"The Direct Democracy message is getting through to the media" Letter to the Editor published in USA TODAY August 9, 1999 OFFICIALS, REMEMBER WHO YOU REPRESENT Let's get serious about government for a change. The fools in Congress and the White House should stop all the childish political posturing over what to do with tax surpluses and start doing their jobs. Obviously they've long forgotten that it's called representative democracy. In other words, the people are the stockholders of this trillion-dollar corporation of the United States and our elected board of directors are self-absorbed, inefficient and blatantly wasteful. If government is ever going to become a productive institution, our representatives are going to have to take three bold steps: (1) Prior to the adoption of the annual budget, provide the taxpayers with a truthful report that simply explains where revenues come from and how they are spent. Revenues and expenditures that cannot be explained should be eliminated. (2) Elected representatives inform the people sufficiently to make informed decisions and let the people participate in deciding all matters of taxation and public policy. (3) Systematically review all laws, rules and regulations and repeal all those deemed unnecessary. Government is only as complicated as the system has allowed it to be. If our representatives cannot uncomplicate it, then it's time to convene the voter's grand jury of America to do it for them. Not by micro-managing, but with the self-government of real democracy. Daniel B. Jeffs Apple Valley, Calif. USE BROWSER [ BACK BUTTON ] TO RETURN TO HOME PAGE....