
VV Daily Press
September 27, 2016

O.J. Injustice dominates Emmys

The insidious injustice of O.J Simpson getting away with a vicious double murder honored by dominating the Emmy Awards comes as no surprise, as it headlines the reckless decline of the entertainment industry.

Indeed, Hollywood has become a superficial society of social aggression, political tyranny, selfish interests and extremes of shallow minds, absent social redeeming value.

Coupled with damaging violence, lazy remakes, true stories without core truth, stupid sit-coms and soaps, overdone cop, legal and medical series, and the obsession with horror, apocalypse and superhero movies, Hollywood has turned into a tasteless entertainment wasteland.

Add the irresponsibility of television commercials depicting loud, obnoxious behavior, idiotic situations and reckless speeding cars to the equation, and there isn’t much left but mind-numbing experiences….

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

The Washington Times
September 21, 2016

Emmys show Hollywood’s decline

The insidious injustice of O.J. Simpson getting away with a vicious double murder honored by dominating the Emmy Awards comes as no surprise, as it headlines the reckless decline of the entertainment industry.

Indeed, Hollywood has become a superficial society of social aggression, political tyranny, selfish interests and extremes of shallow minds, absent social redeeming value.

Coupled with damaging violence, lazy remakes, true stories without core truth, stupid situation comedies and soaps, overdone cop, legal and medical series, and the obsession with horror, apocalypse and superhero movies, Hollywood has turned into a tasteless entertainment wasteland.

Add the irresponsibility of television commercials depicting loud, obnoxious behavior, idiotic situations and reckless speeding cars to the equation and there isn’t much left but mind-numbing experiences.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.

San Diego Union-Tribune
September 20, 2016

O.J. Emmys highlight decline of television

The insidious injustice of O.J. Simpson getting away with a vicious double murder honored by dominating the Emmy Awards comes as no surprise, as it headlines the reckless decline of the entertainment industry.

Indeed, Hollywood has become a superficial society of social aggression, political tyranny, selfish interests and extremes of shallow minds, absent social redeeming value.

Coupled with damaging violence, lazy remakes, true stories without core truth, stupid situation comedies and soaps, overdone cop, legal and medical series, and the obsession with horror, apocalypse and superhero movies, Hollywood has turned into a tasteless entertainment wasteland.

Add the irresponsibility of television commercials depicting loud, obnoxious behavior, idiotic situations and reckless speeding cars to the equation and there isn’t much left but mind-numbing experiences.

Daniel B. Jeffs

Riverside Press Enterprise
June 16, 2015

Protect data instead of policing the Internet

When President Obama’s FCC chairman says there will now be a “Net Neutrality” referee to keep the Internet fast, fair and open, what he really means is that it will be highly regulated as a telecommunications utility that will soon be taxed like telephone service.

Worse, the referee will in fact become a socialist government bully with a biased agenda to control Internet content and inhibit free speech -- particularly conservative speech, while allowing ISIS recruiting to run wild.

What government should be doing, is concentrating on protecting secrets, records and the people against criminal hackers and terrorists with the very best step-ahead security, and punishing violators, instead of business-as-usual government incompetence.

Losing all government personnel and selective defense records to Chinese and Russian espionage is unconscionable. Indeed, Hillary-style hiding won’t cut it.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley

VV Daily Press
April 10, 2015

Internet service tax

President Obama’s abuse of power continues unabated as he directs his EPA to enforce global warming edicts and his FCC Net Neutrality communications control, so it comes as no surprise that the FCC is gearing up to tax Internet services.

Indeed, California is the leader in punishing carbon taxation, gas taxes, online shopping taxes, public utility taxes and every conceivable form of taxation – which has obviously influenced the president, and will be welcomed by California government tax tyrants.

Surely, it has become painfully clear that unless voters turn things around, liberal Democrat regulation and tax tyranny will increase its heavy-handed, economy-busting rule over people’s lives, and crush our future and the futures of our children. Enough is enough has already been surpassed.

Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley