute Clinton, not JP Morgan
Punishing JP Morgan with a $13 billion fine and pursuing criminal charges is unconscionable government tyranny for an economic collapse caused by government bent on pushing an ideology and affordable housing at any cost.
JP Morgan Chase, other banks, mortgage bankers and lenders, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sold risky mortgage securities as the result of President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act and the Clinton administration forcing them to provide unaffordable housing mortgages to unqualified buyers.
That is what caused the housing and finance bubble to burst, resulting in the 2008 economic meltdown. Government's reckless interference with free markets and free enterprise was done before the meltdown and exacerbated by government after the collapse.
And that is what raised the national debt from $10 trillion to $17 trillion in 5 years, which will reach $20 trillion by 2016 at the hands of President Obama and congressional Democrats, who have prolonged the recession.
If anyone should be prosecuted, it should be former President Bill Clinton for causing the collapse -- and former Rep. Barney Frank and former Sen. Chris Dodd for perpetuating the conditions leading to the meltdown -- not JP Morgan Chase.
Unfortunately, before leaving Congress, Dodd and Frank added insult to injury with the over-reaching Dodd-Frank finance laws.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident
and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy"
Daily Press
October 25, 2013
Obamacare and socialism
The socialist agenda shifted into high gear with Obamacare. President Obama and the congressional left are making it painfully clear that they intend to complete the socialist agenda with housing, jobs, income redistribution, food and clothing.
Clinton's socialist affordable housing agenda was carried out with forced approval of mortgages for unqualified buyers, which exploded, and collapsed housing and finance in 2008. The same thing is likely to happen with Obamacare, with a direct, negative impact on the people.
Moreover, the Justice Department is using the socialist Dodd-Frank finance law to shake down JP Morgan Chase bank with a $13 billion hit for selling risky mortgage-back securities, when it was government that caused the circumstances, and is now seeking control of banking, CEO salaries and compensation.
President Obama is keeping up the pressure of distractions from Obamacare problems by gearing up a push for immigration reform and amnesty that will weigh even more heavily on taxpayers and the fragile economy. Indeed, it's all targeted by the unyielding socialist agenda.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
October 22, 2013
Obama's extortion worked
by Daniel B. Jeffs
Republicans will take more heat than Democrats over President Obama's shutdown extortion and demonizing the tea party. The forced compromise will carry the budget and debt ceiling into next year, leaving Obamacare in place.
But when Obamacare takes hold, Obama and the Democrats will suffer from the costly mess, hopefully enough for Republicans to keep the House and gain back the Senate and the presidency in 2014/16.
Letting Obamacareless and the debt ceiling ride, would raise the national debt to over $20 trillion and take America over the social, political and economic cliff. Mission accomplished by President Obama. Voter's can't afford to let that happen.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident
and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy
San Diego Union-Tribune
October 19, 2013
When Obamacare takes hold, we all suffer
Republicans will take more heat than Democrats over President Obama's shutdown extortion and demonizing the tea party. The forced compromise will carry the budget and debt ceiling into next year, leaving Obamacare in place.
But when Obamacare takes hold, Obama and the Democrats will suffer from the costly mess, hopefully enough for Republicans to keep the House and gain back the Senate and the presidency in 2014 an 2016.
Letting Obamacareless and the debt ceiling ride, would raise the national debt to over $20 trillion and take America over the social, political and economic cliff. Mission accomplished by President Obama.
Voter's can't afford to let that happen.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
October 15, 2013
California in double-trouble
by Daniel B. Jeffs
Californians are in the grip of government double-trouble, with Governor Brown and a Democrat Legislature -- plus President Obama and former House Democrat Speaker/Minority leader, Nancy Pelosi -- using the liberal-media propaganda machine to drive the socialist justice agenda from the golden-state coast to the Eastern seaboard.
It's bad enough that Governor Brown and the Democrat Legislature are selling-out California with $500 billion in long term debt for government pensions and healthcare benefits -- including the $100 billion high speed rail debacle -- and $50 billion in new taxes.
But when the state smothers business, property owners, jobs and the economy with tyrannical regulations -- and embraces economy-crushing Obamacare with all-encompassing "Covered California" health insurance exchanges -- piling on to the Obama administration's punishing edicts, executive orders and EPA regulations, it's simply authoritarian government flying in the face of the state and federal Constitutions.
Coupled with legislative attempts to weaken or eliminate the people's state constitutional rights to voter initiatives, referendums and recall -- and the state's open invitation to budget-busting illegal immigrants and criminals, California is leading the way to corrosive insecurity, economic chaos and bankruptcy.
Will of the people ignored
When President Obama ran for the Oval Office he promised to fundamentally transform America and resolve a health care crisis that -- other than Medicare and Medicaid fraud, waste and abuse -- did not exist. Unfortunately for the American people, he is keeping those unconscionable promises.
After his election, President Obama and the Democrat Congress rammed through economy-busting Obamacare without debate. This tyrannical act was rejected by the majority of voters who gave control of the their House of Representatives to Republicans in the 2010 mid-term elections. The Supreme Court betrayed the people by ruling that Obamacare was constitutional because it was a tax, rather than what it really is: fees and penalties for failure to comply.
House attempts to repeal or modify Obamacare have been met by President Obama's complicit media blitz against Republicans -- demonizing patriotic tea party Republicans -- issuing edicts and executive orders -- and shutting down select government services to blackmail Republicans with false accusations. Coupled with the tyranny of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the President and the Democrat-controlled Senate are blatantly ignoring the Constitution and the will of the people.
If we are to protect ourselves from becoming a giant underclass and social, political and economic doom, voters must elect a Republican government in 2014 and 2016.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident
and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy
San Diego Union-Tribune
October 11, 2013
California in double-trouble
Californians are in the grip of government double-trouble, with Governor Brown and a Democrat Legislature -- plus President Obama and former House Democrat Speaker/Minority leader, Nancy Pelosi -- using the liberal-media propaganda machine to drive the socialist justice agenda from the golden-state coast to the Eastern Seaboard.
It's bad enough that Governor Brown and the Democrat Legislature are selling-out California with $500 billion in long term debt for government pensions and healthcare benefits, including the $100 billion high speed rail debacle and $50 billion in new taxes.
But when the state smothers business, property owners, jobs and the economy with tyrannical regulations -- and embraces economy-crushing Obamacare with all-encompassing "Covered California" health insurance exchanges -- piling on to the Obama administration's punishing edicts, executive orders and EPA regulations, it's simply authoritarian government flying in the face of the state and federal Constitutions.
Coupled with legislative attempts to weaken or eliminate the people's state constitutional rights to voter initiatives, referendums and recall -- and the state's open invitation to budget-busting illegal immigrants and criminals, California is leading the way to corrosive insecurity, economic chaos and bankruptcy.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Riverside Press Enterprise
October 11, 2013
Obama ignores people
When President Obama ran for the Oval Office he promised to fundamentally transform America and resolve a health care crisis that did not exist. Unfortunately for the American people, he is keeping those unconscionable promises.
After his election, he and the Democrats in Congress rammed through economy-busting Obamacare.
This tyrannical act was rejected by the majority of voters who gave control of the their House of Representatives to Republicans in the 2010 midterm elections.
Obama reacted to House attempts to repeal or modify Obamacare by demonizing patriotic tea party Republicans, issuing edicts and executive orders and shutting down select government services to blackmail Republicans.
Coupled with the tyranny of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the President and the Democrat-controlled Senate are blatantly ignoring the Constitution and the will of the people.
If we are to protect ourselves from becoming a giant underclass of people, we must elect a Republican government in 2014 and 2016.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
(original letter)
Will of the people ignored
When President Obama ran for the Oval Office he promised to fundamentally transform America and resolve a health care crisis that did not exist. Unfortunately for the American people, he is keeping those unconscionable promises.
After his election, President Obama and the Democrat Congress rammed through economy-busting Obamacare without debate. This tyrannical act was rejected by the majority of voters who gave control of the their House of Representatives to Republicans in the 2010 mid-term elections. The Supreme Court betrayed the people by ruling that Obamacare was constitutional because it was a tax, rather than what it really is: fees and penalties for failure to comply.
House attempts to repeal or modify Obamacare have been met by President Obama's complicit media blitz against Republicans -- demonizing patriotic tea party Republicans -- issuing edicts and executive orders -- and shutting down select government services to blackmail Republicans with false accusations. Coupled with the tyranny of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, the President and the Democrat-controlled Senate are blatantly ignoring the Constitution and the will of the people.
If we are to protect ourselves from becoming a giant underclass and social, political and economic doom, voters must elect a Republican government in 2014 and 2016.
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
October 8, 2013
The deleterious Obama-effect
by Daniel B. Jeffs
President Obama's perpetual campaign against the best interests of America is manifested by his obsession with his so-called "signature legislation" of the UnAffordable Health Care Act -- his "Social Justice" assault on the fragile economy -- his leading from behind bungling of foreign policy highlighted by deals with the devils of Russia and Iran, and ignoring the growing monsters of terrorism.
Too many 2008 and 2012 presidential election voters were oblivious to the deleterious effect of President Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America -- the Clinton-caused housing and financial meltdown -- and the puppet-Democrat Congress and the biased media, which propelled him to do just that with Obamacare, edicts and executive orders, runaway spending and unsustainable debt. That is what created the Tea Party, polarized America, extended the recession and fortunately, raised the influence of Fox News.
Obamacare, reckless spending and debt limit madness are being perpetuated by Democrats demonizing the Tea Party, and Republicans eating their own. That's why I am an independent voter. Truth is, the spontaneous Tea Party represents the feelings of the majority of Americans. Hopefully, sanity, social and economic recovery, and national security will be restored after the 2014 and 2016 elections. Anything less could result in the final fall of the greatest nation on earth.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident
and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy
October 2013 issue
No-plan president
President Obama's budget plan, along with his targeted sequester, can only be described as unconscionable deceptions, intimidation and petty political extortion at the expense of the economy and the middle class ("GOP Day of Reckoning as Sequester Showdown Looms," September).
He has no budget plan at all. Budgets require a positive outcome and expenditures. Instead, the president is acting like an irresponsible child with a no-limit taxpayer credit card.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
October 1, 2013
President Obama: Presidential pretender and constitutional offender
by Daniel B. Jeffs
Lest voters forget, presidential candidate, Senator Obama campaigned to fundamentally transform America, declaring a healthcare crisis when there was none, and promising that electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket to accomplish his green energy conversion -- regardless of the housing and financial collapse, economic meltdown and massive job losses.
After President Obama's election, his process to fundamentally transform America began by ramming his Affordable Healthcare Act (AKA Obamacare -- unaffordable careless act) through the Democrat-controlled Congress without objection from his political lemmings, passed wasteful stimulus spending, raised the national debt to unsustainable levels, and continues to diminish America's standing in the world.
After Democrats lost the House of Representative to the Republicans, Mr. Obama set about to unconstitutionally circumvent Congress with edicts and executive orders to pursue green energy at the expense of the oil industry and the coal energy industry, with EPA carbon enforcement and shutting down oil exploration and production on federal lands and offshore.
Of course the other shoe is about to drop on the economy with the implementation of Obamacare -- the circumvention of Congress and the Constitution continuing unabated -- as President Obama goes about the business of perpetual lies and deceit, political pontificating and campaigning to transform America at the expense of our freedoms, our economy, our foreign policy, our allies, our national security and our future.
