Congress passed the so-called 'landmark' overhaul of campaign finance laws.
Senators Russ Feingold and John McCain are savoring the success of their
namesake legislation. President Bush is preparing to sign it into law. And
Republican Senator Mitch McConnell is mustering his high-powered legal team
to vigorously assert First Amendment violations of the legislation, while
Democratic Party Chairman Terry McAuliffe is already devising ways to get
around it.
But will anything really change? Not likely. The two-party system is a
fraud against the democratic republic of the United States. The Democratic
Party has betrayed democracy by becoming a national nanny and centralizing
government power. And the Republican Party has betrayed democracy with a
lop-sided market economy and governance by oligarchy.
Regardless of the minor incoveniences of campaign finance shifts and
shuffles, the reformless legislation is incumbent-friendly. Indeed, the
two-party system, moneyed interests and the selfish interests of firmly
entrenched advocacy groups will still decide who gets elected and how
government works, and the consolidation of power in Washington will
continue, unabated.
And, alas, the people -- the voters -- will still be relegated to the back
rows of democracy in America, disenfranchised as ever, wherein only about
half of eligible voters are registered to vote, and less than half of those
registered actually vote, which means that our representatives are elected
by less than 25 percent of eligible voters, simply because most potential
voters have been conditioned to feel that their votes don't really matter.
Yet, it's not voter apathy that's at the heart of it. Rather, it's been the
systematic erosion of the sovereignty of the people to political factions
and the personal power of the few. And that's not what the Founders or the
Constitution had in mind when they created this republic of representative
However, if the people have the will to pursue it, there is a solution at
the end of this tunnel, cluttered with social, political and economic road
blocks. The solution offered here is a constitutional amendment
establishing a nonpartisan direct democracy system comprised of secure
interactive voting networks connected to voter's homes. All elections and
voter decisions would be conducted over the voting networks.
Nonpartisan direct democracy would remove the stranglehold of a corrupted,
unconstitutional two-party political system from the throat of America. With
direct democracy there would be no campaign finance problem because there
would be no need for campaign finance, or lobbyists, and there would be no
need for term limits. The sovereignty of the people and free speech would
be widely held among all citizens and voters.
In the proposal for direct democracy, voters would elect highly qualified,
well-compensated, nonpartisan representatives -- professional government
managers -- instead of highly corruptible professional politicians. The
people's elected representative managers would be subject to periodic
confirmation or removal from office.
Voters would be truthfully and fully informed and they would have the power
of initiative and referendum. Voters would decide matters of taxation,
public policy and foreign policy. Voters would not be required to
micro-manage government. Their elected managers and their staff would do
The proposed amendment would preserve all existing rights, privileges and
protections contained in the Constitution. With nonpartisan direct
democracy, the vast majority of voters would participate,
simply because they would be able to decide all major issues important to
them as individuals, and collectively for the common good.
With direct democracy, we could trust the collective judgment of our fellow
citizens. Indeed, history has proven that the collective judgment of the
people has been much better than the collective judgment of those who
misrepresent us.
The point is, nothing will really change until the people decide to make it
happen. All it would take is the will of the people to enact the great
equalizer -- direct democracy -- the will of the people. But that will take
some doing. Money speaks loudly for those who have it, against those who
Daniel B. Jeffs, founder
The Direct Democracy Center