San Diego Union-Tribune
June 27, 2015
President Obama’s monarchial legacy
President Obama is making it painfully clear that he will leave a monarchial legacy of social, political and economic pain, severely diminished national and domestic security -- and racial divisions. Indeed, of elected, Hillary Clinton would leave a similar legacy including gender divisions.
A Republican president and Congress would reverse Mr. Obama’s executive abuse of power, recover the economy, national and domestic security, simplify the tax code, reduce spending and the national debt, limit government, rescue education and ameliorate racial discontent.
The dangerous alternative is for the electorate to commit voter-assisted social, political and economic suicide.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Los Angeles Times
June 27, 2015
Supreme Court betrays Democracy again and again
Chief Justice Roberts -- nominated by President Bush – was a stealth liberal in conservative clothing as evidenced by upholding nationalized Obamacare twice along with other rulings usurping states’ rights in violation of the 10th Amendment to the Constitution.
Worse, Chief Justice Roberts’ deeply-flawed reasoning for the decision was based upon the people electing a Congress to enact Obamacare, even though it was done by a Democrat majority behind closed doors with no debate.
Alas, the Court wasn’t done betraying democracy and the fabric of America when the next day they abused the 14th Amendment and violated the 10th Amendment by declaring same-sex couples had the right marriage, severely diminishing traditional marriage between one man and one woman, the historical family institution -- already damaged by extreme feminism – regardless of the damage to children with no choice adopted by same-sex couples.
Unfortunately, to no avail, Chief Justice Roberts temporarily slipped into his conservative suit to dissent from the 5-4 majority opinion. Certainly, it was made painfully clear with President Obama’s declared “Victory for America,” that the Constitution is meaningless to Obama’s Executive branch, and Roberts’ Judicial Branch of our deeply wounded union and democratic republic.
Coupled with the Court supporting “disparate impact” added to the Fair Housing Act, supporting President Obama’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing action by HUD’s unjust intrusion on freedom -- tantamount to President Clinton’s intimidation of banks and home lenders, causing the housing/finance meltdown – is further proof of the political activist Court.
Indeed, the liberal majority on the Court is blatantly supporting President Obama’s monarchial mandate to fundamentally transform America from a constitutional republic into a socialist nation.
Surely, Roberts’ Court will back President Obama’s legacy as the first black president, regardless of the social, political, economic and constitutional harm to America and the people.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Diego Union-Tribune
June 26, 2015
Supreme Court betrays America again
Chief Justice Roberts -- nominated by President Bush – was a stealth liberal in conservative clothing as evidenced by upholding nationalized Obamacare twice along with other rulings in conflict with the law and the Constitution.
Worse, Chief Justice Roberts’ deeply-flawed reasoning for the decision was based upon the people electing a Congress to enact Obamacare, even though it was done by a Democrat majority behind closed doors with no debate.
Indeed, the liberal super-majority on the Court is blatantly supporting President Obama’s monarchial mandate to fundamentally transform America from a constitutional republic into a socialist nation.
Surely, Roberts’ Court will back President Obama’s legacy as the first black president, regardless of the social, political, economic and constitutional harm to America and the people.
Daniel B. Jeffs
The Washington Times
August 15, 2014
No to Hillary in 2016
Hillary Clinton and President Obama are painful examples of politicians who blatantly lie to the majority of voters to get elected, then revert to their core ideology to govern.
Mrs. Clinton was inept as secretary of state and would do little to nothing to resolve President Obama's foreign-policy disaster. Particularly, when she simply did Obama's bidding by pushing the "reset button" with Russia, and exacerbated matters in Libya when she mishandled the Benghazi terrorist attack that cost the lives of four Americans, including our ambassador.
Mrs. Clinton's recent feigned criticism of the president's foreign policy is hypocritically political at the height of the Islamic State crisis in Iraq. If elected president, Mrs. Clinton would still embrace Obamacare as evidenced by her failed attempt at national health care during the Clinton administration.
Hillary Clinton for president? No.
A Republican Congress and Mike Huckabee for president? Yes.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
Commentary by Daniel B. Jeffs
April 22, 2014
Medicare Advantage for all
Democrats fighting Obama over Medicare are up for re-election as compared to Democrats who continue to support Obamacare talking points designed to eliminate Medicare Advantage to help pay for the Unaffordable Careless Act. Indeed, president and CEO of America's Health Insurance Plans, Karen Ignagni correctly points out that repeating the 1997 Medicare Advantage cuts would cause more millions of seniors to lose their health care coverage.
My wife and I have been enrolled in Kaiser's Senior Advantage healthcare program since 2006, and for many years I have closely followed government's inept mishandling of Medicare and Medicaid. Kaiser should be the model of excellence in handling the Medicare Advantage program, which if followed, would provide Medicare Advantage to all seniors for less than traditional Medicare.
Of course, it would require government to abandon Obamacare's exacerbated road to ruin, reform both Medicare and the mass expansion of the Medicaid fiasco, and restore common sense to health care. Alas, it would also relieve the costly chaos in the nation's emergency rooms. Rather than causing the American people and our economy to suffer the cost and pain of unaffordable health care, allow the nation's private health care industry to do its job.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident
and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor:
From the Trenches of Democracy."
The Washington Times
April 9, 2014
Allow private health care industry to do job
Democrats fighting Obama over Medicare are up for re-election. Democrats who continue to support Obamacare talking points designed to eliminate Medicare Advantage in order to help pay for Obamacare are not.
Indeed, America's Health Insurance Plans CEO Karen Ignagni correctly points out that repeating the 1997 Medicare Advantage cuts would cause millions of seniors to lose their health care coverage.
My wife and I have been enrolled in Kaiser's Senior Advantage healthcare program since 2006, and for many years I have closely followed government's inept mishandling of Medicare and Medicaid. Kaiser should be the model of excellence in handling the Medicare Advantage program, which if followed, would provide Medicare Advantage to all seniors for less than traditional Medicare.
Of course, it would require government to abandon Obamacare's exacerbated road to ruin, reform both Medicare and the mass expansion of the Medicaid fiasco, and restore common sense to health care. Alas, it would also relieve the costly chaos in the nation's emergency rooms.
Rather than causing the American people and our economy to suffer the cost and pain of unaffordable health care, allow the nation's private health care industry to do its job.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
Los Angeles Times
Opinion L.A.
March 22, 2014
Re: Democrat's chances in this Fall's Senate elections just turned a little bleaker
by Doyle McManus
March 19, 2014
Senate Democrats in trouble with Medicare Advantage
Leading Senate Democrats, who voted for Obamacare -- and are now opposing the cuts to Medicare Advantage because they are up for re-election -- are little more than pandering political hypocrites who will slice Medicare Advantage the day after their re-election. Senior voters in their states should not buy the snake oil. If they do, they will certainly pay the price of deception with less health care and higher prices.
Clearly, it's no time for making deals with the devils, and the devils know it. Especially, when the flow of Boomers into Medicare will substantially increase Medicare Advantage enrollment. That's the good news for seniors, and the bad news for President Obama and Democrats.
Particularly, when 28% of seniors are enrolled in Medicare Advantage, and one of two people eligible for Medicare chooses Advantage, and enrollment is growing at a 10% annual clip -- simply because government turns control of health care over to private plans that manage Medicare, with more flexible services and benefits than traditional Medicare, and "seamless delivery of health care services," -- for better health care outcomes, and higher quality health care.
My wife and I are enrolled in Kaiser Senior Advantage, which is the leading Medicare Advantage manager and a shining example for other Advantage programs to emulate. Indeed, we received the best of care -- well worth the premiums -- and we firmly believe it should be the standard for all senior health care.
President Bush's Medicare Advantage program was the best thing that happened to Medicare since its inception. Government's failure to reduce and eliminate the vast fraud, waste and abuse in Medicare and Medicaid is bad enough. However, President Obama's early assault on Medicare Advantage -- as a presidential candidate -- plus the forced passage of Obama/Democrat Unaffordable Health Careless Act that attacks Medicare Advantage with forthcoming cuts was unconscionable.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
Newsmax Magazine
February 2014 issue
Challenging Obamacare
Shaky legal ground
President Obama told the lie about people being able to keep their health insurance and doctors so many times, it became the truth to them. Telling the people he meant something different after the lie was exposed doesn't make it any less of a lie.
That lie is costing millions of Americans millions of dollars for canceled insurance and forcing them to buy more costly insurance with less coverage and higher deductibles to meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
(Original letter)
President Obama's big lie
President Obama told the lie about people being able to keep their health insurance and doctors so many times, it became the truth to them. Telling the people he meant something different after the lie was exposed doesn't make it any less of a lie.
That lie is costing millions of Americans millions of dollars for cancelled insurance and forcing them to buy more costly insurance with less coverage and higher deductibles to meet the requirements of the (Un)Affordable Care Act.
Indeed, that's not only unconstitutional, it's fraudulent and an unconscionable and impeachable offense, period!
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
January 28, 2014
by Daniel B. Jeffs
Obamacareless ruining the economy
When presidential candidate, Barack Obama campaigned for national healthcare because people were going bankrupt from medical bills, and lied about people being able to keep the health care plans and doctors, it was preview of his abuse of authority when pushing through the Affordable Care Act.
Indeed, the bad actors in the Democrat-controlled Congress abused their authority when ramming through the Act without debate and behind closed doors, and the Supreme Court Judiciary abdicated their duty to justice with their failure to find the Act unconstitutional.
Worse, the Affordable Care Act is turning into the Unaffordable Obama careless Act destined to ruining the economy with cancelled health insurance, raising the cost of healthcare, bankrupting health insurance companies, increasing costs of businesses, and raising the cost of living for most Americans.
It was bad enough that the Clinton administration created the housing bubble by forcing banks to make home loans to unqualified borrowers to create affordable housing, and caused the housing and finance collapse. Surely, the unaffordable health care act should be knocked down, eliminated, and replaced with reasonable health care reforms as necessary.
Deport Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber's arrest for DUI, unlicensed driving and resisting arrest in Miami is the last straw in the Canadian pop star's bad behavior in America. It's bad enough that Bieber thinks he can do whatever he wants with impunity. But when he races dangerously around the country and constantly terrorizes and assaults his neighbors, he has no place here. Indeed, when this Canadian's act has become that bad, his welcome in America is worn out and he should be deported before he kills someone.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley
resident and the author of the
series, "Letters to the Editor:
From the Trenches of Democracy."
NewsMax Magazine
December 2013 Issue
ObamaCare's Failings
President Obama targeted the government shutdown, from closing national parks to denying death benefits to families of our military heroes killed in action to inflict as much pain on the public as possible (Employees Dump Workers Onto Private Exchanges," November).
Our country will surely feel the social, political and economic pain of Obamacare, hopefully in time for voters to reject the socialist takeover in the 2014 and 2016 elections.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
(Excepts from original letter below)
Government shutdown scam
President Obama targeted the government shutdown -- from closing national parks to denying death benefits to families of our military heroes killed in action -- to inflict as much pain on the public as possible -- and to spread fear over the debt limit -- to falsely blame Republicans for the purpose of taking back the House of Representatives in the 2014 midterm elections, and continuing his scurrilous efforts to the growth and power of government, unabated.
Our country will surely feel the social, political and economic pain of Obamacareless, hopefully in time for voters to reject the socialist takeover in the 2014 and 2016 elections. Meanwhile, Utah, Arizona and other states are opening the national parks in their states. Indeed, all national parks and federal lands should be turned over to the states to deal with as they wish. A first step in reducing the grip of federal power.
Eliminating the Department of Education should be next, followed by the over-regulating EPA, and adopting the "Fair (consumption) Tax" to abolish the distribution of wealth taxation and the punitive-taxing power of the IRS. Limited government -- as outlined in the Constitution -- should be practiced by our elected representatives, and the electorate should hold them to it.
Riverside Press Enterprise
November 21, 2013
Talking with Iran foolish
It comes as no surprise that President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry failed in their negotiations with Iran. It should be understood that Iran is using negotiations, delays and distractions to buy time so it can develop nuclear weapons.
Our administration should know that you don't negotiate with terrorists or a terrorist state.
Furthermore, throwing Israel under the bus in order to talk with Iran is unconscionable. Israel is our only friend and ally in the Middle East and a great help in dealing with Iran. Israel has an absolute right to exist.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
(Original letter)
Obama administration incompetency, domestic and foreign
With less than 50,000 people signing up for Obamacare on government web sites, and 49,000 on state exchange sites, and half of both have been unable to complete the process, it clearly demonstrates that government is incompetent. Worse, 7 million people have had their health plans cancelled because they don't meet Obamacare standards -- which will more than double or triple their premiums and deductibles -- leads the American people to the inescapable conclusion that President Obama lied, and that the Obamacare law should be renamed, "The Unaffordable Careless Act" -- a tyranny which will ultimately and unnecessarily cost taxpayers an extra $1.2 trillion.
Plus, it comes as no surprise that President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry are foreign policy incompetents in their negotiations with Iran. It is well known and understood that Iran is using negotiations, delay and distractions to buy time for developing nuclear weapons, and that you don't negotiate with terrorists or a terrorist state. Adding insult to injury, throwing Israel under the bus is unconscionable. Israel is our only friend and ally in the Middle East, a deterrent to Iran and they have an absolute right to exist.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
October 29, 2013
(Only letter to the editor)
Financial institutions act as a scapegoat
Punishing JP Morgan Chase with billions of dollars in fines and possibly pursuing criminal charges is government tyranny for an economic collapse caused by a government bent on pushing ideology and unaffordable housing at any cost ("$13 billion penalty leaves behind a whale of a problem," Our view. Too big to fail debate, Wednesday).
JP Morgan Chase, other banks, mortgage bankers and lenders, and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sold risky mortgage securities as the result of President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act, and the Clinton administration encouraging them to provide affordable housing mortgages to unqualified buyers. That is what caused the housing and finance bubble to burst, resulting in the economic meltdown. Government's reckless interference with free markets and free enterprise was done before the meltdown, and the situation was exacerbated by government after the collapse.
If anyone should be prosecuted, it should be former President Bill Clinton, not JP Morgan.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
Commentary by Daniel B. Jeffs
October 29, 2013
Obamacare and the socialist agenda
The socialist agenda shifted into high gear with Obamacare. President Obama and the congressional left are making it painfully clear that they intend to complete the socialist agenda with housing, jobs, income redistribution, food and clothing.
Clinton's socialist affordable housing agenda was carried out with forced approval of mortgages for unqualified buyers, which exploded, and collapsed housing and finance in 2008. The same thing is likely to happen with Obamacare, with a direct, negative impact on the people.
Moreover, the Justice Department is using the socialist Dodd-Frank finance law to shake down JP Morgan Chase bank with a $13 billion hit for selling risky mortgage-back securities, when it was government that caused the circumstances, and is now seeking control of banking, CEO salaries and compensation.
President Obama is keeping up the pressure of distractions from Obamacare problems by gearing up a push for immigration reform and amnesty that will weigh even more heavily on taxpayers and the fragile economy. Indeed, it's all targeted by the unyielding socialist agenda.
Prosecute Clinton, not JP Morgan
Punishing JP Morgan with a $13 billion fine and pursuing criminal charges is unconscionable government tyranny for an economic collapse caused by government bent on pushing an ideology and affordable housing at any cost.
JP Morgan Chase, other banks, mortgage bankers and lenders, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac sold risky mortgage securities as the result of President Carter's Community Reinvestment Act and the Clinton administration forcing them to provide unaffordable housing mortgages to unqualified buyers.
That is what caused the housing and finance bubble to burst, resulting in the 2008 economic meltdown. Government's reckless interference with free markets and free enterprise was done before the meltdown and exacerbated by government after the collapse.
And that is what raised the national debt from $10 trillion to $17 trillion in 5 years, which will reach $20 trillion by 2016 at the hands of President Obama and congressional Democrats, who have prolonged the recession.
If anyone should be prosecuted, it should be former President Bill Clinton for causing the collapse -- and former Rep. Barney Frank and former Sen. Chris Dodd for perpetuating the conditions leading to the meltdown -- not JP Morgan Chase.
Unfortunately, before leaving Congress, Dodd and Frank added insult to injury with the over-reaching Dodd-Frank finance laws.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident
and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy"
Daily Press
October 25, 2013
Obamacare and socialism
The socialist agenda shifted into high gear with Obamacare. President Obama and the congressional left are making it painfully clear that they intend to complete the socialist agenda with housing, jobs, income redistribution, food and clothing.
Clinton's socialist affordable housing agenda was carried out with forced approval of mortgages for unqualified buyers, which exploded, and collapsed housing and finance in 2008. The same thing is likely to happen with Obamacare, with a direct, negative impact on the people.
Moreover, the Justice Department is using the socialist Dodd-Frank finance law to shake down JP Morgan Chase bank with a $13 billion hit for selling risky mortgage-back securities, when it was government that caused the circumstances, and is now seeking control of banking, CEO salaries and compensation.
President Obama is keeping up the pressure of distractions from Obamacare problems by gearing up a push for immigration reform and amnesty that will weigh even more heavily on taxpayers and the fragile economy. Indeed, it's all targeted by the unyielding socialist agenda.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
San Diego Union-Tribune
October 19, 2013
When Obamacare takes hold, we all suffer
Republicans will take more heat than Democrats over President Obama's shutdown extortion and demonizing the tea party. The forced compromise will carry the budget and debt ceiling into next year, leaving Obamacare in place.
But when Obamacare takes hold, Obama and the Democrats will suffer from the costly mess, hopefully enough for Republicans to keep the House and gain back the Senate and the presidency in 2014 an 2016.
Letting Obamacareless and the debt ceiling ride, would raise the national debt to over $20 trillion and take America over the social, political and economic cliff. Mission accomplished by President Obama.
Voter's can't afford to let that happen.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Daily Press Apple Valley Review
October 1, 2013
President Obama: Presidential pretender and constitutional offender
by Daniel B. Jeffs
Lest voters forget, presidential candidate, Senator Obama campaigned to fundamentally transform America, declaring a healthcare crisis when there was none, and promising that electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket to accomplish his green energy conversion -- regardless of the housing and financial collapse, economic meltdown and massive job losses.
After President Obama's election, his process to fundamentally transform America began by ramming his Affordable Healthcare Act (AKA Obamacare -- unaffordable careless act) through the Democrat-controlled Congress without objection from his political lemmings, passed wasteful stimulus spending, raised the national debt to unsustainable levels, and continues to diminish America's standing in the world.
After Democrats lost the House of Representative to the Republicans, Mr. Obama set about to unconstitutionally circumvent Congress with edicts and executive orders to pursue green energy at the expense of the oil industry and the coal energy industry, with EPA carbon enforcement and shutting down oil exploration and production on federal lands and offshore.
Of course the other shoe is about to drop on the economy with the implementation of Obamacare -- the circumvention of Congress and the Constitution continuing unabated -- as President Obama goes about the business of perpetual lies and deceit, political pontificating and campaigning to transform America at the expense of our freedoms, our economy, our foreign policy, our allies, our national security and our future.
Surely, Mr. Obama's legacy will be that of being a presidential pretender, manipulator-in-chief, and serial constitutional offender.
Daniel B. Jeffs is an Apple Valley resident and author of the series, "Letters to the Editor: From the Trenches of Democracy."
San Diego Union-Tribune
September 30, 2012
The deleterious Obama-effect
President Obama's perpetual campaign against the best interests of America is manifested by his obsession with his so-called "signature legislation" of the UnAffordable Health Care Act -- his "Social Justice" assault on the fragile economy -- his leading from behind bungling of foreign policy highlighted by deals with the devils of Russia and Iran, and ignoring the growing monsters of terrorism.
Too many 2008 and 2012 presidential election voters were oblivious to the deleterious effect of President Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America -- the Clinton-caused housing and financial meltdown -- and the puppet-Democrat Congress and the biased media, which propelled him to do just that with Obamacare, edicts and executive orders, runaway spending and unsustainable debt. That is what created the Tea Party, polarized America, extended the recession and fortunately, raised the influence of Fox News.
Obamacare, reckless spending and debt limit madness are being perpetuated by Democrats demonizing the Tea Party, and Republicans eating their own. That's why I am an independent voter. Truth is, the spontaneous Tea Party represents the feelings of the majority of Americans. Hopefully, sanity, social and economic recovery, and national security will be restored after the 2014 and 2016 elections. Anything less could result in the final fall of the greatest nation on earth.
Daniel B. Jeffs
San Diego Union-Tribune
September 23, 2013
Presidential pretender, constitutional offender
Lest voters forget, presidential candidate, Senator Obama campaigned to fundamentally transform America, declaring a healthcare crisis when there was none, and promising that electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket to accomplish his green energy conversion -- regardless of the housing and financial collapse, economic meltdown and massive job losses.
After President Obama's election, his process to fundamentally transform America began by ramming his Affordable Healthcare Act (AKA Obamacare -- unaffordable careless act) through the Democrat-controlled Congress without objection from his political lemmings, passed wasteful stimulus spending, raised the national debt to unsustainable levels, and continues to diminish America's standing in the world.
After Democrats lost the House of Representative to the Republicans, Mr. Obama set about to unconstitutionally circumvent Congress with edicts and executive orders to pursue green energy at the expense of the oil industry and the coal energy industry, with EPA carbon enforcement and shutting down oil exploration and production on federal lands and offshore.
Of course the other shoe is about to drop on the economy with the implementation of Obamacare -- the circumvention of Congress and the Constitution continuing unabated -- as President Obama goes about the business of perpetual lies and deceit, political pontificating and campaigning to transform America at the expense of our freedoms, our economy, our foreign policy, our allies, our national security and our future.
Surely, Mr. Obama's legacy will be that of being a presidential pretender, manipulator-in-chief, and serial constitutional offender.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Riverside Press Enterprise
August 14, 2013
President breaking U.S.
President Barack Obama making exceptions for unions and congressional staff regarding Obamacare, along with delaying implementation of it until after the 2014 elections, comes as no surprise.
Obama continues to circumvent our nation's laws executive orders and edicts. And these orders end up hurting the middle class.
And lest we forget, this debacle was created by him when he ran in the 2008 election, telling everyone there was a crisis in health care. He created a crisis that didn't exist. Of course the crisis that did exist, and persists, is the Democrat-caused housing and financial crash.
Health care in America needed some work, but not with national health care that will surely break our economic back. The Democrat-controlled Congress that rammed it through also shares the blame.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
(original letter)
Breaking America's economic back
Illegally exempting unions and congressional staff from Obamacare, along with pushing the implementation until after the 2014 elections comes as no surprise.
Particularly when President Obama continues to circumvent the law with EPA and Energy executive orders and edicts destined to hurt the middle class.
Lest we forget, the president's Obamacareless monster was created by then Senator Obama while running in the 2008 election. He created a crisis that didn't exist. Of course the crisis that did exist, and persists, is the Clinton/Frank/Dodd Democrat-caused housing and financial crash.
Healthcare in America needed some work, but not with national health care that will surely break our economic back. The Democrat Congress that rammed it through without debate, shares the blame. Indeed, every House and Senate member who voted for it.
San Bernardino Sun
November 25, 2012
Set law aside
President Obama is not king of America
Those with the notion that the war over Obamacare is over and it's time for resisters to get with the program is disturbingly tantamount to reaffirming the Democrat congressional Star Chamber and the president's irreversible national healthcare edict.
Granted, the health care act is law, but contrary of liberal belief, President Obama is not king of America, and the law can be repealed.
If we are to avoid the fiscal cliff and a second, much deeper recession, the Bush tax cuts must be carefully modified and made permanent, the tax code must be simplified, and the costly health care law must be set aside.
Otherwise, the double-trouble of a ruthless recession, and insurmountable debt will certainly raise the cost of living and increase unemployment.
That is unacceptable.
Instead of savaging Mitt Romney for losing the election, Republicans must keep their eyes on the ball: Reducing the size, scope and power of government and restoring power to the states and to the people is the solution. That effort begins now and with the 2014 election. Indeed, our Constitution demands it.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley
The Washington Examiner
July 2, 2012
Obamacare will hurt 10 million enrollees
Re: "Supreme Court upholds Obama health law by 5-4 vote." June 28
President Obama's healthcare law will take $500 billion from 10 million Senior Advantage Medicare enrollees to pay for insuring 17 million illegal aliens.
California Governor Jerry Brown just signed the state budget, which will trigger cuts to education if the governor's $8 billion tax measure is not passed by voters in November.
As a taxpaying Medicare Advantage enrollee from California, I will suffer a double whammy from a tyrannical president bent on costly national health care, a governor bent on taxpayer extortion and Democrats in Congress and the state legislature who have ruined public education and turned government into a giant abusive -- and intrusive -- taxpayer money pit.
There is no question who and what I will be voting against in the elections.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
The Wall Street Journal
April 24, 2012
Re: Medicare's Obama Donation
WSJ Editorial April 24, 2012
Obama misappropriating public funds for campaign
When then Senator Obama campaigned for president, he said that medical bill bankruptcies were a large part of the economic crash, that he would reform health care, and used Medicare Advantage as a target to cut health care costs. Indeed, when he and the Democrat-controlled Congress rammed through ObamaCare, Medicare Advantage was thrown on the butcher block to be gutted.
My wife and I are enrolled in "Senior Advantage," a Medicare Advantage program with Kaiser Permanente, which is an excellent plan, very cost effective, and should be the model for all Medicare. Needles to say, we -- and I would say most of the 10 million seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage programs -- were outraged by President Obama's irresponsible slash and burn tactics.
Apparently, President Obama got the message, held off on killing Medicare Advantage, and manipulated $8.35 billion of Medicare funds to reward the most efficient and cost effective Medicare Advantage plans as a pilot program, pacifying Medicare Advantage voters, and delaying the death of Medicare Advantage until after his re-election. Indeed, what's not illegal about that?
Our fellow Medicare Advantage voters should be informed about President Obama's devious tactics and misappropriation of public funds before the November election. And pay attention to Rep. Paul Ryan's proposed GOP Medicare Reform plan that is largely based upon Medicare Advantage. The plan that President Obama rejected as "social Darwinism."
President Obama's socialized medicine, economy-buster fiasco aside, he is abusing his position of power by wasting taxpayer's dollars on his political machinations and extreme campaign schedule for the sole purpose of his re-election -- far more than any other president. Surely, with over $100 million in his campaign war chest -- over ten times the amount of his opponent -- President Obama could easily pay for his entire campaign, including Secret Service costs.
And while he is out and around, the president might consider stopping by the Midwest areas of tornado devastation and offering a helping hand, or a least a word or two of encouragement. Unless he doesn't care about regular hardworking people in America's heartland.
Certainly, it's about time for the president -- and all elected incumbents -- to be required to stand for re-election on their records of performance in office, without any further advantage, no less than any employee seeking to remain employed, a raise in pay, or a promotion. As President Obama has repeatedly said, it's a matter of fairness.
Los Angeles Times
March 25, 2012
Re: Health law's fate tied to mandate
by Noam N. Levey
LA Times Business
If states and citizen rights are to be protected from over-reaching federal government, the Supreme Court must surely strike down President Obama's unconstitutional health care insurance mandates.
Transforming America costs a social, political, economic and constitutional bundle. But that's not half of the damage already inflicted by the president's transformation plans.
President Obama's unemployment con job, coupled with costly health and financial reforms, his Occupy storm trooper's class warfare, and his intentional energy crisis define his attempts to transform America.
Indeed, throwing $200 billion down the green sink hole, pushing the failed Chevy Volt, and approving the tail end of the Keystone Pipeline are meaningless. Particularly, while stifling coal energy and domestic oil resources
Still, the president insists on wagging the public dog with high gas prices, government growth and insurmountable debt, which will surely damage the dollar, weaken the nation, and stoke the fires of inflation.
Transform America? Yes. Out of the clutches of progressive aggression. If we are to survive, his re-election is not an option.
Doctor in the House:
A Physician-Turned-Congressman Offers His Prescription for Scrapping Obamacare -- and Saving America's Medical System
by Congressman Michael Burgess
In 2010, the United States House of Representatives passed ObamaCare into law - an overt step away from liberty toward socialism. And while the powers at be claimed a sweeping victory bolstered by national pride, many saw what the legislation truly promised. In Doctor in the House, Congressman Michael Burgess applies his three decades of experience working inside our nation's health care system to the diagnosis of our true ailments. In doing so, he offers a clear, common sense prescription for making our system more excellent, more efficient, and less expensive—for all Americans. A third generation physician, Burgess writes with obvious passion for the healing arts and powerful convictions about the limits of government intervention in the doctor-patient relationship. Doctor in the House brings clarity and common sense to the perplexing national debate over the new health care bill.
After spending nearly three decades practicing medicine in North Texas, Congressman Michael C. Burgess, M.D., was first elected to Congress in 2002, and re-elected four times, most recently in 2010. During his time on Capitol Hill he has earned a reputation as a problem-solver who seeks sensible solutions to the challenges Americans face.
Obama Health Law: What It Says and How to Overturn It
by Betsy McCaughey
The fight against ObamaCare is just beginning. The new health law, signed on March 23, 2010, destroys our constitutional rights. For the first time in history, the federal government will dictate how doctors treat their privately insured patients. That will affect you, no matter what brand-name health plan you have. Worse, some hospitals will stop taking Medicare. Where will seniors go?