Surely, Mr. Obama's legacy will be that of being a presidential pretender, manipulator-in-chief, and serial constitutional offender.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy."
San Diego Union-Tribune
September 30, 2012
The deleterious Obama-effect
President Obama's perpetual campaign against the best interests of America is manifested by his obsession with his so-called "signature legislation" of the UnAffordable Health Care Act -- his "Social Justice" assault on the fragile economy -- his leading from behind bungling of foreign policy highlighted by deals with the devils of Russia and Iran, and ignoring the growing monsters of terrorism.
Too many 2008 and 2012 presidential election voters were oblivious to the deleterious effect of President Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America -- the Clinton-caused housing and financial meltdown -- and the puppet-Democrat Congress and the biased media, which propelled him to do just that with Obamacare, edicts and executive orders, runaway spending and unsustainable debt. That is what created the Tea Party, polarized America, extended the recession and fortunately, raised the influence of Fox News.
Obamacare, reckless spending and debt limit madness are being perpetuated by Democrats demonizing the Tea Party, and Republicans eating their own. That's why I am an independent voter. Truth is, the spontaneous Tea Party represents the feelings of the majority of Americans. Hopefully, sanity, social and economic recovery, and national security will be restored after the 2014 and 2016 elections. Anything less could result in the final fall of the greatest nation on earth.
Daniel B. Jeffs
San Diego Union-Tribune
September 23, 2013
Presidential pretender, constitutional offender
Lest voters forget, presidential candidate, Senator Obama campaigned to fundamentally transform America, declaring a healthcare crisis when there was none, and promising that electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket to accomplish his green energy conversion -- regardless of the housing and financial collapse, economic meltdown and massive job losses.
After President Obama's election, his process to fundamentally transform America began by ramming his Affordable Healthcare Act (AKA Obamacare -- unaffordable careless act) through the Democrat-controlled Congress without objection from his political lemmings, passed wasteful stimulus spending, raised the national debt to unsustainable levels, and continues to diminish America's standing in the world.
After Democrats lost the House of Representative to the Republicans, Mr. Obama set about to unconstitutionally circumvent Congress with edicts and executive orders to pursue green energy at the expense of the oil industry and the coal energy industry, with EPA carbon enforcement and shutting down oil exploration and production on federal lands and offshore.
Of course the other shoe is about to drop on the economy with the implementation of Obamacare -- the circumvention of Congress and the Constitution continuing unabated -- as President Obama goes about the business of perpetual lies and deceit, political pontificating and campaigning to transform America at the expense of our freedoms, our economy, our foreign policy, our allies, our national security and our future.
Surely, Mr. Obama's legacy will be that of being a presidential pretender, manipulator-in-chief, and serial constitutional offender.
Daniel B. Jeffs
San Bernardino Sun
September 5, 2013
Obama's leaderless foreign policy
President Obama's leaderless foreign policy presidency has given al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood their rise to power in the Middle East and North Africa, leaving Muslim nations in mass confusion and costing thousands of lives. Obama's missile-man approach in dealing with our mortal enemy has escalated their invasions and emboldened their threat to our national security.
Egypt and Libya are bloody examples of the Obama administration's incompetence. Israel must be feeling a substantial increase in the threat against them, particularly from Iran, Syria and their Hezbollah army of terrorists.
Bombing Syria over the use of chemical weapons on its own people would only serve to escalate the violence and more aggression from Iran, which would likely spill over into assaults on Israel. Clearly, President Obama's focus must be in support of Israel, against Iran's nuclear weapons threat, and the overall threat to our national security, by any means necessary. Unfortunately, Obama's obsession with the growth of government and weakening America is more frightening.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
(Original letter)
President Obama's leaderless foreign policy presidency has given al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood their rise to power in the Middle East and North Africa, leaving Muslim nations in mass confusion and costing thousands of lives. Surely, Obama's missile-man approach in dealing with our mortal enemy has done little to nothing against terrorists. Rather, it has escalated their invasions and emboldened their threat to our national security.
Egypt and Libya are bloody examples of the Obama administration's incompetence. Allowing the assassination of our Ambassador and other Americans in Benghazi, Libya -- and Egypt to fall by supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and President Morsi was a deadly mistake -- saved only by the strength of Egypt's military. Certainly, Israel must be feeling a substantial increase in the threat against them, particularly from Iran, Syria and their Hezbollah army of terrorists.
Bombing Syria over the use of chemical weapons on its own people would only serve to escalate the violence and more aggression from Iran, which would likely spill over into assaults on Israel. Clearly, President Obama's focus must be in support of Israel, against Iran's nuclear weapons threat, and the overall threat to our national security, by any means necessary. Unfortunately, Obama's obsession with the growth of government and weakening America is more frightening.
Daily Press Dispatch
August 25, 2013
Bill Clinton caused the housing, financial meltdown
Phil Gramm and Mike Solon's somewhat restrained analysis of the cause of the housing and financial crisis in the Wall Street Journal is at least a published account of the direct, real cause of the housing and financial crash, which was former president Bill Clinton's administration.
Indeed, Clinton abused his power by using President Carter's ill-conceived Community Reinvestment Act to force affordable housing into the housing market by any means necessary.
Clinton's wrecking crew, HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo and Attorney General Janet Reno abused their power by forcing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to give home loans to unqualified buyers, and threatened Banks and mortgage lenders to do the same -- which led to subprime loans, bundling, credit-default swaps, and sales of contaminated government-backed home loan securities -- which infected Wall Street and the world economy.
Of course, House and Senate Finance Committee heavyweights, Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Christopher Dodd perpetuated the looming housing and financial crash with lies and deceit about the safety and soundness of the affordable housing loans, to continue the liberal Democrat agenda of social justice at any cost.
Alas, that cost is costing America's economy and all of us housing losses and jobs, aggravated by punishing taxes and regulations, runaway spending and unsustainable debt -- frustrated by President Obama's tyrannical government growth and the growing threat to our national security.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
August 22, 2013
Put renewable fuel quotas in rearview mirror
USA TODAY got it right in the analysis of the senseless, obsolete need for the increased ethanol mandate ("Rising ethanol quotas pump more money from your pocket," Our view, energy independence debate, Friday).
Indeed, corn ethanol has become another poster idea for the costly failures of government's good intentions. It's bad enough that ethanol is unnecessary for our vehicles that are becoming more fuel efficient and that increased domestic oil and gas production makes ethanol mandates even more costly and unnecessary.
It is unconscionable for Congress not to admit the mistake and repeal all corn ethanol additive mandates.
Alas, that's why government growth, spending and debt are consuming our freedoms and our future. If we are to survive, voters must reign in and reverse the insanity in the 2014 and 2016 elections.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
VV Daily Press
August 22, 2013
Dump corn ethanol
USA TODAY and WSJ editorials are correct about the senseless increased ethanol mandate and the obsolete need for ethanol in America. Indeed, corn ethanol fuel has become another poster idea for the costly failures of government's good intentions and the bad intentions of the big corn ethanol industry.
Surely, it's bad enough that corn ethanol is not only unnecessary for our vehicles that are becoming more fuel efficient, that increased domestic oil and gas production makes ethanol mandates even more costly and unnecessary, and that corn ethanol is robbing our corn supply -- raising the cost of food.
It is simply unconscionable for Congress not to admit the mistake and repeal all corn ethanol additive mandates. Particularly, when ethanol ruins the engines in our vehicles, it is more toxic than gasoline emissions, and even California asked for an exemption to using ethanol.
But that's politics and big government, isn't it? Pass bad laws, invoke punishing taxes and regulations, and let it ride. Alas, that's why government growth, spending and debt are consuming our freedoms and our future. If we are to survive, voters must reign in and reverse the insanity.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Riverside Press Enterprise
August 14, 2013
President breaking U.S.
President Barack Obama making exceptions for unions and congressional staff regarding Obamacare, along with delaying implementation of it until after the 2014 elections, comes as no surprise.
Obama continues to circumvent our nation's laws executive orders and edicts. And these orders end up hurting the middle class.
And lest we forget, this debacle was created by him when he ran in the 2008 election, telling everyone there was a crisis in health care. He created a crisis that didn't exist. Of course the crisis that did exist, and persists, is the Democrat-caused housing and financial crash.
Health care in America needed some work, but not with national health care that will surely break our economic back. The Democrat-controlled Congress that rammed it through also shares the blame.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
(original letter)
Breaking America's economic back
Illegally exempting unions and congressional staff from Obamacare, along with pushing the implementation until after the 2014 elections comes as no surprise.
Particularly when President Obama continues to circumvent the law with EPA and Energy executive orders and edicts destined to hurt the middle class.
Lest we forget, the president's Obamacareless monster was created by then Senator Obama while running in the 2008 election. He created a crisis that didn't exist. Of course the crisis that did exist, and persists, is the Clinton/Frank/Dodd Democrat-caused housing and financial crash.
Healthcare in America needed some work, but not with national health care that will surely break our economic back. The Democrat Congress that rammed it through without debate, shares the blame. Indeed, every House and Senate member who voted for it.
San Bernardino Sun
August 8, 2013
Obama's speeches distract from his failures
President Obama's perpetual campaign continues with the latest round of biased media-supported, staged travel-trivia speeches -- stroking the economy and the middle class -- with his clueless people backdrops of bobbleheads nodding and applauding his every point, on cue.
Of course, Obama's latest charges against his Republican opponents -- of causing Washington to take its eye off the ball with "distractions, political posturing and phony scandals" -- are in fact his phony-in-chief maneuvers to detract from his abusive government, social, political, economic and national security failures.
Meanwhile, the president relentlessly continues his unprecedented abuse of power, executive orders and edicts, political appointments, and administrative regulations forcing his destructive injustice, miseducation, energy, environmental, healthcare, immigration, financial, debt and spending agenda upon America.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Newsmax Magazine
August 2013 Issue
Self-radicalized Terrorists
There is no question that the Obama administration endangers our national security. President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are making it painfully clear that they had no problem risking our national security by cutting off the FBI questioning of Boston bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.
They, along with a federal magistrate that stopped the questioning of Tsarnaev, are abdicating their sworn duty to defend our public safety against all enemies, foreign and domestic, leaving them with the blood of Boston on their hands. That, along with failures against Islamic Fort Hood and Benghazi terrorism amount to unconscionable aid and comfort to our enemies and is tantamount to impeachable treason.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
July 16, 2013
President Obama: Constitutional violator
President Obama violated the Article II, Section 3 Constitutional duty that the president "shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed," with his failure to execute the activation of the health care employer mandate law by delay -- which was obviously done to avoid 2014 mid-term election problems.
Indeed, failing to faithfully execute laws is nothing new for the president, who has habitually failed to execute illegal immigration laws, and to secure our borders, leaving us vulnerable to the increased invasion of criminals and terrorists.
Worse, President Obama has abused his power by creating laws by executive order and edict to the Dept. of Interior, the Energy Dept. and with EPA administrative laws to further his green energy agenda with unreasonable fees and punishing taxes.
Taken together, President Obama's tyrannical "unaffordable health careless act" -- and his relentless assaults on our nation's affordable oil and coal energy resources -- will surely drive our economy ever deeper into debt and decline.
Clearly, when one man -- President Obama -- and one Party -- Democrat -- cause our country and our people to live steeped in social, political, economic and national security fear and uncertainty, the 2014 mid-term and 2016 presidential elections will surely become a reckoning for our future.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Bernardino Sun
July 4, 2013
Democrat-voter-and-fed-assisted economic suicide
California's AB-32 cap-and-tax revenues - which are supposed to fund green energy programs -- will be diverted by Gov. Brown and the Democrat Legislature to increase Welfare and Medicaid funding by $500 million this year, and the diversions will increase to between $ 2 billion and $15 billion by 2015.
It doesn't seem to matter that the Democrat legislature's recently passed $96.3 billion state budget does nothing to address California's enormous debt. Or that embracing the fraud of Obamacare will raise insurance rates for all Californians, increase the cost of living and decrease employment.
Adding insult to injury, and new federal mandates for increased ethanol in gasoline will raise gas prices, destroy auto and diesel engines, and increase air pollution with insidious toxins. Plus, the increase of corn-ethanol will raise food prices significantly.
Sadly, with Democrat-voter-and-fed-assisted economic suicide in the works, California will surely go into a long political tailspin, nose-dive and crash.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Los Angeles Times
July 2, 2013
Letters: Love and the courts
California Atty. Gen Kamala Harris played the role of an activist by calling on the 9th Circuit to lift its stay immediately, which it did.
It didn't matter to her that she herself and her predecessor, Jerry Brown, now the governor, violated their oaths of office by refusing to defend Proposition 8, which passed in 2008 with the support of more than 7 million voters. Harris and Brown deserve to be recalled.
Worse, the Supreme Court betrayed democracy and the Constitution by saying that the sponsors of Proposition 8 did not have legal standing to appeal. This decision against the majority of voters was unconscionable. Proposition 8's proponents did have standing. In a final appeal to stop the marriages, they were denied, as was the institution of marriage.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
(original letter)
Recall Attorney General Kamala Harris and Governor Brown
Attorney General Kamala Harris continued her gay activism by asking the federal 9th Circuit to lift its stay immediately, which was done, then performing the first gay marriage in California -- which is outrageous malfeasance.
It didn't matter that former Attorney General, now Governor Jerry Brown and Attorney General Kamala Harris violated their oaths of office by refusing to defend Proposition 8 simply because their personal agendas were against the will of the people, who passed the state constitutional amendment by a 52 percent vote, prohibiting gay marriage -- which was over 7 million voters in a nearly 80 percent voter turnout. Harris and Brown should be recalled.
Worse, Chief Justice Roberts and the Supreme Court majority betrayed democracy and the Constitution by saying the sponsors of Proposition 8 did not have legal standing to appeal after the ballot measure was struck down by Vaughn Walker, a gay federal judge in San Francisco, which was a conflict of interest. Both decisions against the majority of California voters were unconstitutional and unconscionable.
The proponents of Proposition 8 did have standing. In a final appeal to stop the marriages, they were maliciously denied by Justice Kennedy as was the institution of marriage.
The New York Post
July 1, 2013
Tearing down tradition: Court's attack on marriage
The Chief Justice Roberts and the Supreme Court majority betrayed democracy and the Constitution by saying the sponsors of Proposition 8 did not have legal standing to appeal after the ballot measure was struck down.
Both decisions against the majority of California voters were unconstitutional and unconscionable.
It didn't matter that Governor Jerry Brown and Attorney General Kamala Harris violated their oaths of office by refusing to defend Proposition 8, simply because they were against the will of the people, who passed the state constitutional amendment by a 52 percent vote.
San Francisco's tyranny by social intimidation and legal extortion has dealt fatal blows to our legal system and the traditional institution of marriage.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
(Original letter)
Voters lose, gay federal judge and tyranny of the minority win
The Chief Justice Roberts and the Supreme Court majority betrayed democracy and the Constitution by saying the sponsors of Proposition 8 did not have legal standing to appeal after the ballot measure was struck down by Vaughn Walker, a gay a federal judge in San Francisco. Both decisions against the majority of California voters were unconstitutional and unconscionable.
It didn't matter that former Attorney General, now Governor Jerry Brown and Attorney General Kamala Harris violated their oaths of office by refusing to defend Proposition 8 simply because they were against the will of the people, who passed the state constitutional amendment by a 52 percent vote, prohibiting gay marriage.
Alas, the tyranny of San Francisco and the gay minority by social intimidation and legal extortion have dealt fatal blows to our legal system and the traditional institution of marriage, confirming the dangers of what is becoming a superficial society of moral decay, social aggression, political terrorism, selfish interests and extremes.
Los Angeles Times
Opinion L.A.
June 29, 2013
Re: Proposition 8 deserved a defense
By Erwin Chemerinsky
Erwin Chemerinsky is correct. Proposition 8 deserved a state defense.
The Chief Justice Roberts and the Supreme Court majority betrayed democracy and the Constitution by saying the sponsors of Proposition 8 did not have legal standing to appeal after the ballot measure was struck down by a gay federal judge in San Francisco. Both decisions against the majority of California voters were unconstitutional and unconscionable.
It didn't matter that former Attorney General, now Governor Jerry Brown and Attorney General Kamala Harris violated their oaths of office by refusing to defend Proposition 8 simply because they and the federal judge had conflicts of interest against the will of the people, who passed the state constitutional amendment by a 52 percent vote, prohibiting gay marriage.
Alas, the tyranny of San Francisco and the gay minority by social intimidation and legal extortion have dealt fatal blows to our legal system and the traditional institution of marriage, confirming the dangers of what is becoming a superficial society of moral decay, social aggression, political terrorism, selfish interests and extremes.
Direct Democracy
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, CA
June 28, 2013
Re: It's a sad day for democracy - by Brian S. Brown.
I agree. Voters lose, gay federal judge and tyranny of the minority win
The Chief Justice Roberts and the Supreme Court majority betrayed democracy and the Constitution by saying the sponsors of Proposition 8 did not have legal standing to appeal after the ballot measure was struck down by Vaughn Walker, a gay a federal judge in San Francisco. Both decisions against the majority of California voters were unconstitutional and unconscionable.
It didn't matter that former Attorney General, now Governor Jerry Brown and Attorney General Kamala Harris violated their oaths of office by refusing to defend Proposition 8 simply because they were against the will of the people, who passed the state constitutional amendment by a 52 percent vote, prohibiting gay marriage.
Alas, the tyranny of San Francisco and the gay minority by social intimidation and legal extortion have dealt fatal blows to our legal system and the traditional institution of marriage, confirming the dangers of what is becoming a superficial society of moral decay, social aggression, political terrorism, selfish interests and extremes.
Los Angeles Times
June 27, 2013
Re: Gay marriages should start now: AG Kamala Harris
California Attorney General Kamala Harris doesn't want the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals wait the usual 25 days to lift its Prop. 8 stay, and start gay marriages NOW!
It doesn't matter that former Attorney General, now Governor Jerry Brown and Attorney General Kamala Harris violated their oaths of office by refusing to defend Proposition 8 simply because they were against the will of the people, who passed the state constitutional amendment by a 52 percent vote, prohibiting gay marriage.
Indeed, overturning Proposition 8 comes from the tyranny of the minority, which rules California and most of the United States. Gay extremists and activist courts have joined environmental extremists in a long record of intimidating anyone or anything that opposes them.
Likewise, the 1994 voter referendum, Proposition 187, passed by 59 percent of the vote, prohibiting illegal aliens from using health care, education, welfare and other social services -- which were costing California taxpayers $3 billion per year -- was ruled unconstitutional by an activist federal court, which stood because Governor Gray Davis violated his oath of office, halted state appeals and refused to defend the law.
Of course, the tyranny of the minority has been perpetuated by liberal Democrats' insidious agenda of lies and deceit, punishing laws, taxes and regulations wagging the public dog from the Sacramento state house -- steadily driving California toward social, political and economic ruin.
Alas, California liberals -- the worst in the nation -- have rejected traditional American values and created a superficial society of moral decay, social aggression, political terrorism, selfish interests and extremes.
June 25, 2013
President Obama ignores China/Russia rejection to return Snowden
Instead of dealing directly with the rejections by China and Russia to the return of criminally-charged NSA leaker/fugitive/traitor, Edward Snowden, President Obama has chosen to ignore the national security crisis -- along with the Benghazi and IRS scandals -- and deflect attention away from his domestic and international failures by assisting Syrian rebels, reducing our nuclear power deterrent, and campaigning against global warming.
Indeed, President Obama is adding insult to injury by limiting oil exploration and production, pushing expensive green fuel, wind and solar energy, carbon taxing coal energy, industrial and business emissions, and implementing unnecessary/economy-crushing Obamacare. Clearly, with Obama and company in charge, there has been little or no direct leadership in dealing with real social, political, economic, and increasing national security threats.
Alas, Mr. Obama appears to be a presidential imposter who only knows the deceit of distraction, perpetual campaigning and manufactured crisis, with no accountability.
Sacramento Bee
June 21, 2013
Federal courts abuse power against California
Governor Brown's dispute with the federal court over the release of state prison inmates goes far beyond compliance by prison re-alignment, which has already impacted local county jails and endangered communities. Now, the three-judge 'Star Chamber' has order the immediate release of 9,600 state prisoners, which will put California citizens in eminent danger. However, liberal California government bears a substantial part of the blame for crowded prison conditions.
Indeed, state and federal Democrats are responsible for tyrannical government growth and the proliferation of illegal aliens, by failure to enforce immigration laws, inviting illegals to partake in welfare, education and healthcare, particularly in California, which is costing California taxpayers about $5 billion per year. Plus overloading our prisons with illegal alien criminals to a point where the federal court ordered nearly 10,000 prisoners released early to prey on California citizens.
Wise-up, California voters, and put a stop to the political insanity. Our security, our economy, our future and the future of our children are at stake.
The Wall Street Journal
June 15, 2013
RE: Dabbling in Syria - editorial
As the WSJ editorial aptly put it, President Obama is indeed "Dabbling in Syria." And he is losing the war against terrorism.
President Obama's decision to provide arms and support to Syrian rebels is simply a distraction from administration scandals -- in the IRS, Dept. of Justice, and Dept. of State -- and will certainly be an exercise in futility.
Particularly, in light of Iran and Russia's support of the Syrian regime, and Obama's rebel support of regime turnovers in Egypt, Libya and throughout North Africa and the Middle East, giving al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic militants blanket power.
Indeed, the terrorist threats to our national security have substantially increased, benchmarked by the malfeasance in Benghazi costing the lives of our ambassador and three other Americans.
Surely, history has taught us that it's better to deal with dictatorship regimes we know, than the world-domination Islamists who won't.
San Diego Union-Tribune
June 12, 2013
Snowden guilty of treason
NSA leaker Edward Snowden seems to be motivated by government's massive intrusion on Americans' phone calls, emails, monitoring internet activity, and other communications. However, he has not explained alerting our enemies to America's communications security system, which is tantamount to treason.
More troubling at this point is Snowden's history of dropping out of high school and college, briefly being in and out of Army Special Forces, being a NSA security guard, a CIA employee, then going to NSA as an administrative analyst -- which calls into question why he was hired and trusted with security clearance.
Indeed, at this point with more releases of classified information to come, it is highly likely, the unstable Mr. Snowden is doing nothing more than gaining international fame for being infamous -- which is a condemnation of those who failed to screen out a potential traitor. There's nothing heroic about that.
Daniel B. Jeffs
San Bernardino Sun
June 7, 2013
Forest Service fire suppression unacceptable
The Santa Clarita 'Powerhouse Fire' would not have exploded to over 30,000 acres if the fire services had used 'Super Scoopers' and DC 10 air tankers for a first strike against the fire when it was small.
Indeed, Super Scoopers -- capable of dropping 2000 gallons of water in 12 seconds -- alone could have put out the fire since they could have used nearby Lake Hughes to draw from.
Surely, if Super Scoopers and DC 10 tankers had been used to make their massive water drops when the Camarillo fire and the Frasier Park fire first started, the fires would have been extinguished -- end of story. Indeed, if they were used on the Oak Hills fire before it crested the Southwest area of the Cajon Pass, the fire would not have spread any further.
Certainly, the U.S. Forest Service has a dismal record in fire fighting throughout the country, and certainly in California. If they had called in the super tankers on the fire that devastated the San Bernardino National Forest Lake Arrowhead area, and the Station Fire in the Angeles National Forest, the losses would have been minimal.
Public safety fire service nonfeasance, needlessly costing lives and property, is simply unconscionable and unacceptable.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
The Washington Examiner
May 30, 2013
Holder is investigating himself again
Re: "Justice investigating IRS targeting the Tea Party," May 15
From the time presidential candidate Barack Obama campaigned on fundamentally transforming America, we have seen steady growth of government regulations and spending accompanied by insurmountable debt -- all supported by the liberal state media. Years of liberal indoctrination by the education establishment have left most Americans clueless about the Obama administration's insidious machinations to undermine the Constitution, or the deep chilling effect they have had on his opposition, as evidenced by the IRS targeting conservatives and the Tea Party and the Justice Department targeting the Associated Press and Fox News reporters.
As usual, President Obama feigned outrage when it was exposed, then fired the IRS Commissioner and ordered his Attorney General Eric Holder to investigate, even though Holder had signed the order to investigate James Rosen, Fox's chief Washington correspondent, as a co-conspirator on a national security leak.
Just like Holder investigating the "Fast and Furious" Holder about his blatant abuse of power, this is a redundant gesture.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
(original letter)
From the time presidential candidate Barack Obama campaigned on fundamentally transforming America, his presidential actions, diversions, distractions and deceptions tantamount to outright lies paved the way to accomplishing his liberal agenda -- beginning with ramming his national health care legislation through a complicit Democrat Congress.
Indeed, from then on it was steady government and regulatory growth, spending and insurmountable debt by leaps and bounds -- all supported by the liberal state media, who got President Obama elected and led him into a second term, but not before he lost the House of Representatives to Republicans backed by the spontaneously formed Tea Party in opposition to the president's health careless laws, spending and insurmountable debt.
No thanks to the liberal press and years of liberal indoctrination of students by the education establishment, most of America is clueless about President Obama and his administration's insidious machinations undermining the Constitution, and the deep freeze chilling effect he has on his opposition -- as evidenced by the IRS targeting the Tea Party, conservative groups and individuals -- and the Justice Department targeting Associated Press and Fox News reporters.
Of course, as usual, President Obama feigned outrage at the exposures, fired the IRS Commissioner, and ordered his Attorney General Eric Holder to review policies and investigate, even though Holder had signed the order to investigate FOX's Chief Washington Correspondent, James Rosen as a co-conspirator on a national security leak. Surely, Holder investigating "Fast and Furious" Holder and his blatant abuse of power is a redundant gesture.
Alas, lest we forget, it is President Obama's dictatorial regulations, legislative tyrannies, government growth and his gang of liberal Democrats that are limiting our free speech and liberties -- ruining our economy and our culture, not to mention risking our national security by toying with terrorism -- when it is much smaller limited constitutional government that we need to survive.
Daily Press - Apple Valley Review
May 28, 2013
Obama's mounting articles of impeachment
It's already obvious that the 9/11 anniversary Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack costing the lives of our ambassador and three security personnel was the result of intentional malfeasance by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton.
Worse, the deceitful cover-up is tantamount to giving aid and comfort to our Islamic jihadist terrorist enemy to further a re-election campaign and to protect Obama and Clinton at any cost.
Even worse, the ongoing Teflon provided by the ideology-driven liberal media to President Obama and presumptive 2016 nominee Hillary Clinton -- and the demonization of all opposition -- is an unconscionable abdication of public responsibility by the press.
It was bad enough that the President Obama's campaign promises supporting the passage of Obamacare were a pack of lies concealing the devastating costs and cuts in America's healthcare coverage -- in addition to the wasteful, useless spending of his enormous stimulus packages, economy-busting regulations, national debt expansion.
Now comes reports that as early as the 2010 passage of Obamacare, and during the re-election campaign, administrative tyranny was launched by President Obama's IRS against the Tea Party and other conservative opposition's tax exemption status -- in addition to the merciless demonizing of all opposition of any description. Indeed, even the New York Times criticized the administration's abusive IRS tactics against the Tea Party in a March 2012 editorial.
Subsequently, the president's sequester idea developed into selective pain from government cuts in FAA air traffic controllers and all manner of other unnecessary cuts designed to adversely affect the public -- placing blame on Republicans -- all intended to reclaim Democrat control of the House of Representatives in 2014.
Certainly, President Obama has made it painfully and abundantly clear that he has no problem defying Congress, ignoring the constraints of the Constitution, and the will of the people to do or get what he wants -- un-American as it may be.
Clearly, President Obama's costly ideology-driven executive orders, and administrative edicts and regulations amounting to tyrannical administrative abuse of power and cover-ups, along with patterns of lies and deceit, dereliction of duty against terrorism, border security -- and his failings in national and domestic security -- are stacking up as prospective articles of impeachment.
Lest we forget, it was House Republicans who moved ahead with hearings on the Watergate cover-up and articles of impeachment against former Republican president Nixon's abuse of power resulting in his resignation. Which begs the question: Where are the Democrats in the mounting evidence against President Obama and his captains of corruption?
The problem is: President Obama will likely never be impeached and convicted because congressional Democrats and the liberal press are unlikely to let it happen -- and America will undoubtedly suffer the consequences.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
The Washington Post
May 25, 2013
President Obama's chilling effect
From the time presidential candidate Barack Obama campaigned on fundamentally transforming America, his presidential actions, diversions, distractions and deceptions tantamount to outright lies paved the way to accomplishing his liberal agenda -- beginning with ramming his national health care legislation through a complicit Democrat Congress.
Indeed, from then on it was steady government and regulatory growth, spending and insurmountable debt by leaps and bounds -- all supported by the liberal state media, who got President Obama elected and led him into a second term, but not before he lost the House of Representatives to Republicans backed by the spontaneously formed Tea Party in opposition to the president's health careless laws, spending and insurmountable debt.
No thanks to the liberal press and years of liberal indoctrination of students by the education establishment, most of America is clueless about President Obama and his administration's insidious machinations undermining the Constitution, and the deep freeze chilling effect he has on his opposition -- as evidenced by the IRS targeting the Tea Party, conservative groups and individuals -- and the Justice Department targeting Associated Press and Fox News reporters.
Of course, as usual, President Obama feigned outrage at the exposures, fired the IRS Commissioner, and ordered his Attorney General Eric Holder to review policies and investigate, even though Holder had signed the order to investigate FOX's Chief Washington Correspondent, James Rosen as a co-conspirator on a national security leak. Surely, Holder investigating "Fast and Furious" Holder and his blatant abuse of power is a redundant gesture.
Alas, lest we forget, it is President Obama's dictatorial regulations, legislative tyrannies, government growth and his gang of liberal Democrats that are limiting our free speech and liberties -- ruining our economy and our culture, not to mention risking our national security by toying with terrorism -- when it is much smaller limited constitutional government that we need to survive.
Newsmax Magazine
June 2013 issue
Challenging DOMA
The Defense of Marriage Act was made federal law and California's Proposition 8 denied same-sex marriage. Proposition 8 was passed by voters. Neither law was defended by President Obama's U.S. attorney general or Gov. Jerry Brown's state attorney general -- simply because it is not politically correct. That is gross malfeasance ("Supreme Court Tries to Avoid Another Roe v. Wade," May).
America's culture can ill-afford to damage the right-to-life and the institution of marriage any further, yet both have come under assault from abortion and same-sex marriage extremists who intimidate all opposition with a vengeance. A free and healthy society that abdicates its responsibility to itself is surely doomed.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
Wall Street Journal
May 17, 2013
Re: The IRS scandal started at the top
Re: Nina Olson for IRS Commissioner
President Obama responsible for IRS targets
It's becoming painfully clear that President Obama's fingerprints are all over the IRS tyrannies against the Tea Party, conservative groups and individuals. Indeed, the president's demonization of the Tea Party and conservative groups set the tone for his IRS and captains of political corruption to target and silence them.
In early 2010, President Obama gave marching orders to Democrat activists to attack Tea Party and conservative groups, and for congressional Democrats to pressure the IRS to target them. Of course, the SEIU attacked and Democrat Senators, Chuck Shumer, Al Franken and others complied by pushing the IRS to take action.
Certainly, the 2012 presidential election put the IRS targeting in high gear against Obama's opponent, Mitt Romney's supporters, including wealthy Idaho businessman and long time Republican supporter and donor, Frank VanderSloot, who was demonized and audited three times in four months.
President Obama's IRS hatchet man, acting Commissioner, Steve Miller contemptuously testified before a congressional House Committee, side-stepping questions and confirming nothing but feigned ignorance and Sarah Hall Ingram's position as executive in charge of the tax-exempt division, which in 2010 began targeting the Tea Party, conservative groups, evangelical and pro-Israel groups.
Unfortunately, Ingram -- who received unconscionable bonuses for her dirty work -- was recently promoted to serve as director of the IRS Obamacare program office, which will rain down tax tyrannies forcing compliance with Mr. Obama's ideological crown jewel, which will further damage or reverse economic recovery.
Surely, vast tax reform is needed, which should begin with the appointment of IRS National Taxpayer Advocate Nina Olson -- the ombudsman for the public inside the IRS -- as IRS Commissioner, instead of President Obama's inside man, Daniel Werfel, current White House Budget Office manager.
WSJ editorial recommending Olson is correct. Alas, the problem could be resolved entirely by the passage of the Fair (consumption) Tax, which would eliminate the IRS.
San Diego Union-Tribune
May 14, 2013
Re: Benghazi cover-up beyond a doubt - editorial
In response to "Benghazi cover-up beyond a doubt" (Editorial, May 8): It's already obvious that the 9/11 anniversary Benghazi terrorist attack costing the lives of our ambassador and three security personnel was the result of intentional malfeasance by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton.
Worse, the deceitful cover-up is tantamount to giving aid and comfort to our Islamic jihadist terrorist enemy to further a re-election campaign and to protect Obama and Clinton at any cost.
Even worse, the ongoing Teflon provided by the ideology-driven liberal media to President Obama and presumptive 2016 nominee Hillary Clinton -- and the demonization of all opposition -- is an unconscionable abdication of public responsibility by the press.