Advocates for women’s rights need to reassess ObamaCare. Whether you are a man or a woman, pro-choice or pro-life, you lose freedom and privacy.
In 1994, Betsy McCaughey read the 1,362-page Clinton health bill, warned the nation of its dangers, and made history. In this eye-opening Broadside, she dissects the 2,700-page health legislation, shows how it will affect you and your family, and presents a battle plan to overturn it. “We cannot falter now,” McCaughey says. “With the Constitution on our side, freedom will prevail.”
Betsy McCaughey: Betsy McCaughey, Ph.D., is a patient advocate and founder of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths, a nationwide campaign to stop hospital infections. In 1994, she read the 1,362 page Clinton health bill, warned the nation of the dangers, and made history. In this broadside, she dissects the Obama health law, tells you how it will affect your family, and presents a citizens’ battle plan to overturn it. McCaughey is a constitutional scholar, author of two histories of the U.S. Constitution, and a former Lt. Governor of New York State. Reach her at
The Wall Street Journal
November 21, 2010
Re: Private Medicare plans are retrenching
By Avery Johnson
Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage plan is a model for Republicans
President Obama's health care reform laws intended cut of $140 billion from Medicare Advantage Plans will displace many if not most of the 11 million seniors enrolled in a Medicare program that works. Indeed, it's bad enough that the monstrous health care law has already caused insurance premiums to rise across the board. Add to that, employers dropping health care coverage for employees, or laying off employees because they can't afford government-forced coverage -- it's a net loss of more jobs across the board.
Congressional Republicans have indicated that they want to scrap the health care law fiasco and replace it with reasonable reforms. Of course, that should be done, and while they're at it, they should use the Kaiser Permanente Medicare (Senior) Advantage program as a model to save Advantage. My wife and I have been insured with Kaiser for many years, and we've experienced their growth and continued improvement in service.
Kaiser spent $5 billion over 5 years to completely computerize their medical files and information, making it immediately accessible to all their doctors and staff. For the past few years, we have been enrolled in the Kaiser Medicare Senior Advantage Program, which is very efficient and effective at reasonable costs. Instead of squeezing seniors out of Medicare Advantage, government should keep and improve it, and focus on Medicare waste, fraud and abuse.
Surely, 11 million seniors and many millions more can't be wrong about mishandling health care. We threw out a strong warning in the 2010 elections. Congress and President Obama have two years to do the right thing. If they don't, they'll pay the political price in 2012.
The Washington Examiner
October 3, 2010
Health care law is health careless
Re: "If you like your health insurance, too bad," editorial, Sept. 28
It is clearly obvious from a year-by-year look at the new health care law that the raise in costs and decline in health care are avoided to get around the 2010 congressional elections and the 2012 presidential election, and back-loaded to hit the nation beginning Jan. 1, 2013. Indeed, this is not only political gaming, it is a detrimental careless move to nationalize health care at enormous expense.
My particular complaint is the manner in which Medicare Advantage is being toyed with. Candidate and President Obama made it painfully clear that he was going to cut the plan -- covering about 11.3 million seniors of the 46 million covered by Medicare -- and he has. Even though premiums for Medicare Advantage are to drop 1 percent in 2011, rates will be frozen at 2010 levels to cut $136 billion from Medicare Advantage over 10 years.
Surely, all Americans will feel the pain -- Medicare beneficiaries, private health plans, employers, 30 million additional Medicaid recipients, states, and all taxpayers -- in reduced health care at much higher costs. As candidate Obama put it, "... health care costs will necessarily skyrocket." However, why should he be concerned? By Jan. 1, 2018, when the 40 percent excise tax is imposed on high-cost health plans, he will be securely retired with free quality health care for life -- at struggling taxpayers' expense.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
There are no unintended consequences to nationalizing health care, as evidenced by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius' threat against private insurance companies ("ObamaCare Extortion," Michael Tanner, PostOpinion, Sept. 16).
Along with overloading the health-care and welfare systems, President Obama is going to devastate our economy with tyrannical, agenda-driven financial and energy policies, the national debt and job losses.
He will devastate America along with it.
Nothing could be more intentional than that.
Daniel B. Jeffs
Apple Valley, Calif.
San Bernardino Sun March 6, 2010 Obama's edict: This independent voter found little confidence in watching and listening to President Obama's so-called bipartisan health care summit. Indeed, it was more like a staged platform grand stand, which came as no surprise. However, President Obama's health care summit proved the overriding truth about the health care issue, which was declared to be in crisis by candidate Obama in the 2008 election, and continued as a presidential edict to reform health care after the election. The economic meltdown and job losses was the crisis and is the crisis, not health care. Health care needs simple reforms, such as those presented by the Republicans throughout the debate, but ignored by the media. If President Obama's plan passes, health care will become a burden of enormous cost and taxation, replete with rules and regulations, diminishing the quality and access to health care, and exacerbating the overall economic crisis. Indeed, if President Obama and his Democrat minions push this on us, I will certainly be among the voters who push back in the 2010 November elections, and again in 2012.
The Washington Examiner December 24, 2009 Franken shows his mean, vindictive side Most people could ignore Al Franken's rancorous political narcissism, but there is no ignoring him now. The machinations of the Democrat leadership aside, the freshman senator from Minnesota is not a statesman, but a vindictive demagogue with a history of doing anything to get attention. Indeed, his clumsy disrespect for Senator Joe Lieberman while presiding over the chamber by refusing to grant Lieberman an extra minute to finish his remarks on the healthcare debate - because the senator from Minnesota objected - is the first sign of Franken's inability to contain himself. The reason the Washington Post, the New York Times and most of the left-stream media essentially ignored the story is because Franken is an embarrassment to them. Minnesota voters will undoubtedly also be embarrassed until the end of Franken's - or is it Frankenstein's? - term. Then again, they elected Jesse Ventura as governor. When will they learn?
Press Enterprise - Riverside December 23, 2009 Franken seeks attention Most people could ignore freshman Sen. Al Franken's rancorous political narcissism; however, there is no ignoring him now. The machinations of the Democrat leadership aside, Franken, D-Minn., is a vindictive demagogue with a history of doing anything to get attention. Indeed, Franken clumsily disrespected Sen. Joe Lieberman by refusing to grant him an extra minute to finish his remarks on the health care debate. This is a sign of Franken's inability to contain himself as a senator. Franken is not a statesman, and he can hardly be called a friend or gentleman from Minnesota. Not knowing whether they elected a Franken or a Frankenstein, Minnesota voters will undoubtedly be embarrassed until the end of his term. Then again, they elected Jesse Ventura as their governor, and he certainly betrayed them. The question is, when will they learn?
San Francisco Chronicle December 22, 2009 Mockery of Democracy The Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate wolves, dressed in Santa Claus clothing, are poised to pass health care legislation as a Christmas gift to the country. When reconciled with the House bill, this will be the groundwork for the government takeover of health care in America. Next, of course, will be the "Happy New Year" of nationalizing our energy to comply with the climate change hoax and bullying by EPA regulators. Indeed, as if the demolition of the housing market, and the damages to the financial and auto industries wasn't enough government tampering with the economy, capitalism and the lives of the people, the "we know what is best for you and, like or not, you will take it" gang is embarking upon ideological missions that will surely destroy our society and bankrupt our nation. Those of us who object, such as the "Tea Party" people, make up a spontaneous movement of grievances by concerned citizens against overreaching government. That's what America was founded upon, and that's what the vast majority of the American people are all about.
Bicameral Star Chambers in Congress
By Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
October 15, 2009
I looked at the Senate Bill on health care reform and was overwhelmed. No
wonder nobody understands it. We simply can't afford to let our country be
governed that way.
Indeed, it appears that the Democrat-controlled Congress is running
bicameral Star Chambers for the King of America in the health care debacle.
Health care and all bills should be written on 3 or 4 pages. And we should
limit lawyers in the Congress and those preying on the health care business.
Health care can be reformed simply by eliminating predatory medical
litigation, providing high deductable health insurance, allowing national
health insurance competition throughout the states, subsidizing health
insurance for those who cannot afford it (similar to the subsidies for
utilities), and eliminating Medicare and Medicaid. It can be written on 3 or
4 pages....
Opinion L.A. - Los Angeles Times
September 30, 2009
Re: When a Medicare cut isn't exactly a cut
By Jon Healey
It is troubling to know that most of the press is ignoring the potential
plight of seniors enrolled in Medicare Advantage, most of whom are low
income, while President Obama throws us under the bus. Medicare Advantage is
a program wherein private health insurance companies contract to manage
Medicare patients' healthcare, allowing us to obtain complete health
insurance at lower insurance premium rates.
President Obama accuses the insurance companies of unjustly profiting from
the programs, which is not true. Most insurance companies, particularly the
Kaiser Senior Advantage program, manage Medicare better than Medicare does,
at a lower cost with better care. Kaiser has also spend $5 billion over 5
years to computerize all their medical records for their entire system of
health care. Kaiser is the model for good health care system.
President Obama lied when he promised that there will be absolutely no
change for all of us who have health insurance. My personal concern is that,
in the name of waste, fraud and abuse, Obama intends to eliminate Medicare
Advantage for 10 million seniors, which will double or triple our premiums.
If the congressional committees working on health care legislation propose
to reduce or eliminate the Medicare Advantage program, they should
reconsider their actions or suffer the consequences.
James Madison on the General Welfare clause: Health care not included
By Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
October 1, 2009
Before passing more sweeping legislative powers on health care, energy,
finance and education, Congress and the president ought to consider the
original constitutional limitations placed on them by the people of the
United States of America.
When James Madison and others wrote the Constitution, specifically Article
I, Section 8, assigning Congress the "power to lay and collect taxes ... to
pay the debts and provide for the ... general welfare of the United States,"
he and the founders were determined that it not be distorted into assuming
powers not delegated to Congress.
Madison said, "With respect to the words general welfare, I have always
regarded them as qualified by the detail of powers connected with them. To
take them in a literal and unlimited sense would be a metamorphosis of the
Constitution into a character which there is a host of proofs was not
contemplated by its creators."
"If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare, and are
the sole and supreme judges of the general welfare, they may take the care
of religion into their own hands; they may appoint teachers in every State,
county and parish and pay them out of their public treasury; they may take
into their own hands the education of children, establishing in like manner
schools throughout the Union; they may assume the provision of the poor;
they may undertake the regulation of all roads other than post-roads; in
short, every thing, from the highest object of state legislation down to the
most minute object of police, would be thrown under the power of
Congress.... Were the power of Congress to be established in the latitude
contended for, it would subvert the very foundations, and transmute the very
nature of the limited Government established by the people of America."
The Founders also ratified the Constitution's 10th Amendment, affirming,
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor
prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or
to the people." Thus, the general welfare cannot reasonably be stretched to
allow the national level of government to perform functions and exercise
powers beyond those specifically and explicitly listed in the Constitution.
As James Madison described the limitations on interpretation of the general
welfare clause, "If Congress can do whatever in their discretion can be done
by money, and will promote the general welfare, the government is no longer
a limited one...."the general welfare of the nation as a whole.
Now, look what Congress has done in violation of the Constitution since
FDR's New Deal and LBJ's Great Society. They have usurped nearly all power
from the states, nationalized aid to the poor, education, elements of health
care, roads, police power, and repressed religion. Then look at what they
are doing to undermine the Constitution today. It hurts us all, one way or
another, with the combined abuse of the welfare clause and commerce clause
of our founding document.
The question is, how much longer will we allow our elected representatives,
president and judges to violate their oaths of office to support, protect
and defend the Constitution of the United States as the founders intended?
Without the power of our strictly interpreted Constitution to protect us, we
the people are powerless, as we are experiencing more and more as time and
political tyrants continue to erode our liberty.