A notible exception is the exceptional objectivity and truth in journalism provided by The San Diego Union-Tribune.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Wall Street Journal
May 13, 2013
Re: GOP demands apology - front page
Re: Benghazi hearings
President Obama's mounting articles of impeachment
It's already obvious that the 9/11 anniversary Benghazi, Libya terrorist attack costing the lives of our ambassador and three security personnel was the result of intentional malfeasance by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton.
Worse, the deceitful cover-up is tantamount to giving aid and comfort to our Islamic jihadist terrorist enemy to further a re-election campaign and to protect Obama and Clinton at any cost.
Even worse, the ongoing Teflon provided by the ideology-driven liberal media to President Obama and presumptive 2016 nominee Hillary Clinton -- and the demonization of all opposition -- is an unconscionable abdication of public responsibility by the press.
It was bad enough that the President Obama's campaign promises supporting the passage of Obamacare were a pack of lies concealing the devastating costs and cuts in America's healthcare coverage -- in addition to the wasteful, useless spending of his enormous stimulus packages, economy-busting regulations, national debt expansion.
Now comes reports that as early as the 2010 passage of Obamacare, and during the re-election campaign, administrative tyranny was launched by President Obama's IRS against the Tea Party and other conservative opposition's tax exemption status -- in addition to the merciless demonizing of all opposition of any description. Indeed, even the New York Times criticized the administration's abusive IRS tactics against the Tea Party in a March 2012 editorial.
Subsequently, the president's sequester idea developed into selective pain from government cuts in FAA air traffic controllers and all manner of other unnecessary cuts designed to adversely affect the public -- placing blame on Republicans -- all intended to reclaim Democrat control of the House of Representatives in 2014.
Certainly, President Obama has made it painfully and abundantly clear that he has no problem defying Congress, ignoring the constraints of the Constitution, and the will of the people to do or get what he wants -- un-American as it may be.
Clearly, President Obama's costly ideology-driven executive orders, and administrative edicts and regulations amounting to tyrannical administrative abuse of power and cover-ups, along with patterns of lies and deceit, dereliction of duty against terrorism, border security -- and his failings in national and domestic security -- are stacking up as prospective articles of impeachment.
Lest we forget, it was House Republicans who moved ahead with hearings on the Watergate cover-up and articles of impeachment against former Republican president Nixon's abuse of power resulting in his resignation. Which begs the question: Where are the Democrats in the mounting evidence against President Obama and his captains of corruption?.
The problem is: President Obama will likely never be impeached and convicted because congressional Democrats and the liberal press are unlikely to let it happen -- and America will undoubtedly suffer the consequences.
San Diego Union-Tribune
April 30, 2013
Squester a shell game?
Harassing airline passengers by furloughing air traffic controllers was just another day of Democrat gangster politics using selective sequester budget cuts, until it affected the gangsters themselves, who quickly reversed the furloughs.
Godfather President Obama proposed the sequestration so Democrats could use the leverage against Republicans to raise taxes and increase spending.
This first round didn't work, but there is more extortion to come, designed to have Democrats retake the House of Representatives in 2014. However, when they try to exempt themselves and their staff from the negative impact of ObamaCareLess, the outlook is questionable.
Lest we forget, when economy-busting ObamaCareLess was rammed through the Democrat Congress and signed by the Godfather, President Obama thought his legacy was set in stone. Alas, little does he and his gang of Democrats know, that the damage will likely be carved on their political graves -- at America's unnecessary expense.
Daniel B. Jeffs
San Diego Union-Tribune
April 24, 2013
Terror in America
The carnage in Boston brought on by the radicalized Muslim brothers intensifies the clear and present danger of the long record of inhuman savages who would wipe out all but fundamentalist Muslim human life on the planet, particularly in America. They say we are the great Satan, where in reality, the devil-Satan is their fanatical belief in extreme Jihad.
Our news media's saturation coverage of the terrorist attack and the over-analysis that followed is just what the terrorists want. Fear and chaos, spawning more of the same.
There is no question that we must bring about major changes for the enhancement of our national and domestic security. Particularly on our borders and with our visa, immigration and refugee/asylum seekers. We can no longer stand the near unfettered flow of foreign gangsters, criminals and terrorists to our nation.
Surely, being politically correct simply doesn't work when it breeds predators, parasites and terrorism. As a former law enforcement officer, with 41 years of experience in the criminal justice system, I know that the police are without question, our first line of defense. The Boston bombing is a prime example.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Los Angeles Times
April 14, 2013
President Obama: Political poison ivy
President Obama's socialist agenda-driven performance during his first term and three months into his second term is clear and convincing evidence that he is not only a dictatorial zealot -- recklessly pushing national health care, costly green energy and environmental regulations, self-destructive spending, negative economic policy, and unsustainable debt -- he is an incompetent-in-chief with his failures in foreign policy, terrorism, and our national and domestic security.
Surely, the Obama administration is not taking Putin's Russian gangster and anti-American activities seriously, or their blatant support for terrorist regimes, or their energy deals with China increasing the economic threat to America. Coupled with continually diminishing our constitutional rights, protections and freedoms -- make the president an ambivalent danger to our country and our people.
President Obama's sellout to the UN, and his casual lack of purpose -- when confronted by al-Qaeda forces in North Africa and the Middle-East, Iran's nuclear threats against Israel and America, and his gross failures in Libya and Egypt -- is simply unconscionable. Worse, the immediate nuclear threats from North Korea's insane leader against South Korea, Japan and America highlights our inexcusable lack of ICBM defense, is cause for deep concerns.
One thing is certain. The Spring cherry blossom event in Washington cannot conceal the political poison Ivy creeping from the White House to the Capitol, throughout government and the nation -- stinging America wherever it hurts the most. Indeed, reversals of Democrat-driven damage may not come soon enough in 2014 and 2016.
Washington Post
April 11, 2013
President has no budget plan
President Obama's budget plan, along with his targeted sequester, can only be described as unconscionable deceptions, intimidation and petty political extortion at the expense of the economy and the middle class.
Indeed, President Obama has no "budget" plan. Budgets require a positive outcome for income and expenditures. Instead, the president is acting like an irresponsible child with a no-limit taxpayers' credit card.
San Diego Union-Tribune
April 11, 2013
Remembering Margaret Thatcher
Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's passing should serve as a prime reminder that she and former President Ronald Reagan ended the Cold War and rescued the U.K and the United States from the corrosive social, political and economic erosion caused by liberal government.
Alas, since then, liberal government, social, environmental and union extremists have taken a devastating toll on our country and our freedoms, which is also beset by legal predators who constantly inflate the cost of living and health care, along with dependency parasites conditioned by government to suck the life out of America.
Indeed, what a shame it is to see the condescending commentary in the media, and indoctrinated British young people dancing for joy over Thatcher's death. Little do they know that if it were not for leaders like Reagan and Thatcher stopping the march of world Communism, they would likely be crawling for survival as slaves of the state.
Long live the memories of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan. We need them again, now, more than ever….
Daniel B. Jeffs
San Diego Union-Tribune
April 10, 2013
Time for bold GOP action
It's time for Republicans to take bold steps to stem the destructive Democrat tide continuing with the re-election of President Obama. Indeed, it's bad enough that the president got much of what he wanted in tax increases with no spending cuts. Though it further damages the economy, it's a drop in the bucket compared to Obama's grand plan to "fundamentally transform America" by edict, executive order and political bullying.
By transforming his Cabinet starting with the ideological appointments of "yes-men" -- Lew to Treasury, Hagel to Defense, Kerry to State, and Brennan to the C.I.A. (not a cabinet position) -- President Obama will make it painfully clear that he will sacrifice economic recovery, the middle class, foreign policy, and our national security to attain his world view that the United States must lose its status of first in military and economic world power, exceptionalism and freedom.
Worse, President Obama's reckless efforts are enhanced by decades of indoctrination by the national liberal media, Hollywood, unions and the education establishment left, which are largely responsible for his election and re-election, as evidenced by relentless attacks against America's work force, free enterprise, wealth, the fight against terrorism, religion, law enforcement, the criminal justice system, the Constitution and family. Not to mention his intention to reduce our national defenses, and disarm the American people.
Surely, Republicans must take decisive actions to hold the line against government growth and abuse of power, and to retain the House and regain the Senate in 2014 by convincing the electorate that the GOP is the only way out of the pain they feel from this Democrat-caused mess. Indeed, the deceitful, insidious Obama-Democrat agenda must be exposed for what it really is. Socialism by sucking the economy dry, and breaking the spirit of liberty.
Daniel B. Jeffs
San Bernardino Sun
April 4, 2013
Same-sex marriage camp intimidates society
When the Defense Of Marriage Act was made federal law, and California's Proposition 8 denying same-sex marriage was passed by voters and neither law is defended by President Obama's U.S. attorney general or Gov. Brown's state attorney general -- simply because it's not politically correct -- that is gross malfeasance. And when courts that do the same it is judicial misconduct.
It's bad enough that traditional marriage has long suffered from attacks by liberals, feminists, the media and the entertainment industry. But when the attacks fundamentally affect relationships, families -- and the security of society because of single-parent children -- it is unconscionable.
Indeed, America's culture can ill-afford to damage the right-to-life and the institution of marriage any further -- yet it has been under assault from abortion and same-sex marriage extremists who intimidate all opposition. Alas, a free and healthy society that abdicates its responsibility to itself is surely doomed.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Desert Dispatch - Daily Press
March 31, 2013
In spite of liberals
The Los Angeles Times, the New York Times and all the left-stream media are practicing the height of hypocrisy by hailing Wall Street stock market gains as a series of new highs, not because of what President Obama and the Democrat cartel in Congress did over the past 5 years with their socialist effort at fundamentally transforming America, but what free enterprise and Capitalism has done in spite of it.
Worse, the liberal media continues to paint false pictures of the improving economy and unemployment numbers supporting President Obama's clouded vision and corrosive government growth. Lest we forget, it was President Carter and President Clinton who forced affordable housing on Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, banks and mortgage lenders creating a sea of unqualified buyers -- and, the consequences of economic collapse.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Diego Union-Tribune
March 30, 2012
Letters: Gay marriage
Same-sex marriage activists intimidating society
When the Defense Of Marriage Act was made federal law, and California's Proposition 8 denying same-sex marriage was passed by voters and neither law is defended by President Obama's U.S. attorney general or Governor Brown's state attorney general -- simply because it's not politically correct -- that is gross malfeasance. And courts that do the same is judicial misconduct.
It's bad enough that traditional marriage has long suffered from attacks by liberals, feminists, the media and the entertainment industry. But when the attacks fundamentally affect relationships, families -- and the security of society because of single-parent children -- it is unconscionable.
Indeed, America's culture can ill-afford to damage the right-to-life and the institution of marriage any further -- yet it has been under assault from abortion and same-sex marriage extremists who intimidate all opposition with a vengeance. Alas, a free and healthy society that abdicates its responsibility to itself is surely doomed.
Daniel B. Jeffs
The Washington Examiner
March 25, 2013
America cannot survive creeping socialism
Re: "Ted Cruz amendments: Repeal Obamacare, Block Bloomberg-style soda bans." March 22.
Texas Sen. Cruz represents our founders' vision of liberty, as opposed to President Obama's crusade to accelerate the tyranny of socialism.
From its founding, America's vision has been slowly compromised by the subtle tyrannies of socialism. The result: a malfunctioning two-party system, systemic government growth, failed socialized education, health care and welfare, extreme regulation and government spending, punishing taxes, unsustainable debt, and the loss of our freedoms.
(original letter sentence edited out) Socialism is tantamount to treason against the United States.
America will simply not survive without a return to our original principles.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
San Diego Union-Tribune
March 24, 2013
Sen. Feinstein vs. Sen. Cruz in gun control debate: Feinstein loses - not the war
In a rancorous debate with Texas Sen. Cruz over her gun control legislation, California Sen. Feinstein said that she resented being lectured like a 6-year-old, and that while mayor of San Francisco, she visited crime scenes and saw dead people that had been shot.
Unfortunately, while mayor of San Francisco, Feinstein also damaged the police investigation of "Night Stalker" serial killer Richard Ramirez by giving out investigative details to the press, which enraged investigators and delayed his capture -- costing more lives.
Feinstein and other intrusive Democrats have a long history of sticking their unconstitutional political noses where they don't belong, like making our Mojave Desert off-limits to private development, and sticking government group homes in private single-family neighborhoods, raising crime and lowering property values.
Sen. Feinstein lost a battle but not the war against freedom. The dynamic-duo demons of federal and California state government will never give up -- unless we take the sword-slashing-liberty away from them: Being elected and re-elected.
Daniel B. Jeffs
NewsMax Magazine
April 2013 issue
March 23, 2013
Dividing America
President Obama invokes his liberal "creed" upon America with his second-term 2013 inauguration speech, marking the second half of the liberal Obama era.
He seriously diminishes the best interests of the American people ("President's Plan Divides the Nation," March).
Obama promised to fundamentally transform America, and that's exactly what his presidency has done.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif
San Diego Union-Tribune
March 22, 2013
President Obama and the IRS scandal
Tea Party lawyer Dan Becker was correct in saying, "When you make is burdensome to speak, people don't speak. When you make it burdensome to associate, people don't associate." What the IRS has done is a blatant constitutional violation of First Amendment freedoms of speech and association -- and the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition government for redress of grievances.
It's becoming painfully clear that President Obama's fingerprints are all over the IRS tyrannies against the Tea Party, conservative groups and individuals. Indeed, the president's demonization of the Tea Party and conservative groups set the tone for his IRS and captains of political intimidation to target and silence them.
[In early 2010, President Obama gave marching orders for Democrat activists to attack Tea Party and conservative groups, and for congressional Democrats to pressure the IRS to target them. Of course, the SEIU attacked Tea Party members and Democrat Senators, Chuck Schumer, Al Franken and others complied by pushing the IRS to take action.] (edited out)
Lest they forget, the Tea Party started as a spontaneous response to the government overreach and cost of Obamacareless, and objections to government spending and debt. As First Amendment as you can get.
Daniel B. Jeffs
(Original letter)
Tea Party lawyer Dan Becker was correct in saying, "When you make is burdensome to speak, people don't speak. When you make it burdensome to associate, people don't associate." What the IRS has done is a blatant constitutional violation of First Amendment freedoms of speech and association -- and the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition government for redress of grievances.
It's becoming painfully clear that President Obama's fingerprints are all over the IRS tyrannies against the Tea Party, conservative groups and individuals. Indeed, the president's demonization of the Tea Party and conservative groups set the tone for his IRS and captains of political intimidation to target and silence them.
In early 2010, President Obama gave marching orders for Democrat activists to attack Tea Party and conservative groups, and for congressional Democrats to pressure the IRS to target them. Of course, the SEIU attacked Tea Party members and Democrat Senators, Chuck Schumer, Al Franken and others complied by pushing the IRS to take action.
President Obama's IRS hatchet man, acting Commissioner, Steve Miller contemptuously testified before a congressional House Committee, side-stepping questions and confirming nothing but feigned ignorance and Sarah Hall Ingram's position as executive in charge of the tax-exempt division, which in 2010 began targeting the Tea Party, conservative groups, evangelical and pro-Israel groups.
Unfortunately, Ingram -- who received unconscionable bonuses for her dirty work -- was recently promoted to serve as director of the IRS Obamacare program office, which will exert tax and penalty tyrannies forcing compliance with Mr. Obama's ideological crown jewel, which will further damage or reverse economic recovery.
Lest they forget, the Tea Party started as a spontaneous response to the government overreach and cost of Obamacareless, and objections to government spending and debt. As First Amendment as you can get.
San Dieto Union-Tribune
March 1, 2013
Sequestration deadline hits
President Obama's sequester scare tour
President Obama's sequester scare causing the release of illegal aliens being held for deportation is an insidious political ploy that will endanger the lives and property of American citizens.
Indeed, President Obama is using the sequester budget cuts on his perpetual campaign tour -- backed by congressional Democrats and the complicit media -- to scare the American people by manufacturing crisis to blame on Republicans, to get what he wants at the nation's expense.
Simply put, President Obama is a political ideology sucker-puncher. Problem is, it is the people who will take the blow and fall.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Victor Valley Daily Press
February 25, 2013
President Obama's 'State of Distortions'
President Obama's State of the Union address was replete with highly embellished job numbers since he became president -- over 6 million -- when the truth is closer to 1 million, and his untrue claim that vehicle gas mileage has doubled is a deal he made with automakers in 2011 that won't start until model year 2017 or happen until 2025.
Indeed, it's bad enough that the president has cooked the books with all the wasteful spending and debt he and the Democrat Congress pushed through -- along with economy-busting healthcare and finance laws carefully delayed until after the 2012 and 2014 elections to maintain power -- but when they lie and swear to it, it's more than rhetorical political perjury.
Worse, when feigned crisis king Obama falsely accuses Republicans of manufacturing crisis -- and announces that he will bypass Congress with executive actions and edicts to resolve (false global warming) climate change -- it amounts gross abuse of power, attacking the engines of energy, jobs, the economy, and raising the cost of living.
(Last paragraph below edited out for space)
Clearly, President Obama's grand plans including universal (indoctrination) pre-school, education, raising the minimum wage and manufacturing are plans for more government growth and control -- and are, in effect, unconscionable working plans for selling out America.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
The New York Post
February 9, 2013
Holder's raid on raters: giving the pols a pass
Eric Holder's Justice Department suing Standard & Poor's for endorsing risky mortgage bonds that fueled the housing crisis is simply more Obama-administration bunk designed to punish S&P for downgrading U.S. bonds, and to demonize Republicans and Wall Street for supposedly causing the economic crash ("Holder's Standard, Poor Judgment," Editorial, Feb. 7)
This is a smokescreen to detract from the real causes of the housing and financial meltdown: Jimmy Carter's Community Reinvestment Act, Bill Clinton's gang at HUD and the Democratic Party's usual suspects' pushing affordable housing at the expense of intimidated banks, mortgage lenders and hapless home buyers.
The liberal media have continued facilitating sequestration of the truth while supporting Democrats' governmental abuse of power and demonization of the free market -- putting America at extreme risk of further financial meltdowns.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
(Original letter)
Bogus federal lawsuit against Standard & Poor's
Eric Holder's Justice Department suing S&P for endorsing risky mortgage bonds -- they say -- that fueled the housing/financial crisis, is simply more Obama bunk designed to punish S&P for downgrading U.S. bonds, and to further falsify the demonization of Republicans and Wall Street for causing the economic crash.
What's really going on here is a continued smoke screen to detract from the real cause of the housing and financial meltdown: President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act, the Clinton gang of HUD Sec., Andrew Cuomo, AG, Janet Reno, and the Democrat Party's usual suspects pushing affordable housing -- Rep. Barney Frank, Sen. Chris Dodd and Sen. Chuck Schumer -- at the expense of intimidated banks mortgage lenders and hapless home buyers.
Unfortunately, the liberal media continued facilitating sequestration of the truth -- while supporting Democrat government's abuse of power and demonization of the free market -- puts America at extreme risk of further financial meltdowns.
Worse, when the Obama administration is given unconstitutional free-reign to pick and prosecute winners and losers with impunity -- and the media's blind allegiance abdicates its responsibility to the people -- we are in unimaginable trouble.
San Diego Union-Tribune
February 6, 2013
Liberal agenda ruining America
President Obama's inaugural speech -- and endorsement of Hillary Clinton for 2016 on 60 Minutes -- confirms that his liberal agenda is leading America to ruin. Indeed, it's bad enough that Obama and the Democrat Congress rammed through the enormous cost of national healthcare, tyrannical finance laws, trillion dollar deficits, wasteful stimulus spending, and insurmountable debt in his first term -- not to mention toying with terrorism, national security, energy and the economy.
However, when blatantly backed by the unquestioning liberal media, President Obama continues his open contempt for the Constitution into a second term with the imperial abuse of power, edicts, executive orders and grossly deceiving the people and damaging America with impunity -- not to mention dividing the nation with activist groups and unleashing the forces of environmentalists and socialist engineers -- the forecast for our future is bleak at best.
Alas, when government, liberal politicians, the news media, entertainment industry, organized labor and academia's combined indoctrination promote everything liberal as good, and everything conservative as evil, the foundation of America crumbles into socialism, making us vulnerable to Islamist terrorists bent on the destruction of Western democracy. That's what's happening. Surely it's time to re-examine ourselves and turn it around.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Carlsbad, CA
San Diego Union-Tribune
January 30, 2013
The Impossible Dream
Governor Brown's State of the State speech projecting that, "California did the impossible" in emerging from a financial crisis is an impossible dream yet to be realized, even with Proposition 30's and AB 32's projected tax revenues.
Surely, promoting an overhaul of education funding, building the high speed rail and aggressively expanding healthcare to the needy, while ignoring the enormous voter-approved accumulated debt, illustrates political economic delusion.
Indeed, when Governor Brown goes to the Governor's conference in Washington touting his California plans as a model for the nation, he will discover that President Obama has already been there, done that, and seeking more damages.
Certainly, the liberal lemmings who facilitated Governor Brown and President Obama's self-destructive transformations, will painfully realize the second coming of a worse recession resulting from hardcore government malfeasance. Problem is, they're taking the rest of us down with them.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Carlsbad, CA
San Bernardino Sun
January 29, 2013
A liberal plague
Gov. Brown has certainly found himself between a rock and a hard place in dealing with federal court edicts to comply with our state prison system's self-imposed problems and a self-inflicted budget crisis.
Indeed, the governor's prison realignment of shifting prisoners to county jails, early releases, and fighting the liberal 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals intended release of 9,000 serious criminals, is simply another side-effect of California's liberal plague, which leaves us in even more danger -- added to our children miseducated at great expense, our economy in decay, and our taxes and the cost of living steadily rising.
If it were not for California setting the bar for government growth, the selfish interests of state correction officer and teacher unions, costly and unnecessary environmental extremes, and inviting illegal aliens to take advantage of health, education, welfare and housing benefits to increase the Democrat base -- regardless of the criminal alien and gang invasion -- there would be no criminal justice, prison system or budget crisis.
Coupled with inviting more federal intrusion on state's rights, a reckless Democrat supermajority in the legislature, and regulatory madness, our state is surely headed for disaster.