Contrary to popular belief, the political elite don't know what is best for
us. Only we as individual Americans know what is best for ourselves, and
only the collective wisdom and judgment of the people should decide what is
best for all of us.
Three Reasons Why Government Can't Run Health Care by Newt Gingrich August 26, 2009 Facta, non verba. For those of you who have forgotten your Latin, it means "deeds, not words." There's been a lot of overheated rhetoric about health care reform, but this saying is one that all Americans should return to when considering plans for a government-dominated health system. In other words, we should judge government, not by its words, but by its deeds. With this simple principle in mind, what follows are three examples why government can't - and shouldn't - run our health care system (at least not any health care system you or I would want to be dependent on).
Unintended consequences or reckless disregard?
By Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
August 16, 2009
Big government advocates and those who have passed legislation for sweeping government programs don't seem to be bothered by the failures of good intentions. Large government programs such as welfare, Medicare, Medicaid and national education programs are replete with those failures, which are simply marked up to the unintended consequences of good intentions, regardless of the cost to the American people, particularly taxpayers.
Now that Congress is on the verge of passing a massive government program for health care, the center of which is a government health care insurance program as a choice or alternative to private health insurance. Of course, the danger of such a program would be the collapse of private health insurance companies, which would leave us with a single payer program of national government health care for everyone. And that amounts to Congress and the president practicing a reckless disregard for the consequences, which seems to be the real intent of establishing universal health care or socialized medicine. Bad medicine for us on top of the enormous public debt being piled up to bail out the economy, which is bad business for America.
Health care reform is tort reform
By Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
August 16, 2009
Frivolous lawsuits and unlimited jury awards in medical cases account for the high cost of health care in America, primarily because it requires doctors and hospitals to buy very expensive malpractice insurance, which must be passed along to the cost of health care and health insurance. Along with the high cost of developing drugs, it's the main reason health care costs more here than anywhere else in the world.
The only reform that needs to be done other than improving the administration of cost-effective Medicare, Medicaid, and private health insurance, is the reform of health care lawsuits, or tort reform. That alone would bring down the cost of health care for everyone. Indeed, the only thing standing in the way of tort reform is the trial lawyer lobby, which has a powerful moneyed, selfish interest hold on elected officials, including the president.
If Congress, the president, state legislatures and governors represented the best interests of the people as they have sworn to do, they would pass the health care reform we need. In addition, if they would reform frivolous product liability and class action lawsuits, and reform the stranglehold of unreasonable environmental regulation and lawsuits, the cost of living would be greatly reduced and the recession would go away.
Save Medicare Advantage - President Obama want to eliminate it
By Daniel B. Jeffs, founder DDC
August 15, 2009
President Obama, supported by Sen. Max Baucus, D - MT, told those who attended a Town Hall meeting, Belgrade, Montana on August 14, 2009 that he intends to cut $177 billion from Medicare Advantage program, which would eliminate it, but would not hurt seniors. That is not true.
My wife and I are enrolled in the Medicare Advantage program, and President Obama wants to cut our health care coverage. Why is the news media ignoring this?
Of the 45 million senior citizens covered by Medicare, 10 million seniors have selected Medicare Advantage health insurance plans wherein Medicare partners with private health insurance companies and HMOs by subsidizing coverage, which results in better coverage and health care with lower health insurance premiums. It's a system that works very well.
In January 2009, president-elect Barack Obama appeared on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopolous" and proposed eliminating the entire Medicare Advantage program. Since that time, President Obama has repeatedly said that he want to eliminate the program, which would amount to a savings of $177 billion over 10 years to help pay for covering the 47 million people who are uninsured, 10 million of whom are illegal immigrants.
On August 14, 2009, President Obama said it again at a town hall meeting in Belgrade, Montana. The problem is, if Medicare Advantage was eliminated, 10 million senior citizens would have to either enroll in regular Medicare with much more out-of-pocket health care expenses, or pay much more to keep their health care insurance plan. Either way, it amounts to substantially cutting healthcare coverage for 10 million senior citizens to pay for the health care of 10 million illegal immigrants.
Obama's Medicare Cuts Not the Change We Need
By Dr. Warren Throckmorton , Assoc. Professor of Psychology
August 03, 2009
Americans for Coordinated Health Care
President Obama wants to cut $156 billion from Medicare
The Democrats' senior problem
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi insults senior citizens
By Daniel B. Jeffs, found DDC
August 12, 2009
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's description of the vigorous dissent of those attending town hall meetings as "Astroturf" is an insidious insult to the majority of Americans. What the condescending liberal elitist meant was that those people are to be dismissed as artificial "Astroturf" grass, rather than a genuine "grass roots" movement against massive health care legislation being forced upon the American people.
For Nancy Pelosi's information, the vast majority of people she and Majority Leader Hoyer also called "un-American" in a USA TODAY commentary August 10, 2009, were and are spontaneously aggrieved senior citizens -- very American -- who are outraged by the tyranny of Speaker Pelosi and the Democrat-controlled Congress. Indeed, what Pelosi described as an "ugly campaign" against health care reform is simply a demand by seniors who not only know abuse of power and political deceit when they see and read it, they know how much damage it would do to them in terms of health care and the cost of it.
My wife and I are retired senior citizens covered by a group health care
plan with Kaiser Permanente. That plan is a Senior Advantage health care
plan that combines regular health insurance with Medicare at reasonable
premiums. I am concerned, yes outraged, by President Obama's $156 billion
health care reform proposal to cut the Medicare Advantage coverage of health
care insurance plans, which in many cases would cause health insurance
companies to eliminate the combined plans at great cost and reduced health
care for me, my wife and millions of senior Americans. This is a prime
example of the contempt Speaker Pelosi, President Obama and the Congress
have for us.
Ref: The Democrats' senior problem
Most of us have news for them. We are not going to let it happen without a fight. Lest Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader Hoyer and President Obama forget, it was founding father -- and founder of the Democratic Party -- Thomas Jefferson who said, "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fear the people, there is liberty." And, "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for the people of good conscience to remain silent."