Alas, the conservative cure, of course, has always been available but ignored: Very limited government, less taxation and regulation, more personal and property rights, and stimulated free enterprise.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
January 24, 2013
Re: Today's debate: Military - Shift on women in combat align policy with reality - editorial
Women in combat, a stupid PC idea
Women should not be in combat units because they would unnecessarily endanger male soldiers in the unit by not being able to meet the same physical demands of combat.
If President Obama wants to satisfy feminists, he should establish all female combat units. On second thought, that could be a problem if the female units required male units to bail them out in combat, or the female units were not up to the task of backing up male units.
Conclusion: Females in combat is a stupid PC idea and should not be done.
Washington Times
January 23, 2013
President Obama's dictatorial ascendency
President Obama's second term represents the progressive/regressive/socialist dictatorial ascendency that began with Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, and continued by Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.
Indeed, after the greatest generation suffered the ravages of the great depression, and preserved our freedom with World War Two, they made the understandable mistake of being too permissive with their boomer generation of children 1946-1964.
That boomer generation, of course, fell under the spell of liberal/progressive/regressive socialists and began the 1960's anti-establishment cultural revolution, with the good of civil rights, against the bad of traditional education and Capitalism, and the ugly of ant-war.
Which led to the boomers' Capitalist hypocrisy of the 1980's, the unabated, un-American liberal infestation and government growth through the 90's into the 21st Century, the proliferation of Islamic terrorism, the peak of partisan political rancor, and the birth of a monarchial presidency.
What we the people do or fail to do from now one, will decide the recovery or fall of America, our future and the future of our children…. or lack thereof.
San Diego Union-Tribune
January 23, 2013
Clinton's State Department is an empty vessel
The recent report from the State Department investigation of the attack on our consulate -- needlessly costing the lives of our ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya -- confirms that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been commanding an empty bureaucratic vessel of "systemic failures," with impunity, replete with implausible denials and unaccountability.
Indeed, Secretary Clinton's lack-luster tour of duty at State -- aimlessly traveling the world -- serving the Obama administration's lack of leadership and do-nothing philosophy in foreign policy, has allowed the Middle East to explode into the Islamic extremist takeover of Egypt, the unfettered expansion of al-Qaeda, massacres in Syria, the growth of Taliban power in Pakistan, and the advance of Iranian nuclear ambitions.
Needless to say, the Obama/Clinton foreign policy is seriously diminishing our national security, which comes as no surprise, considering President Obama's flagship leading congressional Democrat soldiers and a bureaucratic armada of liberal fools in ideological battle babble -- swelled with reckless over-regulating, borrowing, taxing, spending and debt -- irreparably damaging our economy and our freedoms.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Time Magazine
January 22, 2013
President Obama invokes his liberal 'creed' on America
President Obama invoked his liberal "creed" upon America with his second-term 2013 inauguration speech, which marks the second half of the obsessive-compulsive Obama era, seriously diminishing the best interests of the American people.
Indeed, the historic election of the first black president set in motion candidate Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America, and that's exactly what his presidency has been doing. God bless the United States? God help America.
Wall Street Journal
January 21, 2013
Time to re-examine ourselves
At a time when our society has reached an all-time divisive high stemming from the cultural revolution, it is surely time to stop and re-examine ourselves. Particularly, when -- over the last few decades -- we have become a high tech superficial society of social aggression, political terrorism, economic repression, selfish interests and extremes.
Indeed, when our unique democratic constitutional republic has been distorted, circumvented and compromised by liberal indoctrination, dumbed-down education, relentlessly destructive government growth, laws, regulations and dependency -- replete with litigious predators and parasites, the unnecessary expansion of the psychology industry, intensely revolutionized technology and communications, and the corrosive nothingness of the entertainment industry -- the absolute necessity of personal responsibility and freedom is losing.
Clearly, we are living in an anxiety society exacerbated by visceral, self-destructive politics and a world mortally damaged and threatened by unrelenting Islamic terrorism. Too many of us escape into the cyber space fantasyland in the denial of reality and consequences, while being enveloped by the undue influence of meddlers, peddlers, self-serving pitches, and government abuse of power.
Unfortunately, an overall recovery of American life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and exceptionalism will not happen without -- painful social, political and economic experiences -- the restoration of family stability, work ethic, honesty and integrity. Fortunately, there is time to re-examine ourselves. And we must, before it's too late.
Fortunately -- in terms of overcoming our greatest threat of overwhelming government -- advances in technology could provide us direct representative democracy by means of voting networks wherein we elect well-compensated nonpartisan professional government managers -- subject to annual confirmation -- instead of professional politicians. All elections would be held over the voting networks. Voters would be truthfully informed and could communicate with their representatives. All matters of taxation, spending and public policy would be decided by the voters. A 28th Amendment to the Constitution establishing the system of direct democracy voting networks for all states would do nicely.
San Diego Union-Tribune
January 18, 2013
Quest for immortality opens second term
President Obama's 2013 inauguration to a second term marks the second half of the obsessive-compulsive Obama era, which has diminished the best interests of the United States. Indeed, the historic election of the first black president set in motion candidate Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America, and that's exactly what his presidency has been doing -- with or without his direct participation.
Everything President Obama needed to begin his quest for immortality was in place with his media-backed election in 2008 and coronation in 2009. The Democrats controlled both houses of Congress. False blame for the Democrat-caused housing and financial crash was placed on outgoing President Bush. And the president and Congress hurried through government expansion with reckless stimulus spending, enormous debt and overreaching health care and finance regulations, until being delayed by Republicans taking back the House in 2010.
Unfortunately for the American people, President Obama's transformation of our country has included a fundamental increase of government growth and executive power, fundamentally undermining the economy, an ongoing loss of freedoms, and a fundamental decrease in our national security.
President Obama will make it painfully clear that he is going to break the abuse of power barrier with a change of the Cabinet guard, circumventing Congress and the Constitution with imperial edicts and executive orders, which will be backed by the media, and supported by the Courts -- with impunity. What is most disturbing is that the president knows that regardless of what he does or fails to do, he will not be impeached and removed from office.
Daniel B. Jeffs
The Washington Times
January 16, 2013
Media complicit in Obama's abuse of power
Joe Klein's most recent narcissistic Time magazine column, "Obama's Second Chance," is nothing less than a propaganda-laden media victory lap celebrating the fact that Americans were deceived into re-electing the current president.
However, Mr. Klein's Republican bashing conveniently ignored the facts that Democrat, former President Clinton caused the housing and finance crash, which was falsely blamed on President Bush. It also neglects to mention that President Obama increased the national debt by $6 trillion, manufacturing health care and financial crises along the way. All this resulting in rushing overreaching health care and finance laws through a Democrat-controlled Congress. It also fails to mention how Mr. Obama issued executive orders and edicts on immigration and energy -- until is abuse of power was delayed by Republicans taking back the House in 2010.
Unfortunately for the nation, Mr. Klein and his ilk are nothing more than an active members of President Obama's rooting section, people who know very well that this second-term president is merely carrying out his promise to fundamentally transform America for the worse by any means necessary. The liberal press could be responsible for aiding the abuse of power by the man who quickly is becoming the most unconstitutional president in history.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
San Francisco Examiner
January 15, 2013
State taking wrong turn
California's liberal plague
Governor Brown has certainly found himself between a rock and a hard place in dealing with federal court edicts to comply with our state prison system's self-imposed problems.
Indeed, the governor's prison realignment of shifting prisoners to county jails, early releases, and fighting the liberal 9th Circuit Court's intended release of 9,000 serious criminals, is simply another side-effect of California's liberal plague, which leaves us in even more danger -- added to our children miseducated at great expense, our economy in decay, and our taxes and the cost of living steadily rising.
If it were not for California setting the bar for government growth, the selfish interests of state correction officer and teacher unions, costly and unnecessary environmental extremes, and inviting illegal aliens to take advantage of health, education, welfare and housing benefits to increase the Democrat base -- regardless of the criminal alien and gang invasion -- there would be no criminal justice, prison system or budget crisis.
Coupled with inviting more federal intrusion on state's rights, a reckless Democrat supermajority in the legislature, and regulatory madness, our state is surely headed for disaster. Alas, the conservative cure, of course, has always been available but ignored: Very limited government, less taxation and regulation, more personal and property rights, and stimulated free enterprise.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Daily Press/Apple Valley Review
January 15, 2013
Letter of appreciation for Don Holland
Don Holland has done an outstanding job as editor of the Daily Press for the past 11 years, as evidenced by the newspaper's comprehensive coverage of local, state and national news events and issues, and the personal touch of establishing the enlightening weekly Apple Valley Review.
Moreover, under Don Holland's direction and guidance, readers have been assured of the utmost journalistic objectivity, honesty and integrity in looking out for the best interests of High Desert residents and businesses.
Though it was saddening to read that Don will be leaving the Daily Press, it is heartening to know that he will be assuming the position of special assistant to our newly elected 1st District Supervisor, Robert Lovingood. Mr. Holland is much appreciated and he will be sorely missed.
As a long time High Desert resident since 1967, a resident of Apple Valley since 1977, retired from 34 years of service with the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department and Public Defender's Office -- and a former Grand Jury member -- I can attest to the fact that County government has endured deeply troubling times, and that the 1st District has been overall lacking in responsible representation for many years -- alas, since Bill Betterley.
Indeed, I am confident that Supervisor Lovingood, aided by Don Holland, will be a dynamic duo and a long overdue breath of fresh air for the District and the County under the most difficult of circumstances. Particularly, with the County's checkered history, the state of our economy, and the enormous burdens of overwhelming state and federal government empires -- which are long overdue for a Libertarian-style cleanout.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Diego Union-Tribune
January 11, 2013
Gun rights vs. gun control
Gun violence vs. mental health
It is well known and understood by the reasonable and serious-minded, that over-zealous gun control does little or nothing to prevent gun crimes, and that the hackneyed phrase, "guns don't kill people, people kill people," is painfully true.
Clearly, beyond the problem of gangsters and guns, the toxic mix of high profile, senseless killings and the mentally ill can only be reduced by the mentally ill being held and treated in mental institutions.
The real crime behind the severe problem of gun violence and mental health is caused by reactionary government regulators, social meddlers and the ACLU.
If it were not for them, mental health care facilities would not have been eroded from 500,000 beds to less than 50,000 beds in recent decades.
Indeed, if it were not for the intentionally self-inflicted social, political and economic sickness infecting our society, innocent lives would not be senselessly taken or destroyed. Surely, any finger-pointing to be done should be directed at society-controlling zealots who ignore the fundamental rule, "First, do no harm."
Daniel B. Jeffs
NewsMax Magazine
January 2012 issue
Federal and state solar energy extremes cost counties and taxpayers large sums ("Seeing Red Over the Cost of Going Green," December). Unfortunately, liberal insanity runs far and wide among environmental extremists in Washington and particularly California (my home).
Now that California is under one-party liberal Democrat rule, Gov. Brown and company will undoubtedly take more of a lead in driving Californians and America down the road to dependency and insolvency by overwhelming taxpayers and free enterprise.
Big government means taxing, spending, insurmountable debt and loss of freedoms. There is no other formula for socialism. Alas, 2014 is the next chance for voters to turn it around, that is, if it's not already too late.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
(original letter)
Federal and state solar energy extremes cost counties and ratepayers
Between President Obama and California Governor Brown's extreme obsession with solar energy, there is a vacuum of costs to be borne by Southern California Mojave Desert Inyo, Riverside and San Bernardino counties and electricity ratepayers.
Indeed, two of the world's largest solar energy projects are located in San Bernardino County. The $2.2 billion Ivanpah solar plant next to the Nevada border has agreed to pay the county $377,000 per year, but that will hardly cover county costs and the loss of recreation and private development revenues.
Worse, contrary to the usual lengthy environmental delays, state and federal approvals for the solar plants were almost immediate. President Obama's grand push for solar energy and a regulation nation, coupled with AB 32 and Governor Brown's vow to "crush" opponents of solar projects, will make it painfully clear to San Bernardino County and ratepayers that, in President Obama's words, "electricity rates will necessarily skyrocket."
Unfortunately, liberal insanity runs far and wide among environmental extremists in Washington and particularly California. Now that California is under one-party liberal Democrat rule, Governor Brown and company will undoubtedly take more of a lead in driving Californians and America down the road to dependency and insolvency by overwhelming taxpayers and free enterprise.
Big government means taxing, spending, insurmountable debt and loss of freedoms. There is no other formula for socialism. Alas, 2014 is the next chance for voters to turn it around, that is, if it's not already too late.
San Diego Union-Tribune
January 4, 2013
President Obama's "fiscal cliff" is nothing compared to what's ahead
By the time President Obama completes his government-class warfare against the foundations of America, even the indoctrinated will come to the inescapable conclusion that big government means the loss of freedoms. Indeed, when he said he was going to fundamentally transform America, he meant it.
Surely, it is becoming painfully clear that government's power to legislate, borrow, tax and regulate under liberal/progressive rule went to extremes over the last century. And, under the perpetual campaign of Barack Obama's presidency, it is being accelerated, as evidenced by the increasing power of government to destroy the economy, foreign policy, national security, the freedoms of our unique society and the spirit of America.
Certainly, it is bad enough that the people are unduly influenced by the dominant elite of the liberal media, entertainment industry, the education establishment, and the enormous government class. But when it wreaks the havoc of war against free enterprise and private property causing the housing and financial bubble and burst, exacerbated the money bubble being created by the Federal Reserve central bank, the last shoe will drop.
Which means we will be broken by government-inflicted regulation, taxation, debt, explosive inflation and interest rates.
Daniel B. Jeffs
The Washington Times
January 3, 2013
Not a happy new year
Considering the furry of spending and finance-suppression laws by congressional Democrats and President Obama during the first two-years of his presidency, plus the rush of executive edicts, regulations, enormous deficits, mounting debt and the "fiscal cliff," something became painfully clear: This was not a very merry Christmas. Alas, more taxes, regulations, spending and a deeper second recession are coming, which means it certainly won't be a happy new year for years to come ("Obama's hidden tax-heist," Dec. 24).
Indeed, not since President Lyndon B. Johnson's war on poverty and the "Great Society" illusion that created the dependency class have a president and Democratic Congress done so much damage to America, our prosperity, our freedoms, and our future.
Also worth mentioning: The relentless push of Presidents Carter and Clinton for 'affordable' housing, which caused the housing and financial crash of 2008, and Mr. Obama's foreign policy and national security failures.
Apple Valley, Calif.
Riverside Press Enterprise
January 2, 2013
Hillary Clinton failed badly
The recent report from the State Department investigation of the attack on our consulate -- needlessly costing the lives of our ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya -- confirms that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been commanding an empty bureaucratic vessel of systemic failures with impunity, replete with implausible denials and unaccountability ("Four quit after report on Benghazi." Dec. 20).
Indeed, Secretary Clinton's lack-luster tour of duty at State -- aimlessly traveling the world -- serving the Obama administration's lack of leadership and do-nothing philosophy in foreign policy, has allowed the Middle East to explode into the Islamic extremist takeover of Egypt, the unfettered expansion of al-Qaida, massacres in Syria, the growth of Taliban power in Pakistan, and the advance of Iranian nuclear ambitions.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
The New York Post
January 1, 2013
Clinton's State Department is an empty vessel
The recent report from the State Department investigation of the attack on our consulate, which needlessly cost the lives of our ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi, confirms that Clinton has been commanding an empty bureaucratic vessel of "systemic failures," with impunity, replete with denials and unaccountability.
Clinton's lack-luster tour of duty at State -- aimlessly traveling the world -- serving the Obama administration's lack of leadership and do-nothing philosophy in foreign policy, has allowed the Middle East to explode.
There has Islamic extremist takeover of Egypt, an unfettered expansion of al-Qaeda, massacres in Syria, the growth of Taliban power in Pakistan, and the advance of Iranian nuclear ambitions.
Needless to say, the Obama/Clinton foreign policy is seriously diminishing our national security.
Daniel Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
San Diego Union-Tribune/North County Times
January 1, 2013
Fiscal cliff built by Democrats
Being backed-up to the edge of the 2013 fiscal cliff is the direct result of media-driven, miseducation establishment, Hollywood-style demonizing Democrats, the abuse of power and battered Republicans.
Lest we forget, it was the Democrats who put time limits on the Bush tax cuts, which should have been permanent when they were first passed, benefiting the middle class, job creators and the economy.
That is, until now since the tax cuts are expiring on top of President Obama's 4-year economy-crushing race to recklessly expand government empire building, regulations, taxation, spending and insurmountable debt.
And lest we forget, it was administration Democrats Carter, Clinton, Cuomo, Reno, and the congressional likes of Frank and Dodd pushing unaffordable housing, who caused the housing crash and financial meltdown.
Of course, government's race to insolvency is still being led by pernicious California Democrats on the backs of over-regulated and over-taxed-payers, still an insidious work in progressive/regressive socialism.
Alas, if we are to survive, the American people must somehow come to their senses, and break the grip of government, to be truly free and prosper.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Carlsbad, CA
Wall Street Journal
December 31, 2012
Twisted political blame game
How is it that our government has turned into an unaccountable, hideous behemoth cloaked in the abdicated public responsibility of elected Washington suits, tyrannical laws and bureaucratic malfeasance in less than a century?
The answer is simple, but convoluted, in the history of the liberal progressive movement that began by perpetually blind-siding the American people with the government growth of the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson -- extended by FDR and LBJ -- stalled by Ronald Reagan -- then picked up by Bill Clinton and intensified by Barack Obama.
Worse, the socialist infection would not have been possible without the active complicity of the press, the entertainment industry, academia and the courts undermining the Constitution, exacerbated by the empire-building and entitlement society of the Democrat Party using the Boomer generation's counter-culture revolution that launched the drug culture, education indoctrination, and the roaring 1980's era of power, greed and excess.
Indeed, the Republican Party's resistance was continuously compromised by becoming the twisted political blame game whipping post for Democrats' diversionary tactics, which is currently at its height for a housing and finance collapse and deep recession that was directly caused by the unaffordable housing pursuits of presidents Carter and Clinton, not Wall Street.
Lastly, President Obama and congressional Democrats amplified misinformation to the masses, nationalized health care, finance and energy, raised the national debt from $10 trillion to over $16 trillion -- most of which was wasted -- set up Americans for enormous tax increases to blame on Republicans, and created 6,000 new regulations in the last four months.
Sadly, the self-inflicted road to 'fiscal cliff,' ruin and the economic abyss is paved with the intentional failures of perverted intentions. Alas, highlighted by the political crimes of California government, it will soon become painfully clear that only voters can stop the progressive/regressive 'forward' lie and reverse course to smaller government, freedom, security and prosperity.
The Washington Examiner
December 31, 2012
Kerry is wrong choice to head State Department
Prior to announcing his nomination of Sen. John F. Kerry, Massachusetts Democrat for secretary of state -- as a payback for launching his presidential career as the keynote speaker in Kerry's 2004 presidential bid -- President Obama put further wear on his rotator cuff by patting himself of the back for his foreign policy and national security accomplishments.
Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton's foreign policy and national security failures notwithstanding, Mr. Kerry is the worst possible choice to assume that vital post, short of being nominated for secretary of defense.
Indeed, Kerry's Senate position as Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and his relentless campaign to succeed Clinton is merely a veiled attempt to mask his anti-Viet Nam War and anti-Iraq War betrayal of the military and other anti-American activities.
Although Kerry is better than President Obama's first choice of "yeswoman" UN Ambassador Susan Rice, he is nevertheless in line with Mr. Obama's highly disturbing, reckless and weakened American foreign policy and national security philosophy.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
Los Angeles Times
December 29, 2012
Re: Fiscal talks get more upbeat - Front Page
President Obama's legacy in 'forward' motion backward
In the few weeks leading to President Obama's inauguration to a second term, he is using the 'fiscal cliff' crisis to make the Democrat-controlled Senate extort a brief relief from the Republican-controlled House that will give him some cover to bestow on the middle class and to satisfy his base in his inaugural address.
What is most disturbing though, is the obvious behind President Obama's motives to finish his legacy -- of capitalizing on his win in 2008 with a Republican-collapsed economy and a Democrat Congress to pass sweeping health care and finance legislation -- with an FDR-initiated, LBJ-extended government growth bang.
Worse, to the biased press and entertainment industry, it doesn't seem to matter that Democrats caused the 2008 housing and financial crash and put time limits on the Bush tax cuts, Or that the last thing we needed was wasted Democrat stimulus spending -- costly national health care and attendant tax increases -- over-reaching finance and environmental regulations, 'skyrocketing energy costs' and insurmountable debt.
Indeed, it will soon become painfully clear that falsely blaming Republicans is an exercise in futility. And that President Obama's media-endorsed, progressive 'forward' legacy will be based upon implosive backward actions of punishing taxation and regulation, big government's largess of redistributing wealth, loss of freedoms, crushing the economy, failed foreign policy and dangerously reduced national security.
Washington Post
December 28, 2012
'Fiscal Cliff' is Democrats' abyss
The middle class, small business owners, corporations, and all taxpayers ought to know that Democrats -- including the news media, academic establishment, and entertainment industry elite -- have an inherent ideological drive for government empire-building, tyrannical regulations, and raising punishing taxes and debt to redistribute wealth, to pay for extensive entitlement programs, public education indoctrination, extreme environmental pursuits and undue foreign relations.
Indeed, if it were not for Democrats' aversion to tax cuts and reasonable taxation -- even though it has proven to increase jobs, prosperity and revenue -- there would have been no expiration dates for the Bush tax cuts and we would not be facing the so-called 'fiscal cliff.'
Surely, the Democrat creed for this government-caused fiscal crisis will hold fast to the creation of their health care, finance, taxing and debt abyss -- to be blamed on Republicans -- when it is their decades of demonizing the opposition and crass elitist irresponsibility at the root of it.
And certainly, there is no better way in that shallow-mindedness to accomplish their insidious goal of one-party union-style socialist rule, than to keep tax and spending reform at bay, cause the debt and taxes to rise at Republican expense, and drive us into a deeper and longer second recession.
Voters ought to know when they are betrayed. Unfortunately, most are intentionally misinformed and they don't. Hopefully, more independent voters, fiscal pain and the 2014 elections will bring about the needed change. "Forward" simply doesn't cut it when it's backward.